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  1. I entered in a street where the above restrictions were in force. I was not aware and I did not read the sign. However when I entered the street I saw a car parked on a yellow line on a Sunday, which made me to believe that parking may be allowed. I stopped and put my wares in the boot for safety. Before I decided to park there my wife and i discussed to check if we were really allowed to park. Then I saw a sign and read it through and decided I am not allowed to park. We got into the car and moved from there. I requested to see the Video footage. The footage starts at 59.14 minutes and stops at 1.51 minutes as soon as I got into the car. The video was cut off. It did not cover my leaving at the time possibly deliberately. I believe that the contravention did not occur as I did not load or unload anything. The video confirms I did ot move away from the car. Additionaly the whole waiting was under three minutes which I beleive is allowed on a yellow line. I did not park deliberately as I had not seen the sign. I only became aware when I came out of the car and read the sign. I wish to appeal. What are my chances. Can you please help. Incidentally the PCN does not mention contravention Code or the exact place. It mentions Station Road Ilford.
  2. I parked a van borrwed from my brother in law for quite some time when finally, after about 3 weeks I got a PCN code 62. This is a rather small van and the driveway is a bit too short even for an estate car. Is there any chance of sucessfully challenging this PCN? Pictures taken by the CEO: Pictures taken by me: PCN: I have also found info on the internet that wording "unless this PCN is challenged" can invalidate the PCN. Can anyone confirm?
  3. Hello Gang I received a PCN notice for what looks like ended up to be an expensive trip to London. It seems like its a fair cop - they have a picture and silly me - i did stop in a bus lane!! However, the date of contravention was 02/02/13 and the date of notice is 21/02/13 - almost 3 weeks ago - is it still enforceable?? Its my only hope.. Thanks guys.. Regards, Jameson
  4. Hi, I was wondering where I stand with a council PCN I received today. I parked, mid afternoon, on a quiet side road with a contolled scheme. I tried to purchase a ticket from the on street parking machine but it kept rejecting the new 10p I had. When I looked closer, there was a printed note that had been stuck on to the machine that said it wouldn't accept new 5p or 10p. Now, potentially I could use the excuse that I left my car because I went off to get the correct change for the machine. However, I am wondering if the council parking legislation is effective where a machine doesn't work correctly, warning note or not? Any info appreciated.
  5. Dear all firstly thank you for the advice I have taken from this forum prior to registering. I received an Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts Order on my return from honeymoon and have filed using the advice of this forum the PE2 and PE3 forms which the TEC have issued on the Council. I now wait that decision. I did not receive the original PCN's or baliff's first attempts/ visits as I had moved. My PE2 and PE3 forms have on the advice of the TEC been accompanied by proof of moving - I had an intervening address between original and current addresses which is proven. My Car Registration documents were updated 6 months after the infraction. My queries regard the charges levied on me. I requested a breakdown of charges from the baliffs and received this - PCN 1 charges as follows - 7/9 Costs 7.00 7/9 Debt 90.00 10/9 Letter fee 13.44 11/10 Visit/ Levy fee 1 37.20 11/10 Attending to remove 129.00 20/11 Visit/ Levy fee 2 70.80 PCN 2 charges as follows - 7/9 Costs 7.00 7/9 Debt 90.00 10/9 Letter fee 13.44 11/10 Visit/ Levy fee 1 37.20 20/11 Visit/ Levy fee 2 46.80 20/10 Attending to remove 129.00 Is it allowed to 'double charge' on a single visit for two seperate but same day issued PCN's? Given it was clear from visit 1 I had moved, and I have no proof they visited, is a visit/ levy fee 2 allowed? Is the attending to remove fee, issued twice legitimate? Advice regarding the fees above welcomed
  6. This is my first post so please excuse the length of the thread and the incorrect use of paragraphs, it was just to make the post clearer and easier to follow. I received a PCN from Islington council in December of last year. I was half parked on a double yellow line and half in an out of hours residents bay on a residential road. It was a Sunday evening in a commercial vehicle (under 3.5 tonnes) and I was unloading and making a delivery to a house. The unloading was constant and I did not leave the vehicle unattended for more than 5 minutes at a time and overall I was there for under 40 minutes. I returned to the vehicle to find a ticket issued at 20.29. I challenged the PCN within 2 weeks requesting photographic evidence as this was, and,still is unavailable on the website. Within 10 days I received the photos indeed showing that the rear wheels were on the yellow lines, but, the photos showed they were taken at 20.30 (first 3) and 20.31 (last 3). I immediately wrote back saying that the rules on the website clearly state that for a ticket to be issued, the vehicle must be observed unattended for a full 5 minutes. I then pointed out that the ticket was issued and then 6 photos were taken 1 and 2 minutes later respectively. Therefore the civil enforcement officer had only spent 3 minutes with the vehicle and had not observed the vehicle unattended for 5 minutes before issuing the ticket I received a reply to this within 10 days simply saying they were satisfied that the vehicle had been observed (from 20.23) for a full 5 minutes before the ticket was issued, and that the photos were taken at 20.30 and 20.31, therefore the officer had spent a total of 7 minutes with the vehicle. I politely pointed out that that 20.23 to 20.31 equates to 8 minutes and could they provide notes or photos or proof of this as I dispute this fact because I would have been there. To cut an already long story short, they have failed to produce any evidence that the vehicle was observed before the ticket was issued and have now said that the onus is on me to prove that the vehicle was not observed for 5 minutes! Is it just me or is that the most ridiculous demand ever?? The civil enforcement officers are equipped with PCN machines and cameras both of which record the date and time. I am equipped with neither nor am I required to be by law. Surely the onus is on them to prove a contravention has occured, otherwise they could just go around issuing tickets willy nilly without any chance of appeal. I read up on the case of Ronald Kendrick Douglas VS The London Borough Of Brent where it was judged by the adjudicator that the burden of proof was on the council. I assume this applies at this stage also? This has now been going on for 2 months and the council are just stonewalling my appeals and refusing to budge Some advice on my position and who bears the burden of proof would be much appreciated.
  7. I have been given a ticket and appealed it on the basis that the signage isnt clear. The council say that its a market traders bay and active only on match days as it is near arsenal football ground. Before I went there the person I was seeing made the effort to get a valid temporary residents parking permit for the day which I correctly adjusted. I researched the day before to make sure that it wasn't a match day and the team were in fact playing away. I arrived on the day and read the sign very carefully and there was a bay with a number in it but on reading the sign which was between my space and another it said there were additional controls on match days. I parked in the space and got a ticket. I have attached photos that I took as soon as I saw that I had a ticket. I don't believe that the signage and road markings are clear, the single yellow line is in fact broken and the sign makes it seem that the yellow line was in fact there for match days. I have never seen a number in a space before and there was no info on the sign to indicate that it was a market traders space at all. can any one advise please as I am quite annoyed by this and the council are acting like stubborn mules. I don't live in London and where I do live there is no market.
  8. I rec'd a PCN on for parking on Private land. The parking Permit was displayed in the Passenger side door but we still got a ticket. I appealed and sent a copy of the parking permit along with the PCN and it got rejected. When I appealed I admitted to who was driving at the time. Will I have to pay the ticket now? It's £60 and I just can't afford that. I have 14 days left after which time it will be £100. I appealed via their website and when submitted it said I would receive a reply via email. I didn't receive a reply from the company that issued a ticket, I logged into their website because it has been a week since my appeal and I hadn't rec'd a reply. That's when I saw it had been rejected and there is no info on how to appeal again. I clicked on the appeal button but it says I can't appeal again since it had been rejected once already. What can I do now? Do I have to pay the ticket. Please help and Thank you in advance.
  9. Good afternoon. Last week I was given a penalty charge notice by Islington Council for parking in a suspended residents' parking bay. I wasn't very happy about the pcn for a few reasons: -The signs were only put up the day before the suspension. The council claim they went up ten days before, I'm pretty sure they didn't but obviously can't prove it. -The council put some cones up around the area to be suspended the night before the suspension. My car was outside of the coned off area. I raised this in my initial appeal but the officer appears to have ignored it. -(Retrospectively) I've read elsewhere on this forum that parking can only be suspended using authorised sigsn, and the sign used in this case does not match the authorised sign I've seen for Islington. I've copied out below my initial appeal and the council's reply. As I understand waiting to appeal again would mean I ended up paying the £130 instead of £65 fine, I'd be very grateful for any comments on how likely future appeals might be to suceed - if I don't have a case I'd rather know so I can pay up now. Thanks! Re: PCN IS288xxxx Dear Islington Appeals I’m writing in relation to the penalty charge notice identified above. I wish to appeal against the charge on two grounds: 1) The PCN was issued in relation to a parking suspension. Notice was only given of the parking suspension on the day before it came into force. As I do not use my car in the week, I had no opportunity to observe the warning notices or to move to my car. Specifically I parked my car on the evening of the 10th of February, at which time no notices were in place, and the suspension began on the morning of the 12th. The Islington Council website states that: “Where possible, 10 days notice will be given for residential parking”, this clearly was not the case on this occasion. 2) The Islington Council website further states that “Time plates will be covered by yellow hoods (or the area coned off) on the first day of the suspension, and will be removed when the suspension is over.” Although cones were in place during the suspension, my car was outside the coned off area. I therefore do not consider that my vehicle was inside the area of suspended parking. I’d be grateful if you could withdraw the ticket. Kind regards Chris And the reply: Dear Mr xxx Penalty Charge Notice No. IS288xxxxx Date of Issue 12/02/2013 at 09:17 Location of Contravention xxx, N19 Thank you for your email regarding the above Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) which was recently received at this office. The PCN was issued because the vehicle was parked in a suspended parking place. The yellow notices next to the parking bay clearly stated that parking was suspended from 8:30 to 18:30 on 12 February 2013. The vehicle was parked in close proximity to one of the signs. You have stated that there was only a day's notice of the parking suspension. However, I can confirm that the notices were put in place on 02 February 2013. They are usually attached to the time plate/s relevant to the bay. It is your responsibility as the driver to check the signage for parking suspensions and changes to parking restrictions. I have also noted your query regarding why a yellow hood covering the time plates. I can advise that this only occurs when parking in the entire bay is suspended. On this occasion, only the spaces outside numbers 6-8 were suspended. As the PCN was issued correctly, payment is now due. I have decided that we can accept the discounted amount of £65.00 provided we receive that before 08 March 2013. Please bear in mind that on that date the charge will increase to £130.00. If you wish to continue to contest the matter, the next stage is that a Notice to Owner will be sent to the person responsible for the penalty charge. This is a necessary legal step and further correspondence will only delay this process. The Notice to Owner will establish liability for the PCN and the grounds under which representations may be made. If representations are made at this stage and they are rejected, there will be the right of appeal to the independent adjudicator at the Parking & Traffic Appeals Service. Attached images: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41767[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41768[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41769[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41770[/ATTACH]
  10. Hi there, Basically I'm 22 and a driver suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. I do have a blue badge but I'm on the low rate DLA. On the 8th of September 2012 I parked on a red route area, where I thought the restrictions did not apply to blue badge holders, as it had some signpost stating that blue badge holders could park there (I had only had the badge for about 6 months so the parking restrictions etc are still a bit unclear). The red route area was in operation from 7am-7pm, right next to the London Bridge Station Tooley St is where I parked at 6.30pm, displaying my badge. So when I received the PCN issued by TFL dated 14th Septer 2012, I was a little surprised and contested the PCN. This is what I had written: Transport for London PO BOX 4555 BN13 1XY 27/09/12 Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Penalty Charge Notice GF70728040 On the 14th of September 2012, I was issued with the above PCN for parking/stopping in a prohibited area. I was surprised to receive this, as although it was a red route area, there was a signpost stating that these restrictions did not apply to blue badge holders. I have enclosed a copy of my blue badge and its details. In view of this, I would ask that compassion and consideration be given to cancelling the penalty charge notice. Yours faithfully, I got no response back, and instead was issued with a Charge Certificate dated 18th October 2012, which was actually received on the 22nd of October. I wrote them a letter and filled out the Order for Recovery Witness Statement that was included in their letter , and my initial letter along with my blue badge copy, but this time via recorded delivery on the 6th of November 2012. The letter stated that I had until the 28th of November to pay. Here is what I wrote: Transport for London PO BOX 4555 BN13 1XY 06/11/12 Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Penalty Charge Notice GF70728040 I received your letter dated 18th October 2012, with regards to the above PCN issued on the 14th of September 2012, on Monday the 22nd of October 2012. I am writing to appeal the Charge Certificate, as I have not yet had my letter contesting the PCN neither addressed nor acknowledged. I am enclosing a copy of the letter I sent to yourselves on the 27th of September 2012, as well as a copy of my blue badge. In view of this, I would ask that compassion and consideration be given to cancelling the penalty charge notice, as well as the Charge Certificate. Yours faithfully, I still received no letter or correspondence and when I heard nothing, I just assumed they were dropping the fines and leaving me alone. However,, to my shock, on the 14th of January 2013 (it was snowing that day), at 10am my doorbell rang and it was a bailiff demanding I pay £589. They said they had come at 8am and put a letter through my door for bailiff removal and that I had until 10am to contact them. I was suffering from an arthritic flare up so was still in bed, but obviously when the bell rang, my mother went downstairs to answer the door and resolve the matter, but I eventually had to come down. I was told that they had come at 8am to clamp the car and so I had to pay the amount to unclamp it or else they were taking it to the pound and I would have to pay the extra charges then. I had no cash and so paid by card, but had to arrange for the money to be transferred into my account. I did explain to the bailiff that I suffer from arthritis and he was empathetic but said that if my car was registered as disabled, he would not have touched my car. My mother and I did explain that I only receive low rate carer's DLA, and so I wouldn't and can't register my car because in order to do that, you need to be on the higher rate of DLA. However, he did keep on saying that it did not matter, as long as I was receiving DLA, I could register the car as disabled, and he would be able to refund the money. I've since, been in touch with DVLA, who reconfirmed what my mother and I thought-you have to be on HIGH rate DLA and that is so you can be exempt from the tax; there's no way to register the car as being owned by a disabled driver. So now what do I do? I read on the TFL website that there is a process that is carried out before a bailiff comes to the door, and it appears that that process did not take place. I was given a "Warrant of Execution" by the bailiff, but prior to that day, I had never received one. My mother says I should write to TFL stating that they have 7 days to refund the money back, otherwise I'll be taking them to court (I think small claims?) to retrieve that money. How would I do that? And more importantly, what should I do/say? Thank you so much, Zari
  11. Hello all, After having a search around and read a few of the PCN posts on this site, I was hoping that someone could clarify whether I was rightfully issued a 62J PCN. The place that I had parked is in the black marked area in the below picture, but it was early evening at 17:43 in winter to be precise. There were no cars in the disabled bays and the PCN states that I've parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway. I don't believe I was parked over a footpath as it's more of a parking bay entrance... Do I have a hope of contesting this? I was in the car the whole time waiting to pick up my parents from the train and was not there more than 6-8 minutes. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41595[/ATTACH] Thanks for reading and I'd be most grateful for any advice given. Regards Ki PS: the traffic warden was in one of those little cars with the camera on top and it seems from the still pictures that they've sent, he/she took it quite a distance away and certainly at night and the distance do make it looks as if my car was parked on a pavement.
  12. Tomorrow is the last day to write to them, I really appreciate your help I have received three of these cctv pcn on 10, 11, and 12 /01/ 2013 there is a photo of the location it was oposite 303 romford road. I went to an agency to discuss a house for rent three times and there was other cars tow or more parked there and I thought it was a parking place. I drove up and down the road for a parking space there was none before I fall into this trap and parked here.... there are two hours free parking or something there but they always full... Not being local and only was looking to find a house which I never got. any advise what shall I write to the council, to be honest I don't have £200, I only stopped for a five minutes or saw to ask the agency on the other side of the road to show me the house, it took them three days to show me the house hence I got three tickets.
  13. Hi, hope someone could help me with this. I was out of the Country for a while, upon return I Emailed my Council to ask if I had any outstanding PCN's. They said I had one, which I paid. I then confirmed that was all outstanding tickets. However, I have just had a "Certificated Bailiff" post something through the door for an outstanding PCN for the same Council and they have charged £232.80 for the visit bringing the total to £477.04. Couple of questions (1) £232.80 for a visit?? Is that Legal?? And (2) The Council said I didn't have any outstanding tickets so what should I do with this bailiff letter? I'm just worried as my car is parked outside and these Bailiffs are a law to themselves and I'm sure saying "the council said I didn't owe anything" won't be listened to. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you D
  14. I received a PCN which I think is unfair, what are my chances of getting it cancelled. I did an informal challenge on the Sheffield city council web site as follow: "I play football every Saturday from 10am to 11:59am at Goodwin Sport Center where we book a pitch. This place is around the corner where I park (and where I got this PCN). I always arrive a few minutes before my game and pay my parking ticket, like today at 9:56am. After my game finishes it takes me around 2 minutes to arrive to where I park my car. I've done like this for some months and have never had a PCN. Today, around 10 minutes to 12 I got hit in the face with the ball, some blood came out of my nose and I got dizzy, so I had to rest some minutes and stop at the toilet. Because of this it took me a bit longer to get to my car. I arrived around 12:15, when I arrived I saw this PCN and plenty of empty parking spaces to use. I agree with the payment for parking and the restricted time of 2 hours, this is fair and allows other people to use the parking space. In the other side, I may be wrong but I think it is unfair to issue a PCN for some minutes delay when there are plenty of empty spaces. I'd appreciate if this can be reconsidered. Thanks." After that, I got a letter from the council saying the following: "Thank you for writing to us. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your correspondence. We have carefully considered your points but we have decided not to cancel your parking ticket. You were issued with a parking ticket because the time on your pay and display ticket had run out. Although you may have parked in a quiet street with plenty of spaces, you still have to park within the rules. Unfortunately, unexpected delays are not grounds for cancellation." In the pictures they took it can be clearly observed there are plenty of spaces. I think the point of charging and setting an maximum parking time is so other people can park there, can I get this cancelled using that as argument? I'd appreciate advice. Thanks for your time reading this!
  15. Hi everyone, this is my first ever post in any forum. I have tried to read everything to make sure i am doing it right, forgive any errors and sorry if I have placed in the wrong section. I found this forum because i was reading someone's story concerning Vinci Park (and flashpark) and I really do not want to give money to what appears to be nothing more than a [problem]! Last Sunday I parked my car on a verge beside the road so as to take the dogs for a walk in the local forest. There is a large indent (almost a lay by) off the main tarmac of the road and a gate there giving access to the forest (I did not obstruct the gate in any way) the surface on the ground is probably scalpings. I did look for signs to prohibit parking; but there were only two relating to other matters. On the road itself there was a double yellow line but as I was on the verge and at least 2 metres from the side of the road I assumed I was OK. I returned to the car after about an hour and a half walk with the dogs (they like their weekend walks ) to find a "penalty charge notice" and although it has the Bracknell Forest Council logo on the top, it is issued by Vinci Park Services. I wrote to object that there was no signs prohibiting parking and got a response this morning It reads... "Where there are parking restrictions in place the parking rules apply from the boundary line of the public highway to the centre of the carriageway. The vehicle was parked on the verge and not on private property, therefore the contravention occurred. Please be advised that double yellow lines are nationally recognised and indicate that there is no waiting permitted at any time and that time plates are not required" Should I go ahead and pay the fine which is currently £35.00? I do not like being [problem]med, but if I made a mistake I would rather pay this smaller amount - the alternative is £70 if I delay and then receive a "notice to owner" (possibly from the council) which then gives me right of an independent appeals procedure. From reading past forums I note that they are not able to prove who was driving. Up to now I have been careful not to admit to me being the driver, my wife is the owner of the car. Thank you in advance for any advice.
  16. Hi, I foolishly parked on double line and got a PCN, however the line is not continuous and I heard that it has to be. Do I have any grounds for appealing the PCN? My car was parked where the red line is on first image. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21384712/PCN1.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21384712/PCN2.jpg
  17. As far as I am aware if a ticket is not actually placed on your car the penalty is void as no law has been put in place in the case of "drive aways". If this is still the case where do we stand with mobile camera units? I was snapped by a smart car with cameras on its roof which just drove past without actually issuing a ticket. I had parked partially on the kerb on a single yellow around 9pm. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  18. Back in July, I moved house (and to a different town and different local authority area at that). I had earlier this year had a large number of PCNs, most of which were succesfully fought and repealed with one outstanding which I paid. As far as I was aware all outstanding matters had been dealt with, and there certainly weren't any new PCNs in the last month or so before leaving, so if there were and the ticket was removed from my car I would have had time for the NTO to arrive before leaving. Today, I've come home to a letter from Equita regarding an unpaid ticket which apparantly has been through the court and a warrant of execution granted. They do not include any PCN number, any reference number for the warrant of execution they apparantly have, the VRN of the car involved, nor are they demanding any specific amount of money, only that I contact them before 'further enforcement proceedings' are started. The usual bailiff threats of a visit from the door and removing goods are not made. In the past I did have some PCNs which ended up with Equita, and this is not like any letter I've seen before, those all demanded a specific amount of money, were properly reference with the PCN and VRN and were much more specific about what would happen if I didn't pay. Also, as I scrapped my car as part of the move I've never had it registered as my new address, nor have I registered on the electoral role so I'm uncertain how they've even found me - my only guess can be they've searched council tax registers for people with the same name (my surname is uncommon) and are fishing to see what response they get. This is also the only letter I've had regarding this alleged ticket at all, so if they or the council knew where I was previously I would have expected correspondance before things got to this stage. A few things I'm wondering Is this likely to be a fishing letter to see if I'll respond or would they actually take action against this address without response from me or something else to confirm that I am the person they are looking for - if they are fishing it's even possible that this has nothing to do with me - my name might be uncommon but there were 2 of us in the phone book at my old town! Can they proceed without some kind of verified proof of where I live? What would be the status of the warrant of execution that already exists? Would that be to levy distress at a specific address (i.e. my old one only) or would it cover anywhere where they know (or believe) me to be? Would 'further enforcement proceedings' mean that they need to go back to court before they can do anything else at a different address? Can I apply to have the court order for the warrant of execution set aside on the grounds that I didn't know I was being taken to court and have had no opportunity to defend myself? If I go down the route of making an out-of-time witness statement on the grounds that I didn't have the opportunity to fight the PCN, accept it and pay a lower fee, or file a witness statement in time is this likely to be succesful (I've never had success with an O-O-T yet, but I've never before had the argument that I didn't live at the address they sent the information to)? Can I find relevant information out without contacting Equita - it's not about avoiding a ticket, it's more that to them all I am is a name with a sum of money attached to it and their greater concern is getting me to pay it, not about whether or not I actually owe it or have grounds to fight it so I don't consider them an impartial body to get information from! How long would Equita wait before taking any further action, to give me an idea of how long I have to sort this out? Any help would be greatfully appreciated!
  19. Hello all! I recently received a Bus Lane PCN for Kilburn High Road, London (Northbound). There is CCTV footage of me driving along the lane. It was at 11:41 on a Saturday. My understanding was that the lane was not 'active' except on Mon-Fri. I have since checked and in fact the lane is active 10am-7pm on Sat. I am considering my options for appeal. My main consideration is that the Bus Lane is not enforceable as it is not correctly signposted/marked. I would be very grateful to any thoughts. I will attempt to describe my thoughts. The section I was caught in is a 'continuation' of an earlier bus lane, after a junction with traffic lights. Immediately after the junction is a diagram 959 sign (correctly stating the hours). approximately 7m after that starts a 'lead in taper' which finishes after about 6m, exceeding 1:10. There is no 'bear right' arrow by the taper. The solid white line defining the bus lane then begins about 14m after diagram 959. The 'BUS LANE' diagram 1048 is approximately 5m after the start of the solid white line. There are no other diagram 959 signs. Thoughts on this section of bus lane alone: Should diagram 1048 AND diagram 959 be used in parallel with the start of the bus lane's thick white line. They are approximately 20m apart? The diagram 1048 is fairly worn; the 'L' of LANE is almost gone completely. The 'B' is 2/3 missing. The road surface is deformed as a result of the bus' weight. Is this an argument? As far as that section is in context, it seems to me that the whole of that bus lane is not 'started' correctly as there is no diagram 958 with the hours on, ONLY diagrams 959. There are a lot of 'sections' of bus lane on this road. Section 1 (Mon-Fri, 7am-10am, 4pm-6pm) - Correctly signed and marked. No issues that I can tell. No 'End of Bus Lane' Sign. Left turn off road. Section 2 (No hours therefore 'At ant time' though does not have 'at any time' sign) - It just starts. No 'lead in' broken lines. Then there is an 'End of Bus Lane' sign. Set of traffic lights. [This is the start of the bus lane that I was in] After a set of traffic lights: No diagram 958 (bus lane ahead) sign. Very short (about 6m, exceeds 1:10) lead-in taper, with bear-right arrow. Diagram 959 and 1048 in correct position. Diagram 959 shows the hours as now including 'Sat 10am-7pm'. Break in bus lane. Left turn junction. Diagram 959. Zig-zags of pedestrian crossing. After crossing only 3m of zig-zags then replaced by thick straight bus lane line. Traffic lights. After the traffic lights is the section I was seen in. Me question here is: If the start of the bus lane that shows the restriction of including Sat 10am-7pm is missing diagram 958 and the lead-in exceeds 1:10, are the following 'sections' enforceable even if they each have a diagram 959? Can I argue that the whole section of road leading up to where I was seen has differing restrictions and is not correctly signed causing confusion? Sorry to go on and on but (if you can make sense of this) I'd be very grateful for any thoughts, experiences and advice. Thank you very much! CF
  20. Hi guys The date of the alleged offence was 26th October 2012 I sent an informal appeal on 4th November 2012 Council received my letter on 7th November 2012 I receive the attached letter dated 20th Demver 2012 My informal appeal has been rejected and I received a NTO on 9th January 2012- Do I have any grounds to make a formal appeal based on the council not replying within a certain amount of time Thx
  21. I have received a parking charge notice which states i was parked in an unauthorised area. It is my vehicle reg but i have never visited this city, so it cannot be me. Should i respond and if so how? appeal or ask for photos? I am worried that my car reg is being used by another vehicle!!
  22. I was abroad for couple of years my car being used by my friends son it was registered at my earlier address how could I find my unpiad PCN is there a register anywhere please help me?
  23. my husband parked on a single yellow line on our high street during restricted hours. He drove off as he was spotted by the PA . Today we got a PCN stating the LA belives a PC is payable due to being parked in a restricted street during prescrivbed hours. He was observed from 10.18-10.19 and notice states PA had started to issue a notice but he drove off. Can they enforce this even if he was stopped /observed for just 60 seconds? He had nowhere to park and had to drop off some urgent packages to post office. Thank you for any input on this as we are not sure what our position is..
  24. Hi all, earlier today I got a parking ticket for £70 whilst I was parked on a Taxi Rank, strange, seeing that I drive a taxi, the Council Parking Warden said that because I was not in my Taxi,( I had nipped out for a pee) he could give me a ticket. The sign next to the Taxi Rank says "No stopping except Taxis at anytime" it does not mention anything about the Taxi needing to be attended. I know that I am supposed to be by my Taxi and available for hire if I am on a Rank, but that is a matter for the licensing officer and not a parking offence I hope. Has anybody got experience of this, or knows the parking law and can help please. It is not a red route, and there are no other restrictions in place, just a normal Taxi Rank. Many Thanks
  25. I was travelling along the Headrow in Leeds in December, when I turned left into Park Row (I think) half my vehicle crossed the thick white bus lane line, I have now recieved a PCN for this. Am I justified in contesting this as I was making an attempt to turn left[ATTACH=CONFIG]40450[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]40451[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]40452[/ATTACH] and the bus lane goes to the very end of the junction. I was only in the bus lane for mere seconds and there was no traffic around. I have attached the PCN paperwork.
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