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  1. My cheap landline deal has gone from Primus to Fuel Broadband now received an email to say it is sold to PostOffice and the price will increase. I had a look on the web and an equivalent cheap deal is supplied by `Naims`- (£11.50 pm +vat) I had an online form to fill out, no payment details to put in yet but the site was very basic. I only want a landline because I have to, I make maybe one call every few months if my mobile signal is bad. Anyone else use Naims?
  2. Dear all I would be very grateful for any help with my situation. I had a SPO following mortgage arrears (£3600) in 2008. Since then I have been making my contractual payments but had missed payments on three occasions from unexpected expenses resulting from direct debits being returned unpaid. I was in a particularly bad financial condition in the last 6 months following an elderly family member falling unwell while abroad. The mortgage arrears accrued to £3400 again and the mortgage company ( a subprime lender) has now applied to the court for a warrant for possession. I panicked and raised money from friends and family to clear off the arrears, but the lender is refusing to accept any payments and instead insists that I send them last three months of bank statements before they would decided whether to accept the payments or not. They insist that until I serve them the bank statements, they can't do anything about the eviction and says an eviction date will be issued in due course. They also made me complete an income and expenditure with them over the phone. I am very reluctant to send in bank statements, since with the financial difficulties over the last three months, I have resorted to payday loans (cleared) and I am very worried this will again jeopardize the situation. I am otherwise in a stable job and would be able to afford my contractual payments going forward. I have raised the money and want to clear the arrears but I am left in this dire situation. With family and young children, it looks as if my fate is sealed. May be someone else on this forum would have had a similar situation and I am sincerely hoping for some advice and help. Apologies for the long post.
  3. When the enforcement regulations were overhauled in 2014, they provided a radical change whereby, a debtor could repay their debt by way of a payment arrangement (usually over a period of approx 3-4 months). Such payment arrangements need to be set up within the very strict time frame outlined on the Notice of Enforcement. This period of time is referred to as the 'Compliance stage' and as long as a payment arrangement is agreed by the date and time given on the notice, an enforcement visit will not be required, and this will save the debtor incurring an enforcement fee of £235. The ‘compliance stage’ is also the period when cases of ‘vulnerability’ should be bought to the attention of the enforcement company (and evidence provided where possible). When the Notice of Enforcement is sent, a Compliance fee of £75 will be added to the principal debt. It is important to make clear that the Compliance fee (of £75) is not a fee for just sending a letter. It is a fee that covers many different costs incurred by the enforcement agent including the setting up of Welfare Departments, training and setting up and managing payment arrangements etc, etc. The second radical change introduced in 2014 was the provided that where the proceeds of enforcement are less than the amount outstanding, that the payment should be distributed on a pro-rata basis between the creditor and enforcement agent. With the ‘Compliance stage’ allowing for short term payment arrangements, the government were concerned that this could cause enforcement agents to operate at a loss until the total debt was paid (and they recovered their fees) and that this could undermine the fee structure and could lead to enforcement agents acting in an aggressive manner in order to recoup the entire debt. It was for this precise reason, that the regulations provide that enforcement agents should be paid the compliance stage in full first, followed by a pro-rata division of proceeds. This is explained in more detail in the following Explanatory Memorandum supporting the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2014/1/pdfs/uksiem_20140001_en.pdf It has been interesting to observe over the past 3 years the way in which 'debt avoidance' websites reacted to the compliance fee with literally hundreds of Freedom of Information requests being made to councils around the country questioning how each council dealt with 'direct payments' and whether they retained the payment...or forwarded it to the enforcement agent. The advice from these groups has remained unchanged...pay the council direct online the principal debt (minus enforcement agent fees). With Magistrate Court fines, in every case where a payment is received after a case had been passed to an enforcement agency, the court will forward the payment to the enforcement agent so that they can deduct the compliance fee (of £75) and apportion the balance in line with legislation. If the debt in question is a local authority issued penalty charge notice or a liability order, some councils manage direct payments in different ways. Some forward the entire payment to the enforcement agent....some forward just the compliance fee and others keep the payment. Regardless of the internal procedures, the fact remains, that paying the council (or creditor direct) does not avoid paying bailiff fees and this has been the subject of an important legal case details of which are posted below.
  4. Hi my okd friends I need an EXTREMELY URGENT advice from you good people. Wished to refurbish the old house after 30 years which meant change of everything including wiring and water system etc. I employed a firm of archirects who with a QS sent tenders out and as the result we instructed a firm of contractors to do the job. After a while architects left the scene so we employed a building controller in their replace to interact with builders. There was to be a contract drawn by QS for "minor work project". Unfortunately a copy of it was sent to me last week! As I had signed a Letter of Intent, I assumed that all terms and condictions in darft of contrcat which I has seen would suffice. The builders went throught demolition phase, and should start on construction. The payment is as the follows: The builder gives a list of work and expenditure to QS. He without checking to see whether is adequate or the work is carried out, accepts the payment due and forwards builders' invoice. The building controller we appointed acts in place of architect but her responsibilty has been limited to signing the stage Cetrificate - meaning that the work was done accordingl to existing plans and drawings!. Despite all those safe guards at a lot of expense we now find ourselves in a very bad posiotion. Builder has not followed an iota of terms and conditions in contract, yet keeps naming it as a tool to ex-communicate us and carry on mis-leading the QS and the Controller. The very first part of construction has run into big trouble that he wants through his "uknown to us" sub-contractor charge us for electrical works BUT...he quoted a figure of nearly £50,000.00!(should be max £10k with most expensive products in market)) for a job including rewiring of 5 bedroom very average and meduim size house. They do not specify the products listed nor correct number of products to be used. The list I provided keeps being thrown away. Thus has been going on for past 2.5 months. Meanwhile I amconcerned that they have started to attempt with same approach with other tasks within project. Because of us trying to get a proper & accurate quote to give them the go ahead, they have shut down the site for past 8 days, because of health & safety regs we are not allowed to go in. We finally persuaded all those involved to have a meeting at the site in 2 days time. Obviously we can not work together. We have paid 2 invoices so far which partly may be a loss to us - no hope of getting some back. BUT WHAT AM I TO DO WHEN AT THE TABLE, WE REACH THE END. CAN THEY KICK ME OUT AND KEEP HOLDING THE HOUSE UNTIL WHEN? IS THERE SOMEONE, AN EXPERT I CAN TAKE WITH ME TO PROTECT ME, ASSESS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE ON THAT DAY? I AM SO WORRIED THAT THIS MAY TAKE A LONG COURT BATTLE. I JUST WANT TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FAIRLY. OR RETRIEVE PART OF MONEY I HAVE UNJUSTLY PAID. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AS THEY ARE THUGS. AND HOW CAN I GET THE HOUSE BACK TOMORROW? I do hope there is someone out there who can urgently advise me. Really can not afford to go to lawyers - lost a lot on architects and builders and so forth already, and I am currently left with a shell of the house living in a mice infested flat somewhere else. Please help. Sophie
  5. My Dad got work done at his house where I live 4 years ago. The electrician didn't do something he asked for so he cut of £500 from a £20,000 bill. Today I get a update from Experian that I have a CCJ under my name issued yesterday. Having spoken to the court it turns out that the Electrican issued a CCJ at our old address where we moved from 4 years back. I never got any of the letters or did I get any intimation from the court AND I am not a part of this at all. I only live at my dad's house and the claim should be between these two. I have nothing to do with the bills for the building of my dad's house. My Credit score just dropped from a 5/5 to a 1/5 for something I am not involved in or knew anything about. Spoke with the court who have suggested I pay £150 and do a application to set aside the judgement. Also spoke with Experian who say they will put this down as fraud as it has nothing to do with me but they will need to investigate and can't guarantee that this will clear my record. Also the claim is issued under a misspelt surname. Does that make any difference? What should I do????? Some guidance would be highly appreciated. I have worked hard to keep my Credit history good and one wrong swipe has just ruined it.
  6. OK last year i set up a monthly DD to pay my car road tax. This has been paid every single month and i have never missed a payment. At the beginning of April i received a letter saying my car was not taxed the letter was dated around the middle of march. I checked my bank and found the DD for April had been paid so i assumed it must have been a mistake. I just received a second letter telling me my car was not taxed so this time i checked online and it shows my car as being not taxed. There is no reason why my car tax is not taxed. The monthly DD is still being paid and has never failed the M.O.T was renewed in March 2017 1 week before the old M.O.T was due to expire and the insurance has just been renewed a few days ago. I dont know who to contact to sort this out as all the phone numbers seem to be automated and im now worried about being finned for a mistake that is clearly the DVLA's fault. Any advice please? Thanks
  7. Hi Firstly this issue is seperate from my other thread. In 2003 I had a bank loan with HFC bank....with PPI which I never claimed. I do not have any account information as paid the loan off 18mths after. Now I telephoned HFC bank (now HSBC) to their dedicated complaints dept re HFC and they said they could not find any details at all. They said if I had the account number they would be able to get the information. Is there another way I can still get info on this old account??? Can I get my credit history from that time as it may be on there???
  8. Thank for taking the time to read. The story below involves a serious case of Builder Breach of Contract/Fraud and Malcicious Damage. The location is East Cheshire. In May 2012 we employed the services of an Architect to design major extension plans for an existing bungalow. These were approved by the LPA in July 2012. By this time we had also employed a Structural Eng and Building control surveyor, all were local to the build. We were recommended a builder by our Architect firm after meeting numerous other builders and we decided to go with the Architects recommend. A contract of fixed price quote was agreed/drafted outling the works/plans/specifications/work programmed/payment schedules etc.... the build time was 26 weeks at a total cost of £193,000. The building works commenced early December 2012. Fast forwarding to April 2013. The builder without reason had walked off site, became uncontactable, left personal possession's on site. Now behind schedule and overpayments made for incomplete works (long story). He had left the property only 30% complete has been paid £85,000, £55,000 remaining, the balance to be paid to window company and personal allowance toward fixtures and fittings. May 2013, the builder was sighted working on his own property with the sub contractor's that were working on our site, still failing to make contact with us. Architect was not paid to oversee the works but as they were associated (recommended and proven business associates) with the builder we felt it their duty to liase, they washed their hands of the situation. With the builder now being away from site for inexcess of 21 days we eventually received an email stating he would not be returning to complete the works. Early one morning he removed his personal possessions, our paid for materials and left the property looking like a war zone. We have agreed to his termination and now hold him in repudiation (breach of contract). Unfortunately he hides behind a Limited company with NIL assest's. Further to this, we have since gained reports from the building surveyor who has written a report condemning the works undertaken by the builder. Also noted that the builder made nil contact with the surveyor for the past 3 months whilst major building works had taken place. To top it off we have now had a visit from an LPA Enforcement Officer suggesting "development in its entirety is unauthorised and in breach of planning control. Due to the builder having deviated from the approved plans without consent. I shan't go into detail of the deviations, but they are of massive consequence, both materially and financially. The builder has not only commited Fraud by taking monies for not completing works and suppling materials for which were agreed, but he is also in breach of contract by terminating the fixed price quote and agreement/contract of his own will. Along with now leaving the property in an unauthorised state by the LPA. The property was left unsafe, unsecure and parts of the roof are exposed to the elements thus causing major water ingress. It's now totally unihabitable, unsellable and unmortgageable. As mentioned, because the builder (Director) hides behind a worthless Limited Company I have been advised suing the company could be a waste of money. Right now, our lives are in tatter's, we are probably inexcess of £100,000 out of pocket (amount necessary to make right the wrong's and complete the extra to complete the project with another builder) and have a "cease work order" over the property by the LPA. We are not chasing sympathy just want to make people aware to be very very careful when it comes to major building works even if it's a builder from a recommend. As it stands we have all but lost strength to carry on let alone the retribution I want with the builder. If anybody with similar severe case of builder fraud/breach of contract has any input it would be greatly appreciated. Various documents/paperwork/reports/photographs/proof of payments, emails/text dialogue etc... is all available as proof against the builder. Oh, the builder under a different company name is currently seeking planning permission to open a Children's Play Centre and this is in association with the same Architects, the Electrician he used on our site, the builder's wife and their Accountant. The Accountant for whom we have since found out was the owner of a property which the builder showed us his previous work before we agreed a contract for him to work on ours. This was not divulged to us at the time. It has also come to light that the same builder commited similar offences back in 2006 under a different company name (Directors - builders wife and same Accountant) which has since been struck off/dissolved. As it stands, as of this date we are in a massive mess and are not sure how we are going to get out of it. To me the law is an "ass". Trader's can hide behind a worthless Limited Company and the innocent client/customer has zero recourse with regard justice against these criminal's. We do not have thousand's of £££ available to sue as whatever we have left need's to be put back into making this "war zone" of a property hopefully one day habitable. Thank you for taking the time to read.
  9. HI, just wondering if anyone can help at all plz, im in receipt of payments fro my ex for our 2 children that live with me throughout the week and visit their mother 6 nights per month plus 2 weeks holidays. The CSA closed there file on the 11th Feb but collected the arrears on the schedule, CMA have assessed payments but starting the 7th March leaving quite a shortfall in payment. Ive been on the telephone to both companies and told theres nothing they can do about the period in between which is alomst a months payment.. is this right as they both state that the paying parent has a legal obligation to pay???? This has also gone the same as receiving nothing for the first 14 months of our separation.. No wonder my ex first agreed to direct payment and then worked the system, its the children i feel sorry for not myself.. Any advise would be appreciated as to what i can do Hadituptohere
  10. Hi all. I recently asked my doctor to be referred to a specialist who deals specifically in concussions (I have experienced my second concussion in 6 months) and he kindly filled out something called an IPFR, which I had to Google to find out means Individual Patient Funding Request. I am not sure how many of these are turned down but I would like a little advice on how to appeal, and what information to include, should this request be turned down? Thank you all in advance. B
  11. Diamond Shortbreak Holidays READ MORE HERE: https://abta.com/news-and-views/news/diamond-shortbreak-holidays
  12. I be interested to know if people have had dealings with this company and what their experiences are. Thank you
  13. Early last year my husband received a county court summons for £11,500 for a credit card debt sold on to a DCA. He replied and defended the action on the basis of the limited information on the summons and that he was awaiting a reply to the CCA letter sent to them on the day the summons was received. He never received a copy of the CCA, just a letter from them saying the debt was no longer enforceable and they could not proceed any further through the courts, but would he please call them to discuss a repayment plan. They also promised to forward the copy of the CCA. That was over a year ago and we are still haven’t received the CCA, but what he did not advise them was the debt would not really be statute barred until last October , three months after their letter. Move forward to now, and I have received a letter from the same DCA and they are chasing a debt for £8.250 for a card of mine. This will become statute barred in the middle of August when it will be 6 years since the last payment. I received a letter from them dated 6 April but not received until 12 April, saying if I did not contact them within 14 days they would commence legal action. My understanding of statute barred debts is they expire six years after the last payment or admission of the debt and the creditor has until this time to obtain judgement. Is this correct and can the DCA request to the courts an extension this period for the time it takes to transfer to a local court and to a hearing? The default for this will expire soon and I am l keen to keep as clean a record as possible after eight years of financial misery. I appreciate I am morally wrong but this DCA will have purchased the debt for peanuts,
  14. My first contribution to this site. I owe the Co-operative Bank money on a credit card and had problems with repayments. They were being quite unpleasant about it (I had asked for a 'breathing space') in one week claimed to have passed my debt onto a collection agency and then said they were taking me to court. I wrote to the CEO Niall Booker and he sorted things out and I received an apology and a cheque for £75. its worth going straight to the top. I also discovered that Phil Burrows who I received a lot of post from doesn't actually work there anymore! Is this normal for a bank to continue using the name of an ex-employee on their letters? Does Phil Burrows know?
  15. Hi All My defaults are dropping off my file . Can a second default be initiated against any of them , either by the original lendor or DCA new or old. ? Or is it one default term per debt ? Thanks Andy
  16. Lance Corporal Scott Hetherington of 2nd Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment has died READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/lance-corporal-scott-hetherington-has-died My heart goes out to his Family on this sad news.
  17. Hi My ex partner and I had a joint loan for £3000, when we split up she decided to reduce our payments which were below the required amount. The Clydesdale Bank agreed this. I have always paid my share, I have just recently found out she stopped paying, then restarted but paying less than we had agreed. I have just had a letter from a company called Cabot saying they are now responsible for the debt. They are being all nice saying they are happy for me to continue paying the agreed amount and I should set up a direct debit to them. read a lot of stuff on here I am sure they won't continue to be 'nice' I have already had 4 letters in 5 days! Where do I stand, I can't afford to pay more, I would prefer to keep dealing with the Clydesdale but this now seems impossible. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you
  18. I took out a Unsecured Personal Loan with Halifax online in December 2011. I was NEVER asked questions like, can you afford the payments, are you employed/unemployed, and I certainly was not asked about my income. This have got so bad I am currently on an IVA - Halifax increased the IVA from 5 years to 6 years forcing me to pay for longer. I am now wondering if bankruptcy is the best option. Do I have a claim that Halifax lent to me irresponsibly without going through my finances first?
  19. You just couldn't make some of this stuff up, Why is this man who is also 60years old and registered Blind even being mandated to submit to the F2F farce WCA ? What is the point in it, He is extremely unlikely to ever regain his sight ,? So apart from it benefiting Maximus in another fee they can charge the DWP it's a waste of tax payers money this is an example of how flawed the system in place is http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/blind-man-benefits-axed-after-9380033
  20. im baffled and shocked that this claim has just been struck out and can only imagine that the judge (case was heard without a hearing) that they were having a bad day or it was their first day doing the job. just now ive received a judgement of order thats stated my claim has been struck out pursuant to CPR 3.4(2)(a) in that it discloses no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim. in short my claim was becxuase the buyer of an item i was seller lied to ebay and paypal and stated the item was faulty. in short i proved it wasnt faulty and also proved that their defense was full of lies and gave evidence showing. not only did they lie to ebay/paypal but also in their defense. and somehow my claim has been struck out. since the order doesnt state how to get it going again and also doesnt explain what aside,vary or stayed means or what i form i need to fil in . im at a loss and ive been given only 7 days to apply. im guessing its the n244 form? but other than that i havent a clue how to get this case going again .
  21. Hi I was wondering if someone had any knowledge of who a decree could be transferred when a debt is sold. I am aware that it would have to go back to court under section 88 of the Debtors Act. The Act says that the new company would have to provide "(b)the assignation (along with evidence of its intimation to the debtor), confirmation as executor or other document establishing the applicant’s right." Majority of debts are sold without any formal documents such as being assigned etc. I for one have requested debt collectors in the past for such information and to date no one has yet provided anything to this effect. How easy is it to try and get a Decree changed to a different company who acquires the debt. Has something like this happened in the past? I have searched the internet and various forums but cant find anything relating to this? Thanks
  22. My daughter is 14 and has been a poolside assistant since May. She works 1 hour per week and is paid £5. She is basically in the pool with young children and assists them during their swimming lesson. She ensures they don't get into difficulty and supports them if they become scared or upset. She has been told that she needs mandatory lifesaver training to continue with the job but it will cost her £90 to do the 7 hour course and won't get paid for her time either. This means that it would take her 18 weeks to pay for the course. We were told she would need training but not at our own cost. I thought that mandatory training for a specific job should be paid for by the employer and possibly paid the hours? Surely their request isn't legal and it's an employers responsibility to provide the training? Please advise
  23. I don't know if this is the correct place to post. I have a linked detached house and it isn't in the best of repair. We had very high winds last week and some of the concrete pointing fell out (the wood on the fascias has rotted) onto my neighbours drive, luckily her car wasn't there but she has said if her car had have been damaged she would sue me. Can she do that? I haven't the money for new fascia but have had a roofer round to make it safe. I just wanted to know for future reference. Also my fence was blown down nearly so it is leaning but not blown over. She has told me I need to get it fixed immediately as she cannot weed her garden . Again does anyone know where I stand legally. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  24. Hi It seems that Cabot Finnace has brought both mine and my wifes credit card debts from Lloyds, they have not provided a CCA in the 12 +2 days. What do I do next?
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