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  1. Hi Wondering can you claim back cash advance fees from Cap1 i'll tell you what i found on my bills lots of little £3 cash advance fees for gala coral i went through a stage when i was playing a lot of online bingo using my cap1 card not knowing that i would be charged for every single time i made a deposit before gala were took over by coral payments on my cap1 card shown up as aquapay and there was no fee at the time coral took over i had a bit of a bingo bug and well cap1 must be thinking happy days because they made about £400 in cash advance fees from me just wondered if anyone knew if i could try to claim them back, surely cap1 should have told me about the charges anyway i honestly thought i was buying online tickets, not going to the cash point any help would be great help Jay
  2. Hello all, A work colleague is having problems with the above WDA in the setting up of a repayment plan. They have sent letters by Royal mail signed for del and they have been delivered accordingly. Bank account has been secured. They were requesting the setting up of a repayment plan due to extreme health problems and the fact that no company salary is now being paid, hence severe financial difficulties. An up to date income and expenditure form was sent to them with a pro- rata offer of repayment into their Bank Account details to be provided by them and the request for all interest and charges to be frozen. They WDA, were informed that under no circumstances would they be sent details of their bank account statements covering 60 days, which WDA had insisted upon. This is their WDA reply. Thank you for your recent communication in relation to your loan held with Wage Day Advance. Unfortunately if you do not provide evidence of your change of circumstances in the form of 60 days bank statements, you will not qualify for hardship and your account will remain in arrears with interest accruing daily. As mentioned in your letter, if you do make the decision to become insolvent please send us proof of this (i.e.reference number,third party letter) and we will update your account accordingly. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Dane Cutforth Financial Solutions. I am sure I have read something relating in the FCA letters, of the fact that WDA should be providing/showing a provision of "FOREBEARANCE" to customers in Financial difficulties, they WDA are certainly not showing anything like "FOREBEARANCE" to someone offering to pay them. As usual all advice/info will be gratefully received. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  3. Hi, I currently have outstanding loans with all 3 companies, and am in a position to finally pay them. I think I have previously given each company the right to attempt to take the outstanding amount out of my current bank account, but have not had the funds available, which I now will have in a few days or so. I was just wondering what I should be looking to repay (I have had these loans for about a year now so expect the interest to be high), I was just wondering what are the next steps that I should take before paying off the loans. Any help will be appreciated.
  4. I stupidly took a loan with WDA in Nov 13 for £194.25. However, with Christmas and other problems, I did not make repayments. However, I have tried and tried to log into my account with them to renegotiate however I could never do so and was always redirected to change my password which I then did and then never worked. I emailed on the 15/11, the 18/11, 23/11 with no reply. I emailed again 30/12 no reply. I emailed again on 2/1/2014 telling them that I am unable to set up my account and have asked for help and have not had a reply. I asked someone to EMAIL me to set up a repayment plan of £25 per month. I didnt receive a reply until 11/1 saying I had to phone a set number. I immediately replied asking why this could be done via email. Again no reply. On 27/1 I emailed again saying why cant someone deal with this, rather than being told I need to ring up. Again I specifically said I cannot log into my account at all and offering (an increased) amount of £100 per month. The same day I received an email back: "Final Notice Before Action: We sent you several emails providing you witht he opportunity to contact us and make a suitable arrangement for the repayment of your loan yet the debt still remains outstanding. Blah Blah Blah" Needless to say, they didnt reply to my email and lo and behold on 27/3 they emailed to say my account is now being handled by Debt Revenue Services who are acting on their behalf. oh good I thought, now we can sorted. I received a letter from DRS in the week (dated 5th march) advising that the balance due is now £309.05. My options,. they advised were: 1. Pay full amount of £309.05 within 21 days (Please note that a holding payment (amount negotiable) will be required now in order for us to hold action pending payment. 2. Pay a reduced sum of £231.79 in Full and Final Settlement if you are able to pay within 10 days. 3. Pay the balance in 3 monthly payments of £103.02. Great, I thought if they are prepared to offer a lower amount (actually still more than the original amount I took out) then surely they will let me do it if I offer to clear in instalments over the next 6 weeks they surely would? So I offered £31.79 to be paid on the 14/3, then £100 on the 25/3 and £100 on 25/4. Immediately I got an email back saying "I can hold the settlement till the 31st March only sorry?" (lovely grammar). I replied then that surely she could go back to WDA if the proposal cannot be accepted? The letter stated the offer was only if I could pay within 10 days which as the letter was dated 5th march would mean payment being sent by the 15th march. She had stated that she would extend it to the 31st March so surely she could do it for a few more weeks? My immediate replay was ""I am sorry but that would be the most I could spread it to." So what do I do? Im fed up with WDA but surely this DRS should accept my proposal as its better than getting £10 a month?
  5. hi - ive heard that if a road is bus only there should be advance warning. What are the rules regarding this? I was driving down corporation street in birmingham approaching an island with three exits. The first and third exits were bus only - and straight ahead was no entry So corporation street is basically a dead end for cars - but there is no warning signs to indicate this in advance of the island. the only bus lane signs are those on the roads off of the island. Is this adeqate signage? Spoke to someone at the council and they said corporation st is a pedestrian only zone anyway. Checked google streetview and there were signs up at the start of corporation street, but they are no longer there Thanks for any help that is forhcoming d
  6. Hi, Does anyone know what the procedure is if you miss the 'named' train due to a late connection? I frequently book in advance to visit relatives on SWT and the train from Woking has to be the one stated on the ticket but I can catch any connection to Woking. The last time I travelled the connection was a bit late and I only made the booked train by a few minutes rather than the 15 it was meant to be. I just wondered where I stood if I had missed the train?
  7. I stupidly took a loan out with these in September to help pay with an unexpected bill i thought it would be ok as i was due a cheque in the post which annoyingly bounced therefore i am now stuck. I borrowed £150 off them and am currently out of work so after finding out the cheque bounced i tried to set up the minimum on a payment plan with them but they are not having any of it, they now have added over £150 of charges on to the account and keep telling me i have to prove to them i am out of work etc i have no proof but they will not take my word for it, I am really annoyed they have decided to double the loan and won't remove the interest added or charges Today i received a letter from them stating if i dont settle the debt it will be sold to a DCA who will add £25 and if i fail to contact them a further £25 to be added. All i want is a payment plan set up temporary and the interest and charges removing so i can orginally pay back what i owe they also bombard me with emails and telephone calls this can range from 9am to 8pm at night any advice please
  8. We have an HSBC Advance account and know we were paying a monthly fee for it but now looking at our online statements this monthly charge seems to have completely disappeared. Can I ask if you have one of these accounts how does the monthly fee appear on your statements?
  9. I think I am right in thinking that you cannot place a claim in advance for JSA, fairly sure of that ... (?) but if someone is moving area and knows the date they will be moving in to their new home are they able to place a claim for housing benefit from that moving date giving the date in advance? Reason being someone I know is due to move in 2 weeks and has the money for the deposit and rent in advance for the first months rent but then will have no money at all for the next months rent so we are worried that the housing benefit will not be processed in time for it to have started arriving in time for them to pay the second months rent and thought if the claim could be placed in advance of the move it would give the LA more time to process things and the money would more likely to be sorted in time for the rent. Thank you.
  10. Hi I have a loan with wageday Advance £500 was due on 23rd August. I cancelled my direct debits with the bank as i wanted to negotiate a payment plan. I checked my account on friday and the direct debits went through anyway. Checked with the bank and Wageday had set up a new one which i wasn't aware of. The bank cancelled the direct debit that morning and the money was returned to my account. i have e-mailed wageday advance today to request a payment plan. I have just checked my account and there is £500 been taken out. called the bank who confirmed it was a debit card payment to wageday Advance. i didn't even know they had my card details as I had always paid by direct debit. anyone got any advice on what i should do next and what are the chances i can get my money back. i phoned the bank and they just said ring wageday advance up. can't see the point in that. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Just want to claify and establish correct thought process I pay my TV Licence on a weekly payment card ( God knows why the programmes are crap) So I have a licence from 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013 This has been paid for in full by mid June Now, I am receiving texts and letters fr5om TVL threatening all sorts for outstanding amounts, as this increases with every letter, I must presume this is not an outstanding balance of the 2013 account. I have notified them that the account is paid in full, see you on 01/01/2014 and of course this has been completely ignored. Now, is there any legislation/statute or legally binding requirement for me to make payments in advance, bearing in m ind the will not pay interest on payments made in credit? Or should I invite the Feckers to take me to Court for non Payment? ( have all payment receipts) and counter hit them under ss1-2 of the Protection from Harassement Act 1997 and the Administration of Justice Act (section 40) to name but two P.S. Just to make life further complicated, I am a JP !
  12. Hi, I am spanish and moved to UK a couple years ago. Last christmas (because family came here), i took the bad step of taking two payday loans from lending stream because of all the expenses. Then in January I had a massive gas bill and took another one with wage day advance. Then the snowball started and now I have 4 lending stream loans, 1 wage day advance, 1 vivus and 1 with Access Fast Money. I have my family here and I am getting desperate as the end of the month is approaching and I will default on my vivus loan this friday. Any help or words of advice, please. Thank you!
  13. Hi there, I am hoping to find out where I stand on this. We pay for my sons swimming lessons in blocks of 10, and pay 2 weeks in advance. They have a no refund policy if children are ill during the 10 week block and have to miss lessons. During this block of lessons my son had an ear infection and his ear drum burst. He has been advised by his Dr that he can not swim for up to 8 weeks. He has already missed the last lesson before Christmas and yesterday. Yesterday was pay week at swimming and we rang them up for some advice, we were told that if we didn't pay yesterday for the lessons that begin in a fortnights time we would lose his place. We were told to pay yesterday and then go to Drs on Monday and ask for a letter 'to tell them why he is really off'! and they would credit the lessons he has missed to his 10 next 10 week block (the 1 after the 1 we have just paid for). We went and paid yesterday. I then found out that the Drs would charge me £25 to write the letter. We called the swim school back to ask for a refund of the money we had paid yesterday as we had paid 2 weeks in advance of the first lesson starting and lose his place. I was point blank refused. I feel like we have been led up the garden path slightly on this - just to be clear, I am not asking for a refund of the lessons my son has missed I am asking for a refund of the money I paid yesterday for the lessons due to begin in 2 weeks. Thank you for reading, I know I have waffled on a bit!
  14. Who trade as yes solutions uk. Evening folks, looking for a wee bit of help here if anyone can assist I would be most grateful. I don't want a lecture and have been very stupid and desperate and took a payday loan with "liquid advance" I applied through various sites online and it appears a broker has passed my application to "liquid advance" I received a phonecall at my work and someone asked for me, they said it was in relation to loan application I confirmed it was me on the phone and asked if I could phone them back, they said no it's ok and hung up. Later that day £250 was paid into my account. (Again I do not wish to go in to the reasons for the loan) but ultimately I could not pay it back. They are now charging me £91 per month interest and have told me the balance is now £624 and I can repay at £26 per month for 24 months. I initially wrote and told them that I wish to settle this debt and would pay the £250 plus one months interest at £10 per calendar month until my financial position and the expense of Christmas was out of the way. I have now got the loan agreement and it says I borrowed £260 and they have since advised me that I was charged £10 for same day payment. This was never explained to me as the phonecall I got was simply to confirm it was me. I do wish to have this paid off but do not want to bullied by these people and have made a token payment of £10 thus far while I assess my options. I really don't know what to do about all of this and would appreciate any advice. Not a lecture as I have read many topics and now know the trap that is payday loans and will never do something similar again no matter how desperate I am. However I feel this lot are simply taking the mick and not making any attempt to assist me and charging ridiculous interest. Also I never ever saw a contract before I got the money and only say the contract when I asked for it today. Have they mis sold this as I had no idea of exact interest rate and had no idea about the £10 charge mentioned above. Much obliged for any assistance folks. Thanks Dafty_Baz
  15. My landlord no longer wants to renew the contract which expired on a section 21 notice -trouble is i have no money to use as advance for a new flat! - am on housing benefit and get working tax credits of 208 per month to live off--not enough to save for advance has anyone been in this position-- i am feeling i would be better off if i had a kid -as the council has already told me they have no duty of care to rehouse me and that basically i'm on my own! tough luck! i realise i have to stay put or i will be accused by the council of making myself intentionally homeless to up and leave--but then i will probably suffer court costs too-not that i have anywhere to go to anyway. Has anyone got round this dilema-no money-no-flat-homeless
  16. recentley on the 25th of october my daughter took out a loan with wda for £120 she thought it was for a month but she received an email a few days ago saying that the would be taking back the loan full amount plus intrest on the 5th of november 2012 . but today she checked her account and the money has been taken two days early and the agrement was for the 5th of november and the took £155 which included £35 interest for a 9 day loan that is a joke and unbelivable what can i do about them takeing monies early as the agreement was for the 5th. please help anyone if you can thanks metro 67
  17. Hi everyone. I have been given 3 weeks notice where I liev at the moment and need to move ASAP. I have seen a place for rent that is suitable but I do not have the total bond plus one months advance rent. I need to raise £625 to cover the rent in advance basically. Could I get a crisis loan to do this? I work full time just don't have the full deposit. If I find nowhere to live I will be homeless. Any help appreciated.
  18. My wife took out a PDL with these guys for £185.00 in November of last year. After 3 payments of the minimum payment she realised that she could not afford it and around March of this year emailed them to say she is cancelling her DD and wanted to some to some sort of arrangement. She called them in March as she was having no luck with the emails (they kept pestering her for proof she could not afford it) and came to an arrangement to pay £73.73 over 4 months starting 20th March. She received email confirmation of this on the 23rd March. On the 23rd March a card payment was also taken for £12.00 and £59.00. We assumed this was the first payment and although it was about £2 short we assumed it was done in a rush and we would owe £2.75 after the last payment scheduled on 20th June 2012. However, they tried to set up another DD this month which we cancelled and have contacted my wife claiming that March's payment did not go through so we owe one more payment. I've asked them to confirm what the payments were for in March and I think they are going to say it is a card payment because of the cancelled DD. However, my wife came to this agreement before this date and they still took out the money regardless. Like idiots we didn't query it as we just assumed it was the 1st payment to the repayment plan. What should we do? Thanks, Lee.
  19. Hi There, I took out a stupid pay-day loan and couldn't afford to pay it back. Now I cancelled my debit card and my bank manager cancelled the direct debit 2 months ago and all was fine and well. A few days ago I noticed that they had set up a direct debit again and applied for payment of the balance. Am I correct that this is a breach of the direct debit scheme regardless of their terms and conditions? As far as I am aware with other companies if I or my bank cancel the direct debit, the recipient requires my authorisation to set up a new one? Am I right? Are they in the wrong? Cheers in advance!
  20. Hi These guys have sent me a letter "Default Notice" stating that I have 14 days to pay them the outstanding balance of £900+ They say this includes charges/fees etc. The original loan would only have been for £300 or so and it has been outstanding since May. Is there anyway I can ask for a breakdown of their charges and should i settle for this balance or should it just be 1 months interest? I am happy to arrange a payment plan with them but I dont really think the balance should be this much?
  21. I am battling out a repayment plan, they want £30 a week for a £155 loan, I can't afford this, they won't take payment from a pre paid mastercard, i was going to pay them a £5 a week into there bank while I battle this out with them!
  22. Seriously, what a bunch of clowns. I have been their customer for 6 months, now I can't pay and they are trying to get me to fill in a I&E form and won't accept it without the names of my creditors, which I have refused to give them and we are now just going around in circles. It's hiliarious. I have given them a basic I&E without names but here is the latest reply; From: james.king@wagedayadvance.co.uk To: xxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT WITH WAGE DAY ADVANCE LTD Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 08:38:08 +0000 Dear xxxxx You can provide as little or as much details as you would like regarding your income and out goings as this is purely for your benefit if you chose to miss expenses then we cant take this into account but this is entirely your choice. However we do require a list of creditors even if it is only the balances owed as stated previously we need this information to work out your pro rata (which is used by the courts) as also stated before we are trying to help you but I am sure you can appreciate that you took a loan and signed an agreement that you were to pay x amount back on x date you are requesting now that you pay £20 a month towards this breaking your agreement. And all we are asking for is some basic information in order for us to help you do this if you are unwilling to even provide this information then we are not in the wrong as we are trying to help but we cant without the figures. Regards
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