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Found 8 results

  1. Hiya, I tried to take about £30 of shopping from Waitrose today. I know I'm an idiot (hence the username) I'm not doing it again, I've been scared about it and want to just move on. I'm worried about the civil recovery thing. I admitted to having taken something before on one occasion from Waitrose and so they gave me a lifelong ban. They didn't contact the police but they scanned my ID and took a photo of my face. I got given a letter from RPL. What legal advice do I need to get? They told me I will get a fine 'probably around £100'. When will I get this letter, does anyone know? what happens now? The letter says at the bottom: 'In principle the Data Protection Act 1998 does not prevent the use of data for civil recovery and employment screening purposes... Your personal data may be stored and used by prospective employers within client companies to make employment decisions...' What does this mean realistically? I think I might want to work with kids as a teacher - will this stop me from being able to? Any help is appreciated.
  2. Hi everyone My daughter who is 18 had a moment of stupidity in January and decided it would be ok to shoplift a mascara from Boots. She was accosted by the security guy on leaving the store, taken back inside, her details were taken was given the option of them either calling the police or agreeing to be contacted by RLP - she was terrified out of her wits as she suffers from acute anxiety problems, and agreed to the RLP route. The guard copied her student ID details and took her phone number and our address. They asked her to empty her bag which she did immediately and returned the mascara which was worth about £10. Since then she received three letters from RLP that I have already seen as standard on this group (and I am most grateful for all the advice I have already seen on here about similar incidents) I have told her not to reply. They first demanded £155.49 as a "contribution" towards Boots' losses - which as far as I can see do not exist. They also managed to spell her name completely wrongly although since they had her student ID photocopied I don't understand how! She has now received a 4th letter attached offering her a settlement of £108.84 - again, I have told her not to respond. Is this one of the letters you have already seen for something like this? Thanks very much for all your help.
  3. Hi All. I also am in a similar situation where TK Maxx have accused me of ticket-switching on 3 occasions in order to profit. The police were called and I was arrested and charged with obtaining goods by deception but after being interviewed at the station no further action was taken. There was no theft however and the security staff said that all items involved were from TK Maxx. it was a genuine mistake after wearing items at home I then returned them - all their tags are very non-specific so its hard to tell which tags are for which garments. I now have RLP chasing me. After their first letter I (perhaps stupidly) replied and told them it was an error and I had not profited - basically what I had told the police. Now they have sent another letter quoting Aerospace Publishing v Thames Water Utilities (2007) as a precedent and citing security staff costs and 'disruption to their business' as a basis for their demand. They state that witness statement evidence demonstrating how my actions have have resulted in significant disruption to their client's business will be prepared once court proceedings are initiated. What should I do? Thanks in advance
  4. My Daughter was convicted of theft whilst working for WH Smith. She pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay them £1650. 6 months on she has recieved a letter from a company called Boyes Turner demanding a further £720.81 for the costs of investugating the matter. They has said the money is to be paid in 7 days or they will issue proceedings against her. Is this legal ? The court has already awarded them the money for the losses. I think the sum requested is wholly unreasonable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi there. I have become interested in the debate surrounding the RLP company since seeing an item on it on the BBC a few weeks back. Since then I have read a lot on this forum and others, as well as the CAB advice on uncivil recovery. My main question is, I see in many of the threads on this site that those who have been contacted by the RLP are advised to not pay and simply ignore the letters and I just wonder how sound this advice is? Surely such a large company wouldn't just give up on a case and just forget about the money owed? I can not see how a company can just cut its losses and ignore the fees which they do not receive by so many of those who have not paid. Especially regarding cases where there is a true case of shoplifting, to which the police attended and the suspect admitted to the crime. To those who have had contact with the RLP and decided to ignore and not pay, have they stopped sending you letters? And how can you be sure that they won't get in contact with you a year or two down the line, making it a lot worse for you? Especially since some who have posted to this site have commented how eventually outside debt collecting companies get involved after some months of non-payment. Sorry for so many questions. I do not agree with the vast amounts of money that the demand, but I am just curious as to the success of the advice given on such sites as this. I hope you can make some things clearer for me here. Thanks very much for your time reading this. Jo.
  6. Hi - would very much appreciate some advice. I was doing my normal weekly shop in my local supermarket this morning and as per usual visited the magazine aisle were I picked up 3 magazines that I commonly buy. The magazines not covered in plastic I stuck under my handbag at the front of the trolley (as I do every week) as experience has shown that these can easily get torn at the bottom of the trolley. I did the rest of my shopping, paid for the goods and on leaving the store was apprehended by a junior manager in the store saying that she had reason to believe that I was leaving the store with goods that I had not paid for. I initially denied this (not being aware of the fact) and then as she escourted me to the managers offices I realised that my magazes totally £8 were lying under my bag. I explained the situation and was then read the Notice of Intended Civil Recovery and provided my name, address, phone number and national insurance number. Meanwhile the manager went and produced a receipt for the two items in question and explained that they would be bringing civil recovery proceedings against me. I initially calmly explainined the mistake, but as the proceedings were read out against me, I became quite upset and 4 hours on am still feeling sick to my stomach. The questions I have that I need answers for are as follows: 1) No police were involved and I have not admited to any wrong doing - am I likely to be charged? 2) Should I contact the store and argue my case further to try and get the civil proceedings revoked? 3) If I pay the civil recovery amount (when it comes through) - does this get reflected on my criminal record or indeed on any search an employer may conduct. 4) Is paying the civil recovery amount seen as an admission of guilt - I am maintaining my innocence in this matter. 5) Will a civil recovery be picked up on a visa appliation for the US/Canada - I am moving there in 6 months time. I am sorry for the questions but I am genuinely feeling very sick and confused. Any help or answers to my questions if you have experienced something similar would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Good day, I'm hoping for some advice or a point in the right direction. My younger brother has received a call from MIL civil recovery demanding payment for a water bill he knows nothing about. My brother has just finished university and while there he shared a flat with two others. The water bill was not in his name but in one of his flat mates whom he paid monthly. The water contract started his flat mate’s name and “plus others". No other names were on the contract. The demand is only for GBP36 but it is the manner in which MIL are demanding the money that is concerning me. MIL obtained my brothers details from one of his old flat mates as they had received calls from MIL and paid up. As far as I know they do not know my brothers address or surname. They said that unless my brother pays up immediately he will be taken to court and made to pay all the court costs ect. They demanded that my brother gave them his bank details to which he refused. At this point MIL became more aggressive. He said he would pay but not till the end of the month which they said was unacceptable and suggested that he go and borrow the money from someone to pay them. I’ve had a look online and cannot find any company called MIL Civil Recovery. If this company is real are they allowed to verbally threaten by brother in such a way? Where does my brother stand from a legal point of view, can they take him to court for a debt he knows nothing about? Are they allowed to refuse the offer my brother made to them for payment? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Around a week ago i swapped a label at tkmaxx in crawley and was caught on cctv apprently. im 21 years old and should know better i know!! i was confronted outside the store by their security guys and i was totally honest i knew i had been caught i even offered to pay the rest and forget about it and say i was sorry, its not like im a repeat or known offender. but no they called the police and had me arrested? no need for it at all considering i admitted what i had done and offered to pay the rest!! i went to the station and recieved a police caution for fraud...... sounds very damatic. Its a week since and yesterday i recieved a letter from rlp demanding £110 within 21 days for damages?? i dont condone what i have done but £110 is an unjust demand!! will they take me to court or turn up with debt collectors if i dont pay? any advice would be helpfull! cheers
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