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  1. I would also appreciate any advice at what happens during one of these appointments. The letter says it is "about your application to be appointed to act on behalf of Mr * * " Will they want to ask my son any questions and what kind of questions would they be? He could probably answer a question like a sum but that doesn't mean he understands the value of anything....
  2. They have said they will cancel tomorrow's visit and try and reschedule in a neutral location but they cannot guarantee this is possible. They also say that my son needs to be there even though the letter did not mention this at all (which I pointed out to them). They say that if he does not attend then dla could be stopped and they need medical evidence from a G.P or other professional to say he is unable to attend if that is the case. I asked if his pediatrician could provide the medical evidence and they did not know as they are only the 'visitation services' and I need to phone DLA and ask them. (A neutral location is still needed if my son attends as he doesn't like strangers in our home). At the moment they have currently left it as tomorrow's visit is cancelled and they will call back to let me know when/if they can schedule an appointment within the local job centre. They said if that is not possible then I must seek the medical evidence.
  3. Thank you. I will phone them now.
  4. I sent off my pip appointee form last week and got home 5 minutes ago to find a letter from dwp saying they are visiting me tomorrow between 11 & 12.30. Can they really do this? The letter is dated yesterday and they must have known there was no way I could receive it in plenty of time to make arrangements to accommodate them. I have less than 24hrs notice of a home visit. My son is ASD and I homeschool him as well as his siblings and he doesn't like strangers in our house. I would need time to sort out someone who can watch them. Also what about any appointments I may already have at that time of day. It is also the school holidays (homeschool children go on holiday too) and what if we were away this week and didn't get the letter and weren't in tomorrow either??? Sorry, I feel rushed and have no idea what I am doing much less typing so sorry if this comes accross wrong. I would prefer to meet them in a neutral location if possible as it would make it easier for me to get someone to watch my son while he is at home.
  5. Thank you for your replies. I have sent the form guaranteed next day to make sure it arrives in time.
  6. I got this form a few days ago and I need to return it by the 22nd (less than a week from when I received it). And I'm really not 100% certain how to fill in the box. It does say 'briefly' but I'm worried that if I don't put in enough information that it may go against me when I fill out the actual PIP forms when my son is 16... My son has a diagnosis of ASD and had been getting high care and low mobility (the welfare officer at cab several years ago advised that I should appeal for higher mobility but I was just happy to get something and didn't want to go through an appeal even though he wasn't the only person to advise that). My son has no concept of the value of items at all and there is no way he could manage his own finances but I really have no idea how to explain that. Any help/advice greatly appreciated
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