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  1. It could take Whirlpool more than three-and-a-half years to service and modify all of its fire-risk vented and condenser tumble dryers, new Which? research can reveal. With owners of fire-risk dryers already being told to get in line and wait up to 10 months for their machines to be serviced, it’s emerged that it could take Whirlpool several years to service the almost four million machines it says are still in UK homes. 5.3 million fire-risk dryers were sold to UK consumers between 2004 and 2015, made up of 127 models from Hotpoint, Indesit, Creda, Swan and Proline. Parent company Whirlpool hasn't released the names of the 127 machines, and is instead asking customers to check online or call to find out if your dryer poses a fire risk. But even once you find out your machine is at risk, you could be in for a long wait for a repair. What you can do if you own a fire-risk dryer If your dryer has a green dot sticker on the back panel, inside the door or on the door rim, it will be a newly produced machine and not affected. If there’s no green dot sticker, it will need to be modified – call 0800 1510905 or go to safety.hotpoint.eu (for Hotpoint, Creda and Proline) safety.indesit.eu or safety-swan.eu to register for a modification. Read more: http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/04/three-and-a-half-years-to-fix-fire-risk-tumble-dryers-438193/ - Which?
  2. My husband had a contract with Three Mobile for his IPad. He noticed that payments had stopped going out, this was in January 2016, so rang up to check why. Three told him that the contract ended last November, so that was fine and we thought no more about it. Until, a debt collection letter appears, claiming that the last two payments were never made, totalling £50, and that they now want £341! Never had ANY letters or emails or texts to say that payments weren't paid at the time, no reminders or bills, nothing. And no mention of this when my husband called to query why payments had stopped, only that the contract had ended months before. He rang the debt collection agent, who sounded like they'd heard this complaint many times before, and immediately handed it back to Three. He called Three who are digging their heels in, despite my husband offering the last £50 there and then to resolve. What do we do about these disgusting underhand tactics - and would strongly advise against anyone using this disreputable company.
  3. Hi Can anyone point me to a short but sweet letter to use for all 3 CRAs to give them a chance to remove wrongful/incorrect defaults from my reports? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, it's been a while and just wondering if anything has changed. I have a customer who has three council tax accounts for previous years which have been handed to Rossendales, the initial (pre fee) amounts come to about £1000, no doubt will be substantially more by the time Rossendales add their pound of flesh. same old story, she offered a repayment amount, they want treble her offered and won't budge. It used to be the best advice was to simply ride ride it out, lock the doors, relocate the car, allow no access and sign nothing and hide everything, so they couldn't get a WP, try to get the accounts returned to the council, is this still the best advice? What is the general period they have to collect on an account before it's returned?
  5. hi, Has anyone confronted with the situation like I have an iphone with contract from 3 and now phone not working, went to apple genius bar and they confirmed that phone unrepairable and needs a replacement , went to 3 store and got info that in that case i need to purchase a new apple phone from apple store, send to them authorisation paperworks from genius bar and receipt and then they will refund that money amount back to me. So maybe someone has any experience with this? Anyone got a refund ? I need a phone , and 3 customer service says this is the only option , but it is quite big amount of money and i'm afraid that they won't refund me ? ........
  6. Hey guys I have received a County Court summons for £244.96 Inclusive of Court Fee @£25 and Legal Representatives costs @£50. The original debt was from "Three Mobile" and it says I failed to maintain contractual payments. It says the debt was legally assigned to "Lowell Porfolio 1 Ltd" I can't remember if I paid this in full or not as it was a few years ago. Is there anything I can do about this?
  7. Good evening. My step daughter has just received a letter of Statutory notice to provide her details and also three alleged offences: RT 88218 - Failure to stop after a road accident RT 88220 - Failure to report an accident RT 88575 - Driving without due care and attention These are the result of an incident that I suspect many of us have experience during our driving careers. That of someone driving too fast and close to the middle of the lane down a country road, resulting in smashing each others drivers door mirrors. The incident occurred at 5.30pm on 3rd December and my step daughter says a car hit her door mirror and she went into the verge in her attempts to avoid it. She considers it to be the other drivers fault. My stepdaughter DID stop at the scene. She was very shaken up and got out to inspect the damage to her car. She waited in case the driver returned. The other driver DID NOT stop or return to the scene. She rang 999 while at the scene. She was advised to visit her local police station. She did so but the station was closed. She rang 101 and was advised that a. as her car was driveable, b. there were no injured parties and c. there would not have been any CCTV in that lane, there was nothing they could do. However, they did say that if she went into a police station she could get a crime no./reference number to use for insurance purposes. But, they did NOT at any point make it clear that she MUST BY LAW go to a police station and report the incident. From this conversation my step daughter decided that as she wouldn't be making an insurance claim she didn't need to report it. We know now that was the wrong decision therefore the charge of not reporting the incident is obviously one that can be brought against her. The letter states. . . "police have reasonable grounds to believe that the driver was sufficiently blameworthy to conclude they were primarily responsible for the incident taking place". We are puzzled by this - how can the police come to this conclusion without any evidence from the scene? How have the police gained my step daughters details? Why has this escalated to this level? How many of us have had collisions like this? Andhad to get over it and pay up/or make a claim - whether it was our fault or not. I have never reported anything to the police. I have only ever dealt with the other party through insurance companies. So I assume I've broken the law in the past by not reporting them to the police then! Just to make it clear in my 30 years of driving I've only had a handful of accidents - all the other drivers fault! Should we be getting legal advice at this stage or should we await the next stage? This seems a shocking escalation of what on the face of it seems a 'minor' incident which would normally be forgotten about after the initial shock and anger of the event taking place. We aren't in the habit of knowingly breaking the law - although I realise that is no excuse. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Stuart.
  8. Hi all. Three have in the past switched me to contracts without explaining fully what I'm gaining/losing. I ended up losing quite a lot, without them telling me so. I was meant to lost nothing in terms of allowances. They've admitted they did wrong and are trying to rectify it, but (very) insufficiently. So I am considering going for deadlock and taking the case to Ombudsman level. Would you recommend this? I previously posted regarding this but got no responses (as the post was a wee bit lengthy perhaps). That post is called "Three mis-selling - mission to rectify!", posted a few days ago here in telecoms. Sorry, I couldn't paste the link as forum won't let me. I actually need to get back to them within 24 hours or so now, so replies would be very much appreciated!
  9. Good day all. This is a very good forum and I have an interesting case I'd kindly like some advice regarding. I've been with Three for a number of years now. I used to be on their One Plan where I got 600 mins, over a thousand texts, and unlimited data with unlimited tethering. When the contract ended and it was time to upgrade, I wasn't pleased with the phones on offer so I asked if I could continue with my current phone and current contract but with a lower monthly price. Person on the phone obliged, but what they didn't tell me is that I've lost my tethering ability, and some of my minutes have now been replaced with three-to-three only minutes. When I realised I couldn't tether I initiated a complaints process but found it so tediously long that I gave up half way. However, more recently, I began a new job in which I really needed tethering and so this time I re-initiated the complaints process and took it further. The best they were able to give me was 4gb of tethering. It's not the same as unlimited but I went ahead with it anyway as I really needed it and didnt have infinite time - which seems to be required to #makeitright with Three. However, at the beginning of this year I went above my minutes allowance and it was then that I realised that instead of having 600 mins, I only have about 200 and the rest being three-to-three only. This time I've had enough and I am proceeding to either the Ombudsman service, or complete and permanent termination between me and Three for good. After several rounds of email exchanges with India-based operatives, by complaint has finally reached the ‘Three Executive Office’. Here's what they said: { Hello Mr Thanks for your email. I’ve been looking into your concerns about the upgrade and change to the tethering allowance, from what you had before on your earlier price plan. You called our customer services on 26th April 2013 and discussed the options for upgrading your account. However, as the phone you were looking for wasn’t yet available, you decided to move on to a one month SIM Only plan. You called us on 16th June 2013 to say you couldn’t use tethering services and notes on your account show you were told that tethering wasn’t included on the new plan. The notes also mention that the call ended unexpectedly and we were unable to get back in touch with you. There was no more contact from you about this until January 2015, when this same matter was investigated by our customer relations team. The original upgrade call was listened to and we confirmed that you were wrongly informed that the SIM Only plan you chose did include a tethering allowance. As a resolution, you agreed to let us change your plan to SIM Only, 200 minutes and ‘all you can eat’ (AYCE) data, with a 4GB tethering allowance, plus no change in the monthly charge. We then received an email from you in March 2015, but unfortunately, your email didn’t pass our data protection requirements. You then sent more emails to us, in September and in October, when we confirmed that the One Plan was no longer available and that none of our plans now offer an unlimited tethering allowance. Our email to you on 16th October was in reply to an email from you and again explained that the option of unlimited tethering wasn’t possible. We reiterated that you had agreed a change in price plan to one which gave you a 4GB tethering allowance and we applied a £50 credit to your account. This covered the cost of six months of charges, £30, for the add-on you bought giving an extra 1GB tethering, along with a refund of the £20 ‘out of bundle’ charges you had incurred. Just to be clear, we won’t be able to return you to the One Plan, or give you an unlimited tethering allowance, as we no longer offer either of these. The maximum tethering allowance that’s available on our SIM Only plans is 8GB. I’d be happy to move you onto the one month SIM Only AYCE data, 600 minute, with 8GB tethering plan. This would normally be charged at £25 a month, but I would include a £5 recurring discount, so you’d only pay £20 a month. This will be our final position. Since more than two years had passed since you contacted us about this matter and you accepted a change in price plan in January 2015, we won’t be able to provide you with a deadlock letter. If you wish to accept my offer, just get back to me by reply and I’ll be happy to arrange this. If not, I can confirm our final position to you by letter. Thanks Luke McKeown Three Executive Office } This executive seems to be using the fact that I gave up on their almost never-ending complaints process as a defence. I am currently paying for 200 mins any time any network, 300 mins three-to-three, unlimited texts, and unlimited data with only 4gb of tethering. Currently paying £12 per month. Whereas what I should be getting (for the same price, carrying on from when my One Plan contract ended) is 600 anytime any network minutes, at least 1000 texts, and unlimited data with unlimited tethering. This is what was promised to me when my One Plan ended. So, my question is, should I go ahead with taking this to the Ombudsman service. I certainly am not happy to pay £20 per month for what is actually less than what I should be getting. The executive has since emailed me a follow up asking me to reply and accept and has even posted me a letter saying the same - it seems he is rushing to close this. Your thoughts and advice would be much appreciated! I will update you all on what happens. I have 5-6 days to get back to him. Many thanks indeed!
  10. I've had ongoing issues with PAYG (pay as you go) dongles. I have discovered how much more PAYG customers pay - eg a contract customer I know with the same company pays the same monthly amount and gets 5x more data! But then is charged £25 for exceeding it, without warning. I passionately believe that the prices should be the same - why are those who can't or won't go onto intrusive contracts less valuable? What kind of a value system is this?! It means that those who can't afford contracts are, like prepay electric meters, paying the most, and often not getting a very good signal or speed. PAYG dongles - typically only 2-3G per month - are not viable for keeping safe online. it's the security updates that are mostly responsible for sucking our allowance. We also can't control the traffic online whose heaviness effects our download/browsing allowance. Most contracts will be 15-20G a month. There are big issues re auto charging, holding people into durational contracts, valuing those who spend the most - all of which are general consumer and outlook issues. I've found Three, who were sometimes better than other phone companies, to have lately been awful with customer service. Their Executive office who deals with complaints to have no idea how to speak to a customer or have any comprehension of my real issues, and try to evade the long term problems and discourage ombudsmen, perhaps even not telling you they exist. Ombudsmen are a whole other post but I increasingly believe they are not independent, fair, and staff are encouraged to throw out cases or rule unfavourably to customers (sometimes whilst sounding as if they've been reasonable) and are frankly obtuse. I'd like to make the community aware and hear other people's stories as a campaign really needs launching about these fundamental imbalances between the public, companies and government related departments.
  11. Cant beleive what they've done!! So...i have a few debts and normally just ignore all the letters and carry on with life,but recently decided i should try and get rid of the debt incase i ever need credit. I owed three mobile around £150,so i called them up and set up a payment plan,they said no further charges would be added as long as i cleared it within 3 months and didn't miss one payment whatever the amount of the first payment was is the minimun i could pay next time so i paid £15,next week i ring up and pay £30, as i had a bit extra and thought it would help,just rang up now to make a 3rd payment for another £30 and after being put on hold for 30 mins twice i ring a 3rd time today an ask for a manager,i finally get through to someone where i'm informed that the account is closed and any further payments must be made to lowell portfolio!! so although i haven't missed a payment they have sold the debt on?? i really dont know why though as i was paying on time and more than the minimum. i asked the date that the account was sold and i'm told it was in june! so i ask why they took two payments from me in the last 2 weeks if it isn't there account any more??? "dont worry,it will help you lower the debt" is there response! i then got annoyed,shouted at him and slammed the phone down **feel free to move this of it's in the wrong section**
  12. Hi I'm currently in a back and forth with AppleCare regarding my Macbook Pro, which I purchased in from Apple's online store in 2012. I also purchased AppleCare for £279, which is due to expire in November. At that point, I'll have had the machine for three years. I've had three repairs on the machine so far. I've had the screen replaced twice, within a couple of weeks of one another, and then the bottom case replaced (a screw hadn't been tightened properly and came loose, scratching the bottom case in transit). I've been offered a fourth repair, after which Apple said they would seek to replace my laptop if the problem persisted. Given that I keep having issues with the screen, I requested a replacement rather than a fourth repair. My argument is that in the three years I've had the laptop, it has rarely worked the way I would've expected. After doing some reading on Apple's own website about consumer law/SOGA, I decided to pursue that route instead, and request a replacement. Apple obliged, and have arranged an independent, Apple certified technician to have a look at the machine and decide whether the fault was caused by misuse. From Apple.com Since I've had three repairs, does this not mean that I have the right to withdraw from the contract? I don't want a full refund, though. I just want a replacement laptop. I now want to know whether it will be feasible, if the results come back in my favour, for Apple to replace my MacBook rather than repair it again. I've had to go back and forth to the Apple store multiple times with this laptop, and as a result have spent almost a month without a machine, so I don't think it's unfair for me to say enough is enough. Where do I stand legally in this matter? Any input or advice is appreciated. Kind regards
  13. Myself and three other students currently occupy a privately rented property in Southwark, London. The flat is pretty run down and we seem to have been stuck with a landlord who doesn't want to shell out any money despite the fact that we are paying £145 a week each! As soon as we moved in we noticed the washing machine door was bent and didn't catch properly, so we immediately informed the lettings agency who informed the landlord on or behalf that it was damaged, however he declined to have it looked at or repaired. After one initial breakdown that I managed to repair it packed up for good 02/10/15, so I immediately got onto the lettings agency again who informed the landlord that day that the washing machine had totally broken and there was nothing we could do about it. A couple of days later, instead of taking our word for it he sent a repairman round who took one look at it and said it was beyond repair and would have to be replaced, which was communicated to the lettings agency that day. After several more days we had heard nothing more on the situation and with mounting piles of washing I again contacted the lettings agency who said that the landlord was ordering the white goods (the engineer also recommended replacing the freezer) that evening - 12/10/15. After hearing no word from the company for three or four days I emailed them again, to which they replied that they would chase up the landlord. Now finally after weeks of pestering the landlord has finally ordered the goods to be delivered this Sunday (25/10/15). We have gone over three weeks without a washing machine simply because the landlord was too lazy to sort out a replacement despite being given several reminders, and we have had to pick up the cost of that. The house was furnished with white goods as part of our tenancy agreement and it is the landlord's responsibility for their maintenance, would we be entitled to ask for compensation? As essentially the landlord has failed to provide a service that we have been paying a huge amount of money for. All help would be appreciated, Cheers!
  14. Hi all, So I had a 30-day phone contract with Three (£13/month). On 12/09/15, I called them up, notified them that I wished to cancel my contract, and requested a PAC code. A few hours after the phone call, I used the PAC code with Vodafone. I was told by the person on the phone that I would be charged roughly £1.30, for a pro-rata rate. Today, I discovered that there is a pending payment for £13.00 in my online banking (for the date 28/09/15). I called up and asked why - Three claimed it was an 'Early Termination Fee', since I did not serve my 30 days notice properly. They also said something along the lines of I used my PAC code before the contract was up??? Could anyone more familiar with this things please explain if this is correct? If I have been incorrectly/unfairly charged, I would like to dispute it. Many thanks CAGers.
  15. Hi there, seen a lot of people able to help out others in sticky situations as this one, so here goes! My daughter, now 20 received a letter (maybe 2nd/3rd letter? she can't remember) from the RLP stating she must pay the £150 owed 'where it is alleged you were involved in a wrongful act and were apprehended as a result of your actions' at a TK MAXX store in 2012. When this first came to my attention and I looked over forums like this, I was told that letters from the RLP are all threat and no action, and was advised to ignore them as they tend to disappear within 9-18 months. She said she was taken into the security room, and held for 5-10mins, police weren't called and the goods that she took her were returned. Should we be worried that it's now three years on, and they're still writing to her? Will my address be marked/blacklisted because of this as she still lives at home, as her home address is my home address. Thanks in advance!
  16. Hi There, On Friday last week I received a County Court Claim Form, details below and today received a letter off Bryan Carter Solicitors saying they have issued litigation proceedings in the County Court. Name of the Claimant ?Lowell Portfolio I LTD Date of issue –. 15.07.15 What is the claim for – The Claim is for 262.97 the amount due under an agreement between the original creditor and the defendant to provide finance and / or services and / or goods. This debt was assigned to /purchased by Lowell Portfolio Ltd on -15/05/2012 and notice served to the law of property act 1925. PARTICULARS RE: Three Mobile A/C No. 000000000 and the claimant claims 262.97 This claim includes statutory interest pursuant to S.69 of county Act 1984 at a rate of 8% per Annum (A daily rate of 0.09) from the date of assignment of the agreement to date but limited to a maximum of one year and a miximum of 1000 amounting to 21.02 What is the value of the claim?£358.99 Is the claim for a current account (overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Mobile phone When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim.Assigned and issued by purchaser. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor?No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ?No Why did you cease payments? Returned item due to no signal, unable to use in accordance with the contract. What was the date of your last payment?In 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? No I have never had a County Court claim form before and Am wondering what I should do next, any help much appreciated.
  17. I took out a SIM only phone deal with Three on 29th June. I cancelled this with them on 1st July. I sent them a clear email of which I have record, and they acknowledged receipt of it. I spoke to them now and they are telling me that "due to data protection" they could not cancel my account based on my written request, and since they were subsequently unable to complete the cancellation by phone , they have kept the account open and continued to charge me. They have cancelled the account now, but say I have to pay the line rental for the intervening 2 months. They did try to call me a few times but I can rarely answer the phone as I'm extremely busy; I was on the line with them once for about 20 mins and had to give up as I had other calls waiting. Should they not have accepted my written cancellation? Do I really have to pay this bill, for 2 months of a contract I didn't used and cancelled in wrting?
  18. Just saw this on the news... An accident on the M9 was reported on Sunday 5th July - Police failed to investigate until yesterday, 8th July. They found two people, one dead, one critically injured (and who has since been placed in an induced coma). The couple had already been reported missing, so you would have thought the Police would have clicked when whoever reported the accident advised it was the same vehicle the missing couple had been using !!
  19. Hi all Can someone tell me if the CCA does not apply to a mobile contract, what is the way to attack Lowell over these type of old debts. They are not SB, all three are below £250. Thanks Boody
  20. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/driver-hit-with-%C2%A370-fine-after--queueing-for-three-hours--to-leave-car-park-123754192.html#LT9BpaU The comments show that the public are still very much ill informed regarding the private parking industry...
  21. I recently had the software for my 3 mobile connection updatedd / upgraded. I now find that every time you launch it to connect, it immediately overrides your default home page and goes straight to the Three website. I find this very annoying. I do not recall giving three permission to do this an wonder if I can do anything to prevent it happening. Secondly while browsing the web, the Three website page will load without and interference from myself and override the webpage I am looking at. Has any one else had similar problems with their Three dongle?
  22. I have had a Mifi with Three for over 4 years. Initially I was in contract and when the contract expired they offered me another good deal if I signed up for another 2 years keeping the same unit. Anyway just prior to the contract expiring on 05/05/2015 they tried to get me to sign up to a new contract with a new unit. Initially I accepted however I had second thoughts and returned the item well within the 14 days. The normal debit of £5.29 went through at end of March and I expected a similar amount to be debited at end of April however they tried to debit my account in excess of £12 although I had the same unit and the contract was due to finish on 05/05/2015. I contacted my bank and advised them that as per the DD Mandate H3G had not given me notice or sent a final bill therefore I could recall the DD. Unfortunately the bank jumped the gun and stopped the DD before it went out. H3G are now saying that they never attempted to debit my account and their collections department wants the £12 plus immediately. I have asked for a final breakdown bill showing why I should be paying a higher amount but they just ignore my request and demand the outstanding money. I have already had two phone calls today and do want to be harrased and neither do I want a default against my credit rating which is clean. Any advice on how to deal with these plonkers?
  23. Hi not been on here for a while but had great success in the past thanks to all the caggers. I'm posting for my other half he has finance with mallard and has fallen into difficulty making payments. Starting a new job next week but they aren't interested. Lady on phone yest said if he doesn't pay £900 by Fri they'll come and take the car. I'm trying to find the default notice but can't locate so may have to add to this post after work this eve. Def have had one but it didn't say £900 by this Friday. Payments are £500 per month we can pay one on fri and then the next one will be due end of may which we can prob meet as well with this new job. Can they take the car with less than one month outstanding? I think the arrears may actually be more as payments started at £400 then hubby struggled in September/October so payments went up to cover. arrears. If they take the car he can't get to his new job and from what I've read we will end up owing a fortune and having no car. There's No Speaking To Them On The Phone They Are So aggressive and just state pay by Fri or were coming for it Can any one help? I will hopefully find the default today and be able to add clarity after tea time thanks in advance. gilly5001 Oh Yeh total cost for credit £15569 Think we've paid £4000 so not a third ��
  24. I had 3 medical people unlawfully enter my home today ( they walked right in ) without being notified or informed in advance by any of them or my GP . From what I understand they believed I am at some risk ( without being able to tell me why ) other than my GP's concern over my well being. ( again another mystery ) I requested they leave - they did not and questioned me despite my inability to speak without a struggle / pain ( something my GP knew ) and then gave me ultimatum which boiled down to being forced to see a social worker ( which I assumes means I am now detained ) I still have no idea of how this suddenly happened , but I am not happy about it one bit. Can any one suggest what my rights are in regard to this , and what I should do ( I'm in scotland ) thanks, mikv
  25. Hi all Just looking for some advice on timings. I posted 3 CCA's to Lowell on Friday 20/02/2015. Would I be right in thinking they have 14 days from receipt - so basically by the 9th March? Should I be doing any preparation now in the event they do not reply or are unable to fulfil the request?
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