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  1. Hi guys, Thanks for the feedback. My screen name is an alias, but thank you. I'd rather not name the Creditor, but I do believe the gents who attended my property were HCEO. I was taken aback, so I don't even recall where they were from other than that they represented National Collection Services. I thought they may be prohibited from taking any goods that assist in my earning a living, which I guess is why I asked the original question.
  2. Can National Collection Services repossess my ovens? I own a small bakery/cafeteria and I have fallen into debt due to a downturn in business. One of my creditors has a CCJ against me for around £5000. Their bailifs have attended my premises i managed to pay them £2000 out of my takings for last week, but they have said that they will be back to remove goods some time this week and asked the value of my ovens. Surely they can't take them? They haven't been threatening or aggressive, but they were very firm with me. I know they're just doing their jobs, but I',m not good with the law. Any thoughts? Regards Peggy
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