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  1. Thank you. I can get that sorted Regarding the statements, I see from their website that they charge £3.50 per sheet or are they by some miracle included within the SAR? We've never had any statement from them which may in itself be against the terms of the credit regulations or maybe I can ask for them in electronic form to reduce the cost
  2. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and hope to find the knowledge to help me work out the best way forward. I have a secured loan from First Plus which was taken out to consolidate debt at a point when I was pretty low and not thinking properly. I cannot remember exactly what was said to me at the time of taking the loan out but I was told it was worth paying PPI because I would get all my contributions towards that paid back in the form of cash back after 5 years. I've seen a few threads mentioning SAR but I'm not sure what that is. I did get cash back but I have seen a few people talking about claiming for a refund of their PPI so I am wondering if this is something I should be considering. I also have issues with the huge settlement figure provided to me this week - after 9 years I still owe more than I borrowed.....from a quick browse that seems to be normal but surely it is not ethical? Is there a section of the forum where I can raise that issue separately rather than going totally off topic in here?
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