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  1. Hi everyone, I received a bill from EON today for electricity usage between the period of 2010 and 2011. The address on the bill is for a flat I used to rent so I am assuming the letting company have passed on my details to EON. The problem is I never signed up with EON, in fact the bill that just arrived in the post was the first time they have ever contacted me. I was responsible for three bills whilst renting the flat, council tax, water and electricity, I made sure all three accounts were settled before I left so I am a bit confused now and don’t really know what to do. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks H
  2. Eon, our energy supplier has slapped us with a £10 charge for late payment of our bill. We pay for our energy on a monthly basis using readings from our smart meters. Readings are taken on 7th of each month and we pay usually just before the end of the month always around the same date give or take a couple of days this month being no different. We have contacted them and demanded that this charge be withdrawn and they have refused. We have asked for a breakdown of how this charge is arrived at and they have not given this breakdown instead referring to their"terms and conditions". We think that this charge is a penalty and is not lawful and have informed Eon of this. Also of our intention to escalate this matter if the charge is not removed. Any advice would be welcome.
  3. Hi guys, I just wondered if anyone has any advice: as it stands, I oweEON 2,036 GBP. I have an arrangement with them where I pay 156 per month. Thisis the absolute minimum they wouldaccept. It is a massive struggle to pay it. Next month, I am moving house. I called EON today and wastold that I would have to pay the outstanding balance when I moved. Obviously,that is not an option for me. They sais that the payment arrangement that wecurrently have in place would end when I closed the account and the finalamount immediately payable. When I questioned further, he said that I wouldhave to use EON electricity at my new palce as well. I don’t particularly want to go with EON at my new place. Iwould rather keep it separate because at the moment the payments I am makingcover my usage and my debt repayment, and I never know in what proportions. I am in a DMP and ideally I would like to add this debt withEON to that and increase the payment. When I tried to do this initially theysaid that Ithey wouldn’t be part of the DMP because the account was stillactive. I suspect they will be reticent to consent to the DMP now. Basically, I want to know what my rights are. Are theyallowed to cut off my electricity in my new house if I am not able to pay theold bill in full? Do I have to have EON supply my electricity at my new place? Thanks for your help. I hoep that made sense.
  4. I have been having problems with EON for over two weeks now. It initially started with my gas pre-payment meter which stopped working on Saturday 2nd March. I contacted EON who contacted an engineer who then came and changed the meter. As it was a new meter without a card, they put £10 credit on the meter and told me to call EON in order for them to send me a card, which I did. The card arrived however it did not work in the meter and had an error message 'Card Not Accepted'. As my gas was running out I had to contacted them again, again an engineer came out and had to reset the meter and place another £10 on the gas and yes, I had to order another card. Another card came and gain did not work, came up with the same error message and I had to call them again. To cut a long story short this happened three times, with me calling the engineer three times to reset the meter. In the end EON said that the meter reference is not corresponding with the cards and sent a further engineer to investigate. He said that the cards sent are for a different meter which are TRANSCO and they no longer exist. He put a further £10 on the meter. In the meantime, I contacted EON relayed the message to them and they said they feel that it is a fault with the meter and arranged a meter replacement for 21st March, however as they had to keep resetting the meter because the cards did not work the meter was replaced on 14th March 2012 and I contacted EON for a card. This time, the card did not arrive and on Friday 15th March, I contacted EON who arranged for me to collect a card the next day from a supplier near to be and provided me with a reference number. Today I attended the supplier and gave her the reference number which is meant to be allocated to the card and yes, you guessed it, it did not work!!! Again I have had to contact EON and now I am waiting for an engineer to attend my property to put money on my meter and I do not have any gas and therefore no heating. This fiasco has been going on for two weeks now with no resolution in sight and I would like to know what to by way of compensation for the constant calls, the times I have had to wait in for the engineers and being without gas. Any suggestions???
  5. We live in a 4 bedroom house. Somehow the bill for gas has increased to £8,000 and electricity to over £1,000. Even E-on admit it seems very large. For example, with gas we only use it for heating (which is off 8/9 months of the year) and even when it is on, we use it only in the evening for a few hours. The oven is electric with a gas hob. We asked E-on to check the meter which they have and they said they were fine and now they have installed pre-payment meters. I said our usage had gone down since the meter has been installed but they claim that it has increased. That said, even the figures they claim bear little relevance to the amount we are putting in to the meter. The bills seemed to shoot up a few years back which coincided with a neighbour moving in 200 meters away (we live on a farm) and a building development at the back which was stopped before the houses were built but all the utilities were installed. Even E-on say something is not right and suggested maybe a crack in the pipe underground somewhere. They told me to get someone in to check but I am on Job Seekers Allowance and can not afford to do so. Has anyone got any ideas as to what my next step should be? Thanks in advance, K.
  6. Eon forced a pre-payment meter on me because I had a £300 outstanding bill. They came and fixed the new meter while I was out of the house and I was simply stuck with it. The debt was repaid over a year ago. Unfortunately as I live alone, topping the meter up can be a problem - I really think they should have the facility to do this online for those of us who are not very mobile. Anyway I have recently had a nasty bout of flu and on more than one occasion when I have been unable to crawl to top the key up I have been in the dark and cold, which has meant the condition lasted much longer than it should have done. My question is, will another provider let me have a normal meter if I pay a deposit? I simply cannot go on like this, I have no friends or relatives nearby and no car, and the constant worry of running out of electricity is a nightmare. Bizzarely you can only top up by £49 - which sounds as if it should last forever but is only a few days at the high prices on pre-payment. Quite frankly I would be happy to pay even more than I do already to be relieved of the worry of being left cold and in darkness when I cannot leave the house. Thanks for any help!
  7. We have received a revised bills from EON today. The gas bill was up to £309. It is unaffordable for students like us. We don't think we used gas that much as there are only 2 students in my small flat. We are out almost all day and just use the heating in the evening. We rarely cook at home. We have charged based on estimated bills since we moved in on Sept 2012, the gas bills were reasonable (£20-£25 per month), but the electric bills were a bit higher than what we used (£30-£35 per month), and it went up £5 per month. That's why we took a reading. The revised electric bill we have received today was very low (£13) compare with estimated ones (£30-35). But the gas bill was up to £309. We rang EON and they said we can have a plan which we can pay £80 per month including both future consumption and debt. But we still can't afford it, as we are just students. We are even struggling with rent. Can someone please help what we can do to this situation? Thank you so much!
  8. hello i am new to this forum and would like someone to advice me on what i should do we have an account with eon along with 3 tariffs a day tariff, night tariff and a weekend tariff which they told us was the best for us. last week we recieved a letter telling us that since 2004 the night tariff rate was transposed with the day rate which told us that we were having electricity during the day on night tariff rate. they have admitted that it was there fault and have rectified the 2 tariffs, but now are demanding that we pay for the mistake that they had done. it amounts to over 4000 they then said that they would only claim for the last 12 months which is still a lot of money to find with 25% discount the bill runs to £800 do i have to pay for there mistake.... or can i tell them i am not liable to make amends help with this problem would be very grateful..
  9. I just wanted to share my recent story regarding eon central heating care. I have bin paying for my care for the last 5 years and before my recent issues have had no problems but then never needing it i wouldnt have would i? Anyway in the middle of december(during the very cold spell) our bollier packed up it was losing pressure and needed re pressurising at least once a week untill it stoped working all together i phoned eon and was given a day in 5 days time, bear in mind we have a child of under 1 in the house(hes one now b-day in jan). This was later improved to 3 days but still along time without heating and hot water and a baby in the house. The enginer came out and couldnt find any faults with the boiler even after me telling him about the pressure isues which to me sugested a leak some where, he said the bolier wasnt working due to a saftey switch that had come into play when the bolier had lost pressure. So he switched the switch and off he went. Fast forwred to thursday 17th jan and during the night all the power goes off (i know this as our baby moniters have an alert to tell us if the power cuts) after scraberling around for a while i manage to isolate it to the boiler, so i ring eon and get sunday 20th between 8am-1pm as there next slot so another 3 days without heating and hot water. So sunday comes and we recive a text to say our time has bin changed to 1pm-8pm. The enginer turns up at 2pm and finds a leak (who would of thought it ) that is causing the power to trip he drys it all out, fixes the leak and where up and running again happy days. Well move on to tuesday night/wednesday morning and im woking agin to find all the electricty off again this time the bolier was my first thought and yet again its tripping the electricty great. So i ring eon again and im given sunday 27th as there next available slot great another 5 days of being frezing and smelly. They said they would phone me back later that morning with a better slot, so 1pm comes with no call back so i give them a call they manage to improve my slot to friday but im still very un happy about this and feel very let down by eon so this is my experiance with eon boiler care just wanted to share so other people no what they will be dealing with when using eon thanks
  10. I have an agreement with EON to pay a monthly amount with a payment card every month, this agreement has been going for 8 months with me making my payment on the day every month without fail, paying a total of £1,530 Gas and £1,092 Electric in this time. However over christmas i was rushed into hospital and have 2 operations, during this time i missed 1 payment and was late for another, however, despite the fact i was now not working and am a single parent, i managed to catch up with my payments and am now fully up to date with all payments at present, despite this i have now recieved a visit from an EON debt agent, adding £55 for this visit, and threatening with breaking in to fit a prepayment meter and even changing my locks with a locksmith, and various other threats of extortionate fees, i am totally disgusted with EONs actions and complete lack of customer care, i am now ready to forward a complaint to the energy ombudsman, how can they behave in this way to such a vulnerable person? how can they justify adding £55 for an agent to hane deliver a letter? is this reasonable costs?
  11. Although Eon have lowered p/kwh ,unit rates,they have scrapped the Annual Threshold of 2680 kwh in which customers saw unit rates once this was achieved fall from 8.436p/kwh to 3.67p/kwh inc vat. Under the revised E.on EnergyPlan with prepayment the old 8.436p/kwh is replaced with a sole unit rate of 4.256p/kwh inc vat. However,there is now a daily standing charge of 27.395p per day !
  12. Hi All, I moved into a flat at the beginning of the year, I called up and registered with Eon and gave them a meter read which is what they needed from me to sign up with them. I am now moving out in the next few weeks so decided to take a meter reading. I tried to put it in on my online account but it wouldn't accept the read saying it's inconsistent with the previous reading. Upon looking into my account I can see they have just been providing me bills from estimates, they never in fact applied my first meter reading when I moved in to our account. So, no my issue is that the actual meter reading is around 5000kwh higher than the last estimated meter read they billed me for in October. Clearly we haven't used this much, and looking through the bills they have sent they are all estimated from a point last year where the meter was read. This would therefore mean that the owed elec would fall to either the landlord or previous tenant, but how do I go about this? I obviously need to give them a final meter read, but it's going to land me with a massive bill, which wasn't my fault. They never applied my meter read in the beginning, I have it written down what it was when we moved in, but I don't want this to wind up being a 3rd party dispute. Any one been in this situation or can help? Thanks
  13. Hiya everyone!!! Moved into my first flat after graduating last year. I have been a very irresponsible and naive girl and never informed EON about me moving in. Received letter from EON 6 months ago addressed to "the Homeowner" with a bill £600 I think. Called them up and suggested to pay a bit of money every 2 weeks which they agreed on. No meter readings or anything, I guess what I received was an estimated Bill. This evening I found another hand delivered letter addressed to "the homeowner" stating: We visited today to collect your payment of 740 pounds. We visited your property today to collect the money and you have been charged 55 pounds for this visit. If your balance remains unpaid we will apply for a warrant to enter your property without your permission and install a prepayment meter. We will also charge a further sum of 250. Why am I still addressed as the "Home owner" and how did they come up with this amount when I only spend 2 evenings at home. I will continue to pay them via automated phone line evey 2 weeks but can they really break into my home without permission or even disconnect my supply?
  14. My daughter co-rented a student flat whilst at university, Her and her flatmate paid monthly for their electricity and gas at a paypoint, The bills were based on estimated readings due to the fact that the estate agent were the only ones with access to the meters. The bills varied between £35.00 (summer) and £200.00 (winter). Both my daughter and her flatmate vacated the property on July 1st 2011. The meter readings were taken in their absence on july 1st 2011. The final bill was sent out on 13 july and was roughly £35.00 which was promptly paid. On 13 sept 2012 her flatmate recieved a bill from EON for gas totalling £403.00. My daughter queried this bill and was informed it was for under-estimations, When she questioned WHY it had taken 14 months for them to bill her, They have no explaination. My daughter is now looking for some advice and would be grateful if anyone could help.
  15. Hello everyone. First time poster and looking for some help. Recently moved into a property with prepayment gas and electric meters (hate them!). I want to register as a new customer with them as I think both meters have debt on from a previous tenant. My plan is to get them removed eventually and have credit meters. Ive looked on eon website and I cant find anywhere on how to register as a new prepayment customer. I'll be damned if I end up paying for the previous tenants debt. It's already costing me a fortune as it is! I have filled in one of their contact forms, explaining everything but that was about 2 weeks ago. Nobody has got back in touch with me yet. How nice of them Does anybody have a phone number for me to contact them please? Cheers
  16. I was at my parents house when a young man knocked the door holding a stepladder. He said he was from EON and that through the government they had to check houses for insulation. My parents told him that they had already been sorted out and that the house hadn't long been insulated, both the roof and walls. He didn't see me, but he was insisting that he had to check the attic despite what they said and see it for himself. He was shortly sent packing complete with his ladder following him closely behind. The shocking thing is that my parents couldn't see the harm in it and they'd seen him going from door to door and that the government and companies do have such things. Well yes they do but you don't let a stranger into your home just because he has a badge and a stepladder! My Dad said he wasn't stupid and the lad wasn't trying to sell anything! Well not yet he hadn't but once in the attic he could have done anything as my parents are in no fit state to check what he would have said. He could have soaked the insulation, removed roof tiles and then comes along someone offering to put it right. They think I'm paranoid. I think I'm flamin' well cautious and that cold calling with a stepladder is a step too much. Literally. I'll be calling EON and Trading Standards tomorrow to see if there is such a campaign and complaining about tactics to gain entry to homes occupied by vulnerable people.
  17. Hi all, this query is out of my comfort zone (I try to help in the bailiff forum) The person who has contacted me has a shop, like most businesses they felt the recession and that led to overdue electricity bills. They phoned Eon way back in February and all they got was someone 'speaking over them' who clearly had no intention of listening or being of any help.(call was recorded) At that time they asked for a repayment plan but got told to write in with their proposals, they did that but again never got a reply but from the date of that letter they have made substantial weekly payments of between £50-£100 a week to reduce the debt and I think they now owe about £1100. Recently I heard about another shopkeeper in exactly the same position who attended the Court and before the matter was heard the application was withdrawn.....two days later he got a letter dated a week before the Court date to tell him a warrant had been granted and they were coming on xx date to disconnect?? I think that says a lot about the arrogance of these people. The bottom line for the person here, is eon have applied for warrant to disconnect the shops supply (lots of fridges and freezers full of stock I am told) despite the payments being made. It is due to be heard on Friday and I have told them to attend that hearing and show the magistrates they are paying and of course a copy of the letter and if necessary let them listen to that awful person from the phone call. Does anyone have further advice please???? WD
  18. Hi I received a bill stating that I was in credit by £165. I called eon to ask if I could have the money back as i was sure that paying too much for my electric. Eon said that this was an estimate. At this point I was confused I thought that the whole point of a pre payment meter was that you pay for the electricity you have used???? plus when it has been very cold I have paid £50 in one week !! (I have storage heaters) when in has been warm I have only used £20. So it appeared that it was pay as you go. Eon then asked me to read the meter, they then said my actual reading was higher than there estimate so i will be sent a bill. At this point my son was crying so i could not ask any further questions . Did not want to call back as they are a nightmare to get through to ! Im now worried that I owe them money and will receive threatening letter. why have they lead me to believe that I was paying for my electric on a pay as u go basis when this is not the case?
  19. Will all customers of the above product please realise that if an Engineer does not turn up then you have no recourse what so ever to claim compensation.You are not covered by the Electricity or Gas Regulations as laid down in Law or the booklet keeping promises published by E.ON.If they fail to turn up even after they have texted you to say they are coming you can claim diddly squat.A recent small claims court case confirmed that and left me even more out of pocket.
  20. i currently have a bill in dispute with EON and is with the energy ombudsman. EON has passed on my details to a debt collection agency before who have written to me. I've informed them of the dispute and I have not heard back from them. For a week now, I have threatening text messages and phishing type phone calls from CRS. I have not replied or even tried to ring them back. I have received nothing in writing from CRS so had no idea how they knew about me. I have written to EON to stop all their agents from harassing me as they promised the debt would not be pursued at the moment as it is in dispute. (note that this is the only bill i have outstanding. i pay all my dues in time and have an unblemished credit history) I know some debt collection agencies buy their data. Can I sue EON for hiring unscrupulous agencies who sold my data on? Or does EON sell their data? Isn't this a violation of the data protection act? I am not going to cave in when i am just practicing my rights, but I want these harassing calls and text messages to stop. Anybody tried to stop them and succeeded?
  21. I would be grateful if anyone could give me any help in dealing with a bizarre situation in regard to Eon. I own a rental flat which is handled for me by a professional lettings and management company. There was an eight month rental void in the flat from the beginning of August 2009 until the start of a new tenancy on the 15th April 2010. During this period the flat was untenanted and empty. The first six months of the void period showed normal meter readings for an empty flat, according to Eon. However, they claim that from February 2010 until the start of the new tenancy on 15th April 2010, the meter reading jumped by 10,000 units from a reading of 71,705 on 16th February, to one of 81,725 on 15th April. This is totally impossible. Eon are attempting to charge me over £1000 for this. The meter is an old fashioned mechanical one; not a dial type, but one where the numbers go round separately on wheels. I first became aware that there was a major problem with Eon last week -early July- when the lettings agents, who had been dealing with Eon over this, contacted me to say they had learnt that my details had been passed by Eon to an external debt collection agency in May. Horrified, I rang Eon, but they were completely unhelpful. I have not had any replies to my email queries and requests for information from Eon. I put in an official complaint to them on 4th July. In addition to this, Eon do not even have the correct address for the flat; the address they have been using is for a nearby block of flats, so it is surprising that any correspondence has arrived at all. The letting agents dealt with this until recently. They are a local firm, they are impartial, and belong to a professional body. They tell me that they have repeatedly explained to Eon that the flat was totally empty over the period in question, and that this normally satisfies the other utilities when this situation arises. However, they say, Eon was different. From the beginning they were totally intransigent, and seemed intent on collecting the money, whether it was owed or not. The facts are as follows: 1.The flat was empty from August 2009 - April 2010; there is confirmation of this from myself, the letting agents, and the man who lives in the flat directly beneath. 2. We can provide copies of rental agreements with dates, and confirmation from the council tax office that the flat was empty. 3. No other utility has claimed there was any usage at all during this period, only Eon. 4. The previous tenant, who vacated in August 2009, did not leave any electricity on. This would have shown up in the meter readings. It does not. 5. Letting agents had been conducting viewings at the flat. They confirm it was unoccupied. The flat was immaculate after the first tenant left in August 2009, and it remained so throughout. I know that the flat was empty over the period in question. I know that the claimed electrical usage did not take place in that flat. Ten thousand units/ a thousand pounds' worth of electricity used in a small empty flat, suddenly, within two months is ridiculous. I know that I am receiving demands for money I do not owe. The latest stage in this is that Eon have stated that they now think that the meter may be faulty, and would I agree to it being tested by an external body. I understand from a consumer group that the meter examination is a last resort when all else fails, and more or less covers the company with the ombudsman. I am supposed to sign a document in which there is a clause which I believe signs away my rights to further investigation, should the meter be found not to be at fault. In addition, Eon have told me that the meter examination is likely to take six months. All this is beyond the pale. Already it has been a stressful, time consuming ordeal. I have had to take time off from my own work to research this, and try and get information from Eon (almost impossible). I have no intention of letting them string this ordeal out for a further six months. Can anyone give me any sound advice on this? Is the meter examination a good idea, and if it determines the meter is not faulty, what is the position then? My feeling is that I should finish dealing with Eon, whom, on the evidence of the letting agents and my own experience, have no interest in listening to reasonable argument and evidence, but are intent on their own agenda. Rather than wasting any more time, I should perhaps wait for the statutory eight weeks to complete, and take it straight to the ombudsman, who hopefully will be able to make some sense of what has happened. Is the ombudsman able to carry out tests on meters and electrical supplies, if necessary? I would appreciate any advice at all on this.
  22. Hi, Mine is a peculiar problem. I was a foreign student in UK for a couple of years (2007 - 09) when I stayed in a number of different houses which I shared with a number of other foreign students. I had an E-On account in my name in the first place I stayed. I stayed there for around 5 months (Sep 07- Jan 08). I moved from there after that and have stayed in a number of other houses. I, unfortunately, forgot to intimate Eon when we left the house. I started receiving letters from a debt collecting agency (Buchanan.., think) telling me I owed E-on GBP 616 which was the bill for an entire year (Sep 07 to Sep 08), of which I was in that house only for 5 months. I e-mailed E-on explaining the situation and an agent from E-on responded after a while saying he will chk and try and resolve it. I continued receiving letters to the then present address cautioning me of possible legal action. I finally received an e-mail from E-on stating he was unable to trace the landlords and I should furnish evidence i could. Sadly, I have no evidence. The only evidence I can think of furnishing is my bank statements showing the change in address, but I don't know if Natwest will provide me details that far back. I have been in my home country since 1 year and have no knowledge of the progress of this issue. I have to now re-enter UK and will be moving into a new house in a different city. I still have my Natwest account which is active. PLEASE let me know what I should do on entering? Will they start hounding me at a new address? Should I contact E-on/debt collectors/ignore? How will this affect my credit history? Really worried...
  23. Hi there I had a lovely phone call from Brian Carter Solicitors yesterday morning telling me that they are working on behalf of Eon for an outstanding Gas bill amounting to £982.22. The worse thing about all this is the debt belongs to a house I once joint owned with an unfaithful ex girlfriend who already cost me a whole lot of money (house contents and the cost it took to remove me off the mortgage and transferring deeds etc)... you get the idea. The bill is for dates: 24th Sept 2006 - 14th Sept 2009 I UNOFFICIALLY moved out (ie. wasn't taken off the mortgage yet etc.) in: June 2007 I LEGALLY moved out (ie. deeds were transferred over to her and her farther and I was taken off the mortgage) on the: 18th Jan 2008 I THINK I was the only name on the bill even though we were both living in the house. Through all the stress I had I must have totally forgot about removing my name from the bill. I realise I am at least half responsible for the period between 24 Sept 2006 to 18 Jan 08 and I am willing to pay half of this is I really have to. What should I do? I'm being chased for debt in which I am less than half responsible for! I've been in no contact with my ex since I moved out, she is VERY hard work, money grabbing and nasty so would rather keep it that way (I understand this might be impossible though *shudder*). Thanks so much for your help.
  24. Hello All, I am desperate for some help. I am a single parent on Income Support I am not working because of ill health. I suffer from severe rheumatism, gynae problems and panic attacks/anxiety. I am on a on price protection and fixed tariff products with EON, the fixed rate is run until 12/08/09 when I would just need to pay £18.48. Last year EON sent me a contract letter with all the fortnightly dates when I need to pay £47.00 for my electricity bill, I have been paying religiously on all the dates they've given. Jan this year I was very sick with flu and could not get out of bed therefore I miss the date of payment, I caught up with the next fortnightly date and pay £94.00 so not to fall behind, without a warning letter EON has taken me off the price protection and demand that now I have to pay £66.00 instead of £47.00 fortnightly, they said I broke the contract, I told them I was very sick and could not pay my bill on one of the date given, but they would not budge at all, I received a letter from their debt collector asking for immediate payment of the outstand bill of £558.81 because they say I fail to pay my electricity, I've only receive the letter yesterday and they've given me until the 21st Feb 09 to pay for the outstanding debt. EON is acting as if I have not paid my electricity at all. They demand that I have a prepaid meter putting in, I am very reluctant as I suffer from severe rheumatism also I feel if I put £20.00 in the meter £15.00 will go to them leaving me with just £5.00 a week with electricity, I've seen how many of my neighbours struggle to keep warm and I do not wish to go through this, because of ill health.. Is there any help out there I can get to get me back on the price Protection scheme? This is making me very ill with anxiety. How can this company treat needy sick people like this, its beggar’s belief. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Helen
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