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  1. I need to getthe defaults removed as my lease car has finished and i need to get a new car to travel to work. Due to the impact of the defaults my credit file is now showing poor with experian. so no chance of getting any credit.
  2. There were multiple issues, due to the brain tumror i was not in control of my finances, i missed payments.. etc.. i think barclays/barc;aycard cancelled my direct debit due to multiple non payments via direct debit .. i cant remember exactly.
  3. I have been struggling with Barclaycard and Barclays regard two defaults on two barclay defaults dating back to 2018. These defaults resulted while I was suffering from a brain tumor and subsequent surgery and extended period in hospital. Complication from the surgery has left me with memory issues and partial vision. Barclays/Barclaycard are the only financial institutions which did not/will not help to remove the negative markers from my credit file. I have tried everything possible, escalating to customer services, escalating to Executive Office, reaching out to senior executives at Barclays via Linkedin. Each time i have been advised they will not help to remove the negatuie markers. There is a specific person in the Executive Office who has made it his mission to ensure there's no way they will remove the defaults from mt credit file, even though i was in hospital in a coma at the time. I even raised a complaint with the Ombudsman which did not help either, the response was that Barclays were following processes and procudres to report factual information. I am trying to get my life back to normal I am at a loss on what to do... can anyone please help. Thanks
  4. I have been trying to resolve an issue with my credit file with Barclays for a number of months. The reason for missed payments on a barclayloan was related to a serious illness which was impacting my memory. Unfortunately I am having to chase up the Senior Complaints Handler from Barclays Executive Office, every day. But there is no progress in resolving the issue. As the missed payments started towards the end of 2009. There was an amendment to the collection date and funds that should have been collected from the account to pay for the loan were not being collected at the correct date and therefore there were in sufficient funds in the account. This continued throughout 2010. I have tried to escalate matter to other senior management within Barclays from the CEO downwards but my issue is always referred back to the Senior Complaints Handler who advises there's no point in me trying to escalate matter as the issues will always come back to him to deal with. I am going round in circles, can anyone help.
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