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  1. Good Evening, Am so confused and stressed. I am registered self employed and was in receipt of WTC until Nov 2015 when I became a full time carer for my son who sadly died in February this year after a very courageous brave battle against a brain tumour. With the support of my clients I have decided to return to the jobs. I have not had any issues claiming WTC before now but upon applying this April I have had a phone call discussing if my self employment is 'commercially viable' and being advised that 30 hours worked would be assumed at the national minimum wage. Is the 30 hour working week for WTC still classed as billed work and business allowed activity? Initially I estimate I will earn approx £75 per week after expenses . I am uncertain whether I should go ahead with the WTC claim based on those earnings? (assuming tax credits will work that out at £2.50 ph and then suggest business is not viable and de-register me ). Can self employment be classed as not commercially viable if no tax credits are claimed? Or is this a penalty for claiming tax credits! Am thinking a claim for universal credit will not be worth the while and I need to be available for my self employment and would not be available for work . and from my vague readings once again there is an assumed self employment income basic of 30 hours x national minimum wage before any award. Could I just claim housing benefit as on a low income ? If I have to live on the breadline so be it, but I cannot stand the thought of losing my home Am trying so hard to be independent . With all the past years trauma and sadness and now feel I am stuffed as far as benefits/self employment. Sorry for rambling but any help/advice would be so much appreciated.
  2. Ian Hislop has revealed the "very extraordinary moment" that former Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith broke down in tears in front of him. The Have I Got News For You panellist was interviewing the Tory politician for a new BBC documentary, Workers or Shirkers? Ian Hislop's Victorian Benefits, when Duncan Smith cried on camera. http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2016-04-04/ian-hislop-reveals-extraordinary-moment-iain-duncan-smith-cried-in-new-bbc-documentary
  3. Hi can anyone help me please with some advice???? I am currently off work on a sick note for supraventricular tachycardia [heart palpatations due to a malfunction in my heart] and endocrine [gland} investigation. Iam claiming sick pay from work and am allowed 3months sick pay. I have claimed 4weeks so far. My job involves working with children that are challenged physically or mentally Due to the fact that at any point my heart can malfunction, I believe that I am not safe to be working with these children. I am waiting for appointments with each of the above clinics [heart & gland]. If I resign from work will I be entitled to any benefits???/if doctor signs me off???? I live at home with my 7yr old and 20yr old the older one has a form of autism. Also is it possible that I can give up work and claim to be a carer for my 20yr old son???
  4. Hi Bakatcha, The reason why I am contacting you is connected with my own dilemma with INGEUS!! I have been out of work for sometime & it's tough. The job centre has placed me on a mandatory work program with INGEUS & sadly it's lasted longer than expected. My advisor is using unorthodox ways to find work for me and somewhat intrusive. My advisor thinks it's a good idea if he watches me use the computer when I search/apply for jobs and he also wants me to possibly visit INGEUS on a daily basis. He also thinks it's a good idea if he applies for vacancies without me performing this task and I strongly disagree with that! He even suggested that I sit down with him & log onto my email account so he can check all the jobs I apply for each week, unacceptable in my opinion and I wondered what you make of this.
  5. Hi all, I'm lousy at writing descriptive titles, so apologies in advance I plan to remortgage my home in April of this year, and want to collate proof of income from both self employment and benefits/tax credits paid to me over the last 3 years. Is possible to write to the HMRC and DWP to get a list of all benefits paid into my bank account for the past 3 years? So I can use that as proof of a secondary income?
  6. Hello, I was made redundant(no pay i don't have like thousands of pounds, not even close it was a apprenticeship type vacancy so no redundancy pay) recently and im starting to do a show which allows people to donate (optional) which does not go toward any real life spending, purely towards the stream. however i'm worried if this is benefit Freud in any way? can someone explain this to me? thank you.
  7. To take the discussion off another thread, there is an idea that councils can now attach to DLA or the new PIP to recoup Liability Orders, this is problematic if said benefit is funding say a Motability car on lease. Can we look at which benefits can lawfully be attached to so we can frame best advice?
  8. This morning we had a very strange phone call from a very foreign sounding person, but not Far East. They said they were from the DWP and although they got my Christian name correct, my surname did not really make sense howevre I do have a hearing problem. Without asking any security questions, they started asking me about what benefits I receive as I am due to a review. As we had a review last year in April I was a bit suspicious and asked if they could send us a letter like they normally do. The person refused and told me they no longer send out letters for reviews. I told them I was not prepared to discuss it any further and hung up on them. I then phoned the DWP and asked about the review and whether they had try to contact me. I was told that I was due to a review, but they would send me a letter to notify us. The DWP also told me that no one from their department had tried to contact us by phone as that is not their preferred way of doing things due to the number of people pretending to be legit when they are not. Please be wary when answering the phone and insist on a letter first.
  9. The Great British Benefits Handout: Outrage as family buys PLAYSTATION after £26k freebie Next episode Tuesday, 16th February 2016 http://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/642660/The-Great-British-Benefits-Handout-Outrage Now did Channel 5 choose people who would make the most of this opportunity or did it deliberately choose people who would squander the funds in order to provide further fuel for those who criticise Benefit recipients ?
  10. It seems this is being snuck in under the radar from 1st April while we are watching Cameron and his EU antics. Previously you could be absent from Great Britain for a period of 13 weeks for example on holiday and still receive benefits such as Pension credit etc. However this has changed from 13 weeks to 4 weeks and does create a problem as many people go to Spain for the winter especially if you suffer from arthritis as the UK winter can be a killer. See here for more information
  11. Sorry didn't know where to post this, but i am just after some advice if someone can help me please! My Husband started a new job recently, as a manager (not going to state to much details) and was told he had to make between 1500-1800 a day profit....well since he started 10 days ago he hasn't managed to do this.... He has heard rumours that the place has had several managers who have all been sacked due to the same reason. his boss is constantly on his back the whole time he is there, by either ringing him or phoning him. he doesn't seem to go more than an hour before he contacts him again moaning... He's finding it all very stressful, and isn't sleeping or eating much. he told my husband if things didn't change by Friday, he was getting the sack something he has since denied saying. Last night we found his job advertised on a well know job site, so we know he's going eventually and that can't come soon enough. But my question is, if he were to leave before he gets pushed how would he stand benefit wise? he's got a Doctors appointment on Monday so would it be best to get signed off with stress and go down that route? As a new starter gets sent for a weeks training before they start their new role, and interviews probably haven't started yet for his replacement it will be afew weeks before he gets the push. not sure he can hold out that long... Advice please????
  12. Hello. I am currently getting income based JSA for about 1 year now. I stay with my mum, But all of a sudden my mum is saying i need to pay £27 towards to rent as the council will only pay £109. So why now do i need to pay. I have a brother who gets ESA, and my mum gets income support. What are causing the housing benefit deduction, My brother only started claiming ESA this year in march, And all of a sudden the housing benefit is cut. So could someone help me because i am getting the impression the cut is because of me but i have been getting jsa for around a year and my mum has been getting full housing benefit since untill now.
  13. Hi, I was directed to your site by word of mouth, and I'm hoping you can help me. My good friend has been on benefits for years, as a life-style choice rather than need. He has a university degree and years of work experience, but after losing his job 3 years ago he made a conscious decision that life was more enjoyable to sit on the internet and judge other people rather than take a job that he considered "beneath him". I've been trying to convince him the error of his ways, but he keeps laughing at me saying that even with the hoops he has to jump through each week with the Job Centre it's still preferable to live in a fantasy world online than face the brutal reality of a terrible low paid job. Any advice on how I can convince him that if he actually took any job it might improve his lack of self-worth and stop him spending his life online? Thanks.
  14. Hi there, I have been out of work (Self employed) due to a knee injury. I am currently receiving 74.90 a week from ESA and that is ALL I am receiving. I live at home with my parents who I rent from. So going from Earning over 500 a week to 74.00 is making my life a nightmare. IS there anything else I can claim? All of my bills are racking up and going to start receiving late payments etc!
  15. Hello guys, I hope you can advise us. My husband's father passed away about a month ago and we're trying to help mother in law because her only income is a small state pension from her own NI contributions. She's waiting to hear how much her State pension will be now she's widowed, but it may not be the full amount. I think she should qualify for pension credit and council tax benefit, plus the social fund grant of £700 towards the funeral. I have two questions for now please. Roughly how long does it take to receive pension credit once they have all the information they need? And are there any other benefits she might qualify for? Thank you in advance. HB
  16. I suffer badly during the winter months due to rheumatoid arthritis, bad back and wonky right knee. At present I get the DLA middle care and higher mobility rate. My wife gets carer's allowance for me plus she gets the lower care element of PIP. We both get State Pension however I also get a Pension credit element. We are considering that maybe we would be better off living in a warmer climate like Spain however we cannot do this if we lose all our benefits. Can any one advise whether we would lose all benefits if moving to Spain? The other option is to go for 6 months and then return for the summer months in the UK. Thanks. PS We came across this web site https://www.gov.uk/claim-benefits-abroad/illness-injury-and-disability-benefits
  17. Future changes to benefits This is a rolling timetable of expected changes to the benefits, tax credits and social care system please see below for the link... http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/benefits-information/timetable-forthcoming-welfare-benefits-changes
  18. I have heard mixed details about this matter. The Student Finance information seems to indicate that as the loan is only for fees, and paid to the college, it is not counted as income but my friend has been told otherwise. Can anyone point me to specific information showing definitive answer please.
  19. HMRC have listed the payment dates for Xmas 2015 already. They can be found here https://www.gov.uk/when-is-your-next-tax-credits-payment Last updated: 7 September 2015 DWP tend to follow the same dates as HMRC will update as and when they are made available
  20. Hi Just a quick question at the moment I have had to reduce my working hours to 20 h a week due to my disability, my wife works 6 hours per week, now when I spoke to dwp they said that because I now received PIP that I could reduce my hours to 16 h per week and still get family tax credit but I said 20 h would be okay, My question being is if I had to finish work could my wife work 16 h because I get PIP to still get Family tax credit or does that only apply to myself, hence would she have to 24 h per week for us to still get FTC. Any clarification please.
  21. I know i am, it's not just because it's about people claiming benefits, but all the inaccuracies contained within these programs, the one on channel 5 about benefit cheats, is the latest, a Liverpool lad , claiming what was described as sickness benefits ,for PTSD told the undercover reporter that he was getting a total of £1,500 per month ,inc DLA , I find that very hard to believe, which makes me think of those IDS and his sanctions work leaflets that were based on lies , Also are those that are cheating the system really that dumb that they will boast to someone they hardly know about the hows and why's of what they do? Are these tv companies paying for stooges for entertainment value, and to help keep the governments hate propaganda against people on benefits alive ? if it isn't about cheating the system in some way, it's about their health conditions ie" too fat to work" ect
  22. My friend Lee, who I posted about on here a while ago, cannot work as he has severe epilepsy. He had his money stopped and was told to get a job, but won his appeal a while ago. All benefits have just been renewed this year. with no problem whatsoever. He gets ESA and is in the support group. He gets DLA at high rate. He has his rent paid by HB and also his Council Tax. He lives in a one bedroom ground floor council flat in a lovely little block, and has done for 20 years. The extra money has enabled him to kit it out so his home is safe as it can be for his disabilities. 4 years ago his father was involved in a dreadful motorway pile up in which his partner and her grandson were killed. Dad was severely injured and never recovered, and died earlier this year. He was a simple man, owned nothing, and there was no will. The insurance company who dealt with his claim paid out last week to the tune of 174K. Lee´s older sister dealt with it all entirely, Lee would not have been able to deal with it. The money has been paid to the sister direct. Lee now has access to 86K which his sister is happy to transfer to him whenever he wants it. He´s still reeling from his dad passing and this news coming four days ago has actually depressed him. (Shock if you like, not knowing what to do and the responsiblity of such a large sum of money). NOw, we have never dealt with anything like this but think we have a plan! We think Lee should buy his little flat from the council outright. That ensures a roof over his head in an area he loves, for life, as well as an excellent investment for him. What is concerning me, obviously he has to tell DWP about this . Clearly his benefits will have to be stopped, but does he keep his DLA? And if he buys the flat, and spends some money on making it perfect for his illness, would the DWP see this as squandering? A daft question perhaps, but who knows in this day and age. I realise he will be expected to live off his savings until they reduce to 8K when that happens, do the benefits get reinstated, or does he have to reapply and go through all that rigmarole again? And finally, and if I am asking advice on something illegal, apologies, I simply do not know, since this money has not been willed to Lee and is in his sisters name and in her possession, what would happen if she just paid for his flat, and then hung on to the rest for whatever comes his way in the future? Like, if she went on a huge family holiday and paid for lee out of that money, that sort of thing We just want to make sure that Lee is safe for the rest of his life (he is 40) in the best way we can. He is extremely vulnerable. Thanks for reading and we welcome any advice or pointers as what should be done.
  23. I've seen a program on TV Benefits Britain I think, where High Court Enforcement agents demand payment of a debt from an obviously broke mother who gives them £50 of the money she needs to feed her kids. The debt had multiplied to about £3K from the original £1K. My first impression was that as with most TV featured bailiff and High Court programs that the agents were far kindlier than they are in normal, non TV, circumstances. Secondly, I thought that inability to pay was a defence against collection by HCEO's. Has that been dispensed with in the most recent legislation.
  24. On Tuesday this week on C5 is a new special that the title states looks to be worthwhile watching. This will be worth watching as it appears the crew from Cant pay we'll take it away will feature in this as well. This is a small series so stick on in your diary to watch... Tuesday @ 21:00
  25. Channel 4 and Channel 5 have been obsessed with Benefits Porn for a while now, Benefits Street, my 40 benefit children and all the other rubbish. But I have just seen an advert for a new low - Benefits pets!! They have actually gone to the effort of making a programme purely dedicated to showing people on benefits who have the audacity to have a dog, Cat or Snakes etc. They really are scraping the barrel now. I don't understand why people actually willingly go on these shows - OK Channel 4 treats them fairly well, but the narration on just about every channel 5 is so downright nasty, and sneering, I just cant believe people continue to go on them, unless they were all filmed before any have been broadcast. It is almost literally stuff like "Jane is off for a haircut today, paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of hardworking taxpayers, but Jane is OK, she can sit on her fat ass all day on benefits" And they have to point out the most obscure parts of their lifestyle and ram down our throats that benefits are paying for it, in case we didn't realise from the title of the programme, and the 88 other mentions of the word Benefits to that point. I would like to see Channel 4 (from the evidence so far, C5 is incapable of seeing beyond "scroungers") do a couple of shows on the working poor, on the people working minimum wage who also have to rely on benefits to top up, as their employers arent prepared to pay a decent wage. But then, I would like to see HMRC or whomever pubish a yearly list of all the companies, at least the national/franchised ones who only pay minimum wage, and thus the corporate coffers are shored up by taxpayers benefits - stuff like working tax credit is not a benefit to the individual, it is very much a benefit for already wealthy shareholders and CEO's.
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