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  1. Circle housing are known for being terrible when it comes to repairs. I've just moved into a new flat a couple of days ago, I found 7 faults, 2 of which I fixed myself (loose waste pipes / light starter). but the other 5, are a bit more complicated. Window very loose and doesn't close properly, leaking copper pipes (only when water is flowing), toilet doesn't stop filling up (I turn this off at the valve when not needed), outside light turns on and off, and a heater doesn't work. I have reported the faults, and listed the issues, explaining that the water doesn't leak when the taps are off and I turn the toilet off with the valve. How ever I came home yesterday and found that they turned the water off for the entire flat. No notes or calls or anything. I tried to call but got the out of office hours message. The trouble is, that the repairs are only done mon-fri between 9am and 5pm. The exact hours I work. I was only given the flat because I am in full time employment! I have no idea how I can ever get the faults fixed. No one can tell me when they will turn up. I literally have to take two weeks off work as they can turn up any time. Not to mention my boss is being difficult and will only let me have half a day to sort out everything. I am stuck in this situation. I have no idea what to do about it.
  2. Hi there I live in England and need to take the Bank of Scotland to Court for a Money Claim of around £35K; I put in my claim to the CCMCC and the forms have been returned stating that I need to accompany the Claim Form with Form N510. The form can be ticked in about 8 different places, but you can only tick 1 ! I've tried understanding which one to tick, but some are REALLY similar. Could someone please tell me which one? Many thanks
  3. Hi, I would greatly appreciate a bit of advice. Having previously naively paid PCNs many years ago in NHS car parks where I have worked , in recent times I have wised up and appealed multiple tickets successfully. I am currently awaiting an NHS car parking permit from the Hospital I am working at, but I have been advised there may be a long delay. There is no public parking space in the area and I live to far away to take public transport. I have had a few PCNs that I have provisionally appealed against on grounds of Empark not owning the land and the charge being disproportionate to losses incurred (am awaiting the outcomes of the appeals). I have previously appealed on these grounds multiple times and always been successful either on initial appeal or at the POPLA stage. I note that some companies have started quoting recent appeals that have been rejected on such grounds to try and deter the appeal, however POPLA still seem to continue approving appeals on these grounds. My query is, can a private parking company make a larger case against someone for multiple PCNs, or is each PCN taken on a case by case basis? Many Thanks
  4. Hi I defaulted on a Co-op credit card debt a few years ago. It was eventually passed to Fredrickson International, with whom I have an agreement, which I have never missed a payment on. The debt has fallen from over £6k to just under £5k, so my intentions are clear. I believe, but cannot be sure, that at one point the Co-op sent me a letter saying that they're done with me, no more contact etc. I recently received a letter from "Link Financial", with an enclosed letter from the Co-op, saying that the Co-op has sold my debt to Link, both agreeing that I should now be paying Link. It mentioned that if I was already paying a DCA, then they'd sort it out among themselves. I am fairly sure my contract with Co-op was terminated when I started dealing with Fredrickson. I heard nothing more for a couple of months, except Fred said I had missed a payment on Jan 1st, but I think that was a glitch in timing. In late Feb I got another letter from Link which told me to stop ignoring my debts and get in touch with them to arrange a payment plan. I emailed them a week ago detailing my confusion, and have not received a response. Today I did receive another letter from Link demanding that I sign and return a standing order form (no thanks, I can set that up myself thank you!) - the terms were all the same as my deal with Fredrickson except for the payment date, which states 30th of each month rather than 1st. Obviously this will be a major issue every other month, when I'm paid on 31st! In all this time I've had no contact from Fredrickson, who have been happily accepting my payments and updating my balance accordingly - each letter from Link has the account balance printed on it, and it has reduced according to my payments. So should I alter my standing order to pay Link instead of Fred? Won't Fred still be wanting the money? Why has Fred remained silent on the matter? I've already received a "non-payment" threat from Fred, SINCE the transfer Link claims happened, even though the payment was made on time as it is every month. Thanks for any advice - I've been a bit succinct because tbh, I don't know which details are relevant.
  5. Hi guys thanks for letting me join the site I am currently in quite a bit of debt, and have sailed through life instantly binning all letters or correspondence from debt collection agencies, due to various reasons (mostly illness and being out of my depth). I want to sort out my finances, repay debtors and start with a clean slate. It's going to take a long time, but it's the right thing to do. I've downloaded a free copy of my credit report and it's currently showing 6 separate accounts from Lowell financial totaling £1723. One of which is about to drop off my credit report and another is £290 for a £70 debt which is due to expire in September.. since I have zero paperwork, completely my own fault, I don't have account numbers, and the original debtor information is pretty sketchy. I understand I need to send an SAR to Lowell to obtain information, do I simply follow the templates I've seen online and leave off the details asking for the account number? Will I need to only send 1 postal order for £10 or will I need to send 5 (I intend to let the one about to expire, expire). I also have two CCJ's registered against me, 1 am currently setting up a payment plan with and another issued in 2009. I do not have the paperwork for the latter, do I contact the named court with the application number shown on the credit report and ask for a copy of the CCJ so that I can contact the original company, and is there any specific form or payments for this? Or will it simply go away in September? I've lived a really silly and reckless life, and really want to sort things out before it's too late. Sorry for all the questions, and thank you so much for all your help and advice in advance.
  6. Hi, Just after christmas I received 8 Parking tickets due to parking on a supermarket car park during the day, it's across the road from where I work. The car park was free but it seems that Asda contracted Smart Parking at the end of November and my car has been picked up via ANPR. I received most of these PCN notices together delivered all on one day and then several more the day after. In my defense I visit this Asda all the time on every day that my car is parked there, it is convenient as being so close and are not supermarkets supposed to be for that very reason, convenience of shopping.... My visits to the store are throughout the day from the morning, sometimes mid morning and then again once or twice in the afternoon and the last visit around 5.00pm when I finish work. We also use this store for our company stationery/misc. items that I also visit the supermarket for on a regular basis. Unfortunately I have no receipts but I do have proof of all the transactions at the supermarket on my bank statements as I usually pay with one of my bank cards, sometimes cash unfortunately. The amount of spending at this Asda on my bank statements (for the last 3 months) show in excess of £300 a month and some months more. My other main argument is that the first contravention stated on one of the PCN's was on the 26/11/14. However, SP did not dispatch that letter until the 23/12/14 (dated on PCN) and I did not receive it until the 29/12/14. Therefore, how many people keep their receipts for a month after purchasing groceries at the supermarket. If I purchased a bag of a perishable item such as fruit for example at the end of November I would have no reason to still retain the receipt until the end of December as that date had obviously passed the expiry date for consumption on the product. There were not any SP signs displayed anywhere in the car park before xmas that I could see and other people did not notice them also. On the 5th of January when I returned to work they were on every lamp post. Finally, this particular car park has always been free, it has never had barriers or any ticket machine for parking and still does not, it employs the 2 hour limit on loyal customers. If the fee charged by SP should only reflect the loss to the trader then if the car park is free then surely my liability to SM/Walmart should be nil as how would Asda prove that the car park was at full capacity on the dates of contraventions and my parking arrangement cost them money. I would be very grateful for any advice on this matter please and will of course answer any questions very truthfully. Kind regards,
  7. Hi, I am really hoping someone may be able to help me understand what I should be doing. I'll try and be concise ... I currently have 5 local authority PCNS that have now gone to the bailiffs at a cost of £187 each (originally £35) + the threatened bailiff charge of £235 on top should they call. Early in the year I was diagnosed with acute depression and anxiety by my GP brought on by a combination of events , some of which are still continuing today, that ultimately ended up with me being signed off work and eventually having to resign. I don't dispute the fact that these tickets were given for genuine reasons. The problem I have/had is that I wasn't able to manage my affairs during this period and, in turn, did not make representations within the allocated time. I have contacted the council since and explained my predicament and even offered a token payment but they simply say it is beyond their remit now. I tried to explain that when applying for housing benefit, after losing my job, I was able to backdate my claim for the same very reason that I haven't been able to address these PCNS, because I wasn't able to manage my affairs - this is an actual example the council use on their HB forms as to why a person would be able to successfully backdate their claim. They did not really advise me what I could do and then the next thing is that the bailiffs' letters start arriving. If anyone could advise it would be much appreciated as I really don't need this! Thanks
  8. 10 years ago I upgraded my kitchen, and purchased some granite work surfaces. Due to other issues I was going through my credit card statements back from 2004 and noticed the transaction as it was substantial. I had forgotten about it but I noticed they had taken the payment out 3 times, which rang certain memory bells in my head ! I checked through more statement, saw a refund once, but not twice !!! It's all there in the statements obviously, can't be argued with So, as the company is still trading, although it's a franchise model, and I'm fairly sure I was dealing with them before franchises became prolific, do I have any legal standing to recover monies...? Is the burden of proof on me to show without a doubt that they didn't refund a 2nd time, or is the burden of proof on them to show they did...? Cheers Rich.
  9. I had a CCJ taken out against me in 1998 for for a bank loan I took out in 1996.The order was for £10 a month which I have been paying ever since. Since then, the debt has been sold on to 8, 9 or even 10 DCA's, so many I can't accurately recall. The last time the debt was sold on, the DCA contacted me for payment, at which point I notified them that there was a CCJ in place that was being abided by. Having to explain this to so many DCA's was becoming annoying so I asked why the relevant information wasn't being passed from one DCA to another, since that's their responsibility. I also enquired as to what information the DCA did possess with regards to the debt, and this turned out to be very little. At this point I started to question what proof the DCA could provide that it was entitled to collect the debt and also questioned (since there was very little in terms of a paper trail) the amount I actually owed, no copy of the CCJ was ever passed on and no Notice of Assignment was ever issued to me when passing from one DCA to another. The debt has now been sold again but to another company that the current DCA is also a part of, this time with a Notice of Assignment, of course. Now, considering the claimant on the CCJ was a different entity entirely and the DCA has very little in the way of accurate information with regards to the debt and with no previous Notice of Assignment being issued, 1. Is it still able to legally persue this debt (not being the claimant on the original CCJ)? 2. Does a recent Notice of Assignment mean anything if none were previously given? 3. Am I entitled to proof that the DCA does have the legal right to collect this money (i.e. Notice of Assignment for each time the debt was sold on)? 4. Am I entitled to proof of how much I still owe (more than just a letter from the new DCA, i.e. statements of payments I've made dating back to the first payment I made under the CCJ)? I accept the debt needs to be paid, but how do I know it is the DCA I should be paying and how confident can I be in the outstanding amount, if they have very little evidence of ownership or previous payments made (my neighbour could say they bought the debt, how would I know I should or shouldn't pay them)? ty (Also posted on MSE)
  10. Hi All, In desperate need of some help and advice! I arrived to my car this morning to be greeted by 3 PCNs. The back story is that I parked my car on Thursday evening at the back of my permit bay and did not realise that the back wheel was outside of the bay and on a single yellow line. I then left London and did not return until this morning. As far as I can see there are no notices or signage detailing the hours for the single yellow line. The times of the parking tickets are 09.58 on Friday, 08.48 on Saturday and 08.47 on Monday morning. It seems unfair that I am being charged 3 times for the same offence (if it is an offence as there are no guidelines on the single yellow line). Has anyone encountered a similar issue before - I need to appeal as I am not in the position to fork out £195 Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Shauna
  11. I made the stupid decision to get involved with PayDay loans 3 years ago and need some advice please on how to deal with them. The following loans all became over-due in December 2012 Wonga - Owe 1900 - original was 1000 Toothfairy finance - owe 2800 - original was 400 and received email from DigitalFinancialServices UK today Minicredit - 2800 - 80 original PayDay Express - 1800 - 250 original WageDayAdvance - 2800 - 250 original PayDayUK - 1000 -250 original I've moved address multiple times due to being a student and can't access my older addresses, I've tried calling multiple times to chance my address but the accounts have been sold on and it's impossible to get the details from then What should my next steps please? I don't have a job and have a student loan and credit card to pay off, currently a master's student living at home and funded by parents
  12. I recently got a copy of my Experian file and am concerned by the entries for my smile credit card. There are 4 separate items on my file, all showing the same start date in 2003, and 3 are showing as settled. The dates on the entries appear to cover different periods, and I know I had a couple of replacement cards, possibly with different numbers, so think this probably explains the different entries. I have 2 questions. 1. If an account is showing as settled (with a settlement date), does that make it clear to anyone viewing my file that the credit limit shown is no longer available, so should not be taken into account when looking at possible new lending? 2. Will the multiple entries make it look like I've borrowed more than I really have, and as they are settled is this likely to matter? I have just phoned smile and they've suggested that I write to their lending team about it, with a copy of my file so that they don't have to do another search, but I thought I'd ask my fellow caggers first as I'm likely to get my answers quicker!
  13. Hi all. Looking for a bit of input and for anyone in the know to approve or disapprove of my proposed plans... I am trying to help out my stepfather who is in over £30k worth of credit card/od/loan debt and until now has maintained minimum payments of c£900 per month out of his £1000 income from state and company pensions. He has 8 credit cards, 1 loan and 1 overdraft. Most of the cards are used to pay other the other debts and this has spiralled out of control. He is married to my mother but has no joint finance and they rent their house. My mum is the owner of almost everything in the household including car and valuables. She does not know the extent of this debt by the way and I am keen to help without getting her involved - it wouldn't help to anyway. At this moment in time, I am thinking of providing a letter for him to send to all creditors to ask for a freeze on interest due to hardship. I am also thinking of CCA requests for each debt to see where we stand. I am also advising him to set up a new current account with a bank that he does not currently have debts with in order to stop his pension being swallowed up. I get the impression that we are short of time and some missed payments are likely to occur in the near future due to lack of funds. When I get more information, I will create separate threads for some of the individual debts where necessary. We are dealing with the following (have included creditor...when taken out approx....balance......min payment): MINT CREDIT CARD (RBS)....2007ish........ £2600 Min. Payment (£60) AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT/C ancient… £1800 Direct Debit (£45) MBNA CREDIT CARD CARD …9yrs ago...... £3000 Direct Debit (£90) LLOYDS CREDIT CARD …..2001 – just sent it to him/ no agreement..£5100 Direct Debit (£125) LLOYDS PERSONAL LOAN …3yrs ago, 2 to go....... £1600 Direct Debit £110) AQUA CREDIT CARD ….last year................. £1300 Min. Payment (£45) NATIONWIDE CREDIT CARD …4-5 yrs ago....£2000 Min. Payment (£55) CAPITAL ONE CREDIT CARD 12yrs ago….. £4000 Direct Debit (£140) BARCLAYCARD C/CARD …4yrs ago......... £7500 Direct debit (£200) LLOYDS PERSONAL LOAN …3yrs ago, 2 to go on loan....... £1600 Direct Debit (£110) £30,000 in total PLUS LLOYDS BANK O/DRAFT £4,000 (Average Monthly) £34,000 in total There isn't any notable PPI or penalty charges to make much difference to the above debts. Also, to reiterate, he has no property, assets or income besides pension. The reason I was keen for him to set up a new bank account was to avoid Lloyds getting first dips on his pension all the time. Generally, I think we have a strong negotiating position as he has nothing they can take and credit rating isn't that important going forward (due to overall financial picture of the household) if we were to default on some of these. I know we could simply stop paying most of them and then fight the battles as they come but we would like to try and be reasonable and sort this out together. I do need to make sure that my mum is not affected by any of these debts. In the short term, I don't think they can. However, my stepdad is worried that the half pension that will go to mum when he passes away will be claimed by creditors. If anyone has any general advice about how to approach this, I'd be grateful.
  14. Hello All, Please could I have your valued opinions on this credit agreement. Would you say that it is a multiple agreement or not?
  15. Hello. I am new here and didnt know where else to ask to be quite honest. I have made a right mess of managing my bank account and need some advice. Back in August, I began saving money every week for my electric/gas bill which was due on the 1st September. I get charged quarterly and it is usually around £250. The £253.17 that the bill actually was was in my bank on time (to my knowledge). Now here is where it gets a bit tricky. I checked my bank a few days after the bill was due and sure enough, the balance was about £20, which meant the bill had been taken. I thought nothing more of it, until this month. I received a letter from EDF informing me that my account is in arrears. It appears they never took the payment (mind I don't know why its taken them 2 months to contact me about it ) I don't understand much about banks, I asked my son to check my online banking. He went back to my august/september statement and it appears an online gambling company have taken 25 payments of £10 over the course of 3 weeks. The funny thing is, I used to actually use this company, but I self excluded in November of last year. I have NOT used their sites since then, partly because I don't think I could (self-exclusion means your accounts are closed and you cant open more) and partly because I self excluded as I thought the site was dodgy. .so why would I put any more money into it. this other company took my gas bill money. I don't know if it was actually the company, or someone accessing my account (that should have been closed according to the companies policy) but something strange has gone on here, and I definitely did not authorize any payments to that site. I have tried speaking to the site in question but have pretty much been palmed off with 'it was an error on our side not closing your account, and the money was spent by someone.. so you aren't getting refunded' I told them as they are unwilling to investigate, I will raise the issue with my bank I am aware of something called chargebacks as I did one a few years back when I was double billed for something (the company who doublebilled me actually advised I chargeback as it would have taken 7 days to get a refund from them, whereas chargeback is in a few hours) My question is can I actually charge back 25 transactions in one go?! They are all to the same company, all for the same amount too. I have checked and I am still within the 120day limit. Just..its going to be fun explaining to my bank why it has taken this long to actually realize there were fraudulent transactions. I seriously need to keep an eye on my fiances from now on, I realise its partly my fault for not checking statements and such
  16. ]Hi, Last year I was in financial difficulty which led me to stupidly taking out many pay day loans and i became buried in debt, I applied for a debt relief order (form of bankruptcy) and was accepted but a few months ago my financial circumstances improved (over £50 spare income a month) my debt relief order was revoked, my debt relief order was officially revoked on the 20th of September, this means that I now have to pay all my creditors, I have set up payment plans with nearly all of my creditors, however I have multiple loans with TFF (very stupid), they refused to freeze my interest whilst my Debt relief order was active therefore now the debts have gone sky high, I have read up on this company on this forum so I get the idea but I need help on what to do with this company and how to somehow get the debts sorted as I am now trying to do the right thing. Today I recieved an email from them as they are already hassling me for money and I clearly don't have the sort of money they are trying to get from me. one of thing that could be on my side i that when my debt relief order was approved my creditors cannot make any payment demands, however 10 days after my debt relief was approved they sent me an email which was a payment demand. Thanks for all your help. sorry that its so long
  17. I have just discovered that my husband has (I think) 10 payday loans which have eaten up his entire 2.5k salary this month ! Anger aside, at this stage I need to do sometjing to fix it. Please can anyone offer advice as to how to tackle this before it becomes a disaster. Thank you in anticipation
  18. I'm losing the will to live with a creditor which seems intent on spewing template after template in my direction. I believe there will ultimately be 4 causes; a) charges plus restitutional damages b) dpa non compliance/damages, c) s.78 non compliance (want my quid back) d) ppi plus restitutional damages. The PPI redress period extends to mid sept, default/penalty charges.... already past the 14 days I extended it within LBA. I don't expect it to fold on any cause until I file, assuming I file for charges now is it still the case that I can effectively stay any progress until such time that it becomes necessary to file for 1,2 or 3 other causes, making app to lift stay on first cause and join the two cases? Appreciate it appears a long winded approach at first glance but the total quantum will not be in excess of 5k and I suppose I'm looking to expend minimal resources as leverage to get the sods to engage with me instead of wasting my time.
  19. I bought a car on March 4th 2013 from a car dealer who trades from home. I paid £1700 for the car (2002 Focus ST170). It was up for £1995, i knocked him down to £1700. When i took the car for a test drive there was a random light on the dash, the dealer said it was the traction control. I trusted him, as he obviously knew about the car...or so i thought. This light turned itself off a day later. So i wasn't too concerned. It turns out it was a coolant warning light. It never returned after about 3 days of having the car. Within a week the Engine Management Light came on, i bought a OBD2 scanner to see what the issue was. It picked up 2 codes, one for a Lambda sensor (£100 not fitted), and one for a dodgy CAT (£600) i assume the CAT fault shows because of the sensor. I thought this wasnt a major problem, so bought a sensor off of a friend, but didnt fit it as i never had the time. I thought changing the sensor would clear both codes, i dont know though? It is something i could do, so i wasn't too worried, minor fault in my eyes. Things kept going wrong, the passenger door wouldn't open from the outside, the rear window washer sprayed water into the car not the window, the washer reservoir empties itself after a day or so. Then, on 7th May i was driving home and the engine died. I got the car towed home by Green Flag. I plugged the scanner in and it revealed a timing issue (P1383)...or so i thought. I got the timing belt cover off to discover the belt was missing most of the teeth. This has probably trashed the engine as the valves would have hit the pistons. I specifically asked the guy if the belt was changed, to which he replied, yea i think it was. Its a £500 job to do as its a weird engine, and there is no room, the engine needs lifting out pretty much to change it. What can i do? Ive done less than 1000 miles since having it, and now it is destined for the scrap yard. I will be £1700 out of pocket! Im very frustrated, i cant afford to lose that sort of money. I can sell it for spares or repairs for....£500! But i don't think this is right given what i paid for it. £200 car, yea fair enough, you expect problems. Am i right in assuming he, as a dealer has to provide a 3 month warranty? He is on holiday until 20th May. I tried ringing him and there was a message explaining this. He has pulled his website, im not sure because he is on holiday, or for other reasons. What are my rights? Can i get my money back as it was not fit for purpose? It can be repaired but will cost over £1000 to have it done. Is he responsible for this? Should a £1700 car last longer than 2 months before the engine fails, the CAT fails....i believe the engine light was turned off prior to me looking at the car. Im sure this can be proved with the right equipment, but its costly. Im really angry with the guy!
  20. Hi Caggers I really need advice/comments on this letter that I am about to send of to my creditors including PDL. next payment due 15th May 2013 so no time to wait. I am going to be honest here and tell you that my debt has got out of control thanks to gambling. I have sought help and haven't had a bet for over 3 weeks even though I have still got money to pay my priority outgoings and agreed rent arrears repayments. This for me is a massive step. Is there anything I should add/omit/change and is it ok to state that I have got into this mess because of gambling? Thanks for looking.
  21. Hi How should PDL companies recorded there entries in a credit report. I have multiple entries within my report when my understanding is that i have got one credit limit and it should be shown as a running total, or am i wrong?
  22. QuickQuid say this about their rollovers: "How QuickQuid Loan Extensions Work By extending your loan, you will only owe a finance charge on your next pay date, not the principal of your payday loan. The principal of your existing loan will be 'rolled over' into a new loan and you will be charged an additional finance charge. This will allow for you to wait until your next payday to pay off the full amount due on your loan. If you have a one-period loan, you will be able to extend your loan a maximum of five times. If you have a two-period loan, you may extend your loan a maximum of four times." This means that if somebody uses the maximum five extensions on a one-period loan, they could get six defaults without borrowing any more money than what they borrowed in the initial loan! All they have done is extended the time they need to pay it back. Indeed, on another site I post on somebody has posted and has received two defaults when they only took out one loan; one for the initial debt and one for the rollover. Surely this can't be legal? Is it just a way for them to add lots of default fee charges to the debt? Thank you in advance for any comments.
  23. I was due to be evicted tomorrow morning but managed to get it suspended after filing an N244 and attending court this morning. This is the 5th time that I've been in this position although only the 2nd time I've actually been to court, but the hearing did not go as I had expected and I think I came within a hair's breadth of losing my home today. If it happens again in the future, I will need to request permission from the court to appeal the eviction and the judge made it clear that this was my last chance. I've only had to go through this 4 times previous because Halifax have threatened eviction each time I've underpaid or missed a payment - even though I've kept them in the loop and the reason has never been a total inability to pay. I provided evidence that I was able and had been able to maintain payments towards the mortgage and the £12,227 arrears. I arranged to pay £700 per month which is £90 towards the arrears each month but the judge felt that I was just getting myself in even deeper and he stated that my case was marginal. I can keep up payments but is there any way to get the suspended possession order cancelled after a period of time?
  24. Hi, I'm having a nightmare with HMRC and by no way shape or form am I an accountant and am getting lost in a sea of paper! I've worked several jobs since 2010 mainly due to relocation and in some occasions worked more than one job at the same time (bills have to be paid - so had to clean toilets at the same time as my main job) In April 2009 I started Job 1 and started Job 2 in June 2009 at the same time. Job 2 was put on BR and I didn't have a P45 to give them as it wasn't my main role and was advised not to complete a P46 as it wasn't my main job. In September 2010 I started Job 3 to replace 1 & 2 and handed in my P45 to Job 3 from Job 1. In November 2010 I received a notification of a refund and called to query and was told this related to an earlier year. This was around £343. In this month I also received a coding change for Job 2 from BR to 647L, but was irrelevant as I'd already left Job 2. I left Job 3 in August 2011 for Job 4 which was a temporary role from September 2011 - October 2011, Job 5 was from November 2011 - April 2012 (I received ssp for the whole of March & April). I am now currently in Job 6 and have been since May 2012. In May 2012 I received a P800 notification for underpayment of tax relating to 2010 - 2011 of £585.54. I wrote to them under ESC A19 and said I disagreed with their calculations as I had called to check the repayment was due and that the tax coding for Job 2 was sent even though I had worked for the company for over 12 months as a second job. After hearing nothing for several months I chased up in August and received a letter in September. They agreed the sum was incorrect as £166 was for an underpayment in 08/09 and wouldn't be collected. BUT increased it an additional and amended P800 to £645 as said I had underpaid in 11/12! An additional £60 - but one which I wasn't made aware of until querying the previous years! I wrote back to HMRC in September and called too - only to be told that my file will only be reviewed once more and this is my limit. However - this isn't the original query as they had amended it from an underpayment in 10/11 to one of 10/11 & 11/12. They said they would get back to me in two weeks (27th Sep) and received a reply today to say that they have declined my appeal again because they hadn't received a P45 from Job 3 when I left Job 1. (Bear in mind I left Job 1 & 2 at the same time and only received a P45 from Job 2 in May 2012 when I requested one after the underpayment became apparent) Job 5 was on the incorrect tax code (747L M1) Pay of £8450.50 & Tax deducted £1097.40 on P60 issued April 2012 There is or was no reason for me to believe all was not in order and HMRC aren't been transparent by changing the years they're collecting tax for. I can't afford to pay them back the money they're demanding - nor do I think it should be collected as it's a series of errors I wouldn't have been aware of. I paid BR in Job 2 & Job 5 I was on the single persons tax code throughout. I appreciate this is complicated, but any help anyone could give would be much appreciated.
  25. Hi Folks. Unfortunately to make ends meet I have got myself into a mess with payday loan companies. I have loans with the money shop, wonga, lending stream, paydayuk and payday express. This month I decided enough was enough. I defaulted on the wonga, lending stream and paydayuk loans on the 25th and will default on the payday express loan on the 27th. I am going to repay the money shop loan this month as its a check based loan and I want to get that one out of the way first. I contacted Wonga, LS and pduk before I defaulted by email telling them of my situation. Wonga initially asked for an i/e form before they would do this. Following advice from sillygirl I refused to do this. They have come back to me and asked me to phone them to discuss repayment plan as can't be done over email. LS replied and said a similar thing. I phoned LS because they had been calling my fathers landline and he was becoming a bit annoyed. I have asked them to remove his number, hopefully they will but who knows. I said I wanted to create a repayment plan. They said they wanted i/e and my last wage slip. I refused, he spoke to his supervisor came back and said they needed these documents before they would do anything. pduk have sent me an email asking for i/e. Do I just send a basic email listing i/e or do I just refuse and keep sending them emails. I'm planning to snowball the loans anyway so its not like the repayment plans will drift on for months and months anyway. Any help/advice greatly appreciated and believe me I hate myself enough already for doing this.
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