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  1. The arrears built up over a period where I was out of work but for the past few years, I have kept up payments 95% of the time. Where I needed to pay less than the contractual an=mount, I let my lender know, and would make up the shortfall in following months but for the past year, they haven't accepted this and have ordered evictions each time I made an underpayment. In each case I had to account for an unforseen bill and the recent eviction was due to an attachment of earnings order for council tax arrears that was put on my salary mistakenly. I got it sorted out and offered to make up the shortfall for the 2 months that I underpaid but it that was of no consequence. The judge was unsympathetic after he heard that 5 eviction orders had been made but they were purely due to Halifax flexing their muscles and I'm petrified it could happen again. The arrears are £12k and I'm getting through them but it will take time but if Halifax are able to order eviction each time I have a problem - I'm in trouble. I doubt I'll be able to remortgage with my credit history and so I'm stuck - I'm paying more than I should on SVR, court charges are added after each eviction order and it just adds up. I don't know what to do aside from keep struggling and keep my fingers crossed.
  2. I was due to be evicted tomorrow morning but managed to get it suspended after filing an N244 and attending court this morning. This is the 5th time that I've been in this position although only the 2nd time I've actually been to court, but the hearing did not go as I had expected and I think I came within a hair's breadth of losing my home today. If it happens again in the future, I will need to request permission from the court to appeal the eviction and the judge made it clear that this was my last chance. I've only had to go through this 4 times previous because Halifax have threatened eviction each time I've underpaid or missed a payment - even though I've kept them in the loop and the reason has never been a total inability to pay. I provided evidence that I was able and had been able to maintain payments towards the mortgage and the £12,227 arrears. I arranged to pay £700 per month which is £90 towards the arrears each month but the judge felt that I was just getting myself in even deeper and he stated that my case was marginal. I can keep up payments but is there any way to get the suspended possession order cancelled after a period of time?
  3. They seem to have calculated the amounts correctly but after my councillor was no help I now have nowhere to turn - I know that the council can take the debt back - I also know that they can intervene and tell the bailiffs to collect over an extended period but the keep refusing. The fact is, now they have access to my salary I can't do a thing
  4. I've discovered this to my detriment. I went to my local MP who came back to say that once the arrears is passed to the bailiffs, the council 'wash their hands of it'. The problem now is that I can't pay my current year's council tax as well as the arrears. In addition, I underpaid towards my mortgage last month because of this and because I'm under a suspended possession order, I now have the threat of repossession hanging over me unless I pay up the agreed amounts. I've got nowhere left to go. All I need is some leeway until the end of January and no one is willing to budge -I really don't know what to do
  5. The fact that I was not notified of a hearing will make no difference?
  6. Any advice on the best way to word a letter to the council CEO? I can formulate the letter but can I quote anything that might make things move along in my favour?
  7. I've checked over the charges and they are all correct. The council have written to me and stated in no uncertain terms that they would not intervene and any payments made to them would go towards my current and next years council tax. They don't have an automated payment system so I make transfers and use my address as the reference as advised. The attachment of earnings order is now in place for December. Work apologised for replying to the letter from the bailiffs because they found out the situation and realised that they were not under obligation but now I'm stuck. I've told B&S about the suspended possession order on my home and they say that their debt is tier 1 and the attachment will therefore remain in place. Can I go to court?
  8. Can anyone suggest a course of action. The council and bailiffs are refusing tobudge and are telling me that the ctax arrears are considered more important than paying my mortgage in line with a suspended possession order. I'm scared and I don't know where to go next
  9. I've checked on the charges and although they tried to add extra amounts, I made sure they were removed. Only 2 visits per order have been included. No levy on any property has been made They have not been into my home. Also, the total amount consists of some from 2010/2011 and the rest from 2011/2012. I understood that only the council could order the attachment of earnings but it appears to be the bailiffs that have done this and they are the ones that will receive the payments.
  10. No - they haven't because I've not been home when they have come round and I wouldn't have let them in anyway. I've only had the usual letters stating that they were here and I needed to call them. I hoped the file would go back to the council but apparently not
  11. 2 liability orders One from June 2011 and the other from October 2011 both For my home address One for 3months council tax from April-June 2010 £444 One for 2011-12 £1400 Unsure when they were passed out for enforcement but I've been paying for both at the same time I made payments in Jan & Feb this year whilst on benefits (payments to bailiffs) I then started making overpayments to the council who refused to apply this money to my arrears Last month I made a payment to the bailiffs intending to continue but they still went ahead with the attachment of earnings order
  12. I owe £1800 in council tax arrears but I'm up to date with my current years council tax. While on benefits, bristow & sutor would take £21 from my benefit towards this. Now I am working in a permanent job, I am still only able to afford £30 per month towards the arrears but bristow and sutor consider this too low and they have now written to my employer to put an attachment of earnings in place which I cannot afford. Initially, I was trying to make payments to the Council as overpayments on my council tax but my council refused to put these over payments towards my council tax arrears and instead they just went towards my current year's bill. After that I spoke to Bristow & Sutor and told them what I could afford to pay which they said was unacceptab;e (I have paid them anyway) but now I have received an attachement of earnings order which I cannot afford. I've been to the CAB and received a signed copy of my income/expenditure and I've sent it to both the council and bailiffs a number of times but they claim to not have received it or to not care. I've begged the council to take back this debt but they say the can't and I've also called bristow and sutor who refuse to discuss this any further. Is there any way I can get this into a court room? I dispute the fact that I owe all of it but I do owe about £1400. I am willing to pay it but can only currently afford £40 per month. I need help - please help me - my outgoings are the bare minimum. I have Gas/Electricity meters, I have a pay a you go mobile that I never use to make calls. I've pared back my expenses as much as possible and now don't know what to do. No leeway on my mortgage owing to a suspended possession order so please please help
  13. I owe £1800 in council tax arrears but I'm up to date with my current years council tax. While on benefits, bristow & sutor would take £21 from my benefit towards this. Now I am working in a permanent job, I am still only able to afford £30 per month towards the arrears but bristow and sutor consider this too low and they have now written to my employer to put an attachment of earnings in place which I cannot afford. Initially, I was trying to make payments to the Council as overpayments on my council tax but my council refused to put these over payments towards my council tax arrears and instead they just went towards my current year's bill. After that I spoke to Bristow & Sutor and told them what I could afford to pay which they said was unacceptab;e (I have paid them anyway) but now I have received an attachement of earnings order which I cannot afford. I've been to the CAB and received a signed copy of my income/expenditure and I've sent it to both the council and bailiffs a number of times but they claim to not have received it or to not care. I've begged the council to take back this debt but they say the can't and I've also called Bristow and Sutor who refuse to discuss this any further. Is there any way I can get this into a court room? I dispute the fact that I owe all of it but I do owe about £1400. I am willing to pay it but can only currently afford £40 per month. I need help - please help me - my outgoings are the bare minimum. I have Gas/Electricity meters, I have a pay a you go mobile that I never use to make calls. I've pared back my expenses as much as possible and now don't know what to do. No leeway on my mortgage owing to a suspended possession order so please please help
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