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  1. I instituted a legal claim for £14k, plus court fee (~£1k), plus interest (~£7k) (Litigant in person) (Total claim is thus almost £22k) The claim was almost statute barred when filed, and if filed today would be statute barred. The claim is currently subject to a 1 month stay until February and the defendant has written to me offering to settle for £16k. I am inclined to accept. They have sent me a letter (via email) which reads "Without prejudice except as to costs ... Without any admission of liability or wrongdoing we confirm that we would be prepared to offer you the sum of £16,000 in full and final settlement of all claims which you have or may have against us in relation to the Claim. Please confirm your agreement to the terms of this settlement by: 1. signing a copy of this letter and returning it to us at the postal address above 2. writing to County Court Business Centre (“CCBC”) to inform them that you want to discontinue the Claim. Once we have received a signed copy of this letter from you and we obtain confirmation from CCBC that the Claim has been dropped, we shall arrange for the payment set out above to be made into your bank account (details of which you will need to provide to us). " And then at the bottom there is a space for me to sign. (And none for them) So very simple. I just wonder if this is valid and binding on them, or do I need to turn it into a Part 36 Offer?
  2. So i'm having a bit of a dispute with our house insurance, long story short, my husband didn't close the shower screen properly and left the bathroom with shower running for a period of time, I walked into my kitchen to find it had all collected into a bubble and burst through a hole in the ceiling causing damage to the walls, floor and plaster. Insurance told us we could claim through our escape of water and had to give them two itemized insurance quotes. We massively struggled to get these quotes with several traders not turning up or wanting to charge a fee to produce them, we asked if the insurance company could send out someone to quote and fix - they said no, we asked for a list of their preferred suppliers and was told they didn't have one. Eventually they told us they would send a loss adjuster out with a view to offer a cash settlement. Whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we had another leak when using the shower and it became apparent that the bath was coming away from the wall when we were using it causing the seal to break and the water to escape down the side, this was confirmed when we got a plumber out through our boiler cover insurance. So we resealed the bath but again the bath would move so in order to prevent more damage whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we stopped using the shower and stuck to baths only. We're still having to do this months later. The loss adjuster came, had no details of our claim as his system had crashed, he spent 5 minutes in the kitchen looking at the hole went into the bathroom, didn't ask us to remove the bath panel or look under the bath. He took some photos and left. We were then offered a settlement of just over £600 out of which a £250 escape of water excess was to be deducted. None of the works included in his scheduled involved fixing the issue with the bath. So we queried it. They've taken our query as a complaint and issued us with a final response claiming the loss adjuster took photos of the toilet which he claims was the root of the leak and we were negligent in fixing it hence as it must have been leaking a lengthy period as evidence by rust on the pipes (our pipes are all plastic so zero rust and 100% never been a leak) so they are refusing to pay out for any bathroom works. We've subsequently had 3 different plumbers out to the house for quote all which have been in the region of around £1700 and all the works listed are the same, all state that no evidence of a leak to the toilet and that significant removal and refitting of the bathroom suite and wet-wall will be needed to remedy the bath issue and the joist which has been soaked along with the fixing of the ceiling and flooring. The insurance company won't entertain these quotes or letters of evidence nor will the entertain the photos i've taken myself of the damage in particular behind the toilet which clearly shows plastic pipes and no rust anywhere there or under the bath. They've refused to let us see the report written by the loss adjuster or the photos taken and refuse to comment on how he could accurately know the issue when he didn't even look under the bath. They wont enter into a dialogue with us and have told us as they issued their final response we have to take it to the ombudsman if im not happy. Does anyone have any experience of this or words of advice on how to approach it with the ombudsman? what more evidence should I need or be gathering in order to support my complaint? I'm quite sure the insurance company are taking the **** in their offer but i've never had to make an insurance claim before so i'm not sure if this is normal or if i'm expecting too much?
  3. Firstly I would like to apologise if this information is already somewhere and I've missed it! I currently have the following defaults (shown on my credit report): - Lowell: £733 (Date of default 02/01/2013) - Lowell: £660 (Date of default: 28/02/2013) - 1st Credit (Finance) Limited: £ 904 (Date of default: 16/07/2013) I remember receiving a lot of discount letters in the past which I simply threw away, now however, I want to address the issue and finally get my credit score back into shape by settling them all. At the moment, I'm seeing a ton of different routes like stepchange, requesting CCAs etc - I'm just not sure where to begin and would really appreciate some guidance.
  4. Hi, was hoping someone can provide some advice for a family member, car was on finance, missed last 3 payments, did not receive any paperwork until debt collector arrived, offered to pay all monies owed as was an oversight, finance company refused to accept payment as stated monthly payments no longer affordable, car was taken immediately. A letter has just been received asking for an immediate payment of 3k or will be passed to debt collectors The offered payment would have taken payments over 1/3 of the agreement, we were given no other opportunity to settle the finance on her behalf and have received no other communication, what is the best action to take? Many thanks
  5. Hi guys, would appreciate your help on this. I currently have 25K of debt which is being administered with Payplan. I defaulted on all accounts in 2012 during a separation. Next year I should be receiving early inheritance to the value of 25/30K So I would love to clear all outstanding debts and be debt free. However I would like to apply for a mortgage with my new partner in a couple of years and understand that companies like Halifax look at your credit file in fine detail. A - Should I clear all debts at 100% of value before the 6 year default period ends (a couple are offering settlement options now) B - Wait until the 6 years are up? Then ask for settlement figures Full/Partial I don't want to partially settle if it reflects badly with high street lenders in the future.. I really appreciate your help! Thanks Roj.
  6. Hi, all the charges are in my husbands name I did not know about them until they had already gone to court and been put on the property, they have been on the house since 1997 heard nothing from two of them no request for payment or anything since 2000 but one is with Adams & Sons and they contacted my husband last year have a lovely letter from them saying that they are going to get a local estate agent to drive passed my house to do a valuation then try to force me to sell it their charge is for £5000 offered them £2000 but they said no and havnt heard from them since. scrudge
  7. Hello, I did not post a query on the forum but just wanted to thank you for providing such a valuable resource. I foolishly attempted to use someone else's annual travelcard and was stopped at the entry barrier. I provided my details to the inspector and bought a ticket and went on my way. I received a letter from the rail company a few weeks later informing me that they intended to prosecute, and asking for my version of events. I wrote back a brief contrite reply, outlining the facts, apologising and asking if it would be possible to cover their costs to avoid further action. I then received a letter asking me to contact them. After speaking to them on the phone, they have been happy to settle the matter if I pay their admin costs. The outcome has been a huge relief to me, after weeks of worry and several sleepless nights. This forum provided incredibly useful guidance as to how to respond to the letter and it was helpful to read that others have been through similar issues and managed to avoid court action. Thank you all for the time you take to help people, provide useful templates and advice. I have made a donation.
  8. Following from my previous thread about FF from Mint http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?394344-Full-Final-Settlement-offer-MINT&p=4261712 I had a refusal letter from Robinson Way on my Barclaycard. I have sent out CCA request so will be waiting on them for this. £3000 - Barclay credit card, Robinson Way Ltd (Showing on my credit report) - when was you last payment? & the defaulted date please? Through DMP once every month, Defaulted on 01/11/2007 for the amount £4,423 funny it shows me at 8 late payments for the last 6 years!! I offered them 25% as goodwill but seemingly they feel I owe more. Thanks, Neo.
  9. Hello Please help me with this. I received this offer but went through many other topics and I'm worried that they can sell rest off balance to other company. I should go for that offer? Or I should ask for Full and Final?? Already send them email that I can afford 2,700. Thanks for any help 1st Credit Reference : 00000000 Original Creditor : Partner Finance Your Balance : £10,000.00 Dear EDITED , We would like to thank you for your continued commitment to paying down your debt and progressing towards your debt free day. To support you in becoming debt free sooner we are able to offer you a 70% discount by way of partial settlement as detailed below: Pay in August and we will write off 70% of your balance You Pay £3,000 You Save £7,000 If you clear your account by way of partial settlement any default that is registered in relation to this account would be updated to 'partially satisfied'. The outstanding balance will show as zero on your credit file and you will not be pursued for any remainder of the balance by 1st Credit or any other third party. Please be aware ‘partially satisfied’ may be considered less favourable than ‘fully satisfied’ by future providers of credit. If you wish to take advantage of this offer you can follow the step by step instructions at our website to make a secure online payment. This offer is open until 31st August 2016. Discount offers (as detailed above) apply on a first come first served basis and may be withdrawn at any time. If you are not in a position to take advantage of this offer we will continue to accept your agreed instalments. If this is the case a response to this email is not required. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can receive free independent debt advice by contacting one of the following organisations: Step Change (0800 138 1111) National Debtline (0808 808 4000) Your local Citizens Advice Bureau Should you have any questions please respond to this email, or for immediate assistance, contact a member of our team on 01737 237 370 during our opening hours of Monday to Friday 8:00am-8:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:30pm. Yours sincerely,
  10. Hi, I've had a read through previous posts and was hoping for some advice on our current situation. We entered debt management plan in Jan 2013 (70k credit cards & bank loans). Never missed on mortgage payments (1 residential & 2 buy to let) and these are currently up to date. We have a couple of properties which have finally increased in value and are hoping to sell this summer and get back on track. Our DMP has always been up to date. We were wondering what our chances were of obtaining a mortgage in future once we come out of the plan. Both of us have good jobs and stable employment. Also - if we went for part/full settlement of our debts does this pose an increased risk? We were hoping that if we went for part/full settlement we would be able to save and get another residential mortgage in a year or two - not sure if mortgage company would look at us - any thoughts? Really appreciate any help and advice as this DMP is a weight round our necks that we really want to get rid of as soon as feasible (never paid a bill late until we entered into this but was unavoidable due to significant change in circumstances). Please be gentle as I am not overly familiar with protocol on forums. Thank you for reading
  11. A few weeks ago I boarded a train from Malvern Link to Worcester Foregate Street without first buying a ticket. There were long queues at the ticket office and automated machine, so I stupidly just got on the train and asked the conductor to buy one then. He was having none of it, took my details and warned me I'd get a letter in the post. That letter has now arrived from First Great Western, saying they are offering me the chance to settle the matter out of court by paying £85.20. If I don't pay, I could be issued with a court summons. I know I was in the wrong, I know I should've bought a ticket first, but the amount seems disproportionate - the fare was £5.20. Can anyone advise what I should do? Will they actually take me to court? Also, why wasn't it a penalty fare of £20? As far as I can tell, looking on the National Rail website, it should've been. Thanks in advance for any help/advice!
  12. Last Wednesday, completely out of the blue I was called to a meeting at my HO and told that due to restructuring my job is at risk, the company produced a settlement offer and has given me a week to think about it (unlike 10 days as in ACAS guidelines) They refuse to announce the nature of the restructuring, just that I don't fit within it and if I decline the offer then I have been told in no uncertain terms that I will be made redundant and end up with less money than they are offering. Although I don't know (and probably never will) I am almost certain based on noises from the past few months that the restructuring involves paying off half the people that do my job, and then replacing the job of the remaining people with a new one with a bigger remit to cover the loss of those of us that are gone, and they are doing this entirely arbitrarily without any due process or allowing me to reapply for the new job. Given that there are already a small number of people doing this bigger remit job, and they have always said I would be suitable to do this if the opportunity gave up, I believe I am being constructively dismissed, and they are relying on the fact that I won't be able to claim that if I accept the offer. A few hours after the meeting I sent an email to the people that were in the meeting (my line manager and her line manager) asking firstly for an extension of time to consider the offer, secondly for a fuller explanation as to what is going on and why I won't fit into the restructure, and thirdly asking if they will revise the sum offered. I did stress that I had not made any decisions and nothing in the email was intended to constitute a decision or limit my options. That evening I got an off the record phone call from my line manager stating that I shouldn't have done that, I should have just taken the money and because I am seen to be arguing with them they might now just withdraw the offer and make me redundant. Can they do that? I thought if the offer is open then it remains open until the window closes or I accept/decline it. Negotiation and asking for an explanation is surely not declining it? I also don't think they would be that stupid, because if I stay I will get to see what they are doing and retain all my employment rights including the right to take them to a tribunal. I ask because I have now been offered another (better) job and if they want me gone I'm just happy to take the money at this point!
  13. Hi there I currently have an outstanding debt of £1889 on a vanquis credit card I thought there was a default registered to this card but my credit file shows not I have an arrangement to pay in place since July 2013 and have paid £40 on Time each month I have recently requested a F&F SETTLEMENT and they will accept £1000 but only on a partial basis which is no good to man nor beast as the debt will then be re sold They say it isn't possible but I have explained that if they write of the difference the account can be fully settled at £1000 I have had the card since 2005/6 and can't remember the last time I used it- the credit limit is 3k and ive no doubt the balance is made up of interest and charges Can someone give me any tips on leverage. I have other debts which I need to settle this year as I need to re mortgage Thanks in anticipation
  14. Although the information here may in some way apply to my circumstances, I am hopeful that the discussion will prove useful to others. I am attempting to ascertain the rules/law regarding the receipt of offers by a bank (or other financial institution) both before and after a default is registered on an account. So some questions that will hopefully help with the discussion: If a bank is sent an offer from the debtor for monthly payments on a debt that is not in default, with the first payment attached via a stapled cheque made payable to the bank, and the bank removes and cashes the cheque, does the bank agree to the offer? Is there any written rule or law that enables the bank to accept the money provided in an offer of payment (as in 1 above) as a token payment towards the debt but WITHOUT communicating in writing to the bank that it does not accept the terms of the offer? In relation to 2 above, does it make a difference as to whether the account is in default, or to put it another way, does an account in default afford the bank further rights with regards to what it can choose to do with an payment received regardless of what the offeror's intention was? I am intrigued to hear peoples' thoughts on this as I have received various opinions on this from both lay people and qualified solicitors. And finally, I wonder if the same applies in relation to offers of settlement, again with stapled cheque attached, whereby the bank may take the payment for another purpose (e.g. token payment towards debt) rather than as settlement, and in the meantime not communicate refusal of offer.
  15. Hi all, Myself and my family were placed in a financially hard time around 12 months ago. My wife and I had just welcomed our second child, but were then greeted by the unfortunate news that her workplace would not be renewing her contract despite her being on maternity leave (a whole separate issue in itself which is now thankfully resolved!). To cut a long story short, we could not survive on my wage alone, and this led to normal day to day spending being done on CCs. Fast forward and all this debt has built up to the point where I cannot afford minimum payments. I have only very recently (within the past 2 months) missed min payments, but I entered into plans with each whereby they agreed to freeze interest for a period of time, my min payments would be reduced, and then my account reviewed in 6 months - where I believe they would have been placed into default (??) and passed onto DCAs. My debts are MBNA: £7100 HSBC: £4000 Nationwide: £900 Members of my family were aware of our situation and did some reading into how I could make settlement offers with each of them based on my current situation. I fired off letters to all 3, agreed with MBNA (eventually at 40% - high I know, this was in desperation more than anything), but had the same rejected by HSBC. I am still waiting to hear back from Nationwide. What I would like to know is if anyone has any advice / experience they can offer up to me on dealing with this situation. I have told HSBC I won't be paying them a penny (I cannot afford to anyway!) - in people's experience, do banks become more willing to accept offers the longer the debt exists - I was told 6 months before it defaults and is passed on. Separate to this, I also have another issue with HSBC regarding reclaiming overdraft interest charges. I have tried and failed to do this before, but having read some success stories on here, was wondering whether I could give it another go?!?
  16. Hi, My business partner and I are going to be registering our company very soon. I know that somewhere into the process, we're going to need to open a business bank account and designate that as our main account for the business. About 3 years ago, I opened a business account and had a business loan that was connected with that account when I opened it (by Lloyds TSB). This company was as a sole trader and wasn't a registered company. I had some payment issues and the business account was eventually closed, as I'd missed some loan repayments/late payments, etc. Ultimately, the loan was sold on by Lloyds and I've been paying it back ever since. I didn't go bankrupt or anything like that, and the loan wasn't a large sum of money. But I lost the business bank account in the process. I've been paying off the loan ever since through a debt consolidation company and all is fine in that regard. I was wondering if I'm likely to experience issues when opening a business bank account now? I'd use a different bank and I wouldn't be looking to get a loan or anything like that. It would purely be myself and my business partner using it as our official business bank account. Any help on this would be much appreciated,
  17. Hi guys. My question is pretty straight to the point. I am trying to become debt free. I have a few accounts which have defaulted. The accounts that have defaulted are the following: 2 accounts defaulted in 2011 - £100 each, no payments made towards either 1 account defaulted in 2014 - £390 Currently making token payments of £1 for the past year I managed to clear off two accounts before they defaulted. Now, what is the best course of action regarding the 3 defaults, which remain for 6 years? both defaulted accounts in 2011 have offered a 60% settlement. Won't change the default mind. Not sure what is better in terms of my credit file since the defaults have already messed them up. Let them drop off after 6 years, partial settlement or settled.
  18. I have just received a court summons with three options and need a little advise on how to act. On the morning in question I was in a carriage on the Thameslink service from Bedford to Brighton along with 7 people and two kids. We were asked to provide tickets by an inspector which I did so. The inspector took my rail wallet which included my work ID to access my building and previously purchased tickets. I asked for my wallet back to which he refused. He talked to two other passengers before speaking with me and ignored a woman and two kids opposite which I thought was strange. He then asked for my name and address. I questioned this to which he replied that I was in first class. I said I wasn't aware I was and asked for my wallet back. He refused to which I asked if we could resolve the matter at St Pancras as I was very embarrassed and still wasn't sure he was correct. He agreed. When i arrived at St Pancras I waited with an assistant and explained what had happened. After two calls and a search of the platform it was clear the inspector never exited the train. I waited 45 minutes while various members of staff tried to contact the inspector but all failed. I then was cautioned at work for failing to provide my ID that morning. I returned that evening to be told that no one could help and was best if I go to Luton to speak to the shift manager. I was given a free pass to get me there. Once there I was advised to purchase another season ticket and given an address to write to in order to receive my work ID and train tickets. He also informed me that he had spoken to the member of staff and that he thought I was getting off at Farringdon. My belongings were returned by kings cross prosecution department two weeks later. The inspectors statement says I walked away from him. This is not true. He also states that he was asked to meet at city Thameslnk. This is not true. What am I to do? Any advice would be welcome. I know its a bit long winded but I will seek legal advise if all else fails. Thanks for all your help in advance.
  19. Hi all Unfortunately, last sunday I had my first ever car accident and I accept that it was my fault. My car sustained some damage on the front i.e. bonnet, bumper and atleast a headlight. I have claimed on my policy. The insurance company have arranged their car repair partners to pick up the car for repairs. I wonder if I can get advice for following questions please?. 1. How do I know if the insurance company will repair the car or write it off? 2. If the insurance company decides to repair the car, do I have the right to ask for the cash in lieu settlement? I would prefer cash in lieu settlement so either I can just sell my car and top up the settlement cash with my own money and get a new car. Alternatively, i can get it repaired at a lower cost and then keep the remainder of the settlement money for next years increased insurance premium. Thanks
  20. Hi. Can any one offer some comments please. I suffer from a disability and the solicitors in question new about this how ever they still failed to make reasonable adjustments as indicated in my medical reports. In short the solicitors have kept £10,700 from a settlement of around £15,000 and neither the solicitors or my legal insurers will tell me why? I engaged a firm of solicitors last year ( Doyle Clayton) to assist in a dispute for disability discrimination. I had originally instructed a different law firm and the bulk of my case up to completion of the ET1 and disclosure to the other party had already been completed. I changed solicitors because I needed a local solicitor who I could talk to face to face because of my disability. The solicitors were fully aware I have difficulty reading and writing. In the eventuality I never met the solicitors face to face because the company reached a settlement with me shortly after engaging the solicitor. There were about four letters of offer of settlement before the company and I agreed to the amount of settlement. The solicitors drafted the compromise agreement. In total I estimate that the solicitors probably did less then 10 hours work as the whole case was already set out and I had already had a pre tribunal hearing with the previous solicitors. During the short time I engaged the solicitors they never sent me any estimate of costs, agreed to work within the terms of my legal insurers and never mentioned to me until after the event that I would be liable for any money or that they would recover that money from my settlement. I have now found out that they negotiated with my legal insurers to change the standard terms of engagement so that I would be liable for any charges my insurers found unreasonable. My insurers say they have had the companies final bill independently assessed and will not pay any amount the assers feel is unreasonable. Till today I have not had any details from the solicitors of what their final bill was, how it was made up or any details from my legal insurers on what they are willing to pay or how the solicitor charges were assessed. The solicitors have not responded to my complaint through their complaints procedure and have not provided me with any of the information I have requested. Thanks
  21. Hi Guys, A claim with an employment tribunal has been going through, and on Friday 15th 2016, and agreement was arranged as an out of court settlement to pay a fixed sum of £9,000 by Friday 22nd 2016. I have now been informed that the company is unable to make the payment as it does not have the available funds in the bank. the company is still active, does anybody know what I should be doing to get the funds paid? The agreement was set through ACAS. Thanks Guys
  22. Hi I am new to this forum , although did originally have some excellent help at the end of 2009 , from the original Penalty charges forum on other debt matters , so Im desperately hoping I can gain some help now in dealing with this final matter that is still ongoing since then and has now escalated to a CC claim being issued . Firstly I sincerely apologise for the length of this thread , Im just now desperate to know best action to take and so wanted to try and included all details that would be required. Im in a position of not knowing whether there are any grounds for this CCA is unenforceable or whether I need to try and quickly reach a settlement agreement with Cabot who have issued the CC claim as now the legal owners of this debt. I have already registered on MCOL the “acknowledgement of service” on the 20/3/15 , having received the CC claim issue date of the 4/3/2010. Im simply cannot deal with a CCJ being issued , as I have recently been suffering from health issues because of Stress & anxiety , consequently off long term sick from work and having to have medication for the stress and depression. I have managed over the last 5 years to try and start to rebuild my life and dealt with all other debts and cannot face another 6 years because of a CCJ ! Im afraid Id just reached the point & desperation with this Cap 1 account , as I managed to sort other debts out however it all become to much for me to deal with as I was getting nowhere reaching a similar settlement figure with this as I had with other creditors. Im afraid I suffered ill health most of last year and just wasnt in the mental health to deal with it any further , so it got ignored ! Very Stupid I know but as I say I simply was not well enough to focus on this any more at the time. Any help and advise would be very much appreciated , I really dont want this matter to send me over the edge again . Thank You Details I believe you will need are detailed below : (any other details required please ask & i'll try to post up asap ) Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Financial UK Limited Date of issue : 4th march 2015 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1.The Defendant entered into a credit agreement described by the original creditor as CAPITAL ONE – CREDIT CARD and having account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (‘the Account’) 2.The Claimant, a UK limited company with company number 3757424, is the assignee and legal owner of all rights previously enjoyed by the original creditor in respect of the Account. 3.The Defendant is indebted to the claimant in respect of the account in the sum of 16919.87 4.The claimant claims the said sum of 16919.87 , plus costs. What is the value of the claim? 16919.87 credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 22/7/2002 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Letter from Cap 1 on 4/5/11 advising they have sold the account to Cabot Financial UK Ltd on the 29/3/2011. Cabot Financial UK Ltd will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes on the 7/5/2010 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes debt has been passed from Cap 1 , then FPC debt collection services (on behalf of cap 1 ) , Then Fredrickson International Ltd , then passed back to Cap 1 on 15/12/10 , then sold to Cabot on 29/03/2011. Sent series of e mails to cabot through 2012 stating they had failed to provide the required details and a valid true copy of CCA to me. Why did you cease payments? Redundancy / marriage breakdown & costly divorce / returned to live with parents & they offered some limited financial support to try and resolve & clear my financial crisis out ! Made offer to Cap 1 along with all other creditors on a pro rata basis as I was advised to . Capital 1 was the only one that failed to accept. What was the date of your last payment? Last payment on 3/1/2010 , then could no longer afford to so missed payments from Feb 2010 onwards Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I disputed the amount as at the time I originally contacted Cap 1 and advised of severe financial difficulties the amount was £15613.65 less £748 charges so £14865.65 Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan ? Yes made a offer of £6237 to cap 1 , as full & final settlement on acc as represented circa 42% of the debt at the time . the same % basis that I made to all other creditors that accepted the settlements on a pro rata basis. Offer made on 25.01.10 , details attached . Later offer made to Fredricksons International Ltd as DCA on 22.11.2010 of £7500 as circa 46% of the debt. Response from Fredrickson on 30/1/2010 indicating offer would be accepted but need me to call to discuss matter. Letter from Cap 1 on 15/12/2010 advising matter no longer with DCA (Fredickson Int Ltd ) but been returned to Cap 1
  23. Hi All, I was involved in an accident last week, where my car has been classed as a CAT D write off, im buying it back and fixing it. However the thing that is most confusing is my finance settlement figure. My finance started July 2013 for 47 months at 115.07 and 1 at 265.07. I borrowed 3200 at %35.53 (i know but bad credit) and 29 payments done out the 48. Insurance paying out 2830 for the car buy back at scrap £400, Finance advised to my insurance company that 1995.99 as a settlement figure. Ive negotiated with my finance company to take 1500 to leave me that extra 495 to get the car sorted, and they have agreed to continue my monthly payments until the 495 is paid off. However to me the settlement figure is off, seems a bit high for whats left. i would of put my settlement figure around 1500-1600. I mentioned it just to my finance co and they told me trading standards can provide me the info if i wish to look into it.! Maybe im confused on my numbers so can someone clarify. Thanks
  24. Hi, This is my first post on here and I am hoping that somebody in the know will be able to offer some useful advice. To explain my situation: I currently have 2 credit cards with a total balance of £11500 (£7500 on one and £4000 on the other). These balances have been largely unchanged for approximately 5 years. The debt was actually incurred by an ex-partner of mine who was a named cardholder on my credit card account. Rather foolishly, and unbeknown to me, she racked up a large amount of debt prior to us separating but unfortunately, as the cards were in my name, I was left with the debt. I have worked very hard to maintain my monthly payments and have never actually missed a payment on any account however the balances have never really reduced due to interest applied. In all honesty I must be a perfect customer for the card company's! Large balances, no missed payments and big interest accrued monthly! I have now been fortunate to inherit some money that I would like to use to pay off my debts and become debt free completely. The amount of inheritance is approximately £5000. I have written to the card company's and requested a copy of the original CCA in the first instance. The first, Tesco Personal Finance, have sent a copy although I am not sure whether it is enforceable or not. The second, Halifax, have been unable to provide a CCA however claim that the debt is still enforceable. What I would like to do is offer them both a FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT in order to settle and close the accounts for good. Based on the fact that I have not missed any payments up to now what are your thoughts on this? Any advice would be appreciated greatly. With Halifax (who cannot provide a CCA) I was thinking of writing to them advising that I never agreed to the credit limit increases that they have continually applied firstly (albeit I did not decline them when they were applied) but more importantly that I did not agree to the intrest charges that they have continually applied and that, based on my repayments, my total balance should now be much lower than what they are claiming as such I will only offer a reduced F&F. Does this make sense? With Tesco it is a little more tricky as they do have a CCA so it is more a case of asking the question and hoping that an arrangement can be made. The truth is, without a F&F I am no longer going to be able to continue to pay the monthly payments that they require. My account will default and no doubt end up with a DCA and the whole matter will spiral out of control leaving an unpaid debt and me with a very bad credit record. I am not simply trying to avoid paying what I have spent. As already said; the debt was incurred in a quick space of time by a long-forgotten ex-partner. My error at the time but you think you can trust people right? Also, as already mentioned, I have paid the actually 'debt' many times over based on my minimum monthly payments. The outstanding balances are from the interest that has accrued over time. So the banks have had A LOT MORE than what was ever spent on my account by my ex-partner. I am just asking for a little lee-way and relied in order to bring the accounts to a close based on my F&F offers. Sorry for the long-winded story here but I wanted to be as detailed as possible. Any help, advice, assistance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Lee
  25. hi, (back from a while ago) One of my creditors has offered a settlement figure, which is within my reach. (done all the CCA stuff, etc, as per earlier advice) The letter I received seems quite generic in its wording. Is there a specific wording I should look for / ask for? If I pay the smaller amount, can they still sell on the remainder to another company? What wording should I ask for, to ensure the settlement means no further sums are due, to them, or anyone else? thanks. (for info, a debt of 4400: offer 1200 accepted)
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