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  1. Hi all, I've read loads about harlands and crs in relation to gym debt etc but this situation it slightly different. I was a member at a gym franchise (Energie) that recently left their franchise, closed down and re-opened as an independent gym. Preceding this I was directed to cancel my DD, so I did. Of course, I've now received a letter stating I have "incurred a £20.00 admin charge which leaves your account in arrears by £39.99". When I called Harlands to tell them the situation, they proceeded to tell me that I didn't give notice of termination and so would need to make another payment. The problem is, there's no gym to give notice to. And I'll be paying for a service that doesn't exist. Any info on the matter is hugely appreciated as I fear I'll get blacklisted and end up with huge debts. Thank you, Anon27.
  2. When I look at the "Debt Subforums" the top listed thread indicates that the last post on that thread was 13th September at 12.25 debtors chasing my BF]. if I then click on that thread there are 5 threads that came after that one. All of the 5 listed do not state the number of views or replies and the dates of the last post on all of them is at least 1 day earlier than the actual ones. This can cause problems both for the original posters,possible posters and the team who may not realise that extra unrecorded posts have been added. I appreciate that there are so many posts each day thus making the control of each subforum accurate.
  3. Hello. Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I am new. During the years 2010-2012 i attend university. I received loans and grants for this period. During 2011 ( the final year) me and my partner separated and obviously this affected the household income meaning I reapplied to student finance. They requested evidence which I supplied. They continued to request evidence over months, actually years after I had left uni. I supplied all the evidence I could and they then started to request evidence of my ex's earnings during the time we were together and proof of when we split (God knows how you prove you no longer live with somebody? I sent the lease but they didn't accept). Eventually I gave them my exs new details and sent everything he had given me. They continued to request more P60s or wage slips (through me) and my ex understandably had had enough of this year's after we split. They never contacted him directly. last month my mum received a letter from them asking if I live there ( I haven't for 8 years) and I told her to give them my address....as I assumed it was just student finance about my loans etc. Now Advantis are contacting me requesting £6000 for all grants received as I didn't provide evidence that I was entitled to them ( which I 100% was, I never lied and provided everything I was able to). I emailed student finance asking them to clarify this debt as I wasn't comfortable contacting a third party when I hadn't heard from them in over 4 years. No reply. I don't really know what to do, the debt is 4 years old so I can't remember any amounts. They could ask for any amount from me and I would know no different. My question is, should I contact advantis as they've requested? Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi All I hope I am posting in the corret thread here, if not can admin move it... I signed up for a deal with Holiday Club in Gran Canaria, and when I got home I started asking around forums if they were ligit. People PmD ME from the GC forum and told me not to touch them with a barge pole, as they never give you the dates that you ask for, when you want to take your holiday. Long story short. I used the 14 day cooling off period when I got home, and decided to cancel. In the contract put in front of me, it clearly said that I could cancel. But hidden in the back of the forms, was a clause that I could not cancel the second part of the dea,l as the deal was for 2 weeks world wide holiday and 3 weeks in GC or mainland Spain. I paid £600 deposit by CC with the option to pay another £600 in 14 days after I was home. I attempted to claim the initial 600 back under section 75, my bank Santander, said it was a forgone conclusion that I would get the money back. A week later they called me, after holiday club had contacted them, and changed their tune. Angry enough at that, I put it down to a bad experience. But ow they are pursuing me for the other £600 through a debt collection agency based in Dublin. What I would like to know is if they can take me to court if I refuse to pay ? any input greatly appreciated
  5. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone could help with this problem I have.. I'll start from how I first got to know about it, literally just as I walk in the house as I return from work and hour ago to a letter on the floor, There is more below about the options I assume you dont need to see that part but I can write the letter in full if needed. Now for the information behind the letter. . I signed up to Xercise for less in mid-2013 I believe, I stopped going after Christmas of 2013 but continued to pay ( dumb, I know.). l left a letter saying I would like to cancel membership and would not be interesting in renewing, in an envelope addressed - "FAO Manager" with reception at the gym in question in November or December 2014. I noticed a direct debit had came out in January this year so checked my online banking and noticed the DD was still in effect, I chose to cancel it thought nothing else of it. Fast forward to today and you can see the letter I have received. I haven't received any other letters as they have stated. Nor do I understand how a total of 119.97 minus CRS' so called 102.50 fees has come into existence. I have phoned the gym and asked to speak to the manager or persons in charge at 17:20 today, was told I would get a call back in 5-10 mins as he was busy with a customer. I still haven't had a phonecall back and here I am seeking assistance. As a precaution I've been reading other posts about said companies in question, and noticed a post made by a user regarding "The High Court case of The OFT v Ashbourne Mgt Svs Ltd" and I wonder, do this also relate to me? I have been a member over a year my contract is techincally fulfilled if this is true they should just accept the DD cancel as my membership termination regardless of receiving it in writing from me? Thanks, Dean.
  6. Can National Collection Services repossess my ovens? I own a small bakery/cafeteria and I have fallen into debt due to a downturn in business. One of my creditors has a CCJ against me for around £5000. Their bailifs have attended my premises i managed to pay them £2000 out of my takings for last week, but they have said that they will be back to remove goods some time this week and asked the value of my ovens. Surely they can't take them? They haven't been threatening or aggressive, but they were very firm with me. I know they're just doing their jobs, but I',m not good with the law. Any thoughts? Regards Peggy
  7. I have a query, which I hope someone can help me with. In the Consumer Credit Sourcebook, under Section 7.15 about 'Statute barred debts', there are numerous references to paragraphs and annexes in the DCG. I am nigh on certain that this pertains to the 'Debt Collection Guidelines' formerly issued by the now defunct OFT. Unfortunately, the old OFT website is now completely dead, so I can't check this out there. I have searched elsewhere online, but any copies I have found don't fit with the paragraph numbers quoted in the Consumer Credit Sourcebook. I am assuming that I just can't find the last version of the DCG the OFT issued; rather than it being a case of wrong paragraph numbers being listed. I have reason to want to see the last version of the DCG the OFT issued, so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
  8. Hello all, I'm a first time poster so please go gently! Has anyone ever heard of National Collection Services? The reason I ask is that I have had some financial difficulties of late running a small café in Northumberland and had fallen behind in paying my suppliers. I was aware that one supplier had taken me to court, but I didn't know that judgement had been entered against me. Then out of the blue, two of their operatives tuned up at me door demanding payment be made immediately. They were polite enough, but they were also quite big lads - the fact that they were in suits didn't make me feel anymore comfortable. they explained that if I didn't pay the £3000+ that was outstanding, that they could start remioving my goods. As it happens, I was close to getting myself back on track so cvould afford to pay them half with a promise of the other half later that day. What annoyed me was that they actually waited outside of my café in their car until my brother-in-law arrived with the rest of the money. I found the whole situation extremely unsettling. Can they do this? I know it happens on the TV but I always assumed that it was all exaggerated. Also, if I hadn't paid could they have taken my equipment? Thanks in advance. Mark
  9. Is a DCA legally obliged to provide annual statements of the debt or is this discretionary? If legally obliged, what is the position if it fails to provide an annual statement (for the last four years). Thank you
  10. Hi, I have been a member for years, but this is my first post. My husband has received a letter from UCS, stating that they have been instructed by UK Parking Limited, for a PCN in (afaik) a private car park. It states that UKPL wrote to him & that we did not respond & therefore cannot appeal. We have had no correspondence from them, And I presume that they would have had to write with date & time stamped photographic proof? They are stating that we were parked after the expired time on a P&D ticket and the original charge was £100 and they have added a £60 Admin Fee. They have threatened him with a solicitor, if he either does not pay, or does not say who was driving the car, if it wasn`t him. They are also trying to use scare tactics by quoting the case of Parking Eye V Beavis. The letter then goes on to "advise" us not to believe information given on the interent, and to gain legal advice. I have been trying to find an email contact for them, so that I have a paper trail & also because I do not want to speak to them (hubbie doesn`t have time due to work, so I am dealing with it). I wanted to email this - Pls can anyone advise if it is acceptable to send? Hello, I am contacting you as my husband was sent a letter from you, saying that UK Parking Limited had instructed you to contact him, due to non payment of a parking charge notice. The reference number is - ******** We have not received anything in writing from UK Parking Limited and I presume that they have to contact us with evidence of any wrong doing, such as timed & dated photographs. I am sure that as a legitimate company, you wouldn't expect anyone to make payment without such proof. I presume that you will be contacting them to send us the relevant information before you proceed. Yours sincerely, Our 14 days to respond is up tomorrow (well today as it is now gone midnight!) Thanks & Kind Regards
  11. Action Fraud has received a surge in calls and reports from concerned members of the public who have received debt collection and council tax [problem] emails. Outstanding debt In the past couple of days the Action Fraud contact centre has received thousands of calls and reports from the public who have received this clever spear phishing email below. These have worried recipients because they use detailed personal information such as full name, address and postcode. The emails claim to act on behalf of a legitimate company called Optex (Europe) Ltd and contain a link which could infect your computer with Cryptolocker or Maktub ransomware. This spear phishing campaign could constantly evolve, so look out for company variations and remember that is easy for fraudsters to adapt information. To prevent your personal information ending up in the hands of fraudsters; follow our advice on how to protect it. Your council tax bill This email has been spammed out over the past couple of weeks and could catch residents off guard. It uses a realistic domain name and claims there is a new service up and running to make it easier for you to pay your council tax bill online. If you are in doubt about any service your council provides, contact them directly. http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/alert-fake-debt-collection-and-council-tax-emails-apr16
  12. Hi can you help me? Sometime ago I parked briefly in a pay and display car park owned by corporate services I didn't have the correct amount of change on me so I popped into a shop to get some. By the time I returned I had received a ticket. I ignored the letter they sent me & I have now received a demand for payment from a debt collecting agency for £160.00. Is there anything I can do? Thank you.
  13. To quickly outline my problem; I gave Vodafone 30 days notice to end my contract with them on 1st June 2015 (been with them for donkeys years (bills always paid,never missed one!) .Felt like a change so EE looked like a better bet for mobile internet .A week or so later Vodafone offered me an S6 phone at a very good rate to keep me so I took it ,the customer (dis)services operative arranged the phone delivery for the following Saturday morning,great!. Saturday morning came and went-no phone. Called VF (Vodafone) to query why my new shiny phone hadn't arrived and was told "Oh sorry,it hasn't actually been ordered", I straight away cancelled the order on the phone with this person (as I was entitled to with the 14 days cancellation agreement) and also informed them that I wished my contract to be cancelled as per the 30 days notice I had previously given,this was agreed and that was that. THIS WAS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!. After the 30 days notice was up,happy with my new EE phone, i noticed my old VF sim card was still working ,phone VF customer (dis)services and "Sorry sir,i'll sort that out straight away for you") .And so started 3 months of chasing Vodafone to actually cut off my phone and end my contract. In that time I must have phoned them 20 times ,spoke to Egypt ,India, South Africa, Scotland, England etc, every call taking a minimum of 30 minutes or so whilst I had to explain myself. I've spoken to just about every department they have, heard the promises of "I'll make sure this gets done for you" EVERY and I mean every time.... .and of course nothing ever happens, AND they just don't bother to get back to you. I received a letter from them about a week ago saying my phone services had been suspended???? REALLY!! and I should pay for the 2 months outstanding (the 2 months AFTER I ended the contract). I again contacted them, and the really pathetic thing is, when I now phone them, I ask the person I'm speaking to, to look at the notes on my account BEFORE we speak. They all, without fail, come back after looking and can immediately see that its Vodafones mistake that the account is still showing as active with payments outstanding. I always then get the apology and the "I'll make sure this get sorted sir". I fired off an email to the Chief Executive last Friday, i got a reply, obviously from an admin person, asking for my details the next day, sent them and waited with baited breath... ....still waiting!. Phoned again today, got passed to 3 people, the final of which told me "I'll go and get the account sorted and make sure customer (dis)services put a zero balance on your account a nd I will get back to you within the next hour or so"..... .obviously I didn't get a call back, didn't really expect one really and am exasperated with their disgusting treatment of loyal customers by their poorly trained staff. Final straw this evening is an email from Ardent credit services saying I need to contact them urgently ref my outstanding bill with Vodafone. I have and always have had a good credit history, no CCJ'S etc etc and this is precisely the thing which may ruin that through no fault of my own. VODAFONE - YOU SHOULD HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!!!!!
  14. Hi anyone An elderly family member wascammed into buying something from a disgusting company who are now liquidated and under investigation by SOC.Now they are getting hounded by a company called straetus for storage fees for something that actually does not exist or is only worth a tenth of what they have paid.I can't actually say too much, but it's extremely distressing to my family member and it could kill them.I have reported it to FCA but apparently this company does not have to work under licenced rules. The company is listed as dormant and as working.The letters come from UK,and Ireland and what appears to be a mail sort centre.ANy advice would be helpful. I am in contact with the person who is director of this company by email and I am trying to get them to agree to deal with myself so it takes the distress away from an 81 plus year old. I have kept all letters and emails. Thank you in advance for any advice.
  15. This new bill seems to have escaped debate on any of the forums. It was introduced last month in the Commons under the ten minute rule and is due for second reading on the 11th March http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2015-16/regulationofenforcementagentscollectionofcounciltaxarrears.html http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm151028/debtext/151028-0001.htm#15102833000002 Yvonne Fovargue (Makerfield) (Lab): I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision about the use of bailiffs and other enforcement agents by local authorities to collect council tax arrears; to establish a code of practice for enforcement agents; to create an independent bailiffs ombudsman to administer the code and to investigate and adjudicate complaints; and for connected purposes. This Bill deals with two interrelated problems which, taken together, are pushing too many people into a debt trap by forcing them to borrow more to pay council tax arrears and unaffordable bailiff fees. The first problem is that local councils are too ready to call in the bailiffs when people fall into arrears on their council tax bill. This is despite guidance that is meant to encourage local authorities to look towards establishing affordable repayment plans in such situations and thus avoid the bailiffs. The Bill gives people a stronger right to challenge councils to offer an affordable repayment option before instructing the bailiffs.
  16. Hi, Wondering if anyone can help please? I took out a start up loan which I fell behind on when the business failed for various reasons. I wrote to the start up loan provider who failed to confirm accept of my offer of payment and instead instructed a DCA to collect on their behalf. I again wrote with all my income/expenditure and a monthly offer and made my first payment in July 2015 but to the account of the start up loan provider. The DCA then wrote to me chasing payment. I wrote back and advised I had made a payment and hadn't received confirmation from them that they had accepted my payment proposa l or confirmed the bank details to which I could make a payment to. They wrote back and advised they would investigate but never came back to me. I wrote to them several times again asking them to confirm acceptance of my payment proposal and to confirm bank details to which payment was to be made. A final letter was sent on 12th October 2015 giving them 7 business days to respond otherwise I would consider the account to be settled and closed. I heard nothing!!! Then at the beginning of January I received a letter from another DCA acting on behalf of the start up loan company. I wrote to them and advised of my previous dealings with the previous DCA but then the new DCA started to call me on a new mobile number which the previous DCA or start up loan did not have. I wrote again to the new DCA asking them to stop calling my mobile number and asking them to confirm where they got my new mobile number from and to respond to my previous correspondence. I received a letter today which in no way refers to my previous letter telling me that if I do not make a payment they will speak to the original creditor to discuss further courses of action. What would be my next course of action. I have tried to set up payment plans with these people but its like banging my head against a brick wall!!!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks xx
  17. The following report has been issued today by Citizen's Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/CitizensAdvice/Debt%20and%20Money%20Publications/Thestateofdebtcollection.pdf
  18. Hi, bit of an odd one this, about a year ago I agreed to my accident damaged car to be written off. The insurers instructed a salvage co to pick the car up. After failing to come and collect the car on 3 occasions it is still sat on my driveway!!! Yesterday to my astonishment I received a letter from the insurers saying that as I had retained salvage of the car I now owe them circa £150!!! and are threatening legal action if I don’t pay up!!! so I thought I’ d best get some advice off you guys. I don’t want the car and about 8 months ago I offered to have it removed but was told not too by the insurer. TBH the car hasn’t been in the way and I had forgotten all about it as so it seems had the insurance co’ I though Someone said I could counter claim on the basis that they have left the car on my property for so long.. .I’d be delighted if they could remove the car! http://static.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/shocked.gif
  19. A debt collection agency has sent an email regarding an unpaid payday loan to a generic work email address (info@xxxxxx.com) - I am a director of the company but these emails do not go to me, so have now probably been read by quite a few members of my staff before someone forwarded it to me, The email contains my personal details, as well as details of the outstanding amount £985 (the loan was £100!) - surely they cannot send details of all this to a generic email address at my company?! Anybody got any ideas how I should deal with this please?
  20. Hi, This is my first post and I am looking for some advice. I was in a car accident some years ago and the other parties insurers asked me to deal directly with them and they would pay for all my repairs and provide me with a courtesy car etc. They sent me a courtesy car from a company called Drive Assist who then went into receivership shortly afterwards. Because it all happened over 3 years ago I thought it was all done and dusted and had forgotten all about it. A couple of months ago I got a call from a debt collection company explaining that Drive Assist had gone into liquidation and that the other guys insurers had now refused to pay the debt folk for the hire car they promised to pay for. They asked if I would help them etc and I said yes. They have now started to threaten me and tell me that I have to pay the debt because his insurers have refused and because I signed a credit hire agreement and that I am now liable for the debt. They say that I must have hire the car from Drive Assist directly not via his insurers etc. I have a letter from his insurance company that states they will pay for my repairs and supply me with a courtesy car. The debt company say that I refused the courtesy car and went to Drive Assist myself to hire it. But all the literature on the net says they deal with insurance companies etc being an accident management company I feel that I am being conned etc by all of this big time but I can't afford a solicitor to fit on my behalf. I am really out of my depth here. Can anyone help please - I am desperate. Many thanks MM
  21. The Financial Conduct Authority has taken over from the OFT. You can find all you want to know about Debt Collection Guidance, etc HERE Also in the CAG Library HERE
  22. I'm new here so not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. I need some advice please regarding two old debts. One is a CCA debt, a loan originally taken out with Sainsbury's Bank well over ten years ago now. We defaulted on this loan around 2008 I think. Sainsbury's started court proceedings and wanted an order for sale of our house to which I responded that we had other creditors so it was unfair to them. I got advice from a credit counselling service and she said to offer token payments to all creditors. A few years back we received a letter from Arrow Global saying the Sainsbury's debt had been assigned to them and for us to send payments to Restons Solicitors we have been paying them token payments, although we have received nothing more since from either Restons or Arrow Global. Surely they are breaching the CCA by not providing six monthly statements? The other debt is an old overdraft with Lloyds Bank - the token payments are going to Robinson Way but I don't know if Lloyds still own the debt and whether it is just being collected by Robinson Way. Because it's not a CCA I don't know if there's anything I can do to check whether they are authorised to be taking our money. We historically had two credit cards too which we defaulted on in 2008 but these I should imagine are statute barred by now. The reason I am querying the Sainsbury's and Lloyds debts now is that I recently checked with all three of the credit reference agencies and none of them show these two debts. Experian have told me that even though debts do not show on credit reports does not mean they are not owed. I would like to get advice though as to whether I am paying money unnecessarily. I don't trust debt collection agencies to act reasonably and fairly as we have had a lot of harassment in the past. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Hi, Thanks in advance for any help and advice! I left Dubai in July 2010 and had a car loan. I took the car back to the dealer and spoke to the bank about the remaining amount due on the car loan before I left. I was leaving relatively quickly and had about 3 weeks to sort all of this out. The value of the car was about the same as the amount left on the loan. I think there might have been AED 10,000 difference . I spoke to the bank and had to wait two weeks to get a letter with the remaining loan amount before I could settle. Unfortunately the bank was late with this letter and I got on my flight and left this behind. This was possibly a little naive. 5 and a bit years later I have received a letter from a debt collection agency asking for AED 169,000 (approx £25,000). I think they have sent the letter hoping they have the correct address as I do not think they are 100% sure that I live here. Can i ignore the letter or should I respond? I am worried about responding as the amount is so much! I really cannot aford £25,000 - we'd have to sell our home to pay such a debt.
  24. Hi All Little bit of advice please. I have received a letteri today from HPH2 Ltd stating an old barclaycard debt I have been paying to MKDP LLP for the last two years has been passed onto Robinsons Way who will now be managing my account. My question is, as I have not received any letter from MKDP LLP confirming this, should I contact Robinsons to arrange to carry on payments or should I wait to hear from MKDP LLP before making contact. Also will my monthly direct debiti be transferred automatically or will I have to set a new one with Robinsons. Dont want to contact them unless I have to. Also am I correct in thinking that the requested "income/expenditure" request is just that a request and I dont have to comply if I do not wish to. Thanks for any help/info on this
  25. Hello Any advice will be gratefully received..... I have received a debt recovery letter on behalf of Vehicle control services for parking fine from 8/10/2013. Nearly two years ago......I can't remember where I parked or what the situation was all the way back then. It is for £160 and letter says if I don't pay up, I risk them sending my file to a creditor with recommendation of court action?....Is this legal? Do I have to pay?
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