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  1. of course--use micro chipping in the vulnerable -those who cannot refuse it first then roll out to everyone else. hsbc has announced it is rolling out finger print id this year to 15million--however scientificamerica has found flaws in fingerprinting(those with degenarative diseases on certain drugs lose finger prints, bricklayers tend to lose finger prints......) so the next step i reckon is micro chipping for humans
  2. totally agree i would pay from my measly income to watch it live-the more gruesome and drawn out the better in response to joeski comment about IDS!!!
  3. have been to the council as well as cab who have informed me that because i am single-no dependants, no disabilities i am on my own--in both cases they could not wait to get me out of the door-not offering any advice for me whatsoever-it did not matter that i have no deposit for a new flat
  4. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/downloads_and_tools/eviction_checker this is the tool i just found to check whether LL is using the correct procedure it confirms the above advicei am finding that the shelter website gives the best information re housing/homelessness as housing staff at their customer services center seem to know nothing/unwilling to help
  5. thanks mariner annie think the housing list is a waste of time and hope, think i'd have better luck squatting-no list for that! will need to try and raise a deposit somehow....am not classed as priority which in the eyes of the council means f off--they won't/don't even give basic advice these days have had to find it all off the internet
  6. hi marina the last tenancy agreement expired ages ago and he promised me a new one but did not give it to me and now i receive this notice to leave--with dates as above--yes rent is monthly- and last date expressed on s21 would have been the last day of the month b4 another payment was/is due(expiry 15 july) yes deposit taken and protected
  7. hi marina it is an s21--it says at the bottom i should get 2 months but the date it was signed and by the time of delivery was both less than 2 months, the date it was signed is 20 may 2013-date i received was 22 may 2013 --date of notice to leave is 15 july 2013 am just wondering how much this will cost me if i have to pay court costs for not leaving on time....
  8. hi all, i have been renting this property for over 5 years and the rental agreement lapsed so i think i was on what is termed periodic tenancy, a few days ago i got a possession notice giving me 7 weeks to vacate the property 1) is landlord supposed to give me min 8 weeks notice? 2)if i wait for ll to take me to court--as i do not want to make myself intentionally homeless(no deposit for another property) how much will the court cost be?? 3)there does not appear to be deposit scheme in haringey where i live-is shelter the best place to go? many thanks in advance for your help ps even with a deposit-chances of friendly landlord is slim due to prior bankruptcy now on credit file even though i have never been late for a rent payment!
  9. i am assuming that like the council they will be waiting for the 11th hour before they take me seriously-- am collecting as much info as i can right now- i think i may have the phone number - but everywhere i look its the same type of criteria- people with kids first -which is understandable, but its getting to be a jungle out there with little promise..
  10. 'no we can't help' is what they have already told me-- it wasn't until yr response did i go and revisit their own site -- incidentally i also went to the citizen advice bureau who also said that i was not a priority case and therefore would not be entitled to any assistance and was "shoved" out the door in less than 5 minutes-- so i have been written off on 2 separate occasions by people already working in the "industry"--- at a time when you at at your most vulnerable -needing somewhere to live- you need reliable advice and help by the professionals.....
  11. thanks again lea-- have just gone back to their site and managed to find it---they do not say anything about advance only deposits--they also don't spell out who they will/won't pay to--but they do suggest it needs to be pretty dire--they mention homelessness due to "fire or flood"!!!! rather than homelessness due to eviction!! plus i imagine from the looks of it -it depends on how many willing landlords have already signed up to the scheme
  12. r u sure -- i was told they could do nothing so i walked out---they are supposed to know their own jobs aren't they?? i still feel like i need to "rent a kid" --i did actually look to see if haringey had a rent deposit scheme over the net but could not find anything---perhaps i'll go back again- just don't want to be frustrated knocking on disinterested closed doors.....
  13. My landlord no longer wants to renew the contract which expired on a section 21 notice -trouble is i have no money to use as advance for a new flat! - am on housing benefit and get working tax credits of 208 per month to live off--not enough to save for advance has anyone been in this position-- i am feeling i would be better off if i had a kid -as the council has already told me they have no duty of care to rehouse me and that basically i'm on my own! tough luck! i realise i have to stay put or i will be accused by the council of making myself intentionally homeless to up and leave--but then i will probably suffer court costs too-not that i have anywhere to go to anyway. Has anyone got round this dilema-no money-no-flat-homeless
  14. hi there, i signed off, but did not fill in the optional parts such as employer details etc - now they are claiming they cannot sign me off until they get this info whats up with that? -- this is private!! and none of their business i am within my rights - to keep info private right?
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