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  1. Hi Would like some advice about 2 loans that I took out in 2005 with egg to consolidate credit cards, car purchase etc after getting a mortgage in 2004. Both loans were for just under £25k each and it was more or less implied that if I took out PPI that the loans would be easier to be accepted for and that I would be able to claim if I was not able to work for any reason even though I was self employed. Roll onto end of 2008 where my ex wife and I started having relationship problems and I started struggling to make the repayments but feeling that I had a duty to repay I struggled on trying to keep the repayments up to date even when I could not carry on working at the end of 2009 when I became a single parent. By March/April 2010 I could not make the payments so the loans went into default officially. I spent the next 6 years struggling to bring up my kids as a single parent and have been chased to repay the loans via lots of different debt collection companies but was never in the position to pay anything So now in 2016 the loans have both been removed from my credit report (such a relief as can start rebuilding my credit worthiness). I did receive a questionnaire for both loans from Canada Square Operations in 2013 about my PPI but because of my financial situation I just filed them as I was worried that it was a ploy to get me to pay money to them that I could not afford. It does state in the covering letter that they that the loans where now being administered by Britannica Recoveries but does not say the debt had been sold to them. It also lists the reasons that they think I would be entitled to a refund for and they are for it being implied that by taking PPI I would get the loans and that when self employed I could only claim if I could not work at all. My question is would it be worthwhile sending in the questionnaire now to apply for a refund. Many thanks in advance Allister
  2. Hi, I was unfortunate, some may say silly to get involved with Pay Day Loan companies over the last few years. I am trying to clean up my credit report and have found four registered on my report. One for over £1000 on what was only a £100 loan. I have attached a copy of the information from my report. Can anyone help me sift through this and advise on the best route. I think the Kapama debt was from Mini Credit who have ceased trading. Just need to know what is the best way forward with these . Many thanks.
  3. I have started having a sort through old paperwork from the last 20 years, imagine my surprise about the gems one finds. My first loan was with Barclays in 1996 for £1795.44 and PPI was added, I was self employed at the time. The next loan was with Barclays in 1997 for £7273.40 and used to pay the previous balance off.... PPI added....I was still self employed Then had an egg loan in 2000 for £5831 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). The next egg loan was in 2002 for £15241.66 which was used to pay off the previous balance( PPI added). PPI settlement from egg on this back in 2012 for 6.5k. The next loan was a Barclay loan in 2005 for £23331.36 and paid previous balance off and trip to AUS. no PPI on this one. Renewed Mortgage and paid of previous Loan 2006 Chelt & G. So at this moment is it worth firing off a claim for the first 2 Barclays loans ? Egg is obviously done and dusted in settlement. The next area that I have now noticed on the 23k Barclays loan, Is that the bank copy and my copy of agreements are different. Also on both, Apr is shown as 7.9% that doesn't add up right to the payments 48 x £486.07= 7.767 % not 7.9 or am I looking at this wrong? If the document has the wrong calculations what options are there ? Tigs
  4. Hi, I have sent all my payday loan refunds claims off but I just have a few questions. I don't have any bank statements but I have my credit report. I attempted suicide because of my bad debt and I had over 19 payday loans in Sept 2011 so I chucked everything and buried my head in the sand. On my credit report it shows I had every month in 2010 - 2011 3 loans running at the same time every month. I have claims for all my loans in 2011. My quick quid loans I had 33 loans that's roughly over 7 per year. Do you think I have enough to claim back as most of my outgoings in them 3 years were to my parents as they are retired and relied on my rent. in 2009 my dad to a loan to pay all my lenders and so my outgoings increased by £150. Rent: £500 Dad Loan: £150 (After 2009) Mobile: £45 Travel: £250 Food: £200 In 2008 - 2010 I was earning £1010 and in 2010 - 2011 I was earning £1200 per month. For 4 months in 2010 I was on JSA so I only had £280 every 4 weeks. In 2008 - 2009 I had the following loans all at the same time Wonga Quick Quid Poundstillpayday Wageday Advance Payday UK Payday Express Moneybox 247 Mr lender Uncle Buck In 2010 - 2011 Wonga Quick Quid Payday UK Wage day Advance Payday Express Payday Overdraft Monkey Dosh Convers Money Tower Capital Moneybox 247 Mr Lender Poundstillpayday Cash Genie Peachy Loans TxT Loan The Loan Store UK Uncle Buck CFO Lending Poundstoday and I think PoundstoPocket Oakham As I said I don't have any bank statements only my Credit report that was bad anyway. MoneyBox247 have sent me a sheet that show the credit check they did came back with a score of 450! Thanks for any help in advance Happy Easter!!
  5. Hi, Thanks to all those who post such great advice. I am currently in the process of claiming for irresponsible lending. I have had a great number of payday loans due to a gambling problem. I have had an offer from Quickquid via the FOS to repay interest on the last two loans made in October. I am just after some advice as to have far I could reasonably claim back for to see if it is worth shortening the fight. I have outlined the dates and amounts below. I have already had a judgment from the adjudicator that one in August was irresponsibly lent so I am working on the basis that everything after is. Would it be worth try to ask for interest from the loan in April as I had borrowed 3 times already and paid off the March one only to borrow two days later and on my payday no less?? When do you think that the FOS would start presuming that money was being irresponsibly lent? Quickquid Oct 2014 £400 Quickquid Dec 2014 £600 Quickquid Oct £1000 (paid off and then...) Quickquid Oct £1100 Quickquid March £700 Quickquid April £700 (paid off the previous loan and then borrowed 2 days later - on my payday) Satsuma August £500 (The adjudicator has said that this has been irresponsibly lent) Satsuma Feb 2015 £350 Sunny Feb 2015 £700 Sunny May £750 Sunny June £100 Sunny Sep £750 Sunny Oct £350 Payday Express Feb 2015 £400 Payday Express May £400 Uncle Buck July £200 Uncle Buck Oct £300 Lending Stream Sep £250 Lending Stream June £150 Whizz Cash Sep £250 Western Circle Sep £200 Pixie Loans Sep £200 Pixie Loans Oct £300 Piggybank Nov £100 Ferratum Nov £110
  6. hi ,we have a secured loan off just under 5,000 from Black Horse which is now been taken over by Skye Loans we purposed to pay it at 150.00 per month but they have refused and added charges off 53.00 can any one help please
  7. Hi Guys - received a letter from Loans.co.uk saying that I had been possibly mis sold a ppi policy on my mortgage - originally through igroup and then gemoney. I completed the form returned it and have been told that it has been upheld and that they are calculating the settlement. I raked through some old documentation and fund the 5 year term policy which was paid in a single premium back in 2006- now I am still paying my mortgage still got 10 years to run- I can remember that it seemed my mortgage was a lot higher in the first couple of years but I cant remember any specific ppi repayment being paid monthly - So do you think that I have repaid all of the single premium in the first fe years or would that premium of 4400 been spread over the whole life of the mortgage which would mean Im still paying it even though it was only for the first 5 years. I actually rang the Wessex group who checked and said it was paid in one lump at the beginning of my loan - just wondered if you had heard of this before
  8. Good Evening, I am trying to locate email addresses for Yes Loans and Liquid Advance which I had loans with, I am trying to reclaim my interest charges from these companies. Could someone help with this please?? Thank you for your time ;-) Kind Regards Mr Wits
  9. They really are a curse! I have posted a couple of times regarding the nightmare I have had with one of these companies. With all the claims being made regarding Payday loan companies, I can't see any difference with these loans. I really hope we get some sort of compensation for all we have gone through. As with all these type of loans, once you've borrowed from them, it can be a vicious cycle, but in my case, when I first started until I finished not one credit check was made. They did an affordability check but how does that prove one's ability to pay. The desperateness of someones situation may mean they forget some debts or elevate their income etc. Easily done in the heat of the moment. Great day when they are banned or compensation awaits!
  10. My friend had a loan with HFC, Marble loans in 2004. A few years ago she sent a CCA request to them but never heard anymore from them. They have been selling the debt on to various DCA over the years now they have got heavy and Restons are involved. They have said they are going to apply a Charging Order to her property. She does not have the original paperwork of the original cca request. They sent a letter before Christmas saying she had until the 22nd December to reply to their request and then they will take her to court. Not sure if things have changed now and you can still request cca or if I need proof of original letter? Should she send a SAR to HFC or Marbles Loan with a hope there is a copy of the original cca request or maybe send a new cca request?
  11. Hi, despite having a ccj for £1500, sunny lent me £400 ! the first repayment was due today, but as i am still waiting for an ebay refund to clear , yesterday i contacted the bank to cancel the cpa. no joy! santander say they cannot do it as sunny have not taken payments before. contacted sunny . explained situation . sunny agree new payment schedule starting 5/1/2015. wake up to an email from sunny saying the bank had refused payment ! checked online sunny statement and no changes to my schedule had been made! will they try to take again tonight ? will i be charged for non payment ?
  12. Over the last couple of years Pay Day Loans have not had a good time. Since the Financial Conduct Authority took over from the OFT - they have reined in the dreadful practices used by this industry. Many of the companies have left the industry altogether, the rest are having to abide by some very strict regulations. There have been lots of fines issued and borrowers have been compensated for some of their dreadful experiences. We are now seeing quite a few caggers report back that they have finally removed themselves from the clutches of these companies. Make sure you aren't one that finds themselves IN their clutches this year !!
  13. Hello, I'm looking to get some advice after reading about the redress that payday companies are paying. I had three loans, one with QuickQuid which I repaid in full, one with Payday UK and one with Payday Express, both of which I defaulted on in 2013 and remain a black mark on my credit file. I defaulted on these owing to losing my primary employment and sinking into a sea of debt. I took out the Payday Express loan on the 13/03/2013 and the Payday UK one on 01/07/2013. My first question is - since these defaulted in December 2013, and no payments made since, would it be possible to get redress? My credit file was already shot to bits at the time of these loans - having already defaulted on my credit cards (not able to make the minimum payments on those), and I will openly admit I went for them in hindsight to try and buy myself time and sustain myself as my job was coming to an end and I was just trying to get to the end of each month. My questions are - even though the accounts are in default, would I be able to get them written off under the redress scheme? It is certainly easily provable that I was a considerable credit risk at the time. Secondly, even though I was able to pay off the QuickQuid loan, managed it with some difficulty and by utilising the other two loans to continue making the payments. Is there any redress there even though I settled the account? Thanks alot in advance for any advice, I'd be more than happy to answer any questions.
  14. Hi all, yet again i need your help. I have acted foolish, earlier this year i applied for and was suprised to be offered a loan of £950 by Sunny.co.uk, so i took the loan, then 4 days later paid it back, now according to their website you have a 5 day cooling off period where no interest is charged, although can only use this once every 12 months, i paid back and was charged £40+ extra in charges as i recall..... a few days after this i decided hmmm £950, that would come in handy for this and that, maybe my credit is getting a little better, applied again, was offered £950 again, took it, again....... i know, shame on me. Now the problem starts, i thought i would be paying back monthly over 10 months, but it turns out then wanted weekly, i went on the defensive and pulled the plug, running with the £950 essentially, fast forward 6 months, the total amount owing is £1450 odd from a initial £950 borrowed, on CR it is being marked as late payment NOT as a default, not yet anyway. I figure i want to enter in to negotiations to pay this back before it hits as default on CR, can i do this, are they likely to listen. I could maybe afford £50 per month for the next 6 months then maybe £80 per month. I know this will take forever for it to clear but better than getting a default... .. or not. Thanks in advance.
  15. I have heard mixed details about this matter. The Student Finance information seems to indicate that as the loan is only for fees, and paid to the college, it is not counted as income but my friend has been told otherwise. Can anyone point me to specific information showing definitive answer please.
  16. Hi all, Having read through many threads on this excellent site, I decided to raise formal complaints with a number of payday loan lenders. Between around 2012 and 2014 I took out around 60 payday loans. After the first few loans, I quickly found myself short of money after paying off the loans, and having to take out new ones again. Eventually I threw the towel in and started a DMP around the start of this year. My complaints were based on the loans being un-affordable, and that they should have been for short-term lending only. Complaints were raised in early October to the lenders. Here are the results so far: Pounds to Pocket - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. However, they have cleared my outstanding loan in full. £996 written off as a goodwill gesture! : ) Lending Stream - didnt agree loan was unaffordable, but they reduced £105 from outstanding balance - refund of interest charged after i informed them of DMP - which i accepted. QuickQuid - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. They offered me a £150 goodwill payment which I did not accept. Complaint with FOS. I am aware of recent redress ruling, but no contact from that. Peachy - This lender did not agree that the loans were unaffordable. Complaint with FOS 4Finance / Vivus.co.uk - This lender has not responded to my complaint. I dont think they operate in UK any more but they do have brands all over Europe. Does anybody know how I can contact them as they are ignoring my emails? Complaint also with FOS DifferentMoney (My Mate) - did not agree that the loans were unaffordable - with FOS Wonga - acknowledged my complaint, but not provided a response yet (still within 8 week window) Mr Lender - did not agree that the loan was unaffordable - with FOS Ladder Loans - acknowledged my complaint, but has not provided a response yet (still within 8 week window). I am aware of Dollar Financial redress scheme, no contact from that either. So... not a bad result on my complaints so far with around £1150 written off. I'll keep you all posted as the other complaints develop. My advice to anybody in similar situation to me, get those complaints in! pjb
  17. Hi, Does anyone please have the bank details for Amigo loans? My brother has to pay them he is in an agreed monthly arrangement but does not want to give them his new card details as he thinks they might take whatever they want. He want to pay cash in at the bank so we were wondering if anyone has these details please to make payments? Or any other way? Thanks.
  18. Hi everyone I am a newbee to this forum. I have been reading your threads about sspl and could really relate to them. I got a personal loan against my home in 2006. I was told I had to have ppi, however when my ex husband was made redundant we were not covered. I have been trying for years to claim back the money which is over £10,000. everyone just passes the buck. I have got a customer copy of the loan agreement. I have wrote to sppl who claims it is the brokers responsibility who has gone bust. any advice please? Thank You
  19. Hi all, although its a much discussed topic "Statute Barred" I'd thought I share some recent communication between myself and ecashwindow otherwise known as Early Pay Pay Loans. A month or so ago I received an email from ecashwindow stating that a CCJ was "being" issued at my home address. without acnowledging anything I responded to the email with "You will need to send me copies of any signed paperwork and documents relating to the suggested loan I have with you. Sending me threatening emails suggesting court action will not prompt me to make any payments unless you can provide the requested information". Then yesterday I received the same threatening email and replied with the same response. I at no time sent in a letter with any personal details or form of payment requesting hard copies. But I did get a response on email from them with a copy of a loan agreement with all my personal details on it. However the loan was from 2008 and defaulted in 2008 so it is now statute barred. So they are being hopeful of getting the payment with threatening emails. I guess what I am trying to say is for anyone being chased by this company be sure that you ave all the facts in place before you think about making any payment. It is just scare tactics. I am also seeking advice from the people that know on this site. The email they sent me yesterday contained personsal information such as; Full name and address Full bank name, account number and sort code Bare in mind I have not confirmed who I am or agreed that the loan was mine, so surely they are breaking some kind of data protection by sending out personal details such as this . If they are then I will need help in building a case against them.
  20. I have been contacted by them in regards to a really old loan. I last made payment in Feb 2009 and I sent a SAR request off to them in Dec 2009. They appear to have used the £10 fee for SAR as payment for the loan. Two questions is the SAR an acknowledgement of the loan? secondly they say that even though I haven't made a payment the fact that they have written to me keeps the timeline "live"
  21. Hello I am new here and desperate for some advice. It's complicated but will try and keep it brief but below is a summary. In August 2006 myself and my now ex husband needed to refinance an existing loan with GE Money a broker referred us to Blackhorse and we were offered a secured loan of £40k. We were categorically told that we could only take the loan if we had the PPI as well even though we said the repayments were way to high to afford. We were convinced by the Blackhorse rep that this was our only option like idiots we signed. The loan agreement states Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Total amount of loan with PPI was £52,075.05 (we did query this as we were told absolute max allowed to borrow was £39,000 the balance is cost of PPI). 10 year repayment period. Interest rate of 11.9%. A year on and we realised that the PPI should not of been sold to us as we had our own insurance through our employers (we had told the Blackhorse rep this before signing)! After a bit of a fight £10,373.35 was credited (so it shows on my statement). Another year down the line and a divorce. I got into payment difficulties and missed a few payments (I always made Blackhorse aware of when and why). PPI came to light again as when Blackhorse credited the original amount they had failed to refund the payments we had made and the interest. In 2009 Blackhorse finally credit the account again with a refund of £3,561.31 only after I had refused to pay anything until they did! I carried on paying reduced payments to Blackhorse as I was struggling on my own with the loan and main mortgage but had accrued arrears made up of missed payments and charges of £23,435.47 Blackhorse went for a SPO in November 2012. Blackhorse wrote to me the same month to say they were charging me 11.292%. I have carried on paying the court agreed sum however on occasions I have not been able to pay the whole amount on the due dates and payments have either been split, late or not the full amount. I always called Blackhorse and made them aware if paying extra when I could and for once they were helpful! In October 2014 I received my annual statement and was shocked to see that even after paying over £7K the balance of my loan had only gone down by £145! I queried this and put in a complaint to the FOS. Within in 4 days Blackhorse rang me and said "good news - no more interest, when I queried why all of a sudden they said "good will gesture"! Roll on to May 2015 when I receive letters from Blackhorse and Skye to say loan was sold on. I rang Blackhorse and asked why they said no longer "allowed" to operate those loans" however everything with my loan would remain the same. I then called Skye when my first payment was due 1st July 2015). Made the first payment via debit card however the rep entered the wrong post code so had to do again. Again was reassured smooth running of account by Skye. Checked bank account later that day to find I missing two lots of large payments! Rang Skye oops sorry a mistake we don't have the money it's in limbo, called my bank who confirmed the wrong payment was in limbo and would have to wait until it wasn't collected to recredit my account. My bank then blocked my cards as believed it was fraudulent due to high amount twice! This took almost two weeks which meant I incurred bounced direct debits bank charges and £253 liability order for non payment of council tax! Skye just said oh we didn't have the money physically so tough, On making my next payment the lady I was speaking to said about setting up the payment plan by direct debit. I explained I was unable to do that as sometimes I have to make split payments as money was very tight. She said send in your pay slips, statements and expenditure and income and we can see if we can get you a more comfortable payment. She asked was was comfortable now I said the amount but what about SPO. She said well it's a fresh start with us and took the reduced payment. She confirmed to make the reduced payment until they had reviewed my finances. I made the reduced payment (split) this month on 29th. Thence stepdad I received a call from a rep who told me she had reviewed my finances and the history of the account from Blackhorse and as there are still £9,315 owing on the arrears and as my finances clearly show I ve no extra finances to clear these - they suggest I sell my house to clear the whole balance on my loan otherwise they will possess. I was shocked! She said they are no ,onger able to help me and I have until Monday to respond. Sorry this is so long but thought the whole history would be helpful. Sorry I forgot to mention I have paid £45,102.41 to date and the balance on this loan is ......... £42,676.88, the lady who called from Skye in Friday also said the the original term of the loan was up last month and that I had breached the SPO as when it sent to court a new agreement was put in place (news to me as I never signed any new agreement) that the loan would be extended by 4 years to allow for all arrears and payments to clear however I would need to be paying over £900 a month to do this - I currently pay £700 which is £80 more than agreed by court.
  22. Hi all, I am not the first to post on this issue but I wanted to get some advice about the appalling mess that Sallie Mae UK created when it went bust. They were a subsidiary of the American private loan company and they briefly funded postgraduate education in the UK for a year or two. I foolishly borrowed money in 2006-7. They folded and the debt was passed on to various companies: Eagle Consulting, Total Credit Financial Services and most recently, Capquest who I believe are a debt collection company. There has been the odd complicated statement with huge interest added over the years from each of the companies listed , but no attempts at contact, no paperwork or phone calls to arrange a schedule of payment and nobody checking when I actually finished my PhD studies. I haven't spoken to anybody from the company and I have only had one email exchange with them - in 2009, when they (Eagle consulting) sent me three letters saying I'd missed payments. I emailed to say I was still studying and they updated the system to show I would be finishing in 2010. If that had happened, my first payments would have been due after a nine month deferral, so autumn 2010. Due to dropping to part time status, I actually submitted my thesis in summer 2013 but they didn't know that since they never asked again! My question is this: how does one establish a cause of action for a private student loan? Is there any way of establishing this is a statute barred debt or not? If not, I will need to challenge them about the exorbitant interest they have levied over the years , as it was supposed to be interest free until nine months after graduation. To give you a clear picture, I had a letter from Capquest saying they would be managing my account on behalf of arrow global. They wanted all future payments to be paid to them and had set them in line with the last payment I made to total credit which they claimed was £899.99 per month. I've never made a payment or spoken to them. I sent them the standard statute barred Scotland letter in response, and I got a letter back saying 'we were informed you were due to finish your course of study on 22 May 2015. With your entitlement to a nine month payment holiday, this means you are not currently due to commence payments on the loan until February 2016.' I graduated from my PhD in July 2014, having finished fully by autumn 2013! They continue: 'The Limitations Act states that the time start to run from the 'cause of action' which for this type of account is when the creditor is able to take court action to recover the debt. This will usually be after one or two payments have been missed. Court action is not possible for this type of account unless the account has had a default notice (or been terminated). As no payments have actually fallen due this account cannot qualify as statute barred therefore the balance remains correct and due to be repaid by you as per the original conditions of the loan.' They say that - although they have added around 10k of interest to a 15k loan over the course of 8 years, when it should have been interest free! Any advice would be much appreciated.
  23. Anyone come across this lot? Received a very aggressive email from them chasing a really old debt of £127 which they say was attributable to EPDL, and going straight for court action... Emailed them to say don't remember this and who are they and was emailed back with: Ecashwindow Ltd is the new name for Early Pay Day Loans and are happy to supply you additional information you require. Call 01908 440050 in order to discuss further. In the meantime legal action will continue. Nice outfit...!
  24. Hi Guys and thanks for the acceptance to this forum - I am normally quite good when it comes to debt and have managed well but In February of this year I received a 'DOE' letter to my Ltd company for a debt in 2002, which I have no recollection of, nor have they attempted to notify me in the last 14yrs about any outstanding amounts (Social loan). I called the number supplied on the letter with some confusion as you can imagine asking what this is all about and why a DOE has been sent without previous contact from DWP to resolve this matter, the debt company (refused to issue name other than 'we work for DWP') advised me to speak with the Social loan team, I called them and they said I needed to speak with the debt company, I called them back and advised this is in dispute and a letter will follow since no proof has been provided to myself previous to the DOE, I also advised that since I had taken 3hrs aside to learn if this debt stands, did I need to pay it? (Yes is the answer). So I sent the letter in March advising them to supply me with information regarding this debt. I also included that if I have to do further work to resolve this matter when they clearly should have provided me with it then my time is chargeable at £14ph +call charges if it occurs. I heard nothing until July this year again another DOE but this time it is accompanied with another amount owed! What is going on? is this maladministration on their part or is it simply they have no clue what they are doing??? I called and advised them that I still have no proof to work with and it is disputed... I hear nothing until 2 days ago... GUESS WHAT!! another DOE... this time, no subject, no reference, no amounts or proof included just a calculation sheet for my Ltd company.. I called them yesterday and all they say is 'contact Social loan' but enforcement/recovery will continue by them. My question is this, I have asked for proof 3 times, x1 by letter and x7 by phone, I have yet to receive this signature, breakdown sheet or anything else so what do I do next? I will obviously send a letter confirming the actions taken and proof of my previous letter sent by recorded delivery along with photo evidence of my phone statements showing calls made and duration but is there anything I can do to get these off my back since they have waited 14 years to follow this up with no correspondence at all sent to me (I am listed on every system and register so no excuse), no proof and failed to do so since my original letter 6mths ago?? I await in anticipation guys because I am getting frustrated with debt company's who act as recovery but will not request further information from their clients, all you get is 'its not our job' guess what ... it is, you took on the role of recovery so surely you must request all related information to complete the task before enforcing.. is this not illegal to enforce without proof?? Cheers guys
  25. the law commission has opened a consultation to give consumers greater protection when taking out a logbook loan http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/unfair-law-fails-to-protect-logbook-loan-consumers/
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