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  1. Hi everyone, I've searched the forum and can't find anywhere else to put this thread so here it is. My friend moved into a new council property in July last year. Before moving in and sorting out her Housing Benefit she had to take in proof of income, which she did. Everything was fine and they gave her the keys. She received a letter from her landlord today (the local council). They claim that Housing Benefit wrote to her in February asking for further proof of her income (she never received any such letter) and because she has supposedly ignored this letter, her Housing Benefit was stopped two weeks ago. The Council are now demanding payment in full of over £180 to cover the past two weeks, otherwise they will be seeking a court date for eviction. She telephoned the council and spoke to the woman in charge of this and she was very rude and told her she won't accept weekly payments and if the amount isn't cleared in 7 days then she'll be seeking possession of the property. My friend told her that she'll take all the proof of income into the council and the Housing Benefit will be back-dated but the council lady said this isn't good enough and won't be processed in time to avoid court and then eviction. My friend is obviously worried to death now and scared she's going to end up on the streets. She's disabled and living in an adapted property and wouldn't cope with being homeless, frankly. My question is, can the council behave like this or this just a case of a council employee on a power trip and taking a bad day out on my friend? My friend has no history of arrears and has been a model tenant.
  2. This new bill seems to have escaped debate on any of the forums. It was introduced last month in the Commons under the ten minute rule and is due for second reading on the 11th March http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/regulationofenforcementagentscollectionofcounciltaxarrears.html http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm151028/debtext/151028-0001.htm#15102833000002 Yvonne Fovargue (Makerfield) (Lab): I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision about the use of bailiffs and other enforcement agents by local authorities to collect council tax arrears; to establish a code of practice for enforcement agents; to create an independent bailiffs ombudsman to administer the code and to investigate and adjudicate complaints; and for connected purposes. This Bill deals with two interrelated problems which, taken together, are pushing too many people into a debt trap by forcing them to borrow more to pay council tax arrears and unaffordable bailiff fees. The first problem is that local councils are too ready to call in the bailiffs when people fall into arrears on their council tax bill. This is despite guidance that is meant to encourage local authorities to look towards establishing affordable repayment plans in such situations and thus avoid the bailiffs. The Bill gives people a stronger right to challenge councils to offer an affordable repayment option before instructing the bailiffs.
  3. I'm having similar problems, could you please let me know how i would get a summary of the charges added to my account, i've tried logging into their website but they will not activate my account. I've received a letter stating i'm in arrears but when i ring up they say my account is in credit and they will get someone to ring me back, but never do!!!
  4. Hello I really need some advice. I have been given an eviction date from my mortgage lender as we are in arrears and have failed to keep to an agreement. This eviction is set for the 10th of March, we only received the notice a week and a bit ago. I have filed an N244 application to try and delay the eviction. I just don't know if it will be successful and as this hearing is set for the 8th it would be cutting it very fine. I have written in the N244 that due to my wife's medical condition we desperately need more time to find accommodation. She has an chronic back/spine condition and struggles to do normal day to day things and mobility can be an issue at times. She is also being treated for a heart issue and has to have her liver scanned at the end of March for a separate issue. We have approached the council and have been put on the list for "suitable housing" closer to our grown up Children.They need to help her when I am at work or working away. This all takes time! I have also asked if we can have time to sell the house ourselves but not sure if this will be allowed. Does anyone have experience of these hearing and if this could buy more time? I am totally lost............
  5. Hello, A few years ago, you provided absolutely life-changing advice when I was facing eviction from my home. I have managed to keep everything going, with difficulty, for 4 years. On Friday, I was ambushed at work and told that my job was "selected" for redundancy. (I have to add that there are only two full-time employees now where I work....and one is the owner!) I would like to be forewarned as to how fast and how ruthless Mortgage Express is likely to be when my pristine payment record falters. Many thanks for your assistance.
  6. Hi Guys, I've been reading through this part of the forum and it looks like I'm in the right place. I've had numerous letters from various bailiffs about some large council tax arrears I have unfortunately accrued over the years. Unfortunately I have not always been a high earner since my business folded back in 2008 when all this began. Last week these guys turned up and I greeted them and they demanded over £4000, I told them I had been in contact with the council and would deal with them, they threatened me with sending it for committal (if that's the correct phrase) because I was refusing to pay. I responded with "I have nothing to take and no money, I am not refusing too, I just cant afford £4000+" Today they turned up again and my girlfriend had parked the car on the driveway (her car but in my name, she pays insurance in her name, it was on my business policy until it ended in December). They have given me a control of goods bit of paper on this car and have given me until 03/02/16 to come to an arrangement or pay. Now I am very poor at present, trying to develop a new business and can barely pay my mortgage at the moment. I have little to no spare money, I would love to pay this off and get it gone but I just can't afford it as I also have other priority debts I'm trying my best to work on. They say (with they're charges £75x5, £235) I owe £4861.02. I actually owe: 2008/2009 23.06.08 – 31.03.09 555.36* 2009/2010 01.04.09 – 31.03.10 793.05* 2010/2011 01.04.10 – 31.03.11 915.95* 2011/2012 01.04.11 – 31.03.12 861.00* 2012/2013 01.04.12 – 31.03.13 933.66* 2013/2014 01.04.13 – 31.03.14 0.00 2014/2015 01.04.14 – 31.03.15 530.98** 2015/2016 01.04.15 – 31.03.16 1030.71** TOTAL 5620.71 The total debits for the years 2008 to 2016 = £7053.48 and costs of £330.00 have been incurred. Therefore, total debit = £7383.48 The total remittance received to date = £1762.77, therefore the remaining balance of the account is £5620.71. That's straight from the Council. What on earth am I meant to do??? Thanks in advance,, Grant
  7. Hi All, I currently have arrears with my NRAM mortgage, of about £4500, of that £550 + interest + 8% is arrears and " payment option fees" and a solicitors instruction fee. I usually refuse to talk to them on the phone, but recently did, and let slip that I wanted all fees back, I received a letter in return ( 8 weeks later! ), simply stating that because I had gone into arrears, they "would not remove the fees or interest or charges." So, do I now send them a formal Request for 'repayment of charges', Also because I am in Scotland, do I need to change the wording in the template letter from, 'sue you in the county court' to 'Scottish small claims court' or sheriff court? I would appreciate help with this, Should I be asking in the Scotland forum, or in the Mortgages and secured loan forum? There is a second strand to this, I found out that NRAM had something called " Loan Modification", they did not ever advise me that it was available? even though they were allowing me to make agreed reduced payments ( thus increasing my arrears ), and had been told that I was in financial hardship. But when I phoned them about it, from them receiving all requested paperwork, they took at least 5 months to sort out, each time I phoned, they said " it will have to go to a manager" so through either gross incompetance, or more likely a deliberate policy to raise my arrears! What I mean to ask, is can I claim any of that back? some £1500 extra on arrears + interest! really would appreciate any help/advise many thanks, highlandertom
  8. Hi there I have been paying 40 quid a month for God knows how long on my Santander mortgage and hopefully can claim this back as another 4 grand has gone on mortgage because of this. Can someone give me a pointer to get started please. Thanks
  9. Hi there, I recently moved from Norfolk to Somerset to be closer to my wifes family so she could get some additional help and support(she has been on DLA and then PIP for the last 5 years). In Norfolk we received 100% reductions in Council Tax and our only income is PIP and Income Support(I am her full time carer). Mendip Council granted us an 80% reduction but said that as we were of "Working Age" we were not entitled to a 100% reduction and when questioned why this was we were only told that "The Government says so"(No matter how many times I pointed out that I was receiving a 100% reduction in Norfolk and no where can I find any information of this policy online). We were told that we should apply for the Hardship scheme and we would get it as we have no income apart from benefits. Today I have received a letter denying us the additional help. Not what I want on Christmas eve. Its not a lot of money but it makes a difference. How can I fight this? Does anyone have any experience of a similar matter? Thanks
  10. Hello I have a Woolwich mortgage. I pay monthly and have not missed a monthly payment. However, I have been late sometimes as the payment is dependent on rental income payments. When I say late, I mean sometimes a few days or a week late in the same month. Woolwich has been charging me late penalties. It seems that there is now over £1k in late charges. And Woolwich consider me to be in arrears due to these charges. Can they do this ? It is affecting my credit rating. Is there some kind of letter I can write to complain ? Many thanks for advice.
  11. Hello all had a friend ring me earlier regarding CT from 2012, the outstanding balance seems to be £1200 Basis is he lived with his partner and child and then split up, they both moved to different places until 2 years ago where they both got back together and are now settled. They are now receiving calls from Newlans demanding aprox £256 per month to clear it but they are unable to do this as there is only one income. Unsure if they have received a NOE nas there is conflict within the family home causing arguments over this but will meet with them tomorrow to find out more. Any advice on what to do would be most appreciated. Regards to all
  12. Hi Sorry in advance this is so long winded..... I have a secured loan with Idem. (originally with Picture Loans, but when they went bust it was bought by Idem several years ago) I have permanent 0% interest on the loan, as agreed originally with Picture when i got into financial hardship with them, and after some initial difficulties with Idem (when they tried to add interest back onto the balance when they took it on), this frozen 0% interest is now carried forward also by Idem. They acknowledge it and the balance now reflects it. My balance owed to Idem is approx £40k and everything i pay each month comes directly off that balance due to the zero interest. So i do have hope, and can see light at the end of the long tunnel in terms of eventually paying this off. I have been making reduced payments for several years due to financial circumstances. The original contractual monthly payment from the Picture days was over £650. When Idem took over the loan i was paying them as little as £120 pm. After 2 years now of regular monthly payments (all agreed with Idem every 3 or 6 months), i am now up to an agreed payment of £500 pm, having gradually been able to increase this over the years. Great progress i believe. Especially as all the payments are coming directly off the balance owed. My main issue surrounds the arrears balance. Because my payments are still under the original £650 contractual payment, my arrears balance has been growing and growing throughout the years of my reduced payments. The arrears balance is now approx £20k. However my query here, is that the interest is permanently frozen, and the contractual payment of £650 was based on the original interest rate of approx 14%. So the original contractual monthly amount now bares no correlation to the monthly amount required to settle the remaining balance on time. eg - I have 8 years term left on the loan, which is £40,000 / 84 months = £476 per month required, to settle the loan on time. So i am basically already at the the monthly level required to settle the loan on time. So surely the £650 pm contractual requirement, is no longer relevant, in terms of my requirements here. If i continue paying £500 pm i will settle this loan early. If i pay what they are asking as the CMP (contractual monhtly payment) then i will settle this loan over 1 yr early. And all the while that i continue to pay the £500, my arrears balance increases. It looks terrible on my credit file. I have asked them to wipe the arrears, due to the zero % interest, as they are no longer applicable to the amount owed vs the term remaining. However all they see is a piece of paper with a large amount of arrears on it, and a monthly payment which is less than the CMP on the account. So they will continue to put pressure on me to increase my payments up to £650, and then they will probably ask me to start contributing extra to the arrears. I'm not in a position to do this, or likely to be in the future, however i really don't understand why i should, even if i was. I have asked several times recently about capitalising the arrears, but they refuse point blank, saying they can't as it isnt within their policy, and would basically mean refinancing, which they wont do. So should i just accept that my arrears balance will continually increase, despite my good intentions and work in getting back to where i am now? Even though the loan is likely to be paid off early at the current level. It is very stressful knowing my payments are less than contractual and that i need to renegotiate payment plans every 3 months, each time i do this they mention the level of arrears. I'm worried they take further steps due to this high number. Even though the number really in my opinion, is no longer a relevant aspect of this. My ideal scenario is to be able to have the arrears balance cleared to zero, and agree with them a new monthly payment amount that clears the balance owed in the term remaining. ( i believe this is effectively what capitalisation is??) That would remove the stress of the huge arrears figure, greatly improve my credit file going forward, and give me huge stress relief from knowing the account was under permanent control with no more worry about negotiating new agreements every 3 months or worrying about potential further action on the arrears. Is there anything i can do to make them see sense over this? Or any other options i haven't thought of? Sorry i have rambled on here. Any help, thoughts, or advice is very welcome. Thanks
  13. Hi Can someone give me some advice regarding a letter I received this week. It started last week when I sent a letter away asking for a refund of charges made to my account over the last 6 or 7 years, within a week I received a letter regarding another matter linked to my account informing me of a refund I was due. In the letter I received they had included some figures and said my account was to be paid off in full and the extra money that I was due was to be sent out to me by cheque in the next couple of weeks. This as you can imagine is a pleasant surprise but I was also wondering if the figures they are quoting are correct and that I am receiving the correct amount of money due to me. The company in question are ( london & scottish) who were taken over by a firm called .. this is who I received the letter from. I also downloaded a document relating to ( London & Scottish : In Administration) which I am finding quite difficult to understand fully, the way I am reading it I reckon I would be due more than the figure they have quoted. I was wondering if I could pm one of the forums administrators with the info I have at present for himself/herself to have a look at their conveiniance. thanks
  14. Hello all My problem in a nutshell: I've just sold my house and was flabbergasted to receive not one but two exorbitant redemption statements from my first and second mortgage companies, although the names of the lenders will no doubt surprise no-one here: First Mortgage - Paratus AMC (interest only) - Balance approx. 160,000, 'Arrears, Arrears Interest and Fees' almost £4,000 (I'm pretty sure there are no longer any actual arrears) Secured Loan: FirstPlus - Borrowed 50,000, Balance - 27000, Settlement figure **43,000** - I thnk I must have a share of Vorderman's plane included in that I was in arrears for a while after being unemployed for around a year between 2009-2010 and made payment arrangements with both companies and it appears to me that they have been profiteering from my misfortune and my lack of understanding of how they operate, ever since. I can't stop the sales process (we'll complete tomorrow all being well), but I'm hoping there may still be something I can do after redemption. Any pointers as to the appropriate forums for these matters (if this one isn't) - and advice on getting some redress - would be very welcome. I've had a look around, but unsure. Thanks BankSqueezed
  15. hello. ive just received a letter from the legal team from the csa . saying that i cannot take them to court as there is no duty of care to avoid economic loss and they have stated a case from rowley vs secetary of state 2007. i am owed 2.300 in arrears from 2012 and have tried several times to get my money now this letter is threatning me with substantial court costs if i continue to take them to court over this matter can any one help. im a carer on benefits .
  16. So after 8 years, several Eviction hearings and mortgage lenders (lost count of how many times its been transferred now) I have finally paid off my arrears. Does anyone know what I should do now to stop the lender going back to court on the old possession order, Lord knows Ive learnt how to manage my finances now and will try my best never to fall behind again. Glad to have this chapter behind me. Over the years I've racked up tens of thousands of penalties and charges which also accrue interest separately to the mortgage. the Lender is now asking for me to set up an arrangement to pay these back, however I am disputing some of them. The lender has threatened to go to court to demand the whole payment, so I am a bit worried. Are these charges payable on demand? they have refused to add them to the mortgage. Any advice on what to do now?
  17. Hi team, looking for some advice I have beaten a very serious gambling addiction a few years ago for which I received professional help, but, left my Santander mortgage on the brink of repossession, over £6k in arrears for a number of years, have worked 7 days a week, 72 hr weeks on overtime to pay the arrears off, and as of last year it is now up to date I am scared to think of the charges they made on me for my arrears specially as it went to solicitors Aberdein Considine twice, and they charge£££ hundreds if not more. Now that I am up to date do I have any recourse to claim the charges back? I was never offered interest only etc. Any advice would help
  18. Please help. My partner is in 4 weeks arrears of £200 due to losing tax credits. he has offered to pay extra on top of what he normally pays but they won't accept his offer and its putting us in more debt due to their charges on top. hes worried sick and suffers from health problems and is awaiting on his medical for him to stay on his ESA and this is making his health worse as we can't make that £200 up on top of the £53 he already pays per week. then we have other bills. We don't have their insurance as have our own but they're now threatening to come into our home and tell the neighbours about us not paying and they want to take our goods which we've been paying on for over a year and some 2 year and we can't do without the washing machine. I don't want to lose our things.we just want to arrange to pay a bit of arrears back on top of the weekly payment even if it does leave us without.
  19. Hi all. I am at the end of my tether and need to vent! I would also appreciate any advice on how to get the CSA to pull their fingers out and collect my son's money! My son is almost 17. Without boring you all with my life story, his biological father has never seen him and has denied him from day 1. He is a nasty piece of work. This may sound like a bitter ex-partner but believe me - I'm not. I never asked him for a bean towards my son, just to be a good Dad. He could do neither, had 2 more kids by different women, abandoned them too and ended up in jail. In a nutshell, I have had 2 payments from the CSA in my son's 17 years:- 1 compensation payment from them in 2000 due to their utter neglect of my case- 1 partial arrears payment in 2011 (yes - 11 YEARS later) of £1,500So, less than £100 for every year of my son's life. I have chased and chased and chased... I get nowhere. I have written complain letters, telephoned and asked politely, telephoned and ranted, telephoned and downright lost my rag... nothing . Yet according to their webpage they can impose all sorts of enforecements! I just can't see how they haven't sorted it out! They claim he doesn't respond - HE SPENT THE LAST 2 YEARS IN PRISON FOR PITIES SAKE! It's not like he could have moved! Help! What works ??? How do I get my son's money so he can go to Un i and be the decent man his "father" never will be?!
  20. Does anyone know from a legal or banking perspective the date I have made payment if I use a debit card over the phone? Is it the date I give the card details or Is it the date the payment shows on my statement? The organisation I am dealing with is not authorised to go in my credit file due to the terms of the loan agreement unless I go into arrears. They are doing their best to make that happen. Am I in arrears if the payment is still 'pending' on the day it is due even if I phoned the day before? Thanks
  21. I've lived in Latin America since I finished university in 2010. Yesterday I was given a letter which had been sent from the UK almost a year ago (dated August 21st 2014) saying my account is in arrears by over 1300 pounds. God knows what that has escalated to by now. A few weeks ago, someone called at my dad's house in the UK looking for me - I'm guessing that that is whatever debt collection agency they've sent after me. 1300 GBP is is pretty close to what I earn in a year in this part of the world (basically a volunteer worker) and I've never earned anywhere near their threshold for paying them back. I think this demand for money has been triggered because there was no contact between me and them throughout 2014 (googling this seems to show that you're supposed to submit forms every 12 months, not that they ever told me that). Obviously I cannot pay them back anything as I simply don't have it, and will not have it for the forseeable future. I've emailed them a response asking them to phone me, but until then I'd appreciate it if anyone could shine some light on what I should be expecting here. Basically, what do I do? And what about if it has gone to debt collectors, which I suspect it has?
  22. Hi all, First of all I have been a bit cheeky, but if anybody could clarify the below it would be appreciated. I returned to the UK last month and the SLC want 5 grand off me upfront for loan arrears and additionally I need to pay the remainder of the debt off via the PAYE system. The amount to be paid off via the PAYE is for around another 10k and will be paid off in due course. My question, as I cannot afford to pay off the full 5k. Has anybody been in this position before and if so what was the outcome? I hoped that the arrears would be consolidated with the remainder and I would pay everything off for x number of years via the PAYE system. Thank you very much and hopefully I receive some juicy responses All the best, Cookie813
  23. I have an overdrAft with halifox which is in arrears. Previously I sent a sar request and received a quite comprehensive sar. It contained the previous 3 years statements, and screen info of the previous 3 years transactions. These seem to be the statements in 'raw' form. I have crawled through the statements and found all the charges applied over the years. Unauthorised overdraft charges I think. The account shows on my credit file as defaulted with arrears greater than the closing balance. I have previously received letters from moorcroft about this account. Now I receive only a yearly statement from halifox. Can I reclaim the charges back to reduce the balance? Thanks for looking and please help. I will never be able to pay this as it is. It's for over £3000 now.
  24. Evening all, I'm helping a friend out with a Council Tax bill which was overlooked after a misunderstanding with the paperwork. When they contacted the council to set up a direct debit they were advised they were £96.00 behind on payments so made this payment in full there and then on the phone. That was the end of the issue so they thought. However they were not advised of an underpayment of a bill in the period of 2014 - 2015 which was left outstanding and as such not aware of. In the phone call and a reminder letter they received they were not told about the overdue CT of £117.09 Needless to say I was woken up this morning to my friend in complete panic about the Bailiffs and have drafted some letters and come up with a repayment plan for their arrears and CT for the remainder of the financial year. Having looked at the payments they [the council] were requesting over 10 months 2015 - 2016. I have managed to devise settlement of the arrears and current tax years bill over the remaining 9 months of the financial year. This is roughly the same amount if they paid over 10 months without arrears. So the following letter went to the Council This was sent by Fax. A copy was sent to Ross and Robbers for their records. The same day the below Fax went to Ross and Roberts directly: Sent the same day by Fax also. I'm not sure we'll get anywhere with the 2x Fees that are in question. But both as we all know here a grossly disproportionate to the costs incurred to the Council. I wrote this with a recent judgement in mind that a summons fee of £70 was considered unreasonable. Sure I read that in the news letter from CAG some time recently. Also an additional £75 Bailiff Compliance fee for sending 1 letter second class post is ridiculous and shameful. Oh and lets not talk about the local council outsourcing operations to Capita......... Hmmm... Other than the above is there anything else they [my friend] should be doing? Or is there anything I've overlooked here? Many thanks Shark xx
  25. Hi, First time poster, long time lurker, so be gentle! My partner had an old mobile phone debt being chased by Lowell for 3 Mobile. I sent them the Prove it letter in 2011 back not acknowledging the debt and requesting the credit agreement. They sent back one page of an overdue mobile phone bill as proof. Nothing else. The debt would have become statute barred at the end of this month. Fast forward a few years, and it now turns out they issued a CCJ for £350 in January to an old address she has not lived at for 6/7 years, whilst sending threat-o-grams to our current address and our previous address to this one. She has had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday informing her that the CCJ is now in arrears of £150. This was the first we'd heard of any CCJ being issued, never mind arrears, and only today has it appeared on her Noddle credit report under her old address. We have heard nothing from the court at all, but thats understandable given they were provided the wrong address. The noddle report says its £350. They now want £350 for an original £70 debt, which was increased to £209 in 2011, and are adding on these CCJ arrears. My partner has no job (not claiming benefits), no property and no real items a bailiff could repossess. We rent and I own all the items in our flat. I know nothing about CCJ's but a quick google indicates we'd have to pay £155 to apply to have it set aside. They are demanding the CCJ arrears for £150 to be paid in full immediately. I don't know if this is Bryan Carter adding this on, or this is court ordered. We are not married but could they repossess my items as we share a home? What should we do now? Hopefully I've given enough details but please do ask if I've neglected to mention something.
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