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  1. Hi, I just received a letter from "Network Finance Recovery" to pay for "overdue account" in Orange. I split with Orange 3 months ago, after being 4 years with them and they've sent me two bills, each for over 100 pound, which I completely disagree with. I actually paid one, and didn't pay the other one (I simply cancelled my dd with them). Right now I have a letter from this finance recovery company asking me to pay the bill + their fine (around 50 quid). Anybody ever dealt with Network Finance Recovery? Is there any way to contest all this and simply avoid paying this bill? Which to the best of my knowledge is some sort of [problem]? Thanks in advance for any piece of advise. Best Regards, JJ
  2. Had the usual threatograms from moorcroft with regards to an alleged debt to Orange that I know nothing about. I have sent them the prove it letter recorded delivery which they signed for on 24th April. They have ignored this and sent me another threatogram with the usual rubbish about sending people to my house to take my firstborn child or some such twonk. Is there a standard bugger off this is in dispute letter anywhere?
  3. I purchased a new MotoG with new pay monthly contract less than 3 months ago. The phone now won't turn on having discharged overnight. I have found that this is a recognised fault. So I phoned Orange, but they said I had to send it off for repair and won't replace it because I don't have insurance. Surely if a phone develops a manufacturing defect fault within 3 months, I should be entitled to a replacement? Especially if this website's forum manager says this https://forums.motorola.com/posts/3d5eadc25d?page=6 "We're working to eliminate this issue in a future update." What are my rights under Sale of Goods Act?
  4. I've been an Orange / EE PAYG customer for many years, mainly because their service is really the only option where I live. In any case, I travel to Asia for work, typically 3 to 4 weeks at a go. During this time my UK phone is with me and off becaue it has no service where I work (and I mean no service, nothing). So, imagine my surprise to learn that on one trip while the phone was switched off it had used circa £70 in internet useage (and I have free internet as part of my PAYG). Endless calls to Orange and they acknowledge an error, my account will be refunded. No refund so another round of calls to Orange in India. The manager in India tells me "I'll make certain you never receive your refund". So, off to MCOL. Now, Orange has written to me: no acknowledgement of error just a "goodwill" gesture of my total claim amount. However, the letter states that I must alow Orange 30+ days to send the cheque. My question: - Orange has repeatedly not lived up to its comittments to refund, therefore I don't trust it; - A promise to pay is not payment, therefore I am not inclined to discontinue my claim. Therefore, my view is ask for a judgement if I do not receive payment with the 28 days from deemed service. I would be most grateful for CAG's thoughts on this. (Note: the service address of Orange is: Everything Everywhere Limited Hatfield Business Park Hatfield Hertfordshire AL10 9BW tel: 01707 317000)
  5. Hi guys, hope someone can help with this. I was previously on a mobile contract with Orange, got into arrears and arranged a payment plan to clear those arrears over six months. The plan was agreed to in December (2013) and I have been paying as agreed. Viewing the details with Noddle, I found that Orange had not updated my credit score to show I was paying the money back. I have been given two different email addresses to contact their credit file queries team: creditfilequery@ee.co.uk and creditfilequeries@ee.co.uk, I sent emails on 21st Feb and 7th March respectively and had no reply about it. My new updated credit report now shows a default, despite having made payments as agreed. Is there any way to contact Orange besides email? A few minutes chat would sort all this out and I can carry on making the last few payments.
  6. Good Morning, I am just after some advise in regards to late payment markers which my previous mobile phone provider Orange/EE placed upon my credit report. I have had numerous late payment marks placed due to me refusing to set up a direct debit with them as they on 3 occasions took incorrect payments from my account which then took them 2 weeks after being informed to refund to my account, they also cut me off on numerous occasions even though the full amount had been paid on the bill. On a few occasions I missed the payment date by 7-14 days due to being away on business etc... I was in the understanding that the providers were unable to place late payment marks on your credit file if the payment was less than 30 days late, is this not right or am I right? I look forward to receiving your guy's answers on this. Thanks.
  7. my husband received two letters today, one from Lowell Profolio and the other from Bryan Carter . Both letters are for the same orange debt, my hubby had orange before I met him and lost his job so he said he had contacted orange and that was that. today two letters appeared on my door and the carter letter seemed a bit frightening as I do not want any court porceedings to happen and we can not phyiscally afford to pay the £1259.66 they are asking for. please can someone give me some advice. this is something i can not ignore and my hubby is ill with depression so i dont want him going down spiral. many thanks
  8. Hi guys... Basically, since i upgraded my contract back in march 2011, i have had no signal. I moved a day or two after i upgraded, and my new area has no signal. I called orange, and they basically said "tough sh.." so ive been in contract, paying for the past 16 months for a phone i cannot use. O n 29th may i signed into my account, and found out my price had been increased! - I was not informed of this... apparently texts were sent, but i didnt get one... So, as the text would be stored on Orange systems, I have put a SAR request in... under the DPA, Orange are not entitled to request more information than absolutely necessary in order to process the request... this has been going on since may 29th, and no luck is progressing , ive refered my case to CISAS... what i want to know is Orange has my details, account address, bank details ETC, so therefore my SAR request below would stand correct? below are last few messages... I recieved a letter in the post this morning from orange saying that they want a copy of a utility bill showing my full address (Orange could provide me with this) and a copy of my passport (they are already well aware of my ID) - their letter also states they will not deal with my SAR until i complete their form... which i do not intend to do, but the letter also states "A fee for the sum of £10 made payable to Orange (we are entitled under the DPA to charge a fee of this ammount)" on their actual SAR form it states "Under the DPA 1998 you have the right to ask if we process your personal data and if so to be provided with a copy of that information. Please complete this application form (typed if possible) and return it to us together with a payment of £10 (cheques should be made payable to Everything Everywhere t/a Orange. We will reply within 40 days of reciept of the completed form and fee" now please correct me if i am wrong on my possition that my email started the 40 day limit on 13th June 2012, as i gave them permission to debit my bank / card with the £10 fee... my CISAS complaint does not revolve mainly on the price increase, but the numerous complaints i had with orange for poor broadband service, lack of billing, failure to provide service, and failure to reply to complaints... The CISAS have accepted a previous message from Orange as a "Deadlock letter" as Amanda has stated in it " We are happy for you to seek independant advice on this matter and we will not reply further" but wont actually issue a deadlock letter... I intend to take ORange to Small Claims court, so my SAR (see how detailed my request is below) will be my main weapon against them, with the numerous complaints ETC I filed with them. i also like the fact that orange wont respond to my complaint for lack of service as she cannot "locate my previous correspondance" (totally rude, and absolutely irresponsible in my view)... - but it all goes in my favour with CISAS... I have asked for CISAS to basically give me £120 (contract payments for mobile service not being recieved) and a formal letter of appology from orange for lack of support / reply to complaints, and a termination of my account with no fee. I feel this is well below what i am entitled to. I have put no claim in for damages ETC... so would you guys say this is would go through well? if CISAS cant deal with it appropriately, I will take it to small claims, and the SAR will be key with "Cell Data" showing i have been unablee to use my phone in my home area.
  9. Hi there, was hoping to get some advice on a problem I've had with Orange. I was checking my bank account yesterday and noticed Orange had taken out a whopping £202 for my last months bill. Now I knew I'd use a bit of excess data but nowhere near that much. Upon checking my bill I found I'd been charged for calls to a premium rate number that were never connected. I'm in the process of emigrating to New Zealand (I actually fly next Tuesday) this has all been very short notice due to personal reasons I won't go into. On the 9th April I was at my fiancee's parents house putting together the evidence for my visa application and had a query I needed to raise with NZ Immigration. No big deal I thought I'll phone them, it's a Premium number but it's only a quick question, and I have to make the last post for the day to send my application. When I dialed the number I got a recording saying something along the lines of calls to this number are blocked from my phone press whatever to speak to a customer service rep. So of course I did that, they said they'd unblocked it and to turn my phone off and on again and I'd be able to make the call, easy. So I do that, get the same message, hang up. Try again a couple of minutes later, same thing, few minutes later same again. Try resetting my phone again, same message. So I phone again and choose the option to speak to someone, they tell me I shouldn't have been told it would be done there and then because it can take up to an hour. Not happy but it's still in time so I try again a few times over the next hour. Comes to an hour and 10 minutes after the original call and it's still not working, so I choose the option to speak to someone. This person then tells me they don't know why I was told this as it can take up to 24 hours! Obviously I'm not happy at all about that and ask to speak to a manager to discuss why I've been told 3 different things and the problems this is causing me, I have to wait quite a while and we go through a few things and in the end she says there's still a good chance it will work in time, and she'll phone me back. I wait and make two final attempts just before 5pm and of course still not working. About an hour later the manager phones back and I make my displeasure known that if I'd been told originally it was going to take that long I'd have had the time to drive home to make the call (her parents are emigrating as well and had already had all their accounts closed and disconnected as they were leaving the next day). In the end I had to pay to have a same day courier deliver my application on the Monday but I decided to let it slide as I'd be free of Orange soon anyway. it turns out though that after all of that I was charged for every single one of those phone calls at a premium rate despite none of them making it past Orange's blocked message. The half hour I spent on the phone to the manager cost me just shy of £60. After incorporating VAT I was charged £120 for calls that never went past Orange themselves. Obviously being quite angry but figuring it was a fairly simple problem, I phoned Orange yesterday and explained all this. The woman on the phone didn't seem to believe me when I said none of the calls had connected, I mean, making a load of 5 second phone calls to a premium rate number, followed up by a 30 minute call, followed up two more 5 second calls is obviously what I wanted to do....... She explained she couldn't refund my money and that it had to be investigated by an "offline" team who would phone me back. Great I thought, what time will they call? Sometime in the next two weeks........ Given that they'd billed me just shy of 3 times what they should I explained I didn't think it was reasonable for them to sit on that money for 2 weeks and was basically told sorry but we can't do anything. I contacted Barclays straight after and they reversed the direct debit within an hour, so at least I've got my money now, but has anyone had experience of something similar with Orange? It seems insane that they'd consider it acceptable to try and sit on that money for 2 weeks whilst they "investigate" what is a very obvious case. So I'm now left with a £202 outstanding balance on my Orange account that I'm going to have to deal with from outside the country, which is going to be a complete nightmare. Sorry if this is long winded it's just a very stressful thing to have thrown at you a week before you move to the other side of the world!
  10. I need some general advice for my uncle please, i am not used to dealing with orange as not used orange before. My uncle went into an orange shop about a year ago and wanted a basic phone package for around £20 a month. However after getting billed roughly £35+ he stopped the direct debit and asked for a breakdown of why he was being billed so much (his carer did as my uncle is a bit elderly and easily confused) and it has transpired he was sold a business contract why on earth this contract was sold to him i have no idea as anyone who has contact with him can see he is indeed a vulnerable adult also a pensioner he continues to pay £20 a month but asked for the contract to be terminated and he agreed with orange to do this while i act on his behalf to get to the bottom of why he was sold a business contract in the beginning?. . conveniently the person who sold him the contract no longer works at the orange store where it was sold. Buchanan clark and wells have now decided to chase him for the outstanding amount for which he is paying to orange at £20 a month as agreed with orange prior to my involvement any suggestions would be great please as i'm not sure which direction to go in with BCW? Thanks in advance:???:
  11. I had an upgrade with Orange for Samsung S5 phone and I was sent a new phone. After 2-3 weeks the phone stopped working and i called up orange in return they send me a replacement handset. I was told that a replacement handset shall be sent by a courier and I should hand over the faulty phone to the same courier person. I received the new handset and handed over the old handset as i was told. After 1 Month i receive a different faulty handset and been told that i returned a different phone to orange then the one they gave me. I did not switch the handset at all still being accused of doing so and unfortunately i dont have any way to prove it. The phone i received now has screen broken, the faulty handset i returned had charging issues and the phone was in very good condition. When i contacted orange they are saying i didnt not return them original handset and hence they charged me 300 gbp on my monthly bill. I called up Orange 8-10 times to explain them myside of the story but no one would believe and when i tried to end the contract i am told i should be paying the remainder of the contract fee which is 450 GBP in addition to giving away the handsets I have been with ORANGE for last 5-6 years and have used best phones but this incident has inclined me to end this relationship with them and move onto other service providers. Others be warned when you return any handset back to ORANGE take a snap of the phone you returning which IMIE displayed and also take a snap while you handing it over to the person. My advice is never ever do business with ORANGE. I am very upset and disturbed by this incident.
  12. The details of more than 1m customers of Orange have been stolen by hackers in the second such breach in just three months at France’s largest telecoms group. In the latest phishing [problem] to hit the telecoms provider in a year, 1.3 million users have had their data swiped, including email addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/042ee31c-d5f4-11e3-a017-00144feabdc0.html#axzz31gT8bJQt
  13. Hi everyone i'm new here, i have letters from hampton legal saying i owe 3 and orange , £350 and £222 but i'm 100% confident if anything i owe them £100 each and these are from about 3/4 years ago and now they are saying the have assessed my finicial situation and that i can afford to pay them in full which is ridiculous as i'm a single mother with no csa or support and only recieve income support child tax credit and child benefit, and my bank account is an overdraft most of the time . Can they freeze my bank account or my childs bank account ? Will they actually take me to court over £572 ? Should i contact them ? Please help i'm so stressed i can't sleep or eat i cannot afford to pay that as i'm living basically hand to mouth as it is. Any advjce would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Emily
  14. We've gotten a bit behind with the payments on a contract phone and have wrote to Orange twice, before Christmas, to sort it out. It was a smallish amount that could easily be spread out over the contract of the phone over a few months. They ignored us. We then sent a formal complaint via email. Still no answer. We have received today a bill for the entire contract of 336.54 as opposed to the 95.08 that we wanted to spread over the rest of the contract over a few months. The letter is from BCW. I phoned today but as the phone is in my wife's name they couldn't tell me anything, which I knew and understand. However, they refused to send out to me a copy of their complaints procedure. This is not specific information relating to the account so not sure why they wouldn't. Plus, in the past people have been ok sending that type of information to the addressee they have on file anyway. This would just be like sending a normal letter. I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. Thanks Lee
  15. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with this? I've been with Orange for probably 10 yrs now, same account & number, and I upgraded my phone in January after my previous 24 months ended, and opted for a non-iPhone deal for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Anyway, since then, EVERY bill has been wrong and we have been charged for every megabite of data, even though as part of my tarrif I get 1gb included. I called them on 7th April to complain about this and was told by a chap there that they hadn't applied the correct tariff and that he would pass it to their 'resolution' team or some other department, to deal with it and get things refunded. It's today the 26th April and I called to chase them as we have heard nothing, and was told that it had never been referred to anyone (the lady today said it should be the billing department). Up to now I was quite happy for them to correct their error and get on with it but quite frankly I've had enough of their shoddy service and believe that I have a right to terminate or rescind the contract, as they haven't fulfilled their side of the contract and provided me with the service that I signed up to. Am I right? Surely they can't just say 'we're resolving the problem' as the person on the phone today said? It's very nearly May and not one of our bills has been correct. Could I ask anyone who knows about this sort of thing a couple of questions please? Firstly, who should I write to, just the complaints department or cancellations department, or formally to the MD? Secondly is it advisable to send the handset back with this letter? I'm not fussed about trying to cancel and keep the phone, that is not my objective at all, but don't know if I need to? Thanks in advance for your help. Mark.
  16. Hi, not sure if in the right place but hopefully will be directed accordingly. Here is my problem. My husband has a building company which is Ltd. He had a business contract with orange for 2 mobile phones. He started to get a lot of nuisance calls so contacted Orange to ask them to change his number. At first they said they would do this free of charge and it would take 3 days. When the 3 days had elapsed he contacted them again and they asked for another 5 to 7 days as they were having technical problems. After waiting the requested time he contacted them again, they said they were unable to change the number. He again asked them if he cancelled the contract and set up a new one would there be a charge, they said no there would not. He therefore cancelled the contract and set up another one for the new number. Next thing was he received the final bill for the old contract, this included a £1200.00 charge for contract cancellation. He rang them and queried this as they had said it would be free of charge. They denied this and said the charge stood. He asked for them to review the recording of the original conversation and said that it was no longer available. They have now passed the debt onto Buchanan Clarke and Wells. This company are constantly harassing my husband by phone and post. Last week we received a letter stating they would be calling out to our home for doorstep collection. My husband is absolutely adamant that he will not pay this £1200.00 which is linked to the Ltd Company. There are no company assets at our home. Where do we stand with this ? Any advice would be appreciated.
  17. Checked my credit file, Had a default from Arrow for £9.52. So i sent them a letter asking for a CCA agreement (was unaware mobile wasnt covered for this). They have responded with the following After some advice to go back at them, My next approach will be my SAR request - how ever mobile phone accounts are somewhat hard to over come, its very annoying to be default for such a small number. Any tips and advice would be most welcomed.
  18. ]PLEASE HELP ive tried to be a thorough as i can so theres no confusion. My husband had been with orange for about 7 years and had always paid his bills on time and in full by direct debit. A few years ago he got fixed on the idea of an i-phone, so he signed up for a 2 year contract for it in store. Again all bills were paid in full. His contract ended and it continued to roll on while he decided what he would have and do next. The bill continued to be paid as always. In around January/ February time my husband finally decided to go under a new contract, having paid 36-40 every month for a contract where my husband was only ever using about 60 minutes out of 500 each month and very little sms messages, We decided that he needed to have a lower contract as we were paying for something he simply didn't need or use. This time we did so online. We chose an 18 month contract at £26 a month with HTC desire s. The phone arrived and the sim was placed in it but with in two days the phone was collected again and replaced with a new one as it was not connecting properly and so failed to work. The problem continued with the next one for a while also. we were continuously on the phone trying to rectify the issue, when finally we received our contract details. They were wrong. Despite sending out the correct phone they then sent us contract details for another iphone contract at £35 for 2 years again and this was the contract the sim card was under. We contacted orange and we were repeatedly passed from person to person, we rarely got phone calls back when we were told they would. The phone bill was still going out at the £35. We were offered the contract reduced to 18 months then we were offered it at £30 or so for the two years instead. they were trying to pretend that they were giving us great deals, extra minutes ect but it was things we did not need let alone require or what we signed up for. the direct debit was cancelled, untill the problem was rectified. Eventually this happened and the moment I had some spare 5 mins or so I telephoned them and asked for details to set up my online banking so they could be paid again, by the time they sorted the problem we were two months in arrears. However i was still happy to set up the payments and informed them that i could not budget that same week for an extra £52 on top of the current bill due. She understood (or so I thought) and that I was able to pay extra each month to clear off the outstanding. Everything with the bank was in the process of being set up, when I received a call from my husbands work phone saying his mobile wouldn't work. They had cut him off that day despite my having made contact. Once again I was on the phone to orange but this time I was being put through to the arrears department. They refused point blank to turn the phone back on untill the full £84 pound was paid (contract plus late payment fee) I explained I could not afford that and the recent phone call id made. but they were determined and refused to turn his line on, as well as this they continued to bill him for the months where his phone was not on so he could not use it. they expected us to pay off the full balance just like that despite the problems wed had and the severe lack of customer service, even if i managed to save the 80 or so pound to pay them by the time I could it would have been 106 and so on. eventually having gotten no where with them the hubby got a pay as you go sim as he could not be without a phone should something happen to the children. We never received contact again.then about 6 months ago when we signed up for equilfax (as we are trying to sort out our credit files having suffered greatly with finances the last two years). Unfortunately we discovered orange had defaulted us for the 106.62 pence. we were never made aware of this and had not received any correspondence. We were disgusted, my husband was always a loyal customer and we tried to rectify the problems from the start, but they would have none of it. I did some research and we wrote to orange explaining the situation and that we were never made aware of it, and also the financial difficulties we had faced. We stated that we were getting on track and things were being corrected and want to pay that balance plus a little extra for a notice to delete. The reply we got was a simple this is your file for a reason and the answer was no and we still owed the money. Since then we've received various letters from companies stating they are collecting almost £500 on behalf of orange which is obsurd, its now settled to none other then lowell who want 540.02. not only this but weve been hit twice. not only did lowell apparently buy the debt but rather then take it over on our credirt file so it still stays as oine default, they have added another. so we now have a default for 106 from orange and a default for 540 from lowell for the exact same thing. the hubbys file is sqeeky clean except for these however we are now unable to obtain a mortgage or any other credit. Ive tried to contact orange by telephone however they have actually blocked the phone it would appear as it just states thank you for calling and were sorry we cant not take your call. However by simply dialling 141 first I can go through to the automated line but then no further as there customer service lines are far from managed properly. Im at my wits end juggling three children under 5 while try to correct this error and getting nowhere, any help or info would be greatly appreciated. we have since gone through equilfax as well to try and solve it and lowell investigated agreed that orange made a mistake at the beginning but they sorted it before cutting the line off lowell have then come back and offered a discounted rate however they have made no effort or even mention the fact that there are twoi defaults for the same thing double jeapardy, im sure this is illegal as well as not recieving an idication from orange in the first place saying they were placing a default and selling it on ive attached copy of equilfax report showing the two defaults thank you for your time
  19. Hi there, recently I just purchased a new PAYG mobile, my friend found the offer online and bought it for me. The brand new phone only cost 2.99 and I had to purchase £10 top up with orange. I had the phone for 2 days, I had not used it at all and my first text was from a company asking me if I wanted to claim compensation for my accident! Grrr! I was confused as to how this company got my number, as it's not an Internet phone and my numbers not on the net anywhere. I phoned orange, they told me it was because I'd been on the net, I told them no I hadn't. I asked if they had sold my number to marketing companies, to which they strongly denied. The answer to it in the end from orange was that it was a recycled number from 2009 and that's how they got my number! I said to orange that's a coincidence that after 5 years, within 2 days I'm receiving marketing texts. They absolutly assured me they don't sell customers details, I said ok if that's what your saying, but I'm not sure. They told me if I wasn't happy I could report to ombusman. Having been in a situation where my own insurance company sold my details I'm not sure if I trust any big company anymore! Also recently my partner phoned the CAB for debt advice and within an hour texts came through from companies offering to clear debts!!! He does have an iPhone but I'm unclear how that happened too! So any thoughts, do orange sell details? Anyone with similar experiences out there? Thanks!
  20. Hi all. I am having all kinds of problems with Orange stretching back to March. I won't bore all with the details but after speaking to customers services, managers, team managers etc... i still cannot get the issue resolved and am receiving really poor, rude customer service. I wish to complain as high as i can. Does anyone have an up to date head office address?
  21. Ok, this is for my daughter. She had an Orange contract, which tbh was a nightmare from day 1. She signed a 24 month contract and within 2 months they put it up by about 20%. I was very ill at the time so she wasn't paying attention and therefore was deemed to have accepted this. She then obviously paid the next 22 odd months at this extortionate rate. Awful customer service, awful coverage. Basically she couldn't wait to be shot of them. She then had problems cancelling the contract and was given conflicting information every time she phoned. She asked them to unblock her phone and after a long saga, was finally free of them. They even sent her £30 back. She later received a bill saying she owed a final £20 (for unblocking the phone?) and they are now chasing her with a letter from Moorcroft. The letter states that Orange will reconnect her at no charge once she has paid!! Does anyone have any idea or letter template to ask them cease and desist? Pretty please? Many many thanks!
  22. Hi, I have been with Orange for more than 10 years and every upgrade we always have a bit of a haggle, as annoying as that is I have accepted it. This time they have really annoyed me and now they have not responded to my complaint - after 8 days! here's the story: I have upgraded from an iPhone 4s to a 5s. When negotiating the deal with the chap (whose name and extension have gone in my complaint) I told him I don't pay for phones and what could he do. He set out a deal which was acceptable (not as good as the deal I had agreed with the person I spoke to the day before of which there was apparently no record!). When I queried what size 5s he was giving me he said 16gb. I said I wasn't sure that would be big enough as I think my old one is bigger, he says he has checked the system and my old phone if a 16gb - OK, go ahead I say. my pics and music will fit on so that fine. I create a back up of my 4s and then go to upload to the new 5s. There is not enough space to put stuff on. I end up having to delete loads of photos and can still only fit a fraction of my music on it! Something seemed wrong so I had another look at my old phone, dug out the box etc and determined it is a 32gb!! hence twice the size of the one I have been missold! I have called orange and was advise to email my complaint to XXX @ orange (last Tuesday). I got a read receipt on Wednesday last week but have not heard anything since. I am sat here with a 4s I want to get wiped and sold, but I can't do that until I know I have everything transferred to a new phone and back up copy! Today I have forward my original complaint to the email address they list in the Code of practice so will see how they respond! Am I within my rights to cancel the whole contract and take my business somewhere else?. I can't stand being lied to and ignored. Not after 13 years of paying on time! Cheers
  23. The Disclosures Team, Everything Everywhere Limited, Hatfield Business Park, Hertfordshire, AL10 9BW
  24. I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. My wife signed up to a contract in April last year for a phone for our son for when he was out and about. Soon after the contract started the phone became faulty. Apparently it is a common fault with the phone in that it will no longer charge. Getting it replaced/repaired I thought would be quite straight forwards. But it's not. It appears that the contract might be through a 3rd party. We have sent off requests on how to get the phone repaired or replaced and heard nothing back and towards the end of last year another letter was sent. Still heard nothing back. this week as my wife is off and it's in her name she decided to call the number given on the letter. She was hoping that she could both arrange a repair and a payment plan as there was no way we were paying for a contract where the phone was faulty and they're not getting back to us. The number was a mobile which pretty much confirms to us that it's not orange. The man that answered was very rude and refused point blank to repair it. He refused because we had not taken out any insurance but we were under the impression that it was covered in the first year. The repair is not through a fault of ours but what appears to be a common problem. Not only that but we had been trying to get it sorted months ago. He said to get it repaired we would have to pay. Is this correct?
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