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  1. In August this year I received a letter from Ross & Roberts saying that I owe council tax to Gosport Borough Council , As I left Gosport over 12 years ago I was taken aback by this. As far as I was aware the rent and c/t was all up to date. I wrote to R&R to tell them that I was disputing the claim. I sent a letter about not knowing about the debt and also about CPUTR 2008 and guidance on debt collection , also I have requested from GBC, under the FOI anything to do with this. What I want to know is: Can they still visit if its in dispute! Can they still add on any charges! Can they force entry to where I lodge and remove property (non of it I own). I ask this as Someone has been round and put a note through the door when no one was in. Two days latter they were back when my landlord was here and they have threatened him with forcing entry and remove goods . He was in such a panic about it that he gave them £500. Can they do this!!! Until the information from GBC turns up I don't know if I owe it or if they have mucked up some where. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi everyone, I'm really hoping you can help me. My wife has recently informed me that she has received letters from the court, stating that she owes over £8k to Hoist portfolio holding 2 ltd. She has not had the capacity to deal with any post etc due to our third child being born a few weeks ago. First, a letter asking for a defence - not completed because she was not at our address up to the hearing date and did not see it until after the hearing. Second, a letter requesting statement of means. Not completed due to giving birth to our third child. It has been a stressful pregnancy. A lot more consuming than the other two. She just hasn't had the energy to deal with anything other than the baby. Third, we received a communication from the court with her name on the envelope, but someone else's documents inside from somewhere in Liverpool. Finally, it was transferred to our local court, who hand delivered a letter to my wife entitled Order for Production of Statement of Means. Now she has finally had time to think about the debt, I fear it is all too late to defend. She remembers having an account with Barclays, but does not recall a large debt. Is it at all possible to submit a request for information from Hoist, asking to see proof of the credit agreement? Should it be the original document? Is this all too late? My wife is a wreck already with the baby only weeks old. And I'm here tearing my hair out wondering how on earth it has got this far. I appreciate it is a real mess, but there have been exceptional circumstances happening when the dates and requests have been issued. The deadline for the order was this Friday gone, and I'm now concerned because the court is threatening a £250 fine and/or 14 days in prison. My wife doesn't know what to do. I wish I had this info sooner, but I now need some important advice as to how we can challenge this default judgment. And if that is even at all possible. She is thinking of just filling out the statement of means and sending it off. But I've said that's crazy if they can't prove ownership of the debt and that it legally exists. Many thanks.
  3. I am a defendant in a fast track case. I have the other parties documents I requested copies of from their disclosure by list. There are other docs I know of the existence of and want the other party to disclose them as I think they have left them out because they will hurt their case. I have written to them requesting these be disclosed but have not heard back or received supplemental disclosure of these docs. I don't expect to hear back as they refuse to communicate with me regarding this litigation. I am planning to apply for a Specific Disclosure order and cannot find much guidance online on how to go about this. I want them to disclose specific documents, rather than to do an additional search as I think these should have been found and disclosed within the search they already carried out. There are 11 docs in total I want them to disclose. Some of the docs are mentioned by them in emails they disclosed, some are police records they can get through a subject access request, they have disclosed the Crime Ref numbers of these incidents and referred to them in letters they disclosed. My questions are: 1. What do I put in the draft order? 2. What do I put in my supporting evidence/information to support the application? 3. How do I refer to the places that bought these documents existence to light? Many thanks
  4. Hi, Just had a visit from a debt collector from Chandlers pursuing a council tax or rent debt for my eldest daughter who stays here with me as my carer. I told him that my daughter was out at work, that she could not be contacted at work due to it being a care home and he told me he would be back with a warrant of entry and the police. I explained to him that this was a ministry of justice protected property due to my mental and physical disabilites as I am a prescribed vulnerable person and he said that did not matter, I explained that my daughter had no tenure at this property and that a written address on a form did not constitute proof of residence and was told this did not matter. My poor angina is really playing up and I am in pieces and don't know what to do, I rang up daughters work and they said they would not entertain a phone call whilst she was on duty unless it was a medical emergency so am clueless what to do next. Apart from PTSD, clinical depression I also have a bad heart, angina, progressive peripheral arterial disease, severe frozen shoulder, high blood pressure, diabetes and a fair bit more wrong with me. Can they force their way in and take stuff that isn't theirs? Most of the stuff I have is ages old and god knows where the receipt for such is and I can't find my qualification certificates as my computer is prob worth quite a bit of money to them and it is "tools of the trade" I am sure. Any help really appreciated Ian
  5. Can someone please help me. i have received a letter off BW legal. I pulled up for a few seconds to let me friend in and like you received a fine. I ignored the letters and now am upto BW legal stage. And saying about court proceedings if I don't pay can someone please tell me what to do? Do I pay up? I shouldn't ignore it but don't know what to do.
  6. Hello you lovely lot, hoping for some advice on my options , quick summary , I had a vanquis account a few moons ago (not enough for SB Defence), eventually I think Cabot bought the debt and are now claiming it through Drydens. Claimant - Cabot Address for sending documents- Drydens LTD POC as written on form, Claim Number Defendant Details XXXXX XXXXXX ( My name) xxx xxxxx xx ( My address) 1.the claimants claim is for the sum of £1644.80 under and agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974, between the Defendant and Vanquis Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and assigned to the claimiant on 16/03/2016, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. 2.The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement despite requests for such payment. 3.And the claimant claims the sums of £1644.80 together with costs. Ammount claimed- 1494.80 court fee- 70 legal rep costs- 80 total ammount £1644.80 i do recall a few letters of generic threats from cabot, not sure if any of them were notice of assignement. I do not think I have been sent any satements showing what I alledgedly owe and how its come to this figure. Issue date on claim form is 29th Sept 2016 yet it only arrived on friday. What should I do now, acknowledge the claim? Thank you for your help Jay
  7. When a collection Agency or HMRC assess the ability to pay a personal Debt, do either have the right to assess taking the partners income into consideration. Background. My wife has Glaucoma and no longer has a driving licence . In 2013-2014 she started an embroidery business. This ceased trading in 2015 due to my wife’s eye sight. This was formed as a partnership with myself. Our personal income tax was filed by our accountant. Unfortunately a partnership return was not filed. I contacted HMRC on my wife’s behalf 16 times to try to sort this matter. They have records of conversations etc. They notified my wife of Penalties. Due to miss-information by HMRC (Wrong Forms etc.) we appealed this decision in January 2016. HMRC misfiled this appeal. HMRC told us to ignore any debt letters. 1st letter was received yesterday, so contacted HMRC immediately. This was a complete waste of time. They want me to send a new appeal out lining times and dates etc. We have not as yet contacted Debt company(£500) HMRC say she owes a further £1700. Because of her condition she does some cleaning (self employed) with a friend and earns £50-£60 per week. She pays a total of £12.50 in bus fares to travel to work . She has a credit card in her name with £5000 debt. I am self employed and income total of approx £300 per week inc Tax credits . I have approx £11,500 debt on credit cards & personal loan. I manage my debts and all the bills. We pay rent of £92.77 per week. HMRC have requested JOINT income details by Friday. Please Help.
  8. Hi My daughter's ex registered a car at our address - we didn't know he did it at the time and he didn't have our permission. I remember him chasing her for a log book but don't know if he ever got it. He has since had a penalty notice from a borough council which has been referred to Newlyn bailiffs. The bailiff posted a letter through my door just now saying he will be back in 24 hours to take an inventory and I have to prove that none of the goods belong to this lowlife. I rang the bailiff (big mistake probably) and explained the situation but he doesn't want to know. I told him that my daughter has two kids with this man but doesn't have that much contact with him and isn't sure where he lives. She just knows his mum's address. The bailiff said it doesn't matter. Ours is the address he has and that is the one he will attend for taking an inventory. He said he will give me 7 days to get the lowlife to contact him and arrange payment. Lowlife will not pay because he's a lowlife. He pays nothing. I am at my wits end and don't know what to do. Please, any advice would be welcome. thanks PS there is another penalty we sent back to council (different council). Does "not at this address" mean anything anymore? Is this going to happen again? Update: I've spoken to my daughter and it turns out a similar call was made to his mum's house (must be for a different car?) and she showed them her tenancy agreement and they went away. This bailiff said he wanted proof that he didn't live here but also said I had to prove my/my daughter's goods are not his. How can I do that? I don't want the bailiff in my house at all. I feel violated enough already. Lowlife seems to think we can all just make this go away for him!!!
  9. Hope someone with legal knowledge can help with this matter, We have sold our house in scotland and complete in 4 weeks. We have since discovered we have an inhibition order that was renewed for an old CCJ obtained in England that we need to get lifted. The story is this. We had a default judgement registered in england in january 2008 for 19k by a debt collection company. We went to court to get it set aside/defend as we were living in Scotland at that time. We were challenging jurisdiction and the amount plus. The judge issued a revised order in may 2008 amending the original judgement to £8k and requesting claimants to instigate mediation thereafter. No order was made about jurisdiction. We subsequently also found out after the judgement that PPI was included and the agreement has a false signature. This information was not available to us at the time of the second judgement in May 2008. The claimants registered the original CCJ in Scotland so they could pursue which resulted in an inhibition order, however, the inhibition order was issued in 2010 quoting the original CCJ in default issued in January 2008 of £19k and not the revised amount detailed at the hearing in May 2008 . The 5 year period expired and the inhibition was renewed in feb 2015. Is the inhibition valid given it quotes A CCJ amount that was subsequently amended by the court? What can we do to get it lifted quickly? We have subsequently moved back to England. Would appreciate any help available.
  10. Has anyone had any dealing with Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?? We have received a demand for a Community Infrastructure Levy for the sum of £23187.50 which has come as a great shock to us. We were not aware of any new procedure in dealing with this CIL charge and it is a genuine oversight on our part that we did not complete the necessary forms or notify you of the commencement date of the build. We are not builders or property developers and due to this we had employed an agent to act on our behalf with matters relating to our planning application and build. It is not until now that we we aware of this new procedure and I would like to add it still seems to be very complicated. Our planning application was submitted by our agent with the required forms notifying the Council that we were building the extension for our own use and do not intend moving within the foreseeable future, he did advised us that there would be a CIL charge but we would be exempt, at this stage we had no reason as to question him as he is the expert! Once planning was approved we received a letter advising of a CIL charge which was approximately £20000.00 we called our agent and advised him of this and said that if we had to pay this sum of money we would not be starting the extension, his response was that we were exempt as it was for our own use but we did have to live in the property for three years once completed. I advised our agent in January this year (2016) that we were intending to commence work early March and requested that he submit the necessary paperwork the council, he advised that he was just finishing it and would send it in the following day. We received a Invoice for £518.00 from the council which we duly paid, our work started quite a bit later that we had intended due to being let down by builders and weather conditions. Our footing was poured on the 7th of June 2016 and so far we have had two inspections of the work from the Council. To us the lay person this is what was necessary and we were not aware that we were doing anything wrong in this procedure. The works are still being carried and we are a long way from being finished. Currently the extension being constructed is not in a position to be occupied and indeed part of the existing property is not suitable for occupation either, and we currently have no heating not a good position to be in with the weather due to change at any time!. We were lead to believe that as this extension is for our own use we would be granted an exemption to payment of this CIL. The situation has not changed and the payment of over £20,000 to the Council does not appear to comply with the spirit of the Governments intention in setting up the Community Infrastructure Levy. We were lead to believe that the rules specifically allow house extensions for the owners own use to be exempt from CIL and our situation has not changed since our planning application was submitted. We understand now from our conversation that this is also not a given fact. We are going to be seeking some legal advice on this matter in the next few days, and will also make an attempt to complete the complicated appeal form relating to the CIL charge now that I know where to find them, as the demand that we received relating to this matter and the instructions on how to appeal are not clear, in fact my original appeal letter was sent to the wrong place as the instructions advising how to appeal advised appealing via the portal!! (it never said which portal or provided a link on how to get there) We do have a paper trail of correspondance between ourselves and our agent which will confirm what we have mentioned above. Please can anyone give me some guidance on this matter, I am guessing I will need to make a claim for negligence against the agent? the authority have offered a payment plan which is currently 50% of the demand and the final 50% being paid 60 days later but they said that they could possibly spread this over 12 months this equates to over £1600 per month I cannot possibly paid that amount I work part time 24 hours a week in retail and my husbands wages are all accounted for in our daily cost of living.
  11. Apple have issued an urgent iPhone and iPad software update (iOS 9.3.5) that included a patch for a serious security vulnerability. The vast majority of iPhone owners are probably on iOS 9 right now, but you should check and install that version right away The malware in question, which was detailed in a report from Citizen Lab and Lookout security, is a serious compromise that’s never been observed against iOS devices before. But you can guard your devices and your personal data against the latest security threat simply by heading to settings and hitting the update button. http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/25/12651206/apple-iphone-security-threat-update-now
  12. Hello all, Just need advice, My ex employer who i have left 4 months ago called me. my ex manager phoned me yesterday to ask me if i can write something down regarding an accident that happened to an employee when i was on shift and it was me who wrote the accident report backed by photos of injury and location where it happened in the employer's place. That employee has taken the company for a claim and ex manager called me to ask me if i can write my version and has provided me with email of a person from an insurance company who i should send my brief email to regarding our discussion on the phone. The thing is I wrote a thorough accident report on this accident when the person who had the accident reported it couple of days after the injury at work. My question is why am i called to send a brief since i have already written the report and do not work for the company anymore. Is something i should be aware of, by sending a brief am i putting myself into something unknown, is it advisable. what do you think. Thanks in advance. regards,
  13. Hi, I've been looking at reclaiming PPI from a 2002 loan I got to buy musical equiptment. After being messed around claiming they couldn't find my account details I SAR'd my bank at the time and sifted through 1000+ pages of documentation in order to find my agreement number, 160 days after the initial SAR request I was eventually supplied my account detals. Long story short it was single payment / front loaded PPI payment. I did however run into difficulties paying the account and it was "written off (term as per transaction description) / defaulted at £520 in 31/07/2003. What I've since learned was that this debt was sold off to 1st Credit DCA, who subsequently persued me (and me simply not knowing any better thinking I was simply settling one of many debts I had from my younger years) I made an initial £26 payment on 31/05/2006 as a token of my eventual desire to pay said debt completely. I WAS AT NO POINT AWARE THIS WAS ACTUALLY THE BLACKHORSE ACCOUNT The following day (01/06/2006) while continuing to settle debts I called Black Horse and made what i was to believe was the final £520.85 payment.due on the old loan. After saving for a few months more I then contacted 1st Credit and paid the rest of the £525 debt they asked for. It has now come to light while I've checking old bank statements that Black Horse accepted the final settlment from me while actually not owning the debt having it been sold on to 1st Credit. Where do I stand in Scotland with regards timeframe to claim the full £525 payment from either party? Any advice would be appreciated
  14. Hello I had a few letters from bw legal saying I had until 6th August to resolve outstanding parking pcn charges before court action, I've been away for a few days and phoned them today to sort it (defend) and they said they have already issued court proceedings on 2nd August! Ten mins later I've received court claim papers. The amount they are claiming is £1950 for 19 alleged offences. There is no way I've parked on their car park and not paid 19 times and I've not had loads of letters either. Some dates go back to 2013 Is it too late to defend this now? I'm totally new to this forum and don't understand a lot of the jargon and I'm on my phone so limited access. If anyone can please give me any advice I'd really appreciate it. I feel sick with worry.
  15. Hello I'm very new to this. I've received a county court summons with regard to a debt I owe to Capital One credit card for £8500 from Lowell Solicitors. The issue date is 22/7/2016. so the service date is 5 days after that. I went through some financial issues years ago and although I scrape by dog walking (earn aprox £7000 per annum incl working tax credit) (I have MS and am on anti depressants so try to do a job that will keep me healthy but will be flexible enough to take into account my fatigue) nowadays I still have some old debts that i don't have the resources to pay. this is the biggest one. I did write to them in 2014 (the debt was owned then by Cougar Finance) telling them my financial circumstances and offering to pay a monthly amount which they refused. Since then Ive stuck my head in the sand and hoped they'd go away. Now its come to a head. I own my house, got rid of my car years ago as I couldn't afford it. . Im terrified I'm going to loose my house. I have not used a credit card in years I wish I hadn't been so stupid in 2013. I have some PPI going back to the 1990s on different loans and credit cards thankfully all paid up, that I hope I can claim back which i could also use some advice on. I have kept every bank statement, credit card invoice and financial paperwork. I'm a bit of a hoarder. Please advise what I can do. Thanking you in advance
  16. Hello I hope you can help - I have someone who is a decent human being but has been put is a difficult situation. Someone else was helping him before but I’ve been called on-board as the other person hasn't got the time. He has been on ESA for a long time, He suffers from severe social anxiety, depression, body image issues and also post-traumatic stress due to many issues; most of which are childhood-related, whereas the traumatic stress (I believe) was relatively recent (5 years ago) due a severe facial injury that required intense facial- reconstruction; (were talking hours of surgery and many surgeons) He has been on a continual downward spiral since as he has no support network and his heavy drinking with which he has used to cope with his social anxiety! This has now culminated with him having a psychotic episode a few weeks ago that resulted him being imprisoned for 6 weeks on remand. He received a suspended sentence plus counseling for drink. No one was hurt, though I’m assuming the experience hasn’t been pleasant for anyone that was involved. I cannot stress enough that the person Is decent human being that hasn’t had the help he’s needed for years. His ESA was such that even wrote him off (never needed a tribunal etc) but since coming out of prison he has found that his ESA has been stopped. Im assuming it was because he went to prison the last amount paid into his account was june 6th! and nothing after this. He doesn’t have the skills to get it reactivated on his own! I have done some homework, and found that he is classed (still) as a remand prisoner as just being locked up from June 6 to approx 5-6 later! I believe from my own research (limited) that..... 1 There is a 12 week period within which the EAS can be re-activated / or linked) is this correct? 2 and that this means that there is not major/ substantial extra information needed to be sent to the dwp? And that it is merely a case filling in a new form and re-activating the claim? 3 However he hasn’t been in proper contact with a DR due to him slipping off the radar in terms of doctors notes (he hasn’t needed them for over three years, so you can imagine that someone who suffers from such conditions has simply let things continue!) will he need one now? 4 Or is it simply a case of filling in the correct forms etc? He has no money since coming out of prison- his rent was paid by housing benefit but the short-fall which was made up by himself with the ESA which obviously means the current situation is-not sustainable 5 he will not need to see Atos, surely if it is simply the case of linking the claim? In conclusion I’m unsure which type of ESA he was on but I’m sure it falls within the category of not needed to attend any support group. He hasn’t needed to supply an updated Dr’s note to Atos or the dwp. I have not phoned the ESA yet on his behalf as I’m not sure if I’m up to the task. But the idea is I would like to get the ESA up and running the way it was before, but obviously to try and get him some type of support group as well. Can anyone help? As the 12 week cut off period is looming? Thanks
  17. I got this form a few days ago and I need to return it by the 22nd (less than a week from when I received it). And I'm really not 100% certain how to fill in the box. It does say 'briefly' but I'm worried that if I don't put in enough information that it may go against me when I fill out the actual PIP forms when my son is 16... My son has a diagnosis of ASD and had been getting high care and low mobility (the welfare officer at cab several years ago advised that I should appeal for higher mobility but I was just happy to get something and didn't want to go through an appeal even though he wasn't the only person to advise that). My son has no concept of the value of items at all and there is no way he could manage his own finances but I really have no idea how to explain that. Any help/advice greatly appreciated
  18. Hello Everyone, I had few hundred pounds stuff ordered from shop direct in 2013 . I didnt like the stuff and sent it back , I got email confirmation that shop direct will refund in my account which they never did . I have more then 25 emails which I sent them and their replies that they have received the goods back and they will credit the account they never did. Three years later I got latter from Lowell demanding £3182 and its going higher day by day. I requested CCA AND CPR on 11/12/15 . I requested , 1. Agreement / Contact 2. Default Notice 3. Assignment 4. Formal Demand But instead I received the Lowell made documents today which they will present in court. I have attached here. ( PLEASE HELP i have never been to court and dont know what to do ? There are more documents here... Thank you Andy ..I haveattached court documents here. docs1a.pdf
  19. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-appeal-for-family-of-durham-lance-corporal-raymond-halliday
  20. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-appeal-for-family-of-lancastrian-private-george-wilson
  21. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-appeal-for-family-of-carlisle-resident-corporal-thomas-edgar
  22. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/urgent-appeal-for-family-of-durham-resident-private-harry-vasey
  23. Hello, I have been called several times by a number 02086100150. This is apparently the number PayPal use when they are chasing people for a negative balance. The story behind this is a case of fraud. I have recently believe to have been a victim of fraud where I was told that I would receive a PayPal payout. I found this through a facebook group which is a selling page. The advert said that people could receive money as long as they met the certain criteria. In addition, it said that there would be no fees involved (and to me as a 19 year old this meant minimal risk of losing money). This involved being sent money through PayPal which would be transferred to my bank account and some of this would then be sent to another bank account as what I believed would be fees for this service. I was told to download a programme which would be used to create a meeting where the other person who was helping me to do this, would be able to take control of my screen and do what was needed. I was told to sign into my PayPal account and also my online banking (stupid mistake)... I had £300 added into my PayPal account (from different people) which the person then withdrew to my bank account. From there, they went into my online banking where they typed in the bank account of the person to send the money too. They then withdrew £200 from my bank account which was as expected. This was supposed to be repeated several times so each time I would keep the £100 remaining. However, on the next occasion £300 was added into my PayPal account (also from different people) which was then withdrew to my bank account. From there, the person typed in all of the bank account details as before. However, this time they typed in to withdraw £800....this was not what I expected and stopped the meeting instantly so they could not take control of my bank account and PayPal any longer. Several of the different people whose accounts were used to send money to mine (i'm not sure if they had the money fraudulently taken from them or if they were part of the company doing this) have then requested to have their money returned. However, I closed the PayPal account that all of these transactions happened on and now I have PayPal ringing me. I'm assuming they are questioning the negative balance on my account and are wanting the money back.... However, as a student I have no regular income and I dont know what to do. If they are chasing for the money then I will be placed even further in my overdraft. I have already been placed into my overdraft from having lost £400 (£600 in total added to my account and £1000 taken from my bank) and now they are chasing me for the £600 added into my PayPal account. This will mean that in total I would have lost £1000 if they get the money back. I have contacted action fraud but they have 28 days to get back to me. The original case of fraud happened several weeks ago. I'm not sure what to do... I don't have the funds to pay the money back and I feel like I have been scammed so bad (p.s. im only 19) Can anyone help???
  24. Hi, if anyone can help? Went to my parents a few days ago and received an unexpected call on their house phone (was living there years ago whilst a student). Turned out to be Erudio, I thought they were trying to flog off something and hung up. After googling them yesterday, I understand they're the new student loans company. I had taken some students loans, prior to 1998 (mortgage style) and some around 2007 (comes directly out of Pay). It turns out that the last time I paid anything towards and deferred my mortgage style loan was in 2011 and since then have not paid anything back. The reason for this is during a marital dispute in 2010, I moved out an was living (with family and friends) and also working in different places and totally forgot about this particular loan (and the other too as I was never earning beyond the thresholds required for me to pay anything back). As a consequence of moving around, I also never received any reminders etc. I've moved back home earlier this year and after this call, it has now dawned on me that I've not paid anything for so long. I am worried that I may get a CCJ against my name etc and not quite sure what to do? After reading through some posts here I understand that the loan will not be SB but I'll most definitely have lost the right to deferment etc. Should I simply start paying something to these guys via standing order and inform them of my situation? Will this prevent them pursuing a CCJ against me? Please help?
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