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  1. Hi folks I really appreciate any help or advice given on this debt. I will try to simplify as much as possible so its not boring. Although at first this may not seem relevant but as you will read on it does so. Unfortunately i was abused a lot by my step father for 10 years, until a teenager. Moving on from that weird fact at the age of 18 i found a nice gf and started a business. Due to making really rookie mistakes and my girlfriend at the time taking huge advantage of my generosity I ended up with a failed business, no girlfriend and 30k worth of debt (i live in scotland) a few years later I met the girl of my dreams, we got engaged and married. She was aware of my past trauma with my stepfather and relevant family members i no longer speak to, decided to change my name completely (first and last) and just her surname to match my new surname. Shortly after we moved to Canada to make a fresh start for both safety and career prospects. Just before we moved I had been making payments and got this down to about 26k (with still a planned 18k worth of interest planned by the time id finish paying this off according to the bank) I had become very angry and frustrated with this level of interest but the bank were not budging. Even the bank of scotland branch staff were shocked at this loans level of interest and the branch manager although sympathetic could offer no help to fix it. my plan was to move to canada, establish a career with my wife who was well qualified and had a good career lined up. Leave the debt until I had a more stable financial life. its been 15 months into canada now and i doubt we will ever go back to the UK. We are about to buy our first house and have our first baby. I did get a phonecall from a debt collection company in the UK a week ago addressing me by my old name (which i did not confirm) the bank and that company do not know what country i am in, nor my new name. But i am still majorly worried this might be the start. I cant afford to pay this money back yet, i have always paid and cleared all my previous debts (6+ credit cards, a small personal loan) ive had a max credit rating of which i was proud of. But in combination of bank of scotland robbing me with obscene amounts of interest and the amount of profit they have made off my time in the UK, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth paying this money back, but that taste would be there if I didn't. Can they track me down properly in canada and find my new name and enforce this debt? Thanks for any help and advice, it really is appreciated.
  2. Hi, could someone please advise. My friends recently had to use the services of a funeral director and with all the added stress of the funeral and the situation, she did not notice at first that the funeral directors had put the invoice in her brothers name and not hers.she called them and they said that they would change it. She needed the invoice in her name as she is claiming some help from the social fund. To cut a long story short, the funeral directors told her after that that they could not change the name on the invoice because it is fraud. It was their error in the first place. I am sure that this is not true and they could raise a credit for the original invoice and re-invoice in the correct name. Can anyone shed any light. Many thanks
  3. Hi All, Firstly, apologies if something like this has already been discussed. I have seen similar posts but I think my predicament is slightly different...it's a long story but I hope that some of you will take the time to read it and have some advice for me... So, some years ago, in my clearly very naive and gullible early 20s, I met my ex husband. We got married in 2010 when I was 23, less so because we thought it was the best thing to do, more so for 'financial reasons'. About 6 months before we got married, my ex had started to have some money problems and I noticed some unauthorised transactions on my credit card totally about £800. The transactions came under Victor Chandler and I reported them to my bank's fraud department. On learning that I had done this, my ex decided to tell me that I needed to withdraw my claim to the fraud department as it was to do with him and he could get into a lot of trouble! (He's in the RAF and works in the armoury...I believe being in debt and having gambling problems would be something that's frowned upon in his position...). He explained that he had used a online gambling site to 'transfer money' as he needed it to help his mum... the story was more elaborate and seemed to make more sense at the time.. .anyway I was young and stupid and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him. I suspected he had a gambling problem, but every time he'd spin me a story and I stupidly tried to believe him. As things progressed, I buried my head in the sand and we got married and as soon as that happened, everything went from suspicious to disaster... The guy had all my bank details, all my personal details... he memorised my bank account numbers and card numbers off by heart! He'd put on a girls voice and call up my bank pretending to be me and all sorts. He took over my accounts completely and in a bid to stop me from finding things out he'd stop me going online by tampering with the phone lines, etc. One day I found he'd taped a small piece of clear tape over the phone plug so I could check my bank online or call them! My life and my finances got to the point where I was working full time and each payday, as soon as I had been paid, literally within an hour all my available funds would be gone. My bank statements from the period which I was with him are just full of transactions of money (mostly) going out and coming in from various online gambling websites. . Despite my feelings deep down and my instincts telling me everything was wrong, I tried whatever I could to just stick it through and hoped he would change and everything would eventually go away! I mean, he went to such lengths to prove to me that things were being sorted...! By May 2013 I finally decided that I was not going to take it anymore. I wasn't going to let him continue to ruin my life and I left him. We separated in May 2013. I moved back to Hong Kong for 8 months to get away from him and stayed with my parents. During this time, my ex husband and I still had some contact as I was still having major issues with my bank and I was desperate for him to sort it out so that, even if I couldn't get any of my hard earned money back at least the black hole of debt would stop getting deeper! Eventually, he told me that a solicitor had managed to get some money back for us, but it was being paid into my account via a payday loan company. As I was out of the country and wasn't up for speaking to him much I didn't pay too much attention to this. Some money did appear in my account from a payday loan company, but the money soon disappeared again. I thought it was just the same old same old. It wasn't until some time in 2015 when I had returned to the UK and got officially divorced from him that I found out that the money that went into my account was in fact a payday loan that he had taken out in MY name. And here in my predicament lies.. .the loan was taken out online, so he used all my details and signed electronically and the money did indeed go into an account that belonged to me. The money then left my bank account going to various gambling websites, and I'm taking a wild guess that all of those accounts to all of those gambling sites were probably in my name as well. This is a debt that I don't feel I'm responsible for at all after all the punishment and the financial ruin he's left me in. In the time I was with him I lost ALL my wages plus some money my parents had gifted me in the hopes we'd settle down and have a decent deposit to put on a house. All in all, I would hazard a guess at losing somewhere between £60-70k in the time I was with him. Not to mention his own salary on top of that! But, now I think I'm stuck with this loan of around £1200. I am now being hounded by the PRA group who have bought the debt off QuickQuid and are sending me letters saying that I need to pay them. I can see on my credit record there is a default against my name under the PRA group for this unpaid debt. It's causing me a lot of stress now as I have finally settled again, with a most amazing man and we are expecting our first child together and would like to purchase our first home but my finances are making me very uneasy. In all this time, I have never contacted the police as I did what I could to try to come to a civil separation from him. I didn't want to get him in trouble as I wasn't sure if it would affect his job and whatever ill feelings I had toward him I tried to stay fair and settle things with as little trouble as possible. Seems though, that the only person suffering is me! Is it too late to take this to the police now? Have I left it too long? My ex husband, to name the things he's done.. .gambled our entire marriage, made up solicitors and created fraudulent email trails. He's taken money from me that should have gone into my bank and brought me home a 'receipt' of paying it in to my account then turned a story about how the money went into the 'wrong account'. He's taken out numerous loans in my name. Opened up accounts to gambling websites in my name. He moved into military married quarters after we were separated using a marriage certificate that was no longer valid, ran up trespass charges for a late march out and slapped me with a bill of nearly £1500! He'd steal my purse... I've never lost my purse in my entire life.. .in the 3 years we were married I managed to lose it THREE times AND every time it's miraculously turned up back on camp.. .minus the couple hundred pounds emergency cash I had in it! He cheated on me. He's even lied to me now about his current girlfriend being sexually assaulted and suffering panic attacks because of it. ..and his poor girlfriend. ..he steals money from her kids...! I apologise for all the excess info and I understand it's all a bit jumbled. I just find it extremely difficult to put what he did to me in words but felt that some background on all the things he got up to might help me get some advice... Thanks.
  4. Hello I really need some help please. I bought a solid gold christian name necklace from 'My Name Necklace' and purchased their 12 month warranty at the same time. Just inside the warranty date, the chain broke, I completed the online claim form along with a photo of the broken chain ( The warranty covers chain breakage ) The company emailed soon afterwards on 15th November stating: We apologies for the situation. We can send you another chain. A prepaid return envelope will be sent so that you can return your original item to us.* Please let us know if you agree. Please note that this envelope is already addressed to us and prepaid. Simply place your item in the envelope and drop into any mail box. There is no need to add postage or go to the Post Office. Please let us know if we could be of any further assistance. Best Regards, Allison Brown My Name Necklace Customer Service Team I replied stating I would use the envelope but as the order cost me £116.00, I would not be popping the envelope in a letterbox, and would pay extra to send tracked. 2 weeks passed, and the addressed envelope hadn't arrived, I messaged again to report this, was told that the returns envelope can take up to 3 weeks to reach me. I realised the compary was overseas, so had to accept this. At today's date there's still no envelope I've contacted the company again and they are just lying / fobbing me off by saying they have escalated my complaint, and then I hear no more. I've asked for the company address and they won't supply it. All communication has to be done through their webforms only. I may have found the address through Google search, but it may not be correct: Mynamenecklace 14455 N Hayden Road Suite 226 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 I'm wondering if there is a procedure similar to the UK 'small claims' that can be done with an overseas company? Can anyone advise please? The necklace was my daughters 2015 Christmas present from me. To be honest, she only wore it a handful of times as the chain is so fine, that she was frightened it would break, and unfortunately the chain caught on her jumper, and snapped when she tried to release it, albeit very carefully. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
  5. Hi All, I am a company car driver and I think I've made the fatal mistake of giving PPS my name and address. Long story short: Parked at the Crossways Shopping centre in Paignton and as I had been ill with a stomach bug through the night when I arrived, I was physically ill again (and took a few minutes to gather myself) before I purchased a ticket. They have a photo showing I arrived at 11.24:39 and I have a ticket, valid until 13.43, purchased at 11.43, therefore a period of 19 minutes elapsed between me arriving and buying a ticket. They have stated that they have a 10 minute "grace" period and that I contravened this by 9 minutes, therefore I am liable to a £100 or reduced fee of £60! After my employer received the initial notice, as I assumed I'd done nothing wrong because I had a valid ticket that I assumed they had obviously overlooked, I disclosed my name, address and emailed them accordingly. I've just received a further email telling me my claim has been rejected due to the 9 minutes over that I took to buy the ticket which I find absolutely unbelievable - especially as I left the car park at 12.58 with 45 minutes still remaining on the ticket! what should I do now? many thanks in advance Ian
  6. 1) My 'Actions for getting employment" doesn't stipulate a number of jobs to apply for per week (which is odd, when I claimed before I had to apply for 2). Obviously I don't want to display every single job I apply for (which would risk creating a baseline figure), but what is the minimum number that an Advisor needs to see in order to sanction me (for insufficient applications)? 2) They also included 'log into my UJM account daily' - I have NOT ticked the box that allows the DWP to view the jobs I've applied for, BUT can they still see how often I've logged in? Ta
  7. Hello for the first time ever i recently checked my credit file. All seems pretty good except that four 1/2 years ago someone obtained a CCJ for a catalogue debt (that is not in my name) at the address i lived six years ago I was not living at the address at the time so was unable to submit a defence. They would not have had a signed credit agreement I am concerned as recently i have received phone calls from Capquest asking me to contact them urgently. if their inquiry is in relation to the above how should i proceed? Thank you.
  8. What a load of politically correct rubbish, this woman it just out to make a name for herself, get a life, big ego trip, get her name on the front page in the press, nothing offensive in it these people will look to find fault in anything. Exeter Chiefs urged to change 'offensive' name by Native American expert Calls for Premiership rugby club Exeter Chiefs to scrap ‘Red Indian’ theme because fans dressing in headdresses with toy tomahawks is ‘offensive’ Calls for Premiership rugby club Exeter Chiefs to scrap 'Red Indian ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../calls-for-premiership-rugby-club-exeter-chiefs-to-scrap-r... 1. Cached 2 days ago - Exeter Chiefs premiership rugby team urged to ban fans dressing up as native ... Professor of early modern American History Rachel Herrmann has attacked their ... The Southampton University boffin said:”We need to remember that ... A campaign to get the Redskins to change their name has been going ... Exeter Chiefs urged to change 'offensive' name by Native American ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-36965975 1. Cached 2 days ago - Exeter Chiefs should change their name and stop "playing Indian" according ... She said it evoked "Britain's forgotten imperial American past".
  9. Hello everyone, I've had a County Court claim form sentfrom Northampton CC. The claimant is Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd acting via Restons Solicitors and quoting an Opus credit card reference. Putting those names into Google brought me straight here so I hope someone can give me some advice. I had a Capital One credit card a long while ago and assume that the £5k odd debt has been passed around, I've also had a number of letters and calls from Cabot which I have ignored over the years. I'm aware that if you make no contact with a lender for six years the debt becomes statute barred and my time is up next May so I've been keeping quiet for a while. This is probably why they're getting heavy now. My question is over the name on the claim. They have addressed me incorrectly so does this make legal proceedings unenforceable? It's as if my full name (as on the creditcard) is Fred Steven Bloggs but through a clerical error on the debt collection forms they've renamed me Freds Bloggs. It's a small error but surely legal paperwork should be correct. What do you think I should do now? Sendit back as the defendant is not known at this address, admitliability but negotiate a small pay off or just ignore it . They will know as well as I do that they have to do something in the next six months if they're going to get anything repaid but I'm not sure if aresponse will wipe out my five and a half years of ignoring them. Any advice will be gratefully received. Desparate Des.
  10. Hi We recently moved and went yesterday to our old place to collect any post I was given 4 envelopes, 1 of which contained a letter from Tonbridge Wells Borough Council about a PCN from October 2015 in my husbands name for a vehicle he has never owned and he's never been to Tonbridge Wells, ever lol Anyway, the other 3 letters are from a company called Jacobs Enforcement Agents for the same car but the enforcement agent reference number is different on all 3 letters, the dates are different and the amounts they are chasing Anyone know if these are a ligit company? Should I write to the council or ring them?
  11. In January this year I received a letter from a company called Sigma Red informing me that they had passed my account with premier man to Lowells. Which was interesting because it was the first time I was aware of having an account with premier man! So I sent the standard letter to Lowells saying prove you have the right person or bog off. On 9th July I received a letter from Lowells with a photocopy of an unsigned credit agreement with this company, the name including the middle initial is the same as mine but the address is somewhere in South London that I have never lived at. The supposed debt is for £268.34. So, either there has been a cock up and there is someone out there with exactly the same name and initial as me (highly unlikely) and they think I'm going to pay their debt for them, or somebody has stolen my identity and some kind of fraud has taken place. I am not sure what the best way to proceed is. Should I just tell them to bog off again or will they just think I am avoiding paying and take proceedings further. Your advice would be much appreciated. I should add finally that the account was apparently opened on 9/7/2011 which happens to be around the same time that I did actually buy some trousers for my partner from the said Premier Man, they were paid for in full at the time, and they were so horrible I vowed never to buy anything else from them!
  12. A friend of mine posted a picture he'd taken of a billboard in Scotland advertising 'Legal Name Fraud' and as curiosity bested the two of us we went googling... Just wondering if anyone actually takes this seriously? I note that the last time someone tried the 'freeman on the land / legal name' thing with a Judge he jailed her for nine months for contempt (http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Fam/2011/B15.html). In the dim and distant past as a CAB worker I had someone come in complaining that he couldn't get a passport to go on holiday because he'd renounced his 'legal name' and the passport authority wouldn't print one with his 'Joseph of the family Terminally-Misguided-Bloggs' on it and his rights were being breached because the nation he'd renounced were stopping him from going to Benidorm... So my question is, what is the purpose of this? Is it an attempt to confuse less than confident police officers / court officials? Is it a genuinely held belief that people are beyond the law? Are people daft enough to think that they can simply opt-out by changing their name? What are your views?
  13. I hope someone can help.. My husband and I are at our wits end and he is not a well man. We went to live in Turkey and left my daughter's address for bank cards, Post, doctors etc.. When we returned 6 years later we got a debt letter from a company we have about a debt we have never heard of.. My Daughter took out catalogue debts and an Argos credit card in my name.. Also a studio catalogue in my husbands... We have since been bombarded with letters and have chosen to ignore them. Citizens advice have said report her to the Police but we are very reluctant to do this as we have 2 grandchildren and my daughter has Bi polar disorder.. Today we got a visit from a debt agency called Fidelite? I wasn't in and we are understandably very upset by this. We have never been in debt in all or our 60 odd years.. Never had a credit card and have always believed in savingu p for things we need.. . We own our own home. paid for cash from the sale of a business. Any advice will be most welcome. CAB just said pay it or go to the police. We live on disabled benefits as my husband is seriously disabled through a stroke... Thank you for reading this ... I did ring a debt help line who said that I must pay them... The amount comes to about £4.000.. I live in fear of my neighbours hearing about all this....
  14. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  15. Hi, would appreciate some advice if possible. History of this debt - Original Creditor: MBNA Date of agreement: 12/10/2005 Current owner: Arrow Global Current balance: £4223.87 Default date: August 2010 Last payment: 2013 (?) DCA: Capquest Current issue - Got married a few months ago and have changed surname, found CAG and decided to sort my act out. Recently sent CapQuest a CCA request (using CAG template), trying to get things sorted. Before they even received it my neighbour popped round with a letter they had incorrectly sent to her address. She'd also opened the letter as CapQuest had called her home and worried her. I was fuming about the phone call, they obviously searched the address for a number, if they's taken 2 minutes to check my credit file they would have my correct address, and sent them a letter to complain their only response so far is to request confirmation of my name change (valid request in terms of data protection I think, but I refuse to send them any of my ID). Wondering if there's any advice on the following: As I want to get a clear CCA request response (do they have it or not) I understand the need to identify myself, should I provide this to the OC or the current owner? Would appreciate an opinion on my draft response to CapQuest please - Thank you for your letter, dated 27th January and received 29th January. In your letter you request confirmation of my details. Due to the nature of my current complaint and your companys inability to appropriately check and manage data; I am reluctant to supply you with identification documents. As such I am writing directly to the original creditor (MBNA) of the alleged debt with sufficient identification to reflect my change of details. I f relevant to your desire to contact me I am sure they will pass this information along in due course. I await your response to my formal complaint (letter dated 20th January), the main points of this complaint are stated again below for clarification: 1. The letter received disclosed alleged debt details, nature of contact and amount, without any attempt to be ensure that “data and information used in the identification process is, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and adequate”. This failing may relate to CapQuest or their client. 2. CapQuest also somehow obtained the telephone number for INCORRECT_ADDR and contacted them about the account number above, which contradicts the intended recipients right to privacy. Attached file is a copy of my complaint letter and their most recent letter. Thanks for reading Capquest_name_confirmation.pdf
  16. my dad got into debt and subsequently had a charge placed on the house after a credit card debt was taken to court. he died last year and now my mum looking to sell. do we have to remove the charge or will this automatically be gone and nothing owing when my mum comes to sell. she hasn;t notified the credit card company that he died last year. any help appreciated thank yu
  17. Hey all, Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I wasn't sure. I work for [removed]) and have done for 7 months. Since working there my name is spelled incorrectly everywhere I log into - even my name badge up until a few weeks ago. It's not a huge misspell - My surname is [removed]) but they have spelled it [removed]) everywhere. I brought this to my Team Leaders attention when I joined and they said it's not on - it's not my name and they will get it changed HR have refused to correct the mistake they made as they "would have to change it everywhere" and they aren't prepared to do that. I pay invoices suppliers send in on behalf of disabled students and wonder if it is legal to have my name incorrectly spelled everywhere - even on my works email address I use to contact suppliers and clients or if it is unreasonable of employer to refuse the name correction? As I said, I know it's not a huge misspell but it is the principle that it is just not my name and I have to spell my name incorrectly on purpose with certain applications so I can log in a nd it's taking me extra time to do my work as I often get it incorrect as I'm not used to spelling my name wrong. My TL has been made aware of this but HR won't budge even though they change employees name instantly if they get married etc I know this probably sounds very trivial but it is a huge annoyance to me. Thanks in advance.
  18. Hi all, I've looked through and tried to find a similar case, and was wondering if someone could help shed some light on the issue I detail below: 1 - my wife received a letter stating a £65 private parking charge from NGP (New Generation Parking) for supposedly parking in an unauthorised area of Capital Retail Park (Cardiff) in October/November 2012.......subsequently ignored the letter as per instructions elsewhere on the web. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 2 - received a letter from DCBL saying they had been instructed to claim the 'debt' by NGP, and had added charges so the new sum 'owed' was £180. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 3 - as my wife had not received the letter in point 2, we were not aware of the charges/actions, and have recently been sent another letter stating (something along the lines of) ''as all attempts of contact have been ignored, more charges, now totalling £340 are payable immediately to DCBL, or they shall instruct their client to file for a CCJ. If possible, could someone please advise on the following points? 1 - What right do NGP have to chase the debt and what proof do they need to provide? 2 - My wife's name is spelt incorrectly (2 letters different) on all correspondence, is this a 'strike out' and therefore unenforceable? 3 - My wife has changed her name, as we got married in the 2 years during the time where there was no contact from NGP/DCBL. Should either/both parties have conducted any relevant identity/address checks? Again, can this be struck out and therefore unenforceable? 4 - My wife sold the car around 18 months ago, therefore she is no longer the registered keeper, is the 'debt' therefore enforceable? 5 - Are DCBL legally allowed to add on £275 in charges if they are now returning to NGP and advising them to try and obtain a CCJ? 6 - Would NGP/DCBL be successful in obtaining a CCJ if (as per above) my wife has changed name, address and sold the vehicle? Sorry for all the questions, am hoping that I've covered all the points and some of you experienced people will be able to help! Thanks
  19. hi, any advice on clarifying a small matter would be helpful. we bought a bed for our son from an online store. the bed was hardly used as was in spare room just before the one year warranty it broke. they sent him a part to fix it but it broke again, same fault as before . he got in touch with the retailer and after some back and fourth they have said not their problem and have given us the manufacturers details. are they right or should the retailer sort this out as we believe the bed is not fit for purpose any advice would be appreciated.
  20. Bailliffs called unitied untilities debt in my wifes name. Will they want to know all the income coming into the household . My wife is not working due to illness after losing job 2 years ago. you can probably see my past experiences in archives. I myself are on pension state pension have had to take on a partime job against doctorrs orders. another firm of bailiffs put an attachment of earnings on my wages for council tax debt. so only come out with £95. after aeo. because this is in my wifes name do they only want to know what she can afford to pay, or because it is a household debt i.e. for water. we got turned down for that water thing if unable to pay said we did not qualify. can any body tell me what to say. Thank you
  21. Hi there, A confusing story to say the least. I was young and stupid and took out a contract for my ex partner... (obviously he defaulted it) but just before he defaulted it he took another out by ringing 3 customer services and because he was a authorized user he was allowed to get a new contact in MY name. Now until recently I had no idea about this new contract in his name, amazingly he was able to change the billing address to his own house so i never received any correspondence. Only now I have checked my credit report I can see this, and he has nicely registered 3 late payments whilst having the contract. He is slowly destroying my credit report and I have no idea what I can do!!! I understand that the first contract is completely my fault but what can I do about the second one? surely 3 are not allowed to do this?! And how can I repair my credit from this.. I was hoping to apply for a mortgage soon!! Thanks,
  22. apologies if this has been covered in other threads, I changed my name through solicitors, around 1991, with moving around alot, the deed poll has been lost, I now need this document to obtain some old qualifications that were lost too, (old qualifications in old name) I did some digging aorund, http://freedeedpoll.org.uk/ found above site, which is great. Many people saying dont need to spend large bucks getting it replaced, my question is, can you back date the replacement document ? (I could use the freedeedpoll site and just set the dates for the year when orginal doc was created) on another site, I noted that they said you had to prepare a Statutory declaration , because the original has been lost all advice appreciated thanks
  23. Hi, I need some advice regarding a debt in my sons name that I opened. 8 years ago I applied for a catalogue account on line and was turned down. I then changed the name to my sons and was accepted. The intention was never to commit fraud, and the fact that it probably was fraud never crossed my mind. I maintained the account for about 4 years, by which time my son had found out that this account existed and obviously was not very happy about it. I was (wrongly) advised to stop paying it and then when it went to debt collectors to explain the situation and they would change the name over and let me pay it off. Big mistake! The debt collectors have refused to deal with me, and my son has refused to deal with it as it is my "mess". I sent an email on my sons behalf about 3 years ago explaining that it was not his account, that it was mine and their reply was to advise my son to go to the police and have me charged with fraud, obviously neither he, nor me want this. He has also emailed the debt collectors a few months ago asking for the original signed consumer credit agreement, but they have not responded. Obviously they will not have it. Today I received court papers in my sons name for this account. (He doesn't live here now, and I can clearly see it is court papers). His credit history is perfect, he has never even paid his phone bill late so I really need to sort this out for him. How should he defend this? Obviously he will defend the whole claim and ask for the signed consumer credit agreement, but should he put in the court papers that it was me who opened the account, or should he just leave them to prove the onus is on him, that he denies it is his account and that they have to prove it is his? I don't know how it works. Obviously I am a little bit worried that I may be charged with fraud - that was never my intention, it never even crossed my mind back then, but I have to sort this out for my son. If the debt collectors agreed to change the name to mine and remove it from his credit file I would be happy to set up a plan to pay it off. We did initially approach them with this and that is when they said to go to the police. Should we send them a letter now with this proposition, in the defence time asking them to withdraw the court papers? How should we proceed for the best outcome? He recently applied for a loan and was turned down because of this so I really need to sort it. The catalogue is a plus size woman's clothes catalogue btw - he was an 18 year old when the account was opened. Thanks in advance - from a very silly mum!!
  24. Hi guys, Im hoping someone will be able to help me , 2 issues really, first one is he has no idea what its for and secondly its in the wrong name These are the details One of my friends has received a notice of issue of warrant of control with a total of £172.25 to pay with a further £230 balance outstanding , The notice was issued in in the county court business centre and the creditor is lowells Does that mean its a business debt they are chasing or a personal debt ? he has never had a business and doesnt have any personal debt that hes aware of The is genuinely the first he has heard of any debt, and he doesnt know of any ccj"s , However as well as those issues which he will now have to get to the bottom of, they have used his middle name instead of his first name on the warrant of control , which is very odd, cause surely if there was an old debt he has forgotton about , surely it would be in his original birth name as thats still his official name, He is known to his friends under his middle name as he prefers that name , but on all his official documents ie his passport.licence , bank account etc hes known as his birth name Hes really worried the bailiffs will call and take his belongings before he can get to the bottom of this He doesnt have funds to pay for a set aside, Does he have to fill in form N245 and apply for feee exemption or does he just call lowells and question what its all about and why the name is wrong etc Any help much appreciated
  25. Hi Guys. Long time reader, first time poster. Please be gentle. I found out my now former landlord had connected the communal radiators to my boiler and the electrical services (CCTV communal lighting) to my meter. All of this was without my consent. I estimated the costs to be around £600 and sent a letter and 2 LBA's to him in the name I knew him; let's say, Joe Bloggs. It turns out that his name is; say, Andrew Joseph Bloggs. Do I have a problem or will the court know who i am suing? Thanks in advance.
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