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  1. I have been sent a letter from HB office telling me my housing benifit is suspended and that I have to provide proof of income. Reasons given is the the DWP has informed them my benefit ceased in Dec 2012. The letter is not the usual susupension letter as I have checked against the letters recieved previously. background: I was separated from hubby in 2012, in October a DWP investigation into whether he was living with me was started, he was living and working in Staffordshire, I proved he was not, case ended. I was on JSA at time, on 7th Nov 2012 had an op was transfered onto ESA was paid for six week the op caused bad depression as the problem was not resolved if anything made worse, in this time my HB was suppended and then reapproved. ESA stopped and on 25th Dec and again on 16th Jan HB wrote and suspended my benefit. My benefit was repaid after informing them I was not any other benefits ( I dont have proof of this as I cant go back on my AOL/talk talk account to see if I rang, but remember taking paperword to local housing office, but again no receipt. My benifits continued. In june 2013 hunbby came back to house, I informed DWP for child tax, filled out new forms and wrote to HB, have copy. saying he moved in, what date and his average wage per week. Today I went to Citizens advice as the letter I have recieved from HB said a reply had to be returned by today, I had scoured yell.com and phoned every local and non local solicitors for 15 miles and non of them now deal with this ( apparently its to do wiith funding). In a letter from council tax dated 21/1/2013 it says that I have to ring and make a new payments arrangement for old Counil Tax owed that was left when hubby left in 2012, as I was no longer recieving benifits, I rang and sorted new payments to them. After visiting CAB they had booked me in with a debt advisor instead of a benifits advisor today who rang council on my behalf and asked for extra time to respond, had a short conversation with a girl from CT about it she seemed to know and after putting the phone down said you will have to come back and see me after they work out what you have to pay back, depending if its fraud or not. This stunned me to say the least. I am still no further at all with this, they had booked me into see the wrong person for debt rather than a benifits advice person, I am desperate, I have read some terrible stories of cautions and fraud and I have to say I have made some mistake on this myself. Firstly not reading the reviews form the HB office properly and having them pointed out to me today that what I thought they were telling me I was entiltled to is actually what they thought I was on and re-reading it it does clearly say '' you say you are in reciept of EAS'' above the other wording. I am in one hellof a mess and dont know what to do. As far as I am aware I told them every time I had a change in circumstances, although the letter from the 16th Jan I cannot remember what information I supplied, but my claim was re instated. The letter I received about not paying me ESA anymore arrived way before this date and Iwould have sent the last letter I got and bank statements. If anyone has any idea what I am supposedd to do please could you post, to say I am living a nightmare is an understement.
  2. Hello forum, I hope someone can help me as I'm feeling quite stressed about my situation. I am stressed at the lack of customer service I've received where people misquote prices and don't seem to care you have a timetable you need to stick to - they're quite happy to mess around with timings and not be accurate enough when they quote timings, they just don't care and they just want the sale. Quick bit of background and then will ask my questions. I ordered a Tamla lazy boy sofa 3 seater and a 1 seater (manual recliners) and was told 7-8 weeks for delivery. I was unaware at the time there was a free carpet offer on. The offer was only for 16sq m of carpet anyway on certain carpets. This is what I'm having issues with. To begin with it was never really made clear which carpet was actually included as 'free' but he seemed happy for me to think the £12.99 per sq m was included. This matter was cleared up on a later visit and I switched my attention to the carpet that was actually included in the offer. The sales rep seemed knowledgeable but when it came to sorting out the carpet, he quoted me something that would only have been confirmed by the guy who came to measure my front room. He had not been given any information about my order, just told to measure the front room and quoted me for the price of a £5.99 per sq m carpet. Anyway, I went back to the store in Dartford twice to decide on the carpet and was told that the carpet fitter was not aware that I had ordered a lazyboy sofa which is why his quote was different to what the store quoted. I'm still not sure I was actually quoted correctly at all. I had opted for the £9.99 per sq m carpet anyway which was included as the free carpet and had to paid the remaining balance. I even took a picture and confirmed it with the same rep as before that that was the carpet that would be delivered. He told me it was called pewter. I have since found out that pewter is not the colour I wanted. I generally don't do colour coordination or know the variations of colours but if I show you a picture and point to the actual sample I want then how can you tell me a colour is pewter when it isn't? The carpet fitter came on Saturday morning - called me at 8 am to say he'd be there in 20 mins - so I'm rushing around to get my boy out the house and left my partner to deal with the fitting. When I came back I saw that the carpet was not the colour I was expecting - I had confirmed it twice in the store, even took a photo and made sure it matched with that I told the same sales rep. as above, he wrote pewter. The problem is, and now my questions: I cannot find anything on the contract about what to do if SCS mess up and have the wrong colour carpet delivered, particularly if the carpet seems to be the £12.99 per sq m carpet not included in the deal. It has now been fitted and even my partner said to the fitters that it didn't look the right colour but they weren't going to not fit it or contact SCS to check for any mistakes. It was really early in the morning and my partner let them fit the carpet, he doesn't mind the different colour but I usually sort this stuff out. If I had been at home then would I have been able to say 'no' to the fitters and call SCS there and then? The fitters didn't seem to care about having the wrong carpet. So, I now have the wrong colour carpet. It's not a major problem but my new sofas will clash and I don't know how SCS could confirm one thing and still get it wrong. I just don't know my rights. I'm ok with a different colour carpet but I don't want to be charged any extra for their mistake if they have given me the £12.99 per sq m carpet. 1) Is there anything in law that covers me for the mistake made by SCS meaning I don't have to pay extra if they've delivered and fitted a more expensive carpet? As far as I can see if they have misquoted then they bear the loss because I have already paid them. To add, if it's not the more expensive carpet they've delivered then there really isn't a problem at all and I can just complain that it's the wrong colour and leave it at that and call them incompetent. There is nothing in the contract that I can see that covers this type of event, only matters arising from defects. 2) Is there anything in law that covers me for any mistakes made in their quotations for the carpet fitting, underlay and fixings? - I am wondering if I have been misquoted and paid more than I should have. The fitters were supposed to bring 2 gold bars for the 2 doors but they didn't. I also haven't received the rug doctor cleaning kit which I was promised. 2) I am now worried about my lazy boy sofas not being delivered on time. If delivery takes longer than 7-8 weeks what can I do about it? It seems futile to complain to head office but is there anything is law that covers me? I'm not sure what this would be exactly. 3) I don't know how long I have to inform them of the situation but need to know my rights first. They quote 72 hours for sofa delivery issues but say nothing about carpets. I want to call head office to find out their policy on this but after reading reviews of their customer service I'm not sure I will be given the right information. I will go to SCS today to sort out the rug doctor kit and the gold bars issues. I will tell them I have sought legal advice in case I have been misquoted prices and have been delivered the carpet not included in the deal. I will not be paying any money to them but will ask them to make sure that the tamla lazy boys are on track and again quote that I have sought legal advice in case they are not delivered on time. Until someone can advise me on my rights I will just let them know I am aware of mistakes they have made and will take the matter further if I get any hassle from them. I apologise my writing's all over the place but is anyone able to help me? thank you in advance
  3. Hello all, I have recently made a claim for income based job seekers allowance and was asked to attend a DWP compliance meeting based on my living arrangements and wondered if anyone could help and tell me if I am eligible for JSA or not. I cannot live with family as such currently I am staying at a number of friends houses but one in particular I put down as my main address when making the claim. I have informed the DWP compliance officer that this is my friend that let's me stay at his house and there are 4 others living there I do not know. They are all full-time students and I crash on the couch sometimes. Now I am worried I will not be eligible for JSA whilst looking for work as I literally have no money left and am in need of that help whilst I am searching for jobs. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  4. Good Evening, I am new to the forum and have found some really useful information and helpful people so thought I would seek some advice if someone can point me in the right direction please. I have received a couple of letters from Dryden Fairfax Solicitors chasing an old mortgage debt on behalf of Lloyds Banks. I have not had a mortgage with this company since before 1998. They are asking for over £7k shortfall in the sale of the property from 17 years ago and are saying that I have made payments previously and these payments are an admission of liability, this is just not true. I was declared bankrupt around this time and we lost our family home. The mortgage debt was declared in the bankruptcy declarations and home was repossessed by Lloyds. Should I be surprised that they are chasing me now after so long? Am I under any legal obligation to pay of this amount after so long and the fact the mortgage was declared in bankruptcy proceedings? The solicitors is threatening enforcement and court action including Charging Orders, Attachment of Earnings and Warrant of Control. I have never received any contact from Llyods or any other company previously regarding this debt. Any help or direction anyone could offer would be much appreciated. This was a really hard time for us 17 years ago and this company dredging it up after so long has left me extremely anxious. Thanks for any help.
  5. Hello, 2 months ago I was caught for theft in an local drug store, it was very out of character for me and I feel absolutely terrible about it, and have been feeling awful ever since, I cannot condone my actions and I will never so such a stupid action again. The police were called and the matter was resolved by community resolution. I have googled online and I haven't found much about this, I just wondered how badly this could affect any future plans? E.g travelling, jobs etc. I am not looking to go into a job involving money handling or working with children/elderly/vulnerable adults. Since then I have received 3 RLP letters, and although I have read copious amounts of advice on the website, I would like someone to talk to who could aid me personally, I am student and cannot really afford this debt (I know I shouldn't have done the act in the first place), and just wondered what will be RLP's next course of action? The letters have been going to my home address and my parents are becoming more and more worried. How many more letters/what kind of letters will I be getting next? I'm currently in my last year of university and this is beginning to affect my studies, I don't want my degree to suffer for this either . Will the RLP issue go on any kind of record? If I pay will that make matters worse for me (not including the loss in money)? Thank you.
  6. Hi , I hope somebody can give me some advice, I received a letter today from HMRC asking for wage slips from last April 13 to this year, i started working last august and gave them all the info and put in a childcare claim for my 3 children, I unfortunately had to leave this job last sept due to employer changing my hours and i stupidly carried on claiming the childcare, which was £80 per week as i was still activly looking for work. I realised how stupid i was being and rang in feb this year to cancel childcare and tell them i am no longer working, a bit late i know im not going to justify this silly mistake, it was money we had come to rely on. the letter does not mention childcare but asks for my wage slips as they think my award is wrong and they need to update my award by july 11th or my claim will be stopped, can anyone advise me what to do??
  7. Hello all first post here so be nice. My stepson is in receipt of DLA and ESA for severe depression and severe anxiety and has had suicidal tendances and has tried to in the past to do thing but thank the good lord he hasn't tried anything for a good 4 years but sadly everything else is still the same if not worse not sure if i should go on and explain whats the matter with him but i will anyway. His mental health problems started at 16 when he lost his dad to cancer during this time he was still in school doing his GCSEs and was ready to start college which he did begin, as with many mental health problems they only seem to surface a few years on, with my step son anyway. the first few years of his illness was the worst you never knew what you would wake upto the next morning this worry alone nearly put me into a mental breakdown but i had to stay strong for him. He has been in receipt since around 19, he is 26 now. Incapacity has never been an issue for him he has been to a couple of medicals during incapacity and when that transferred to ESA i expected the worst for him as you could see him withdrawing himself because of it but to our surprise he got approved just by filling out the form and put into the support group. DLA is now ready to end on the 24th of this month and we have a renewal form ready to fill in and this one is actually quite stressful. I am not sure what the difference is between the two but i know dla is about care so here are my questions His circumstances have changed in the sense that he hasn't tried to take an overdose or tried self harming (tablets are removed from the house all together i keep his medication and give it to him when he is ready for it) but other things are the same such as being house bound, he is scared to step out the front door because he thinks something or someone is going to hurt him, the odd occasion even in the home he gets scared and comes into my room and sleeps next to me, this can happen twice every month sometimes more, when he does goes out which is mainly for doctors appointments i have to be with him, his therapist tried to get him out by meeting her in town he gave it a good go until i got a call from him crying and in a mess so i went and got him, the bus stop is 5-8 doors down. He has had therapy as said this included group therapy you can imagine what that was like for him, his therapist in the group part said he wasn't cooperating with the group, i hit the roof. After some time we got him into one on one therapy thanks to his doctor. he is now waiting once again to see another therapist. His medication has been all over the place at the beginning he was on the normal anti depressants from the doctors this was when he was 19, more recently he was put onto psychotic tablets Duloxetine (from a psychiatrist) he was on these for quite a while but made him feel like a zombie (his words) so eventually his psychiatrist tried him with Venlafaxine which didn't make him feel like a zombie they seem to be just right for him. He has no sense of money or the importance of money he is in rather a lot of debt due to his illness. He doesn't seem to be in reality if that makes sense its as if he is in a story, he panics about what if this happens and what if that happens, i think this stems from seeing his dad battle cancer i don't know. He is also in a slight danger of being attacked because of the things he says to people, he doesn't seem to understand that his words can hurt people, at Christmas and birthdays he has said a number of things to family that could be very insulting but luckily we have a very understand family who know of his issues. This is the only place i can really talk so i am wondering do i add everything i have just said to the renewal form as they are all new problems?. I just can't remember what was put on the last form because it was so long ago, i have some info that i kept but i can't find it ill have a proper look around. I personally think with him not attempting to harm himself is one big improvement, the DWP knew of his history and im slightly worried that they will see this as nothing is now wrong with him, surely they wouldn't be that cruel?. Thank you for listening and im sorry if this was upsetting for some people, i have read through the forum for years and noticed how many people help each other with support etc. Thank you again.
  8. Hi, newbie first post here so please excuse the babbling. I am looking for some advice regarding commercial rent arrears. To cut a long story short, I am roughly 18 months in arrears due to many reasons involving grief, relationship breakdown, ill health and sometimes sheer stupidity with money management. For the last 12 months or so I have been sharing the use of the property with 2 others, who were not contributing to costs at my own agreement. I have not attended the premises since way before Christmas due to a very tough pregnancy and other mental health issues. I was informed by text message last night by one of the girls using the premises that a bailiff or agent had called yesterday chasing the arrears. I received the text whilst on labour ward being in false labour! I still have 4 weeks before my due date, but I am concerned that the stress and worry about the bailiff will land me in early labour for real. Just last week myself and the girls entered into an agreement to finally split the rent going forward equally between us and were just finalising the details this week. Understandably they are concerned about the arrears before setting anything up. What I am trying to ascertain is what is the situation with recovery of assets at the commercial property? I did have a visit from a bailiff back in early 2013. He was from a private company as nothing has gone before a court. There is nothing there of any value at all, (this was in the bailiffs own words!) no stock, no electrical items except kettle etc. I am in no position to pay the arrears at present due to being off work. Surrendering the lease is one option I am considering due to knowing that I will not be properly back to work for at least another 6 months and I do not need the premises to work, I can work from home if necessary. I am trying to find out if the bailiff can visit and seize assets from my home? He is as far as I know a bailiff from a private firm like before, not the courts. Any advice would be very helpful and much appreciated. I am very worried and looking for some information before I make any phonecalls to them. Thank you.
  9. hi my situations bleak and have need help. I have been suffereing domestic(mental) abuse at home and had no idea that we ere going to be eviticted until a field agent working for g.e money knocked on my door. i received a bailiff eviction order on thursday and its due to go hed on 30th january. i went straight into my local council whom said they had a property for me but it wont be ready until until end of feb and the housing lady put this in writing and told me to fill in an n244 to ask for more time as i have a disabled son who wouldnt cope with moving twice I have three dependant children. i have no idea how to fill in an n244 and feel i am running out of time...i have no where to store my belongings and am going to lose everything. the g.p has put me on antidepressants and sleeping pills and has offered to write a letter supporting me but he says he has no idea what info he would need to put in it so wants me to supply some bullet points for him and i dont have a clue.
  10. Hi, Hope someone can help me as I know very little about how the benefit system etc works, and am hoping someone will be able to assist. It's basically this, I have been singing (sadly) for income based JSA for near a year now, and have recently received a letter asking for bank statements and property owned alongside NSCs. Now I don't have property, NSCs, just a bank account. My problem and main worry is at the top of the letter, they have the amount of money I declared in my savings account when I went for my interview last year (about 5700, which as far as am aware is below the savings threshold amount) Now however due to circumstances (and frugal saving, thanks Martin Lewis) and living with family, I am over the threshold by about 500 pound. From what i've read online you get a reduction of a pound for every 250 over the threshold, which I understand, I think. But will I get in trouble for not declaring I broke the savings threshold? It honestly never crossed my mind throughout the year that they had a limit of 6000, I actually thought the savings amount was higher. So, basically when I first signed on for JSA IB last year I was under the threshold, now I have over and they want bank statements. Am I in trouble? Will they want the money back? Or will they just start reducing the money? I guess my main worry is are they gonna drag me in and interrogate me like a criminal. I actually am quite nervous and worried about this. Thanks for any help. P.s Am in Northern Ireland.
  11. Hello, My girlfriend took out a phone contract with O2 and lent the phone to a friend as her father bought her another (long story) the friend then stole the phone and sold it (police couldnt do anything as the phone was lent ) And it had just gone over the 2 weeks so the contract couldn't be cancelled. My girlfriend then lost her job so couldn't afford to pay the phone contract, and is still unemployed with no income. She received multiple texts and phone calls of fredrickson which she ignored, they then sent a letter demanding payment which she didn't reply to again as she's under a lot of stress as it is! today she received another stating 'letter before action - there remains an outstanding balance on this account a nd legal action is now being considered. Should it be necessary to instruct solicitors to issue proceedings in the county court, further additional amounts will be claimed which may increase the balance outstanding outstanding now £867.75 new if proceedings issued £992.75. it then goes on about Bailiffs may be instructed. i am only part time and have a low income and she is now unemployed and lives with her parents. There is no way we can afford to pay this and she is stressing out and crying because of this situation. Is there anything we can do ? Please can someone help us!! I'm 18 and she is 20, neither of us own our homes and if her dad finds out hell kill her! What can we do we are extremely worried Thank you
  12. hello im wondering if anyone can help me . Firstly I suffer with mental health problems- I had a breakdown in 2008 before which I went bankrupt and was discharged. I was off 18 months but got myself back working as I just wanted a normal life. ive had recurrent depression all of my life but I got a job after my breakdown , I got a store card with jd Williams as id put on lots of weight on my medication and the limit increased as I was paying, but I was on a low income , t hen vanquis offered me a card and increased my limit I left my job because of ill health and got another job, before this I loaned from quick quid at xmas I think this was 2011 then I got progressively into further debt with payday loans and where ive kept wanting to work got another job - I went on a plan with Harrington brooks but they took 3 payments of 175 just to get plan started. then I was ill in my new job and didn't get paid so stupidly took a loan with cheque centre and did loads of overtime then I got ill aain and kept having to reloan with cheque centre. then I thought it must be wrong job so started teacher training and because I tried to push myself and the nature of what is my illness I had to leave then I applied for part time job but had to leave after a week it was too much im on esa now and started with Kensington but ive made two and half payments and cant afford it - ive been looking at dros on here so contacted stepchange and have recommended dro but I wont here from specialist team til Monday. I cant budget and because I was working thought I could pay but im now under the mental health team and they are assessing me for borderline disorder in a couple of months. im worried re dro im worried itl be revoked not approved that il be seen as reckless whether a creditor will appeal against it I owe 6k . I will never take out lending again, learn budgeting etc. I never knew about paydayloans and not good at considering interest etc im understanding my condition will persist and when I thought I was ok I wasn't I catastrophise and am very low and anxious I feel ashamed and stupid any advice would be great thankyou
  13. Im hoping someone can give me some advice on this please. Its really getting to me and Im at my wits end at the moment. Here goes. Up until 2011 I had a really good job, never claimed any benefits. Come November 2011 I was made redundant, but luckily got a new job two days later (on about half the pay). We lived on the wage from the new job and the redundancy for about a year (used it to repay debts etc). My new job was with an agency. During February 2013 the company who used the agency said they were not going to renew my contract, but offered me a permanent job starting 1st March 2013 (on slightly more money). The HB and CTB payments continued. Fast forward to April 2013. The company I worked for lost their bid to extend their contract with a national company they worked for. The work was awarded to another company. I was transfered to the new company via TUPE (Wages unchanged), Now this company is undergoing a restructuring plan, and I am uncertain whether there will be a position for me. Whilst looking at my finances this week I realised I had never told the council about the increase in wage back in April. It just didnt register with me at the time due to all the stuff that was happenig at work and the threat of being made redundant twice in the space of 4 months. Llke I said I just dont know what to do. I know I should contact the council and tell them but im so scared of what the result will be I just cant pluck up the courage to do it. Its really starting to affect me now, Im not eating, not sleeping and Im being physically sick at the thought of what might happen. Can anyone help please?
  14. Hi all, thank you for reading this. I parked at my local sports centre where you have to enter your car reg into a computer to get 3 hours free parking. I am pretty sure I did this but not absolutely certain. Today I got a fine from Civil Enforcement Ltd for £150 (£75 if I pay within 14 days). Trouble is I was using my dads car, so he got the fine. I have read the sticky thread about these types of fines, but I wanted to check that they are still unenforceable as it was posted over a year ago. I am more worried because this fine was sent to my dad and I don't want him to end up with a £150 fine or a trip to the court etc! Any advice appreciated
  15. Hello to everyone. I don't expect sympathy here but am looking foe a bit of advice. I recently finished a Work Programme so have been referred back to the JobCentre. I suffer from severe anxiety and OCD and see a psychiatrist monthly and to say that this has gotten in the way of my life is an understatement. However, I have been determined not to go on any form of incapacity because I live in hope that the corner will be turned. I went to sign on for JSA today and they kept my jobsearch. The thing is, it has been an awful month and I copied-down jobs which I hadn't applied for onto the form you have to fill-in to prove you are looking for work. They have kept it and I am worried sick - literally, I have vomited - that they will check, do me for fraud and that I'll be arrested. Shall I just phone them or visit them and come clean?
  16. Hi, I've been using the PPI forum recently as I had discovered that we were not only in a lot of debt but it seemed that my wife has been fleeced by lenders for unasked for extras, amongst other things. However things have just got a whole lot worse as our mortgage company has broken off negotiations and late yesterday we received a letter telling us that they were instructing their solicitor to start repossession proceedings. I am retired with just a basic state pension. Until Nov last year my wife had a good job. She lost it in such an underhand way that her union has taken up the case and a tribunal is sitting sometime in Dec. The union barrister has told us that she has a good and valid case and should she win there will be a substantial payout. However, this is not Dec and is no real help! She has been trying to get back into work, but so far with no success. Her health has suffered as a result and I'm extremely worried about her. We have been paying as much as we can afford to them each month, and even more whenever we have some spare money. The DWP has also chipped in with a contribution which they pay direct to them. We have tried to negotiate with them but their stock stance is that we should pay the arrears or face eviction. We are paying way above the odds in interest rates, as this mortgage was sold to my wife by a broker who knew he could bamboozle her and has since gone out of business. We tried a while back to get legal advice about how we could start proceedings for a miss sold mortgage but he advised that as the company had gone out of business (Crystal Clear Home Loans) there was little chance of success. (I have since discovered that one of the directors is still trading , in the same building, offering financial services) Recently our loan was transferred to the 'solutions' dept in GE and we were in contact with a 'nice' guy who gave us the impression that they were actively working on a solution for us. On Tuesday morning he rang us to say that he hadn't heard back from Finance but was expecting to hear later in the day and would ring back around 5. 5o'clock came and went as did Wednesday and Thursday. Late Friday afternoon a letter arrived informing us of their proceedings. We immediately rang him but they refused to put us through to him, instead insisting that we spoke to their legal Dept. This young man was as close to being a brick wall as is humanly possible. Despite anything we said to him his stance was to repeat over and over again that we had to pay the arrears before the solicitors action would be stopped. The thing is, we did everything we could to reassure them that we were not simply 'not paying'. We rang them as soon as my wife lost her job, we kept them informed every month, and as I said we paid as much as we could without fail. Even the 'brick wall' we spoke to yesterday conceded that he would have expected the arrears to be much higher. They currently stand at about £2,500. As the title says, we are worried sick. Housing down here is at a premium and as rare as hens teeth. The council list currently has 29,000 on it, and we're not on it either. We have however phoned the Council to ask about the mortgage rescue scheme, but the word is that around here it's almost impossible to get onto it unless you're almost gasping your last, and I'm a few years off that I think... So... What on earth can we do? This feels like the end of the world for us. We have a house full of memories, a retired greyhound and a couple of cats, and it seems that everything is crashing down around our heads. We always saw this financial situation as a temporary blip. We remained optomistic that we would be able to heave ourselves out of it (In fact my wife has a job interview next week, small salary but it's a start) We're terrified that GE will steamroller through the courts and the glimmer of hope we see on the horizon will be lost in all the debris. Sorry to go on in such a long post but I'm genuinely at my wits end trying to hold all this together and seeing my wife's face looking so devastated is hard to take. Hope someone can point us in the right direction, in fact any direction would be good... Thanks.
  17. Hi I am hoping to get som e advice, please bare with me though as I am totally new to all this. My partner has been suspended from work following a preliminary investigation, the investigation began on August 21st when an anonymous letter was received by his Area Manager claiming he had been for want of a better word skiving work and coming into work with a hangover. His area manager immediately accused him of lying, prior to any investigation and removing him from incentive (bonus) in effect punishing him without giving him any opportunity to defend what he was being accused of. He was questioned at length regarding his whereabouts over 1 1/2 days in July, specifically 4 hours one afternoon, and 2 hours when he came home due to a Migraine. He can account for his wherabouts for the 4 hours on the afternoon, despite the maliciousness of the letter accusing him of being elsewhere, the evidence they have produced in a screen shot of my partners Facebook page!!. Being accused of a hangover was actually a Migraine, and the only thing he did wrong regarding that was that he didnt follow procedure by letting area manager know, but he did let his colleagues know. Roll on lasr week when he was again called in for a second meeting, beleieving that as he had accounted for his whereabouts that the investigation would be finalised and there would be no case to answer. The second meeting was drawn to a conclusion by the investigating officer, who then adjourned the meeting and told my partner that he had to consult HR as he was thinking of suspending him. My partner was shocked and upset, he has worked for the company for 5 years, is in a senior management role and has an exemplary record. He was suspended at the reconvening of the meeting, he was so upset as he has done nothing wrong apart from the minor indescretion of not informing his manager that he was going home ill. Today a full 6 days after suspension he has received his letter advising that he is suspended for "unauthorised absence, intimidation of staff and breach of trust", apart from having to wait 6 days, none of these were mentioned verbally by the investigator, he merely said he was suspending him "to protect the business" I am stunned to be honest that they have invetsigated on the basis of an anonymous letter and a Facebook page print off! For his part he hasn't been sat around doing nothing, eventhough we weren't sure of the content of the suspension letter until today, he has been collecting specific policies, and has been putting together a statement and his own evidence that challenges every aspect of what was in the investigation notes , the only bit he can't skirt around is that he SHOULD have contacted his Manager when he went home ill. I don't really know what I can do or say to advise him
  18. Hi, I'm a new member so please be gentle. Where do I start, I am just so worried, I feel sick, can't sleep, can't eat......which could be a good thing . Any way brief outline is received child care compliance letter, understand these are standard letters being sent to a number of people. Mine is headed 'your tax credits award to 5th April 2013. I remember doing my workings on a piece of paper and working out what the estimated variable costs would be, I however cannot find this now and my calculations now are about seventeen pounds a week less than what i told them, i cannot for the life of me work out why different or remember what i worked my figures out at. Sometimes last minute during school holidays my child has been able to go to her aunties, friends, I have sometimes had a day or so off or last holidays my mum was recovering from a hospital visit so she stayed with her instead so once I get my actual costs through they are going to differ to my estimated costs that they asked for. Whilst worrying about this I have also realised that it completely slipped my mind when my husbands tax return was done to tell them his actual profits. His return was done last minute and we were stressed about getting it in on time that I just never gave it a thought. His actual profit is about £4, 500 more than what I estimated the £3000 to be. My salary on my p60 is also about £2, 000 more as I have done overtime on occasions. I am obviously going to write to them with the child care invoices and was just going to send back my declaration with it to the compliance officer but I am getting myself so stressed. I was just going to advise as I have above, apologise and hope that they understand that genuine errors made. I know I will have to pay the over payment back but so scared what they will do over all the issues. I have never knowingly lied to them, myself and my husband try to work really hard to survive. We would love another child but know we cannot afford one and as I am in late thirties know time is running out. I am sat here crying with my heart heavy, I feel so stressed. I don't know what to do, what will they do. Will they serve us with a penalty, will they take us to court. Will they now ask for everything from last 5 years, if so I have not a clue where to start. Please please help I am so overwhelmed by it all. I'm even worried what they will think about me. I am worrying in case I have made mistakes previously, don't think I have and always told them of actual earnings or changes but what if I have. Wish I had never claimed now and just struggled by as don't feel I can cope with this. I feel so helpless and that I am now going to be hung, drawn and quartered by them.
  19. hi i know im new here but ive had the run around with loads of dcas since 2003 none of them ever do what they say they may or might do are they allowed to send people letters out that some may think are threaterning them ?
  20. Hi there, I received a ticket for parking in the wrong zone at a hospital as I couldnt see the small sign post and it was my first week there. I received a ticket and looked online and everyone said to ignore it. 3 months down the line and I am very anxious and stressed about letters I am receiving from debt recovery plus. The letter states they are offering me a reduced price to avoid court proceedings and they want to commence court proceedings. The letter states they are offering pre action protocol and have given me a week to pay £120. it says if i do not pay they amount will go back to £149 and also £30 court fee, solicitor cost of £50 and interest at 8%. I dont know what to do as there is so much information online about this, also another factor is the car is not registered to me but a family member as we share it. Any help is appreciated AnxiousP
  21. I recieved a letter today and states invitation to office interview with the compliance officer we need to see you in order to discuss the benifit we are currently paying you. we need to ensure your payments are correct and it is essential that you attend this interview to the matter, to avoid unnecessary delay, please bring this letter with you and show at reception bring bank statement for the past year from 01/07/12 ???? and you current tenancy agreement can anyone help me please im currently claim esa due to server depression
  22. please help. my lodger has been to court and we are expecting the county court bailiffs.. the debt collection company was arrow global, who told lies to the court saying that my lodger owned my house my husband who was in court told the judge that was wrong, the judge said that's irrelevant. how do I stand with this do they have the right to come into my house and remove my belongings, this is to do with my lodger not me or my husband. please help I don't know what to do.
  23. I stupidly left the shop with an item today and was escorted back by a member of security. He looked in my bag on the street and took the item (£5 value that I had intended to pay for but for whatever reason didn't) out. They said they have it on CCTV that I put the item in my bag. I was too scared to even remember what I had done an recall the reason why. My mind went blank and I was scared stiff. I had bought other items from the shop and continued to browse after making my purchase. I can not recall if I had the item before I paid for the other merchandise or if I picked it up afterwards. My memory prior to the security man is a blur. The man said do i have money to pay? So i said yes and showed him, expecting to be taken to the till and pay for the item and that be that. Instead i was marched to a back room. Anyway, I apologised and offered to pay for the item but was told I could not. I was told they were going to all police unless I provided photographic ID. Panicked I gave them the only ID I had which was my NHS card and a bank card. I had nothing photographic but they just made me write my name and address on a form to which they added info (value of item, if it was recovered etc) He then told me I would be fined but could not say how much and be banned from all stores of that retailer. I explained to the man that it was totally out of character and I always shop their as it was the cheapest place to purchase clothes, especially as I'm not working at the moment. He said if I write to the manager they may let me back in. He then said I would receive a letter from RLP in the next few weeks and gave me a photocopied page about civil recovery. The shop didn't lose anything, they were working today anyway, I don't see why I couldn't have just paid for the item... I'm now going to end up paying for nothing... 10 fold probably! Any advice on what to do?
  24. Hi there I don’t know where to put this or were to start but you guysin the past have served me well Ive recently split with my fiancé after 8 years When we met we were both bargain basement (desperate for oursaviours) we picked each other up and put each other back together I truly love loved her but the chemistry from me to her was alwayslacking if she was my ideal i would have married her She did want to marry me but i always held back 2 years ago my dad passed away and she was there for me wheni needed her she has been exelent to my 2 children and i have bought her 2children up as my own I currently have mortgage arreas of £2300 and am expecting acourt letter any day soon I have means to pay the arrears (not all at once obviously)but have a good job that i enjoy I have sort of told my employer the situation but i haven’t beento work for the past 3 days I have only worked there for 8 months and said to the boss iam currently in a mess but don’t want to loose my job He has said that its ok these things happen don’t worry butkeep me informed I have a dog my daughter lives with me whos 19 and i have alovely home but just cant seem to pull myself together I have always been an emotional teary sort of person I look at the dog and can see the dogs missing her I look at my daughter and i can see I’m upsetting her cos she’sseeing me upset The X is off today to look for somewhere else to live whichis worrying me because i genuinely wish her well and want her to be ok but shehas no plan i have told her she is welcome back here anytime as its thanks toher i didn’t lose my house 8 years ago but i have told her i can’t keep thatdoor open for ever In summary .............. I feel sorry for myself Feel sorry for her Feel sorry for my daughter Worried about my house Worried about loosing my job Not eaten hardly anthing for the past 3 days Any advice ?
  25. OK. I know I've gone about this all wrong and I've been stupid. But I'm now in a horrible place and I'm worried sick. I had a small limited company (two directors) which hit the wall in the summer of 2011. I and the other director parted company (amicably in the circumstances) but we literally closed the office door and just walked away. Previously we had traded successfully for four years and we had paid all our bills. We had lost all our major contracts over a two-month period and the business was stuffed. We walked off owing one quarter's VAT and about six month's worth of Corporation Tax. We have ignored any correspondence about the failed business. We haven't been chased too hard by any tax authority. We had no other creditors outstanding. It gets worse, much worse. I started to work for myself on 1 September 2011. I have not registered as self-employed. I just set up a one-man marketing and PR consultancy and started to work. I have not filled in a tax return for over two years and have ignored all warnings from HMRC re tax returns. Needless to say I have not paid any tax or NI since September 2011. I have copies of all invoices that I have raised since September 2011 and, with a bit of work, I can put together a record of business expenses against that income. Recently my finances have begun to pick up. I have put enough money on one side to cover the tax and NI that I think I owe since September 2011 but I am absolutely terrified about any penalties that I will have incurred regarding not registering as self-employed since September 2011 and my failure to submit tax returns. I can't sleep because of this. I want to put my affairs right with HMRC and NI. I never intended not to pay tax. But I am absolutely terrified about the penalties that may be coming my way. What do I do? I know I've been bloody stupid but here I am. Please help me.
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