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  1. 7%, really? I read that article with interest as I got me price rise letter this morning with the new prices on the back. I'm a prepay metre customer and the article you link to says mine should go up by an average 8.6% New prices are (have rounded numbers to two decimal places)- Days Units kWh = was 11.83p - going up to 15.34p Night Units kWh = was 5.97p - going up to 6.53p They've dropped the daily service charge by a couple of pence too. The day unit diff is about 3.5p between old & new. I'm not very good with numbers really but don't sound like that 8.6% average relates to unit price, not in the daytime anyways. God knows what that 8.6% is a percentage of exactly cos it ain't the old price. Time to tighten the belt and slap in some extra overtime methinks.
  2. Hi, I'm new to these forums and wonder if anyone has a little advice regarding an injury my OH had a few days ago. My apologies if it's a bit of a long post.. My OH is a line supervisor/machine maintenance engineer in a factory with roughly 300 employees. On Monday he was assembling some machinery and was fixing on a big awkward part when he felt his back spasm. He thought little of it initially as it's not uncommon with the heavy stuff he has to pick up every day to feel a twinge now and then. Over the last couple of hours of his shift he was in some pain but carried on working thinking he'd just shake it off. He discussed it and how it happened with several other workmates including the shift manager. They saw that he was in obvious pain and said so. My OH didn't put it in the accident book at the time thinking that it was a minor twinge that a good nights sleep would fix, it didn't. He woke op on Tuesday with a lot more pain and felt he couldn't do the heavy lifting his job requires so he phoned in sick, telling them it was because of the incident the day before. It was no better on Wednesday and he phoned again, this time asking if he was going to get paid bacause his firm usually do pay for any days off resulting from a workplace injury. The HR bloke said that it had not been put in the accident book and my OH hadn't told anyone about it (despite the fact that my OH actually did tell others). He then refused to pay for any days off caused by it because there was no proof it happened at work. In 14 years at this place my OH has earned a massive amount of respect for his work from his workmates and management alike but all of a sudden because he omitted to stick it in the accident book the very moment he felt a twinge, he's practically accused of being a liar. So I guess my first question is, does an accident have to go into the accident book immediately an incident occurs even if you are not sure at the time if it should be classed as an accident. My second question is, can my OH do anything to rectify the situation or is it now to late to put it in the accident book. His place don't exactly pay well and that's the rent money gone if he can't do anything. My OH is beating himself up about not putting in the accident book.
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