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  1. While insured with Tesco motor insurance, we've had 2 bumps. Both times, within months of the accidents, we've had accident and injury claim companies telephoning us on our unlisted landline number asking if we want to make an injury claim. Both times they knew every detail of the accident and our full names, address and all contact details. Do insurance companies have the right to pass on our private information to other companies, and if not, do we have a claim against them?
  2. Tesco Bank is reducing the rate its credit card holders can earn Clubcard points when spending outside of Tesco, blaming a looming cap on interchange fees coming later this year. Currently 2.8 million cardholders can rack up Clubcard points when spending using a Tesco credit card, wherever they spend. But soon the points Tesco Clubcard Credit Card holders can earn on purchases made outside of the supermarket will change from one for every £4 spent to one for every £8 spent. Tesco’s Clubcard Credit card customers will see the change from 1st December. https://www.lovemoney.com/news/48703/tesco-bank-halves-clubcard-points-for-credit-card-customers The points available normally through the Clubcard scheme and by shopping with a Tesco credit card in Tesco stores and on Tesco fuel will remain unchanged.
  3. Did you know if your Tesco Mobile malfunctions, even under guarantee, the store you bought it from will not take it back. You have got to post it in a jiffy bag to a TESCO repair dept. Is that within the Sale of Goods an services Act 1982 or within the spirit of the Sale of Goods and services Act. This policy by Tesco seems to me to be a weasel way of avoiding their responsibilities and passing them on to their customers. Policy seems very similar when companies tell you to send it back to the manufacture which you can refuse to do. Did you know if your Tesco Mobile malfunctions, even under guarantee, the store you bought it from will not take it back. You have got to post it in a jiffy bag to a TESCO repair dept. Is that within the Sale of Goods an services Act 1982 or within the spirit of the Sale of Goods and services Act. This policy by Tesco seems to me to be a weasel way of avoiding their responsibilities and passing them on to their customers. Policy seems very similar when companies tell you to send it back to the manufacture which you can refuse to do.
  4. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/every-little-helps-supermarket-giant-5461757
  5. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right section or whether it should be in the motoring section. I had a car insurance policy with Tesco Bank but my vehicle had to be scrapped in June due to being uneconomical to repair following a breakdown. I wrote to Tesco on 14th June to cancel my policy and I cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. The first I heard back from Tesco was a letter from them dated 28th June in which they informed me that there was a problem with my direct debit and they said I needed to pay the outstanding balance or my policy would be affected. I wrote to them again on 3rd July and informed them that I had written to them on 14th June to cancel my policy and that I then cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. I received a reply dated 24th July once again saying that there is a problem with my direct debit but this time the letter stated that if I did not clear the outstanding balance, then they would cancel my insurance which would then make it hard for me to obtain car insurance in the future. I yet again wrote to them on 25th July but this time sent my letter recorded delivery. Surprise, surprise this time they finally acknowledged that they had received my letter but they deny that I have written to them previously. They also say that they have now cancelled my insurance policy and that this will now make it difficult for me to obtain insurance in the future. How can they cancel a policy that I cancelled myself 2 months ago?! To add insult to injury, they now want over £90 to cover the period between June and August for which they claim my cover was still active because they supposedly didn't receive my two previous letters! This has left me fuming! They have completely ruined the chance of me ever being able to get a car again due their incompetence! I have been biking it to work whilst it is warm and trying to look for another car but now, because they have cancelled my insurance, I won't be able to obtain cover in the future which means I am not going to be able to get to work and back through winter! Apologies for the long post but I wanted to put in as much detail as possible. Is there anything I can do about this?
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/07/28/tesco-ribena-ban-reaction_n_7885776.html People have taken to twitter and other social media and it seems they are NOT happy
  7. Hi and thanks in advance. I wondered if anyone could tell me if I am being, or have been, treated fairly with regards to a debt i have been paying off for some time now. I originally took a personal loan of £15k to buy into a business. It wasn't secured on the house I own, as at the time I was quite credit worthy and didn't expect there to be any problems. This was just before the recession. The business that we had worked hard to build up failed. Sadly my marriage did also. I started to fall behind on my payments and tried to negotiate with Tesco, but was given short shrift. The people I spoke to made no secret of the fact that they would proceed with a view of repossesing the property I own with my ex wife, if their demands were not met. The loan agreement was approx £170 per month, but they were demanding over £300 per month at a time when I simply couldn't afford it. They then placed a charging order on the property. Work for me at the time was sporadic, I am a builder and very little work was taking place at that time. I was staying on friends couches etc and paying them everything I could afford. I have religiously made these payment (on average £100 per month) for nearly a decade, and assumed that the debt would have been reduced significantly. I was informed that the debt had been frozen when I defaulted and it was passed to a debt handling company. Over the last couple of years I have worked 7 days a week to build a company up and things have gone well. I am now in the position to be able to face some of the demons of the past and so requested a breakdown of whatever debt was still outstanding from Tesco. You can probably guess the next bit. They have been charging interest ( I think at 5.9% PA) for the entire duration since I defaulted. I was staggered. I assumed that it would have been down to a nominal figure. I haven't spoken to anyone including Tesco, or the various companies that have pursued the debt on their behalf. I wanted to find out as much as I could before I did so. I am hoping I have some form of case here. The irony is now I can actually afford to pay the figure off in full immediately. It's just that they categorically informed me that the debt had been frozen when the account went into arrears. I am happy to supply as much information as I have if needed. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I have used CAG in the past to help a friend who was threatened with having her home repossessed. The outcome was.......She is still happily living there! Thanks for reading. Gary
  8. Hello Everyone, I took out a car insurance policy with Tesco Bank Car Insurance on 16.03.2015 and emailed my proof of NCB on 19.03.2015. I was told by them that I should receive an 'auto-response' email, which I did. It was stressed to me however that I should receive a confirmation email that the NCB had been accepted and applied to the policy, which I haven't. I therefore rang them today to ask them for this confirmation and they said that all calls were recorded and could confirm that they had indeed received and applied the NCB. They said that because I hadn't supplied a mobile number they couldn't send the confirmation of NCB, as they usually do this by email and text message (even though they have my email address). After hearing horror stories about Tesco Bank Car Insurance I was immediately concerned as something didn't feel quite right. I stated that I would still prefer something in writing, and they said (begrudgingly) that they'll get "someone from the back office" to put it in writing and I should receive something within 10 working days. I also rang them because their policy states that the main driver (me) and the named driver had held a licence for 10 years, when in fact I've held a licence for 17 years, and the named driver 25 years. They said that because I applied online it defaults to a 10 years maximum. Could this be classed as incorrect information should a claim be made? After hearing that people have had their insurance cancelled without their knowledge, the question is, should I be worried about any of this? Best wishes, Milly
  9. Hi All Wondering if I could get some advice from people who have possibly be successful with a query with Tesco affecting their credit file? The long and short of it - plus from what I can remember it was a while ago! I had a mobile phone contract with Tesco in 2012 and cancelled during the 30 day period, I returned the phone to store (where I had taken the phone out) as it was freezing a lot and I wasn't getting on with it. I had to pay the first month upfront so when I returned it the guy in the store the guy helped me transfer numbers across and said 'that's it - nothing more for you to do'. As it was over the Christmas period I forgot about the money owed back to me and rang up to Tesco, they told me it would be with me within 30 days normally and I didn't think twice about it until a few weeks later I hadn't heard anything and rang up to query where the money was. I spoke to C/Services who told me I actually owed them money! I explained that I was advised I could cancel within the 30 day period with no commitments however was told by this person on the phone I owed them for internet usage and wasn't going to be getting the money back either!! I hadn't had any letters up until this point. Over the next few weeks I had several heated discussions with the customer services team and the in store staff but no-one helped. In the end, I lost my rag decided to speak to a manager who agreed that if I paid the money, they would issue it back to me as a refund immediately because of the wrong information given to me and that they had listened to some calls of mine and their call centres. I have now gone to apply for a new mortgage in line with moving home and have now been advised that I have a poor credit rating so cannot benefit from a good rate - checking Equifax it appears Tesco have put me down a 'serious default' - I am so angry as this is the only thing on my credit record affecting it and is has caused me to go from a 10% mortgage to a 20% which is 18k! Any help much appreciated on the next steps to try and challenge this! Thanks K
  10. Start of story, around about last year summer time in tesco i checked a cream by taking out a tiny size amount on my finger to check the fragrance and if it was suitable for me. I didn't like it so put it back. On my way out after i had paid for all my shopping i was approached by a manager and a security guard saying i had used the item and i had to pay for it and if i didn't they will call the police, the manager was being overly and unnecessarily aggressive. I was asked to pay for the item which i did and that was that. Or so i thought. just recently I went in to the same store was approached by the same manager who started saying very aggressively again that you are banned from the store and get the f*** out right now or i'll call to police and to be honest it was all quite threatening. i said OK call the police, he ran up to the security guard desk and was on the phone to someone by the time i got there he had gone away into a back room somewhere and didn't reappear after that at all, leaving me with the security guard who didn't have a clue what was going on. The security guard calls another manager They said that the other manager last year had informed me that, after i used a cream without paying for it, that he had banned me from the store and to leave. She said the police are on their way but if you leave that will be the end of the matter. I said i want to wait for the police to arrive so we can sort this matter out, the police didn't arrive as they apparently weren't even called. I wanted to make a complaint about all this, was told to phone tesco head office and complain. Asked for the managers name who "banned" me, and was told we cant give you his name due to the data protection act. All in all I'm very angry at this situation and would like to make a complaint about this but feel it would get me nowhere and i just needed somewhere to vent about this and receive some advice on what to do. Or should i just leave it all behind me? Needless to say i will never be shopping at tesco again.
  11. Hi all again, I've been trying to arrange a repayment plan for my sisters credit card. I started by sending a "payment holiday request" on the 13/11/2014. They didn't reply to the letter but didn't ask for any money at all in the next two statements. On the 05/01/2015 I send a pro-rate offer letter to start the repayment negotiation. They signed for the letter on the 07/01/2015. My sister got a Default Notice dated 28/01/2015, their letter still didn't mention anything about are offer to repay. Are they allowed to do this? I guess since my sister hasn't been paying what she agreed to there isn't going to be a chance to get the default notice removed. But is it fair if they have blatantly ignored our offer? Could anyone give any advice on this? Thanks Andrew
  12. Hi, I have this CCA from Tesco's that I believe is not enforceable I have tried searching for a that I have seen along the lines of thank you for the CCA but thats not enforceable but I cannot find it does anyone have a link to it or something similar? Thanks in advance
  13. was in my local tesco earlier, minding my own business in the biscuit aisle when i felt something smacking me on the back ..turned and looked around to see 2 pieces of the concrete roof on the floor so thats what hit me, must have fallen a good 50 feet. each bit was about 10cm x 10cm. told a member of staff and the checkout lady and she got he manager and assistant manager, they logged it over the phone in the accident book and i spoke to the person that logged it. i already have something wrong with me that the consultants have yet to diagnose but im under orthopedic care that causes me to be in pain every day ranging from moderate to the point where i have to crawl out of bed. today was an okayish day but since it happened ive been in agony again and ive had to get my crutch out again to support myself. i also suffer from anxiety so when they were all fussing i was trying to hold it together and not have a total meltdown but i was sweating, had the shakes, heart was racing etc i was so warm i looked like a tomato and that didn't go for a good 2 hours after it happened. they paid for my taxi home and she handed my a giftcard, never offered it just said here you go and to be honest i just wanted out of there, like i said i didn't want to have a meltdown in front of every one. i dropped the CEO an email and tweeted them ,someone is going to call me tomorrow after 11.30 but someone said because i 'accepted' the gift card they will not offer anything else? dont really feel comfortable going back in there now either. thanks in advance for the replies.
  14. Supermarket giant Tesco has named the 43 stores it is closing across the country, a move that will see 2,000 staff lose their jobs. The company is currently informing staff at the affected stores. The Express and Home Plus stores will close on 15 March with the Tesco Metros and Superstores on the list closing on 4 April. Tesco warned earlier this month that 43 stores would be shut as part of plans to cut costs. Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis said the decision to close the stores was "exceptionally difficult". "Our priority is to explain what this announcement means for our colleagues and, wherever possible, offer them alternative roles with Tesco," he added. Superstore closures include those in Doncaster and Chatham, while the DIY and homeware Homeplus closures include stores in Edinburgh and Southampton. In total, 18 Express, 12 Metro, seven superstores and six Homeplus stores are shutting their doors. Troubled Tesco 43 unprofitable stores to be closed £250m of cost cuts planned 49 planned new stores to be cancelled 0.3% fall in like-for-like store sales over the six-week Christmas period Source: TescoPA The move follows two successive years of falling sales and profits, and a shock accounting scandal, which saw the chain overstate its profits by some £263m. Mr Lewis, who joined the retail giant from consumer goods firm Unilever just five months ago, has pledged to slash costs and sell assets to fund lower prices and mend Tesco's finances. Retail union Usdaw said the store closures were "devastating news" for the 2,000 staff involved. "Our priority is to maximise employment within Tesco, seek redeployment opportunities for members, where possible, and to keep job losses to a minimum," said Pauline Foulkes from the union. Tesco's announcement marks a stark contrast to Tuesday's update from Waitrose that detailed plans to create 2,000 jobs in new shops and by expanding existing sites. The retailer is opening 14 new shops from spring this year, seven of them smaller convenience outlets. However, of the so-called "big four" supermarkets, which includes Tesco as well as Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Asda, most are shelving expansion plans or even closing stores. In November, Sainsbury's said it was scrapping plans for new stores, while Morrissons plans to close 10 loss-making stores this year. Tesco store closures Tesco Express stores: Bearwood Belvedere Church Street Ballymena Heaton Chapel Heybridge Essex Houghton Regis Liverpool Kensington Longbridge Road Barking Northfield Birmingham Raymouth Lane Worksop Sheffield Manor South Tottenham High Road Tredegar Troon Walsall Wood Wealdstone Whitley Bay York Road Hartlepool Tesco Metro stores: Bicester Bootle Caerphilly Crossgates Devizes Grangemouth Mexborough Morecambe Ormskirk Runcorn Smethwick Woodseats Tesco Superstores: Bedlington Chatham Connswater Cregagh Road Doncaster Kirkcaldy Wrexham Doods Lane Tesco Homeplus: Bristol Cribbs Chelmsford Chester Edinburgh Southampton Staines
  15. Due to Torie government cuts i lost my job and i have been shoplifting for a couple of years now to carry on trying to support my family as best as i can until i find another job. Sadly for me my luck ran out and I was caught shop lifting via the self checkout service in Tesco just before Christmas, i stole £93.67 worth of goods and police were called etc. I was fined £90 on the spot fine which i have paid. I recieved a letter today from RLP today asking for the sum of £147.50 which i will be ignoring as unenforceable etc and i have already paid the fine for my punishment to the police. I was banned from the Tesco store but i did not sign anything at all in the security office as the security guard didn't seem to have a clue what he was doing and it was actually one of the store workers who spotted me and alerted the security guard. Was i meant to sign anything at all in the security office to aknowledge anything/Accept that i am now banned from Tesco for shoplifting there? What will happen if i am caught Shoplifting again, say within a year? I am aware that i will be arrested but will it just be another fine via the court room or am i looking at community service as well? Thanks
  16. I bought a salvage vehicle earlier this year. Repaired it. It was a cat. Then later on the car was reversed into by a tesco insured driver. My vehicle was taken away to the body shop while i had a courtesy vehicle. Two weeks later i was told that as my vehicle had been involved in a previous accident and the damage had not been fully repaired. My insurance company offerred me £100 as salvage and told me the vehicle would be a cat c. I asked for the engineers report which stated that the damage was similar to the damage the vehicle had sustained in a previous accident and that the vehicles value was £1000 plus the mileage quoted was incorrect as the car had only done 68000. The engineers reoprt stated that the milage was 83000. I told my own insurance company about this and they said chase tesco who will be able to handle this claim . I then contacted tesco who have sent me from pillar to post. I.e Wanting proof of repair, Where the repair happened, How much i paid etc. Where the parts came from etc. I got a letter of the garage who repaired it. over the 3 months i have been given the run around. Something i found out earlier this week. My vehicle has had a cat c marker placed on it by my own insurance company who will not remove it until tesco place their own category marker on it. MY company is ageas and the policy underwriters for the third party are ? youve guessed it Ageas. Tesco came back with a offer of £290 after their own engineer came out to inspect. Then after waiting for 2 weeks for this payment to arrive which i was going to reject. i phoned up only to be told that i claimed major damage to my car where as there was minor damage to it. So now it is being further investigated. What do i do ?
  17. Poor ol' Tesco, they just can't seem to get anything right these days. They proudly trumpeted a new app for Google Glass: http://www.bitterwallet.com/tesco-launch-app-for-google-glass/82686 The very next day Google announce they're withdrawing them from sale: http://www.bitterwallet.com/deathwatch-google-glass/82727 Doh!!
  18. Hey, so im gonna try and not bore you all with unnecessary detail basicly i was caught shoplifting yesterday at tescos, it was not a mistake i knew i was doing it and i accept my wrong doings. They treated me fine and took down my details, i gave them back the products (a shampoo and conditioner) that total cost came to £8 something (which i was not asked to pay as i returned the products), i was not treated badly or wrong by them. I was informed that i would be getting a letter from the RLPicon with a fine of between £70-150 and i am banned from tesco for 3 months. I am 17 and live of benefits and have very little money, basicly over the last year i have been diagnosed with complex post traumatic stress disorder and have spent between 5-6 months in an inpatient unit due to me being highly suicidal and a self harmer (please do not express negative opinions towards this), the last incident was 2 months ago when i had to be treated from an overdose at my local hospital, now i am not making excuses or trying to say its not my fault as i knew what i was doing but at times i get a overwhelming erge to be reckless or self sabotaging acts one of which was this shoplifting. I am wondering when i get this fine and can not pay it where do i stand and what is the best thing for me to do? I can not tell anyone around me this is happened down to shame and anxiety.
  19. Hi everyone, My story: I've been caught with a pair of headphones for 25 GBP. I know what I did is very wrong and I apologise and I swear to myself that I'd never do it again. I did not get any letters yet but they said that I will. Police was involved and they came to my house to confirm that I live there (my parents were at home). I also have no criminal records and I am 16. Can you please tell me what is going to happen and what are the procedures? Any suggestions? Yes, I will never do it again. Thank you
  20. Evening All,* Just wondered if anyone has any comments on an issue were having with my 17 year old brothers car insurance..* was involved in accident Monday after college. Not sure who is at fault yet but his little Punto is a write off.. He has a box/tracker on car so wasn't speeding but the other car was. He rang insurance up Tuesday morning to inform them and he was told he couldn't have a courtesy car as car was a write off - fair enough.. They went through all his details and he told them he had changed his apprenticeship / job last month.. That was that, car has been taken away today and we are awaiting a call from claims department.* In the meantime customer services have called to say he needs to pay them an £80 fee due to him changing his apprenticeship/job. Now bearing in mind he is only 17 and goes to college once a week the rest of the time he is just sweeping up and painting walls due to his age. The insurers have put him down as a " welder" because he told them he is an apprentice for an engineering company.. He has been told the occupation is a higher category and he must pay £80. He has never welded anything in his life! At 17 he's not even really allowed on the main floor where they do the welding. He's paid peanuts as it is and attends college and they are trying to get him to pay this £80 for being a " welder". His other apprenticeship was in a warehouse 5 minutes down the road and he had no idea he had to inform his car insurance about the change. He's paid for the car himself and paid £2000 up front for the insurance and I just feel they are being really harsh. Just wondered if anyone had any helpful comments? He just wants to pay it to be honest because it's now holding up his claim. Thanks guys, Rachael.*
  21. Anyone had any problems with fuel from tesco? Apparently i am the 4th person to breakdown and also had purchased my fuel from tesco. Awaiting correct diagnosis until i write complaint! Just wondering if anyone else has had problems.
  22. Hi folks, I'm really at the end of my tether. Had an ongoing problem for well over a year now re poor broadband speed. I've complained on numerous occassions to Tesco and lately have been dealing with their head office. My speed has never been great. We're about 7 miles from Invernes and 3 miles from our exchange ( Croy ). Tesco are blaming BT telling us that we have line noise which we do. We've had numerous engineers out and last month open reach came out after a fault WAS discovered. Open reach told us it's a ground loop noise and it's underground, and they can't trace it. When I reported the latest poor speed to Tesco in September they said we did have a lot of noise and they'd arrange openreach to visit. After a day & 1/2 openreach said they couldn't trace the problem and the only way it would get sorted would be to give us new phone lines. They said they'd reset the profile at our exchange and the speed went from 300 kbps up to 2mbps within minutes. 2 weeks ago it dropped again, and went down to 100 kbps dropping as low as 30 kbps in the evenings. My neighbour 2 doors down hs BT as his provider and his speed has been as bad as mine. However, when we've compared reports, his speed is high ( 2mbps ) and mine is low. When mine is high, his is low. Neighbours on my other side are with plusnet and they seem to be at a constant 2mbps day or night. I'm paying £21 for a dial up speed. I can't listen to spotify never mind watch iplayer, and my wife can only use her tablet for browsing when I'm not online. We are REALLY angry that BT can get away with this. BT now say there's no fault on the line put up or shut up. I'm not going to shut up I want decent broadband. Who the heck can I go to ? By the way, we have no extensions to our junction box. The router goes directly into the box coming in a few feet away from where I am. I've also tried different routers, cleared browser cache, tried speedtest using linux and all with the same results
  23. Many people will have been watching Tesco's recent debacle. I have lost over £5000 with the share price fall, over the last 4 months. Tough, you may say. The reality is that I bought my shares based on the financial accounting data published by Tesco in their annual report. Yesterday, I watched the new CEO Dave Lewis, parachuted in from Unilever. He said the "accounting errors" appear to have been undertaken for several years. They have declared £265 million in profits they actually don't have, and won't have. A definition of fraud is: " the intentional misrepresentation or concealment of an important fact upon which the victim is meant to rely, and in fact does rely, to the harm of the victim". I'd say that is exactly what Tesco have done. I'm tempted to issue a county court claim against them, for fraud. Any thoughts, please?
  24. You will have seen on the news today that Tescos have suspended a number of senior managers, because they managed to over estimate half year profits by £250 million. How can any company manage to get their sums wrong by that amount ? Does it just confirm how much money these companies are involved with. Last year it was revealed that supermarkers took 58% of all retail spending. They keep building all these extra large supermarkets, as well as all the small high street stores. Perhaps they are getting too big to be able to run them properly ?
  25. I was caught shoplifting nail varnish from tesco today, to be honest I have been stealing nail varnish for awhile now I don't no why, my Nana passed away last year and my relationship of 5 year broke down, not that this is any excuse only reason I can think of its really not like me to steal, normally I shop at sainsburys and I haven't been caught, but when shopping at tesco today I got caught, I paid for my shopping (not the varnish) and went to walk out the shop, when I got stopped and taken to a room out the back, I can hardly remember anything that was said, I think they said there was cctv, I had previously been to pets at home before going to tesco, they took out everything from my bags and went through the receipts, they asked why the nail varnish wasn't on there i lied saying i don't know it was a mistake, they said because it was under £10 (£9.50) they wouldn't call the police but they would pass my information to rlp, they took my address and asked for Id so I gave my passport they did not take a copy of it. My main question is will i now have a criminal record? If I don't pay the bill will i get a criminal record? should i pay the bill? I feel very ashamed not just for being caught but for every other time I done it i don't no why I do it, it doesn't make me feel good so I don't know why I do it, it is probably a good thing I got caught hopefully it will be a wake up call. Thank you for any help.
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