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  1. Yes. Its a small (complements slip size) cash receipt for the £200. ...Get this...Baliff said when i arrived with money that he was suposed to charge me £70 for his new visit also...but he was able to tell this office that he didnt want that charge to be on the system, so i didnt have to pay for this visit....you see...what a nice baliff he was!
  2. Yes cheque was cashed and a couple of days later balif turned up. I had a reply by letter the day after the baliff turned up which didnt answer my question on the charge. It just said that the matter is being dealt with by our van baliff and i should call him on his mobile number. So....they answered the letter, but must have been aware that their baliff had already been anyway.
  3. Update. Didnt work out too good. . I paid the business rates direct to the council. Sent a cheque for £80 for the levy fee to the baliffs along with a letter saying i believe the only fee due is the levy fee and i consider matter closed unless they can explain the £200 other charges. All as talked about previously....... Unfortunately, the baliff returned when my girlfriend was in the shop and said he was taking goods unless he got £200. When i was on the phone to my girlfriend about the matter i heard the Baliff in the background calling on his mobile for a van to come around. I asked him to wait until i got there. I told him that i had sought advice and that he cant charge me £200. He said that it is NNDR (or something similar) and on FASTTRACK. He said it is Business Rates and not council tax. He said he would remove goods now. He called someone on his phone to call off the van when i said i would pay. I had no option. At the time i thought the best thing would be to reclaim the costs rather than run the risk of him removing goods. I guess i didnt have the knowledge to call his bluff. If anyone reads this....whats your thoughts? I have no problem reclaiming, i have successfully reclaimed bank charges in the past. But, could he have removed goods?
  4. http://s1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff366/kjh0711/ http://s1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff366/kjh0711/?albumview=slideshow links to baliff documents....
  5. Baliffs will get cheque on Wednesday with letter that im about to draft, thanks to all your help. It does say on their form..."cheques accepted at our discretion". If they receive it on 23rd Feb (given that he gave me till end of month) it may not be cleared by that time. Could this be a problem? Can they use the fact that the Levy payment of £82 has not cleared.
  6. The Inventory states.... Large qty of stock inc bedding etc. casio till. 2 tables. all goods belonging to (me) unless exempt by statue. The baliff didnt believe their was enough stock to satisfy the debt. I sell gifts and homewares, so lots of small items. He didnt even fill out the reverse of the form. Its a bit of a rush job.
  7. There were 2 pieces of paper. 1 is headed NOTICE OF DISTRESS where he has written some of my goods/walking possession and the fees that i have mentioned. The other piece of paper is headed BALIFF REMOVAL, magistrates liability order/ distress warrant.( in BIG LETTERS) That says payment in full - 24 hours. Giving me the baliffs name and a mobile number. I cant believe someone with the power to take away goods can be so dishonest with their charges.
  8. Just thought...The baliff said that he turned up in a van to take stock. He also said he had just visited someone else. I have no way of knowing as i am in the centre of a town. Infact, he wouldnt have legally been able to load and unload at the time he came, due to restrictions.. Couldnt he say that he has the costs of the van(even though im sure he hasnt). He acted as though he was being generous to me as he believed i was being honest with him, by letting me pay by the end of the month. thnx.
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