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  1. I requested a SAR from Arrow Global: template removed - dx read out rules please} This morning, I received a thinner-than-expected package containing some computer printouts and some copy letters (not all I sent). Within was also their statement: Data subject requests under the Data Protection Act 1998 do not entitle a data subject to gain access to all documents they care to mention nor even to all documents which may be relevant to them. The purpose of a data subject access request is to enable the individual to check whether the data controller's processing of his personal data unlawfully infringes his privacy. It is not an automatic key to any information, readily accessible or not, of matters in which he may be named or involved. Therefore we have conducted a proportionate search for personal data relating to you. Can anyone tell me if this is correct. I wanted everything they hold about me, including correspondence between them and MBNA. Many thanks for your help.
  2. Debt from June 2002 £8,500 sold by Barclays to Arrow Global. I have been dealing with Capquest until Nov 2015, and paying £5 per month, when I asked for a copy of my agreement and had reply from Capquest in Feb 2016, saying account on hold whilst they request the documentation from Arrow. I heard nothing more until last week when I had a letter from Wescot asking if I was the person they referred to and to contact them. I did nothing. Then a letter today from Arrow saying that Westcot is now managing my debt and asking me to contact Wescot. Odd thing is I have always dealt via a friends address to avoid embarassment and the last two letters came to my address not my friends. What do i do?
  3. Name of the Claimant ? Arrow Global Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. 4th August 2016 Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - 6th September What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendent under a contract between the defendent and Egg dated on or about Mar 30 2006 and assigned to the claimant on Nov 30 2015. What is the value of the claim? £4000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Unsecured loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. It is the debt purchaser who issued claim Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties What was the date of your last payment? June 2011 although they claim July Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes Hi I received a claim form from Restons on behalf of arrow global. It's from a loan taken out in 2006. I got into financial difficulties in 2011 after entering into a reduced payment arrangement for a few months I stopped paying. I hadn't heard anything from them until recently. I have read lots of threads and have acknowledged the claim with intent to defend. I realise I have to send a CCA and CPR 31.14 Request. I would like to know whether I can ask for the notice of assignment, default notice, termination notice and statement of account if none of these documents are mentioned in the particulars of the claim? They only mention 'a contract'. Is this covered by the CCA request or should I put this in the CPR 31.14 Request too? Many thanks for your help
  4. Hi guys, My father has received a claim form Arrow Global Guernsey Limited - MBNA Credit Card debt on the 25th July 2016. See attachment. The debt is old from 2000, however he has offered £1 a month since last summer which he has been doing so. Prior to this he had a debt management company handling his debts. What steps should I take in order to defend him? Under the particulars of claim is states the contract is "dated on or about Feb 25 2000" Does this suggest they do not have the original contract and so there legal basis for the claim? I need to file the acknowledgement of service form soon, however I'm not sure whether I should be ticking the boxes for "I intend to defend all of this claim", "I intend to defend part of this claim" and "I intend to contest jurisdiction" Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Claim Form_Redacted.pdf
  5. Hi To all . new here and seeking some advice , I have received a claim form and a letter on Friday relating to an old orange mobile debt from 2011 which has been banded about between several debt collectors over time . I am just asking advice and what is the best way to go forward with this. I do not have any old paperwork so I have no records of whether I received default ect . regards
  6. DX, or anyone, can you help with a wee quick question (or 2) please...? Thought I'd just use this old thread of mine, rather start a new thread - hope that is OK? My friend has been served with a Summary Cause (Scotland).. . I have sent a CCA request, on her behalf, and await the outcome. It is pre 2007, and by the looks of her credit file, the default date on her account was just a week or two OVER 5 years ago, from the date on the court paperwork - meaning, I think, it is already statute barred. She assures me she's not had any contact with them, nor made any payment in that time. So, it may be a clear cut case, based on the statute barred status of the account Am I correct in assuming that the statute barred period starts on the date of default of the debt? Also, the papers were simply posted thru her door, but state they were delivered to her in the presence of a signed witness. In other words, they didn't send by recorded delivery, and nor did they hand them to her in person. Does this not mean that they were served incorrectly? It is shoosmiths, acting for cabot, for a capital one debt. I think they are on a hiding to nothing, but I'm interested to know if, rather than going to the bother of defending, that I can simply write to them, on her behalf, stating they've both served the papers incorrectly, and that the debt is statute barred, and threaten to go to court to defend and seek all possible expenses... I've won 2 Ordinary cause actions roughly based on this method... Any quick advice please guys and gals?
  7. Hi all, Can I ask for some advice, I have sent a CCA request to NCO Europe and sent a chaser as had not received a response. They have sent the below. Do I need to make payments and can they reflect this negativity in my credit report until they supply the requested info? Would anyone be able to advise how I respond/any action I need to take? I was led to believe my account had to be put on hold during this time? Good Morning/Afternoon, NCO ref: ***** Arrow Gloabl Ref : ****** Balance : £767.41 Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding our mutual client, the content of which has been duly noted. As we made you aware with our last email , we are chasing this as a matter of urgencey. As soon as we have any response from Arrow global we will be in touch with yourself. However we regret to inform you at this time that there is a contractual amount attached to this account at £1.19 per calendar month. This is from the original terms & conditions you would have signed when they first opened the account. We have to make you aware failure to meet the contractual amount may result in arrears on your account. This may lead to their account being updated as defaulted, which will have a negative impact on their credit rating, and make it more difficult to secure further lines of credit for up to six years after the default date. No interest or charges are being applied
  8. Hi, So the other half received an initial letter from Arrow Global today saying that they are trying to contact him about a personal matter aka trying to recover a debt. After reading other posts myself and the OH are in two minds whether to ring them as most have said to deal with them in writing. However without phoning them we can not access how much debt they are trying to collect and from what company they are collecting on behalf for. Any help on this would be great!
  9. Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone could help me. I've received a letter from Moorcroft Group regarding a debt bought by Arrow Global. To my knowledge I haven't paid anything towards the debt. The original loan was taken out in 2006-2007. I got made redundant from my job in 2008 and stopped making payments because I couldn't afford to be making payments. I couldn't even get any assistance (job seekers allowance) because I was married and my wife was the only one working and she was working too many hours to get any help. Now here we are in 2016 I'm now receiving letters about this debt. I responded to them via email stating that in no circumstances am I acknowledging this debt as I believed it was now statute barred. They have replied stating that Arrow Global have informed them that a payment was made in 2011 but I have been through my records and cannot find anything regarding this payment. I have sent them another email stating that I want to see physical proof of where the payment came from and that I still do not acknowledge the debt and will not do so until I receive the documents. My next question is this. Would the emails I've sent count as a communication and therefore restart the clock on the 6 year limit even though I have said that I do not acknowledge nor take any responsibility of the debt until I get original documents showing when the payment was made etc. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Kindest Regards, Brett Rogers
  10. Need some advice for family member please. A and B are a couple and were moved under protection from Y to Z overnight. They were in temporary accommodation until early 2016 so were unable to update keeper details until they knew where they would be living. 19/02/16 at 0750, Bailiff knock requesting £787, £477 fine? plus £75 compliance and £235 enforcement (Nothing received beforehand) He also threatened same day removal and threatened them with another £110 for that pleasure. I have a copy of every text sent from Bailiff and family member. Finally agreed £50 a week, they have make every payment on time (except Bank holidays) but bailiff has demanded the £50 this week, plus the last £37 or he will add more charges. Just someone to check figures and any advice gratefully accepted. Jogs
  11. I have recently applied for a mortgage and found a default on my credit file from Arrow Global. The debt i believe is in relation to a business loan i took out with HSBC in 2005, the business was shut down approx 3 years ago as well as all associated accounts including i assumed the loan account, HSBC informed me nothing was owed when i shut the accounts, they even transferred some money that was in the current account to another business account i had with them. I received a letter from Arrow Global in April 2016 mentioning a debt and i contacted them directly for more information, they never returned my calls. I have spoken to HSBC this morning who have just said that the account was closed? They wouldnt give me any further information. I have spent years perfecting my credit rating and to say i am absolutely livid about this default is an understatement, my mortgage was rejected and my personal credit rating completely trashed. The default was put on in February 2015!!! What can i do, i have today sent SAR requests to both HSBC and Arrow Global as well as request for the record of default notice to Arrow Global. On my credit file the address for the default was a house i lived in over 10 years ago?? Latest letter says debt has been passed to Moorcroft Group PLC I am contemplating paying the amount owed £910 to mark it as satisfied but i dont want to pay what i have been told isnt owed, money is not an object and i will gladly pay whatever it costs to get this default removed.
  12. Dear all, I am new to the forum and in a bit of a panic. I just don't know what to do. We have been in a debt management plan since 2008 and so since then I of course have not had any credit. I've had a letter from Shoosmiths and now a Court Claim via Northampton County Court Business Centre about an Overdraft I supposedly had with M&S. I thought this strange as I have never had a bank account with M&S. The Particulars of the Claim actually state: The claimant claim is for the sum of £4219.76 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant as a consequence of the defendant incurring an overdraft whilst operating a bank account. It says the debt was assigned to them on 30/1/13 and it says they notified me of that but i have no record of that. I pay another debt to Arrow Global though so I may have received something and assumed it to be part of that. I just don't know. I did have a Personal Reserve with M&S but this was operated like a loan. There was not a bank account. The sum of the Personal Reserve was approximately £3000 but this has been part of the Debt Management Plan so I have no idea what this refers to. I sent a letter to Shoosmiths stating I din't know what they were referring to and that if it is true it is a very old debt so queried their legality in asking for it. I think we crossed post with this court summons though. I've said to the court I will defend all of it but I have to write a defence and I don't know how to do that. Can my defence be that I have no knowledge of that account and have asked for them to prove it is genuine? Losing sleep over this and have that awful sick feeling in my tummy. I don't shy away from my responsibilities and have paid back over £20,000 in debts. I would really appreciate any advice you could give me.
  13. I had a credit card account with Lloyds, who have now sold my debt to Wescot, this is for around £3k. I was paying Lloyds £1 a month, but for some reason they have sold my debt to Wescot. I called them today to set up a £1 per month plan and they have asked me to contact Stepchange to get an income and expenditure form. I also had a credit card account with Virginmoney, again for around £3k. I rang them today to ask why are they still charging me interest, and they advised me as its been over 180 days in arrears they have sold my debt to Arrow Global. I was also paying them £1 per month. I have not received any communication from AG yet, although its only been a few days past the 180 days so far. Does anyone have any advice what to do for each of these cases, before I go ahead? It should be noted that I also have two more bank account debts with Lloyds and a credit card with Barclays, all of these are in payment plans, which I am paying £1 a month to.
  14. Hi, Last month I opened a Clear Score account to check up on my credit score and see how I was doing. Today was my update day, I logged in to find that I have a CCJ against me which was issued on the 16th of March 16. The web site doesn't give much information, case reference, address, amount and which court issued it: County Court Business Centre The problem is that the address they have used is over a year out of date so I have received no paperwork. I moved out of that address in February 15 and into my fathers address to help him look after my step mother who is seriously ill with MS and bed bound. Just last week I moved out of that address into my girlfriends, who is heavily pregnant and due any day. I am really worried that the bailiffs may turn up and I am not certain what debt it relates to or how to deal with it. I have dug through all my old paperwork I have two debts which are not being paid as I believe them to be statute barred. One is with Barclaycard and the other is with MBNA. The MBNA one is the closest matching, it is roughly £200 difference from the balance that I owe them. The Barclaycard is over £1000 difference. If it is MBNA, the earliest letter I still have from them is dated July 2011, stating that "Following previous correspondence, which confirmed the termination of your MBNA credit agreement".... we will be sending it to a DCA. I have various letters from DCA and then a notice of assignment to Arrow Global Guernsey Limited. I don't have the statements or the letter for when I defaulted but I am sure that it was in early 2010 as that is when I got divorced and had serious financial issues. 1) Is it worth me signing up for Credit Expert to see if the MBNA account appears on file (there is no record of it in Clear Score). And or to obtain more information about the CCJ? 2) Is there any other way to obtain information about the CCJ, the only place I have found is Trust Online and it's behind a pay wall so I'm not sure if it will tell me who submitted the claim. 3) Any suggestions on what I should do next? Many thanks for any advice.
  15. Picking up some old paperwork that I have not dealt with for some time - advice appreciated on next steps I should take. The address at which I received the last letter (see below) is a family member's and not my own - I'm a little concerned that my family may miss a "letter before action" or claim form should one be sent there. DCA: Arrow Global Guernsey Limited Amount : £7k [approx] Type of debt claimed: Credit card Original agreement with: MBNA Original agreement entered into: Apr 2007 Default notice from original creditor: Yes, Sep 2011 Date of last known payment: 5th Jan 2012 (MBNA), 25th Apr 2012 I&E sent to Arrow Notice of Assignment received: Yes, Moorgate (letter, 25.1.12), Arrow (titled "Notice of Assignment" 14.11.12) Received annual statuary notice ("notice of default sums")?: No Why ceased payments: Divorce, moved home, personal circumstances. Dispute with original creditor: No Communicate financial problems / enter into debt management plan: Yes with MBNA Other pertinent dates: 21/02/2014 CCA request sent. Proof of postage. Copy of Letter retained. 25/02/2014 Letter from Arrow - Confirms receipt of my CCA request. 30/06/2014 Letter from Arrow - Holding letter states they are chasing documentation. 18/02/2015 Letter from Arrow - (One year after original request!) They claim they have supplied a copy of agreement, T&C and statements. No signed agreement - in fact, no evidence to say it was the agreement from the time as far as I can tell. They also state that they are looking to outsource the account. I've not received anything since then, so am hesitatnet to chase, with the caveat above of being concerned about the address issue. Does the fact it took them 12 months to reply have any bearing on how things may go in the future (or court)? Does the fact they have not produced a copy of the agreement with my signature have an impact on this too? Is Apr 2007 before or after an important date regarding these sort of debts (it's something to do with CCAs right?)? Should I just wait and see, or is there another preferable course of action? Thanks in advance for your advice.
  16. I opened a current account with HSBC in December 2007. With various problems I had with PDL's clearing out my bank account, I became overdrawn and I changed banks to avoid them having access to my money. My salary went into my new bank account. With some transactions going through, it went into overdraft and then exceeded my overdraft as well. I argued with HSBC that I had requested these PDL's not to access my account, but I was given the old "You gave them your card details and you owe them money". The amount racked up purely with bank charges. According to my credit report, HSBC closed my bank account in May 2010. In exactly 43 days it will be 6 years since they closed the account. It was apparently sold on to Arrow Global in September 2014. Last week I received a phishing letter from Shoosmiths asking me if I was me living at my address. Ignored the letter. Yesterday received letter from Arrow Global saying the management of my account had been assigned to Shoosmiths and I should direct all correspondance to them. Ignoring that as well. Now my thoughts are this is already statute barred, as it would have been a few months between my last transaction/payment into the bank account and when they closed the account. Does anyone have an idea how quickly Shoosmiths ramp up their harrassment from when they send the first phishing letter to when they become more aggressive? I know that in 43 days it falls off my credit report.
  17. I had a letter from shoosmiths threatening legal action if they didn't hear from me in 14 days. I CCA'd arrow and sent a CPR request to Shoosmiths for the agreement, default notice, assignment etc. I have just heard from Arrow saying that as it was an overdraft it isn't covered by CCA regulation and Shoosmiths saying much the same and saying they will now take court action. Shoosmiths also sent a statement of account the debt they are claiming relates to a M&S personal reserve account which as far as I was aware was a credit account not an overdraft as I have never had an overdraft or bank account with M&S. What is it best to do?
  18. Hi all, I think I know the answer to this but I just wanted some advice/confirmation if possible. I had a M&S card many years ago that I was paying off but defaulted on LESS than 6 years ago - probably around 4 years ago. The debt has now been pursued by Shoosmiths who put a CCJ application in before Christmas. I contacted Shoosmiths, who told me they would not apply for judgement to be entered whilst they put my offer of lump sum to Arrow. The total debt was around £700 and I offered £250. They took ages and ages to respond - way past the point of being able to enter a defence to the claim, and then wrote to me declining my offer and asking for my proposals. I responded with a CCA request and heard nothing else until the CCJ arrived in the post. I have been bombarded with letters from Shoosmiths offering me a 'substantial' discount to settle in full, but if I ring they will only offer a 10 % reduction which I can't afford. I have had a terrible credit file for years but it is finally clean and I really do not want a CCJ on there now. The 30 days from judgment falls on Tuesday - is there anything I can do to stop this, given Shoosmiths never responded to the CCA request - which they are now denying even receiving I have scraped together £500 now but they are saying that Arrow have 2 weeks to respond to my offer and so the CCJ will be registered even if they did accept that. Is there anything I can do to prevent this or do I just need to take it on the chin. I've had some serious private problems that meant I didn't see my post as quickly as I should - hence the delay my end. Sorry for the rambling post, but I would appreciate some advice even if it is 'you are stuck with this' Thanks
  19. Name of the Claimant ? Arrow Global Ltd Date of issue – – 24/2/2016 What is the claim for – 1.The claimants claim is for the sum of £3480 being monies due from the defendant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Marks & Spencer Financial Services PLC(acount no. xxxx) and assigned to the claimant on 30/1/2013, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. 2. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974 3. The claimant claims the sum of £3480 4.C has complied , as far as necessary with the pre-action conduct practice direction. What is the value of the claim? £3480 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. ARROWS Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? no Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I may have but it was many years ago if I did, around 2006/7 possibly Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I have received nothing since september 2013 Why did you cease payments? I was in financial difficulties so entered into a DMP with Payplan which I ended in September 2013. What was the date of your last payment? I made my last payment to Payplan in either August or September of 2013 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes I have acknowledged the claim and that I intend to defend it all and have sent off my CCA and CPR requests.
  20. Name of the Claimant: Arrow Global Date of issue – 4th February 2016 What is the claim for – The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant under a contract between the Defendant and MBNA dated on or about Aug 16 2007 and assigned to the Claimant on Apr 20 2012 What is the value of the claim - £7,000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007?- 2008 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. It’s the Debt purchaser – Arrow Global Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes I did. However twice on the document, it says Arrowe Global Global Gurnsey Limited instead of Arrow. A typo I guess … however, does this matter? Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes, up until it was assigned Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties arising from partners not working and new baby What was the date of your last payment? About February 2012 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Sort of … We spoke several times and tried to work things out, but I could never keep up with the payments. Notes: I did request and get a CCA in 2012 when the troubles with the agencies started. I’ve been transferred to several agencies and sent all the regular template letters, but now Restons have sent me a claims form. I've spend the last few days searching the internet and I'm not exactly sure what to do next Where I need help … I really don’t need CCJ on my credit file and would rather avoid it. Can I still call them up and work out an arrangement? I don’t think I can pay anything more than £30 per month at the moment, but I’m willing to try and clear it if given time. If I admit this, and they reject my £30 proposal, will that definitely lead to a CCJ? Final question: The error on the MBNA Assignment letter, can that be grounds for a defence of the claim. Though I need to add, I have been communicating with Arrow Global over the years. Please kindly help, I believe I have just 3 days left.
  21. I'll try to keep it brief but succinct: I've received various bog standard letters from Shoosmiths on behalf of Arrow Global, about a HSBC Credit Card debt they bought from the Bank in 2014. I have taken no action with regard to these. Shoosmiths have however today tried to up the ante by threatening Court Action unless they have my proposals for repayment within 14 days. Is it appropriate, at this stage, to send a CCA Request letter (and am I correct in sending it to Arrow Global, who are the owners of the debt, and not HSBC, the original creditor? The letter from HSBC that I have, dated July 2014, states that "Arrow Global is now the owner of the account"). Should I also request that Arrow Global advise Shoosmiths not to take any further action until / unless my CCA Request has been complied with? Should I further write to Shoosmiths, advising them of the request that I have made of Arrow Global? This debt was previously (2012) being handled by CapQuest, on behalf of HSBC. I sent a CCA Request at that time. CapQuest acknowledged that they were unable to provide copies of the relevant documents. Should I advise Arrow Global / Shoosmiths of this fact, or is it better to keep my powder dry at this stage? If the above course of action is not the correct one for me to take, I'd be most grateful if you could point me in the right direction! Many thanks Airtomoreira
  22. credit card debt. was with Arrow. they sent letter that all "queiries, correspondence and payments" should be with Restons. recently got letter from Restons. I sent a CCA to Restons.(£1) They have returned it saying they are not the creditor, and that I made the PO payable to them. I am confused. Have I wasted all that time and effort (sent as Track and Trace)? do I resend CCA to Arrow?
  23. Hi, this is one of two claims I currently have going against me. Both of which are close to statute barred. This is my bigger worry of the two as this one is only statute barred if you go from the date the last payment was made, however it is not quite six years statute barred if it goes from the date the first payment was missed. Name of the Claimant ? Arrow Global Guernsey Limited Date of issue – 11/12/15 Date to submit defence = 12th Jan (33 days in total) - What is the claim for – The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance from the Defendant(s) and MBNA dated on or about October 06 2003 and assigned to the claimant on Dec 20 2001 Particulars a/c no. 444444444555555555 Date :18/11/2015 Item: Default Balance Value: £8200 Post Refrl Cr: Nil Total: £8200ish What is the value of the claim? £8200ish Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? yes , I received a notice dated 09th march 2010 Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I dont think so Why did you cease payments? Did a CCA request as I couldn't keep up with payments. I took nearly three months to receive a signature document so account was placed in dispute and payments ceased What was the date of your last payment? 02 december 09 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? yes, following my CCA request I received a photocopy of a tear off slip with my name on and on the rear of the photocopy was a photocopy of terms and conditions, although they are the same size which makes it look as though they are from the same tear off slip I noticed they have different document reference numbers and dont believe the photocopy of the rear I received was the true rear. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no
  24. Hi and thanks for looking at this thread. I am about to defend a claim from an old Sainsburys credit card debt which has literally just become statute barred...I hope! Name of the Claimant Arrow Global Limited Date of issue – 30th Nov 2015 Date to submit defence = 4pm 01 Jan16 (33 days in total) - What is the claim for – 1. The claim is for the sum of £7000 in respect of monies owing by the defendant on a credit agreement held by the defendant with Sainsburys Bank PLC under account number 44444455555 upon which the defendant failed to maintain payments. 2,A Default notice was served upon which the defendant and has not been complied with. 3 By virtue of a sale agreement between Sainsburys bank PLC and the claimant, the claim vested in the claimant who has a genuine interest. The defendant has been notified of the assignment by letter. What is the value of the claim £8000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account - Credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007/ - before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. -- debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? yes, notice dated 11th feb 2010 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I dont think so but couldnt be 100% sure Why did you cease payments? - first payment missed 24th November 2009 What was the date of your last payment? last payment made 24th October 2009 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? sent CCA request which took 3 months to arrive. The document they sent had a signature on but it was really just confirming personal details and my signature on the bottom. On the rear of the photocopy they sent me were some reconstructed terms and conditions. I placed the account in dispute and stopped payments. I also asked for a photocopy of the actual rear of the document but one was never sent to me. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no
  25. Hello, As seems to be the case with a few people on here and other forums, I have recently received court papers from Arrow Global on what I assumed was a written off (or statute barred) debt. I am now aware of the standard template and answers I need to give - but I did just have a quick "pre question" - it would appear that I made a "rogue" payment on this account (not to Arrow - but to a different DCA) in 2012 - I had a Standing Order set up on an old bank account - forgot about it - and happened to have enough money in account to pay it - other than that - the previous payments were made in 2010 - I know this is still within the 6 year period - however, it does seem a bit confusing as to "last payment/contact" concerning a debt - I thought I'd read somewhere it was more a case of when a payment was "due" rather than when an actual payment was made? Also - I'm assuming if I made an agreement to repay in instalments with a DCA, then new "due dates" would have been set. I really haven't had any correspondence about this debt for several years - it has not (and is still not) showed up on my noddle credit report. The claim is for a hefty sum of money (more than £10k!) - and I really am in no position to pay it off - even over 5 years. I would appreciate some advice to come to my best case scenario. I will post up the answers to the questions in the next day or so when I get a chance. Many thanks in advance for any help. thanks b799
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