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  1. I normally manage to avoid the store exit reps, those who are selling double glazing, conservatories etc, However, yesterday whilst I was at the Range, I got caught by a lady working for a law firm offering an hour's free advice on how to avoid assets being gobbled up by Care Home Fees and Inheritance Tax. I have already written a will, as has hubby, with the help of our own solicitor - we are tenants in common on a mortgage free property and have both nominated our son to inherit our share of the property and assets in the event one of us dies before the other. The chances of our having property value and assets that would create a need to pay inheritance tax is in the realms of fantasy (unless we come up on the premium bonds or win the lottery). The lady who was making appointments for her firm seemed to bat back my responses to her questions making like despite the plans already in place, that the authorities would still be able to place a charge on the home in the event one of us requires admission to a care home - despite the other still living in the home ? I have had a read of the following article in the Guardian and used their calculator using a hypothetical situation. According to the result of the Q/A - then if only one of us required admission to a care home and the other left still living in the property then the person who was admitted would not have their share of the property included in any calculation for fees.. this was not what we were told at the Range ? https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/aug/28/tenancy-common-care-home-fee-solution I have also looked at Age UK's website http://www.ageuk.org.uk/ I believe that I might have been misled by the above person in order to secure an appointment. The flyer I have been given indicates that there will one hour's free legal advice worth £200.00 VAT. I am assuming that if we were to go ahead with the appointment then any time outside of that hour will be charged at that rate. I will not be taking the Firm up on their offer, instead, I will contact my own solicitor on Monday to ensure that we have covered all bases, but would still be interested in hearing if anyone else has been caught out like this ?
  2. A couple of years ago we lost our house due to ill health, we sold the house to a housing association so we could still live in it, as we liked the area. Thrilled to have a house in a popular area the HA snapped it up and promised to help us, and look after the house, so we'd have no worries except rent. They did some modernisation, including double glazing that apparently amplifies noise from outside, and redoing the kitchen floor and a new roof. About 6 months later, we noticed damp patches on my son's bedroom wall. Both he and my wife are asthmatic, so damp is a real issue. I called the H.A. and explained the problem. 2 weeks layer, they go on the roof and say the flashing is damaged. They redo it. About 6 months later again, the damp patch is still there, having faded a bit, it seems to be spreading. So I called again. 2 weeks later, new flashing. 3 months on, still damp patches with a bit of mould too. I call again, 2 weeks later someone comes out and once again claims it's flashing. I explained it's been replaced 3 times, if you include the new roof fitting. 'Oh right' he says, well see what we can do, leave it with me. 3 months later, I heard nothing. Damp is spreading. A month later, I called them. Recent rain had made it worse. Don't worry I'm told, it's being looked In to. A month later, still nothing. I called again. After 2 weeks of passing messages, I eventually got a date for yet more new flashing... despite there clearly being a bigger issue. It would be in 7 weeks. 4 days before work is due, the scaffolder turns up asking for permission to put some In the neighbours garden too. They're at work, so i ask that evening and tell the H.A. in the morning that it's done and it's OK. I do this in the office, the woman I told this to phones the head of the works team whilst I'm there and confirms it's ok. 3 days pass, no scaffolding. I call to complain and am told it will be up in the morning. First thing in the morning, sitting having breakfast in the front room when a card is shoved through. From the roofer, that says "no scaffold, no access" I run out, to try and talk to him about the scaffolding. He sees me, shrugs, smiles and drives off. I've called the H.A. today, but can't get through to who I need because as is common he's worked a half day. During this time, I've also explained that my son's wall is ruined. It has wallpaper that is peeling off, along with plaster, behind which is damp uneven wall. It needs work doing on. I was told the best they could do was a 25 pound voucher for paint to tidy it up. If I paint that wall, the paper will be too heavy and will fall. He'll, if I tap that wall you can hear it crumble behind the paper and fall. It has a main solid wall (uneven and damp as it is) but the plastered front layer is totally wrecked. When this complaint started my son was an asthmatic 3 year old, just about to turn 4. He's 6 now and they've shown no care. During damp weather he has to share our bed (I take his) to make sure he's not in the room where the issue is whenever it gets bad, which this summer has been quite frequently So where do I stand? Can I do anything besides complain to them and ask them to please hurry up time and time again?
  3. I am about to move from a private lease to social housing and I need to apply for a community care grant to afford basic household appliances and furniture. On the online form with the local council (Scotland) there is a question asking me to specify "Allowable Benefit Type" and a drop down menu that does not contain the option to select working tax credits. Does this mean then that I can't apply for one of these if I am on WTC? I asked the local council on the phone but they were unable to tell me. EDIT. It does include WTC on the online form. I might be better just printing that off and filling it in instead.
  4. Hi, My first letter after 15 years of driving (request for a driver details). Alleged offences - 1. driving propelled vehicle without due care (which i fully admit) and 2. failing to stop / leaving accident place without providing details - which i dont accept. Accident - in the morning rush hour tried to squeeze my bike in-between cars and went to outside lane to go around stopped car and had a slight collision with cyclist. Nothin major - cyclist had a few light bruises. I stopped, helped cyclist, called ambulance to check his bruises, provided him with my name, surname and mobile number. Waited till ambulance arrived and helped him in after which i left and spoke to cyclist twice later that day to check on him. At the ambulance they took statement of the collision, etc. and now i received this letter. How do i proceed with the second point since i did stop and provide my details. Thank you
  5. My son (age 19) is detained under S3 of the Mental Health Act in a hospital in Nottingham. He has been there since November 2015; visiting is a nightmare, as it is a good 200miles there and 200 miles back - taking me anything from 3 and a half to five hours, each way. It seems no sooner I arrive to see my son, it's time to start the journey home again - having only about 45 mins to an hour for visiting. Anyway, my son has his COA meeting on 12 October and I believe that his Consultant Psychiatrist, will be recommending my son be transferred to 'locked rehab' facilities, closer to home. (He is currently in a low-secure setting). My son is entitled to S117 aftercare. Prior to his detention, he had been provided with supported housing, via Children's Services - but apart from that, they did little/nothing to help to support him / despite my regular communication and requests for help? He has ADHD and ASD; which does make him very vulnerable - as he easily exploited and targeted by others etc. Anyway, I had contacted SS for help in 2012 (when my son, then age 15 diagnosed ASD); I had been experiencing a lot of difficulties with my sons behaviour actions etc - however SS have not been helpful and have never given my son a core assessment of his needs etc. I feel they have contributed to his seriously declined mental health difficulties and that he may not have got to point of being sectioned, given the right help and support? Now that he is sectioned, I would rather that he is now transferred and assessed accordingly by Adult Services, as Childrens Services (his social worker) has never recognised my sons plummeting mental health, despite my concerns and pleas for help in past. So I see little point in her/that continuing to be involved with him from here on? I have made Social Services /hospital staff/aware of this and SS assured me they had made a referral to adult services, for my son. However, this was several months ago now and have heard no more about this? As they claim to have made this referral, I have nothing I can personally chase up or work with, or even evidence of them having done this at all? What I would like to find out is this, my son's CPA meeting coming up - is it normal practice; that a Social Worker from your area, would be present/attend? Also, I would like to clarify, in terms of assessment by Social Services - what Assessment would they be conducting , would it be with regard to the Care Act 2014 or would it be under other acts? As a parent/carer/Hearst relative; do I have any right to request assessment on my son's behalf? I am so very concerned that my son has adequate support in place when he is discharged, returned to the community? Social Services has repeatedly failed him and it is vital this does not happen now, if he is to have any real prospect of success. Any help /advice or information in relation to my specific questions above or other information that may assist me in preparation of my sons, CPA meeting - would be gratefully received. For example: funding for transfer to a hospital closer to home? Is this likely to be p,agued by beurocratic nonsence and unnecessary delays etc I await any responses and useful info and thank everyone in advance for your time and input. Thanks again Nadia Phillips:|
  6. Hi. In recent years I have been using my dad's address for mail as a "care of" address. Mainly because I've moved around a few times and didn't have a fixed address for long. I fell out with my landlady, long story. But she has got a CCJ for rent arrears in my absence, and they have traced my to my dad's address. I do not, and never have lived there. The letter is from the Sheriff's office, and is a high court writ. I am taking steps to sort this matter out, and applying for a DRO. But in the meantime, they have said they'll be around and given next week as a date on the notice of enforcement. I've told my dad not to let them in under any circumstances, and to let them know that I don't live there. But it has me worried, as I don't want them hassling him, and worry that they may try to take his possessions. I know they're not allowed to, but the onus is on the debtor to prove who owns what. And even if he doesn't let them into the flat, he has a garage outside that he keeps his tools in. He is a mechanic by trade, and his garage is full of tools he uses for his job. If the garage is open, which it often is when he's working outside it, they can gain peaceful entry? And then can they take his tools? The garage isn't linked to the flat by a door, but it's part of the same block of flats. What is the best course of action to take here? Should I call the bailiffs myself? I don't want to give them my new address until the DRO is in force, as they could come around here and try to take a vehicle that I use for work. But I really don't want them hassling my father, what can I do?
  7. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/better-care-package-for-severely-injured-veterans
  8. I work as a van driver, doing home deliveries. A couple of weeks ago I delivered to one of two attached cottages along a narrow, unlit, unmade road. After completing the delivery I had to turn the van around, as my only alternative was to reverse around 100 yds back to the main road (I should point out that it was dark at the time). I completed the turn outside the cottages, as that was the only point wide enough, and drove to the end of the road, where I stopped for a few moments to work out my next route. I was then approached by the owner of the second cottage who informed me that I had reversed into his oil tank. After apologising and confirming that I was unaware of any contact, I gave him the "bump card" that we carry, which has the contact details of the Company, and he also took a photo of the registration number. He said he couldn't tell in the dark, if there was any damage, but would check the following day. I heard no more, and assumed that all was okay, but today I was informed by my manager that they had received an NIP for driving without due care and attention. I would have thought that this was purely a matter for the insurance company, and am surprised the the police can prosecute on the strength of one person's allegation, without even speaking to me, or being present at the time to witness it. Any thoughts?
  9. Hi, Not sure where to post this but I am in a jam and need help getting back on my feet. I am 23 and for last 4 years I have moved around the country camping and surviving on busking but now I need to hang up my violin and concentrate on settling down. My first problem is getting a care of address in the city I have decided to make my home, is it possible to use an address for benefit purposes which is located in another part of country. If I have no proof of living anywhere for the last four years am I unlikely to get help with social housing as I have no local connection with anywhere ? Any help or thoughts appreciated.
  10. Hi All , Looking for some advice regarding a current issue with Scottish Power and my boiler cover....... My boiler has developed a pressure loss and water loss which SP has put it down to the heat exchanger and due too the boiler age 8 years in there professional option the boiler is beyond economical repair (BER) but can't tell me how they reached that decision The boiler is excellent condition as it has always been serviced mostly by SP and the engineer's boss asked him on the phone regarding the excellent condition I made a complaint to SP and was contacted by a member of the complaints team who just said " in there professional option it was BER " and won't provide any document to back this up .... What I do know is the parts will cost around £600 which may sound a lot of money to repair a boiler but taking into account to replace the boiler for the same spec and have it installed - which SP don't do would cost in the region of £1500+ I also asked them what was the definition of BER which they couldn't tell but me looking at the law directory and other sources this is normally based on 80%. Looking thru my t&c's there is a condition which mention about BER but doesn't state a figure therefore I assume 80% is the figure. As the two figures are no where near the BER threshold I can't see why the boiler won't be repaired under my policy... The other thing is SP didn't advise if I can still use the boiler ???? What are my rights as a consumer to request the following [*]Engineers report [*]A copy of the formula used to determine BER [*]Copy of parts required to make boiler right I would be grateful for any information you can provide to enable to further challenge SP
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3449145/Death-rate-higher-time-Second-World-War-health-experts-warn.html This is an alarming news story, that should be looked at. If it is correct that since 2011, there has been an increase in the number of elderly dying possibly due to reduced care services, then David Cameron should consider resigning as PM. Recently we have seen David Camerons own Mother and Aunt adding their concerns over cuts in Oxfordshire. As PM Cameron is ultimately responsible for ensuring that there are adequate services for elderly and vulnerable people. He cannot blame local authorities for this problem, when they have had to make cuts to services to make the savings required by central government. I believe even the Conservative local government association members have been warning Cameron of the potential problems caused by cuts.
  12. My partner received a letter from Care Parking saying that her car had been parked at Parliament retail park, Lancaster, and that it had overstayed the permitted 2 hours. She sent the requisite response, acknowledging being the keeper etc, She has received their rejection with a POPLA code. Can you please give us the advice as to what to do next?
  13. Morning all, I'm new to the site so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section. I am currently signed off work and have been since June 15 with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Chronic Pain Syndrome and depression. Recent blood tests also show that I now have (what my GP called) 'A very severe vitamin D deficiency' I am a social housing tenant and live on the top floor of a 2 story block of maisonettes. There is no communal lift in the block and I have to walk up and down over 50 stairs to get in/out of my property. The pain I constantly suffer makes it difficult to move very far or at any speed and I only usually go out to GP appointments. My condition has gotten worse over the past 7 months and I have been moved up a band on the housing register, but am still a good year away before my bidding makes any difference. I have also joined Homeswapper, but unfortunately no joy yet. I approached my housing officer to try and get a managed move due to my condition and she said that the HA no longer accepts managed move requests on medical grounds? Does the HA have a duty of care to move me to a more suitable property? I explained to my HO that I have no quality of life as I am virtually imprisoned in my home. I sleep on the sofa downstairs (which doesn't help my condition) because I have started having panic attacks that there will be a fire in the block during the night and I wouldn't be able to make it out of the property quick enough. My depression is getting worse because of this situation. I asked her for the names of the people responsible for the decision on managed moves so that I could make a complaint, but have not had any response and I would appreciate some advice if possible before contacting them again. If anyone has any advice I will be extremely grateful Thanks, Cay
  14. I must be getting old. Child Care costs can cost upto 164.00 a week. People borrowing off payday lenders and using credit cards to pay for this. Can you believe this.It must be like a nightmare for many. How do you manage for you out there who have to pay this charge. 2 kids more than some earn i feel.328.00. I am feeling quite sorry for those that have no choice but to pay this. You may have a decent job,studied for years,even have perhaps degrees but wiped out with these costs. It has truly shocked me how times have changed and changing now day to day across the UK As the cost of a childcare place hits £164 a week, one in four of Northern Ireland parents say they have to use credit cards or payday loans to pay for it http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/as-the-cost-of-a-childcare-place-hits-164-a-week-one-in-four-of-northern-ireland-parents-say-they-have-to-use-credit-cards-or-payday-loans-to-pay-for-it-34180903.html
  15. Two Polish war veterans who helped drive Nazi forces out of Poland during World War 2 have been reunited at Veterans UK’s Ilford Park Polish Home. Andrew Borowiec and Ted Stopczynski were teenagers when they fought together in Warsaw as part of the Polish resistance movement opposing the Nazi occupation. After the war, both settled in the UK after Poland fell to the Soviet Union and had no knowledge of each other’s whereabouts for over 70 years. But by co-incidence, both recently became residents of IPPH, run by Veterans UK, and were reunited. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/polish-war-heroes-reunited-in-veterans-uk-care-home
  16. Hi, I'm having some neighbour issues at the moment - loud music, aggressive and threatening behaviour. We're at the 'complain to landlord and council' stage. My issue is this: It turns out that the previous tenant here was probably moved out due to the issues with this neighbour (possibly a management transfer), and we believe that there was also police involvement. The neighbour gloats that he 'saw them off (the previous tenants) and gave them what for'. The tenants had complained about the noise and the neighbour breached a court order just before we moved in and had his music system seized (actually he threw the music system out of the window when they came to enforce the order). BUT when we viewed the property, both the tenant and housing officer lied and said there were no noise issues. We feel really angry about this and I've put in a complaint to the housing association about this issue - placing us - vulnerable disabled people next door to someone with known anti-social and aggressive behaviour, and lying when we asked about there being issues. What duty of care does the HA have in this situation to new vulnerable tenants, when placing them? I know that when buying a house, any neighbour issues have to be disclosed - but where do social landlords stand with this? Any advice anyone could offer would be great - as you can probably understand, we're pretty stressed about this at the moment.
  17. I hope this is in the right place to put this. I have been chatting to someone about a case where a father and daughter were Tenants in Common and the father now has to go into care. First the daughter was told she would have to sell the house so the father's share could be used to pay for the care. The daughter did not believe this to be true and the Social Worker has now agreed it is not but has now said the council could move 3 tenants in to offset the care fees as it is 4 bedroom. The social worker said the tenants would be council approved but could be male, they could also be young and wanting to play music till all sorts of hours. It seems as if the SW believes the share of the house owned by the father passes to the council and can be used how they choose. I am concerned about this as my daughter and her partner - not married - are Tenants in Common and I wonder what this opens the up to if one of them should need care in the future. Does anyone know the legal position of the council re the father's share? Thank you.
  18. Having moved to Northern Ireland I am on ESA, in the support group because i have arthritis in both knees. I have been staying in a hostel provided by the local housing Executive due to my current needs. The housing executive have just offered my a ground floor flat that suits my needs for which i have accepted. My move in date is expected to be in 4-6 weeks after the housing executive have made the flat acceptable due to the last tenant. I have been given a Form (Community Care Grant) to complete and send to the local Social Security Office as there is no DWP in Northern Ireland. -It can take up to a month to process. This grant allows for help in costs setting up a new home with the basics such as a cooker, fridge etc Are there any dedicated web sites etc where you can list these household things and help in filling out the form
  19. Hi there. I have been in my new job as a support worker for a well known, national care company since May of this year. I support people with physical and learning disabilities. My job requires me to occasionally take "sleep-in" night shifts. The sleep-in shift begins at 22:00 and ends at 07:00, but most employees then do another full or half day shift. For a sleep-in, the employee is provided with a single bedroom (which is incredibly dirty and untidy with mess/equipment everywhere I might add!) with no entertainment facilities, e.g. a TV. For the duration of the sleep-in night shift, the employee is forbidden to leave the building and must be physically present, on site, at all times in case of an emergency requiring them to wake up and lend a hand to the waking night staff. The employee must clock in at the start of the sleep-in shift, as they would on any other type of shift, and of course clock out. For this 9 hour shift, the payment is only a single £35.00 amount, but if the employer is called upon during the night and woken up, they are paid their standard rate of pay for each hour they are awake (which is £6.64/hour for me). In reality, 99.99% of the time, the sleep-in staff are never woken up. The only part of my employment contract which specifically mentions sleep-in shifts, is the "Pay" section, which states "Your rate of pay for each sleep-in worked is £35.00. This payment is for 'on-call' services only." This equates to £3.88 per hour, for a 9 hour sleep-in night shift. Subscription to Unison is an unmanageable expense at the moment, given the cost of living and my current wages, so what is the most effective way to deal with securing the minimum wage (at least!) for sleep-in shifts. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks for reading.
  20. Ive just been released from custody after serving 5 years. Ive signed on and received Job seekers. Im privately renting accommodation in a three bedroom unfurnished house. I applied for Social Fund application to the sum of £2037. Among the items that I applied for was clothing as I lost over 4 stone in weight during my sentence and left prison with just pair of track bottoms, 2 t shirts, pair trainers, pair of boots and a coat. The prison has record of all of this. The other items I applied for were essential things like cooker, fridge, washing machine, bed, mattress and other household items. Any furniture I had previous was put in storage and has been sold or dumped by the so called friend and he has since left the country leaving me with nothing. I am trying to rebuild my life and career as I have qualified as a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Level 2 Gym Instructor. I am looking to go to college in September to attain my Level 3 Personal Trainer as this is the career path i want to follow. I have been turned down for the social fund payment in the later i received yesterday. It says i have a right to appeal. Where do I go from now?
  21. Hi, my ex-partner (my daughter's Daddy) has landed a job that entitles him to free private health care for him and his 'family'. He's asked me if I'd like us (me and my daughter) to be included in the package. I'm currently on Income Support until May - will it effect this at all? Thanks in advance.
  22. Dear All, A dispute has arisen over scattering of mymother’s ashes and I welcome any views or comments on this predicament! My mother was diagnosed terminally ill, earlier thisyear, and is still with us. Prior to this diagnosis, my mother hadasked us to assist in arranging her pre paid funeral, which we did. I am downas contact (eldest son). My mother wishes to be cremated. Due to diagnosis advance care planning was arranged (lastwishes booklet-this is not a legally binding document) and completed at mymother’s home, between my mother, MacMillan nurse and my mother’s sister. Thisnotes my mother wishes her ashes to be scattered in garden of remembrance. 10 days later, my mother had 2 trips at home and asprocedure was taken to hospital, by paramedics. My mother was admitted andadvised it would be unlikely she would return home due to her restricted mobility.Whilst in hospital, on a visit(within 2-3 weeks after the ‘last wishes booklet’had been completed), my mother’s brother informed my mother that her ashes donot have to be scattered in garden of remembrance, but can be scattered/placedat ‘family’ grave (where my mother’s mother is buried, along with her sister inlaw). This was obviously favourable as it would give a specific place to payrespects. Also present at this visit were myself & 2 other family members. We,all 4 confirmed this & an additional note was made to ‘last wishesbooklet’. My mother was lucid and understood options described. It may assistto note that on page of ‘last wishes booklet’ titled Funeral Planning, at ‘PersonI wish to be responsible for making my funeral arrangements’ is my name, not mymother’s sister. The dispute that has arisen is my mother’s sister who waspresent when ‘last wishes booklet’ completed, is demanding that 1stoption is stood by and that ashes are scattered over garden of remembrance,where 4 other family members had witnessed my mother’s change of mind, once sheknew such option was open to her, and now wishes for her ashes to bescattered/placed at family grave. Since knowing her diagnosis, my mother has always askedme and my younger brother to look after and ‘take under our wing’ our youngestbrother, who is 30 years. My mother is of the opinion that it will hit ouryoungest brother the hardest. Bearing this in mind, I decided to broach thevisit we (4) had with my mother and asked his opinion. He is more than happyfor our mother to be scattered/placed at family grave as oppose to garden ofremembrance. Even knowing this, my mother’s sister is being difficult and notconceding my mother’s ‘new’ wish. I could add more but this would only muddy the waters, save to say that not all family members see eye to eye with others! Many thanks for reading.
  23. Is this good news for families? Your thoughts please "For the first time, parents will be able to claim back 70% of childcare costs no matter how many hours they work, on top of the money they get to help with the costs of bringing up a child, such as child benefit. This is rising to 85% in 2016 because we are increasing childcare support by £350 million within Universal Credit. Parents can start claiming childcare costs at least a month before they start work, giving children the time to settle into a routine and parents more opportunity to focus on their job from day one." This quote is from here https://www.gov.uk/government/news/welfare-transformation-comes-to-families-in-more-areas
  24. Hello, I hope someone can put us right on this please? Mum is now in care home permanently. We know about Attendance Allowance for dad as the local authority (welfare rights) have taken over making an application for him. What we are confused about is mum's DLA. She gets both components at the higher rate and has done since the early 90's. She always exchanges the mobility element for a Motability car. She obtained a new one some 5 months ago. The car is our dad's lifeline (mum can't drive as she has never passed a driving test) due to the complete lack of local shops/bank/post office and public transport etc. He has to drive 9 miles to the nearest town if he wants anything plus he has to drive 17 miles in the other direction when he wants to visit mum which is every day for obvious reasons. He also uses the car to take mum out when she is up to it. There still is the fact that dad may have to leave the family home (long story as posted in another thread) at sometime in the future if the council get their way. If that happens he wants to stay local which will mean a huge rent bill (he doesn't have much in the way of savings). If he can't afford the rent, then he will have to move out of the area which will add more distance to his travels. Now that mum is no longer at home what happens to her DLA and especially for dad, what happens to the car they have? Does he have to go out and buy one privately? If so, he would want the equivalent vehicle (not a small city car) which will set him back just over £25,000. He wouldn't be interested in a second hand vehicle as in his words ' you don't know how it has been looked after'. It would be for the best that he can keep the Motability one as it doesn't mean having to use any of his savings.
  25. Hi all, My sister got a letter from care parking on the 09/01/2015, its says she exceeded the maximum stay period. So they issued a parking charge notice and also said she was in breach of the terms of parking. Now there are a few things on the letter that concern me. First the title is wrong, she is not a Mr. Second how did they get my sisters address for the pcn, i thought you could only do that for notice to keeper. I will upload the letter, would like some advice on what to do next. Thanks Andrew
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