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  1. Thousands of Co-op customers who used their cards in the retailer's stores on Tuesday may have been charged twice, the chain has said. A Co-operative spokesman said a "processing error" had affected its food stores and petrol stations. Those affected will have their money returned directly to their accounts within the next 24 hours, he said. The Co-op has apologised and promised to reimburse people who have incurred charges as a result of the error. Not everyone shopping on Tuesday with Co-op will have been affected and customers who used their credit or debit cards have been advised to check their statements. The Co-operative spokesman said he was unable to say exactly how many people were affected. The retailer has 2,800 food stores and 200 petrol stations across the UK. Its customer careline number is 0800 068 6727. So check those statements when you receive them
  2. Banks could face even bigger bills for mis-selling Payment Protection Insurance after the City watchdog said it was considering new rules following a landmark legal decision. In November last year, the Supreme Court said that Paragon Personal Finance, a secured loans company, had breached the Consumer Credit Act by failing to disclose that the PPI premium paid by a customer included a hefty commission fee to a credit broker. This means that even if the loan insurance was otherwise fairly sold, banks could be liable for mis-selling compensation if PPI was bought via a broker. On Wednesday, the FCA said the judgement in the case, Plevin v Paragon Personal Finance, may mean new rules on dealing with complaints, potentially opening the door for more compensation. “The FCA is considering whether additional rules and/or guidance are required to deal with the impact of the Plevin decision on complaints about PPI,” it said. “The FCA will be engaging with relevant stakeholders in the coming months in respect of this and it expects to announce its views on this, including next steps, at the same time as existing work.” The regulator is considering revamping the PPI rulebook, saying it wants to “meet its objectives of securing appropriate protection for consumers and enhancing the integrity of the UK’s financial system”. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/11633767/Legal-ruling-could-pave-way-for-new-wave-of-PPI-claims.html PPI ruling may trigger a landslide of fresh mis-selling claims The City Watchdog could be forced to introduce new rules around PPI mis-selling complaints following a landmark court ruling. It could open the door to a landslide of fresh claims for compensation, even for those who have already been paid out for being flogged the often useless and expensive insurance. The latest wrinkle to the scandal – which has already cost Britain’s banks an estimated £24 billion – centres on commission payments to lenders and advisers. In November, the Supreme Court ruled in the Plevin v Paragon case that failing to disclose commission made the relationship between lender and borrower unfair. Susan Plevin, a 59-year old college lecturer, was charged £5,780 as an upfront PPI premium on a £39,870 loan. But almost three-quarters – 71.8% – of the premium was commission, with credit broker LLP Processing receiving £1,870 and lender Paragon getting £2,280. Plevin was not told about the commission and took proceedings against the two firms in 2009 for mis-selling because the policy was useless for her, but also on the basis that the PPI agreement was unfair because of the non-disclosure of the commissions. The Supreme Court’s Lord Sumption ruled that failing to disclose commissions led to a “sufficiently extreme inequality of knowledge and understanding”. http://www.standard.co.uk/business/business-news/ppi-ruling-may-trigger-a-landslide-of-fresh-misselling-claims-10277984.html
  3. Hi, First time poster, long time lurker, so be gentle! My partner had an old mobile phone debt being chased by Lowell for 3 Mobile. I sent them the Prove it letter in 2011 back not acknowledging the debt and requesting the credit agreement. They sent back one page of an overdue mobile phone bill as proof. Nothing else. The debt would have become statute barred at the end of this month. Fast forward a few years, and it now turns out they issued a CCJ for £350 in January to an old address she has not lived at for 6/7 years, whilst sending threat-o-grams to our current address and our previous address to this one. She has had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday informing her that the CCJ is now in arrears of £150. This was the first we'd heard of any CCJ being issued, never mind arrears, and only today has it appeared on her Noddle credit report under her old address. We have heard nothing from the court at all, but thats understandable given they were provided the wrong address. The noddle report says its £350. They now want £350 for an original £70 debt, which was increased to £209 in 2011, and are adding on these CCJ arrears. My partner has no job (not claiming benefits), no property and no real items a bailiff could repossess. We rent and I own all the items in our flat. I know nothing about CCJ's but a quick google indicates we'd have to pay £155 to apply to have it set aside. They are demanding the CCJ arrears for £150 to be paid in full immediately. I don't know if this is Bryan Carter adding this on, or this is court ordered. We are not married but could they repossess my items as we share a home? What should we do now? Hopefully I've given enough details but please do ask if I've neglected to mention something.
  4. Won a motorbike off Ebay on 30th May, paid via bank transfer the next day as Paypal doesn't offer protection on motor vehicles. Was described as fully working, just had an MOT. Got a courier to pick it up and deliver it, received it yesterday, wouldn't start, had to buy a battery charger, discovered battery is knackered so will need to be replace, there may be other issues but hopefully not. Where do I stand on this with it not being as described? Can I make the seller reinburse any repairs I have to pay for? Or if I really wanted to could I return it? Thank you.
  5. Well theres a surprise. EE in the spotlight again, And considering how many times people have complained and NOT got a result.
  6. According to the Telegraph councils are having their wings clipped to prevent overzealous collection and issue of PCNs including possible banning of collection by bailiffs. Sadly it won't prevent Parking Eye, now part of Capita, et.al from ripping people off http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11453090/Motorists-will-be-given-10-minute-grace-period-when-parking-tickets-run-out.html
  7. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?441409-Secrets-of-the-Parking-Wardens-Channel-4-Dispatches%281-Viewing%29-nbsp
  8. Free Water Saving Product may be available from your Water Company especially useful if you are in a water metered area. Go to this link: https://www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk/free-water-saving-packs If unsure of you water company your can use the search by postcode facility or just go down the webpage and then click on your water company provider to see what is available. Please be careful to check that the item is FREE as some items are available but at a reduced cost. Also remember to actually check your Water Companies own website to see what they may have FREE. You can also just do a search using a search engine adding your water company and Free Water Saving Packs.
  9. Hi I would like some advice regarding an issue at work. I had a customer who placed a large order over the phone in December, the transaction was for appropriately £4000, he said he will be sending his diver to come in and collect the items the next day. This is not unusual for us as we often have customers who spend large amounts and often have people pay over the phone and collect another day especially when we have special offers of 10% off as we did that day. His driver came into collect the next day, I wasn't in but i left everything ready for my colleague to give it to him. As she was getting everything ready the department manager and the head of security passed by and asked who he was and what was happening, she explained and they both told her to call the customer and check if it was his driver before giving the items over, she did as they said. The same customer called the next day and placed another order with my colleague (a second colleague) this time for £6000, the driver came in to collect that evening with from myself and a fourth colleague. It turns out the card was fraudulent and the matter is being investigated with all people involved. I had my 'fact finding meeting last week' and now they are escalating and i have a disaplinary hearing this week. Their main arrangements is that they have no recorded from the bank that i called to check the card, which I did. Their other point is that they have an internal system where staff can access training notes and other information and if I was unsure about anything then I should have referred there where it would have told me that I cannot do a telephone order and physically give the items to a customer it must be posted out. ..fair enough but my argument is that I have never ever had an induction with the store; where they would tell me all of the stores procedures including mail orders; I told them this in my meeting and that I had never heard of this system and had no clue how to access it. I believe it is down to the department manager at the time to book new staff members in to ensure everyone knows the rules, also for as long as I have been there (2 years) we have always allowed customers to collect orders placed over the phone, all of my colleagues and managers have done so; it has been the norm and no one has ever told us otherwise. In the past floor managers have just asked us to keep the items locked away as they had been paid for. My argument is that just because they have no record of my call it does not mean the call was not place. If I was never told about these tools how can I have been expected to use them (the internal system), if I have never been educated by the way of an induction how can I be expected to know the procedure of not allowing customers to pay over the phone and collect when my colleagues and superiors have always done so. The letter sates that if these allegations re proven then disciplinary action up to dismissal could be taken. By the way I recorded the meeting, and will probably record the hearing for my own reference I hope I have written this clearly, thanks in advance for any help.
  10. Yesterday I got a 'new' car. After taxing it, it was unclear whether the existing Direct Debit would simply increase, or whether I had to set up a new one. So every one knows, you set up a new one but YOU must cancel your old direct debit or you will get charged for two lots of road tax (your new vehicle and your old vehicle). As this is still fairly new, I thought it worth mentioning in case anyone else has the same confusion.
  11. Don't know if this has been covered before, but please take time out to watch the video. and sign the petition http://mycardmatters.com/en/campaign-consumer-01/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=con-uk-01 Thank you .....
  12. Hi everyone I would like your views on this as I am not sure where I stand so here goes, I had a phone contract with Vodafone and I was coming to the end of my contract I received a letter of which I will add to this post and it states outstanding balance £90.66 and potential termination fee £13.20 and I quote from the letter "We need to make you aware that if you do not pay the outstanding balance within 7 days, we will end your agreement and no longer provide the services to you. You would still need to pay the line rental the line rental for the minimum period-the potential amount is shown above. Outstanding balance :£90.66 Potential termination fee:£13.20 I never paid the bill and have received a debt collection letter from FREDRICKSON asking for £197.35 as outstanding balance I have got 14 days to pay or start legal action with additional costs: Outstanding Balance to pay now:197.35 Court Fees: £25.00 Solicitor costs :£50.00 New Balance if proceedings are issued :£272.35 On top of all this, I belong to the Experian Credit Expert site and have looked at my file on Vodafone of which was updated yesterday (21/9/2014) as defaulted and owing £157.00 which is a completely different figure. my question is what should I do, I am going to add this Vodafone letter and any feedback will be much appreciated i feel the bill should be no more than £90.66 + £13.20 = £103.86 Please help thanks Paul
  13. https://www.youtube.com/embed/JHixeIr_6BM?rel=0&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3
  14. 2005 Loan made to purchase a leased flat and the loan was secured by a first mortgage on the property (the principal charge). In 2006 the loan was sold or transferred including all of its interests to another company who then recorded their interest by way a charge using the original mortgage deed which was created in 2005. A few months later with out any knowledge being given to us the borrowers, the so called loan in equity only part was sold and put in a pool of mortgages then sold to investors using the Irish stock exchange. We now jump to 2013 when after repeated written requests of why do I have to now include an unknown party on my buildings insurance and who are the unknown party, I am informed that the party concerned in fact own our loan and have done so since 2006. (Nice to know! Thank you Arseden for informing us 7 years after the event ) A few weeks later I receive a written request to make all my future monthly mortgage payments the Euro shipping company instead(joke). I can,t and nor can any one else just sit back and let this happen any longer, I have had enough and wont stand for it any more. I have decided stand up to them. Do you realize what we all have done, We have put our homes at serious risk and been subject to a big time con, the banksters have without our permission mortgaged our property or home to someone else who is then trading it on the Irish stock exchange. In other words they have mortgaged your mortgage ,so what stops them from mortgaging the mortgage of the mortgage and so on! This is down right abuse! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I am dyslexic, help is need if I am to fight them using the law any way I can. Have lots of documents which may help other people who feel the same way as I do don’t mind sharing them and would look forward to hearing from any one in the same boat.
  15. General heads up on this Under the T&C's it states "You are also entitled to a £70 Compliments card which you can redeem at over 130 high street stores. You will receive the card within 28 days of your supply start date or your tariff switch date." been told by British Gas Social Media Team via email this " Dear John Thanks for your email. I’m sorry you have not received your Gift Card. I have spoken to Edenred which is the company that send out the cards on our behalf. They have advised when your card was applied for by us, there were a few problems with the order which affected a percentage of customers. This has been rectified and they are arranging for the cards to be sent out. Therefore the card will be with you no later than the 21 February 2014. I apologise again for the delay in receiving this, but please be assured the card is on its way out to you. I’ve set the review for your complaint to 21 February 2014, to ensure this has been received. " I switch to this Tariff on the 2nd Jan 2014 when it was advertised have they broken the contract that was agreed on for the supply of the gift card within 28 days. and if any compensation to be sort after possible due the failure to supply goods and services. Regards
  16. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10256679/TV-licence-offences-account-for-one-in-ten-UK-court-cases.html
  17. Just spotted this in this week's T.V. listings. "The legalities (or otherwise) of coucil parking fines." It may be worth watching.
  18. Hi, My ex-partner recently died a few years ago while I was with him he took out a 2nd mortgage loan on his house to clear his debts but I signed too - the loan people said I needed to sign because I lived there. The house was not in both our names - it was his house and the loan was secured on his property. He said it would not affect me, they just needed to know who was living there. We split up nearly five years ago. I don't know where I stand with this. He had not been paying it, his mother says she has found a lot of horrible letters regarding this with my name on them too. I'm afraid I may be in a serious amount of debt. Any thoughts or advice you could offer would be appreciated very much. Ali.
  19. Hello, I had car finance back in 2002 (apprx). I was with Welcome finance and was paying monthly. We fell on hard times and i could no longer afford the amount I was paying. So Welcome got me to sign a new agreement that was over a longer term and a less monthly amount. I've stopped paying it now but it went on for years before it was settled. I no longer have the contract, so I cant see the details of the accounts. I have no idea how to go about claiming ppi? I've had a good look round but I'm just getting more confused. Do I just call up Welcome and ask for my account details? Is there a link for a step by step guide to claiming back? I've had a look round but cant find it. Any help would be appreiated.
  20. Your Support Needed Before Its To Late! PIP ENHANCED MOBILITY ONLY FOR PEOPLE WITH INDOOR MOBILITY PROBLEMS The DWP appear to be planning to only pay the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP on physical grounds to claimants whose mobility is so restricted that they have difficulties moving between rooms indoors. Those who can manage indoors but have difficulty outdoors may only be awarded the lower rate of the mobility component. Atos and Capita, the companies carrying out PIP assessments, have been told that: “20 metres is considered to be the distance that a claimant is required to be able to walk in order to achieve a basic level of independence in the home such as the ability to move between rooms. “50 metres is considered to be the distance that a claimant is required to be able to walk in order to achieve a basic level of independence such as the ability to get from a car park to the supermarket.” To score the required 12 points to get enhanced rate mobility for physical health problems alone, a claimant must prove that they can’t stand and move more than 20 metres even using aids and/or with assistance. This means that in the majority of cases the private sector health professionals are likely to be looking for evidence that the claimant has problems with indoor mobility, rather than outdoor, if they are to be awarded the enhanced rate. You can read more on this here (open access) PIP MOBILITY CHANGES MAY BE ILLEGAL – YOUR HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED Meanwhile another group of claimants has secured legal support to challenge the last-minute change to the PIP regulations which deny enhanced rate mobility to anyone who can stand and move more than 20 metres. They will be arguing that the failure to consult about the reduction of the limit from 50 metres to 20 metres means that the change is unlawful and should thus be quashed. If successful it would be a bigger blow to the government than today’s forced labour ruling. The result would be that the DWP would be obliged to consult all over again on the changes before they can be introduced. In the end they can still ignore the results of a new consultation, but they will face a very determined battle and will have no opportunity to claim that disability organisations supported the changes. At the very least it would set the introduction of PIP back months. At best it could even result in a fairer set of rules for the mobility component. But the campaigners desperately need claimants who fit very tightly defined criteria to come forward to be the ones who actually challenge the DWP. In order to bring the case, assisted by Leigh Day solicitors and barristers from Doughty Street Chambers, they need claimants: Who are eligible for legal aid – check your eligibility here (external site) Who currently have a DLA award including Higher Rate Mobility component Whose DLA award is NOT due to expire until after October 2013 Who, on re-assessment under PIP, whenever that occurs, are at risk of losing out on the enhanced mobility component of PIP because they can walk over 20 metres or so but cannot walk up to 50 metres. Who do NOT have any difficulty planning or following a journey (eg due to mental health, cognitive or sensory impairment). There are other criteria which are desirable rather than essential, which you can read about on the blog (external site) of highly respected and experienced ‘We Are Spartacus’ campaigner Jane Young. If you think you fit the criteria and are willing to take part, please contact Jane via her contact form as soon as possible, time is very short.:sad:
  21. Almost 350,000 parking fines - totalling an estimated £23m - may have been unlawfully issued to motorists in London, a BBC investigation has found. In 2010 a ticket issued in a suspended parking bay was ruled unlawful because Camden Council did not have authorisation for its signage. Now the BBC has learned 14 councils still have no authorisation for these signs, while others went years without. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21339117
  22. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/two-million-drivers-may-face-141603133.html
  23. My partner had an accident just over 3 months ago which left us without his wage and to cut a long story short, he is now disabled. DLA hasn't been sorted out yet, ESA has......so to cover for a while pay day loans were taken out, and as ashamed and embarrassed as I am I need to talk to someone, all I want to do is cry all the time. They are as follows PaydayUK - 516.00 Paydayexpress - 425.00 minicredit - 156.00 WagedayAdvance - 388.50 1monthloan - 80.20 Lendingstream - 123.50 I am more than happy to cancel card as I have another anyway where my wage goes into. but I'm just so scared and have no idea what to do or where to start. All are due at end of the month, just been deferring and rolling over. Please help. Oh also paying bk wonga £53.91 a month due to muck up at there end Loz x
  24. Read more : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/9700836/How-your-old-computer-may-be-on-its-way-to-Africas-online-fraud-capital.html
  25. Read more: - http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14526/online-news/businesses-may-be-forced-to-repay-consumers-for-mis-selling
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