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  1. Hi everyone, I have a barclaycard debt that defaulted in April 2009 for £790. The account was opened in 2001 and I know that there have been charges on this card that would cover a large amount of the balance owed. Earlier this year I started receiving letters from Lowell chasing the debt and sent a CCA request to which I got a reply with a reconstituted agreement. They passed on to their other department Red and it is now going to Hamptons to see if they will apply for a CCJ or SD. I know that I need to send a SAR to Barclaycard to get proof of the charges but I am after some advice to what action I can take, I have two questions; 1 If and when I get the statements and evidence of charges, would I just send a claim to Barclaycard and then send a letter to Hampton's saying the account is in dispute? 2. Is there anything I can do now to keep Hampton's at bay? I am a bit worried that they have a track record of issuing SDs and this debt is, in their eyes, over the £750 limit. Thanks, J
  2. Hi, I have out of the blue been issued with a Statutory Demand by BW Legal/Lowell Portfolio for two seperate debts totalling £10k I have not made any contact regarding these debts for over 4 years and don't recall ever receiving any default notice. I have taken a look at how a Statutory Demand should look like via the National Debt Line and it all looks the same except for some of the sentences under the WARNING section on the first page, they have ommitted; Also under the NOTES FOR CREDITOR they have ommitted; I do own a property and have only ever paid interest only repayments and as such the property is not worth much from what I owe. Can anyone advise on what I should be doing/sending to these people? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi there. Have done a credit check today and found 4 accounts listed as defaulted on my file with various values ranging from 40 - 500 ish pounds. I've called them (on a witheld number) and gone through. They all sounds like that are indeed accounts I have had in the past and may have owed some money on, but the values appear to be far greater than even the original credit amount. I've talked through getting a 22% discount if I settle them in full and they are going to let me know tomorrow if approved. My main question is, if the debts are older than say 2005 (in this case a credit card) then can they even legally request I pay or should I be fighting to get this struck off without paying? Or is it better to just pay off at these discounts and be done with it for good. I confirmed that paying will close the accounts and remove the defaults. I was told that I will get email confirmation of this while on the phone making the payment, though i wanted to get the offer in writing first before I will pay anything to be safe. The person I spoke to was very friendly and the call went well. They seem to be ok on first impressions and I'm happy to just get my credit file cleared off with a loan from the parents instead. But before I do anything too hastily I thought I would come and get valuable CAG advice For reference the amounts and settlement offers (still to be approved) no discount option of the £45 one capital one - 238 (clear at £185) - (2003 - 2005) 514.98 (clear at £400) three £100 - (clear at £78)
  4. Oh Joy http://www.lowellgroup.co.uk/index.php/news/
  5. Hi, I'm new to this site and hope I've posted in the right place. I had a loan with HSBC which had done the rounds of various debt collection agencies. It is in dispute as they have acknowledged they do not have the agreement. It was shown on Experian as defaulted in June 2007. The entry dropped off 3 days ago. It appears that HSBC sold the debt to Lowell Portfolio in January 2013. I've told them it is in dispute. Lowell has never marked my credit file until today and showing the default date as 14/6/13. Surely this cant' be right! I'm really annoyed as I had just go my credit score to a reasonable level, and now it's right down again!! Who do I complain to please? Is it Lowell or Experian? Is there a template letter anywhere? Thank you so much in advance Sal.
  6. Hello Can someone offer some advice on the following problem please ? Had a statutory demand from BW legal over a mobile phone bill from 02 when there was a dispute over roaming charges which to this day 02 have never supplied a breakdown but just insisted the bill should be paid. There is no CCA available according to Lowell BW have written to me saying they will hold all action while looking into this but at bottom of letter say they will accept a settlement paid in full by 28th June by 4pm ! I think this is a joke ! What legal rights do I have on this situation ?
  7. hi , 3 weeks ago i received a letter from red and lowell saying i owed them 399.20 from an o2 debt i am alleged to to have had, i told them i knew nothing about this and to provide me with all the relative documentation in regards to this. today i have received a letter from them saying i still owe this money and a computer print out of something i can not make head or tail of ,there is nothing with my bank details on or anything like an agreement just this print out . i have attached it for it to be viewed. thankyou in advance for anyone who can help in regards to this issue
  8. Hello all, Its been quiet for me the last two years , it all went wrong in early 2009. By the end of 2011 most of my debts were settled and its been very quiet since. I was defaulted on a Co Op cc at the end of May 2009 and then a termination notice at the end of June 2009( they gave enough time I think). However the amounts differ by over £200 on each notice. Q1. Do the amounts quoted on deafault and termination notices need to be the same? Also I have a copy of the CCA that they sent me back in 2009 and in its not legible. Its a very poor photo copy ( micro fiche ? ) and parts are missing where the copier has incorrectly scanned. Some parts can be read with a magnifying glass but some parts are not legible. Q2. Will they be sucessful in obtaining a CCJ against me if they have only provided an illegible CCA? In the recent letter from Lowell they say they have purchased the debt from Co Op , But the Co Op letter says that it has been assigned ( both letters in the same envelope. I will wait until Lowell do something before I take any action , but I wanted to know the answer to the above two questions. I half expect Lowell to try a SD which I should be able to set aside. But as I am not upto date is an illegible CCA and differeing amounts on the default and termination notices enough to protect me in court? Incedentally the amount being claimed now is significantly different from both the termination and deafault notices , is this relevant? Also , I had a heart attack last October and I had Angioplasty ( not looking for sympathy ) can I use this to any advantage. This debt will go statute barred in Feb 2015. Thanks
  9. Have been chased by Lowell for a debt I am unaware of for months. Have just returned their letters up to now. I then discovered the cheeky scamps had recorded a default for the debt on my credit records. I know there are template letters but I sent my own on 14th May and got a response on 17th May! Response states that they have closed the account with immediate effect AND have removed the entry from my credit files. I'll post the body of my letter once I've removed personal info. Obviously delighted by the outcome so feel free to copy the letter I sent.
  10. Hi I have recently received two letters from Lowell chasing a old debts, Neither of them appear on my credit fil I want to get this sorted asap have just managed to get Wesclot of my back regarding a CCJ and am in the mood to fight this lot now. The letters are both their standard we want to help you clear your account and we may send someone round for a cup of tea to collect the money etc. What is my best course of action, Should I cca them or sar I'm pretty sure the debts are SB, but cant be sure. Also around a year ago they sent letters saying I can pay the debts at a reduced rate. Hope someone can advise on this one Thanks L
  11. I am so distressed and absolutely horrified on how these [edit] people got away so easily with this... devastating. On Monday I received a thick pack from The Insolvency Service informing me I was made bankrupt. I thought it was just another [problem], and read through it in disbelief... Slowly sinking in, I called the Official Receiver on the letter, and was confirmed. I just can't believe it... I called around, Citizens Advice Bureau, Legal Aid (for which I don't qualify because I'm a home owner), and others who said I'd have to make a couple of thousands available for legal costs alone. I also called Lowell to see what this debt was related to as the pack from the IS didn't have reference to the amount or original creditor. They jumped on me trying to get money through my wife making a payment and said the debt is for a Barclaycard, for £3,500, and they said they would settle for about £5000 because we need to pay costs... Outrageous. I have been avidly reading through threads on here, especially 42man thread below, which seems to be exactly like my case: Bankruptcy-Order-!!!-***-WON-TWICE-*** Re. Statutory demand: Apparently, I was served personally on 6 March this year, which I can't recollect at all. My wife and I run our business from home and we receive tons of post, every day, by Royal Mail and courier. We also have interns who would go and fetch the post, or answer the door when they are here. The building entrance is communal. We live on a second floor. We open everything personal. If I did get the SD, then I probably would have ignored it as a scare tactics if I didn't recognise the Creditor's name. Never heard of Lowell or Hamptons until I google them. Definitely not nice people!! The affidavit fits my description, though. But then, my picture is around the internet quite a lot if you Google my name... Re. Petition, they seem to have attempted a few times during August while we were away (from end of July to 1st week of September) house and dog-sitting for friends. Then the got a substituted service and they said it was posted by Recorded Delivery, but there's no proof of postage on the file and I certainly didn't get anything like that. It's gutting to be at this junction where everything has already been decided at my back and I have, so it seems, no chance to defend myself!!! I wonder if anyone can advice if there's any way I can get this bankruptcy annulled? Do I have any chance? Would greatly appreciate comments and help! I am worried about our home and finances are tight... I have 2 small children, and income is meagre at the moment as business is doing really badly with the downturn. Thank you all in advance!
  12. I received a statutory demand from BW legal in February 2013 that was posted through my door. They said in the letter that they had tried to serve the demand on a few occasions but I was not in so they pushed it through my door. Based on the advice I read on this forum I decided to try and have it set aside based on the following reasons: 1. The claimant had failed to provide a copy of the original agreement. 2. The claimant had failed to provide copies of any valid default notices. 3. The claimant had failed to serve a Notice of Assignment. 4. The claimant had failed to provide any statements for the duration of the disputed agreement. I also sent a CPR 31.14 Request to BW Legal, SAR to MBNA and a CCA to The Lowell Group. I attended court in March and the Judge decided to allow BW legal a further 28 days to get the paper work together to assist in their case. The 28 days went by and BW Legal had not provided the court or me with the paper work ( any of the 4 points above). I sent a letter to the court making them aware that BW legal had failed to comply with the order and requested the matter to be set aside. A week later I got a letter from the court stating that BW Legal had another 7 days to get the paper work over to me or the case would be closed. On the seventh day the paper work arrived with their new witness statement. They have sent me a copy of an agreement that looks like it could be for anything, it has my name and address on it but I have not signed it and it does not say exactly what it is for. It gives financial info etc. How would I know if this is a genuine agreement and if it’s acceptable? They have also sent what they say is a Notice of Assignment, I’m not sure if and how I know if this is a true and acceptable Notice of Assignment? They have send several copies of letters stating that I owe them money and I can get the amount reduced if I make them an offer. They have sent statements over a 5 year period but a lot are missing, one full years statements are missing and a few months are missing from most of the other years so it’s impossible to see how I have come to owe this exact amount as the expenditure is missing! These is also a lot of interest and late payment charges. Please can anyone help me as I have to respond with my second witness statement this week. What should I do now? Many thanks
  13. Posted on here a few weeks ago about a debt I had with Shopacheck that had been passed on to Lowells. I disputed it as Shopacheck said i only owed £160 but Lowells said I Owed over £500. I asked Lowells to send me the CCA and told them of the timescale. They told me that they didnt have to comply with the timescale and that they would send me the CCA's as soon as they could. I have now recieved a letter with three CCA's these are not the originals as they dont have my signature on them. Is this acceptable or should they be the originals.
  14. Hi Everyone, I had a letter from Lowell ages ago, regarding a debt owed to Argos. I have since been on Noddle and seen that there is a debt on there saying owed to Lowell. Lowell have written again stating they act for Argos offering ways to pay their client. Am puzzled why its showing on Noddle as a debt owed to Lowell?
  15. Hi, I have had Lowell sending me letters about a debt that I know I never took out. It was a with a loan company and I have never had a loan in my life. I asked them for a signed credit agreement as proof and they sent me a reconstituted copy of a credit agreement. On it my address was handwritten as was my name. There was no signature or date on the agreement by either myself or a representative of the company. I told them this is not proof, anyone can mock up what they sent me but they tell me they are not obliged to send me an exact copy of the signed credit agreement as I would have signed it anyway apparently. Any ideas on what I can do? Thanks all.
  16. After a year and a half of querying with Lowell the validity of their debt claim against the named person, particularly as to how and why they thought i was the person who owed the money. They have written back a lengthy letter stating they have closed the account and removed the default "as a matter of urgency". (see attached 'lowell' letter) it seems like a small victory but i am intrigued as to why. -(maybe they are sick of talking to me!?) This also references my original complaint to Barclays (and their response) in which i had sent back 'their' original NOTICE as 'refused for cause' along with my own 'NOTICE' offering them to respond to my refusal. really i just wanted to see their reaction and buy some time. Importantly here (i thought), their original notice was sent to me on Barclays headed paper, my understanding was that the holder of the debt was supposed to send this. Barclays replied that Lowell did in fact send that letter...but on Barclays plc paper! (see attached). Also Barclays gave 6 months to go to the financial ombudsman with my complaint....whatever that was. Lowell have included the same 6 month period in their lengthy response. but what would be my complaint exactly? Why are they running away so fast? I suspect data infringement by Barclays. but the Lowell letter is a little confusing. or are they just unable to match up addresses to the named person? is this matter over? can i sue? who do i sue? (not lowell i presume as they include a non liability clause in their closing the account) i'd be happy to let this lie on the one hand, but i also have MKDR chasing me hot and fast for an old Barclaycard debt, and seeing as Barclaycard are named by Lowell as involved in this data swap i am considering an SAR to Barclaycard and trying to find out their involvement. any suggestions?
  17. Hi I've just started posting in the forum and it has already been a great help. After checking my credit file I've decided to deal with some debt problems one by one to try and clean up my credit file. One of these is an alleged debt of £69 said to be owned by Lowell. In the last 5 months I've had letters from Hamptons Legal, Lowell and Advantis (In that order) acting on behalf on Three Mobile. I've uploaded the letters here. I have a vague idea what the debt may be, a 3g contract I had some years back which I'm sure the contract ended without me renewing. So here are my questions 1.knowing that this is a mobile phone debt and that I cannot CCA them, what other options do I have in regards to trying to have this marked as settled in full? 2.This is a relatively small amount compared to my other debts so if it comes down to it I'll just pay it off, I just want them to prove I owe the money, so I plan to send this letter, an edited version of on of the templates from the library; Dear Sir or Madam Account No/Reference No: XXXXXXXX You have contacted me regarding the account with the above reference number, which you claim is owed by myself. I have no knowledge of any such debt being owed to “Three Mobile.” I am familiar with the CPUTR 2008 and the Office of Fair Trading's Guidance on debt collection, which states that it is unfair to send demands for payment to an individual when it is uncertain that they are the debtor in question. I would also point out that the OFT say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable and in not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt you are using deceptive and unfair methods. Furthermore ignoring and disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment amounts to physical & psychological harassment. I would ask that unless you can provide evidence as to my liability for the debt in question, that you Fully delete and expunge this disputed record from my credit files with all 3 credit reference agencies (namely Experian, Equifax and Callcredit) at the first possible opportunity, and all other credit reference agencies you have reported this account to. After which I would ask that no further contact be made concerning the above account. I await your written confirmation that you will be removing the records form my credit files and that this matter is now closed. Otherwise I will have no option but to make a complaint to Trading Standards and also inform the Office of Fair Trading of your actions. Yours faithfully 3.So as you can see from their letters, Lowell have stated that they have instructed Advantis to pursue me, but Lowell still own the debt on my credit report. SO who do I send this letter to? Lowell or Advantis? 4.What evidence do they need to provide to prove I owe the money, and that they can enforce it? Your thoughts on this would be helpful. Thanks
  18. Hello all, Help needed about a signed application form received under section 78, of the act, with regards to a credit agreement. It's signed and dated by me, contains the prescribed terms of a running account, but is not dated or signed by the original creditor, nor does a signature box exist for the creditor either. (3) The signature of the said document shall be made in the following manner— (a)by the debtor or hirer, or by or on behalf of the debtor or hirer in the case of a partnership or an unincorporated body of persons, in the space in the document indicated for the purpose, and, subject to sub-paragraph © below, the date of the signature shall be inserted in the space in the document indicated for the purpose; (b)by the creditor or owner, or by a person on his behalf, outside any signature box in which the debtor or hirer may sign and, subject to sub-paragraph © below, the date of the signature shall be inserted outside any such signature box; ©in the case of a regulated agreement which is not a cancellable agreement, the date on which the unexecuted agreement becomes an executed agreement may be inserted in the document and in such a case any other date specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) above need not be inserted; and (d)nothing in this Regulation shall prohibit the inclusion in the said document, near to any such signature, of the signature by any witness outside any signature box in which the debtor or hirer may sign. This is in relation to an adjourned application hearing to set aside a statutory demand. original creditor: ABBEY Credit card (MBNA), Default dated mid 2009, Notice of assignment sent, Default notice sent, Last 10 statements sent. Amount of default £2000, contains about £450 worth of £12 charges. Can an application form be said to be a enforceable agreement, even if it contains the said prescribed terms? This may be ok for waksman, cary v HSBC but is it ok for the Wilson house of lords case
  19. Just received a Formal Demand from Buchanan Clark & Wells and they have kindly added an Administration Charge of £54.60. Are they allowed to add an Admin Charge?
  20. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/15245/online-news/interlaken-group-sold Some companies are just getting too big. When a nasty small company grows, it becomes a nasty big company.
  21. I recieved a claim form from northampton county court on 26 april 2013 I went online and acknowledged as i only had a certain amount of time and didnt want to ignore it. Now im stuck what to do. Its from 2009 i vaugley remeber having a mobile contract but sure i was in dispte with three over the bill and not able to get uch of a signal but cant really remeber to be honest. now i have this and am not sure what to do. This is what it says: By agreement in writing three mobile (the assigner) agreed to provide telephone services to the defendant in respect of telephone number ************ commencing on 31/03/2009. handset tariff 20 texter. as payments were not maintained as required the assignor issued a notice of default on 31/03/2009 and the contract was subsequently terminated. the last payment received from the defendant was 0212/2009 by agreement in writing dated 1506/2012 the assignor assigned the debt to the claimant. And the claiment claims 1. the sum of 331.34 2. interest pursuant to S69 of county court act 1984 namely 22.73. Can any one offer any advise. I would be very grateful Thank you
  22. Hi guys This is the second time I've had to post on here due to my stupidity a number of years ago when I left the country (not intending on coming back) for a new life abroad. I left a few debts here though. However, I recently received a letter from Lowells claiming that I owed O2 £588. To my knowledge I have never had an O2 account as the very fist mobile I had was Orange and I've been with them either on contract of PAYG ever since. I sent off my CCA request and it was received on 19th Feb ( confirmed via Royal Mail) However, I have today received a letter from Hamptons legal Dated 20th Feb stating that the account has now been referred to them as I haven't paid my outstanding debt. In the letter then threaten CCJ's, Attachment of earnings and bailiffs. What on earth should I be doing here. Do I send another CCA to Hamptons even though they are part of Lowells?
  23. About 6 months ago i received a letter regarding two previous debts which were 6 months away from being statute barred. I had not started reading this site at that time, and therefore entered into a payment arrangement with them albeit with hefty discounts...... I have received a letter from Equidebt today saying they have sold the debt to Lowell. they consist of 1 credit card debt, 1 loan and 1 current account which were all with smile. the date of default was 17th July 2007. Not sure when the last payment was made to them. possibly December.... Their did seem to be an awful lot of searches from Lowell recently almost like they are actively purchasing debts because i've started paying off others. Any advice please ? thanks kev
  24. Hello all, I've had to start a new thread about this one as my last post was so long ago. I had a few debts that we successfully swatted away but unfortunately lowells decided to eventually track me down at my new address and have had the cheek to send me a letter! This one should be quite straightforward though and something we can have fun with SOME BACKGROUND I joined up here in July 2011 with some debts being chased that were Statute Barred, one of which is the debt I am referring to here of approx £500 to a company called Dollar Financial (TheMoneyShop). At the time I had recieved letters from both Lowell and Red (I believe their "debt collection" arm) relating to this and another debt, and Lowell MADE UP a payment that I had apparently made them which would have meant the debt wasn't stat barred. I challenged them, and never heard back. Unfortunately they have now decided to follow up with me at my new address about the Dollar Financial debt, and have sent me this nonsense in the last few days: *************************************** Date: 27 November 2012 To Psyduck Lowell Reference Number: XX Original company name: Dollar Financial Original Account Number: XX You owe: £XxX.XX Dear Mr Psyduck We're contacting you about your Dollar Financial account which was opened on the XX/April/2007. Dollar Financial have sold the account to us as there is an outstanding balance whcih they have been unable to recover. This may be because Dollar Financial did not have your up to date address details and therefore you were not in a position to discuss this with them. We have used the services of a Credit Reference Agency and they have provided your address to us. Therefore we would like to discuss with you a repayment solution to repay the outstanding balance on this account, and to confirm the information we hold is correct and up to date. If you have any queries or questions you would like us to answer regarding this account please call us straight away on 0844 844 4716 where one of our account managers will be more than happy to help you. If you do not have any queries or questions, and if you do not contact us to discuss repayment within 14 days from the date of this letter, we will pass this account to our debt collection department who will take the relevant steps to recover the debt. To make payment in full, or to set up a monthly repayment plan, please call us on 0844 844 4716 or visit our website where you can make a repayment. Our web site address is www.lowell.co.uk. Once you are making repayments towards this account, or if you repay the balance in full, we will update the Credit Reference Agencies on a monthly basis so that other potential creditors can see you are repaying this debt which could help you obtain credit in the future and improve your credit score. Yours sincerely Andrew Bartle Chief Operations Officer *************************************** Problem is that I have signed up for utilities in the last few months so they could have found me from that. The debt will be stat barred in April next year and it's also important to note that I have not received ANY communication from them, at either address, about this debt since June 2011. Previous correspondance can be found in my previous threads. Advice on how best to proceed please? Thanks psyduck
  25. Hi there I am confused! I have been having numerous telephone calls from Frederikson International Ltd about an old overdraft with Lloyds. I have ignored the phone and the calls have stopped. However a man called Terry knocked on the door last Friday and asked my 13yr old if I was in. My husband didn't answer any of his questions! I thought her was for the overdraft but I received a letter yesterday with a paying in card from Frederikson stating I could pay at our local post office - which closed about 6 years ago!! I have just checked our mail box and there is a hand delivered letter from T Brydon from Lewis International saying that Lowell have asked him to serve a SD and he will be back on the 20th April. As I haven't left the house since yesterday I can only assume that he didn't knock but posted it. I have had 2 dealings with Lowell - one was for a Capital 1 card and they served a SD. That is how I found this site!! I sent off for the CCA (?) and filed against them and of course they didn't turn up to court. The next week they wrote and said as a goodwill gesture they were closing the case! The second has been for an old T-mobile account. Hamptons Legal last wrote to me on the 11th April 2011. So my question is would they now be issuing a sd after waiting a year? Would they have bought the overdraft off of Frederikson but if so why are they writing to me yesterday? Any thoughts?? Thanks
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