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  1. That's brilliant and thanks for that information regarding my protection of freedoms (I've just been reading it after a quick Google). I understand that Walmart/Asda need to keep their parking as available as possible for genuine customers but unfortunately the act of contracting SP to enforce that surprises me as it must be turning away those very genuine customers such as myself. There again, all the big supermarkets are no different really. On the behalf of Asda, not so much Smart Price but stung by Smart Parking a month after you have shopped at their store. What a bargain. (Whoops, pardon the pun...).
  2. The list of dates over the eight PCN letters are as follows with the date marked on the letter when it was issued by SP on the left and not the post mark on the envelope. On the right, the date of the stated contravention:- 23/12/14 26/11/14 23/12/14 27/11/14 23/12/14 02/12/14 23/12/14 03/12/14 23/12/14 05/12/14 29/12/14 12/12/14 30/12/14 15/12/14 30/12/14 17/12/14 I don't have the envelopes anymore... I was in quite a rage when I received them and threw them all away along with the containing paperwork across the garden. After several minutes of reflection I decided this could be a bad idea and retrieved the paperwork from the back garden, a bit crumpled but the envelopes went in the bin and are all gone. Bad thinking and somewhat foolish on my behalf but to be honest but at that point I just assumed I would have no recourse to avoid payment. I can say for definite that the ones dated the 23/12/14 landed on my doormat on Monday 29/12/14 and the remainder all on New Years Eve 31/12/14. When you say do not make any contact with them would that mean I do not appeal either to SP to obtain a code for the POPLA appeal. Cheers and thanks.
  3. I'm really glad you mentioned the legality regarding the dates as I really wasn't sure. I actually thought the regulatory rules stated that the parking enforcement company had to apply to the DVLA within 14 days of the ANPR offence. That would mean that only one of the requests for payment from SP would apply. The other seven exceed the the 14 days time limit then?. The first five arrived on all on the same day, the 29/12/14 and were dated 23/12/14 on the PCN letter with first contravention on the 26/11/14 then again on the 27/11 with the remainder being on the 02/12, 03/12 and finally the 05/12/14. I then received another three and once again all on the same day just a couple of days later. Nice xmas present from Smart Parking. If I would have parked illegally then I will pay up but in my view this is very unfair. Thanks for your reply.
  4. Hi, Just after christmas I received 8 Parking tickets due to parking on a supermarket car park during the day, it's across the road from where I work. The car park was free but it seems that Asda contracted Smart Parking at the end of November and my car has been picked up via ANPR. I received most of these PCN notices together delivered all on one day and then several more the day after. In my defense I visit this Asda all the time on every day that my car is parked there, it is convenient as being so close and are not supermarkets supposed to be for that very reason, convenience of shopping.... My visits to the store are throughout the day from the morning, sometimes mid morning and then again once or twice in the afternoon and the last visit around 5.00pm when I finish work. We also use this store for our company stationery/misc. items that I also visit the supermarket for on a regular basis. Unfortunately I have no receipts but I do have proof of all the transactions at the supermarket on my bank statements as I usually pay with one of my bank cards, sometimes cash unfortunately. The amount of spending at this Asda on my bank statements (for the last 3 months) show in excess of £300 a month and some months more. My other main argument is that the first contravention stated on one of the PCN's was on the 26/11/14. However, SP did not dispatch that letter until the 23/12/14 (dated on PCN) and I did not receive it until the 29/12/14. Therefore, how many people keep their receipts for a month after purchasing groceries at the supermarket. If I purchased a bag of a perishable item such as fruit for example at the end of November I would have no reason to still retain the receipt until the end of December as that date had obviously passed the expiry date for consumption on the product. There were not any SP signs displayed anywhere in the car park before xmas that I could see and other people did not notice them also. On the 5th of January when I returned to work they were on every lamp post. Finally, this particular car park has always been free, it has never had barriers or any ticket machine for parking and still does not, it employs the 2 hour limit on loyal customers. If the fee charged by SP should only reflect the loss to the trader then if the car park is free then surely my liability to SM/Walmart should be nil as how would Asda prove that the car park was at full capacity on the dates of contraventions and my parking arrangement cost them money. I would be very grateful for any advice on this matter please and will of course answer any questions very truthfully. Kind regards,
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