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  1. I'm so ashamed to say I was caught shoplifting a week ago. I have no idea what was going on in my head and it has been killing me ever since. The police were called, they were nice to me under the circumstances. It was a very small amount and my first offence. The could see in was visibly shaken. I didn't take much in other than the details would be sent to the procurator fiscal and I would receive a letter from them. They suggested I speak to my mum, but I explained that would be impossible as we have terrible family issues at the moment and this would kill her. They also suggested I see a doctor, but I am just so ashamed. I'm not making excuses for myself, I am old enough to know better, but will i ever feel normal again? I guess what I'm looking for is some advice on what to expect. I've spoken to 3 separate solicitors over the phone who have told me not to worry but there is nothing I can do until I get the letter from the PF. Has anyone out there been in my situation and could they offer me some advice. Did you manage to put this behind you, did it affect your career and life in general. I just feel hopeless. Any advice at all would be welcome.
  2. Dear forum members, I'm looking for some advice on the next steps I need to take with two companies, Robinson Way and Capquest. I have three debts, two with Robinson Way and one with Capquest. The two with Robinson Way are Welcome Finance and Barclaycard and the one with Capquest is Royal Bank of Scotland. All three of the debts have been ongoing for approximately six years and some payments have been made to all three. They have been passed around several DCA's during their existence. And, regrettably, I have often ignored them. However, after the recent letters I have received concerning them I want to do something about them. I know it should have been something I should have tackled earlier but I can't change that now so I hope I can get some advice here. I have been reading around some articles but I am a little overwhelmed by the amount of information on the forums. I'm not sure if some or all of the advice applies to me. I am happy to provide further information and know that I will need to do so in order to receive help from people but I am unsure what to provide at this early stage. I have read about an SOA (Statement of Affairs?) but I would appreciate any help an experienced forum member might be able to offer. Thanks for taking the time to read this! And this is also a copy and paste of a message I put on moneysavingexpert but I wanted to 'reach out' to as many knowledgeable people as possible, so sorry if some people are reading this twice.
  3. Hi Guys, I was looking for some advice regarding the CCA being attached to the initial summons here in Scotland. I have seen it mentioned here a few times while browsing some threads but can't find a reference to it in the court rules, can anyone point me in the right direction, thanks.
  4. Halloween is approaching.Can you believe this event is coming around again. I get so excited this time of year. Already i have been in shops,supermarkets going down the aisles trying masks on,putting claws on. Appearing around corners of aisles. giving friends the scare of the day. Playing with the puppet ghosts things like that. Seems to raise a smile or two in a world of serious issues. Or wondering perhaps when i will be locked up. You are never to old to enjoy these things.Not that security does not give you strange looks as a claw appears to shake their hand. But it usually ends up in a laugh.Thank goodness. If you are older remember your youth.When you were children running around. Go back there,think of those happy times,a happy place.And smile as you remember. So we are building up to this day.Saturday the 31ST october. Get your bags of goodies ready for the kids when they call round with their mums and dads. Do not turn the lights out and avoid.Do not dread this day,enjoy it.Get a Pumpkin,carve it,light it.Put it outside your door. Enjoy this event,have a laugh If you wish to,post a picture. I will, i have a nice one from a few years ago.In a while i will. If you have any recipes for this day post them.Perhaps a picture as well. Give others ideas for this tradition. Do you have a party on this day. I can feel many wanting to post,or i hope they do. If you are not a member just join us,we are a friendly lot.Life is not serious all the time we have to have fun as well. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
  5. Evening all I would like some advice on 2 debt's i have listed on my credit report,both are a couple of years old. One is with santander for around £1500 The other is with link financial (was a barclaycard) for nearly £7000. I dont hear from santander as i dont think they have my current address! and link financial only contact me by e-mail asking me to call them urgently. I would like to get rid of these debts and wondered what the best solution is?? have read about asking for credit agreements,is this something i should do? or am i better off offering a settlement figure? Thanks Naylz
  6. Dear All, I am extremely unhappy with the way that Scottish Power have dealt with a complaint I had. My father lived in Scotland and my brother and I live 360 miles away in England. To cut a long story short, in 2012 my late father notified them that his meter was not working correctly from October 2012 to date, they were sending bills to him with the same meter numbers on . In September 2014, my father died and Scottish Power had still not changed the meter even though it was still showing the same readings as in 2012. My brother and I were left his property as part of the estate and I (and the solicitors in Scotland) have attempted to get them to change the meter since September 2014. We found a buyer for the flat and they wanted to move in on 10th July 2015 but obviously we had to declare the meter wasn't working so they threatened to pull out of the sale. Luckily, at the 11th hour, Scottish Power did change the meter on the afternoon of 9th July as I threatened to sue them because the Purchaser threatened to pull out and the house sale may have fallen through. This meant that all the paperwork didn't get done in time and we finally sold the property on 24th July 2015 to the same person. The bills have now been sorted out and luckily my dad did keep making payments to Scottish Power until he died as he was afraid that he would end up with a large bill once the meter issue had been sorted out and I now have to pay them £12.09 to finish everything off. As you can imagine, this was extremely stressful for my late father who was very ill during this whole period, fighting cancer and going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He involved the Citizen's Advice throughout the whole time but nothing was ever resolved. I then took up the fight after he died because I knew it needed sorted before we sold the property. My dad did not let the situation go, but didn't get anywhere and I have now spent hours trying to sort it out even though I lived 350 miles away from the property . I feel that we deserve some sort of compensation but don't know where to start. I know that my solicitor in Scotland has written and called them on numerous occasions up to the date they changed the meter and I was constantly calling and emailing them to try and resolve everything so the sale went through. Does anyone think that it is cheeky to look for some sort of compensation? I spent at least 2 hours on the phone to them, then phone calls to my solicitor in Scotland, plus the bill I will receive for the solicitors letters that were sent to them? I wouldn't even know where to start in calculating such a thing? Any advice from anyone would be appreciated as the last 3 years have been very difficult dealing with this and the loss of a parent? Many thanks for reading. Worstutility
  7. HI i need some advice on my situation. Ok so my home has been reposessed and ive moved out, since they are looking to evict on 1 september. ive been very lucky in having a friends flat available so that is OK. the overall plan is to declare bankruptcy, to clear all my debts. the questions i have are the following: 1) There WILL be a shortfall from any re-sale of the properly, quite significant in fact. If i declare bankruptcy, will they still be able to come after this negative equity shortfall? this i am unclear on. I should add that during the reposession, a money order was also made for the full mortgage amount. 2) there is a charging order on the property from another loan that HSBC slapped on me. I have looked into this, and it seems to be fraught with complexity as to weather it will be included in the bankruptcy or not. In fact, this even escalated to a warrant of control. hence why i moved before being evicted. the point is that since the property is reposessed, what is the situation with this? I am very confused. the whole point though is that going bankrupt is the last resort but i dont want to do this and have two highly significant debts left over that are going to make the rest of my life a misery. its already bad enough. thanks J
  8. Seriously though, this is a warning for everyone, Stay well clear of this firm... The rates say it all!
  9. I have a question regarding some of the entries in the Halsbury's Statutes 4th edition at book 13 page 791 to 796. Parts 1-[723] - 6 at [732] does any of this help at all with the more modern act taking control of goods act 2013? Namely the following 4 Exclusion of certain goods [731] 4a Hire purchase etc. agreements [732] Can anyone explain a little bit more on this please?
  10. Hello, I am a newbee...i got the details from the npower bot=ycott fcebook page and am after some advice please... The very short vesion is I have had shocking service from npower with bill reversals, countdowns and cheering on the phones and the wrong meter being read. I have complained and gone through the ombusman who wish to give me 150 pounds for customer service but upholding the bill. I wish to take them to court rather than agree to the ombudsman on the following basis... I paid 1100 to npower for duel fuel but they claim i owe them another 1200. i live in a two bed 1995 built house two adults and a six year old. My previous year bill with another supplier was 1400 and having swapped i am on course for 1400. Npower billing shows that in winter i used combined fuel totalling 77 per month but that in the summer we used 177 pounds...the ombudsman thinks this is normal. Does anyone think i stand a chance? How much does small claims cost? I have 12 days left to decide? Thank you. Anita
  11. Martin Old CAG friend are you still out there? Rebecca
  12. A friend has been taken to Court (County) the debt has been transferred up to the High Court for enforcement, the debt relates possibly to goods supplied IRO £2.2k plus fees now. Case heard and dealt with end of 02/15 the defendant did not defend or make representations, this shows up on their credit file (checked today) The first the defendant heard of this case was the notice of enforcement posted this afternoon The HCEO has attended the property and left a NoE through the letter box. The HCEO is ........ The original case was heard without being defended. CCJ by default. I have advised the following 1. Complete a N244/N245 and to do so straight away so he can have the Judgement set aside 2. There is a Motability (MB) vehicle on the drive with a blue badge on display + the handbook from MB 3. The defendant is in receipt of middle rate care and high rate mobility DLA 4. The person is often out of the home having appointments 5. The only person in the home is classed as vulnerable for enforcement purposes (the partner) serious MH issues, documented and letters available on the spot 6. The total amount of goods in the home WILL NOT COVER THE DEBT. 7. The defendant is recently disabled and has the DLA award letters to hand if needed. 8. The enforcement address is a council residence Have I missed out anything of importance if so let me know thx
  13. Hi. I'm looking into this for a friend (yes, that's actually true). The scenario is this: In August 2014 a car was bought on a Hire Purchase agreement from Black Horse. My friend was in a relationship at the time and this car and the costs was to be shared between two people. However they are no longer in a relationship. I believe the HP is in my friends name and not the other persons. She does not want to own the car as a single individual though. So my questions: - If the other person wants to keep the car for themselves is it possible to swap the entire agreement into their name? - If neither of them want to pay for the car is there an option to A- terminate? or B- sell the car privately? - If C- hand the car back and allow Black Horse to sell it then I assume they'll end up selling cheap and my friend still has a lot to pay back? - Are there any options I haven't mentioned above? In a sense, any solution where my friend can gain more than 50% of the outstanding value back is a winner. Thanks.
  14. I am looking to reclaim my bank Halifax charges (£271.63 in total) that have been coming thick and fast recently. Is it worth perusing? Will I also lose my planned overdraft limit? Also, will they close my account entirely? TIA.
  15. Hi, My brother recently split with his partner ( over three months ago ).He now lives apart from her with my young nephew.He was the sole carer for the first 6 weeks ( approx ). They then went to Court over custody and an intrim order gave residency to my brother with my nephew stopping with his mother for two nights a week. The court has now decided upon indefinite 50/50 residency. Throughout my brother has not received any financial support other than a couple of small crisis payments and the odd food parcel. He has been told that he cannot get IS because he needs to be in receipt of the Child Benefit, which we assume his ex is getting. He has been to his MP but has still not received any financial support. Can this be right ? Also, as custody is now split with each having my nephew for 5 days at a time, how are future benefits going to be paid ie for 5 days my brother cannot work but then for 5 days he could / can the Child Benifit be split at source etc BTW my nephew is 27 months old. thoughts please .
  16. Hi fellow CAGers, its been a long time. I've gotten all my finances in order and thought I would be free until I ran into a problem with Orange. I've had a mobile phone contract for about 3-4 years. I've always paid by direct debit, and my bill has never reached even £60. At the end of June this year, I received a bill for over £300 Orange allowed me to go over my plan by 700 minutes plus. I contacted them on the same day I rec'd my bill, and asked them why they didn't they inform me that I had gone over my plan. They said that they don't do that and that its my responsibility to keep track of my calls. I told them that I've never even had bill for £60 moreover £300. I told them that I have also previously rec'd texts from orange stating that they do periodically look at how much I'm paying. I asked them that it would not be feasible for me to pay it. And I was told that they can't provide any help until the debt goes to the collection teams. I asked if I could upgrade my plan to have unlimited calls and text messages. They said yes, and told me that the upgrade would start at the end of July. I paid the portion of the bill that I didn't dispute. Within two weeks I was partially barred. My account was unbarred at the end of July, as per the start of the new plan. I paid the new plan on time, and within 2 weeks, my line was partially barred again. Paid September's bill on time, paid October's bill on time On October 1st, the account with fully barred. Throughout this time, I've been having phone (I've recorded all of these) and email conversation stating that both T-Mobile and EE contact their customers when they are close to their limit (via a text) and I've found news quotes from Orange representatives stating that they do contact their customers. I was going to take them to the Ombudsman, but even though I requested the deadlock letter multiple times, and have been promised it, it was never sent. I'm considering taking them to court for the 2.5-3 months of charges for no service, even though I was paying. And for charging an arbitrary rate that is no where to be found in my contract. I agree that they are owed money for the extra minutes, even though I don't like the fact that I wasn't notified at all given the bill has skyrocketed more than 4 times my plan. The money I believe they are owed is what is stated in the price plan, another month payment which covers the 700 plus minutes. There is no "extra minute" charge found anywhere in the contract. Not only that, during this entire time, I've rec'd two calls from orange sales people offering another line, and one orange sales person actually offering to update my account again, for cheaper than the price plan offered in June. I read that the CCA doesn't govern them, but saw someone post link a to WHICH regarding mis-selling and Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, can I also use the UTCCR? My goal is to pay what is contractual and get my phone number back, which they are currently holding ransom. Can anybody offer any help/guidance?
  17. Hi. I have been self employed for 3 and a half years now. Running a fashion store, bricks and mortar etc. I was in one location for 3 years and 6 months ago moved to a bigger location, more 'prominent' and the rest. Long story short (for now), I am now closing the store and hope to focus online selling clothing, but not under the business trading name. (a new venture). However, I have debts chasing me, from clothing suppliers/brands. I do not have the money they are asking for, and I have had a letter in the post now asking for a final payment immediately. Or the usual 'take legal action'. The business is now LTD. But these debts where incurred when the business was a sole trader. What are my options here? Is there anyway at all I can cancel this debt under the business and fold the business? Any advice/suggestions welcome. Thanks.
  18. My home was repossessed a couple of years ago now, due to health reasons i gave up the fight as i also ended losing my business and owing money left right and centre. My mortgage was a self cert through a mortgage broker (mortgage express) for about 125k with BM which was around 2008. I had a bad credit history and at the time was working in IT freelance no accounts, no hmrc, i was never actually asked how much i even earned. i remember looking at my application and the mortgage broker put down that i earned 40k a year but i was never asked to prove this. Now i have nothing, im in hiding no fixed address, mortgage company will be after a shortfall soon i reckon After doing some reading after hearing about the wonga case where they have written off debts to people as they where not checked out before loans etc where taken out. i believe i wasn't fit or in a good financial state to take a mortgage out. Do you guy think i have a case for a misold mortgage? or shall i just suffer things and go bankrupt before the bank starts chasing for shortfalls etc? Should i start by asking for a SAR and then seek legal advice when i get it all? I also took out a Loan with spml which since having the house repossessed they cant find me although i know they will catch up with me one way or another. Also do i look at misold loans as these guys didnt even ask for proof of my income either. What do you guys think?
  19. I received a final written warning due to an incident that happened while I was working away. I was told to be on my best behaviour which I have been. At the weekend I was late to work twice due to me unplugging my phone. Where my phone is on charge it rests on my bed and I must of had 2 restless nights and pulled it off charge meaning my phone didn't wake me up in the morning. One day I was 1/2 hour late and the other day an 1hour late. This isn't an usual thing and was so unlucky to manage to do it 2 days in a row. I am now facing another disciplinary which i have been told there is a good chance I will get sacked. Being punctual had nothing to do with my final written warning. It was a genuine mistake that I have said is now corrected as I charge my phone on the other side of my room but it doesn't look good! What are peoples opinion? Thanks in advance
  20. Hi everyone. Hope someone can help me. My mum , who is 77 received, 2 letters from Lowells saying owes money to the same company one amount is for £118 and £252. These debts are apparently from a catalogue which my mum has never had in her life!Any advice on how we can deal with this? Hope you can help.
  21. Hi, I have been going through some financial difficulties and I've finally set up repayment plans which I can afford, I'm working lots at work and I'm focused on nailing my debt down. Unfortunately I fell behind on things this month due to illness and thus lower wages, I have a few direct debits coming out between now and my payday (less than 2 weeks away) which total £190, if I don't manage to pay them then by payday it'll total £300+ due to fees. My credit must be awful as I am in default repayment plans with a few payday loans. Just looking for advise on what I should do, I don't have anybody to borrow from and I don't think any lenders would take me. Phoning up and asking for extensions isn't something that's realistically going to happen, not to mention that my bank will still take £60 regardless which will incur £70 of OD fees in the first week. Any input appreciated, I need help with this situation specifically, overall my finances are looking up - I have £300/month to live on after all credit/rent is paid, I just don't fancy having £100+ less this month as it's been stressful enough already!
  22. Greeting to everyone... I am currently looking for some advice regarding an upcoming interview under caution which my girlfriend has. She thinks he has overpaid in HB, she made a stupid mistake and she wants to come clean and admit everything she did and start paying back the money which she owes. However she has been advised not to communicate with the council by his solicitor. Will she be likely be arrested straight away for admitting her offences? and if so..how can stop end HB payments and rearrange to repay the overpayments? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hi everyone I am sorry to approach you the way with the title I have written but if it was not so urgent I would try a different way. 42man and andy; you are recommended by citizen who believes that you may have the expertise to help me in this matter. My girlfriend and I have been running a small business for the last 7 years and for the last few years we became successful and decided to expand the business with opening another branch. My problem is with our current landlord, their managment agent who look after the site and their rude and threatening solicitors. We pay rent + service charge for the site to be managed. However we believe that the management agent has ignored us for the last few years. For instance: there is a leak from the roof and we informed both the landlord and the agent in June 2010 and they have done absolately nothing up until March 2013. It caused us to physical and financial damage as we had to refund, discounts to the clients (as the nature of the business and the water drops on top of the clients) as well as paying to the window cleaner to keep nice and clean. We tried to arrange a conference call with the landlord and our neigbours who are suffering with the same problem. All of us received a letter from their solicitors and they think it is not appropriate to contact the landlord at this stage. We tried to find an amicable solution with their solicitors and requested a full refund on the service charge as we have not received the service which we paid for? They threatened us and we received an email stating that they want their monies upfront rather than monthly instalments as we were on a payment plan and paying monthly rather than quarterly (and we are also trying to reduce our arears which was caused by inefficient management by their agents) however they are holding rent deposit which is 2 times bigger than the arears. without giving a notice they requested us to pay on Monday upfront around £8K I am really concerned with their attitude and threatening behaviour. I am considering to take them to court based on Goods and Service Act 1982. any advise? Regards
  24. was at the job center last week ,and my adviser asked me what my barriers were to not finding work,i said my age i am 55 yrs old.and its harder for over 50s and school leavers to find work. as i had seen programs on tv about the subject,and i dont even get any reply's to my applications back. my adviser said that is rubbish and every one has an equell chance of finding work,is she clueless.she seems to think theirs loads of jobs out there for every one.
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