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  1. I purchased a replacement laptop battery via Ebay in August 2013, and chose this supplier as they advertised a 1yr warranty. I paid for the item via Paypal. 9 months down the line, the battery has failed. The supplier has refused to replace it FOC, and wants a part payment, about 75% of the full cost to send another battery. My view is that a warranty supposedly guarantee's the item purchased for a given period of time, and if it fails within that time, then it should be replaced at the suppliers cost, not the consumers. What are your views, please?
  2. Hi I'm new to this so bear with me! We took a secured loan out in 2006 with Nemo Finance for £18,000 PPI was added to the tune of £4,000. I have contacted Nemo and they say its nothing to do with them because the PPI was arranged by the broker! The broker has gone out of business, we are still paying the PPI (and the loan) Nemo say I cant cancel the extra monthly payments for the PPI. We are both self employed so don't think we were even suitable for PPI anyway? Also, the first we knew about it was when we noticed it on the yearly statement. Any advice would be gratefully received!
  3. Hi was wondering whether someone could advise me please. Below may be long but bear with me. I moved into my rental property back in Sept 12. After contacting NPower to carry on supplying the property they informed us that it wasn't them previously. After contact Southern Power they informed us to check the suppliers website and low and behold NPower supplied the property. We contacted NPower again to then be told it was them. We set up the account for Dual Fuel and the Direct Debit to what we normally pay which was £120 pcm. Thought nothing of it and a DD went out for only £40 but thought this was a part payment. During this period we still received mail from NPower for the previous tenant after contacting them on numerous occasions i was told to return the letters back to them and after a month they would stop. . It wasn't until December that i noticed no payment for Nov was taken and none for December itself. Contacted NPower to find out the account hadn't been created correctly and that it still appeared in the previous tenants name. I was told they would correct it. On the 27 Dec i received a letter from Debt Collectors for the previous occupiers. I again contacted NPower to verbally complain about the service received. I was told that the account still hadn't been recreated correctly and that it would be corrected. I spent a fair amount of this day discussing this issue. Again in Jan 13 no payment went out so contacted them again. I spoke to the Customer Services Onwatch Manager who apologised and assured me that the direct debit would be set up for £120 as discussed. I also discussed the outstanding amount from Oct 12 and was told that my account was currently not showing this amount. I waited until Feb 13 and no payment was taken this time i contacted the Complaints Dept and spoke with them. I discussed my concerns about a large bill due to there incompetence and was basically told to suck it up!! The DD was created but i was told it would be Apr 13 before the first payment would be taken. Low and behold a week later a payment of £120 was taken which crippled me for the next month. I contacted Ofgem who told me to write a complaint before they would it involved. I wrote my letter and received a response to contact them. This i did and got a slightly different response to last time contacted them. They apologised stated that the amount from Sep 12 - Feb 13 was not showing on the account and offered £40 as compensation for my trouble. I received a few bills and all was normal until today when i received a bill for nearly £900. I contacted them today and the initial response was "and what do you want me to do about it" however after giving them new readings i was told there was nothing they could do until a new bill was generated. I also informed them that my husband was about to lose his job on the 16 Jul 13. What can I do?? I begrudge pay these clowns as i feel they are at least 75% responsible for this. I was the one doing all the chasing after all.
  4. Hi All, In June this year, me and my lovey hubby took a trip to the Local Cinema, which was very nice, till we got out. Parking ticket on my window, as my hubby, displayed the Disabled badge the wrong way. Fare cop and all, and was willing to pay etc. I decided that I was going to phone them on the Monday, and when I called and gave them the reg no of my car, they said that there was nothing on that Reg number, on closer look at the ticket, the Reg no is different. Slightly, but it's still wrong. I left it, as really they can apply to the DVLA for my details to send the Fine to (when I don't pay it) but, seeing as they had the wrong reg no, then really they wouldn't be able to get my details. today, I opened the mail and had Notice to Keeper, and I have also, noticed that they now have the correct Reg no, on it, But I still have the original ticket, which shows the error. my Reg no is OE08 *** (08 is the year) but they have put on the ticket OEO8 ***. looking further onto the letter we received today, on the top of the letter it says Parking Charge Date 07/10/2013, but on the lower part of the letter it says the 22/06/2013. what I think they have done is, after me calling and giving them my registration number (the correct one) and finding that they have wrote it wrong is to contact the DVLA (however they do that) with my correct reg no which they got from my phone call. mis-leading the DVLA to getting my address to send the Charge to. my question is, have they broke the law here by falsifying a ticket to get my address, and am I right that they can't collect a charge as really they put the wrong details on the ticket. Many thanks Cobra
  5. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this. I live in London (Ealing) and I've been having some problems with my postman - or postmen as I'm not sure if it's the same one. Specifically on three separate occasions I've had them throw a parcel through an open window because it wouldn't fit through the letter box. My bathroom has one of those small windows at the top of the window frame that we usually leave open during the day and the postmen evidently seem to think that if a package doesn't fit through the letter box it's fair game to just lump it through the window. The first time they did this the package knocked my shower screen off its railings and landed in the toilet (I came home to find my new phone floating in the toilet - though thankfully it still worked as it was well packaged). On the other two occasions I've just come home to find a package lying in the bathroom/sink with toiletries scattered everywhere. Slightly less annoying is that on a regular basis they just leave packages lying in the garden rather than take it back to the depot. I've never actually spoken to them because I'm out at work all day, but I did contact Royal Mail and they more or less said that if something hasn't explicitly been damaged in the delivery then it's got nothing to do with them - so I guess it's fair game to just keep throwing packages through windows until something breaks... About the only solution I can think of (short of just dealing with the symptom and locking all our windows!) is writing a note to the postmen and leaving it on the door, but I doubt that will help.
  6. Hi I'm just looking for some advice, I had a guy from Marston turn up this morning, guessed it might be debt collector as going through a bad time at the moment (unemployed) so did not answer. However he pushed a 'Removal Notice' through the door, on which stated that despite previous visits and notices the matter had not been settled. 1, I have had no early visits or note saying they had been to the house. 2, I am sure I have had no correspondents from them ( may have binned one ?) 3, I thought a warrant had to be issued. There is a Parking Fine to Andover Council from last year, however I do not own the car (my son) but is in my name. I've just a old letter from them.(son should have paid). ? can I pay the council £75 or Marston who want £339.04 and probably rising. any advice welcome
  7. Ok i realize im leaving it a bit late but im still before time. Am phoning up to renew tax credits, am on phone going through options for 3-4 minutes on the automated to then be told, we cant help you at the moment, please call back. Ive had this message since yesterday am and again today, I have tried to call over 30 times in last 24 hours. Its to late to send form in post but as it can be done over the phone i wasnt to worried about this. But why leave me pushing buittons for 3-4 minutes to then say, we cant help at the moment, please call back. As i said i know im cutting it fine, ive had soo much going on, but im still before time and cant get through. This is a joke. what are they playing at
  8. Hi, Can somebody please advise me if the Bailiffs pining a letter addressed to myself on the communal notice board in my block of flats is legal for them to do. My neighbour advised me that there was an envelope addressed to myself pinned on the communal notice board for me. When I looked in the envelope it was a letter from Newlyn Bailiffs stating that they have visited my property and they will be gaining access to my flat within 24 hours. I have a dispute with the council at the moment regarding my council tax and they advised the bailiffs were on hold. I thought letters had to be posted through your own personal letter box? I am being charged for 2 other letters I have never received.
  9. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and hope to find the knowledge to help me work out the best way forward. I have a secured loan from First Plus which was taken out to consolidate debt at a point when I was pretty low and not thinking properly. I cannot remember exactly what was said to me at the time of taking the loan out but I was told it was worth paying PPI because I would get all my contributions towards that paid back in the form of cash back after 5 years. I've seen a few threads mentioning SAR but I'm not sure what that is. I did get cash back but I have seen a few people talking about claiming for a refund of their PPI so I am wondering if this is something I should be considering. I also have issues with the huge settlement figure provided to me this week - after 9 years I still owe more than I borrowed.....from a quick browse that seems to be normal but surely it is not ethical? Is there a section of the forum where I can raise that issue separately rather than going totally off topic in here?
  10. hello. i wrote on here in June last year when i went for my esa medical which of course i failed and only got 6 points in. Today at long last i got a massive letter with all the previous letters i had sent them and it says on "if there will be an oral hearing they will tell you where and when it will be heard. I just am not sure what stage i am at. Is it now just going through to a decision maker? Just a little stressed out reading through some of the actual comments the "medical assessor" put if you can call her that at the time i went for the medical. I did also wonder if it did go to a hearing, would i have to attend? That scares me the most out of anything. Any help from someone who has been through and got the same kind of papers i got would be great. thank you all in advance.
  11. Hi everyone, I am being evicted from my flat with my husband and our child. the past two months have been a rollercoaster of emotion for us and I'm not sure how im going to cope,but life goes on and I'm doing the best I can. I havent got the eviction notice yet but recived papers from te courts yesterday-which I think is a defence form and a few other forms just explaining the landlords details and somthing about a possesion order. We are both working, we have low wages but we have always got by, now we cant afford to move out, we spoke to our local council, where we had an appoinment with a housing opitions officer who put us on a deposit scheme, where you can apply for properties with no deposit/rent in advance, but all these properties are atleast 10 miles from our area. When I asked her if she had anything closer she said no and that I was being unreasonable by not showing intrest, I told her I had difficulty to be interested in an area which is 10 miles away from my sons school my and my husbands work and also my university, we have no transport etc I just really want to hear from anyone who is going/has been through the same? thanks
  12. Hi, I recieved a parking ticket through the post about a month ago. It alleges that I was "parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours". Apparently I had driven off before the PCN could be handed over, therefore it came through the post. I appealed via email, within 14 days. My defense was that I have never parked where alleged, nor did I prevent a parking attendant from issuing me a ticket. My recollection of the day was that my girlfriend was driving my car, she was driving herself to the pub on the road where I was allegedly parked. She got out, I got out and went over to the drivers side in order to then go and carry on with my own business. I sat in the car for a minute adjusting the seat, mirrors, (general faffing about!) and I noticed the traffic warden who was walking along issuing tickets, taking details etc. As I was stopped on a single yellow line, I decided it obviously would be sensible to now actually carry on my journey. The notice of rejection said evidence was available on their website, I logged on and there is no evidence, just the details of the alleged contravention. The notice however states the councils reasons as "the evidence recorded by the CEO shows that when the PCN was issued the male driver returned from the co-op. He was advised he had a ticket but drove off". There is no evidence rcorded by the CEO (on the website at least) and I was never told I had a ticket or even entered into any communication with a warden for that matter. I have now recieved a "notice of rejection of formal appeal". My questions are; why did I recieve a rejection of 'formal rather than 'informal appeal'? How can they make such a bold accusation of me 'returning from the co-op??? (FYI the co-op was directly opposite where my car was stopped, the pub is on my side of the road, they are directly opposite each other). I walked around my car to the drivers side and got in from the passenger seat. Any advice appreciated, I can provide further information if needed! Cheers.
  13. With Nadel out, Murray stands a great chance, but there are still quite a few 'hurdles' to cross.
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