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  1. just been to FIVE different paypoint shops to get a new key non can help me ! They are now sending an engineer this is getting ridiculous ! just spent over an hour walking to different shops , i now have to wait in 4 hours for an engineer !!!!!!! back to been angry again after I thought this was sorted !!
  2. Just spoke to their team in Scotland and they put me through to their manager they have been brilliant and are going to compensate me for all my troubles
  3. Just rung them again got through to a Scottish guy who has been absolutely brilliant, have to call him back at 8am he is going to give me a number which I can take to the shop to pick up a key, so relived why didnt the person i spoke to at 5pm yesterday do all this for me? and the other 5 people after that ! Dont care what anyone says but indian call centers do not work. One of them was demanding a number from my meter starting ACE or ACN she swore blind to me it was there when i told her it wasnt she said it was and kept making me check my meter The guy I have just spoke to said that not all meters have this number and he will call a company at 8am to get it. He's the first person who has given me reassurance.
  4. hi woke up this morning meter now says £1.61 E does anyone know what this means ? I rarely go into emergency credit ? and how much emergency do I have left? I dont want to wait to run out as well as having a baby I have food in the freezer/ fridge I cant afford for this to defrost Perhaps an engineer has been and gone without me knowing and without ringing the buzzer, but then i dont understand how he got through the front door into the communal hallway, one was supposed to come round and put £10 emergency credit on! But never show When I ring they dont answer my questions
  5. tried the number you gave me and its closed. Im gonna try nd sleep and call in morning will have to take baby to mums as i need electric to make his feeds from kettle. im taking this futher with them
  6. yes i have 17p left in emergency the last person i spoke to said they cant send someone out until it runs out she didnt care that i had a baby
  7. thx ive sent them a message begging them to ring me ! I havent tried the number you gave me I have a different number it takes me through to an indian call centre each person asks me something different however each person sounds like they are reading off a script and not listening to what I am saying
  8. it is cold in my baby's room as soon as i put the storage heater on this 17p will go they are refusing to send some one until it actually runs out, how can they do this to a young baby ?? they are a disgusting company im so angry !!!
  9. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP I DONT KNOW WAT ELSE TO DO !!! I have called british gas 5 times this evening asking for them to send an emergency engineer out one was booked earlier to come between 5 - 8 they never showed up each time i call they say something different they are asking me for a no that starts ACE i dont have this no. They are refusing to send out an engineer I have 17p left of my meter and a 5 month old baby I have been in tears on the phone to them Have asked to speak to manager but wont let me please help me
  10. Hi I am attempting to return to work when my maternity pay runs out, I have found a job thats only 4 hours a week so I will have to claim income support. I will be earning £27 per week, will this be deducted from my income support or will I be allowed to keep some of it Looked on gov website but nothing! thanks
  11. Hi thanks Yes it does, but the agent on the phone reffered to it as a bill and said that my actual reading was alot higher than there estimate I will keep my meter in credit until I change to British Gas on the 13th June. Will I get a refund for this? eg. if my meter is £5 in credit when British Gas change over the meter will you send a cheque for this?
  12. I received a bill stating that I was in credit by £165. I called eon to ask if I could have the money back as i was sure that paying too much for my electric. Eon said that this was an estimate. At this point I was confused I thought that the whole point of a pre payment meter was that you only pay for the electricity you have used???? plus when it has been very cold I have paid £50 in one week !! (I have storage heaters) when in has been warm I have only used £20. So it appeared that it was pay as you go. Eon then asked me to read the meter, they then said my actual reading was higher than there estimate so i will be sent a bill owing them money. At this point my son was crying so i could not ask any further questions . Did not want to call back as they are a nightmare to get through to ! I did not have another spare 20 minuets ! Im now worried that I owe them money and will receive threatening letter. why have they lead me to believe that I was paying for my electric on a pay as u go basis when this is not the case? I am changing to British Gas on the 13th this is when I they will get a final meter read and I will get a bill !
  13. Hi Thanks but I have never had pay monthly with them, when I moved in the key meter was already there with a debt of -£50 which they wiped off for me when I put it in my name. I go do the shop and put money on my key if I dont do this I dont have electric. This is why I dont understand why they are sending me estimated bills I thought it was all paid for in advance. I am changing over to British Gas they will do a final meter read and I will be sent a final bill. I am hoping this is a mistake but the guy on the phone was adamant that I will receive a bill So when you top up your key do they guess how much electric you are going to use ?
  14. Hi I received a bill stating that I was in credit by £165. I called eon to ask if I could have the money back as i was sure that paying too much for my electric. Eon said that this was an estimate. At this point I was confused I thought that the whole point of a pre payment meter was that you pay for the electricity you have used???? plus when it has been very cold I have paid £50 in one week !! (I have storage heaters) when in has been warm I have only used £20. So it appeared that it was pay as you go. Eon then asked me to read the meter, they then said my actual reading was higher than there estimate so i will be sent a bill. At this point my son was crying so i could not ask any further questions . Did not want to call back as they are a nightmare to get through to ! Im now worried that I owe them money and will receive threatening letter. why have they lead me to believe that I was paying for my electric on a pay as u go basis when this is not the case?
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