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  1. http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2013/01/18/rogue-dudley-dealer-admits-selling-unroadworthy-cars/ These are the guys we need to get rid of!
  2. right guys at my wits end here trying to speak to someone in authority is a nightmare. Loan was taken out during my bad patch, was a case of all information taken on phone approved over phone and had to meet agent the next day to sign and have my car checked this was done and paperwork was signed rushed ie sign here here here and here worst thing ever done. I was led to believe loam was 9 months its actually 18 and I was told £16 a week for 9 months not 18. The car has now been involved in an accident while driven by my partner on his own insurance policy and the insurance want the v5 but Hermes won't sent it to me. I have repair the original loan amount £400 and £200 odd interest ams they still want another £900. They want authorization to speak to my partners insurance which I am not prepared to give them. This loan has been miss old and I don't think its acceptable I signed for loan in my own car at the roadside nothing was explained and what was said was rubbish. Help guys there robbing me and if my car gets written off I need the money to buy a new car not pay a disputed debt
  3. Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone can help. (plus hope it's ok to post this here) I've got in a rut, rereading my favourite books and really need some new recommendations. I've read and liked: Robin Hobb Ian M banks Guy G Kay Peter V Brett Raymond Feist Tad Williams Robert Jordan (though gave up when one book seemed to cover a few days) George RR Martin Peter F Hamilton Trudi Canavan Tolkien (of course) Earlier David Eddings (later, for me = bad) Didn't get on with Steven Erikson's stuff, or Joe Abercrombie Probably others I've forgotten. I read other genres, but love series of books that I can get into. I'm laid up a lot of the time so my kindle has become my very good friend. I'm grateful for any fantasy/sci fi reccomendations. If you have anything else you want to recommend, that's great too - as an example of what else I liked, I loved Time Travellers Wife, and hated anything by Kate Mosse. My guilty pleasure reading is Jodi Piccoult. Thanks Lyn
  4. Hi Does anyone know if I can challenge a log book loan? I took out a log book loan in June 2011, when I spoke to the person down the phone I was told the only condition was that I had to keep the loan for a minimum of 3 months and then I could pay off the balance. The gentleman drove down from the north on the same day printed off some documents put me in the car and drove me to a solicitors office. I did not see the forms but was happy with what the lady had told me down the phone. I was later sent an unsigned credit agreement and my vehicle documents back. I have since found out the person that issued the loan is in fact a sole trader. I was under the impression it was a large organisation. I have requested a copy of the bill of sale and am awaiting this to arrive. I tried to settle the account in April 2012 and then found out I had been tied in for a 2 year fixed term. So in short I am being charged £3400 for a £1000 loan. I feel I have been mis-sold this as it is definitely not was discussed with me down the phone. So am I am to challenge this is anyway. I would have been insane to knowingly sign into a 2 year fixed term agreement. K
  5. Hi, I'm new to these forums and wonder if anyone has a little advice regarding an injury my OH had a few days ago. My apologies if it's a bit of a long post.. My OH is a line supervisor/machine maintenance engineer in a factory with roughly 300 employees. On Monday he was assembling some machinery and was fixing on a big awkward part when he felt his back spasm. He thought little of it initially as it's not uncommon with the heavy stuff he has to pick up every day to feel a twinge now and then. Over the last couple of hours of his shift he was in some pain but carried on working thinking he'd just shake it off. He discussed it and how it happened with several other workmates including the shift manager. They saw that he was in obvious pain and said so. My OH didn't put it in the accident book at the time thinking that it was a minor twinge that a good nights sleep would fix, it didn't. He woke op on Tuesday with a lot more pain and felt he couldn't do the heavy lifting his job requires so he phoned in sick, telling them it was because of the incident the day before. It was no better on Wednesday and he phoned again, this time asking if he was going to get paid bacause his firm usually do pay for any days off resulting from a workplace injury. The HR bloke said that it had not been put in the accident book and my OH hadn't told anyone about it (despite the fact that my OH actually did tell others). He then refused to pay for any days off caused by it because there was no proof it happened at work. In 14 years at this place my OH has earned a massive amount of respect for his work from his workmates and management alike but all of a sudden because he omitted to stick it in the accident book the very moment he felt a twinge, he's practically accused of being a liar. So I guess my first question is, does an accident have to go into the accident book immediately an incident occurs even if you are not sure at the time if it should be classed as an accident. My second question is, can my OH do anything to rectify the situation or is it now to late to put it in the accident book. His place don't exactly pay well and that's the rent money gone if he can't do anything. My OH is beating himself up about not putting in the accident book.
  6. Hi, I'm new to this and forums, so forgive me if I've put this in the wrong place. My ET1 was accepted. The employers submitted an ET3. Due to 'an administrative error' (Employment Tribunal's phrase), there has been a very long delay between my being physically attacked by my employers and the submitting of forms by them and the employers. I have literally just received the hearing and due process dates and today I have received a letter from my now ex-employers' solicitors, asking for an unbelieveable amount of information, that I would have to get together by this coming Monday. It would take me more than three days under perfect circumstances, but I am on new medication, from the GP, and have been referred to crisis intervention and a psychiatrist, as well as other health care professionals, as in their words, I am very ill, due to the stress of the attack, incidents leading up to the attack, subsequent court case and continuing intimidation and threats. I am too ill to get this replying information in this time frame. How do I word an email to the Employment Tribunal people, to ask for an extension, to get myself together enough, to answer all these questions? I am also suffering side effects from the medications and clinical depression. Also, I have been asked by the tribunal people to describe my disability (also present at the time of employment) under some kind of regulation rules. Do you know how I do this please? I take about ten medications to maintain my hormone levels, including Metformin as I am pre-diabetic and I am diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder, which is triggered by things like stress, including someone trying to kill me. At some point, I will post a full explanation as to what happened, but I need to first remove the stress of being expected to answer a whole heap of intricately detailed questions by Monday. Thank you for taking time to read this; I hope it makes sense (it's hard to concentrate at the moment) and if anyone answers, I thank you, in advance, for your help. If possible, I think I have to ask for the extension today. C
  7. I have been with Santander for over 4 years now and have a current account with a debit card cheque book and overdraft facility and have run my account with no problems never been overdrawn ,never had a letter from the bank in fact when I contacted them they stated that they could see nothing wrong with the way my account has been run. But last November I requested a new cheque book and I was told that I was not entitled to have one due to the underwriters . I stating that since I opened my account nothing in my financial life had changed as they where made fully aware of my financial history by me before I opened the account in fact if anything it had become better and after a few phone calls and letters I received a new cheque book with a £35 payment into my account and a hamper. This morning I requested a new cheque book and I was turn down it seems that the underwriters had reimposed the ban last June but I have kept my unused overdraft and all my other banking services .Before anybody says I can do without a cheque book I do use it a lot due to fact I am disabled but that should not stop me from have a cheque book .The question I would like to know is that is unfair practice under the BCOB rules and why I was not contacted in June to the fact that this facility had been withdrawn although I can and still will write cheques untill I run out and all are being paid ,any advice gratefully received.
  8. Hi I need advice as I have just brought a used car from a private seller, discription on advert seemed good with a slight (he repeats a slight rad leak). Got home car broke down took into garage and engine no good at all. The man mentioned nothing about any other faults. Also noticed that he brought the car about 6 months ago from a lady which he never sent off his part of the log book. Also he has used TipEx to try to erase his name/date and address on the log book???? So by law the previous lady still owned the car when he was selling it. Is it against the law for him to sell a car without him being on the log book, also how do I get my money back off him as he is saying sold as seen. The reciept he gave us was like a dealers reciept saying no warrenty gurantee on car ext. I just want to no if I can get my money back for missleading descriptions on adverts and him not sending the log book off for 6 months. regards. ps can someone please give advice as we dont no what to do???
  9. hi, i bought a second hand van nearly 6 weeks ago, it was SORN , been kept in a barn , i was given no parts of the log book and the owner said he would send off the log book,i havent heard anything yet , can i tax the van without the log book ? thanks for any help .
  10. One day, the wife comes home with a spectacular diamond ring. "Where did you get that ring?" her husband asks. "Well, she replies, "My boss and I played the lotto and we won, so I bought it with my share of the winnings." A week later, his wife comes home with a long shiny fur coat. Where did you get that coat?" her husband asks. She replies "My boss and I played the lotto and we won again, so I bought it with my share of the winnings." Another week later, his wife comes home, driving a flaming red Ferrari, You guessed it: Her share of the lotto winnings... That night, the wife asks her husband to run her a nice warm bath while she gets undressed. When she enters the bathroom, she finds that there is barely enough water in the bath to cover the bath plug. "What's this?" she asks her husband. "Well," he replies, "We don't want to get your lotto ticket wet, do we?"
  11. I really fancy one of these http://www.bluedoorbicycles.com/2012/05/bamboo-bike/ Just out of curiosity if nothing else.
  12. Good evening all, I've searched the this forum and sticky threads. They have been very enlightening and useful, but I still have a couple of questions.. Firstly in general, under what circumstances should the RK of a vehicle simply just pay the invoiced amount received from a PPC and not try ignoring/appealing? And specifically: If the car park provider's premises have a book in which customers may log their vehicle registration and time of use of the premises, then how does lack of a log entry for a vehicle registration covering the time when the parking charge notice was issued effect the validity of the charge? Obviously I've heard of somebody receiving a charge notice issued on the same day (although not necessarily the same time) that they were using the provider's premises and did not log their registration to show when they used the premises. I would like to know what is the best advice in such a case and greatly appreciate your help!
  13. How do these work exactly. I have a loan with Mobile money but they don't have the log book as they gave me the loan when I first had the car and had sent off for the log book. As I am now in financial difficulties with them, how can they seize the car without the book? Also, could I still sell the car and then pay them back rather than them seizing it and selling it cheap?
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