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  1. Good Afternoon, Firstly I appreciate everything you guys do on here, I'm a first time poster and would appreciate any advise you can give me - I'll give as much detail below in relation to my situation however if you have any questions let me know; So, at the moment I have a defaulted loan outstanding with Tesco Finance to the amount of - £ 8,900. I defaulted from the loan in October 2013 and haven't been in contact with Tesco Finance since. In January 2013 I moved to Australia to complete a two year working VISA, at the time I had enough money in my UK account to cover my repayments with the intention to transfer funds back to the UK when my UK money ran out. I contacted Tesco Finance from Oz around February 2013 to update my address (when I got a fixed abode in Oz) - however after that it went a bit pear shaped. I ran into financial complications due to a health issue in Oz which I had to cover myself meaning I couldn't repay the loan, I contacted Tesco to advise them of this in June 2013 - however after over 1.5hrs on the phone they wouldn't allow me access to my account as the aforementioned gentleman who updated my address entered it incorrectly (house number and zip code). They asked me to fax over proof of address which at the time was impossible, and hence a stalemate ensued (wouldn't accept email, I tried). I returned to the UK in December 2014, financially I am now working full time, renting privately and have a bad credit recovery credit card however not in a position to repay currently due to other commitments. Its been over two years since the default and I'm at a point now where I'm afraid to contact Tesco Finance in case it kicks things off again. My question is; is it naive to think Tesco Finance has just stopped pursuing (i.e should a DCA have been in touch by now?) and will the fact that the account is still registered to my (incorrect) Oz address affect anything else on my credit account? Also what would people say are my options? - Once again thanks for your help and time.
  2. A little history first. Wife diagnosed with Diverticulitus over 25 years ago she is now just coming up to age 65. Had a really bad episode late December 2013. Went to GP first day open in January 2014. Saw Consultant at hospital jan 2014. Had MRI scan,saw consultant who stated it was now Complicated Diverticulitus plus a Hernia and surgery was required. Appointment with Surgeon who confirmed diagnosis and reffered wife to Stoma nurse. 27 Aug 2014 Sigmond Colostomy surgery by key hole was done ( This was past there own target of 18 weeks and took me ringing the surgeons secretary on a more than weekly basis to get anywhere.) Wife came to after op and no stoma. Surgeon stated he had been able to remove part of the bowel and reconnect with the other part of the bowel. Great!!!! We then had to wait till the 03Feb 2015 for the Hernia op this took even more chasing and it is quite soul destroying to see your wife in agony and myself having to push the hernia back into the abdomen. After the hernia op we thought great job done however my wife remained in pain which we put down to the hernia op as it had become so large and we in our naivety thought the area was taking a long time to recover. Last wednesday my wife collapsed with intense Bowel pain and I had to get an ambulance for her she was admitted had chest and abdomen x-rays and eventual an MRI the diagnosis is complicated diverticulitis and another hernia higher up in the bowel which would require more surgery and a stoma bag fitting. My wife was asked when her colostomy had been done as there is no Disc or notes on the op in her file. also told that not all of her diseased bowel had been removed. She was treated with morpine and intravenous anti-biotics we were told they would not operate at this time because of the infection and inflammation. She is at home now but hardly dares to eat anything and we are back where we were two years ago through no fault of our own. No doubt we start the merry go round again, do they now have another 18 weeks to fob us off too which they cannot keep to anyway. Why were we not told that the original op left a problem still in existence. That would have enabled us to at least go back to the Gp or hospital with the problem . Follow up appointments after surgery are a thing of the past all they are interested in is discharging you.
  3. I’m currently being investigated for selling on eBay my unwanted goods while claiming housing and ESA. I went for an interview under caution were I was asked what all these PayPal transactions on my bank statements are going back 6 years into my account to the amount on 9k? I explained I sell coins on EBay which I have been collecting for over 20 years and all personal belonging since I moved into a small flat. Also told them a couple of friends sold on my account and they are willing to give a statement to this effect. The reason why I had sell all my personal belonging is that there is a shortfall every month of over £100. I have now received a letter wanting me to list:- 1 A list of all cash credits where have each of these come from? 2 Miscellaneous credits where have each of these come from? 3 credit transfers from PayPal and PayPal statement 4 PayPal purchases detail of items and sellers I would like to know if I have broken the law by selling my personal belongings and my friend’s items on eBay and where can I get the best legal advice on this matter . I am scared they will stop my housing and will have to go homeless
  4. Hi all, I have been look around taking in all the information, but I could really do with some help/advise. I am currently on a DMP with step change (4-5 years). CCCS now StepChange have & were life savers, but I now feel advice contradict what I have read on theses and other forums I send off CCA request letters to some of my creditors. Long story short Capquest 1st reply stated they were waiting for HSBC, 2nd letter stated that HSBC could not provide CCA paperwork therefore the debt was unenforceable, but I was expected to continue to pay. 12+2+30 days has now pasted. I contacted StepChange as I do want my DMP payment to go towards this debt. StepChange said this was not possible and that I have to contact HSBC myself the gain clarification.. .They would not remove this debt from DMP either. the CapQuest debt is 9k outstanding already paid 4k, all other debt amount to roughly 3k. The debt is also so old if does not show on credit report. What should I do? - End DMP /stop payments to Capquest - Go it alone - Contact other creditors and pay direct (some are at f&f offer stage) Any help pointers would be great Many thanks Also forgot to ask , can I just ignore CapQuest now or is it good practice to send the failed CCA letter???
  5. Hello, I am working my first real full-time job after graduating from university in 2014. I started on December 1st 2014 and have so far taken 10 days off on holiday. I have another 4 days booked off. My employer has indicated that he is unable to give any further holiday and I will not be paid for the remaining 14 days holiday this year. I have tried to make an arrangement with my employer whereby they offer a day off here and there (as my employer has stressed that they cannot be short-staffed for black periods) so that my 28 days holiday is reached however this seems unlikely. I say this based on the fact that my colleagues have suggested that in the past, they have generally not been given anything more than 10 days or extra pay to make up for the holiday not taken. If I am honest, both the owner and general manager of the company seem shady over the issue of holiday pay. The owner has also previously made me feel guilty about wanting to take the full holiday. Whilst I understand that since I have not worked a full year here yet I have not fully accumulated the 28 days holiday. I am posting this in advance so that I may be fully informed about appropriate procedure in this case. If anyone has any advice as to what I should do please let me know. No employment contract has been signed and there is no real process for dealing with issues in our workplace. Thank you. Useful information: Currently nothing in writing No employee handbook No contract signed
  6. Hi All I am posting on behalf of my Ex wife. My Ex and her new partner live in a house share rental, Two of the other tenants have now left, The landlord wants the remaining people to pay full rent,for all three rooms that were let. Also they have found out that the others who have left, there deposits have not been returned. The Landlord is living in another country(south Africa) So the main question at the moment is the rules regarding house share the same as letting a property. they are prepared to pay for 2 bedrooms but not the 3rd. At this moment I have not had sight of the contract, (if any and will be speaking to my ex's new partner later. Any advise would be appreciated. Leakie
  7. Hello there I need your kind advise on the issue stated below: Passenger Notice Issued on 24 November 2014 (Thameslink) I am a regular traveller to Luton on Thameslink for academic purpose. Usually I purchase ticket online from National Rail website to avoid rushing at the station. I did the same on 23 Nov 2014, purchased an off peak day return ticket online from Elephant & Castle to Luton with ticket collection from Balham station. The next day I had to leave early at 6am due to some urgent event at my university and I was aware that I might need to change my ticket at counter to pay extra for peak hour. During the collection of tickets at Balham station, I was wearing gloves due to freezing weather and by sheer mistake I left the outbound ticket in the machine's ticket holder, took only 2 tickets instead of 3: i) the 2-part return journey ticket (Luton-Ele&Cas) and ii) the reservation confirmation ticket. Boarded Northern line from Balham to reach E&C just to realise the ticket office at E&C was not yet opened for me to change the ticket. And there were no ticket barrier for validation for me to check if I had the correct ticket. Assuming I had all the tickets I boarded the Luton bound train. Half way through a ticket checker caught me for not having outbound ticket. He was more than sure that I had no ticket at all. I showed him my return ticket, the email confirmation of ticket purchase, pleaded for the mistakes I have made for not collecting all the tickets. I even offered if we could disembark at St. Alban's station and go to ticket counter to check the system if indeed I had the ticket. I also told him if he was willing to charge me for peak hour fare which is extra £9+. He refused on the ground that I did not have any ticket at all and demanded £30+. Assumed that I had no other way but to accept passenger notice (which mentioned I should return my season ticket or proof of ticket to prosecution department within 14 days), I asked him what I should do. He did advise accordingly and mentioned someone from revenue department will contact me. I filled the form and signed. I was not given any further chance to continue the negotiation in the pretext of anything I have said could be used in court against me. I was scared enough. Having the tiny passenger notice slip which has no contact details except a postal address, I wasted no time in writing to the prosecution department with the evidences mentioned above and posted it from a post office in White City on 3 December 2014. I also requested if they could give me a call or at least an email to provide status on my case. Shortly after that, I left for abroad for whole month and I completely forgot about the thing. Meanwhile, I did not receive any response from the prosecution department at all (my phone was on roaming during my travel abroad) nor even by post. As always I am still travelling to Luton for my University which I have been doing for the last 1.5 years now. I have always been a law abiding commuter, followed all the rules I am aware of, paid correct fares every time I travelled and continue doing so. I have no other records of penalty/offence as my tickets get checked almost every day I travel on National Rail. I was just told yesterday that even though I did not receive any letter/call from the prosecution department confirming my case has been solved, there is a chance that I had been prosecuted by now with god knows what penalty. This will almost certainly create the very first criminal record against my profile which I don't want to be there in the first place. My question is: 1) If they indeed brought my issue to a court without my knowledge, which court it is likely to be? CCJ or Criminal court? I just checked my record with CCJ and there is nothing registered under my name. 2) I have since moved out from previous location, is it still possible for them to pursue me for that matter? Your advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. I invited a local estate agent to view my property for evaluation in early May 2010. I also invited another agent for the same purpose a week later. I invited agent (a) to revisit my home to take the listing. They backdated their signature on the Sales Agreement by nine days, without my knowledge or authorisation. My signature reflected the correct date of the Sales Agreement. The agent did not advise me that by placing my initials in a box contained within the Terms and Conditions of the HIP Pack, I was waiving my rights to the seven day "cooling off" period. They said that they had me do this so that they could proceed with the HIP which was abolished six days after I had signed the Sales Agreement, leaving me liable for the cost of the HIP and their listing fees, should I change my my during that seven day period. They instructed their own conveyancing solicitors to send a questionnaire re the HIP Pack. It was dated the 18 May 2010. giving no time for me to process the paperwork and send it back to them before the HIP Packs were abolished on the 20 May, 2010. Three years later, they started to pursue me for the cost of the HIP Pack. They took the matter to court. I was unaware of the action because they did not send me a copy of their Directions Questionnaire. The Judgment arrived in April 2015. There had been no demand for payment of the HIP Pack and their Listing Fees, + VAT until 2013. I have successfully had the judgment stayed. The other party did not show up in court. They have until the 31st July, 2015 to respond to the Court. After that date has elapsed, the case will be struck out. They continued to list it until end 2011, when they removed it from their listings as they said that my property was too expensive, and had not negotiated a more realistic selling price. There were no negotiations during that listing period, and they had recommended the asking price! I had already reduced the price in 2010, at their request, and then relisted with them in 2011, at their suggested figure, which was £15,000 over the previous year. Following the Judgment, the estate agent sent the sheriffs to me, ignoring the Court's Stay of Writ. The sheriffs advised that they would be here Stay of Writ or not. The estate agent ignored the Stay. I was in a state of shock for some considerable time following the arrival of the Judgment and the sheriff's unexpected appearance. None of the major relevant agencies are interested in this situation, all giving varying reasons for their lack of interest. I wonder what the forum makes of this situation. I seems ludicrous to me that there is no recourse open to me, considering the amount of anguish and trouble that I have been subjected to, I should mention that I am a 74 year old lady, and feel that I have been thoroughly taken advantage of. The other, obvious concern, is that as the relevant agencies are disinterested, the agent is free to continue similar practices.
  9. I need urgent advice on a major issue I am facing with the local authority and need urgent advice on the best way forward. I bought a council flat on a right to buy several years ago. In the last 4 years there have been several works the council have done and the charges were quite substantial. One the first invoice I was given an option to spread the payment. On the others no such option was offered, although they claim it was offered. The charges in addition with the annual service charges, it became quite difficult to keep up. In February 2014 the council took me to the county court. I explained at the court that I could not make the full payment but was prepared to enter into an agreement to make instalments, but for reasons I was never made aware of the council suspended the case only to resurrect it in May this year. Between the original case and now I have been making instalments and reduced the balance. On or around the 15th of May I received 'Judgement for Claimant' for the value of £1,329.61, including charges and interest. The council had commenced county court action in February 2014, but suspended it, but I was not aware that it had been suspended. I spoke to the council because the value claimed was incorrect as I had made a payment of £300 before I received the judgement. They confirm it. I sent an N245 to the court providing income and expenditure and the sum I am able to afford. I have not yet had a reply from the court. The balance due from the case is now less than £1000 due to the instalments I have been making On 18th June I received a 'Breach of Lease' notice from the council enclosing Notice under Section 146 of the Property Act 1925 and asking that I make full payment within 21 days or further legal action would be taken resulting in forfeit of the lease. This was despite not receiving any decision from the County Court. I have researched Section 146 of the Property Act and I do not believe the council are acting in accordance with the law. Further I have spoken to the council and more than one occasion and had various email exchanges about the possibility of instalments payments but they are refusing to even consider it, even though they can see that I am making an effort to make payment. I am not sure what steps I can take now and my wife and I are quite worried at the possibility of losing our home and would like some advice on how to tackle this issue. Many thanks
  10. My Mum is buying my Son a car tomorrow, I have her Debit card and I'm paying for the car on this, the car will be between £1000 and £1500ish. We have no idea what car he wants and are going to browse local (and not so locally) garages. I cannot get my mechanic to look at my purchase until Sun/Mon. We are looking to buy here http://www.westmoleseycars.co.uk/used-cars I cannot find a single negative/positive post on the whole net. What are my rights once I drive the car off the forecourt. Many Thanks Jogs
  11. HI I start with a company on 1st June, i have tried to renegotiate hours and have managed to get it down so i am earning exactly 104 pounds a week for 15 hours. I sat with my doctor last week and talked through it and am signed off not fit for work until 1st June. My questions are......... When i go back to doctor for new fit note what do i ask him to put on it with regards to part time work. Obviously im still ill but we both agree that these 15 hours should really help with my recovery. Secondly, i still haven't received my PW1 form, shall i request another, fill it in, photocopy it and send registered delivery Thirdly, do i inform housing benefit that i am doing permitted work. I am still entitled to the same amount each week Thanks
  12. Hello, As the title reads, we have council tax arrears that have accumulated over several years. Last week we received a letter through the door threatening bankruptcy from the council. Some background info - I am a full time student. My mum is the one who is liable. She has severe mental health issues. She has not sought help and is not in contact with any mental health services / CGP etc. She is on Employment Support Allowance, which is paid sporadically - has not been paid for the last month or so. My parents are separated and my dad lives elsewhere. He pays the mortgage for our house. Please advise me on what steps I need to take. What info do I need to get from the council about the debt? Should I send a SAR? Or just offer to pay whatever my mum can afford? I understand that writing to the council and providing a letter from the GP explaining her illness and an account of her expenditure is probably best. I am unsure as to how to word the letter, and how to tell the council that I am writing on my mother's behalf. I am also unsure as to what amount to offer to pay, that is likely to be accepted. Is there anything else I should do / anyone else I should seek help from? Any help is much appreciated.
  13. just need a bit of advice please , i have a neighbour that has a jeep which he covers in mud then leaves outside our house for weeks on end , when the mud starts to wear of he goes out in the middle of the night to cover it in mud again then puts it back outside my house , obviously i do not get on with this neighbour just wondered if there was anything i could do about this without getting myself in trouble as obviously i am quite wound up about it
  14. Hi All, I took out a loan in 2002 which I paid until approx end 2003 but then moved abroad and didnt pay any more. I have an experian account and there is nothing on there, but it isnt associated with the address in question. I have never contacted the loan bank and have no correspondance as I moved. How will this effect my credit now? If I was to apply for a mortage would I have to declare? can they see it? I dont know where I stand. Many thanks
  15. Hi All, This isn't really a dispute as such as they don't reply to any of my correspondence but I'm hoping to get some guidance as to what actions I could take next. Here's some background: - Made an online order 3 weeks ago for a weights machine @£550. - Payment made using V12 0% Finance (£55 deposit paid upfront and then monthly payments starting in April) - Delivery was agreed and confirmed for 23rd March. I took a day off work and waited in all day but package did not arrive. I tried throughout the day to contact them for an update but could not get through to anybody who knew about my order. Their contact number has 2 options. 1 for new sales and 1 for existing orders. Nobody picked up option 2 the entire day and not one response to my voicemails. The sales team (option 1) just kept putting me through to option 2 even when I asked them not to. It wasn't until 5.30 that someone actually helped me (I had to be very abrupt). At that point they told me the order could not be fulfilled and that they would contact me on the Friday (4 days later) to update me. - I then checked the website and it said items was out of stock until 4th April - Next day I phoned (again no luck) and used the Online chat to cancel my order due to poor service and the item being out of stock. Again, sales team were not interested. I was promised on three occasions that the manager would call me back within the hour and It never happened. - I sent an email to cancel the order too so that I had it in writing but guess what, no response. I just wanted to ensure that I had formally requested a cancellation within the 14 day cooling period. - I went about 7 days with no response or help. Just wanted confirmation that my order was cancelled and a refund of £55. - I contacted V12 finance too to tell them the situation - No response. - Last week I sent an online chat message saying that If I do not receive cancellation that I will leave a bad reviews online. Manager called and left voicemail a few hours later. Too late, I had already done it. She didn't even acknowledge my cancellation request in her voicemail. She just wanted to re-arrange delivery. You can read their reviews on Trust Pilot and see what other's also think of them also (not just me)" powerhouse-fitness.co.uk" i'm not sure what to do next. I know that £55 isn't a huge amount but it's principle and the customer service has been absolutely shocking. I'm more concerned about the v12 contract as I don't know where I stand on that. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks Ryan
  16. Hi I've gotten as much information as possible. If you need anything else then let me know. Debt was originally with Santander UK. The balance is £1130 The default on the account was 14/2/11 Hoist Portfolio/Howard Cohen co. took over the debt in Dec 2014 The CCJ was issued on 16/3/15 The CCJ was issued to my old address so I didn't have any way of addressing it as I wasn't aware of it. I can't afford to pay this in full. I could afford small payments. I've worked hard as hell to settle up most of my credit file from my stupid student days but this was one of the biggest amounts and I'd hoped it would just fall off my account in 2017 when the default would have been on for six years. Now though I'm looking at 2021 before it would fall off which is a bit of a disaster. Please advise me what my options are if you can. Thanks for your help.
  17. Hi all, I really need some straight advice. I've just discovered this site.. ..it has so much information that my head is spinning. I'm really not sure where or how to start dealing with my debt. I have debts of just over£25k to eight different creditors. Very, Isme, Marisota, Barclaycard, Aqua (2) Vanquis and Next. I've been with them from between 5 and 10 years. Due to a change in finances (im self employed) I haven't made a payment since January. I feel so ashamed! But I just cant afford to. I have just £131.62 left over each month which calculates to just £16.45 that I could now offer each creditor. I don't think they will be too happy with that but I can't afford to pay any more as I have already drastically cut all my expenditure which I also worry about as I dont have anything put away for kids xmas/birthdays etc... .I'm so very depressed and feel I have failed my children by getting myself in this situation. my daughter has a heart condition which may prove to be fatal within time....perhaps another 5 or 6 years. So with this in mind I wonder what advice others may have, I went to the debtchange website, filled out the expenditure form and they recommed I take out an IVA which would be paid off in 5 years with whats left over written off. As Im now a full time carer to my daughter my finances arent going to change much and the thought of having and giving very little to my daughter just makes me fall apart. What can I do. I haven't spoken to the creditors as the ones I have 'Very' and 'Isme' were really horrible. I just cant face talking to anyone. Please help x
  18. Hi People, hope somebody can give me some advice what to do. I used to live in the Uk for 3 years. Now I'm back in my home country since 5 months in the EU. My old flatmate has send me a Letter from Marston over. Were they claim I owe HMCTS ..... more than 600BPF! He hasn't informed them where I live and will not do so. Only 2 Client ref. Numbers are on the letter nothing more! Not for what they charge me! (what could that be any thoughts?) I'm normal the sort of guy who always payed his bills. I never received a warning or any thing for a missing payment. Letter says: We are in possession of a Magistrates Court Order as a consequence of non payment of the above fine. Your residence at the above address has been identified by Marston Groups... That i have failed to pay the previous fine... (never got any letter befor) They can take my belongings and may increase the costs... (I got nothing left in the UK^^) So they've got no clue where I live. I'm not sure if i should contact them. But it buggers me because I want to know what they claim "I haven't paid". Other wise I don't want to raise the bill higher and higher and maby need to pay the high amount in the end! Contact them or let them think I got no clue about all this. I really don't know what to do, every advice or any thoughts I'm very thankful for.
  19. I wonder if I can get some input regarding a situation I am currently dealing with. At the end of December, I sought out a performance coach for assistance and treatment of social anxiety. I had three paid sessions with the practitioner and they were amazing. The fourth session, it wasn't so much a therapy session but more of a sales session whereby we only discussed the possibility of embarking on a full program. During this sales session, the practitioner presented a contract detailing the particulars of the program and there were three separate mentions of guaranteed outcomes as part of the program. The cost £3730. This essentially consists of one 11 hour session and 3 one hour followup session concluding in April. Long story short, I only have 2 one hour sessions remaining on the program and I have seen no resolution to my anxiety. In fact, i am worse off because i now have credit card debts and I was also involved in a car accident on the morning of the main session after the practitioner advised to me to move my car to another parking centre. I have spoken briefly with CAB who have advised the following: Criminal Offence: The trader’s actions could be considered a criminal offence under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. Your rights and obligations: On 01/10/2014 amendments were made to the Consumer Protection Regulations. These regulations now state that if a consumer is subject to an aggressive or misleading practice by a trader, they could have the right to ‘unwind’ the contract for a full refund. Under this guidance, I have decided to pursue a claim against the practitioner and I wonder if someone can clarify a few points I have outstanding. 1. Because I have retained a printed contract which outlines the structure of the program and the guaranteed results, I wonder if I am in a good position to pursue a full and complete refund of the program costs and the sales session, or if I would be more likely to win if I pursue a partial refund excluding the session times. 2. Should I mention the car accident as part of my claim as I would not have been in this position had I not been attending the session. 3. Do I need to prove the guaranteed results have not been obtained? If so, how is this possible where psychological concerns are involved? 4. Finally, what action should I take if the practitioner refuses to accept my claim? Can I make a chargeback on my credit card? I have written a mock letter, but just need to know what the likelihood is of claiming compensation in this respect. Thanks in advance.
  20. MUM -KITCHEN-CONSUMER FORUM I was wondering if someone could help me? My mums bed ridden after a car accident and she recently needed a kitchen badly adapted a little for her needs in a wheel chair. But worried that she’s been messed about by people who have took advantage of her before she asked for help from the council and the care and repair team hoping they would help and also find some one reliable to do the contract. The Care and repair team came out approx 14th october 2014, shortly half hour latter the kitchen man turned up. But after talking to the company who promised her she would get what she needed and could do the job before xmas so she could enjoy xmas with a new kitchen. She was constantly messed about. She was sent a 3D image approx a week after the visit, but there were things on the document that wasent right, so she contacted them and told them. They promised her that they would alter the requests she had mentioned. She latter received a 2nd letter and 3D image with details the letter included details of what she would be having done but not broke down correctly, at the time my mum didn’t let this bother her thinking it was the norm but realised latter it has caused problems with them not explaining properly. My mum is unable to remember the exact time but round this time she mentioned in a phone call to the kitchen team that there were 2x sinks on the original plan and one had to be removed and also spoke to them regarding lights under the counter because she had forgot to mention that she would like them also in a disabled section/ under the plate rack that she was having built. After mentioning this to them they were happy to add this and said not to worry they would put these in for free. Around this time also I had spoke to a man from the kitchen team on a day he was there and tried to go over all her needs incase she had forgotten including anything, mentioning the lights under all the counters that she requested also. They promise her that the job would take no longer than 10 days and would be done well in time for xmas. She paid a deposit of £831.69 on the 31st october 2014. And they started work on the 1st December 2014. A man started work demolishing the old kitchen (some rubbish was not all taken away as promised still). Then one man started building the cupboards for the kitchen on his own. It was a little upsetting that they did not listen to my mum properly regarding some of the design of the kitchen and she found a section where she wanted to store her brushes ect was designed wrong and she is finding it difficult to do what she wanted. (yet she’s not bothered that much about this and has let it pass by). When the cupboard man was nearly finished his side of things an electrician came out none of us actually got to meet him nor talk to him and we were told that he came in to the house and said he needed to check the bedrooms because when he was doing the electrics in the kitchen all up stairs plugs etc needed to be checked for safety etc. ?? Yet when an electrician came latter on to do this he did not need to go up stairs at all??) We were told he took one look at the rooms (yet my daughter was living in one of these rooms and he did not come in to the room at all) and said to the other work man he would not do the job and walked out. My mums house has been in a mess for a while with boxes etc piled in the rooms waiting to be sorted but she is not able to get up the stairs and only has my self to help and I have a disability too so can only do so much to help. (but all the light fittings and plugs were assessable. We have still not had a proper explanation regarding this event, nor an apology. Only told that they would not use this man again. Due to this man walking out and not doing his job, the kitchen was put on hold and we were told they could not get any one else to do the job until after new year. My mum had been having to survive before and during and after xmas with 3 small push along kitchen table squares with a kettle, and microwave to only cook with. The only way that another electric man was found was through the care and repair team in the new year. So the job only got finished 14th January 2015. Other issues were also happening, E.G. A hole was supposed to be blocked up, done badly and uneven. -Artex needed tidying up ( this was only touch up jobs were they damaged the original wall, not new stuff.) -Painting done badly over artex some one had to come back again due to us telling them, yet for the price we paid we feel it was still done badly. -Radiator was moved and the knob and items falling off it after the job was completed. -There is still a small hole in the wall. -Handle fell off the cupboard after it was completed. Towards completion of the electrics we realised that lights we asked for under the cupboards were not put in, after asking why we were told we never asked for light under there. Yet they had put light in an area built for the wheel chair under a plate rack were my mum would use the most. (when we had requested lights under all of it, and we had actually forgot to tell them in the beginning that we would like the lights under the plate rack and at a latter date told them could we please have them.) The man from the company via phone said yes of course and that he would throw these in for free. Yet in January my mum has now received a separate bill for the lights she has been told that this is extra to be paid. (Nothing was free as promised) The actual bill for the kitchen was £8,316.89 plus £105.97 for the extra lights. My mum has been put out an awful lot coping with no kitchen for far too long than promised and through xmas and new year which as well as being very upsetting was very difficult being in a wheel chair and in constant pain. This company have not listened to her a lot before or after all this and even demanded payment before the job was completed making her feel guilty and saying such things as the man who had done the cupboards needed paying and wants paying so he has his money for xmas. I Believe they have done a half hearted job with somethings and left my mum with stress upset and lack of facilities over a period of time that was far too much for anyone never mind a disabled person, they did not offer to knock any thing off for any inconvenience and instead demanded more money for the lights etc were some she was told would be free. She was also told she would have to pay for her own tiles and they would put them up. I bought them for her and they only put them up. (we paid) Approx a year ago she had been at her worst ill health wise after loosing her husband to liver disease she had her own disability issues and pain and she then got high blood pressure, suspected heart attack, stroke, diabetes and suspected blood clot there are trying to figure out at the moment. But she had gotten better in this last year and was controlling things. Due to all this recent stress she’s been knocked right back to last year again and nurses are having to come more often and they are talking about putting the blood measure machine back into the house along with other things because her health has deteriorated so badly again due to all the upset and stress. I feel my mum has been treated badly and should at least be offered to knock something off for the inconvenience and stress. Please can you help. I am also worried how long this kitchen will last and what quality it is after the handle falling off, and that the price they gave her was far too much for what they actually did. If any one can offer any advice I would be very grateful. Many thanks
  21. Hi, So I've thankfully managed to pay off most of my Payday Loans. Had a bit of an issue this month with a flood at home so all of my income went to sorting that out and I'm now awaiting insurance money (Should be latest next week). I cancelled CPA from remaining lenders also. The last lenders I owe to are 24/7 & Peachy. 24/7 were kind enough to freeze interest etc. Until next Friday at which time I will pay off the remainder. PEACHY on the other hand flatly refused to freeze anything, Offered a rollover and said that the loan of 500 which with 150 interest and charges currently stands at 685 - Which I have said I would pay next week in full will be 790 and I will need to pay this amount next week. Any ideas. DD.
  22. Hi all My apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked but cannot find an answer. A charging order was placed on my property 5 years ago by Welcome Finance, I was not required to make any monthly payments. I received a letter today saying that the entire debt has been sold to PRA Group and they are seeking to recover the debt. I was under the impression that as a CCJ, then a charging order had been granted, that the debt was stagnant until I sold my property. Could anyone offer any advice? Many thanks in advance. Emma
  23. I had an MBNA credit card approx. 17 yrs ago. I sent a standard letter asking for information on my original agreement including possible ppi, charges, fees and interest. they sent me a very brief letter stating " Payment protection cover has never been applied to this account, therefore no premium charges have been applied". are they trying to fob me off? and if this is true should I pursue this claim to reclaim my charges (im sure there are numerous for missed DDs and late payments) please advise
  24. Topham

    Tax credit advise

    Hi guys. just a quick one. i need some advise with regards child tax credits and working tax credits. Last year i was part of a joint claim for both above, during the claim period from Apr 14-Aug14 i was self employed not earning the best of money and nor was my partner. at this period we were entitled to claim the above benefits. I managed to get a permanent job based away so was told that due to when i start that job there would be a major change of income and that i was to inform the benefits people once i started that job on day 1. so i started the job told them we wanted to end the joint claim due to a change in my circumstances and the wage i was going to be on i would no longer be entitled to benefits for the remaining year, and was informed several times over the phone that before taking this job in august, any payment that was made benefits wise was ours to to keep as that at the time we were entitled to it. Anyway, I've just had a chat with the benefit renewal people as i need to know how to fill out the benefit renewal pack that will be sent out in april so that it shows my self employed wage for that period of the year that i was claiming. Now I've been told that they factor in my whole wage for the year whilst working out benefits, which means that every penny i received whilst being on a low income i have to pay back. my argument being, that if i earned 10 quid a week from apr till august I'm entitled to benefits. and if i earn a million a week from august to april clearly I'm not, but when it comes to the renewal what there asking for is my full income for the full year which will says x million of pounds, when clearly we weren't claiming for the full year, we were claiming for the early part of the year. my question is does this seem right, are they misinforming me, cos they misinformed me in the summer of 2014 before i took my permanent job.
  25. Morning Everyone, I was hoping to get some much needed advice from anyone who may be going through or has gone through and claim with Barclays bank. To give you an overview of the situation; about 9 months ago my business account was frozen by Barclays due to a technical error which concluded in my funds going from £20,000 to - £3,500,000 overdrawn. During that period I had no access to any funds and no money could go in or out. As a result two contract which were signed and dated during the error were unable to be fulfilled resulting in a loss of profits close to £62,000 both customers being unhappy with my service (understandably as it took 4 months to resolve the issue with Barclays) have decided not to use my services in the future. Everything was clearly documented and sent to the FOS who put in a claim to Barclays for the £62,000 but was rejected on the grounds Barclays have within their terms and conditions a clause which protects them from paying out for any loss of business as a result of any internal or 3rd party errors. Clearly I am distraught as not only have I lost out of both of the contracts but I was also forced to close down the business during the four months it took to resolve the original issue. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated.
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