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  1. Civil news: rule change for clients threatened with homelessness READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/civil-news-rule-change-for-clients-threatened-with-homelessness
  2. Civil news: rule change for clients threatened with homelessness READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/civil-news-rule-change-for-clients-threatened-with-homelessness
  3. Hi guys, I have got home today to a civil parking charge notice from athena ANPR as I overstayed at a LIDL car park. The car park was free for 90 minutes. I stayed 100 minutes and 8 seconds. I have now been charged £90 and told that I will only pay £45 I'd I pay within the next 14 days. I have been sent photos of my vehicle to prove, along with threats of debt collection or further legal proceedings if i don't pay. I did not shop at LIDL on the day, was being 'cheeky' I guess and just using their park for free. LIDL was only open for the first 10 minutes of my stay, after that the shop closed and, up on returning to my car, the car park was empty. I am not used to these kind of situations and have never been in trouble before. I am so tempted to pay just to satisfy my mind and family, who say it would be stupid to ignore it. I have good credit rating and would rather just pay this fine than ruin that. Does anybody have any advice as to what I can do? Thank you, Kelly
  4. Hiya, I tried to take about £30 of shopping from Waitrose today. I know I'm an idiot (hence the username) I'm not doing it again, I've been scared about it and want to just move on. I'm worried about the civil recovery thing. I admitted to having taken something before on one occasion from Waitrose and so they gave me a lifelong ban. They didn't contact the police but they scanned my ID and took a photo of my face. I got given a letter from RPL. What legal advice do I need to get? They told me I will get a fine 'probably around £100'. When will I get this letter, does anyone know? what happens now? The letter says at the bottom: 'In principle the Data Protection Act 1998 does not prevent the use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... Your personal data may be stored and used by prospective employers within client companies to make employment decisions...' What does this mean realistically? I think I might want to work with kids as a teacher - will this stop me from being able to? Any help is appreciated.
  5. Good morning, I am new to the concept of posting threads and would like to request any advice on the proceedings I am about to undertake with BT, I am sure this subject has been discussed many times before, however not with me and therefore would like direct advice. BT has issued my partner and I a charge of £130.00 for an engineers visit due to a diagnosis of a faulty router. However the router was not faulty as when he left everything came back on and has been working for months correctly with no problems. Phoned BT to ask what the charge was for and they said...(see above). Complained to them regarding an incorrect diagnosis. Three telephone conversations later they imply the router was faulty and imply I am using an after market router purchased by me subsequently. This is not true and I have video evidence of the router in full working order with the serial number on the rear with which BT can cross reference to the last one they sent out. The diagnosis was incorrect so should not have been issued the charge. If the diagnosis had been correct it clearly states on BT website I may not be charged for a faulty router as it is under warranty due to us being in a legally enforceable contract. I requested a letter of deadlock as BT refused to issue any refund or redress. Went through the procedure of the Ombudsman. This took quite a few weeks. The result being the Ombudsman sent a proposal of £50 gesture of goodwill, a new router, and letter of apology from BT. I rejected the offer as £50 does not cover my loss of £130(plus bank charge) New router is obviously not required. Therefore a letter does not constitute a full redress of our issue. As a law student, I am now seeking to take BT to the small claims track first tier tribunal for a breach of the 'Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982' as it states they must carry out the service with reasonable care and skill. Any further advice on this topic before I commence anything would be much appreciated. As I say, I am a law student, but do not confess to knowing everything as I am in the early stages of my degree. Many thanks in advance. snailandgingerbeer.
  6. Hi guys sorry to bother you. syesterday i got caught stealing from primark. i was cold needed a jacket thought id nip in and grab one. Didnt work out for the best and i really regret my decision. i was detained for around an hour or so and i was asked about my details etc. i gave them my name, phone number and address. they said that a civil recovery team would get in touch with me over this matter and i will be issued a fine. They threatened me wth bailifs and other court orders as well. the only thing is at no cost can i let my family find out as they will kill me. i am going to set up a royal mail direct so my mail is not sent home. ive seen similar queries but i was wondering if they ever follow through with the threat of bailiffs. the thing is i cannot afford to pay 70 pounds for a 10 pound coat which was not damadged at all. thank you for any help
  7. Hi all, Received an NTK about a civil parking charge notice from Athena in the post today, I've done some reading on the forum so haven't contacted them and will not disclose who the driver is. Car was parked at LIDL for 50 mins but the driver did not register at the terminal for the 1.5 hrs free parking. The driver did a full shop with debit card (we have receipt as well). LIDL address is: LIDL Walthamstow 43-49 High Street, Walthamstow, London, E17 7LD (google says 7AD but notice and other sites say 7LD) What's the best course of action? Letter to LIDL CEO department? Anything else I should do also and any tips on the letter? (e.g. should I attach a photo of the receipt?) For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement [/color]21/11/17 2 Date on the NTK 24/11/17 3 Date received 27/11/17 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012?No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, a picture of the car leaving and entering with date and times, license plate is clearly visible but driver is not 6 Have you appealed? No Have you had a response? N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Athena ANPR For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check here IAS Will upload pics of sign shorty but doesn't say anything out of the ordinary really apart from register at terminal for 1.5 hrs free parking, 90 mins max stay, you will be charged if you breach any of the other terms of parking. Thanks in advance Thanks convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2017-11-27_14-56-44.pdf convert-jpg-to-pdf.net_2017-11-27_14-57-11.pdf DEFAULT CHARGE 27-11-17.pdf
  8. The following is taken from the Law Gazette website: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/supreme-court-ruling-on-litigants-in-person-could-redraw-cpr/5063855.article
  9. I received a PCN through the post (arrived today) for an offence committed on 29th July. I lent my car to my Mum for a weekend so she was the driver not me. She insists she paid but as it was a machine that asks for your registration she may well have entered it incorrectly, Im wondering if I can appeal on the grounds that the PCN wasn't issued until 15th August (17 days later) as stated on the letter. Can anyone advise please? Further details below... 1 Date of the infringement 29th July 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 15th August 3 Date received 17th August 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, of her driving in and out of the car park. Total stay 1hr 2 mins. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Civil Enforcement Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Custom House Quay, Falmouth in a Tesco car park I believe.
  10. Armed forces pensions on divorce and dissolution of civil partnerships READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/armed-forces-pensions-on-divorce-and-dissolution-of-civil-partnerships
  11. Name of the Claimant CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LTD Date of issue – 08 June 2017 Date to acknowledge = 26th June date to submit defence = 10 July What is the claim for – "Outstanding debt and damages Ref no and date of parking £236.00 Total Due £236 The claimant claims the sum of £251.83 for Outstanding debt and damages including 15.83 interest pursuant to S69 of county courts act 1984 Rate 8.% PA from dates above to 7-6-17 Same rate to Judgment or (sooner) payment Daily rate to Judgment 0.05 Total debt and interest due 251.83 I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form." No location given on the claim form but looking at chase up letters the location was Frognal Court, London, and was because authorised vehicles only What is the value of the claim? £251.83 Has the claim been issued by the Private parking Company or was the PCN assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim ? CEL Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? NO Hi all Hope you can help my husband has received a claim form for a ticket we ignored last year thinking they would go away, I'm in trouble now for ignoring it but hope you can help with the best way to dispute the claim He was visiting a property in the area he parked for work and we are unsure who owns the land to check if he would have been 'authorised'. We didn't keep the original notice so don't have the original photo which looked like it was taken by a person on a phone and they haven't put any details on the claim form. I can plan to go back there to take pictures of signage if needed. Thanks in advance
  12. Seems to be a trend on here and other website help forums, to ignore and even laugh off threats from CEL. Fortunately I have kept all correspondence and have been fighting this for my daughter since May 2016. Now she has been referred to the County Court Business Centre Northampton issue date 07/04/2017. In May 2016 my daughter had an appointment at a doctors surgery with her baby for injections. She is adamant she entered her car number plate on the screen inside the surgery but for some reason did not register. When the first letter arrived from CEL she approached the surgery to have it dismissed but was advised to be just out of time. As the letter came to my address she then emailed CEL with her new address and attached a letter with the appointment time from the surgery. This email was ignored I emailed CEL and informed them to refer to her change of address. Apart from getting a reply saying that I need permission from my daughter to act on her behalf, they still send letters to my address [ car registered there at the time ]. Looking for advice here for the best way to deal with these court papers. I understand parking needs to be governed but this seems unfair on my daughter whom the surgery were expecting. CEL Statement All visitors must register for a permit on a touch screen inside reception. If you park without obtaining a valid permit, you agree to pay £100. To deter abuse of this car park, these terms apply at all times. Additional costs will be incurred if payment is not received within 28 days. Arrival 10.53 20 Departure 11.12.37. Bill is now £327.04 including legal fees
  13. Hello all, I`m new to this so please bare with me.. I recently had a Hypo , which is severe low blood sugar that Diabetics sometimes get. It can result in drunk like or irrational behaviour.. back to the story, I was in Tesco doing my shop when this happened, I walked out without paying.. I`m not a shoplifter but I did never the less walk out without paying.. When I came too I was in a room at the rear of the store being guarded by a security guard.. I asked why I was there as I had no memory of the prior 45 minutes.. I was informed I was a thief and they was waiting for the Police to arrive.. At some point someone had given me a mars bar so that was why I had come back from the brink. The police said there would be NO charges and let me leave the store.. Today however I get a letter from a solicitors saying I owe Tesco £125 . .. Civil recovery.. should I pay ? do I have to pay ?
  14. Hi Everyone, Looking for some advice in the best way to deal with a Summons that dropped through the letter box a day or so ago. My wife parked in a car park administered by Civil Enforcement Ltd on 28/8/2016. This car park had previously been a car park where one paid on exit and my wife assumed it was still like this when she parked. After about 10 minutes (on leaving the car park) a colleague informed her you now have to pre-pay so she immediately returned and purchased a ticket which she placed in the car and thought no more about it Then she received a letter (now thrown away) demanding £100 as a parking charge for not following the car parks rules and regulations. My wife wrote back to them disputing the charge and refusing to pay it. She went through their appeals procedure and received letters demanding payment and threatening legal action on 6/10/16, 26/10/16, 7/11/16 and 13/02/17 and the Summons dated 8/6/17. The Summons has been replied to to defend all. My wife was part of a church group she has 20 witnesses to returning and buying the ticket after about 10 minutes had elapsed. I have asked her to get some witness statement from members of the group. Unfortunately the original tickets were not retained. Civil Enforcement Ltd have number plate recognition cameras and the ticket machine is one where you enter the car registration number when buying the ticket. presumably, my wife can ask for the timing details of entering the car park, time of ticket purchase. amount of ticket purchase and when she left the car park. This should show she would not have used up all the time paid for. Its early days yet but I would appreciate all and any input as to the best way to deal with this. An irritating thing about the Summons is that it does not state what it is for. Can they issue a generic Summons like this? - Wording below: "The Claimant claims the sum of £250.64 for outstanding debt and damages including £14.64 interest persuant to S.69 of the County Courts Act 1984. Rate 8.00% pa from dates above to7/617. Same rate to Judgment - 0.05 Total debt and interest due - £260.64 I will provide the defendent with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form." Amount Claimed - £250.64 Court Fee - £25.00 Legal Reps Costs - £50.00 Total - £325.64 As it is a small claim can they charge a legal reps fee? And can they issue a summons without stating what it is all about and without a breakdown of charges? Look forward to comments whether good or bad.
  15. Dear all, I unfortunately suffer from chronic depressive illness and have done so for many years with the condition significantly worsening over the past few years. In the year 2011 I had been subject to police investigation. I attended a police interview on a voluntary basis. Due to my debilitating depression I had an appropriate adult also attend this interview who I understand was a social worker at that time. The social worker, without my explicit consent, went on to record the details of the alleged criminal charges I faced on the NHS Trust’s IT system and within my electronic patient records. This information is categorised as highly sensitive information as defined under section 2 (h) of the Data Protection Act and the Trust seemingly recorded this information unlawfully. Their response however is that the processing of this information was 'necessary for medical purposes'. The criminal matter has been long since disposed of in my favour however the Trust are continuously processing this information wherever and whenever possible. I am not clear on whether or not explicit consent was needed here. It seems to me it was. I should be most grateful for any input.
  16. Name of the Claimant: Civil Enforcement Ltd Date of issue: 13th January 2017 Date to acknowledge = 31.01.2017 DAte to submit defence = 4pm 14.02.2017 What is the claim for: 1.The Claimant claims the sum of 248.05 for Outstanding debts and damages including 12.05 interest pursuant to S.69 of the county courts Act 1984. Total debt and interest due - 248.05. I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form. What is the value of the claim? £323.05 including all costs. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Only Civil Enforcement Ltd are mentioned, no mention of creditor or account being assigned Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No. I didn't even receive a letter before claim. I have attached the claim form and the separate particulars of claim form (dated 24 January 2017). The particulars were sent after I acknowledged the service. (I have attempted to upload redacted version but correct me if its not all correct!) My first question is how long do i have to submit my defence/skeleton defence? A claim was issued against you on 13/01/2017 Your acknowledgment of service was submitted on 22/01/2017 at 14:55:15 Your acknowledgment of service was received on 23/01/2017 at 01:09:20 The website states Before you can file a defence to the claim against you, you must make sure the following apply in your case: you are filing your defence within 14 days of service of the claim on you (a claim is considered served on the fifth day after it is issued) or where separate detailed particulars of claim were served, within 14 days of service of those or if you filed an acknowledgement of service, within 28 days of service of the claim (or separate particulars) Hey knowledgeable ones..... I was hoping you are able to help advise me on the next steps in the scenario below. As they sent a separate particulars of claim dated 24 Jan - am i correct to assume i have 28 days from this date to submit my defence? Secondly i have not recieved a letter before claims. Nor do i recall the NTK - although this may been sent i would like to see if its valid and also i can't see any evidence specifically any images of the vehicle alleged to made the contravention. So how am I supposed to accept their allegations - based on their nothing but their words? Do i send a CPR requesting evidence and if so do i include in the above points. I have seen the template CPR request but can i include the above in it and if so how best to word this please? I suppose the skeleton defence can be addressed later after the CPR but any thoughts welcome! If you have any links you can direct to me that might help that would be most appreciated also Many thanks COURT LETTER.pdf PARTICULARS OF CLAIM.pdf
  17. I'm after some advice. I just received an N1 court form from an Ex partner regarding a car loan. There was a stated amount due set in the 'total amount' on the N1 claim form. Also in the particulars it said they would claim for interest to an amount to be determined. But the total amount didn't include interest. As soon as I received the claim form I contacted the creditor and paid the total amount in full. Which means the debt has been settled in full (according to the amount claimed on the N1 form). I have since been advised by the claimant that they are now contacting the court to cancel the claim. But they say I now owe interest. And they are making me an offer to pay an Lump sum of interest or will file for a new N1 claim form and start a new claim for the interest only. Can they do this now I have settled the debt in full? Any help would be fully appreciated.
  18. Main .... https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules ORDINARY CAUSE RULES) 1993 https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/ordinary-cause-rules Small Claims Rules. https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/small-claim-rules Simple Procedure Rules https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/simple-procedure-rules
  19. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to establish whether my solicitor has acted negligent by not following the pre-action protocol in respect of a Disrepair claim which has now been settled, after 6 years of my local council denying liability under the OLA 1957. I had an accident during the period where liability was being disputed but my solicitor is claiming that he did not have the funds to pursue a PI claim but never advised me on this, and on checking the pre action protocol under Disrepair claim there is reference that would suggest that in any event, a claim for PI arising from a Disrepair claim could and probably should have been made by a qualified legal representative as the Disrepair procedure makes reference to a PI claim if an injury has occurred because of the disrepair, in this case a out-house flooded everytime it rained.
  20. Hi there, My daughter was caught shoplifting 13th December with two other girls, all 17yrs old, at Primark. My daughter had a £10 top in her bag and it was her first offence, the other girls had similar items but have been caught before. My daughter was brought home after been "warned" by police and the other two received a caution. On New Years Eve my daughter received a letter from RLP Civil Recovery Specialists demanding payment from all or one of the three girls totalling £232 or court action will be taken. Now after reading posts on here, speaking with CABS and also reading Google historic pages I am more confused than ever as to whether my daughter should pay some, all or anything at all to this company. Three things mainly concern me: * How can they ensure one or all will pay and if one doesn't when do the others become liable? * If we pay nothing will this jeopardise my daughters chances of getting employment in the future? I work for a bank and had to jump through hoops to prove my employability and credit file. (NOTE: she lost her apprenticeship due to her diabetes related sickness the week after the incident so is now out of work, full time education and no training) * Will they send in the debt collectors if nothing is received from us? My daughter has been on a downward spiral for the past month or so and this is not helping at all. She is receiving help from her diabetes team for her mental health but this is putting far too much strain on an already struggling person. I really don't know what to do. Please, any help is hugely appreciated....
  21. I checked my credit file a week or so ago as I was about to get a car-loan to discover I now have a CCJ. My previously impeccable credit file (of 999) is now decimated. The CCJ (after downloading the details from Registry Trust) is linked to my married name (I am now divorced) at an address I left in August 2014. I had a post re-direction for 3 months after I left the address the court have used, and have lived at 3 addresses since then, and have been on the electoral register at all of them (all are the same local authority). I've contacted the court (Northampton Business Services Court) who have said the claimant for the CCJ is Civil Enforcement Ltd dated 15/4/15 and the charges are £256 plus damages with a total figure of £356. This is an unsatisfied amount (obviously). I am still none the wiser as to what I'm supposed to have done here. I google CE Ltd to find they are a PCP so guess this is parking related. Thing is I haven't ever received a parking fine from this company or any related correspondence. I pay everything on time. EVERYTHING. I am scrupulous about such things. I don't ignore any bills etc. EVER. Which is why my credit score was 999. In between scouring the internet for info on what to do and what all this means, I call the court back to get some more details. There are none. It seems the claimant can do this electronically and provide no evidence? And sometimes a judge doesn't even see it?! stuck again and still none the wiser. I call both numbers for CE Ltd . One is for payment only. The other is a legal dept where I've left 3 messages on the answer phone and not had a call back yet. The court mentioned that 14 days from the CCJ a Warrant is issued and that hasn't been done yet, even though it was 6 months since the CCJ. How can they issue a warrant if they don't have any contact details for me? This whole process has happened to me, without me even knowing what I've done, and now I might have Bailiffs after me? Surely this can't be right? I'm so worried I don't know what to do next....
  22. Hi All, I have received a CCJ from CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LIMITED after parking in a Worcester Leisure centre car park in early February 2016. I was a member at the establishment at the time (I have contacted them, merely stated they didn’t manage the car park), the car park uses ANPR cameras to record all incoming and outgoing vehicles, no barriers. I make no comment on the driver of the vehicle on said date. I received the NTK, followed by follow up letters, followed by a solicitor letter. I have since destroyed all of which. The claim is for approximately £325 Amount Claimed: £250 (Rounded up) Court Fee: £25 Legal representative’s costs: £50 Total: £325 QUOTE from Claim for - “Particulars of Claim: Outstanding debt and damages DATE—DESCRIPTION—AMOUNT—DUE DATE **/02/16 Ref ********** 236.00 **/02/16 Total Due- 236.00 (Ref: www .ce-service.co.uk or Tel:01158225020 The claimant claims the sum of £250 for Outstanding debt and damages including 12.83 interest pursuant to S.69 of the County Courts Act 1984 Rate 8.00% pa from dates above to- 13/10/16 Same rate to Judgment or (sooner) payment Daily rate to Judgment- 0.05 Total debt and interest due- 250.00 I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after service of the claim form.” I have looked over a few threads on the forum and drafted an initial defence as seen below. Any and all help/advice greatly welcomed and appreciated. It is admitted that Defendant is the registered keeper of the vehicle in question. However it is denied that the Claimant has authority to bring this claim on the following grounds:- 1. The Protection of Freedom Act 2012 Schedule 4 has not being complied with. The registered keeper has not been proven as the driver, as such the keeper can only be held liable if the claimant has fully complied with the strict requirements. 2. The proper claimant is the landowner. Strict proof is required that there is a chain of contracts leading from the landowner to CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LIMITED. 3. CIVIL ENFORCEMENT LIMITED are not the lawful occupier of the land. (i) absent a contract with the lawful occupier of the land being produced by the claimant, or a chain of contracts showing authorisation stemming from the lawful occupier of the land, I have the reasonable belief that they do not have the authority to issue charges on this land in their own name and that they have no right to bring action regarding this claim. 4. The terms and conditions displayed on the signs at the entrance to the the site in question were unclear and not prominent on site/around the areas in question, so no contract has been formed with driver(s) to pay £100, or any additional fee charged if unpaid in 14 days 5. No sum payable to this Claimant was accepted nor even known about by any driver; as they were not given a fair opportunity to discover the onerous terms by which they would later be bound. 6. The Protection of Freedoms Act does not permit the Claimant to recover a sum greater than the parking charge on the day before a Notice to Keeper was issued. The Claimant cannot recover additional charges. The Defendant also has the reasonable belief that the Claimant has not incurred the stated additional costs and it is put to strict proof that they have actually been incurred. Even if they have been incurred, the Claimant has described them as "legal expenses". These cannot be recovered in the Small Claims Court regardless of the identity of the driver. 7. The provision is a penalty and not a genuine pre-estimate of loss for the following reasons: a) The claimant is not the landowner and suffers no loss whatsoever as a result of a vehicle parking at the location in question b) The amount claimed is a charge and evidently disproportionate to any loss suffered by the Claimant and is therefore unconscionable. 8. This case can be easily distinguished from ParkingEye v Beavis which the Judges held was 'entirely different' from most ordinary economic contract disputes and CIVIL ENFROCEMENT LIMITED have not shown any valid 'legitimate interest' allowing them the unusual right to pursue anything more than a genuine pre-estimate of loss. 9. Save as expressly mentioned above, the Particulars of Claim is denied in its entirety. It is denied that the Claimant is entitled to the relief claimed or any relief at all. I have ACKNOWLEDGED the claim online and have until 14th November to provide a defense. Let me know if there is any further details or information I can provide to strengthen my case. Many thanks!
  23. You've helped me once before (post4830039) with a 'parking charge notice'. I don't think I actually need help this time, but wanted to post on this site for general awareness in case there's a pattern in how this firm operates. I parked in a car park where controls are effective 08:00-18:30. The PCN shows I entered the car park at 18:08:25. I purchased a ticket (which I still have) at 18:12, paying £2 for 20 minutes as I didn't have anything smaller. The ticket I purchased shows the expiry time as 18:32 (ie, 2 minutes after parking controls ceased to be effective). Today I received a PCN from CEL citing 'Payment not made in accordance with the terms displayed on the signage'. I've gone back and checked the sign and I can't see any term that I failed to comply with: - I paid the fee - the ticket was purchased within 10 minutes of entering the car park - I didn't exceed the maximum stay Although I said I don't think I need help on this, any offered would be appreciated especially if you spot something I've missed. Otherwise I will email CEL advising the above facts and that if they don't withdraw the charge they must stipulate exactly which term or terms they believe I contravened, with the effective date of the charge being the date they reply. Incidentally, I only received notification of the supposed offence 3 weeks later and it's pure luck that I still have the ticket. What does anyone do in the situation where no parking notice was issued at the time and the ticket has been discarded? It seems pretty outrageous to me that these parking cowboys have the law on their side in cases like this...
  24. Hi all, I've been to one of my customers today who has received a NTK about overstaying in a car park by 27 mins, although a parking ticket had been bought. Details are as follows: Date of Infringment: 13th October 2016 Date on the NTK: 1st November 2016 Date Received: 3rd November 2016 Does NTK mention POFA 2012 ? No Any photographic evidence ? Not in the NTK, although it does state that they have photographic evidence Have you appealed and response to it ? No and No Who is the parking company ? Civil Enforcement Where exactly did the 'offence' take place ? Car Park at 163-165 Bromley Road, LONDON, SE6 2NZ Appeals Body ? POPLA We're holding fire at the moment, so any thoughts on what to do now would be great. Many thanks. Bloke199
  25. I accidentally overstayed by 28 minutes in a Lidl car park in Leicester and so my father (who is the registered owner) was sent a parking charge notice for £90 (reduced to £45 if paid within 14 days). I need to appeal by today but have no idea what to say as I have never received something like this before and I do not want my father to have numerous notices sent to him so what can i do? The signs are not very clear at all in the car park and are just dotted around and you would only really be able to see them if you parked in the spot directly in front of the sign however, I have no pictures to back this up as I no longer live near the store. Can anyone help me with this please?!
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