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  1. Hi All , Looking for some advice regarding a current issue with Scottish Power and my boiler cover....... My boiler has developed a pressure loss and water loss which SP has put it down to the heat exchanger and due too the boiler age 8 years in there professional option the boiler is beyond economical repair (BER) but can't tell me how they reached that decision The boiler is excellent condition as it has always been serviced mostly by SP and the engineer's boss asked him on the phone regarding the excellent condition I made a complaint to SP and was contacted by a member of the complaints team who just said " in there professional option it was BER " and won't provide any document to back this up .... What I do know is the parts will cost around £600 which may sound a lot of money to repair a boiler but taking into account to replace the boiler for the same spec and have it installed - which SP don't do would cost in the region of £1500+ I also asked them what was the definition of BER which they couldn't tell but me looking at the law directory and other sources this is normally based on 80%. Looking thru my t&c's there is a condition which mention about BER but doesn't state a figure therefore I assume 80% is the figure. As the two figures are no where near the BER threshold I can't see why the boiler won't be repaired under my policy... The other thing is SP didn't advise if I can still use the boiler ???? What are my rights as a consumer to request the following [*]Engineers report [*]A copy of the formula used to determine BER [*]Copy of parts required to make boiler right I would be grateful for any information you can provide to enable to further challenge SP
  2. Complaint against Scottish Power In February 2014 I and my partner moved into our new rented house, we are the legal tenants of the property. We agreed the start gas & electricity meter readings with the outgoing tenant. My partner contacted Scottish Power by phone & tried to arrange the taking over of the account. She is foreign & although her spoken & written English is very very good, she could not understand or make herself understood to Anthony the customer service operator because of his very broad accent. I took over the conversation, & I too struggled to comprehend what he was saying, so the conversation ended with me telling him her name, the address, & the meter readings, telling him she wanted the cheapest online dual fuel paperless tariff, and requested that standing order mandates be put in the post to her. After approximately six months she started to receive & continued to receive letters addressed to a “Mr Daz”. As these communications were not addressed to her & she was not legally able to open them, they were correctly put in the postbox for return to Scottish Power with the words “not known at this address”. To date some 25+ communications have been received & returned in this manner, making Scottish Power fully aware of their error. Our local sorting office assures us that any such return to sender mail is treated very seriously & is returned to the originating address. On Friday the 26th February 2016 she returned home to discover that a forced entry at the front door had been attempted, & that the 2 credit meters situated at the front of the building had been changed for prepayment versions. A day later a plastic key for the electricity meter arrived in the post. No plastic card was supplied, as promised, to activate the gas meter. 2 documents where put through the letterbox by their representatives Richburns on 26.02.2016. The first document addressed to a Mr Daz refers to a warrant of entry granted by the current resident’s local magistrate’s court, a demand for £1,028.49, some spurious reference about a dog plus the claim that the warrant permits the exchange of the electricity meter. The second document, again addressed to Mr Daz refers to pre-payment meter fitted & gas supply disabled, plus a demand for £826.56. It is my understanding that in order for Scottish Power to undertake these actions they would have needed some sort of court authority. I wrote to Scottish Power on her behalf to complain, & gave them my name just in order to communicate with them. They were expressly forbidden to return to the property, & their actions & demands disputed. Their response was to make me the account holder – which I am not, & presumably will make me responsible for their alleged & unsubstantiated arrears – which again I am not responsible for. At no point has she – the account holder & bill payer – ever received any communications, bills, correspondence, or court documents in her name, or served upon her. It would appear that Scottish Power has obtained court documents permitting their behaviour, but in someone else’s name, plus they could only have done so by duping the magistrate & misleading the court. This means that their actions were unlawful & they committed criminal damage & trespass. At this point the account holder had in fact paid £1000+ towards her ongoing dual fuel usage. Demands for money have been made by Scottish Power, but no exact figure has ever been substantiated or agreed, as I believe all of their bills to be estimations. In spite of being forbidden to, Scottish Power returned & trespassed once again on the property in order to reset one of the meters. For every £10 loaded onto the gas meter, £7 is deducted for their alleged debt. The installation of these prepayment meters means that the account holder cannot leave Scottish Power & is effectively trapped in their clutches. It has been over eight weeks from my original letter of complaint. All I have received from them thus far is a computer generated acknowledgement of my original complaint, plus 2 more computer generated letters stating they are investigating. We wish to make a formal complaint about Scottish Powers behaviour, which we believe to be unlawful, criminal, and an abuse of power. I am acting with the full knowledge & approval of the account holder, who wishes to remain anonymous, for now, because she is heavily pregnant & does not deserve any further stress & upset caused to her by Scottish Power’s actions. We ask that you look into this as a matter of urgency. Mr Dxxx xxx Ms Exxxx Sxxx.
  3. Hello We received a product from a Scottish company (via Amazon) that did not fit the description. It was different in quality and appearance to the picture on the website. They have insisted that we pay considerable carriage to return the bulky goods (flooring). They are clearly in the wrong as far as distance selling and consumer law are concerned. The goods were not as described and therefore the onus is on them to collect and refund. My question: As it is not possible to use money claim online for a scottish defendant, how should i approach this? I don't see why I should use the scottish courts, as the supply was made to england and I want the case heard in my local court, which as a consumer I believe is my right? If the case is heard in scottland they know its not worth my while to proceed and I suspect the reverse is true. i.e. that they will not contest a case in person for £200 so far away. How can I use English courts and have it heard locally? Thanks
  4. Hi, could anyone advise me how to get into the court system so that I can check a specific insolvency practitioners previous cases. I would like to know if any of the cases that they took to court had any people contesting their case against them or not. If no one contested their case it might give me an avenue to go down when I am fighting my case.
  5. Nicola Sturgeon will spearhead a renewed drive to build support for Scottish independence this summer, pledging to turn the 45% who voted to leave the UK in the 2014 referendum into “a strong and positive majority”. Yes! Get in there Mrs Fish, give the English the vote as well and we will happily give you independence. England make way for immigrants swarming south.
  6. My wife arranged a direct debit with a utility company using my personal bank details without my knowledge. She must have done this over the phone using my debit card details. This eventually caused a debt that I wasn't aware of at the time. I have been landed with the debt despite me never having set up any direct debit with the utility company. Shouldn't my wife be liable or the utility company for taking direct debit instructions from a person other than the actual account holder? I think it's identity theft and I should not be held liable for the debt. I thought that unauthorised use of a person's bank details would have been compensated for by the bank or the utility company taking money under an unauthorised direct debit.
  7. I got a letter telling me Scottish power wanted to do a meter inspection which they did, they said my meter had been tampered with and they replaced it. I have now got a bill in from them for £496 for the cost of replacing meter but no other charges. Have phoned citizens advice etc and they contacted SP Got a phone call from SP today saying that as the meter is in my name it was me that gets the charge. I am renting from the council and it must have been tampered with by previous occupants as i have never touched it ,i wouldn't know where to start. I don't know what i can do now SP said they will put the charge onto my meter.
  8. Hi Cag community! I really hope you can help. I’m afraid I’ve never posted in a forum before so not too sure if I have posted in the right please so do let me know if I should post somewhere else! On 30th June 2015, EDF (representing Scottish Power) entered the communal corridor for my flat, and removed all the electricity meters for the whole building. We own a flat in a block of 5, and we had a prepayment meter with Scottish Power. In the few days following this we discovered (from the EDF officer who removed all the meters) that the meters to Flats 1, 2 and 5 (owned by the freeholder) were bypassed, and that my meter and the other leasehold flat were in credit. This proves that we were topping up our prepayment meters as we ought to, and that they theft of electricity was being done by our freeholders who were bypassing the other meters to the flats they owned. Whilst this was all going on, my mum spoke to Scottish Power’s Revenue Protection department on 9th July 2015 and was asked to pay £300 for a replacement meter, as the freeholder had still not sorted it out, and was instead trying to reconnect the electricity supply illegally (for which we reported him every time). She paid this £300 in advance so that I could book the time for the meter to be installed once we had the necessary certificates. The issues with the electricity have highlighted criminal acts by the freeholder, and these have been reported to the police (I have a crime reference number). Our freeholder illegally reconnected the electricity several times and we always reported him immediately to Scottish Power. We just wanted justice to be served and to get proper official meters installed as soon as possible so we could go on with our lives. In the end, we did not book Scottish Power to install new meters for us as the freeholder finally organised British Gas to do it (Scottish Power had scuppered his attempts to reconnect illegally). Scottish Power are now refusing to refund us the money as they have told us they are keeping it to go towards repaying the debt owed by our freeholder. Our freeholder has also (without my knowledge or permission) transferred my account away from British Gas and back to Scottish Power by posing as me. Scottish Power will not let me move my account back, presumably because they are taking a portion of money from my prepayment meter when I top it up to repay the freeholders debt. I do not know what state the freeholders meters are in at the present time as he now keeps them in a separate padlocked cupboard with a CCTV camera pointed at it. Scottish Power have told us that they have no interest in finding out who the freeholder is. The police have not followed up on the case either. Despite raising complaints with various departments I have been unable to resolve this issue. Scottish Power are still refusing to refund the £300 and are also holding me responsible for the rest of the freeholders debt. I really hope someone can help as I’m at the end of my rope with this one.. Here's to hoping.. thanks all for reading!
  9. Hi All Is there a representative from Scottish power on cag ? Andy
  10. Hi All, I'm renting a property short term for 6-7 months and have electric supplied by Scottish Power. Initially the Direct Debit amount was set to £50, which quickly became apparently as being massively over-estimated. I generally only use around 3kWh per day, so the actual bill is next to nothing, and in 3 months I have now accumulated £70 in credit. I managed to reduce my direct debit via my online account, which was a struggle in itself. If I reduced it by more than £4 at once, it demanded an upfront payment and estimated I would be £6000 in debt at my yearly review. I eventually got it down to £25 which seemed sensible, though received an e-mail a week later saying it had been reset to £50. I can no longer change it via account as I have exceeded the number of changes per year. I phoned Scottish Power today to ask them to reduce it but the customer advisor told me the lowest they could do is £37. Seems a bit daft. Even at £37, I'll still be accumulating a significant credit amount per month, in addition to the £70 already sitting in my account. I'm only expecting to be in the property another 3 months so it seems daft to continue throwing money into the account when it's obvious they're just going to have to refund it to me at account close. Anyone any advise or how to deal with it sensible in the present? Thanks
  11. I previously requested CCA details recently and received a reply advising that due to high volumes of requests that they would respond as soon as possible. 12+ days have now surpassed - do I chase again giving them another 12 days to respond or is there another letter that I send regarding failure to respond ? Cheers
  12. I moved into new build property in september 2010, gas and electric are both with scottish power. We use about £17 a week electric and about £3 a week gas (hot water only, never have the heating on) during the remainder of 2010 and 2011 we struggled to pay the bills, in 2011 the gas was switched to a pre-payment meter, at our request, and any electricity and gas debt was put on to the gas box to be paid off at £7 a week. come december 2012 and we are clearing the debt on the gas box but electricity is building up again, again, on request, in december 2012 the electricity was also moved to a pre payment meter and any debt on it was tranferred to the debt on the gas box. Fast forward to mid 2014 and finally all the debts have been paid off, now we just pay for gas and elec on pre payment meters both around £20 a week (as above) today i noticed when putting the elec in the meter the amount did not add up, i scrolled through the settings and it says debt £662, total charges per week £11.60 totally out of the blue, now remember this elec meter was installed in December 2012 and has never had a debt attached to it, any debt was transferred and paid of via the gas meter now some 3 years later, someone has added £662 debt to the elec meter with NO WARNING at all, no call, no letter, nothing. i have started this post to record events, of which i am now, just going to phone SP to see what they say, fuming to say the least.
  13. Hi I hope you can help. I have been told a citation was delivered to my old address in Scotland ( i now live in england and have done for a few months now) for an old loan from 2007 from Bank of Scotland £15k. The documents have been posted to me. I cannot recall what it was. I also states in the writ that a payment was made in March 2014 which I could not have done. I suspect this maybe statute barred but have no statements or anything to determin this. The return date is 9th November. shall i just fill in form 07 and detail new address? I am about to send a CCA to Cabot who apparently had debt assigned in November 2014. Optima legal in Glasgow are the solicitors for Cabot. My husband is terminally ill and although happy to defend cannot attend court to defend this in person and cannot afford solicitor. Any help on best way to handle this appreciated.
  14. Had a demand for payment from Scottish power through our communal letter box , incorrectly addressed i might add, in fact the address doesn't actually exist, there was no named account holder on the letter, just an account number & the amount outstanding, I checked for the sake of checking it compared against my old SP account , as i haven't been with them for some 2yrs, I rang them to see what info they would tell me,to see if i could help, but they won't say anything , Today they sent someone round to the property, i told him that the account number doesn't match and showed him it, and that this was not the address named on the letter, he asked if he could check and read my meter, i refused on principle and privacy grounds, he was ok about it, but said they will send someone else,lol i didn't have a problem with him checking the meter's serial number but i do object to them reading the meter has it has zero to do with that company , also i would of thought the account number would be linkable to the meter SN? Typical bullying from the big utility companies who think they can do whatever they want , Another example of this is the so called 2yr safety inspection, when the reality of it is purely about visually checking the meter for evidence of tampering and to also get a bona fide meter reading , why can't they be honest about it, and admit that they don't trust their customers instead of giving us bs excuses?, as i live in a privately rented property and has gas appliances these and meter are checked by a actual gas safe registered engineer once every year that is a safety check
  15. The issue: I have a TPS registered phone line, ex-directory never given out. We have it for a family member who is dying and waiting for an organ transplant. Every call on the line causes considerable distress for obvious reasons as it's only meant to be used by our transplant centre. Since 2011 we have logged approximately 4000 sales calls, up to 30 a day on some days, sometimes in the early hours of the morning. The unique thing about all of these sales calls is that the data they hold is correct in every respect except for the surname. For arguments sake, they always ask for Mr Bloggs. The calls usually come from India and are usually marketing under the guise of a survey (Sugging). The callers refuse to provide an address, disclose on whose behalf they are calling, acknowledge our demands not to be called or explain why they are calling a TPS line. They are often abusive if we do not cooperate. In feb this year, after discussing with the ICO, we decided to play along with the calls to see who was commissioning them. We notified them if they continued to call we would play along. All the calls were recorded. In every instance we told the callers not to let anyone call again or there would be consequences. The questions they asked were about Ppi, broadband, utilities etc. Many companies have called off the back of this sugging call and we have taken action against them all. Scottish power also made sales calls to us off the back of the sugging calls. We instructed Scottish power (S.7 of the Data Protection Act) to disclose where they got our number from and to disclose the permission they have to market to our line. We instructed them to suppress our data to this opt-in (S10 and S11 of the Data Protection Act). This was back in March. They have not confirmed how they got our number other than to say in future they will make sure they screen all sugging calls against TPS and record all sugging calls. The sugging calls for Mr Bloggs continue today. It is self evident that Scottish power have not suppressed our data. I intend to bring proceedings against them pursuant to The Privacy And Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, The Data Protection Act 1998 and The Protection Froma Harassment Act 1997 to recover £1925 for my time dealing with this plus additional damages for distress and anxiety in the discretion of the court. My questions are: 1) Scottish power is registered in Scotland. Can I pursue them in England? I live in England and they were calling me from an english call centre. 2) The energy ombudsman have stated it is not a case they would deal with. What other means of alternate dispute resolution are open to me? 3) does the Data Protection Act apply in the same way in Scotland? Any answers gratefully received. Thanks KV
  16. Hi all, it never rains but it pours. I have just received a letter from my mother, it is a demand for payment for a debt of £7XXX. It is addressed to Mr C XXXXXX and is posted to my mother's address but demands payment for power used at my old address. I share my late father's initial so my mother opened the letter thinking it was addressed to him. Letter: 8th September Dear Mr +++++++ We are a debt collection agency and we have been instructed by our client Scottish & southern power to contact you in relation to an amount of £7XXX, which their records show as being outstanding. The original balance of £6XXX has incurred a 15% recovery administration charge of £9XX due to non payment. The supply relates to the supply of Electricity services to: XXXXX(my former address) XXXXX (billing end date) the amount of £7117.58 is now due for payment. Please call us on XXX to pay by debit or credit card If you are experiencing problems ETC........ If you believe that there is a valid reason why you are not liable for this debt then we ask that you contact us immediately so we can get the matter resolved. Now my mother subsequently received a phone call from Advantis asking to speak with C Palmer in relation to a debt owed to S&S Energy She informed the caller, truthfully, that Mr C Palmer was dead. when we moved house in 2014 I informed Scottish & southern of our new location and had offered them, in writing, to settle the outstanding debt on a month to month basis. They didn't write back. In fact the first thing I have seen about this debt is this letter to my mother. I can only assume that Advantis have bought the account and are trying pot luck by sending the bill to everyone with my surname in the area. I'm also intrigued as to how a debt that was around the £3,500 mark is now, 12 months later over 7k. S&S energy ignored my offer and subsequently handed the debt over to the collectors with no new address advice and because of their incompetency they are now harassing my mother, disclosing confidential information to her concerning my account with S&S Energy and because they have obviously made an error, they have doubled the bill? Just for the record, I have never lived at my mother's address. What do you suggest I do? I'm keen for them to stop hassling my mother but I am also keen to understand why, despite my reasonable offer in 2014 and my informing them of my new address, they have decided to double the amount owed and to share my account details with a 3rd party. I am happy to pay for power used but I'm bvggered if I'm paying anything extra especially to a XXXXXX like advantis
  17. I was a customer of scottish Power for a very short time and they failed to send a final bill upon leaving them. they did, however send the debt collectors round to an address some 300 miles away that had no association with mine and failed miserably in getting the address removed from my data and couldn't be bothered to send me a bill at my correct address. When I got the Ombudsman involved they still dragged their heels for 6 months and still did not produce a proper bill, just a letter demanding payment for nearly 3100 more than the actual amount that would be due. they didnt tell the ombudsman the truth when it came to remedy and changed their version of events 4 times and the Ombudsman decided that they were not able to produce a proper bill so an estimate would be OK. As I had the correct meter readings to hand and proof that SP also had the correct meter reading but couldnt be bothered to actually enter them onto their system I Told the Ombudsman that I would be requiring transcripts of their conversations with SP as they exist and do the same to SP regarding all of the conversations relating to myself. The Ombudsman also fialed to inform the Energy Regulator that the dispute had gone on beyond the time that it should be reported and had failed to go to a Stage 2 dispute when they were obliged to by law. Today I received a letter from SP writing off the bill in its entirety as a gesture of goodwill but again tha amount they claim to be writing off is an imaginary amount. This has the advantage to them that they claim back a sum for VAT that they haven't paid the exchequer so they save even more money. Scottish Power are incompetent, lazy and less than honest, Ombudsman Services limited are not up to the tasks they are employed to do and lazy in their methodology and procedures are flawed or ignored so the lesson is do not give up when they tell you that you have reached the end of the line as they have a lot to hide.
  18. Hi trying to deal with getting a default removed . I sent a letter to Scottish Power after weeks of corresponding they sent me a template letter, unsigned with the incorrect spelling of my name on. I am then able to request the default to be removed? If so, is there a template letter which I can send back to them to get them to make it so? Thanks all - this is a great forum btw! James
  19. My husband was pressurised by Scottish Power about 5 years ago to switch to them, promising us a better deal. This was totally against my better judgement!!! However, in July 2013, we heard about Economy 10 and, as SSE was offering a good deal, we switched back to them. We heard nothing more from Scottish Power until December 2014 when a demand came for £56.99. My husband disputed it, having heard nothing from them for 17 months but they persisted and continued to harass him, threatening legal action. In desperation, my husband agreed to pay £12.99 and then £4 per month until it was cleared. Unfortunately, my husband died on 11th June 2015, and so I contacted Scottish Power to inform them of this and of the fact that he left no money. They said that I would have to pay the rest of the amount and that, if I didn't, they would harass me until the 'debt' was paid. Can they do this? I was under the impression that, when a person dies, any creditors cannot claim the money from the spouse. It's not the amount, which I could pay, but the principle of the issue and their attitude that it's alright to harass anybody to get their way. Please can anyone help me on this problem:|
  20. Hi there, I am looking for advice, I have a " decree" on my credit file, from 2012 for £481, from a company called Hacking and Paterson relating to maintenance charges for a communal block of flats, the reason for the arrears at the time, was a serious gambling addiction, The reason it went to court is that no doubt the company would have been sending me arrears letters then a letter to appear at court, but as you can imagine someone with the illness of a gambling addiction never opens their letters, this meant that the case went to the small claims court, I wasn’t there to defend myself or offer and arrangement, therefore the case went against me, I have been reading that it is possible to have the decree "recalled" if there is a good reason for me not defending myself at the time. **GOOD NEWS** The bill in question has long been paid off, and the company still manage my flats maintenance, after a discussion the company have sent me two separate letters confirming 1. the bill has been paid in full 2. That they have no objections to the decree being recalled (i.e. they would not contest it) I could do all of this on my own, but would like your thoughts
  21. I have been reading through the threads and I couldn't see anything to answer the current predicament I am in. I moved in as a new tenant on the 30th January 2015 and setup gas and electric with scottish power through a company (tenant Shop) who was given my details through the lettings agency. Scottish power setup electric and gas (or so I thought) through direct debit and then all was in place till about one month ago when we had a visit from MeterPlus who are partnered with Npower looking for a Mr Patel (previous tenant). He was informed that he no longer lives here and that was the end of it till yesterday morning when I heard some rattling outside they had returned and changed my meter to a prepayment meter and were unable to change it back unless I contacted Npower. After speaking to the reps (Npower) he said we received two requests from Scottish power and both were rejected on the grounds that debt was owed but, because the debt on the gas was apparently less they allowed that to be changed to Scottish Power but left the electric and continued to supply it until today. I explained I am a new tenant and had setup a connection with Scottish Power for electric and gas and I am not the previous tenant but they said I needed to inform them that I was a new tenant and now I need to pay the bills accrued for the last 6-MONTHS even though I never requested this from them and neither did they have authorisation from me. I have already spoken to members of their department and management team and filed a complaint due to their lack of communication and apparently not knowing I moved in as a new tenant even though their representative was informed and they accepted the application for changeover to gas but not electric. Based on this scenario my question is 1. Am I liable to pay this 6-month bill which has been accrued due to Npower assuming I am the original tenant and subsequently kept supplying me until yesterday when they changed it to a prepayment meter 2. They are requesting a meter reading from when I moved in if I am unable to provide it what is the next step to get an accurate bill (if I am liable) 3. Can I take any legal action against them for their clear failings to investigate thoroughly follow information through and for the unecessary time wasted and harrassment to me and my family. Any info would be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance
  22. Hi, wonder if anybody can help me here. Although I live in England and the contract undertaken was signed by all parties at my place of business in England and the contract is being serviced by a depot in England, I am being sued for non payment of invoices in Scotland as the petitioner's head office is in scotland, Now, I do have a legitimate defence to this, however, I am disabled and cannot travel the 300 miles to the scottish court to defend myself. I have spoken to the court and they have told me that i can challenge the jurisdiction of the court, however, to do that i will need to attend on the hearing date. Under no circumstances can i travel, and yet i am told by the court officials that if i do not attend judgement will be made against me. So, 2 questions, is it possible to get this transferred to my local county court so i can attend and defend myself, and secondly if judgement is made against me, can it be enforced in England? it all seems terribly unfair that i am required to travel that distance to defend myself when i am simply unable to do that. The amount involved is £4500
  23. Dear All, I am extremely unhappy with the way that Scottish Power have dealt with a complaint I had. My father lived in Scotland and my brother and I live 360 miles away in England. To cut a long story short, in 2012 my late father notified them that his meter was not working correctly from October 2012 to date, they were sending bills to him with the same meter numbers on . In September 2014, my father died and Scottish Power had still not changed the meter even though it was still showing the same readings as in 2012. My brother and I were left his property as part of the estate and I (and the solicitors in Scotland) have attempted to get them to change the meter since September 2014. We found a buyer for the flat and they wanted to move in on 10th July 2015 but obviously we had to declare the meter wasn't working so they threatened to pull out of the sale. Luckily, at the 11th hour, Scottish Power did change the meter on the afternoon of 9th July as I threatened to sue them because the Purchaser threatened to pull out and the house sale may have fallen through. This meant that all the paperwork didn't get done in time and we finally sold the property on 24th July 2015 to the same person. The bills have now been sorted out and luckily my dad did keep making payments to Scottish Power until he died as he was afraid that he would end up with a large bill once the meter issue had been sorted out and I now have to pay them £12.09 to finish everything off. As you can imagine, this was extremely stressful for my late father who was very ill during this whole period, fighting cancer and going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He involved the Citizen's Advice throughout the whole time but nothing was ever resolved. I then took up the fight after he died because I knew it needed sorted before we sold the property. My dad did not let the situation go, but didn't get anywhere and I have now spent hours trying to sort it out even though I lived 350 miles away from the property . I feel that we deserve some sort of compensation but don't know where to start. I know that my solicitor in Scotland has written and called them on numerous occasions up to the date they changed the meter and I was constantly calling and emailing them to try and resolve everything so the sale went through. Does anyone think that it is cheeky to look for some sort of compensation? I spent at least 2 hours on the phone to them, then phone calls to my solicitor in Scotland, plus the bill I will receive for the solicitors letters that were sent to them? I wouldn't even know where to start in calculating such a thing? Any advice from anyone would be appreciated as the last 3 years have been very difficult dealing with this and the loss of a parent? Many thanks for reading. Worstutility
  24. Hi all, I've been told this is the very best place to come for sound advice, so here goes - it's a long convoluted story but I'll keep it as short as I can. I live in a one bed flat that occupies the front half of a three story town house. Last year, unbeknown to me, Scottish Power messed up billing on my account for electric (something to do with them changing their computer system to a new one). Then out of the blue I received a bill for £1100 - on top of what i had already paid / been paying. I questioned it (obviously!) They said the figure was correct and based on actual readings. I continued to question it and raised an official complaint. I have no TV and use my washing machine once every 2 weeks. I have a desktop pc that is on all day and a fridge freezer. That's pretty much it apart from small items like LED desktop lamp, phone chargers etc. So there's NO WAY I could be using the amount of electric they claimed I was using. So while this complaint was being processed by Scottish Power (A whole other nightmare!) I continued to pay £100 a month off the debt they said I owed. As obviously I would be using SOME electricity, just not the amount they claim. Few weeks back, out of the blue, a debt recovery agent turns up at my front door, threatens me with all kinds legal fees, court costs etc if i don't sign his paperwork and agree to having a prepayment meters fitted. Feeling intimidated, I signed his paperwork. This morning an electrician from Scottish Power turns up to fit my prepaid electric meter. He takes one look at my meter and says, "Can't change your meter, there's a problem". Well the problem, according to the electrician is that my meter has other stuff wired into it, which he guesses to be, the communal power for the entire building, hall way landing lights on every floor, fire alarm, AND another flat - again guessing it to be the little bedsit behind my flat, but on the same floor. So my questions are: Has a crime been committed? Where do i stand legally? What action should i take? (Can't afford lawyer - I'm on benefits) What should i do about this money Scottish power still insists i owe them? This whole situation has been massively stressful. I've actually developed Alopecia which I directly attribute to the stress of the alleged debt and the excruciating frustration of trying get coherent answers from Scottish Power. I don't need to tear my hair out, it's falling out all by itself! All suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated.
  25. Just letting off steam......... I'm sure I'll get some sense out of it or bugger off to another supplier -----Original Message----- From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: keith.anderson@scottishpower.com Sent: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:08 Subject: Mr xxxxxxxxxxxx - Account number: 76xxxxxxxxxxx - Formal Complaint Dear Keith Apologies for troubling you with such a seemingly trivial matter but I find putting pen to paper can sometimes relieve the most apoplectic of moments. For background; I have been a customer of Scottish power for a little over a year and, not having found the need to telephone the business prior to today bumbled along without too much fuss. On checking my account last week I noted the credit balance increasing with the rather unseasonable weather conditions we have had the good fortune to experience [in the South East at least] I was somewhat bemused by the options of credit refund preferences but followed the process of entering up to date meter readings and changing preference to refund any credit balance over £5.00 On changing the preference I noted that rather than informing me a refund was being effected I was referred to a new message advising me that the direct debit facility would reduce to £169.00 per month from £219.00 with no refund offered. This seemed [on the face of it] rather sharp practice of the service provider [scottish Power] to retain the benefit of the excess funds on the pretext that they would perhaps be absorbed at a later date should I have the misfortune to require a substantial increase in energy consumption. On telephoning your customer service department this evening and being subjected to an appalling 33 minutes on hold waiting to speak to a human voice I was advised by your agent that Scottish Power only refund credit every 12 months and would not review any refunds until December 2014, this seems contrary to the premis of refunding any credit balance over £5.00 on demand and certainly contrary to the 12 month account opening cycle of Oct '13 to Sept '14 which should have created a credit refund of £635.46 However; after a few minutes of conversation with your agent it was soon apparent that I could indeed have MY money in MY bank account on demand but it would take the business 10 working days to effect........ this too seems appalling slow and lacks any modicum of service. I was further advised that by the act of refunding MY money to ME I would now be required to pay Scottish Power the sum of £269.00 per month for its overestimated and extrapolated increase in consumption over the winter. For your records and as indeed reflected within Scottish Powers billing my 'actual' total consumption for the 13 month period October '13 to November '14 equated to a total of £1842.42, payments to the account for the period total £2628.00 resulting in a current credit balance [to include billing at 14th November 2014] of £785.58. By interpolation of current usage and fixed pricing to September '15 a direct debit of £269.00 per month would provide the result of an overpayment in the sum of £1385.58 at October '15. The basis for this appears to be a somewhat convoluted estimate of consumption for the same period last winter and the debit balance inherently created by the overestimated consumption combined with Scottish Powers 60 day delay in drawing down the first direct debit to the account. Whilst I have no objection to the original direct debit sum of £219.00 per month which will inevitably [again] build toward a credit on the account I do object strongly to any business using false projections of assumed usage in determining what it deems it will take from MY bank account at will. It seems quite extraordinary that after 13 months as a client and having paid a total of 12 monthly direct debits I am now the equivalent of some 5 months consumption in excess credit and yet should I have the audacity to request my money back I would be required to further increase the credit balance for next year and subject myself to the same utter waste of time and resources in asking for my money to be refunded. I have no desire to be nannied by a customer service agent attempting to advise me that it's for my own good to overpay 'just in case' consumption increases. Please ensure that the full credit balance is transferred to my banking account without delay, please also ensure that the direct debit facility is not abused by woeful attempts to justify increasing sums to be drawn down...... £219.00 per month is the agreed maximum sum, quantums drawn down in excess will be regarded as an abuse of my banking account and the facility the direct debit mandate affords the business will be removed. Any attempt to justify its demand should comply with condition 27 of its gas supply license and should certainly address its failure to redress credit balance per our contractual terms. I understand that I do not have the option to address the direct debit sum without either switching tariffs or supplier........ after the car crash of my first experience of Scottish Powers customer service I believe the latter would be the only sensible action should the business be unable or unwilling to adjust the direct debit value to that previously agreed and which is more than adequate to satisfy the account. I trust common sense prevails and your intervention will resolve matters. Regards xxxxxxxx [def not kisses]
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