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  1. hi, ive come home today to a letter from scotcall, for a debt of £10276!!! eeek was hoping that one wouldnt find me! ive checked my credit file. this loan was taken in jan 2007 as a consolidation loan. it paid off a credit card, paid for a new car and also paid off another hsbc loan. now the loan that scotcall are wanting me to pay doesnt seem to appear anywhere on my credit file. the one i paid off with this loan does, hence why i know when the loan was taken out. . so this loan started jan 2007, i paid it for 6 months until i had big probs and couldnt afford the repayments. in september 07 i moved house and didnt hear anymore about thios loan until i got this letter today. they want payment in 7 days or they will send someone round. im just after some advice on what to do? ive heard about some 6 year thing? its almost 6 years since i have heard anything about the loan so would it be wise to just sit on it and hope for the best or should i try and arrange some kind of payment with them. ive been doing so bloody well in clearing my debts and then this turns up!!! any advice gratefully recieved
  2. I am so excited. I hope they send someone round!
  3. Hi. I'm a newbie on here and I have tried to look through the threads but I think I have only succeeded in confusing myself more. I have recently been receiving letters from Arrow Global, Arrow Monument, Cabot Financial, Lowell Portfolio, Hamptons Legal and Fire. Some of the letters just say I owe a debt but no details, others give an amount but no date and there is one that gives the date of 2003. It looks like Fire and Cabot are related as are Lowell and Hamptons. Now to my knowledge I don't owe any money and I checked my credit file and none of these are on there although there are 2 others on there which I again know nothing about. All of them are in a previous married name which I havent used for almost 7 years. I really don't know where to start as I have never had this before and Hamptons say they can apply for a charging order on my property which I find very disturbing. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks.
  4. Hi Guys Any advice / help would be very much appreciated. A few weeks ago i returned home to find a hand posted brown envelope from a field representative from Scotcall asking me to phone him urgently on a mobile number. I have also had numerous phonecalls from Scotcall to my work mobile number which are becoming more frequent. As i didn't know what the debt was for or who for i ignored them. Tonight i was at work but my wife returned home from the weekly shop to be approached by a man from Scotcall asking for me, she explained that i wasn't in and didn't know when i'd be back. He once again left the same card and left. Am i right in thinking they are not allowed to do this, for one it was dark and my wife wasn't best pleasede to be approached by a big balding man wearing a high-vis jacket in an obvious attempt to look official. This time he had written the debt details on the card, its showing as £806.11 on a TOPMAN storecard which i had years ago (for my sins). This is an old debt that i stopped paying a few years back as with interest the debt just wasn't coming down. For example i think the original debt was for about £300, i paid £20 per month for over 2 years and a few years later the debt is now over £800. I appreciate that i stopped making payments but how i see it i've probably already paid back the original debt amount, its just the interest and lack of payments has now ramped up to a stupid amount. Where do i go from here ? Any help would be very much appreciated,
  5. Hi, I'm really hoping that someone can help. Last November 2011 I received a letter from Lowell group, via my mother in laws address. They say I have an oustanding balance of £197 from an account card with Monsoon. That a CCJ has been registered against me and that I must pay the outstanding balance. I contacted them, and explained that while I did once have a Monsoon card, I made my last payment (in full, as I did every month) when I moved from Somerset to Sussex in 2008. I moved to France in 2010, and had received no statements from Monsoon, (we had redirected mail) from 2008 onwards. They suggested I contact Monsoon. Which I did. They tell me that the debt had been sold to one company and now Lowell. I asked for copies of my statements as I disputed the debt. I was told that they were no longer held on file and would take up to 5 weeks to be produced. 5 weeks later I called back. They said it can take up to 6months to check the archives!! In the meantime I sent a letter to the bulk order court who had registered the ccj against me. Disputing the debt and asking for it to be overturned, on account that I was out of the country and I had not received any communication from Monsoon. This week my mother in law received some calls from Scotcall. I called them this morning and explained the situation. (the debt has been sold on to them). they tell me that someone from Lowells will get back to me. Obviously, if I owe the money I will pay it. Although I was told not to pay by Lowells as it was in dispute. Where do I stand? I have never heard back from Monsoon, Lowell (in writing) or the courts. I'm trying to deal with this from France and it's proving to be very difficult. Can anyone advise?
  6. Hi All, Back again for more advice from you great people. Have had a letter from ScotCall this morning threatening doorstep visit for an old SB Debt which they are trying to collect on behalf of Activ Capital. Just a bit of history: Aktiv Capital have been passing around an old debt for sometime now, via Equidebt, Buchanan Clark and Wells etc. The ususal. Threatening letters from both which I ignored, then letters offering substantial discounts etc. I ignored all, and they disappeared. I always waited to see what they were going to do next before actually doing anything and because they all disappeared I didn't bother. I knew it would only be a matter of time before they passed it on to another, which obviously, is now ScotCall. Never had a doorstep threat-o-gram before though so thought I would re-post. This debt they are chasing would have officially become SB in 2007. I am a member of all the main credit reference agencies, Equifax, Experian and Call Credit. The debt is not showing on any of my files and I can see that my files were refreshed in 2007. I have never acknowledged the debt in any way since 2001 so I know it is definitely be SB. For ScotCall though, should I send off one of Brig's simple SB letters or the full one? And should I include a doorstep related letter in the same envelope? Or should I just continue to ignore? Don't really want the neighbours knowing about all of this if they are going to call round. I've read that sometimes they will ask your neighbours about you? Thanks in advance as always.
  7. We received this letter this morning and even before we opened it we saw that the first name was wrong. Turns out it's a letter from Scotcall demanding payment of £87.50 for an outstanding undisputed claim against my wife. Apparently we have failed to respond to previous correspondence, which we have never received. Having had a quick look through the forum we can see this is a standard letter. Ours differs only in the name of the Claimant. http://imageshack.us/f/577/scotcall2.jpg/ We rarely use Superdrug and only for very small purchases, less than £5.00 so where this has come from we don't know. Do we need to write to Superdrug re this and scotcall to deny this so called outstanding undisputed claim.
  8. Hello, I have had a hand delivered card from the lovely people at Scotcall . I am not too concerned at all infact am rather relaxed. The debt is 14 yrs statued barred. Are they daft enough to take this to court , I am hoping they will to be honest. Part of me thinks just ignore them and let them waste money in chasing , or do the standard letter telling them its SB. What would everyone else do.....
  9. Hi everyone, My Anglian Water debt is now with Scotcall after being with Moorcroft for a while. My question is do I make the offer of payment(however small) to Scotcall or direct to Anglian Water? Many thanks.
  10. Hi im new here, and to this. Basically when i was in university a few years ago (2006) i cancelled an o2 account. Handling money properly was not on my mind!! i have received 2 emails and 2 maybe 3 letters from Scotcall now. It was originally from Lowell (who last yr seemed to get hold of my bank details to make a payment, but my bank got it back and classed it as fraud) I since spoke to Lowell, and asked them about the o2 account (as to be honest i had completely forgot about) He became very defensive stating 'was i disputing the debt' i said i would just like some proof of this. Which he said that it was possible that a mobile phone contract would not have a signed agreement, so he does not need to show proof. He advised that the debt was from 2006 with o2, and they took it over in 2010. Scotcall have emailed and wrote to me stating that someone will call at my home address. (which is my family home, and no longer live there, and they do no want to face my mum!) Any advice for me? Shall i just set up a payment scheme with them, or can i request payment slips? as i do not want a direct debit. KR
  11. This is my first post so I am sorry if it is in the wrong section, I am sure a moderator will move it if it is. I got home late last night & noticed a draft coming through the letter box, when I checked there was a brown envelope in there which had been delivered by hand. Inside was a card from ScotCall about my debt to the Co-Op bank for a credit card I had which is in excess of £9k, mostly excessive interest charges. The card said not to ignore it and to contact Gary on the number provided. I have no intention of calling Gary but I know my wife will freak out when she knows someone has been to the house. In the past it was just threatening phone calls and letters from our creditors until the National Debt Line told me letters to send out; these then stopped overnight and I have not heard anything for more than 2 years. Can they do anything if they do turn up or do they need to take me to court first? If I was on my own it wouldn't bother me but my wife is thinking of the shame if our family and neighbours find out. Just a bit of extra info: 1) The debt is definitely mine, but I couldn't pay so I had an agreement for £5 month. However this became too much so I stopped paying. 2) After numerous threats from DCA's the letters stopped more than 12 months ago. 3) I have been redundant for 3 years after the financial meltdown of 2008. 4) Nationwide took me to court and have a charging order against my house for their debt - this means I have no equity in the house and cannot sell without their permission. 5) My Credit Score is 299, which says I am poor. Tell me something I don't know. Thanks for any help offered.
  12. hi, hope someone could be of help to me... i received a letter today dated the 5th july 2012 from scotcall instructing me of a pre-visit notice, the debt is with express gifts which i took out when i was 16, year 2000/2001, i also received in a brown envelope which was hand posted a card from scotcall instructing me that they have tried to visit 3 times today and requesting i should ring them back asap. i am unsure of what to do on this matter now and i dont want to be living in fear that they are going to be knocking on my door every five minutes and take my belongings. HELP!
  13. Hi Guy's As above, basically a debt that has been statute barred for around 3 years. This morning we get a letter from Provident telling us they bought the debt from Scotcall. I have uploaded the letter for your perusal. Please advise on suggested next step. Many thanks David Just seen the letter is really small, cant at the moment see how to increase the size, will keep trying.
  14. Hello everyone! I've lurked on here for a while taking in the great advice, but thought i'd get a second opinion on a couple of old debts... Back in my student days I was terrible with money, buried my head in the sand and went off travelling for a few years. I'm back in the UK now and settled, and trying to sort my credit history out. I have 2 old SB debts with Lowell, who keep sending begging letters, one for an old o2 contract (defaulted in 2005) and an Egg CC which dropped off my credit file in May this year. I'm ready to send them SB letters regarding them but my only issue is the last old debt I have, which is also with Lowell. It is for Capital One, having checked my Equifax the dafault date was 2/07/2006, so in a couple of weeks. Reading the advice on here I know a lot of the time the default date can be a few months after the last payment was actually made - so do I send the SB letter to them too?? Their most recent correspondance says it is being transferred to Scotcall from 01/07/12. I've never acknowledged any debts or made any payments to Lowell in the past 6 years (mainly due to being away!) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Had a letter from Scotcall stating they'd be coming 'round to see me regarding a debt that's done the rounds with BCW and Aktiv Kapital. Long story short is I believe it now to be SB. I'm moving soon so they'll have fun turning up at my old address, which will be empty and only accessed by security doors! That said I don't want cards etc put through the door as it'll be my old landlord / agent who'll receive and I don't want my neighbours 'questioned' or my business known to all and sundry Best plan here?
  16. This is from Credit Today - appalling grammar in the article, they need somebody to proof read who actually knows proper English.... http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14092/online-news/scotcall-group-unveils-20m-expansion-plan Not sure where they are going to expand as more people start googling these companies and finding the posts on CAG about their lack of powers.
  17. I have epilepsy, and every now and then I need to stop working because I go through a spell of having fits. This is beneficial for both myself and those around me. I have currently been out of work since October '11. The bad thing that comes from this is that it I am not able to earn money to do nice things, or pay for nice things for example my mobile phone bill. I currently live with my girlfriend who is paying for all the bills and is essentially running the house on her wage alone; because of this she cannot afford to pay the phone debt. I don't claim disability or unemployment benefits because I'm not eligible. I'd like to know can I hold off from paying my mobile phone debt until I can start working again, or is there any sort of disability grant which I can get to pay it which I can pay back when I start working? Currently, Orange are raping my credit rating and there is nothing I can do. I have to sit back and allow it. Help, anyone?
  18. Morning, I recently sent Fredrickson International a CCA request for a Capital One account. I've received a letter today advising they do not accept that they are the creditor but are willing to assist in obtaining the request and will be contacting the creditor to obtain it and will revert back to me. They have suspended all further action for the time being and have returned my £1 postal order. Should I sit back and wait for their reply or is there anything or any response I should send to them. Thanks
  19. Over the past month, I have had numerous phonecalls from a mobile phone number I don't recognise (got the number by dialling 1471). No message left on my answerphone so, I just ignore them. (had a suspicion it might be from a DCA). My phone number is ex-directory but it seems that these parasites can somehow get hold of ex-directory numbers. Anyway, I was out all day yesterday and didn't get home until 4am so slept very late into this afternoon. Comes down to find an envelope. In it, it contained a business card from Scotcall - complete with the same mobile phone number that keeps ringing me. I suspect this is for an old debt which is either just gone past it's sell-by date or just coming up for it. I think it is for an old Barclaycard debt. If it is, then it has done the rounds of nearly every DCA in the country! I have not been taken to Court. They have threatened on the card to come back again (harrassment?) My attitude to them is to go away in short, sharp, jerky movements. I will not contact them, talk to them or in any way be intimidated by them but they do seem to be getting rather desperate. Even if I did admit such a debt, I do not have the means to pay a penny. I was widowed earlier this year and my late husband left me virtually penniless (he didn't have life insurance). I have to live on £300 a month which consists of my late husband's two small pensions and the Widows Pension (can never remember what the new name for it is). I've cut expenditure to the bone and am thankful at the moment it is not too cold so have kept my central heating off. Thankfully, I get most of my rent and council tax paid for me but it is still a struggle. There are very few jobs here, not even temporary jobs and being in my mid 50s doesn't help either. I don't seem to get past the application form stage! I wish I could find a job as it would at least get me out of the house for a while. I started machine knitting again in the hope that I would be able to sell some knitwear. Sod's law, the machine broke down and is now in for repair. Anyway, I digress. How to deal with ScotCall. Should I just carry on ignoring them and hope they get fed up and go and annoy someone else? Incidentally, I had the Barclaycard in 2004. For some reason they put a stop on the card before it had reached it's limit of £500 despite the fact I used to pay the balance always on time so the initial debt was just over £400. We fell into financial hardship and I couldn't pay the outstanding balance. The last time I had a DCAs letter about this was a year ago - they were claiming just over £800. Said letter went in the shredder. It's been a horrible year and despite everything that's happened, I try to remain upbeat but I am starting to lose hope now. Things can only get better doesn't seem to be happening despite my best efforts
  20. Hello, For the past six months or so, I have been receiving letters at my house for my brother - who does not, and has never lived here for one of his debts. this DCA obviously found my name in the phone book or something and thought they'd get lucky. I have asked them to stop calling, and after the last letter I sent them an email as follows: Since sending this I have had two more letters, one now advising me of a doorstep collection. Am I within my rights to go ahead and sting them for harrassment? Advice appreciated, Thanks Sam
  21. A little bit of help / information would be welcome if any. Thanks in advance Briefly: Company – Vodafone – 18 Month Contract After 4 months, split with partner, left in serious debt (about £60k) Phone returned to Vodafone + explanation and minimal offer Vodafone keep phone and no response Passed to CrapQuest – Letter DEMANDING payment Letter + copy of Vodafone letter to CrapQuest Rejected by CrapQuest Letter to Crapquest requesting Statement, Letter of Assignment, T & C’s Letter from CrapQuest stating they did not require a Letter of Assignment, statement just a total on a pice of paper In meantime CrapQuest pass Debt to Scotballs Email to Scotballs telling them account in query. Get apology and a/c returned to CrapQuest Letter from CrapQuest offering 50% discount if paid immediately – Have they purchased debt As no Letter Of Assigment arrive requested CrapQuest to desease processing my data No response – Letter to CrapQuest indicating I would take legal action under the DPA Debt passed to Fredprickson Demanding payment or they will go to court As Fredprickson are not the account holder I know that any action will need Vodafone on it. My question is as this has been passed all over the place between mugs and thugs and with no letter of assignment and therefore breaching the Data Protection Act, not forgetting the offer of a 50% discount from CrapQuest, when / if this goes legal where do I stand as I no longer have the phone (can I request this back) as I would not have had the full benefit fromthe phone. I am not trying to dodge the debt but get a fair result
  22. Hello all, i hope i get some help because im going nuts!!! So two years ago, on the previous flat i was renting i had british gas & Electricity. When i moved out i missed "Apparently" few payments. since Last year i been receiving calls from Wescot Credit services to pay the debt. I chose to ignore them because i remember not having any debt. Then i received a letter from a solicitors office sayin that wescot is willing to consider realistic options for repayment based on my personal circumstances. I emailed them, asking for the bill that states my name, my flat the bill is for and the amount i owe, as well as the dates for this amount. That was a month a go (10/03/11). I told them that i only will to contact them through emails. I received no reply whatsoever Today (7/04/11) I received a letter from ScotCall Debt collecting services with a Doorstep Collection Notice, saying that if i dont pay the debt immediately my account will be passed to their Field representatives to arrange a doorstep call. What can i do?? Shoul i email the ScotCall Debt collectors and say the same stuff i told the solicitors? (send me a bill with the amount owned etc) Please Help. Regards, Charlee
  23. Hi i need some help regarding ScotCall Dept Collecting Services. I had a River Island store card when i was 18 and never payed it off, in fact I have never payed any money towards this card. I'm now 25 away to turn 26 soon and they are looking for £175.39. These letters came out of the blue a while ago. The dept was with some other company before but has now been passed on to ScotCall. I have been just chucking these letters in the bin. I could keep ignoring them but i think i'ts about time i got them to stop wasting paper and save some tree's : ) by the way i live in Scotland any advice would be great and thank you in advance.
  24. I purchased a phone on an 18 month contract from Orange in April 2008. In September 2009 I decided I wanted to cancel the contract after the 18 month period was up and sent an e-mail and covering letter by post to this effect. I also cancelled the direct debit after the final payment was taken from my bank account. The phone was not used after the date I sent the cancellation e-mail and letter. I heard nothing from Orange and considered the contract closed and all was ok. Then in early January 2010 I received a letter from Orange stating that my account was in default and that I owed £60.74 in airtime. I immediately phoned Orange who said they had received my e-mail but an operator had tried to contact me but I was unavailable and a message was left to phone their help desk. There was no message left on my land line, and as I was not using the mobile phone no message was seen. No letter was received either. The operator asked for a payment of the £60.74 which I refused. Since then I have received many letters and phone calls from debt agencies, firstly from Moorcroft then DLC and now the latest is Scotcall. All have asked for the payment and which I have refused. Threats of court action, doorstep collectors etc have followed. I have told Moorcroft and Scotcall that I want them to take me to court as I dispute the debt, but nothing has happened yet. Now the final straw. I tried to purchase a computer yesterday on a buy now pay later finance option but was refused finance for the first time ever in my 64 year life. I went to creditexpert and got a credit report and lo and behold there is one default among the 17 listed and it's Orange. This was added in June of this year. So although I am disputing the debt, Orange are allowed to trash my otherwise perfect credit rating. What can I do now? Any help would be great.
  25. Lost my job for health reasons, Nothing life threatening but would make working a set routine impossible. I had major debts on credit cards which i didnt really think about as i could easily make the minimum payment plus extra. What i did not know or think about was the fact it would take manymany years to pay them off at that rate. I only found that out after reading posts on the internet. The credit card companies were a right pain in the backside to try and arrange payment plans. Insisiting i paid them a figure i just did not have to give them. I snapped on the phone and told them to get lost in a few choice words. A day or two later i get a letter saying they are trying to help me and are not there to wind me up. That was it i flipped. I sat there with scissors and cut the cards, bills, letters up into tiny pieces. Letters arrived i tore them up. Phone calls go so bad i had to turn the ringer off. They sent text calls to the landline as well. So the calls arrived later than they are legally allowed to call you. I had fake parcel cards. Promotional leaflets, emails offering me cheap items & loans. Obvious they were from these people as i used single email accounts for each company. Mix up with useless staff at the social office who never gave me all the correct paperwork. I ended up owing council tax and rent. I took advice and everyone said these must be paid at all costs. I offered them £2 a week. Which sounded silly to me but having nothing left at the end of the week broughteven that amount into reality. They called me into an interview and said they could get £3 if they took me too court, I gave them a list of my incomings and outgoings and they said thats fine carry on. I am ebarrassed to admit but i have debts with 8 different companies totalling around 50,000pounds. These have been passed onto countless different companies all offering to help but asking for figures i just could not afford. I read that whatever i pay one companmy i should also pay to the others as you cannot pay them with a preference. I think thats right. Some of the debts are far in excess of the original credit limits. Things went quiet for a while, phone calls for a few days then the odd letter. I was advised to file for bankruptcy but cannot afford to pay for it, I was told let them make me bankrupt which is no worse. I dont care about my credit file as i have learned a big lesson here. I never want credit ever ever again. This has been going on for nearly 4 years now and nobody has yet taken me to court, In the past week i have been getting letters every day sometimes more than one letter from mackenzie hall, The phone has started ringing at all hours again. They are threatening to send people to my door to collect on these debts. What am i to do. I just cannot see a way out of this situation, Living on IB and income support. No other income. ANything of value has been sold to pay bills. Help please what do i do next.
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