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  1. I was going to check on my insurance with Lifestyle Services Group [set up through Barclays account]. Firstly when I went onto Lifestyle Services Group login website it didn't recognize my login credentials, then when I wanted recover password [in case I forgot] it didn't know my login [e-mail] at all! Then when I attempted to recover account by providing bank sort code and account number - it claimed it never was set-up! [same account whole life] When I called them they can see that I had my old phone insured trough Barclays but no sign of new phone insurance. Only that I have had cancelled old phone insurance. In fact I had not cancelled insurance - only updated with new phone. But - well - Lifestyle Services Group can not say it is true. Called Barclays - they even say I couldn't have any free insurance on mobile handset because there was never any free insurance. In fact there was. I have set up this kind of insurance to my wife's phone and she have a written confirmation of the policy. She had policy for an old phone and recently [June 2013] on a new one - after updating phone details on the policy [she couldn't log in on the website neither]. When Barclay guy said I didn't have any policy - and there never was free, I got my wife on the phone, then I asked him about where hers policy is coming from and why this one was free? He didn't know - there was nothing on a system. Not information about policy nor there was any debit from account that would pay for some extended cover OR premium Barclays account Help.
  2. Be careful when Googling for Barclays. If you click on it, it looks, at first glance, like Barclays. But it is actually Barccays It's a sca mmers site, where you are asked to submit all your usual on-line banking details. Your account would be emptied before you were any the wiser. Always double check the address bar before entering any details
  3. I'm a court appointed deputy for my husband. In 2008 he was placed under the court of protection due to a severe head injury, at that time he had a Barclays Bank account with an overdraft of £600. When the CoP was put in place he had been in to his local branch and they refused to serve him or talk to him. He was lied to about why and we only found out a few weeks later that it was due to the CoP which had taken over a year to be put in place. His original Deputy was extremely incompetent and cause no end of problems. In a nutshell they began paying his overdraft off at £15 per month but they continued to add charges and interest. In July 2104 the amount owed was down to £126 despite over £900 having been paid, the following month they changed the interest rate and his next interest payment was £18.75, more than was being paid into the account each month. His deputy failed to notice this. I took over as his Deputy in September 2015 and only discovered this around January 2016 when the previous Deputy forwarded a bank statement for him. I then sent required CoP court rulings showing change of deputy to Barclays, who basically ignored them and I also opened a complaint with them regarding the amounts and what had been paid etc. They offered to refund the amount owed and close the account, I asked that they return some of the money that had been paid as it was far beyond what was owed. They declined so the complaint continued. They continued to try and contact the prior Deputy, who having had their duty discharged duly stopped responding or indeed forwarding paperwork to me. The updated deputy court order they had received they continued to ignore. I again contacted them in May or June this year to be told that we now needed to go into the bank to process the deputy change. Which we did, they then very quickly sent through telephone banking details and immediately afterwards a letter saying that the account had been closed and that they would be taking action to recover the outstanding amount which had now built up to £405 overdrawn again. They have closed the complaint and are refusing to refund the overdraft that they had originally offered to do and have told me to contact the Financial Ombudsman if I'm unhappy. Anyone got any suggestions how to progress this please? I'm more than happy to open court proceedings. My husband, with my help successfully won a case against them after his head injury. For bank charges etc, so we're happy to go ahead with that.
  4. Hi Experts, Please advise on the matter. Barclays have closed my current account without giving any reason. I was holding the account since 2008 and it was in satisfactory condition, never used any overdraft, always in credit. Also have barclay credit card. I was not using current account on regular basis as it wasn't my main account. 2 weeks ago I sold my cars due to investing money somewhere and given my barclay account to the car dealer to transfer money in to my barclays account. Money got transferred and barclays fraud team have restricted my account as well as funds, then they have verified from the dealer and confirmed that money was legitimate and released all funds and account was back as normal. After few days I have received a text message that my card is temporarily deactivated to prevent any fraudulent activity. I called as well as visited the branch and they told me that account is under review and it should be fine in few days. After few days I called the bank and they told me my account is closed with immediate effect due to section 15 in terms and conditions. I have got few questions that I need some advice on. 1. I am thinking about writing a letter/formal complain to CEO and ask for an explanation for the closure and mentioning BCOBS in it. Is it going to be of any help? 2. Would this account closure effect my barclay credit card (seems fine at this moment of time). 3. Would this account closure effect my other than barclays bank accounts, mortgage accounts, loan/credit accounts and other bank's business accounts, etc. 4. Would this account closure effect my credit score (which is excellent at this moment of time). 5. All closed bank account marked as settled in credit file, Would this be marked as settled or something else/negative due to bank closing my account. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hey guys anyone know where the cars are taken once they been repossessed had mine taken Wednesday but was half asleep when they took it as was on night shifts plus I gave the repo blokes some abuse but got no paperwork just wondered if they get auctioned off and if so where? I'm based in Newport South Wales. 62 plate Audi A3 they took got no issues with them taking it just wondered where it goes afterwoods. Cheers
  6. Hello all My sister in law accidentally paid £200 into my Barclays bank account instead of to my brother. This was an old business account I have which I had not used for about three years. The charges and interest has mounted up in I to the extent that it is £1200 overdrawn. I had not heard from Barclays at all for several years despite this being an unauthorised overdraft, no phone calls, no attempts to get me to credit the account, no letters. They just let it go. And so did I. Anyway my sister in law contacted me straight away and I said the best way to tackle this was for her to contact her bank and ask for the money to be returned via the Industry standard process for mistaken payments. This process allows for the return of the money within twenty days if I do not object and of course I do not. I then received a phone call from Barclays stating that they had received a request from my sister in law's bank (Lloyds) and they asked me how I intended to credit the account (with some £1200) so that they could return the money. I told them that it was not necessary for the account to be credited. I told them they should follow the industry standard process and return the money. There then followed a lengthy and unsuccessful (on their part) attempt to get me to restore the account. I told them that whether or not I did so should not be linked with their duty to return the money in line with the industry code as I (clearly stated) I was not objecting to it's return. Eventually they agreed they would do so. Much to my surprise my sister in law contacted me to say she had received a letter from her bank Lloyds saying they could not get the money back because I had objected!! This is entirely at odds with what I said to Barclays which was that I DID NOT object to the money being returned and that they SHOULD follow the industry Code of Practice. (I am somewhat familiar with this situation and the Code of Practice as I had earlier in the year made a payment into the wrong account in our business much to the annoyance of my partner and researched what to do though in this case the recipient was known to us and he returned it less £17 for a bottle of whiskey!). Barclays have taken no other action with regard to the account in the intervening two weeks except to keep it alive in their system and have just added another month of fee and interest charges. I have had no default notice, account suspension or anything else. Can I ask fellow CAGers the following: 1. Am I right to believe that not withstanding the state or status of my account that if a payment is mistakenly made into it and I do not object to its return then that return must be done and within a twenty day time scale? 2. Presuming the answer to 1. is yes then what should I do now? Many thanks for reading and I hope this thread will be interesting and entertaining!
  7. Hello. Posting this on behalf of my friend. Sadly, a few weeks ago, his wife died due to cancer. They were a married couple. During the marriage, she took a loan from barclays and had a ISA with them too (roughly about 5 grand savings in there). My friend phoned them up to ask about what's going to happen with the loan after she passed. They said he will not have to pay this loan, but it turns out they've used the money from ISA account to settle some of it. My question is - is this a legal process ? Thanks in advance for your help guys.
  8. Hi, on 25th I was taken 244,61f from my account by Direct Debit from O2. They said it was mistake but I know people that was edited like that before. O2 said to use Indemnity Claim (firstly they said they are refunding me but after few chats they said they didn't - pure edited). I contacted Barclays like 5-6 times. Everyone edited or ignores the matter. I have proof on chatts that different customer service write that indemnity claim is succesful and I will get my money back but after 2.5 days I don't have nothing. I have just called on barclays helpline and some guy edited told me that they need 2 more days (he didn't even check anything). I told that I want to speak with Branch Manager - he told ok and put me on hold and then he disconnected !! I have a problem because now I am abroad - normally I would go to the bank and won't leave without my money. Just a good thing I know now that Barclays are edited same as O2. Never go to them. I am taking my money from their accounts as soon as I can. What should I do with 244,61f - should I sue them? Barclays as an UK bank is obligated to use in this matter DD guarantee - and I should get my money asap. Tomorrow I will propably call a lawyer and will see how it goes from there.
  9. I have had a Fee paying packaged bank account with Barclays since June 1999. I had no idea until a couple years ago that it was not a standard monthly account fee but a packaged account. I had no use for a packaged account as I had breakdown insurance with my employment at the time of opening the account (company vehicle), we always bought our family travel insurance and had other normal insurance covers in place. I would never have agreed to pay over the odds for a bank account if I was made aware of this at the time. Please could someone advise me how I should pursue the monies that I have paid over this 17 year period and if I would be able to claim for the interest on all of the monies paid out. Thanks in anticipation Billy
  10. Hi, Before I start, a big thanks to CAG for past help with different matters. If you read any of my other posts you will see I had debt problems in 2007, with a failed company and business / personal debts to near £150k, its taken 9 years to clear everything, finally debt free I'm looking back over accounts to see where I can claim back some of the huge interest amounts and fees whilst paying off credit cards overdrafts etc.. my wife has a Barclays account, it's still her current account and its been active for over 30 years, due to our extreme financial hardship in 2007, we had big monthly charges, as I mentioned we had cci's and £150k of debt to repay, we had to sell the house, remortgaging with a sub prime lender, DB, Yep DB! it was a real nightmare, looking at her account you can see our mortgage, gas, electric and all necessity bills bouncing every month for years, I have statements, letters etc to prove hardship... To be honest we are not in financial trouble anymore, after 8 years working 24 hours a day, we have cleared every debt, and have brought a house and live mortgage free, I know its been said in a few posts that you have to still be in hardship and that its maybe to late to claim now. I had a thought about this though today, the figures are: Barclays current account, charges including reserve charges up to £200 a month max, we had charges every month from April 2008 to September 2015 total charges nearly £5,000 If hardship and the 2009 time scale is out of the question how about the fact we have just had three PPI claims upheld against Barclays one on this account dating back nearly 25 years, we had a payout of just over £9,000 (which is great) could I not use this as a argument that if she had not been paying these monthly amount (which they agree was mis sold and have paid) she would not been overdrawn and therefore would not have received these charges. Thinking about it there is a note on the PPI payout letter which asks if you incurred any other financial costs... Should she be going down that route or treating it separately this way? I have gone through every statement and noted the date and cost for each charge, put them on an excel sheet and used the template for hardship, I wanted to get feedback first before sending, and only thought of the note on the PPI payout letter whilst typing As always thanks for your comments in advance! Dave
  11. Hi all, First post from an occasional lurker Used to have a current account with Barclays about 20 years ago. Had 4 loans with them all with PPI (remember being told if I didn't take it out, the loan was less likely to be approved) Have zero paperwork from that long ago. Rang them up and thought I'd try anyway. I have a very uncommon name, gave them the address at the time DOB etc. But nothing more. I received a letter from them saying "With the information you provided. We can find no evidence of PPI on these loans. So we are closing your claim" However I provided them with no account numbers. But they have included in the letter 4 sets of the last 4 digits of the loan policy numbers. Which suggests to me, they do have records going back that far. I want the full loan policy numbers. But they will not give them to me. Despite several phone calls to various departments. They say I can not pass their online security, since I am not a customer of theirs. Having just moved to a new property I'm not on the electoral role at my new address yet. Someone from Barclays on the phone suggested I could go into a branch and verify my ID in person. Which I tried today. Had bank statements, utility bills, birth certificate. Council tax letters etc. But they will only accept a passport or driving license (Which I do not have) Just getting fobbed off left right and centre Spoke to the FOS. They said that if a claim is rejected. All they ask the bank for is a print screen of a search the bank has made with the details I provided. I'm sure if I could get the full loan policy numbers my chances would be much better! 4 loans, 20 years interest. We are talking big money here. Maybe that's partly why they are being so obstructive! Apologies for the length of the post lol Cheers Bob
  12. It is the summer of 2015, August to be precise. My wife and I have just ordered a top of the range Schreiber kitchen - £24,000 worth of all singing and dancing fittings from Homebase ( now Bunnings UK ) It was going to be a large contract and we were going to be out of the country whilst the work took place, hence we gratefully accepted Homebase`s offer to project manage the delivery of goods and installation. While we had the cash to pay for the whole thing upfront, we deliberately opted for the 12 month deferred interest free loan arrangement as this would enable us to "sign off" the work to our satisfaction before the loan was activated. So far so good. The small print on the Terms and Conditions of the loan- as laid down in the Consumer Credit Act 1974 - stated that; "After we have accepted and signed this agreement and you have received the goods or services, we will pay the loan amount to the retailer". Well, the kitchen fit s a disaster. Long delays, notifications to ourselves in Florida !! on our mobile phones of goods being delivered and, worst of all, the top end larder units which had swung our decision to go for the kitchen in the first place didn't actually exist ! Trying to co ordinate the snagging from the USA was a nightmare and when we returned home in early December 2015, the kitchen was still without the units which had to be specially manufactured in Italy. We had a succession of top level meetings with senior staff at Homebase ( up to and including Divisional and Regional Managers and the attention f the then CEO ) The final meeting with 4 Homebase personnel took place on 4th December 2015. On 7th December 2015, we received an e mail from Barclays Partnership Finance congratulating us on our purchase and notifying us that our loan agreement had been activated ! Surprised ? You bet we were ! Having to fight with Homebase to get the kitchen finished was bad enough but having the one bargaining chip I possessed being taken away was even worse. Cutting a very long, painful and tedious story short, our kitchen was finally finished and compensation agreed with Homebase on 1st July 2016. The explanation was that the sign off system is computer generated ( isn`t it always ? ) and that receipt of delivery notes - plus an allowance of time for the fitting process - triggers the loan activation. Fine, except the average time for activation bore no resemblance to the date on which my loan was activated. Basically, even though Homebase knew we were heavily into dispute over the kitchen delivery and fitting, someone, somewhere decided that it was tie they got their money. I took issue with both companies but mostly with Barclays because, at the end of the day, I had NOT received all the goods and I had most certainly NOT therefore received all of the services at the time they decided to activate the agreement. Going through Barclays byzantine complaints process ( around 15 letters from them and 8 from myself plus countless hours on the phone ) got me to the point where Barclays told me that they could activate the loan at any time and that I should read the terms and conditions more carefully. Nice. EXCEPT, they are and were wrong ( see the third paragraph above ) They can only activate the loan once the goods or services have been supplied. Finally, they acknowledged that their own wording and my interpretation of it were correct. At which point, they simply re interpreted the rules - or rather, invented a new one - by saying the following ( excuse the grammar, it is Barclays own exact words ) :- "As you had received some of your goods, we are allowed to release the funds to the retailer. As Homebase requested this and because some of your goods had been delivered, we were effectively allowed to do so which meant that your loan with us went live" Problem is that this wrinkle is NOT spelled out in the terms and conditions and was not made clear to me at the time signed the contract. I am awaiting a response to my request for Barclays to point out to me exactly where it says they can do this and to date ( one month on ) I have yet to receive a reply. Spoke yesterday with an employee who said that the person I had written or someone in her team would be responding to me. Still waiting. O yes, I did point out that I had left at least three messages on the lady`s ansaphone. Guess what he told me ? They are so busy dealing with all other aspects of customers complaints that it is their policy NOT to respond telephone messages or call back if you leave one ? Apparently all you can do is request a call back when you eventually speak to someone. Other buyers beware. If you are contemplating such a purchase, ensure that you demand a satisfaction sign off for the delivery of goods AND the fitting services otherwise Barclays will simply pay YOUR money to the retailer without any recourse to you the customer. If and when I hear from them next, I shall be asking for a deadlock letter and then it`s off to the Ombudsman we shall go. Wish me luck, share any similar experiences please and watch this space. "Activation"
  13. I've just realized that i made a claim back in 2007 for unfair charges which was stayed pending the "oft" test case going through my paperwork i've found that it was struck out in feb 2010 could you tell me if i can start the process again to reclaim my unfair fees please
  14. Hi , Im helping my mother deal with an old Barclaycard. We sent a SAR request a week ago to this address: The data Controller , Barclays Bank Plc One Churchill Place London E14 5 HP. She today received the letter back, with a Royal Mail sticker on with `refused box ticked`. Is that the wrong address or are they being obstructive???? Any advice appreciated, Thanks
  15. Dear members, I'm a student in London. Yesterday I found that both of my account balance became zero and the money has been transferred TO RECONCILE Debit COVENTRY OPS 05 ADV. I went to a nearest branch to ask what happened to my account. They said they couldn't touch the money now and I have to write an email to reportasam (a barclays email, I can't post it here) to clarify the source of my money. After searching on the Internet I realized what happened. At the beginning of this year, my ex-boy friend has purchased a property in London. But in my home country, there is limit amount for foreign currency so he can't purchase enough pounds to buy the property. Therefore, he transferred domestic money to people who are working in UK and let them deposit cash or make payment of pounds to his UK bank account. And then he asked me for help. As a result, a total amount of around 80,000 pounds has been deposited to my account and then transferred to my ex-boy friend's account from January to the end of February. I think Barclays suspect that it might be money laundering and then withdraw all my money. We broke up in March and then I didn't do that again. I get nothing from those transactions.... As a student, all my money are from my parents and now I don't have any money to live. I've sent an email to that address but it does not work till now. What else can I do to get my money back as soon as possible? Please give advice. Thank you very much! Catherine
  16. Dear Members, I am resident in the UK, I have a business account and I transferred money from my country to my business account by exchange company registered in the UK, they deposited it in cash in Barclays bank with all required documents to show that the money is my own money the exchange company provided me an official document to show that they deposited the money came from my country, on the second day I found the money in my account, after ten days I checked the account, the balance was £0.0. Barclays took the money and wrote in the statement (Debit TO RECONCILE COVENTRY OPS 05 ADV), I asked the bank, they do not have answers. Please advise, Thanks Jafer
  17. Barclays- SAR and CCA? Dear Cagers, As mentioned in another post I have 4+ debts which I desperately want to sort out ASAP. I want to start with Barclays and I will rely on your amazing help I have seen you have given to other desperate people. Please be aware that I am very inexperienced in dealing with creditors, DCA etc... The situation: Barclays current account: Opened 11-12 years ago. I use this account to transfer £4 each month from another account to be able to pay my debts -£1 to each of 4 debtors. This is including paying £1 each month to my Barclays unsecured loan (£1 payment agreed in 2013 via CDCS)... My account is in ‘working’ condition but I can see online that my address, telephone number and e-mail are marked as unknown –I guess they have found out that I don’t live at the last address provided to them. My e-mail and the telephone number have not been changed though but they have deleted them from ‘my details’ file... Barclaycard- Credit card: CLOSED by Barclaycard years ago (opened around 2004-2005,closed-unknown when and why). Never had any late payments etc.. . I have overpaid £10 to the card and never received them back. No documentation with me to prove that but I am sure about the above. Barclays Unsecured loan: Information on Noddle about my unsecured loan: Barclays Bank Plc Account start date: ‘Summer’ 2007 Opening balance £ 20,000 Regular payment £ 385 Repayment frequency :Monthly Date of default: ‘Summer’ 2010 Default balance : £14,000 Currently owning : under £13,000 Originally taken in 2007 for £20K as far as I remember to be repaid in 4 years-maybe 5 years!?. I was supposed to pay £385 a month. I paid £385 a month for over 2 years until November 2009. I applied for the loan online through my current bank account online page and I remember that the money was transferred very quickly to my Barclays current account. I don’t have any paperwork of terms & conditions or signed agreement. I am not sure if I was provided with any anyway. Maybe I just ticked these as ‘read’ online without reading them to be honest. The loan was spent on an unsuccessful business. In October 2009 I became very ill and had to leave the country for treatment. I did not pay anything to them for around 6 months while abroad in hospital. I returned to England in June 2010. I discussed with them my situation (conversations over the phone) and was paying them reduced payments (as much as I can) but they did not agree to reduced payments and did not care and kept adding fines and fees. I don’t remember receiving anything in writing from them-most of the conversations were happening over the phone, any correspondence I might have had is lost. I received a letter from CDCS (Central Debt Collection Services- Parent Company: Barclays Plc. Information about them here : http://www.humberdebt.co.uk/help-with-central-debt-collection-services-debt-debt-management-and-debt-advice/ ) in 2013 agreeing to my £1 monthly payment offered to them. Prior to that I was paying them higher amounts. After that I never received anything from them, then I moved address and never contacted to update address as I did not have a permanent place of stay. Please give me advice what to do? I guess once I provide them with an address they may issue CCJ (non registered yet on Noddle)... I remember taking the loan but I have not got any documentation etc.. . and have not got a clue how much fines , interest and charges they have added to my unsecured loan. ..Is the right thing to request SAR and CCA to Barclays? I think that it is necessary to recover all the information (statements, charges, interest, ppi and other insurance, applications, correspondence for loan, credit card and current account, telephone conversations) before discussing any repayment or settlements with them? Will SAR provide me with statements for my current account as I will need these for proof of payments for different debts as well? https://www.apply.barclays.co.uk/forms/subject-access-request?execution=e1s1 Do you suggest to apply via post or using their online system above? Do you think that the best is to close my Barclays current account first and then start communicating about the unsecured loan with them? Is it true that once I have requested SAR and/or CCA there is a big chance interest and fines to apply to my account again and to be asked to pay more than the token monthly payment? Your help is much appreciated.
  18. can someone please help my father filled in a lpa in 30 sept i had a letter from the opg saying is was registered on the 5th feb and was sent via courier to the solicitors im hoping i can pick it up mon depending when the solicitor gets the document was sent via a courier on the 9th taking ages this is my problem i am to be my dads full time carer he has early onet dementia and is disabled hence the poa we are buying a house together and its an auction proprty which means you have to move with 28 days paid deposit so only 26 days left to complete before solicitor takes rest of money my dad has a savings bond in barclays which matured last april and says available on his bank statements, but when my dad went to transfer it to his current account, it said no its not matured im told banks write and give 3 weeks notice that a bond is maturing so you can move it but i cannot find any letter saying that as far as dads concerned its his money and available it would seem its auto renewed itself the rpb is we need that money transferring to his current account now as its needed upon completion on the 29 feb i rang customer services of course without my name on account as poa they cannot discuss this matter it has been registered im waiting to pick it up i emailed the fca who advised me to write to head office with evidence of house sale which i did on the 5th feb with 2 first class stamps on i was also advised to email the head man bob cliff i did that too and got an email back from another member of barclays saysing he s dealing with my compaint and he asked for dads name etc he said my complaint will go to the decisions maker who will let me know. surely this is exceptional circumstances? its not dads fault it auto renewd itself? and if we dont get the money he may well go bust/sued/homeless im presuming its auto renewed for another year menainh its up in april still no good need it before 29 feb we re slosing sleep here its so stressful why are they taking so long another thing i rang up barclays to tell then i will be coming in next week to register the poa at the bank i got a snotty woman asking me for all sort of id and said once they see the original poa the need to send it to their specialit team to check its genuine!! really! and this takes 10 working days!! then i need another appointment so they can add me to his account they need his permission for me to do this isnt that the whole point of a poa!!! and it will take another 2 weeks to get a debit card cheque book etc sorry about the rant they have got me sooo angry! im not trying to steal form dad, im looking after him all i want them to do is transfer the bond to his current account thats all! help please
  19. Hi Caggers, I took out a personal loan in 2007 to pay a tax bill the bank manager at the time agreed repayment over a period of 6 months. My circumstances changed and I was unable to pay. The loan docs were on one side of A4 with no real T&Cs etc. The bank manager was eventually fired I received new documents to urgently sign by the new branch manager. These looked more like a proper credit agreement. I carried out a CCA request and found in the statements that by account balance had been corrected to £0. Barclays continued to be very pushy in relation to signing a new set of T&C's. I knew something was fishy and refused to sign, they retaliated by closing the account. 5 years later I received a DN on my credit file out of the blue which I thought was utterly unfair. I was not in a position to apply for credit so thought that I would wait to see what happens. I have had no communication with the bank about this since 2010 and am looking for grounds on which I can argue for this default to be removed. If it was properly applied in 2007 then 6 years would have long passed? Many thanks for reading and apologies if it sounds convoluted.
  20. Hi there I would really appreciate your help on your input on below matter. When I was in University I opened an account with Barclays Bank in 2003 and 2004. I had overdraft of £1250 which I could not pay. Barclays demanded money few times until 2008 - 2011 through DCA. I never received letter that my account was defaulted. My credit reports obtained in 2011,2014 and 2015 never show that my account with Barclays was defaulted. A month ago Lowell Group sent me letter and demanded money I owed to Barclays. I sent an email to Lowell with a standard letter I got from National Debt line Website saying that under Limitation Act 1980 Section 5 account is statute barred. Lowell asked sent me my date of birth for security reasons. I sent my DOB. Today they replied that "this account was defaulted on the 5th January 2011 and as such, this account is not statute barred. My question how it is possible when my credit report does not show default and it is defaulted since January 2011 and I have not received a default notice. I have not paid a single penny since 2008 to Barclays to the best of my knowledge. Could you please guide me how do I go about this as Lowell has given me 14 days to make arrangement to settle this account. My Thanks in advance.
  21. Hi, I've recently been helping my partner (who's not the most organised when it comes to money) review her outgoings. In doing so, I noticed she was paying £14.00 monthly for Overdraft PPI....and has been since 1999 when she returned to work part-time once her son reached school age. She can't remember asking for this insurance and has never claimed on it. I believe she was mis-sold it on the basis she believed it to be compulsory. We've now cancelled the policy and the DD. Is it best to use the online Barclays questionnaire to claim a refund ? Any tips on filling this out, please? Thanks in advance, Stan
  22. I have been trying to resolve an issue with my credit file with Barclays for a number of months. The reason for missed payments on a barclayloan was related to a serious illness which was impacting my memory. Unfortunately I am having to chase up the Senior Complaints Handler from Barclays Executive Office, every day. But there is no progress in resolving the issue. As the missed payments started towards the end of 2009. There was an amendment to the collection date and funds that should have been collected from the account to pay for the loan were not being collected at the correct date and therefore there were in sufficient funds in the account. This continued throughout 2010. I have tried to escalate matter to other senior management within Barclays from the CEO downwards but my issue is always referred back to the Senior Complaints Handler who advises there's no point in me trying to escalate matter as the issues will always come back to him to deal with. I am going round in circles, can anyone help.
  23. I have received the following response to my complaint regarding Barclays Additions Account You have held Additions on two separate occasions and Additions Plus. Please provide your recollection of each point of sale. I can see your account was downgraded in error from Additions to a fee free account with an overdraft. Please confirm why you requested the account be upgraded to Additions again. Please confirm why you took the Additions plus Please advise why you retained the upgrades. I originally took out the Additions account so I could have an overdraft. I knew I would always have an overdraft with Barclays and this was the only account I could have. Each time I would ring them to request more overdraft or they would suggest that I take out a loan to pay off my overdraft. I would always do as they said so I could to keep my overdraft. If they had told me that additions had been taken off in error during one of these phone calls I would probably agreed for it to be put back on. The same goes for upgrading to Additions plus (I am being so honest with you that when I am reading it back I realise how desperate I was then) They have given me 7 days to reply. Really I could do with help as to how I reply to their letter Thank you Chris
  24. Hi, I have just checked my Barclays account, only 2 payments ever come out of this account but I am constantly in my £1000 overdraft. I had a letter today saying that I had gone over which came as a shock to me as the money that goes in should more than cover what gets taken out but I havent paid anything towards my overdraft in a long time. They have changed their fees apparently and now I am being charged £26+ a month for my overdraft, I never signed up to this, I had the additions added on back in lets just say 2005 and havent signed or agreed to anything since. Are they authorised to do this and am I able to claim this back under financial hardship does anyone know Thanks
  25. Hi just wondering if anyone can explain what these interest charges mean. i have my old additions account bank statements from 2003. along with many other customers i have incurred penalty charges. the monthly interest amounts don't appear to stay the same, for example for Aug 06 = overdraft interest debited £0.60 credit interest 0.10%. if over the overdraft limit 2.05% another example Sept 08 overdraft interest debited £1.1 credit interest £0.54 how does this then compare with 24.9% if claiming restitution?
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