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  1. Hi, Thank you for your response. It is Capita unfortunately. I have contacted the council this morning, the council tax is overdue - it is last years however the payments are being made both for that and this year. i only have a very small amount left and was hoping to pay off in full at the end of october. Now that this has happened I am worried the bailiff will call back today. It is a flat and all windows are closed - 2nd floor anyway!! I am not against payment I just need more time.
  2. Hi, I received a letter on friday hand delivered stating removal notice. I had not had any previous letter - including their 14 day advance warning that a bailiff will call, from equita and all of a sudden this appears! I understand that a 14 day letter is required by law. also i have been making payments to the council direct for my council tax. what is the best thing to do?
  3. fionas123

    Tax Code

    Hi, I am not sure if anyone will be able to help with this. My partner has a car through work, it is classed as a pool car however he is able to use it outside of work hours and pays for his own mileage. his tax code has been set so he is paying for a company car and also pays fuel, is this correct? he's recently been told his tax code has been wrong for a while.
  4. I have had a response today from the revenues manager at the council who is saying i did not stick to the payment plan and that they do not agree with my e-mail stating that the letter being sent is appalling and they are unwilling to do anything. I have responded saying that if they advise me of the amount outstanding I will arrange payment tomorrow and they have not replied. Do I pay the amount I believe is outstanding, advise them of this and to close the account? Surely they acnnot argue with it if the amount for council tax is paid?
  5. Great, I haven't seen the letter yet it was just read to me over the phone and I'm sure there was no amount stated, I have also had this issue before with no amount showing. I appreciate all of the help I am getting, It is helping me build my case against teh council. With regards to this years CT This is fully up to date so they have no case against me there! I have repeatedly been treated badly by them. even when i was the sole earner they would not allow any benefit to help - my partner was unable to claim anything as he had been self employed.
  6. Thanks i have emailed head of revenues at the council stating i am up to date and that its unnacceptable, the letter is dated 2 days after the payment was made. i only had £158 left now it has probably doubled, i can pay it now if they do kick up about it
  7. The letter wasan enforcement notice that stated there would be someone in the area in the coming week looking to collect goods. Payment has been made, no amount on the letter
  8. I have been in contact with the head of revenues at the council as well and they know exactly how much im paying and when. I have told them i know exactly when paymens will be completed.
  9. Thanks for the reply with regards to last years debt the council have advised that a charge of £24.50 was added which i understand is right and i accept anymore than this i will argue. If the letter was in relation to this years council tax then i will be raising this matter. the council sent a letter stating payment was to be made by the 25th April - the letter was received on the 27th April!! Payment then made on the 30th, as it was the weekend I did this as soon as possible. It is capita that collects the council tax for our area. I will be in contact with our local councillor - who is also a friend of ours.
  10. Hi, My partner has received a letter today from equita regarding council tax, i havent read the letter yet myself but he said it states that no council tax has been paid by him. I know for a fact that last years council tax is with Equita and is being paid in installments as i have been doing these for him at the bank. I have receipts for all payments. This years council tax i assume should still be with the council, he had a letter from them last week as the first payment was missed - completely innocently as thought it was to be made at the end of april, this payment was made on the 30/4 for more that the amount due for the month as he wanted to make sure he more than covered it and get ahead of the payments and show willing that he wants to pay. The outstanding on last years should now only be £158 if my calculations are corect! Not sure how they can be saying he has paid nothing. Does anyone have any advice?? We are trying to get up to date on all of our debt and this is the most crucial at the moment.
  11. THey haven't been back today I am paying the bailiff as I paid the council and the bailiff action continued my next payment will be made Friday I have contacted the council as the agreement has not been breached and action continued
  12. HI, I have posted on here before regarding equita bailiffs. I have been dealing with this on my partners behalf and have given written permission to the council for this. I got the council to set an agreement with Equita for outstanding council tax which they put in place last week when he also rec a letter stating that a bailiff would be calling in the next week. Today my partner saw saw the bailiff outside the block of flats, no letter was put through the door. payment was made to equita as agreed so surely this visit should not of happened? I am worried as it is too late in the day to call the council and do not want to contact equita as they will then know he saw them.
  13. it is for outstanding council tax from the last year! it is not the full amount as i was making payment to the council. i am very worred about it. i need to work and cannot concentrate. I will make a payment of as much as i can afford its not a problem if it helps but dont even know what to say to the bailiff. Do I call him??
  14. I have already left for work and just want this sorted, my partner is going mad! Will the council allow a payment plan? I have heard debt management companies can help with equita?
  15. it is for council tax who i have had numerous communication with regarding payments. there will be no one in all day today again and i'm worried about them forcing their way in! I cannot deal with anything until i get to work and i know it needs paying etc but its just whether i have to pay full straight away.
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