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  1. I have received a letter from the Marston Group High Court Enforcementdemanding full payment of money being £515.00 for bailiffs fees in relation to an ‘unpaid car insurance fine’, however and my wife are with a debt charity company called ‘Christians Against Poverty’ which made regular cheque payments to the Marston Group of a £100.00 each month, CAP have paid this since the 24th of March 2011 and so far paid £400.00 pounds, leaving £140.00 outstanding from the original £540.00 debt. Marston Group have cashed theses cheques’ from C.A.P obtaining £400.00; now 4 months later after happily accepting my money, have since decided to refuse to accept anymore payments but have neither contacted me, nor have CAP had any correspondence off them. Therefore having wilfully and unlawfully taken the matter back to court, in the effect to add on additional charges of attending fees, a distress warrant fee and more seriously, falsely misrepresenting the case for the debt of £140.00 to Manchester Magistrates Court, resulting in my debt now totalling £515.00 with the intent to fraudulently obtaining more money. WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS?
  2. Hello, my mum have received a letter from Newlyn bailiffs saying that they have liability order to seize and distrain our possesions. My mum is a single parent and she has me(15 year old son) and at the moment she is pregnant with another child. Me and my mum owe around £1200 to council, and as soon as we received the letter, we've paid £60 to them. These may seem like a small money, but at the moment £60 for us seems like a fortune of money. My mum is worried about her paintings being collected by baliffs, she has a lot of painting that belong to her dad and they cost a lot of money! Me and my mum hardly have any food at home, and my mum does not have a job and she does not get any benefits and we have no right to get any benefits because we come from Russia! My mum does not speak English, so I act like an interpreter! It is very stressing for me too because the thoughts about baliffs are always on my mind. Could you please give advice what to do, because that is the first time it happened to us! Could you please give advice to us!
  3. Dear Forum, I'm after a bit of advice in advance if you can help? To cut a long a long story very short I have an outstanding debt with LloydsTSB for £5600 I negotiated with LloydsTSB to pay £75 a month (should have been £246, this went on for a couple of years) but now they have passed me to these lot! After getting what sounds like the standard letter from the 'Pre Court Division' I went to the CAB website and filled out the budgeting forms. It calculated I could afford just £25 per month which I would be happy to set up a direct debit to pay on the 23rd of the month when I get my salary, (result)! I sent this off together with the CAB offer letter template (recorded delivery). This has since been delivered and signed for by someone with the surname Moorcroft, (family company)? Now bear in mind I sent this off on the Friday, after getting their letter on the Thursday and got a call at 8:30am on the Monday. The person on the phone didn’t know about the letter and was phoning on the off chance I presume. So I explained what was contained in the letter. After first asking for my card details for full payment there and then (lol) they accepted my offer of £25 per month if I could make the first payment today, no problem. I gave them my card details, £25 was taken from my account, they set up the direct debit and said they would review it in 2 to 3 months time. I have since received a letter from them setting out my repayment plan that stretches till 2029. Now I don’t want to seem blasé about this, I know 19 years is a long time to pay off a debt but I am quite happy to pay £25 a month for as long as it takes... So my question is how do I deal with the inevitable phone call(s) that will come a couple of months from now? How do I best phrase that I WILL NOT increase my payments for as long as the debt lasts? Any advice would be most helpful! Many thanks, TC
  4. Hi All, This is a long story so I firstly apologise for this but any help would be much appreciated. It begins with a domestic dispute between myself and my now husband. I got him arrested for pushing me during an argument and the police put an order stopping him from living or communicating with me until the court hearing. It was a scary time for me as although I still stand by my decision the police were very bad in dealing with this and told me that he could go to prison. I decided that I require legal help and on the advice of a friend contacted a solicitor in Watford. I called and after explaining my situation had an appointment. I had an hour of the solicitors time (please note that I signed nothing and did not pay a retainer, his costs and fees were never explained to me) and he advised me that he would contact my husband's solicitor. I was confused as this would be a break of the condition of bail which could send him immediately to prison and pulled the solicitor up on this:mad2:. He had already sent this e-mail and helped me with a letter to send to the police to ask them to drop the case. Soon after this the case was dropped due to lack of evidence and I received an invoice from the solicitor informing me that his fees were £350 but call it £300. I was shocked as I had an hour of time, an e-mail which he never should have written and a letter to police written by him. I asked for the breakdown of fees in a letter and did not hear a reply. I received the same invoice along with notice that if I did not pay within 28 days he would go down legal routes. Again, I sent the same letter asking for the breakdown of costs. Three weeks ago I had a very heavy knock at the door from a bailiff Marstons. I did not get to the door in time and a letter was shoved underneath. It was for a bill of £550 and for the removal of my goods. I immediately did a credit search on myself and saw that I had one CCJ from Watford County Court for the money owed to this solicitors in January of 2011 for £350. After doing more research I find that I have a case for the CCJ to be set aside. I am not entirely sure how to go about this all. I do not want to have another court date to deal with after everything I sent through last year and am now wishing that I just paid the amount even though I disagreed with it. Does anyone have any advice on this, the fact I signed nothing and the fact that I have not seen any information from the courts? At present I am so worried about having the CCJ on my record I would pay the amount if I could get it removed and this would go away. Is this possible?
  5. Hi. I hope someone can give me some help with baliffs charges. I have until the end of the week to pay. I was visited by a Baliff on 1st Feb 2011. I had missed a couple of payments of business rates in December2010 after making an arrangement with the council in June 2010. He told me he was there to seize goods. After discussion he said he would give me till the end of the month (feb). I now have the money to pay the bill but noticed his charges (although not as big as some ive seen) seems a bit high. He completed a walking possession. It states. Outstanding debt £2400. First visit fee is blank. Second visit fee is blank. Levy fee £82. Walking possession blank. Other £200. Total £2682.00. I had paid £300 the day before his visit, so the actual amount should be reduced by £300. Can anyone tell me if the charges of £82 and £200 are justified. I only received the 1 visit. Also, should i pay the baliff or pay the council online as i normally do with business rates? Im worried that if i didnt pay the baliff charges and only paid the outstanding debt, that i may get a second visit. Time is against me. Please help. Thanks.
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