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  1. hi all i need your help i moved into my new property in November last year and been getting letters from excel civil enforcement for the old owner, i have been sending them back return to sender. I came home from work yesterday at 9 last night and my car was not on my drive, i went inside and see a letter from excel saying that they removed the car to cover the debt. when i called to number on the letter explained that i was not the person on the court order and that he removed my car illegally and wanted it back if not i would call the police and have him arrested for theft. he then told me that because the car was at the drive and the address was on his order so he can remove the car. i offered to email proof of who i was to his office he refused and said if i did not pay him the money of £1500 plus holding cost the car would be sent to auction. which then he hung up This morning i called the court and explained to them what happened who where no help all they would say is that the debt was out of their hands and i would have to deal with the bailiff company. i dont know what to do can anyone please help me
  2. Hi , i am IT student , i did enroll with one of private institute for IT certifications . i did enroll for year course on agreement but they said it may take longer if they dont have sufficient student batch. NOW they took two year but still half of lectures not scheduled . i keep on contacting them they always reply to wait for admin to contact back . few days back called them they says ur course due date passed so they reviewing case why course not scheduled . But i am tired to contacting them . i paid them £6000 but not got only half course lectures scheduled . i have all contract paper and fees proof of payment . Please can someone guild me how can i get this sort out ? thank you for your valuable time.
  3. Hi everyone. My son had took out a contract earlier this year and he is 17, he's been paying on time it's not defaulted or anything. He had used the date of birth 1995 instead of 97, by the time we realised it was too late as the phone had been used. Now surely the mobile phone company Three should've done a more thorough search. he's extremely stressed that it'll effect his future credit when he applies for more credit but using his real date of birth won't it flag up or anything and be like whys there 2 DOBS etc. Ahe signed up to Noddle using the date of birth he used and it has come in and been registered in his name that three and him and a contract etc and the age he used. But he credit score is 2/5 which worries him more as he doesn't want to cause any detrimental effects to his future when applying for credit. What solutions do we have here ? Do we tell the mobile phone provider and they'll cancel it and remove it from his credit file, or just keep paying it then when applying for more credit what'll happen? Cancel it when he turns 18?? No idea. Thanks everyone.
  4. So this is debt 3/8 ( god knows how I managed to get myself into so much trouble, young age and a need for a lavish life style has played havoc with my credit rating and now my finances ) There isn't really much to say on this one ... I got a loan from the infamous Wonga.com and due to being made jobless I was unable to pay it back on time. It then got passed onto Moorcroft who have accepted my offer of £5 pm with out much hassle from them. Would I be able to send them a CCA request letter ? Or does this not work with payday loans ? Thank You
  5. Hi I wonder if some one can help advise me on what I should do about this. Six months ago my OH went to our GP as he was suffering from stomach pains, weight loss and passing blood. The GP told him to have a blood test and do a stool sample and that he wanted to referrer him to the specialist as soon as possible. He gave him some medication to help settle the stomach. My OH had the blood test and stool sample and took the medication. His stomach seemed to calm down and we heard nothing back so presumed the tests came back fine. 4 months later we receive a letter from the hospital with an appointment to see the specialist so my OH attends. The specialist was very concerned and urgently booked him in for a endoscopy and gastroscopy. When the specialist asked how long he had been experiencing these symptoms my OH told him he went to the gp 4 months ago. The specialist was shocked as they had only recieved the referral 3 weeks prior to this appointment and he said he should have seen him no later than 3 weeks after the GP appointment. The endoscopy showed a large stomach ulcer and my OH was given more medication for it but they had also taken biopsies. On Monday my Husband received a call from the hospital giving him an appointment to see the specialist which was today (yesterday actually now) The biopsies have shown that he does have stomach cancer and now has to have his whole stomach removed. The original GP appointment was around 6 months ago. I really feel that had he been referred immediatly like he was supposed to the diagnosis wouldn't have been as severe. To top it off my OH went to this same GP surgery not long ago with a chest infection only to find out that 3 years ago they diagnosed him with COPD which they failed to tell him of or to register it on his file. I feel so let down by our GP. My OH has always been in fairly good health since we have been together 13 years. We don't often visit the doctor maybe once or twice a year have never needed to but this year when my OH's health took a sudden turn we needed them to be there to do their job and it would appear they did not, resulting in a devastating and life changing diagnosis. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, it has been a very emotional and stressful day.
  6. I found out today by finding it in the local press that I've been taken to court over not notifying the dvla for change of ownership... This was on 12/5/14 ..but this was in my old married name (changed by deed poll in nov/11) and to my old address which I moved from in nov/12... I've sold all vehicles in my name by part exchange to reputable main dealers.... I don't know what's going on but am extremely upset that the local press and the court have demeaned my good character...anyone got any ideas?
  7. Hi everyone, my friend had an accident in his car. He lost control going round a roundabout and crashed into a lamppost. After checking his car he drove home and put his phone on charge as it was flat and fell to sleep as he was on his way back from visiting his mother. Next morning he was woken by the police at his door, when he went out his car was missing. The police said they thought it was stolen and dumped so took the car away. He lost his job because of not having his car. He asked why they thought it was stolen and they said they assumed it was because it was involved with an accident with a lamppost and wasn't at the house it was registered too. He is separated from his wife who is still living at the house in his name and he lives with friends. They also said he left the scene of an accident, to which his reply was no one else was involved and the car wasn't damaged enough to make it unroadworthy, and as this is the first time it had happened to him didn't realise he had to. Plus it happened outside the garage his friend works at and assumed it's on CCTV, which it was, that's how the police got his number. Accident aside, can the police take his car like that, then say he has to pay a hundred odd pounds and twenty pounds each day they have it? His wages were low and he couldn't. All this happened on the 23rd of December where he hasn't heard anything about it until two days ago when a summons to go to court and a charge of due care and attention is being charged against him, even though he said to the police on the 23rd of December he doesn't know why or how it happened? It's been four months now and it's come out of the blue?
  8. I had loans and credit cards in the past but I have no idea which banks they were with as its been so long and I don't have paperwork. Is there anyway I can find out if I ever had PPI on a product
  9. Can someone help with this Today cash genie took out £170 from my partners bank account for an unpaid loan last year. The money was actually mine and was two weeks benefit money that I had asked the dwp put into her account as I do not have one and they will no longer pay by Giro Cheque. Natwest bank won't act and the loan company will not reply to my E-mails. Where legally do I stand ?. Thank you
  10. Hi folks , another family issue . My son took a payday loan out to cover his mortgage, as he was in court over it a few weeks ago and wanted to be up to date with his repayments. The loan was due to be paid last week and wasnt . On wed 23rd oct emailed his payday loan company , providing them with an expenditure form and an offer of repayment of £10 per month . their reply is below Thank you for your email. You currently have an outstanding balance of xxxxxx We would like to offer you 2 repayment plan options. 1)Balance over 2 months -£xxxxx per month 2) Balance over 3 months – £xxxxx per month Please note whilst your account is not in a repayment plan status further interest will be incurred and our system will try to recoup the full outstanding balance at any given time. Finally, we will also look to sell your account to a doorstep collection agency. Please confirm which option you would like to go for should you want to set up a repayment plan with us. His reply Sorry but I can't afford that much. I was told to stop all non piortirty debts and focus on my mortgage and rates r else I will lose my home. I went to court last week and unless I keep to my payments the mortgage company will be granted repossion straight away. As for rates they were granted a order by the court already and I need to get it up to date by April. Their reply Thank you for your response. Taking into account that you only recently opened your account with us last month and we have received no payments to date back, there is little in terms of a repayment plan we can offer you. Please let us know should your circumstances change and if you are able to split your balance over 2/3 months. Many thanks, My son was at work and didnt reply to their last email . Thurs 24th Oct loan company take £100 from his account followed by a further £50 Fri 25th they took another £100 leaving him broke with 3 kids to feed. Am I right in thinking they were a bit premature in taking £250 of him as he had made contact and was trying to negoiate with them and had in fact made them an offer? Should he or does he have grounds to complain to ombudsman , and incur these people a charge ? Or does he have and fighting chance of getting his money refunded ? Any help would be much appreciated.
  11. Hi, I looked at my bank account 2 days ago to see that a company called smile finance have took £26.34 out of my account. I have never heard of this company before and I do not know why they have took this money from my account. I have tired to get in touch with them emailed them twice still nothing. I have even threatened to go to the police about this. Can anyone tell me how do I get this money back. I have not given anyone permission to take money from my bank nor have I ever spoke to them. Because they took this money I have now got bank charges of another £25.00. I have spoke to my bank and they said there is nothing they can do. Surely there is something I can these robbing gets will not get away with this. I just need some other ideas how to get it back. Thanks
  12. Hi I'm new to this so apologies if I do things wrong... I need some advice and fast. Last September I fell into financial difficulties and needed to raise a large amount of money fast to stop my house being repossessed, I was £1,500 short so I contacted a company called Varooma online to enquire about taking out a logbook loan secured against my car (Stupid I know but I felt desperate at the time) an hour later a female agent was at my house telling me that I could have the money in my bank account in 20 minutes and all my worries would be over. I signed on the dotted line agreed to make monthly payments of £193 over 18 months meaning I pay back £3,474 ( yes what an idiot but like I said I felt desperate) for the first few months I managed to make the payments ontime but in January I was 5 days late when I rang up to pay - they asked me for £400 ! They said this was late payment fees, I told them I only had £225 in my account so they said Ok that will do, this happened on four more occassions and they have accepted £200, £230, £210 & £218. At the start of June I knew I couldn't make my payment until the 19th (payment day should be 1st of the month) I rang and told them and they said that was fine, however the very next day the agent that came to sign me up for the original loan came to take my car.. . I went mad, got on the phone to them and they said unless I paid £700 she was taking it! my sister came to help asked her to leave and told me to drive my car off which I did and kept it hidden until I made my payment on the 19th, when I did they accepted £195 and said they would cancel the repossession order. I told them my July payment would be paid on the 31st they said this was fine. On the 31st July I rang to tell them I would be making payment on the 1st as money hadn't cleared into my account ( I have pre-payment card sometimes takes a day for money to load on) they said this was fine. I rang yesterday to make payment they said my card had been declined I asked them to try again, he refused and said contact your bank and find out what the problem is and call us back. decided to wait until I got home and check online, when I got home I found that they had been and towed my car away!!! They want £1,300 to release it back to me £495 for the recovery people, £193 for my months payment and the rest is late payment charges!!! They are refusing to show me the Bill Of Sale. Please can someone help me?
  13. can anybody help.. we had a issue a storage company who the instructed baliffs to remove our retail stock and sold it at auction.. we did not know anything about this until afterwards they took 200 items item worth approx 20k and sold it for next to nothing at 1725.. what can we do as we have been ripped off beyond belief for a debt of £625.. we didnt receive a penny as the baliffs took the remaining balance for themselves myself and my wife are feeling physically sick by this and has left us with no stock and a huge problem trying to replace it . can anybody help.. the baliffs concerned were some frim called Guants in bradford who we have contacted and found them rude annd agressive and they simply hung up the call. any help would be greatly appreciated
  14. I have a repayment agreement with Mr. Lender to clear over 3 months, I stupidly had done about 2 rollovers so costing a fortune. The agreement started last week but the took the money from 2 different cards which has put me overdrawn and a DD has bounced. an I get the extra payment refunded? what about compo for being overdrawn? Is it worth complaining?
  15. Hello, I just tried to rent a room in London from easyhotel.com, as I trusted the brand from previous hotel experiences in other countries. However, this time I tried to make an online reservation using my debit card. I entered all the data and pushed the confirmation button, only to see the page reloading with some message telling me on a yellow blackground that the card hasn't been charged. I checked all the info and resubmitted/reconfirmed. It has charged me 3 times in total, for each time I pushed the confirmation button, although I only wanted to do it once and I just wanted a reservation which it never gave me. Now all I want is my money back so I can make a REAL reservation elsewhere. The email that they have on the website ( info at easyHotel.com) is not valid, you can't use it to send them email, I used the form on the website and also I found the email for the Victoria Hotel that I was trying to rent a room in, that is enquiries at victoria.easyHotel.com. Please let me know what can I do to take my money back. I'll get back with their answer, if any. Later update: They seem to have returned all three payments. I'll check the statement later.
  16. My husband has been through 12 months of hell waiting to see what the DWP are going to do with him. He had been claiming DLA for 10 years was granted it in 2002 for arthritis in his legs and chronic asthma. He was granted it indefinitely so he never bothered as his asthma or his arthritis never got any better. As always good days and bad. He carried on working as it was the only thing that kept him moving he took his painkillers and spray and got on with it. But he was always and still is in pain. As he came to retirement last year he was called in for interview under caution. Some one had reported that he had nothing wrong with him. We know has done it and this person knows nothing of my husbands condition this guy is just a vile person who likes to make trouble for people who he doesn't like . My husband was was honest with the interviewer they had footage of him at work for about in total 20 mins which really did not show much apart from him shuffling around and moving some things he drove a wagon but only a small on and he did have trouble getting in and out of the cab but he carried on as he wanted to take care of our family what is wrong in that ? He struggled on until his retirement in April last year. He wanted to take early retirement but we could not afford it. Now he is being done for fraud. He suffers with swollen hands and the above ailments. He has always been a honest man and never done anything wrong in his life he is so worried we have had this hanging over us for over 12 months and then this bombshell he is worried he will be sent to prison. We have no life now we can not get out and about we have lost everything. I too am disabled we are prisoners in our own home we had our car taken from us and they take £50.00 per week off his pension as they are claiming the money back. I was wondering is there anyone else going though this heartache like us .
  17. Hello Consumer Forum, Iv just joined, should I have posted this here? Iv just joined and bellow is a letter I sent the Ombudsman who say they are not interested in UK or EU Law this morning but just want to know if I read the small print, im very disappointed but not surprised they appear captured and not interdependent as they claim to be. They asked have I used the words Terminate when trying to gain advice about finishing my contract with Vodafone over the phone over 2 years ago before leaving for a long trip abroad. The letter below is put together by myself and comes at the end of lots of letters etc following the Vodafone policy of complaints, but this started in December 2012, some of my letter was cobbled together from information cleaned from the net etc. But Iv allot more information. Iv not yet had my completed Ombudsman report but frankly I do not believe they are interdependent as they claim, and I don't think there interested. I stated that I did not read the contract small print, who does? They then took a dim view on this. But I did take advice from Vodafone direct to avoid any difficulties, and that did not work out. This has brought me here. As you will see Iv had a go myself, I also wrote to one of the directors of Vodafone out of frustration, as there was no email contact for customer support but just Web forms and phone support, that had already proved to be ineffective in my case. Not only do they not give you a copy of what you write, but further instruction to cancel either in writing or in person through the web form or on the phone also fails, iv had ongoing claims for money even when dealing with the Ombudsman. In the end I had to instruct my bank.... I see they want to be a English Bank well that just figures, personally they are not suitable, fit or proper, or even if they fit the mould of poor finance we all suffer from in the UK !!! So here is my latest letter to the Ombudsman......................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................. Dear Ombudsman, Attention to the following points of law may help: When a dispute arises over a clause in a contract, it is easy for the party defending this clause to say ‘well, you should have read the contract’. We assume in good faith, and rely on our statutory rights to protect us that the advice on how to end a contract from Vodafone and the advice given should be good and complete information, however, the use of the Vodafone term clauses in ????mobile phone contract has proven that this to be a false assumption in his case. Such contract terms must be found to be unfair, and hence legally unenforceable. Given that in addition to the terms guidance direct advice from Vodafone was sort on how to best end this particular contract and advice followed which as will be pointed out constitutes a breach contract in its self. The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 piece of legislation seeks to protect the consumer such as ???? who had entered knowingly into legally binding agreements with supplier Vodafone and where the contract is biased in favor of the supplier. Vodafone should not be able to end one contract and automatically set up new and ongoing Phantom Contracts. These new Phantom Contracts have no basis of agreement within contract law as there is no informed offer and acceptance associated with them directly either by Vodafone, as the Phantom Contracts can be found only within the small print and are not widely advertised as a customer benefit by Vodafone or explained when advice is requested from customer services. And the Phantom Contracts can not equally apply to ????? who is unaware of such clauses that give birth to Phantom Contracts. This leads us directly to the Unfair Terms Act of 1977. With reference to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. Unfair clauses are those which try to exclude any of the following: 1. liability for negligence in the event of death or personal injury. Liability for loss or damage may be excluded, but only where it is considered reasonable. 2. liability for breach of contract. This includes situations in which the supplier did not carry out their contractual obligations (the item was not as described or the service not carried out) 3. Indemnity clauses are those which protect an individual or a supplier from legal action in the event of professional negligence 4. Product guarantees designed to protect the consumer in case of damage of defect 5. Statutory rights with regard to Sale of Goods and Supply of Goods and Services legislation. 6. Misrepresentation in the form of false or inaccurate claims The following are also taken into account when deciding whether a clause is ‘reasonable’ or not: 7. The relative strengths of supplier and consumer and whether there is a significant imbalance 8. Whether you were offered an inducement to agree to the term 9. Whether the items purchased were produced or adapted to your particular requirements. More recently introduced European Regulations clarify further definitions of what constitutes ‘unfair’. Making the arrangement legally binding on you, but not on the supplier. Allowing the supplier to retain money in the event that you cancel, but not obliging the supplier to pay compensation in the event that they cancel. The requirement for you to pay cancellation charges which are disproportionately high. Allowing the supplier to dissolve the contract on a discretionary basis, without giving you the same right. Allowing the supplier to cancel the contract without reasonable notice to you. Automatic contract renewals where you are not given reasonable opportunity to prevent the renewal. Incorporating legally binding contractual terms without giving you reasonable opportunity to become familiar with them before signing. Allowing the seller to alter the terms of the contract without a valid reason which is specified in the contract. Allowing the supplier to determine the price at the time of delivery, or significantly increasing the price without giving you the chance to cancel. Giving the supplier the right to determine whether the goods you receive are as described or allowing him to interpret contractual terms as he sees fit. Legally obliging you to fulfill your obligations, while not obliging the supplier to fulfill his. Allowing the seller to transfer his rights and obligations if it affects any product guarantees you may have with him. Not allowing or restricting your right to take legal action against him for negligence or breach of contract For further information, see the regulations themselves: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 I will argue that the contract falls within the points in bold as listed below. Points 1. Personal Injury I will argue that the lack of visibility experienced when travelling abroad of my accounts effectively has put me in this vulnerable unknowing position like a injured or death would. 2. Vodafone did not fulfill there contractual obligations as the advice on how to end a Vodafone contract was incomplete. 6. Automatic contract renewals where you are not given reasonable opportunity to prevent the renewal. 7. This is obvious and is further proven by the use of Web forms with no record for the consumer and advice that is also not complete and the inability to cancel a contract with the assistance of Vodafone Customer services, even when dealing directly under the eyes of the Ombudsman, yourselves. 9. This is also a possibility as Iv read in the press that there has been a number of complaints I did not have visibility of this either if my subscription charges were also altered. Best regards ?????
  18. Bit weird this one. Have an account that is never used (rarely) that I sometimes put money in to keep it out of the way. Looked a few weeks ago and £23.14 was taken out. So I called Natwest fraud line who told me it was Moneywarehouse. I have never heard of them so reported it as fraud. Natwest put the money back a few days later (and sent new card) but I looked at the moneywarehouse website. Very odd - one of these 'fill in one form and search lenders' form but it says they charge £23.14 for the privilege. I am certain that I never applied or even looked at website. Tempted to call them and ask for further recompense but not sure. Anyone have any further details about this or know who they are or how this was possible?
  19. help plz sherforce took my car. i need my car for work as i,am selfemployed do,not what to do. i can.t pay them the outstanding fees they demand as no work at the moment till after xmas. plz help thank you
  20. Im hoping someone can help my friend and will try and give as much information. My friend sold her car in August to a neighbour. Due to illness and being on sick and in and out of hospital, she could no longer afford the running costs. Three weeks ago she received a hand posted letter from a Bailiff for a bus lane ticket which she had no prior knowledge of. The bailiffs visited again and she refused them entry. The next day, the neighbour who bought the car came round furious saying the bailiffs clamped the car and had it towed off within half an hour. He told them that he was the owner but they said he would need to pay £500 to stop them towing it off. When I say neighbour, he lives on the next estate so it wasnt even any where near my friends house. They have both made numerous phone calls to the bailiffs offices (Marsdens) and been given nothing but the run around. They asked the new owner to fax proof of ownership which he has, but everything he has faxed - which they asked for - isnt good enough. When he asked what would be good enough, they said they didnt know! The new owner made a complaint to the police but they didnt want to know and flatly refused to get involved. He has also tried to complain to the authority that instructed the baiiffs and has done this in writing but they are giving him the run around too. They have now had the car for 3 weeks for an original debt of £100 for which they have taken an Audi TT and they now want neary £1000 to get the car back. The new owner wants my friend to refund him the money for the car, which she hasnt got as this money was used to pay all her debts and rent arrears due to being ill and out of work. What next?
  21. I had a text yesterday morning from Lloyds TSB, as normal, stating that I was overdrawn and yadda yadda... Then the Monday Text came which gives me my last 5 transactions... Which were not recognised. I had a loan with PayDayExpress back in July, now being dealt with by the CCCS and being paid as far as I know... And they've taken the following; 25.00 25.00 50.00 200.70 25.00 100.70 These have been taken from a variety of cards which I have owned, none of which were my payment cards for PDE. Lloyds have opened a fraud case as this simply not right. I was half way to calling the police too, seeing as they've phished around for my old card details from Moneyshop (who they work with). My account is now £542.44 overdrawn and they've actually taken a hell of a lot more than what was owed (£325 all in all, they've taken £426.40). What do I do? Lloyds were talking about collections and my account has been frozen with them due to my minor overdraft of £117... Now it's stirred the indian call centre right up and they're ringing me every waking hour now too... Payday Express really are the lowest of the low, theiving ****.
  22. This may be long but would be greatful of any help. Last Tuesday came out of my house to find my car gone it was parked on the road. Called the police to report it and was told Newlyn bailiffs had taken it and advised to call them. When I called them I was told that Southwark council had authorized them to seize the car due to an unpaid pcn. The ticket was issued on 23/2/12 the day I gave birth to my son !!!! Had stopped on school lines due to contractions (a friend was driving). Newlyn wanted £865.84 to release my car. Never received the notices as moved out of property the car was registered to on 14/2/12 and had been put into emergency acomodation by Southwark council.So had nowhere to forward post. Had no letters notices nothing until car was gone knew nothing about it.Even when Newlyn took my car there was no letter or anything to say they had taken it. The warrent was issued to the old address but Newlyn amazingly found where I live now but couldn't give me any notice. Have filed a TE7 and TE9 the next day but am concerned as have heard that sometimes it is the baliffs that can refuse this. Have had tickets before and paid them have also had one since and paid it. Any advice would be appreciated just don't know where to turn. Thank You
  23. I have had 2 loans in the last 4 years with Natwest, paid them both off early, the second one recently. How would you know if you had paid PPI? Pretty sure I would have opted out of any option of it. But so many seem to be putting in claims? Wondering if it wasn't that simple. I have the draft letter that Martin Lewis has set out, so don't want to go through one of those PPI claim places (I lose count how many txt I get every day from those companies) but is it worth me even sending it off? Won't Natwest just say I didn't have it even if I did?
  24. hello , im looking for a little advice if possible about lloyds bank swallowing up my benefits . ive only just found out from searching these forums that the banks are not allowed to take monies paid in dwp benefits to cover charges . im going back to january 2008 - november 2008 when i was claiming benefits due to a serious heart complaint , the dwp paid my benefits straight into my bank account at lloyds then, lloyds immeadiately took all my payments to cover overdraft / credit card charges at the time i thought they were entitled to do this . but for my family helping me out financially i dont know what i would have done as i didn`t have so much as a brass farthing to my name . to cut a long story short i ended up losing my house ( could`nt pay the mortgage ) i moved into rented property , i also opened an account at a different bank and have my benefits paid into there now . what i would like to know is , is it possible for me to claim back the payments made to me by the dwp during that time and if so who do a write to ? my local branch ? or have i left it too long ? . any help or advice on this matter would be great as i would love to be able to offer my family some money back for all their help .
  25. They are being referred to the CC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19755037
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