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  1. I have just done an online money transfer to another Santander bank account (I am also with Santander) but I made a mistake with the sort code. The correct sort code should be 09-01-32 but I put 09-01-02 by mistake. The money has left my account but, obviously, not shown up in the intended account. I have had a look online to see if there are any banks that have the sort code 09-01-02 and can't see any but not sure what to do next. It's too late at the moment to ring the bank so I'm gonna do that first thing in the morning, but was just wondering if anyone knew what happens to money that is sent to non-existent accounts/sort codes? Have I lost that money or will I be able to get it back? It's my own fault for being so stupid and not thoroughly checking the details before confirming payment, but I am in a real panic now as it was £150
  2. Hi Was wondering if anyone could help us understand please My husband is a nurse in community and for past 14 or so years has had a lease car Over the last 3 years his salary suddenly reduced by around £300 pm, despite his working unsociable hours (weekends, evenings) greatly increasing. Neither of us are great with understanding tax, but my hunch has always been that there is an error with his code, and with him having a lease car. Is there a difference regards tax between a lease car and a company car, he pays for all his petrol His tax code, we are told is low as he has this car....have contacted HMRC many times, but have got no joy! Many thanks in advance
  3. Hi guys. Slipped up today and parked in a CPZ on a Saturday which is only controlled Mon-Fri, but didn't notice I had parked in a bay which is 30 minute maximum stay Mon-Sat. Doubt I can get out of it but thought I'd run it by you. It was Chapel Road W13, there are 4 bays on the left when entering from the Uxbridge Road with restricted parking times. If anyone with more knowledge of required road markings could have a look would be appreciated. Quick decision needed on this as it's a hire car andI'd rather pay up before they (and my company) know about it, unless there is something that gives me a pretty solid cause for appeal. Thanks
  4. I have been given a ticket and appealed it on the basis that the signage isnt clear. The council say that its a market traders bay and active only on match days as it is near arsenal football ground. Before I went there the person I was seeing made the effort to get a valid temporary residents parking permit for the day which I correctly adjusted. I researched the day before to make sure that it wasn't a match day and the team were in fact playing away. I arrived on the day and read the sign very carefully and there was a bay with a number in it but on reading the sign which was between my space and another it said there were additional controls on match days. I parked in the space and got a ticket. I have attached photos that I took as soon as I saw that I had a ticket. I don't believe that the signage and road markings are clear, the single yellow line is in fact broken and the sign makes it seem that the yellow line was in fact there for match days. I have never seen a number in a space before and there was no info on the sign to indicate that it was a market traders space at all. can any one advise please as I am quite annoyed by this and the council are acting like stubborn mules. I don't live in London and where I do live there is no market.
  5. hello, I read few cases on this website and found that there are some great advises. And I need your help as well please. I'm a new driver to UK. I parked on the road side that has no yellow or any kind of markings. It is not a resident parking area as well. so I thought that is free and ok to park as many cars are parked. But I have parked close to the side walk where the public path ends. I have attached the picture to show it as I'm not explaining to well. so this morning I got a pcn for code 12 from local council. I read that code 12 says :Parked in a residents or shared use parking place without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place. 12R means no residents permit and 12T means no voucher or pay and display ticket. But there is no need to show any permit or pay. Is it just because I park to close to that side there public path ends? Many thanks for all your help. I have been in UK 1 month and already managed to get a parking ticket
  6. Obviously they had to change it due to a significant number of DCA's being in breach of CPUTR2008. Lowells Head Of Compliance - Sarah De Tute (who is also President Of The CSA) probably instigated this as they rarely complied with the old code..... - http://www.csa-uk.com/media/editor/file/CSA%20Code%20of%20Practice%281%29.pdf Certainly they omitted the points they had no hope of complying with namely a) Conduct its business lawfully, comply with all relevant UK legislation, regulation and judicial decisions and trade fairly and responsibly. Comply with debt collection Guidance as Published by the Office of Fair Trading b) Adhere to all relevant requirements under the Consumer Credit Act 2006 and any other relevant legislation.
  7. Hi, I received a parking ticket in Lambeth today for code 27 - parking adjacent to a dropped curb. I've parked in this spot many times before as it in a disused driveway - there are permanent bollards blocking the driveway - so I was not causing any inconvenience or blocking someones drive. It is not intended for pedestrian use either. The building that the driveway belongs to is a block of flats. Any help with appealing this would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone knows if I have a chance at it. Many Thanks,
  8. Just started a new job a week ago and have been on benefits since january (lost job then went to income support as I was pregnant) and have just received my first payslip which states that my tax code is 0T. I've had a peek on the internet and it says that this tax code is usually for people who have used up their personal allowance for the financial year. I'm confused as like i said I was on benefits january - last week and also the percentage they have taken off is 20% which seems a bit high so am I jusyt on emergency tax because they haven't processed my p46 yet? please help I am very confused and I am wondering if this 20% is going to be taken off every wage
  9. hi i just started work for the first time ever and half my wages is goin in tax:x looked at code and its OT W1 asked round and nobody heared of it and cant find any info on net bout it so thought you guys might be able to shed some light on subject for me? and how long will it take to sort out or how fast can i get it sorted as thinking of leaving work as bills higher as not getting full benefits as working and have 3 kids to feed plus myself and gettin less money as of tax code please help thanks all xx:smile:
  10. Hi I received a PCN some time ago issued inder contravention code 46 (stopped or prohibited on a red route or clearway) which I don't think applies. Thew vehicle was recorded as being stopped at 20.21 on 07/08/12 which as far as I can see is outside of the restricted hours on the sign (pic below). Their photo evidence shows the car is inside a parking bay. Outside of the bays is a single yellow line. There are no red lines on the road and there atre no signs saying the usual 'no stopping 6am-midnight'. So I challeneged the notice. The wording of my challenge was this: I am writing to challenge penalty Charge Notice xxx The alleged contravention did not occur because code 46 (which refers to a vehicle being stopped where prohibited on a red route or clearway) did not apply at the time and date that the vehicle was stopped. The sign clearly shows that the clearway restriction is limited to certain times only for 2 hours in the morning and 2 and half hours in the late afternoon/evening. I have included a picture of the sign which shows the times at which the restriction was in place The vehicle (reg xxx) was recorded as stopped at 20.21 on 07/08/12, i.e outside of the restricted hours On this date the sign clearly indicates (by the words “No stopping at times indicated by sign”) that the clearway/no stopping restriction only applied between the hours of 8am to 10am and from 4pm to 6pm Since I was stopped outside of these restricted hours then no contravention took place and therefore would appreciate your cancelling of the PCN. PS There are no signs in the vicinity of the vehicle , from corner to corner with a 6am-midnight clearway restriction, so your claimed photo evidence is invalid. All 3 signs in the area show the same 2 to 2and half hour restriction as the photo enclosed. "> They have since written back to say that this PCN is an instant contravention, not requiring any period of observation before the issue of a PCN and that they have considered the grounds of my representation and "have to advise you that we have found the notice to have been correctly issued" ... I am now confused ... either they are not listening or I am missing something ......so would really appreciate your help right now ... should I just give in and pay (the higher fee by now) ? Cheers
  11. First post so I hope soemone can help. I run a fleet of lorries and one of my 15tonne vehicles received a PCN for failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle exceeding max gross weight indicated. This happened when he turned right into the street with the prohibition. I have appealled the PCN on the basis that the signs were not visible enough and my vehicle could not see them until he was starting to turn right. My question is does the council need to provide warning signs in the approach road to a prohibition when turning right as the driver would not have seen the signs on the street until too late. I believe that signs should be visible for at least 45 metres from the research I have so far done. Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to decide if I should go to the adjudicator.
  12. Hi all, is there anywhere on here i can find the Acc number and sort code to pay a natwest loan by SO? cheers
  13. As the title suggests. I recently asked why Sefton council continue to use such a disreputable firm as Jacobs Certified Bailiffs to collect on council tax arrears even when the person(s) being persued hvae tried to make reasonable repayments and repayment scheme with the council. Their reply was that they had a duty by law to the residents of the borrough to collect on unpaid council tax as quickly as possible. They also deny having any knowledge of any instances where there have been complaints, upheld or otherwise, against Jacobs Certified Bailiffs acting on their instruction. I would like evidence that there have been complaints made against them to Sefton council, I am positive it exists. Any one here made a complaint and what was the outcome/reply? I currently have a list of [EDIT] violations, mainly [EDIT] . I will post the thread when i send if off and start getting replies etc...
  14. Hello, I went to drop my wife and kids for swimming this morning, it was kid's first time and i wasn't staying. I parked my car in a parking bay that allows 30mins free. We paid for the swimming at 07.58am and i helped get my kids changed, and off to the pool they went. My wife alerted me she forgot the armbands, this was about 8:10am I went back to my car and saw one of these ticket guys drive by. On the ticket he said he observed me at 8.09am, but I drove off to get the armbands got back maybe about 8:20am the earliest cos i was flying, i gave my wife the armbands and decided to watch, the ticket was issued at 8.42 reason being parked longer than permitted. My appeal reason is i left i just managed to park in the same spot when i returned, and got issued a ticket at 20mins
  15. I note that the BPA have published their new Code of Practice on their website, It is interesting to read the maximum charge of £100 is mentioned time and time again. However, I am at a loss to understand how amounts such as this can be an accurate pre estimate of loss particularly when the Department for Transport has issed the following statement. Charges for breaking a parking contract must be reasonable and a genuine pre-estimate of loss. This means charges must compensate the landholder only for the loss they are likely to suffer because the parking contract has been broken. For example, to cover the unpaid charges and the administrative costs associated with issuing the ticket to recover the charges. Charges may not be set at higher levels than necessary to recover business losses and the intention should not be to penalise the driver. At the end of this rather long an boring document clearly designed to try and justify the existence of this questionable industry , it states that courts action or debt collectors should be used to try and recover unpaid charges. In my opinion, the above DfT statemnt combined with the recent case in S****horpe case will deter them from using the courts and of course we have been ignoring debt collectors since the Duke of Edinburgh was a boy. So is there any real change other than the long overdue clamping ban in England and Wales and the fact that the keeper/owner of the vehicle now has the opportunity to IGNORE.
  16. Hi, My wife received a PCN 2 days ago from the local council. She overstayed after the expiry of the ticket. The contravention images supplied are of such poor quality, one would need a trained eye to figure out the make and model of the car, let alone the registration. Is this grounds for appeal? Can she get away with it? Thanks Mr Dhillon
  17. fionas123

    Tax Code

    Hi, I am not sure if anyone will be able to help with this. My partner has a car through work, it is classed as a pool car however he is able to use it outside of work hours and pays for his own mileage. his tax code has been set so he is paying for a company car and also pays fuel, is this correct? he's recently been told his tax code has been wrong for a while.
  18. Hi, I run a limited company and suffered some financial difficulties within the last three years which meant our bank Natwest (RBS) piled loads of banking charges onto our account meaning our overdraft was used and we could not get out of it. At the beginning of 2011 they decided that they wanted there overdraft back and it meant we had to pay up in full (£10,000) or face a default judgement (ccj). We couldnt afford this and ended up with a ccj on Oct 2011. Natwest wouldnt reduce our overdraft gradually nor allow us to pay over a period of time. This ccj was passed to me directly as I was the guarantor for the overdraft. We are / were let down by the reccession and RBS losing money and pulling back their credit facilities. This ccj has caused us many problems and has caused us much financial restraint affecting our earning potential and has put our business in serious trouble financially. We know we were not great before having to use our overdraft but they have not helped us during difficult times. Do we have a potential case against Natwest for unfair charging and not trying to help us as a business after 10 loyal years with them??? We urgently require help in recovering our losses and charges paid. Is there anyway of getting the CCJ overturned 9/10 months in? We are paying monthly repayments, but are nominal due to our hardship. We have been charged £8,500 in bank charges over the last couple of years which made our overdraft always active. We are still trading but for how long im not sure. Even without the Ltd company I still have the ccj personally. All advice and leads greatfully received. Are there any legal avenues we could try? Thank You in Advance
  19. Hi there, I was parked on a yellow line on FARRIER STREET NW1 while I was getting a hair cut. I specifically asked my barber to cut my hair so that I could see my car at all times. When I saw the officer approach my car I immediately ran up to him and said please stop don't give me a ticket and he responded saying he had already processed it, as his motorbike was parked across the street and he was writing everything down. I didn't see him from the barber shop so I didn't know that was happening. But then he said he felt bad as I was just there watching the car too, so then what he said was that there was nothing he could do for me as he had already printed out the ticket and put it in the yellow slip and handed it to me. So he said I should appeal this ticket by saying I was carrying boxes from the building and into my car (Loading) and that he would also right in a note in the system that he witnessed me carrying the boxes and I was indeed loading. So I watched him as he wrote the note down and he showed me it too. Then he went up to the car again and wrote something else down which im guessing was the road tax number and then he took two pictures one of the front of the car and another from the back. Can he print out the ticket without the road tax number? Because like i mentioned before he printed out the ticket, handed it to me and then went back to my car to note down the road tax number. When he took the pictures it didn't have the ticket on the window, is there any way I can use that to my advantage? Also what do you think about appealing with the story that he told me to say. Is it good enough to stop the penalty charge or could they possibly come out with something like, Loading is not an excuse for parking on the yellow line. Any advice or information about previous tickets would be so helpful. Many thanks Diego
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