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  1. This would not be an appeal "by right", but an appeal for leniency on the good will of the council (if they have any left!) Thanks for everyone's reply. I hope there is some good will left in the council. I really don't understand the point of being charged £65 to park for five minutes or so somewhere. If there was parking space I would have bought a ticket but there was not any! The free parking space at the front of the shops always occupied by them. Am I correct to say that CCTV pcn can only be issued if it is not practical for a parking attendant to issue you one as safety etc, like the one they issue on motorway, but this is like a high street I walk out of the car to the agency, if there was an attendant they could have told me to remove it. Where does this world is leading to?
  2. Yeah I was there too same as the dark blu is now, there was couple of other cars there too, it did confuse me so as everyone els who parks there on daily basis I guess, My question Is there is anything I can do about it? I don't mind paying for one if the forgive me for the other two! It is really stressing me out. Thanks for your input.
  3. Tomorrow is the last day to write to them, I really appreciate your help I have received three of these cctv pcn on 10, 11, and 12 /01/ 2013 there is a photo of the location it was oposite 303 romford road. I went to an agency to discuss a house for rent three times and there was other cars tow or more parked there and I thought it was a parking place. I drove up and down the road for a parking space there was none before I fall into this trap and parked here.... there are two hours free parking or something there but they always full... Not being local and only was looking to find a house which I never got. any advise what shall I write to the council, to be honest I don't have £200, I only stopped for a five minutes or saw to ask the agency on the other side of the road to show me the house, it took them three days to show me the house hence I got three tickets.
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