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  1. The media still do not tell the truth about what these tickets really are... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2686815/12-fold-surge-parking-ticket-appeals-just-two-years-More-600-drivers-week-contesting-fines-10-000-penalties-quashed.html
  2. Hi all, I'm about to prepare to submit a claim to Court in respect of Credit Card charges (over limit and late payment fees) incurred between 2001 and 2006. I have all my statements thanks to a Subject Access Request. NatWest have, obviously, refuted my claim thus far. However I'm particular interested in two paragraphs contained within their last letter to me on 3 July, which reads: "Following the publication of the OFT report in April 2006 Royal Bank of Scotland reduced its default charges to £12. Our charges of £12 are in line with the actual and estimated costs of default and with the general legal principles outlined by the Office of Fair Trading's April 2006 statement. It is under the above ruling that we would only review charges applied within the last 6 years, any charges applied prior to this would fall outside the statute of limitations as advised previously." I had already made reference to to the precedent set between KLEINWORT BENSON -v- LINCOLN CITY COUNCIL under section 32 © of the limitation act 1980 in my previous letter to NatWest. Is it worth following that up now with something to specifically address the two paragraphs above before moving on to Court action? Any suggestions and/or advice would be much appreciated
  3. I might well be in the wrong place, but I have to say Consumer Forum Website has been a great help to me, It's been a great aid when trying to work out stuff about ATOS and ESA and even the car. The only problem I have is when posting a new thread, you're limited to 2 tags, so if you're title is rather long, it's quite hard to chose which words to use to get your point accross Apart from that, I don't know how I managed before without Consumer Forum before!!! Three cheers for whoever developed it!!! Thnx4tht
  4. I have an unpaid personal unsecured loan from Natwest which was taken out many moons ago. It has now appeared on my credit report as a closed and "settled" account. I haven't paid off the full amount and I haven't agreed as reduced settlement so what could this mean? It is not showing on my report against any DCA.
  5. Hi . I have an old debt managed by Apex Credit Management which I am looking to settle with a full and final payment offer. Having just checked my credit report with 2 companies - I can find no record of this debt. I presume its over 6 years old. Any suggestions please? Thanks x
  6. Hi Guys First post here, hoping someone can help or point me in the right direction. I've had a voicemail on my home phone everyday for the past few weeks asking me to call ARC. I googled them and found the are a debt recovery company. I then decided to obtain a copy of my credit report from Equifax. I appear to have a default on my credit report from a company called Arrow Global. I can only think that this is for a very old Dorothy Perkins/Santander storecard. The default was for a balance of £440 and was set in 2012. I can't remember the last time I saw a statement for this storecard, or made a payment but it has been a very long time. I have no information about this account at home. Of course, this is my debt and I will clear it but I would like the default removed from my credit report. I've read some reviews re ARC, and the sound horrendous to deal with. Can I go direct to Arrow? I've read on lots of forums 'do not admit to this debt' especially if it's an old one. So is there any way I find out information about this Dorothy Perkins account without admitting to the debt? Is there much chance that if I set up a payment plan that the default will be removed when the balance is closed? I'm finding this all very confusing, and I hope this message makes sense! I appreciate any help or advice. Best, S
  7. is here to read. I cannot post summarised link as is on banned site. http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/work-and-pensions-committee/employment-and-support-allowance-and-work-capability-assessments/oral/9582.html So it seems was a lot more issues than exposed in the 2 documentaries, notably he agrees with me that they shouldn't be looking at work capability but employability instead. He also had a team which were supposed to implement his changes which got disbanded.
  8. We've had an intermittent issue with our Fridge Freezer, which now finally seems to have broken down permanently, it's only 3 1/2 years old so we're claiming, something, back from the retailer. To this end we asked an engineer to come out and provide us with an engineers report, however, I'm really not sure what he's provided is adequate, I haven't much confidence in him to be honest, he initially tried to claim that the invoice for his visit was the report, until I asked for something a bit more substantial. His last offering is attached (I've removed the company header) [ATTACH]51261[/ATTACH] Is this adequate for a SOGA claim?
  9. I have noticed for the last few months, one debt appears twice on my credit report, with two companies - Nationwide and MKDP - both applying monthly defaults. A screenshot is attached. I am guessing that Nationwide sold the debt onto MKDP. However, if MKDP are listing a default date of 8 January 2009 (when it was sold on?), why would Nationwide then state a default date of 3 August 2009? Furthermore, if the debt is indeed owned by MKDP, then why does Nationwide continue to apply monthly defaults? Also, having read another thread on here regarding MKDP, is it likely that as of January 2009, MKDP did not actually hold a Consumer Credit Licence?
  10. I have finally convinced my husband to check his credit report. He always claimed this is a waste of money as he doesn't have too much movement in there anyway. But part of my campaign of "becoming responsible adults" I have managed to persuade him to have a look yesterday. All good and jolly, only that. ..there was a default note from an online store/catalogue company none of us have ever heard of. Literally, had no idea they existed. The entry is dated early 2012. Apparently the account was opened in 2012 at an address we have relocated from in early 2011. It is for the amount of £150. He has spent today his hour lunch break and more on the phone and online trying to dig out and find out what happened. Apparently someone bought a ring and a golden necklace. this is the email we have put together for the fraud department of this company. "Following my email below (sent to you this afternoon), please find attached copies of letters from the xxx council confirming registration for the electoral roll (dated January 2012), confirmation of voter's registration from the same council (dated January 2012), Assured Short hold Tenancy Agreement (in my wife's name) for the same address, bank statements from xxx bank (dated February-March 2012 and April-May 2012). Should this evidence not suffice or should you need further info, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or on xxx number. All these documents prove irrefutably that I was no longer residing at xxx at the time the account was opened. I also want to make it clear that I am not now or ever have been a customer of STORE at any address and at no time have I given permission to anyone to open such an account in my name. As you can appreciate this default entry made by your company on my credit file has had a very detrimental impact on my credit score - no wonder I had issues while applying for a new mobile phone contract! - and I urge you to remove this entry from my credit report as soon as possible. I will also request that you please provide me with a letter to confirm deletion of this entry and I require a complete investigation into this as a matter of urgency and expect a reply from you at your earliest convenience. Kind regards," Is this ok, would you add anything else/do this differently? Would this be enough to have it removed from the credit report? Thank you for any help!
  11. Hi, In my effort of making sense of the mess that is my credit file, I have noticed today that I have 4 closed accounts and one of those appears to be default. I was shocked to see this, as even though I remember having an account with 3 mobile in 2012 I do not remember having any issues with them. It was a 3Gsim card for an iPad which I had to cancel because after a couple of months of taking out the sim I have moved to a basement flat where I had no network coverage at all, therefore continuing paying for the service I didn't get did not make sense. As far as I remember this was a monthly rolling contract of some sort as I do not recall having any issues cancelling it. I remember paying the final balance and that was it. That is why I can't understand the default note on my file coming from them. I have actually called their customer service today and the guy initially said it must be a mistake as I only had one account with them which was closed in 2012 and looked fine. Then he put me on hold for a couple of minutes and came back to me saying that actually yes, the default note on my credit report reflects the way I have managed my account with them?! Apparently I paid the January or February bill in March?! He kept apologising saying there was nothing he could do and that they were happy with having me as a customer and would like to have me back and I should probably take this out with the credit agency (i.e Experian). I said it wasn't just a credit agency but all of them and tried to explain how frustrating this was as I really don't remember being a bad customer at all, once they have called me to claim the balance I have paid and thought no more of it. Did not expect this at all. I do not remember getting any reminders or notices of a default account at all! I have had issues in the past where I was late with an O2 payment for 2-3 months and this shows as a 2 or 4 on my credit report. With them there are lots of OK, then 1, D and SF (tried to post animage but I do not meet the minimum posts requirement ) Default Balance £30 Default Date 20 March 2012 Default Satisfied Date 27 March 2012 Not Reported Account Holder Status Normal Account StatusDefault Reported Until March 2018 From your experience, is this practice normal? Is there anything I can do about it? Any help appreciated!
  12. I suffer a neurological condition for many years. I joined my current employer a little over a year ago, a change of job and on less hours, hoping that this would improve my condition (I previously did a 40 hour week). However, it has actually got worse and been diagnosed as a chronic condition. 6 months ago, I had to take 4 weeks off because of this. I had a phased return (but no other adjustments) but the condition quickly returned and I have been off for 3 months. In this time, I have been prescribed different medications which had severe (and known) side effects that also made me unfit for work. The condition is still not under control, but starting to improve having changed the tablets again. My GP told me that I have to be patient, as its trial and error to find something that works without intolerable side effects. My neurologist wants me to have tried the options for at least 3 months before the efficacy can be judged. I think that I would be covered by the DDA, but have not actually got anything in writing. My employers requested a report from my GP in March but he has not done it yet and is now on holiday. I cannot get an appointment to see him for 2 weeks. I have no idea what reasonable adjustments can be put in place, but have arranged to see someone from "Fit for Work" to identify these– again this wont happen for 2 weeks. In the meantime my current Fit Note will run out. I have to see a locum doctor about this as my GP is away. I'm worried about the (probably inevitable) disciplinary process the longer I am away. Should I go back without any support in place, or do I have to wait until my GP has done his report and I have seen the Fit for Work people? Do Reasonable Adjustments have to be proposed by my GP? When I saw him last, he said that there were none that he could suggest, until I had adjusted to medication and got it under control. I fear going straight back to a very fast-paced environment and having a major relapse within days. I have kept my employers informed at every stage, but have had no contact from them, other than an acknowledgement. Understandably they are becoming agitated at the lack of GP report, but this is out of my control. There is no union or other representation in my workplace. I am only in receipt of SSP – my company sick pay ran out several months back. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. Hi all, Today I received a claim form out of Northampton CCBC from MKDP dated 20/03/14 and in the amount of £6500 inc court fee PoC: The claimant claims the sum of £6XXX.XX being monies due from the Defendant to the Claimant under a regulated agreement originally between the Defendant and HSBC Bank Plc. The Defendants's account number was XXXX and was assigned to the Claimant (end of) 2011, notice of this has been provided to the Defendant. The Defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The Claimant claims the sum of £6XXX.XX and costs. The Claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction. From information shown on my credit file I THINK the claim is for a credit card. There is an entry for MKDP for the same value relating to an HSBC cc but the partial account number bears no resemblance to that quoted on the claim form. The account opened date shown on the credit file info is March 2007. I do not recall receiving a Notice of Assignment, nor a Default Notice from the original creditor (although I could not categorically deny it). I have prepared a CCA1974 request to MKDP (from the templates section) and CPR34.14 request made out to the solicitor named on the claim form (I assume that I send this to the address show for the Defendant?), both of which I intend to send recorded delivery tomorrow. I have also enrolled on the moneyclaim website and accessed the claim ready to respond to the claim but am a little confused as to which response I should choose... do I at this stage complete the Acknowledgement of Service and request 28 days or do I start a dispute? Given that I have very little/no information regarding the original account am I right in thinking I should also issue a SAR to HSBC? Anything else I need to do/consider at this stage? All help GREATLY appreciated; thanks in advance!
  14. Hi my loan was sold by Lloyds Banking group to Aktiv Kapital which im fine with, had the letters confirming the sale back in July last year. My only confusion is around how they are both reporting the same debt on my credit report, it has only been the last 3 months aktiv kapital have been reporting it. My simple question is are they right to both be reporting the same debt? thanks
  15. From 15 - 31 March 2014, Equifax is offering all visitors to the Money Advice Service website access to their statutory credit report online free of charge – normally available for £2. To view to your statutory credit report online please use the promotion code 4357 when registering on the Equifax website. When you reach the payment details section of the registration process, enter the promotion code and click on the ‘Apply Code’ button. No payment details need to be submitted. Once Equifax has confirmed your identity you will receive an email confirming that your account is live and you can access your statutory credit report online. If Equifax has difficulty verifying your identity you will be asked to contact them by phone. To make sure you get your free online statutory credit report offer please quote ‘Money Advice Service offer’ when you call https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/static/get-your-free-credit-report
  16. PIP Early Progress. National Audit Office Report Full Report Here in PDF format http://www.nao.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Personal-Independence-Payment-early-progress.pdf
  17. Had a good job, career, home, money, etc. Then had a prolonged period of inactivity, debts piled up, not opening letters, spiral of anxiety and stress. blah, blah. Now, for past year or so, been earning, and getting back on feet. Looking to start paying back, and deal with all my debts. Have done as much due diligence as I can, and need some pointers. I have a number of creditors, with debts totalling around 45K. Have been paying token payments of £1 to most, some more. Looking to get StepChange advice and help. But also need some idea of full and final offers to really motor down the debts. So, as a starter, here are some of my most pressing questions: 1: I am having difficulty filling in my Income and Expenditure, as my income fluctuates. (I am working freelance, as am probably too old to be employed by a company.) I am wary of entering payment schedule and failing. Prefer to keep paying token amounts, then offer surplus every 6 months or so. Would creditors go for this? 2: I understand the first step may be to get CCAs from my creditors. Are there any downsides to asking for CCAs? Would creditors sense that I am trying to wriggle out, and go for asking for more, or get heavy-handed? 3: Are CCAs only for debt companies, or even the Originating creditor? (some of my debts have been off-loaded to debt-companies.) 4: What is the purpose of SARs? How does that help me? I understand they might be for finding penalty fees, etc? I know I accrued a lot when I couldn't pay any amounts when I started my downhill slide. 5: When offering Full and Finals, do I go for the biggest first? 6: I have been sold from one debt-company to another on some debts, I dont know what I am paying for on some of the payments!! Can I just phone them up and ask where the original debt comes from? (I have signed up with noddle, and got my list of creditors and credit file, so I have a starting point. I have been reading this forum for a few days, and have built up some knowledge, and seen how helpful this site can be. I would like to ask for some help in taking the first steps for an eventual bright future. PS: would it be ok to list my debts (with some fudging to protect myself) as a starting point?
  18. Hi, I recently had may my ATOS medical and suffering from severe depression and anxiety amongst other related issues the whole thing has made me feel rather ill. The worst bit being I felt the person that assessed me didn't seem particularly interested in anything I said and when I did say something they just kept twisting everything and kept asking the same things over and over again I think attempting to put words in my mouth or somehow make it look like I was lieing. I felt sick when I left and still feel ill now. I wanted to see what had been written about me as I fear it won't be the truth and worry what it might say. I saw in the ESA medical leaflet that you can call the office dealing with your claim and request a copy of your report so I summoned up the courage to do that but I just got this rather abrupt lady that said that I couldn't request it over the phone and that I had to write a letter to get it. She didn't say how long it would take to get it if I did write in for it. All I remember is the assessor told the person that went with me to my medical that the decison would take about a month and a half. I don't know how I could handle having this hanging over me for so long. Has anyone else managed to get a copy of their report or do you have to wait a month and a half for another dreaded brown envelope to drop through the letter box?
  19. Hi Needing advice here for a good mate. He has been subject to a breach of confidentiality by persons at his work and details of his medical condition and treatment have been leaked causing rumours and malicious talk. He is devastated but working on as there appears no option. He received a letter of apology and admission of the breach from the firm. In it, one of the employees named denied wrongdoing and named members of the public/relations of my friend as being the source. They have been named in several reports as having been the source of part of the breach, but were never contacted or informed to supply any facts. In order to keep his job, this employee pinned the blame on members of the public thinking they would never find out. The persons involved were shown the report by my friend and are furious as they have done nothing wrong but named as being the cause. This employee has caused so much damage and ill feeling and the firm appears to believe him and the lies. Where does my friend and his relative/friend stand here? He isnt interested in compensation, he just wants to ensure the truth is outed. The members of the public can trace the breach back to the employee. Is there anything that can be done to clear their names and get the truth out there? Cheers on behalf of my mate.
  20. Hi all, another question I have regarding my CRA report, One of my creditors has stated a correct default date of 5 years ago yet the account status now shows Partial settlement and a recent date. How can this be , and will this account now be on CRA files for another 6 years. Any info welcome . Sleepingdog
  21. Hi I'm currently on maternity leave and has to hand my phone into the office - this has meant someone else having my usual mobile phone for the last month! Today as recorded a text looking for me and threatening to report the goods stolen to police if I didn't call him by tomorrow morning. I have actually missed my direct debit this month which I know is my responsibility - payment comes out on 1st every month and this is the first month I have missed it (my last payment is July 2014 so I'm a fair way into my contract). I will probably not be in a position now to bring the payments up to date now until 20th (next Friday) and I have never been behind or missed a dd before with BAYV. I am disturbed however that they can contact the police to say I have stolen goods?!?! Another thing - I moved house a year ago. Was I supposed to inform Them as he mentioned this to my colleague too. Thanks for your help. Just want to get it resolved now but it's also got the added embarrassment of my work now being aware that I am in potential financial difficulties and have people chasing for money.
  22. I need some help, I'm trying to get account information as I had a loan a Credit Card with Cooperative around circa 1999. I have a feeling I had PPI on both accounts but I have no account details. I sent a letter and £10 fee to their Data Controller but they have returned the cheque and the letter stating they have no record of my accounts and if I did, I must provide the account numbers as they are only obliged to hold information for 6 years. Ive tried both Experian and Noddle: both only have information on me for last 6 years. I there anywhere else I can go to get this information? I've googled that 'National Hunter' might be able to help.... Your help would be most appreciated.
  23. Just logged onto Noddle at the Welcome finance Loan entry has vanished. Its been ' 6 payments late' for over 4 years and I've been paying £1 a month. Now its not there (was there last week) its also not on equifax but I think it never was on that one. What do I do?Keep paying? Obviously I will keep paying but its rather odd..... I think it was taken out August 2008 so it wouldn't have dropped off my file yet
  24. Hi all. I have received a letter from Debt Recovery Ltd acting on behalf of Civil Enforcement Ltd for a parking charge on 10 June 2013 in England, where I was not the driver. My wife is a Health Visitor and parked in a supermarket car park to go and see a new mum and baby and overstayed by about 15 minutes. We were then hit with this ridiculous charge which I have just ignored until now, as per advice but I have done some digging recently and found that the best thing to do is not ignore. Please can some kind person give me some advice? The letter states that I have to pay the full amount (which has increased from £45.00 to £150.00) or they will pass it back to the creditors solicitors and recommend that court action be taken. They quote Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. What do I do now? Do I write to the manager of the supermarket and complain or am I too late for this as it is now with debt collectors? Or do I write to Civil Enforcement Ltd and state that I wasn't the driver, giving us time to appeal? Also, the letter was not marked "private and confidential". Am I wrong or should it have been? Anything would be helpful. Many thanks.
  25. Good afternoon, TSB have sold a disputed account to Lowell who have registered a duplicate default on my credit report. I am currently taking this up with TSB and Lowell and would like to ask; should Lowell be advising you of their intention to register a default albeit a duplicate one, as in the way a normal default notice should be served. Also, I was in the process of making a legal claim against TSB for in-excess of the value of the alleged debt, so if Lowell wish to assume responsibility for the alleged debt do I carry on with my claim against TSB, or do I claim against Lowell. Finally, if Lowell pursue you over 3 months for an alleged debt that they have to date not provided "proof of debt" what are my chances of making a legal claim against them for compensation for harassment and also having to constantly respond to them in defending myself against their unproven claim. I want to make a claim as I am scared they will default this alleged debt even though it is not mine. Thanks Migsy
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