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  1. HI Ive got a start date for a job for 15 hours a week ( 1st June). It is my first job since a major breakdown last year, ( suicide attempts, irrational behavior, [paranoia etc etc) I am on ESA now since January 5th and have my assessment a week on Saturday. However, do i tell them about my job offer at the assessment? I am terrified of people, being assaulted, being raped, etc When do i tell the DWP, i have the form ready to fill in. I need this job to help me back to my old self so i can look at getting back on my feet and getting back in to permanent work. However, without the extra ESA cash through permitted work i cannot afford to take the job. Silly as it seems, but i need it for my sanity. Please help I don't want to get into trouble but i feel stuck between a rock and a hard place Also, what happens to sick notes if you are working permitted work? Thanks
  2. hi everyone i need help badly. a few days ago i was caught stealing at boots and the security guard lead me to their security room. inside, there is one female boots staff and another security guard from the shopping mall. total three of them. the security guard from boots asked me to take out whatever stuff i have stolen i did as told as i was too afraid. later on, he asked for my id and name and home address which i gave as well issued me with an RPL form. the amount i have stolen was £220 i know its so stupid i stole 4/5 perfumes thats why the amount is expensive. he called the police police came and searched my bag found another item i had stolen from another stall. i cant lie because the tag is still on and i have no receipt. the police took me to custody at police station. first all my items are being emptied from my bag and jacket and all the police found another item in my jacket which i totally forgot about it i was so scared i keep begging her but no use i was asked if i need a solicitor the police and the surgeon kept saying whether or not i have the surgeon decision is not going to change. i told them i dont need which i regret after i come back home i was asked questions by the surgeon and lead to a cell room which i was lock. after an hour or so the police come and told me they are going to my house and check my room and state this is always the case for stealing. i was so worried another hour has pass in the cell room and finally she is back she said my room doesnt look suspicious and she commented i always have tea in room? later on she interview me with a recording and then ask me lots questions. i admitted of stealing at two stores afterwards, my dna and photo (front and side views) as well as my finger prints are all taken and recorded i was told by the surgeon that my case will be a caution (is that called caution?) and i can go home. no action will be taken and the polices just told me not to do silly things anymore and they say i might receive letter from boots thats all. i assume that will be the RPL lettter? im so scared: will my housemates know what letter that is? is there any sign showing that letter is from RPL? also, will i be fine??? btw im above 20 years old. I need help people. i couldnt sleep for nights and keep having bad dream about it. what shall i do. someone help me please
  3. can bes take over a residential property electric supply as they only do commercial electricity I need to no as been miss sold a contract please help the last few days have been hell bes utilities phoned me saying they were acting on behalf of my hopefully soon to be landlord no lease signed I have ended up in a contract some how I have been bullied and feel forced into this contract really not sure wat to do as I don't have a lease yet or permission to change the electricity supplier still they say I cant get out of it they say they are going to take over the electric suppy on the 25th and there is nothing I can do they also said the supplier at the moment cant reject the take over apparently I have no choice but to go with them all I want to do is get out of this contract. also the address on the contract is a residential house helllllppppppp
  4. Hi guys, here's my situation: I closed my business down last June and cancelled my telephone & broadband contract with BT, no problems there thank god. Anyway, they have asked for a £44 payment for Netprotect or something. I'd never heard or used this service, but they said that it was taken out when I set up the phone/broadband. My wife explained to them that surely if we have cancelled the phone and internet in June last year, how could we use the Netprotect? They say that it can be used on any PC anywhere. My wife also asked why they didn't mention it when we cancelled last year, but BT said that they were not obliged to and assumed that we wanted to keep it. My clever wife also asked for (and received) a copy of the transcript of her conversation. So, where do we stand, do we just pay it to avoid damaging my perfect credit rating? Many thanks in advance.
  5. I sign on again next Monday but I have a wedding to go to on that day. What do I do? I wont be able to attend that day at all :/ Do i lose my money? thanks in advance:!:
  6. Private parking company Civil Enforcement Ltd (CEL) is well known across parking forums for issuing court claims, but often not turning up at court. Until recently they had contracts at several Co-op supermarket car parks, but following 'contractual disagreements' their contract was terminated by the Co-op. CEL threw a hissy fit and started ticketing Co-op employees and then refused to cancel tickets, with the result that CEL (and their debt collectors DEAL) currently have 50 court claims on the go against Co-op employees. The 50 outstanding cases have now been stayed until at least 31st of March, until 2 test cases are heard. Anyone with a court case with Civil Enforcement Limited should ask for it to be stayed until the test case of Civil Enforcement Limited v Curtis A93YM708 is heard. Anyone with a court case with DEAL should ask for it to be stayed until the test case of DEAL v Colclough A79YP365. The full story is here: http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/cel-turn-up-to-court-50-cases-of.html
  7. Hi everyone. Its my 1st post, apologies if i've done anything wrong on here. But i've been really worried and can't sleep tonight. i Wonder if anyone can help with this: I've been driving for 20 Years. I've never seen anything like this before. Paid the full years car Insurance online Got insurance Certificate, thought i was insured, got a 7 day cancellation letter, no phone calls notifying cancellation or asking for further information, think they are saying it's due to a failed credit check (their letter is below) I now need to get cover with another insurer. Do i now have to declare to the new insurer that i've had car insurance cancelled, or can i just go with one of the other quotes i got the same day i got this one? Do i get all my money back, i need it back first to pay for one of the higher quotes to get insured again. Full Details of what happened: Car insurance was up for renewal. Got quotes on several comparison sites. Chose one quote, rang the company, gave them reference, confirmed level of cover, excesses etc. Decided to accept cover, agent said best doing it online, or else i'll have to enter all your details and run it through again. Went online, clicked through the comparison site link for that companies quote. Paid the full years premium at once. 1st Email Received Thank you for confirming your intention to insure, We are currently processing your payment details, as you will already be aware to protect us against fraud we will be running a series of integrity checks on the information you have provided. If there are any issues with your payment, cover or results of our data integrity checks we will inform you of this by email or, if necessary, we will call you on the telephone number you have provided to us. Please note that your insurance cover is not binding until you receive a certificate of insurance from us. Got to email Proof of no claims, and copy of driving license within 14 days. I contacted my previous insurer again for copy proof of no claims Further Emails Received a few hours later: Certificate of insurance, Statement of Fact, Demands and needs, proposal information, Claims and break down contact numbers.. Basically everything you usually get when you get car insurance and you know you are covered. Knowing i was covered, and had time off, i went on a long motoring trip for a week to visit a relative, knowing i'll email my driving license and proof of no claims together when i get back. Got back tonight, was just looking through my emails on my PC when i noticed one from my new insurance company, Sent 2 days after taking out cover. "Please find attached an important letter with regard to insurance cover you have requested on your vehicle. This letter has also been posted to yourself at the given address and no further reminders will be issued. We recommend that you seek alternate insurance cover. Please note: Under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence to leave, drive or otherwise use a motor vehicle on the Public Highway without Third Party Insurance. Failure to return the certificate of insurance is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act." The Attached Letter URGENT 7 DAY CANCELLATION NOTICE We write to you in respect of your motor insurance policy for vehicle registration -------. We are authorised by your Insurance Company (see certificate of motor insurance for details) to act as their agents for the purpose of CANCELLING insurance cover in accordance with policy conditions and herewith give you notice that all cover is cancelled from -- December 2014. In accordance with our terms of business which were agreed to when purchasing this policy and that state: “We may, before and after entering into this agreement search the files of any credit reference agency or agencies who will keep a record of our enquiries. We may also disclose details about you and your conduct of this agreement to that agency or agencies. Such details are then used only to help make credit decisions on you or members of your household or occasionally for fraud prevention or to trace debtors. Where credit scoring calculations are used by us/the insurer, acceptance or rejection of your application will depend only on the results of the credit scoring process.” We regret to inform you that after such a credit scoring calculation was done, the result of which was unacceptable and due to this we are unable to provide any insurance cover for your vehicle. A full refund will be issued to you upon cancellation and once receiving a certificate surrender declaration unless there has been any claims during the period of cover. No further reminder letters will be sent about this matter. Cover will simply be cancelled. There will therefore be no cover in force after the above date and you must return your certificate of Insurance or temporary cover-note, if you received this by post you must return the original, where it was received via email you must email a Certificate Surrender Statement to cancellations Department. You are advised to obtain cover. Please note: Under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence to leave, drive or otherwise use a motor vehicle on the Public Highway without Third Party Insurance. Failure to return the certificate of insurance is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act. A Person may be prosecuted if a cancelled certificate of Motor Insurance or temporary cover note is produced to any person with the intention of deceiving that person into accepting it as genuine. ******************* WARNING ******************** After the termination of your insurance the Motor Insurance Database (MID) will show that no insurance cover is in force. This information is registered on the Police National Computer confirming no insurance cover is in force until replacement cover is issued
  8. Ok. This just happened literally 2 hours ago. I've been research about solutions for this matter but no hope. Please advice on these points below: 1. I'm a valid student, graduating in 2016 2. At the time of incident, the 18+ oyster card was not mine. It was my friend 3. I paid for the monthly travel which is 150/months MYSELF via my bank card (lucky me so that I can provide proof). 4. I've one expired 18+ oyster card, and one lost one. I've already report and pay 10 pounds fee to TFL since March (I think), and been phoned up multiple times to chase up but still nothing up until now. That can show I'm not trying to evade tube fare 5. The policy created to stop fare evasion which is reduce the TFL revenue but for my case, I've been constantly boost their revenue by 150 months. Just by different photos and names. 6. They said it's all about fair. What is fair if they took my only tool to travel. I have to travel all the way from Kingston to Hackney to work. If I try to be 'legal', it will take me 340 pounds/month. I'm entitled for a student discount as 150 months which is still a lot but I can live with that. I'm also have different living expenses to deal with. 7. If they put up a unreasonable penalty fares can I appeal??? 8. I'm still believe I'm not deserve being fined. 9. I have not receive any letter yet
  9. Hey all, I have not been on here for quite a while, however I have got good news, I got a Job and this time I am being honest, this is not a lie this time. All last week Monday to yesterday I have been on training with . Our Supervisor trained us up on how to use the scanner and to scan items in the warehouse, and we all know now how to use it and its easy, but the big problem is knowing where every numbers and letters are as its massive warehouse, I got a idea where some are but I just hope it doesn't take me long to figure it out. Anyway, yesterday our supervisor said that he was impressed with us all, he got some good feedback and we all have been taken on, some start today and some start Tuesday, I start Tuesday 25 November at 10.30am - 10.30pm shift, 3 days work and 3 days of. Going to sign of Job Seekers on Monday, its relief now that I got a job, better then being sit in my flat all the time nothing to do. But just wondering if you could answer these questions for me? 1. Will Job Centre still pay my Jobseekers as I should have signed on yesterday but I was excluded because of this training, will it still go in my bank on Wednesday 26th even though I am signing of? 2. When do I need to inform my council about changes and will I still be able to claim housing benefit for help with my rent if I am working 10.30am - 10.30pm? 3. I recently got accepted for a budgeting loan and I signed my declaration and I posted it back to them on Tuesday 18 November but since I am signing of Jobseekers on Monday will I still get my budgeting loan or no? 4. If I still get my Jobseekers, will Job Centre release the payment early so I can get some dark clothing for work as I haven't got any dark clothing and I can't buy any till I get paid. If you can help me with these questions then that would be great, and also I apologise about last time I was on here so please accept my apology.
  10. Hi all again, I've had a lot of problems with Littilewoods and Shop Direct Finance Ltd of the past few years. I currently owe them £292.95 and have been paying them token payments since May with a DMC. In the time i was in the DMC I had a lot of charges from Littlewoods. I've sent the DMC a SAR because they messed up some other debts of mine too and I want to see what they did. I'll list all the one's I can find with the statements I own and what my credit report says. ??/10/2014 Arrangement to pay (what it says on Credit Report) ??/09/2014 Arrangement to pay (what it says on Credit Report) ??/08/2014 5 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/07/2014 5 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/06/2014 4 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/05/2014 3 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) 19/04/2014 Late Minimum Payment Fee £12.00 (On the same day I made a payment) 01/04/2014 Debt Collection Telephone Call fee £12.00 ??/04/2014 3 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/03/2014 Arrangement to pay (what it says on Credit Report) ??/12/2013 Not Updated (what it says on Credit Report) ??/11/2013 Settled (what is says on Credit Report) ??/10/2013 Arrangement to pay (what it says on Credit Report) ??/09/2013 2 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/08/2013 2 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/07/2013 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/06/2013 Query (what it says on Credit Report) ??/04/2013 Query (what it says on Credit Report) ??/02/2013 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/01/2013 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/10/2012 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/08/2012 2 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/07/2012 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/05/2012 Not Updated (what it says on Credit Report) ??/04/2012 settled (what it says on Credit Report) ??/09/2011 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/08/2011 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/07/2011 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/06/2011 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) ??/05/2011 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) 17/11/2010 Debt Collection Telephone Call Fee £12.00 ??/11/2010 1 Late payment (what it says on Credit Report) There are a lot more and the debt was past to NDR money I think around June 2014 because I have a summary from them showing I made token payments In June & July. But i don't think they added any charges, I was thinking of sending a SAR to Littlewoods to get all the information. I was wondering if I can claim the money back and can I get the charges removed from my credit report, because they cant be legal. Also how much of this £292.95 should I pay if a lot of it has been charges. Now my old DMC said when i closed the account down that I owed the Littlewoods debt to Shop Direct Finance Ltd. Also my credit report says I owe Shop Direct Finance Ltd and the data goes back as early as November 2010. Any advice on how to proceed would be much obliged. Andrew
  11. Hi Lowell have been chasing me for a debt for some time. The letters they have sent have always been vague and I have written to them asking for assignment notices / original credit agreement and other information but never received a thing. They are taking me to court and today I have received the court bundle they have submitted. They are saying this is a debt to Vanquis Visa for £807.95. They have a copy of my on-line application and statement. That's fine - I don't dispute a debt to Visa, it's just never been clear what Lowell are chasing for Lowell have included a copy of an assigment notice saying my account was sold to them on the 18th of December 2013. The letter is dated 26th of December 2013 (Boxing Day). They have included another letter, also dated 26th of December 2013 introducing Lowell. They then include a letter from Vanquis dated 12th of August 2014 to me saying they had made a request for a hard copy of my application which could not be provided as it was done on-line. I have never made this request to Vanquis. I have only requested a copy of the original credit agreement from Lowell. They have sent a default letter from Vanquis dated 21st Feb 2013. I have been resisting this case because I have never been clear what Lowell have been chasing. I didn't get the letter they sent on Boxing Day 2013 and I have sent letter after letter requesting the original credit agreement and had nothing back in reply - just generic threatening letters. The court date is the 19th of December. Do I have any sort of defence here? I don't mind paying Visa but I don't want a CCJ from Lowell who have not provided me with ANY information about this debt over the last year or so. Any help greatfully received.
  12. 12 months ago we bought a vehicle for the company. we knew it needed work to bring it up to mot standard and make it serviceable so we took it to our usual hgv garage. we have used this garage regularly for the last 5 years and have never had problems but this truck took a month before we got it back as they were busy. we got the truck back and took it for mot.....it failed. this mot cost us £138 for the truck. we returned it for further repairs and took it for a re-test at another £78 retest fee. other work not completed.... no fuel gauge no hydraulic fluid in external tank steering wheel not straight (obscuring view of speedo) auxilary lights not working headlamp aim (mot fail) siezed pins and bushes in equipment front fog lamps not working no 12 volts for radio etc no greaseable parts were greased (when other mechanic greased everything it was full of OLD black grease) tacho graph not calibrated fuel and oil filters not replaced (photo evidence) initialy we made an upfront payment OF £500 expecting the bill to be approximatly £1000 maximum as it seemed there wasnt much wrong with it. a further £400 was paid around the time we collected it. a month later we recieved a bill for £1800 !!!!!!! charging us for wiper blades we supplied and fuel filters that were never fitted at this i refused to pay any more. the total labour charge was for 28 hours !!!!!! about 20 hours more than required accourding to 2 other mechanics. we responded to court papers within the correct time frame but due to other reasons we didnt get the defense and counter claim in on time (i did ring northampton and they said if we got the docs emailed over before 4pm it would be processed) the next day i got a notice of judgement from the garages solicitor.....before i even got the notice from northampton. what (if any) are the chances of this getting set aside? how do i appeal this decision ? can i make a counter claim still ?
  13. I have painstakingly repaired an old Sony Network Walkman NW-HD1 have the 2.3 disc but ofcourse this does not cover or allow the playing of MP3 files the later 4.3 updated software does. now there are loads of sites that either point to the now defunked sony update link or ofcourse poke you a virus file which is nothing to do with it. does anyone par chance have a working download [proved] or a copy of the disc sonicstage 4.3 that they can send me an .ISO of? this for a disabled user that has learned for years to use this devise and cannot now learn any other. this would really make her day regards dx CAG siteteam
  14. As the title suggests, just hung up on a 50 minute wait to speak to them after moving house (as there is no reply via email or through the website...) and don't want to be charged £30 for "leaving" them, but this is the third aborted call bordering 1 hour. I found the CEO email on here so left them a nice email about how bad their service is. But has anyone actually got through to them? Do they ever answer??
  15. Hi All We live just off junction 4 of the M5, and they have had some average speed camera's installed for a month or os. My dad is a salesman and has 10 points on his license already. He actually went over 12 points, served a 3 month ban and now is on 10. But he just got a letter through with another 3 points - this time for doing 46mph in a 40mph average speed check. I didnt think they could prosecute until 47mph? Is there anything we should know that could help us?
  16. I bought a toilet lever for a fiver first one broke after six months, got replaced, this was replaced on the 5.9.13, now on the 2.9.14 the same thing has happened. The very rude duty manager said I they cannot help because '' it was bought last year''. When asked about my statutory rights he still said no. Please can someone advise me on this before a take it further which I intend on doing. Many thanks in advance
  17. Last weekend my Mrs arrived home to find she couldn't get into our driveway, we have new neighbours moving in next door and a painter had ladders and blankets all over our drive while he was packing up, so my Mrs just parked on the street outside our house. 5 mins later we heard the bang, the painter with a ladder hanging out the back of the car reversed, couldn't see where he was going and into the back of our car breaking the rear light and pushing the bumper out. So I went out, the guy was in shock and all apologetic, he said he would get it fixed, to keep it between us and would be in touch next week which was the week past, we heard nothing. We live in a small rural area, my Mrs knows the guy, he is the father of the folk moving in next door. My Mrs did something similar last year, someone staying with the neighbor on the other side had the car parked outside our house, she swung out and into the back breaking again her rear light and ours, I fixed ours for £35 for a new light while she went to town on our insurance coming to over £700 The b**ch claimed for everything. I priced a new light which I can fix myself, £40, no big deal, but then why should I do him any favors saying he is being a prick about it, should I go the full hog like the woman next door did on us?
  18. just got the cheque through after filling in the paperwork gave them a ring just as a thankyou the guy on the phone was VERY good. knew the whole works and had all the details. outlined who I was etc etc and CAG. he said if anyone had any issues feel free to ring the number on the claim pack you'll get they have 90% of the data needed already including your statements but you MUST sent the signed form etc back by the 31st august. dx
  19. My son was taken on by a garden centre on a 3 month trial. After 3 months nothing was said and his employment lasted a total of 5 months and then the owner dismissed him saying it wasnt working out. His original letter of employment stated £5.50 p/h and he was only paid £5.00 with doing a 40 hr week there is a discrepancy there but also what holiday pay would he be entitled too? He had acctually taken 3 days off as holiday and was dismissed on the morning of his return by being called too the office without any other representation and dismissed..... ......so does he have any rights? Many thanks greenige.
  20. our application for discretionary housing was refused, as they say 100 a week on petrol is too much, 195 pcm on hp for car is too much, and that 50 for my disabled childrens things etc equipment, clothes, shoes and nappies and wipes etc. I did provide evidence to show the car is used everyday partner world 35 miles away and used for school run and childs physio sessions, they told to me that we can cut down on petrol and pay less on arrears on utilities (pay 21 on elec and 11 on gas and 25 on water) they also said i should reduce spends on food bill as it is 200 a week for a family of 6. I have applied on 3 different occasions and all been refused and the welfare team helped on last one but still said no due to the above
  21. wow, didn't expect this. Most of you know that I had a Job interview a few weeks ago with Premier Range in Todmorden, well the manger just phone me up on my mobile and he said I have got the Job, didn't expect this at all as I thought I didn't get it because he hasn't been in touch He said I can start Monday 2nd of June brilliant news !!! Get in !!! lol
  22. I'm 14 and I got fined £20, I was really Ill and forgot to tell my parents about the fine. now they've sent a letter saying you have been fined £55 and now i don't know what to do now. My parents can't afford to pay this, can I get away with this because I live in a flat and theres 2 gate's. Do you think the debt collector will come in? I don't want my parents to go court, really scared right now:(
  23. I sent letter 3 plus section 10 notice plus intent ofestoppel, got a response from the dca telling me to send £1 to cca requests, for 77/78 request. I suppose I just do nothing for now and wait for the next letters, to issue estoppel? Thanks
  24. got 2nd charge mortgage, on repayment basis, only 23% of each payment goes to capital payment, the rest is interest. How can I challenge this, I think I am being robbed here, I was thinking of contacting the ombudsman about it. Is there anything else I can do? Any template letters to send to them? Any help / suggestions, will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  25. on thursday i didn't buy a train ticket and the machine for buying a 'pay later ticket type' wasn't working i went on the train from Burnham to Windsor. The train was arriving at 8:16 and i was at the station at 8:12 but the line was so long. I couldn't miss this train. 4 to 5 people were still ahead of me by the time the train came. i got on it because i didn't want to miss my examination. When i got to Windsor i told the inspectors all of this but obviously they don't work on assumptions. i gave my details and left without doing the whole Q&A. This is where the problem comes into play. I forgot my weekly ticket a couple months back. Got fined that day too and got a £80 fine and a pre-court action letter. Paid it all off as soon as it came but i re-read the sheet and it says 'if this ever happens again. There will be court action' This is only my 2nd time in 2 years. Is it likely that they are going to take me to court this time?
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