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  1. Hi all, I have a number of unsecured debts and phone contracts that resulted from me giving up my business at the start of 2009 to take care of my parents who both have dementia. The debts were personal and not in the business name, although almost all of them were used to set up my business. I always intended to go bankrupt but due to the pressure I am under looking after both of my folks, I just never got round to it. Letters came through the door, but nobody ever knocked it and here we are 6 years later. The letters are rare. In the last few months I have only received about 2-3 letters a month. As you can tell i'm in poor state with the paperwork and uncertain. I am on carers allowance and income support and have no assets. Today I decided to check my credit report after discussing this with a friend. To my surprise Experian gave me a 'fair' and im only 40 points off a 'good', 860/999. Looking on my report I can't see any details of these debts although I do have 3 warnings on my account: You have a defaulted or delinquent account (but no accounts or amounts appear?) You have no settled non-mail order credit accounts You have opened 1 new credit account in the last 6 months (a new bank account, but doesn't have an overdraft, it's a Cashminder that I was preparing to go bankrupt with). I thought that on my report I would see a list of people chasing me and for set amounts, but that is not the case. Does it not work like that or have I overlooked it? Experian is also suggesting I am eligible for loans and cards, although the rates are sky high 25-50%. I'm not looking for a loan, but I was surprised to see it as an option. Given my situation I was looking at going bankrupt but having seen this file i'm not so sure. I do owe that tax man £2000 from the business which I could offer to pay in smaller chunks to save going bankrupt. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but I felt that I needed to understand my report better before knowing how to proceed. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  2. Hi, I am on JSA and am currently with a work programme provider. I have two issues I hope someone can help me with. First I have been told that I need to attend their (the work programme provider) site for regular jobsearching on their system, but I was also told I need to leave a written record of jobs I have applied for with them at the end of the session (telling me this is mandated for everyone with them on JSA by the DWP). I am sure I have read in this forum somewhere that I do not have to leave this written record for data protection and other reasons, does anyone know where I can find this information, preferably with some sort of evidence/proof that I can take along to my next jobsearch? Second I suffer from anxiety and have brought either my partner or a family member with me to many of my meetings. I am also sure I have seen other clients doing the same thing. My current advisor (like previous advisors I have had with them) appeared to be understanding with this and even put me on a self help course. However literally only minutes after I tried to defend what I believe to be my rights concerning the written record, I was told for health and safety, blah blah, insurance, blah blah etc that I cannot bring anyone along who is not a registered carer with me from now on. This is already very stressful for me even with bringing someone along, does anyone have any advice on this. I feel a little victimised considering the timing of this sudden change and feel they are trying to punish me for standing up for my rights. Thanks in advance for any Help.
  3. Hello, I entered a DMP 12 years ago which still has another 8 years to go. Most of the debts defaulted me over 6 years ago so the records have fallen off my credit reports although I am still paying them through my DMP. The remaining debts I am attempting to get removed. Due to family issues money is very tight at the moment and I am starting to begrudge paying my DMP as I feel that the DCA's have probably had more money off me than they paid for the debt. I also regret not going bankrupt or simply not paying as either way I wouldn't have these payments hanging over me now as the bankruptcy would have ended long ago or the debts become statute barred. I wanted to "do the right thing" but now I am wondering what would happen if I simply stopped paying my DMP now (after I have hopefully got the remaining defaults showing backdated and therefore removed from my record). Could the DCA's get a CCJ ? If they did would it show on my credit report given that the debts have already fell off ?
  4. From dangerous daffodils being banned on a village green, to pork crackling not on the menu at a restaurant because it might splash the chef – complaints from the public being fobbed off with ‘elf and safety excuses are at a record high. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the HSE panel has confirmed that health and safety regulations do not ban the activity and that ‘health and safety’ is being used as a smokescreen, usually to hide poor customer service. Here's some of the more stupid excuses: pork crackling not on the menu at a restaurant because it might splash the chef prams banned from a children’s centre for health and safety reasons dangerous daffodils removed from a village green custard pie fight at a local event cancelled because of health and safety chippy not allowing customers to put salt and vinegar on their fish and chips ban on playing with conkers and yoyos, using skipping ropes, and climbing trees selfie sticks banned in a nightclub sheep and cow droppings in a field stopping a scout group camping school production cancelled because lighting operator had not attended ladder training course loose flowers and pots not allowed on graves office ban on paperclips The Myth Busters Challenge Panel, to date, have considered over 350 cases and their responses published on the HSE website. http://www.hse.gov.uk/myth/myth-busting/index.htm
  5. Hi Rented home evictions hit record levels in 2014 according to this Guardian article - amongst other issue its worth noting the sections regarding 'social landlords' http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/feb/12/evictions-rented-homes-record-levels-2014 My opinions as per usual W
  6. Hi everyone, In June 2011 I was caught travelling on an incorrect ticket and was interviewed under caution by a FCC revenue Protection Officer. He didn't take my signatures on the statement or his notes although I clearly remember him stating the caution and then proceeding with the interview. Thnaks to this forum, I got some good guidance on how to handle such a case and managed to pay a charge to FCC prosecution department and persuaded not to proceed further with the case (a substantially high amount imho but I was travelling without a valid ticket so was clearly in the wrong). Now,I am required to apply for a job which requires me to have a DBS/CRB Standard Criminal Record Check. I am worried that the 'caution' may show up on the criminal record although I am certain that the caution procedure was not strictly adhered to. Please can you advise if such a caution will show up on my criminal record? Your comments are most welcome. Thanks,
  7. I am receiving help with my mortgage and originally filled in the M112 form - about 2 years ago. Today I got a letter telling me another office has taken over the work from my previous office and they have NO M112 form - so have sent another one to fill in. Is this normal, and will they stop payment until they get this form back. I should point out nothing has changed from my perspective. Are they trying to catch people out. Sorry for the panic but anything different throws me.
  8. I've posted several times on the forum regarding different issues, but this is something I strongly suspect is false paperwork. Had to order the Judgement Debtor to attend for questioning for the fact we have a CCJ and they're not paying. So, she brings all the evidence (and I was there to witness all this, and have their partner stare me out silently) and I receive a copy in the post. Now I'm not sure this is where I have any case whatsoever. They submit their partner's wageslip as "any other income to the household" and the wageslip stinks. Tax code is a very old one (it's 10000 now, this is less than half that), a date showing next year's date, a tax office reference that the HM Customs & Revenue website doesn't recognise, the amount earned to date divided by the date (back to 4th April) shows they earn more than stated on this wageslip and finally, no one seems to have heard of the job title shown on the wageslip. All adds up to something fishy methinks. But can I go back to the Court to point these irregularities out? If I can get evidence of false paperwork (ie non existent tax office) would this be classed as contempt of court for submitting falsified paperwork?
  9. To cut a long story short (this is in an old thread I started around 18 months ago), we have a judgement for just over £6000, which we are currently attempting to enforce. We had an Examination done which gives all income/expenditure details, looking like we won't get much per month (£150 offered), but it we accept the £150 in a varied order, can it be changed afterwards (as declared in the Record of Examination is a large loan due to be paid off in around 2 months which frees up just over an extra £200)? Therefore after 2 months could we request £350 per month as this will be the amount surplus after this time. Other than that are there any other items I could discount (ie non-essential items/bills) which I could refuse to take into account? Many thanks.
  10. Hi there, I've recently discovered I have a CCJ from a Comet Store card of around £970 which was registered when they were underwritten by Santander. I've contacted the solicitors who dealt with the process and they say it was passed back to Santander. Who are now New Day ltd, I've spoken to both Santander (who have no record of it existing) and New Day who can't find any record of it either. I need to get a certificate of Satisfaction in order to rent a property and can't seem to do so.? Is my only option to write to the court to get the judgement set aside? What else can I do to resolve it in as timely a manner as possible? Thank you
  11. Hi, I was caught on London bus on June .. for using rail pass issued for my friend .. later I got summon to appear on court this 30 , Sept .. 1. for using the pass issued for another person 71 b 2.contrary to section section 25(3) I'm a mom of 2 young children,trying for job and don't want to end up with a criminal record on my name I tried calling tfl in this numbers several times ..(02070279158,02030543595,02030543825,02030544374,02030545522) cant get them (I aimed to convince them by pleading guilty )..please help ..please help .. how can I avoid criminal record ? _Chida
  12. Hi all since late in 2013 i have received 288 calls to my mobile which i have logged,had many more but did not log them. 93 text messages logged,many more not logged. And about the same to my land line plus numerous emails. Is this a CAG record.
  13. My wife was caught using a student oyster (from my son) instead of her one. TFL will prosecute her, and once she pleads guilty, she will get a criminal record. Will this affect our immigration process to the UK? I am using the tier 1 (investor) visa to stay in UK, this is my first year staying here.
  14. Hello in nov 2010 i hit a car in car park (broken lamp + scratch bumper). The insurance paid for damages (i lost NCB). In 2012 (january?) i received a letter from Camp solicitors that they are going to the court in 10.2012. Called my insurance and they told me that they want to go because Camp want to much, but its only about money and i dont need to go. No more letters/calls. in 2012/13 i wanted to buy the council house - my morgage has been declined (in 2008 i had mortgage offer with excelence credit score) in January 14 i applied to right to buy again, again the mortgage refused, but now i found that i have a ccj again me from 10.2012 for a £1900 still active (not paid). in April i Contacted my insurance (the lawyer company working for them). They told that they paid money and will sort all. They contacted with the court with prof of payment and the court changed files to satisfied. But they paid money after 30 days (insurance paid after 38 days) and CCJ is still on my files. I cant buy the house, i have a business and this is affecting me. Im renting the house instead of paying mortgage, The house is £10k more expensive from when i first applied. I cant buy home insurance and have been burglary 05.14 (£1200 loss). What can i do to have a CCJ removed? Can i claim any losses/cost? A clear credit record changed to a badly damaged one all from the incompetance of a professional company paid to deal with matters on behalf of the insurers. What should I expect for 6 years physical damage (already 2 years) Then there's the mental stain it has caused. The stress caused to deal with this. The break down in my relationship with my family. The higher interest rates that have been impossed on me as a result of the ccj being visable to lenders. The restriction of not being able to extend credit to grow my business. Think they need to pay me for having to think of all the things on top of that too. Not letting go of this as the company deserve what's coming to them for their failiures Any Help? Thank You Regards Lucas
  15. hi This is my first post, i have been seaching through the forum for a while, i am getting confused. my husband has several credit cards debts, dating from 2005, they have been passed on to various DCA over the years. He has been paying a token payment of £1.00 SINCE 2006, he is on Esa support group and incapacity allowance prior to this, After reading on here we have requested a credit report from experian. Lowells have sent a form 'Consent to record sensitive data' what does this mean exactly. Is he obliged to get a letter from a relevent proffessional regarding his health, as they mention this in the letter and pass it on to them, We live in a rented house and there are no assets, do i send them a copy of a benefits letter guidence or advice would be appreciated thanks
  16. Just as a enquiry can anyone tell me can an employee record meetings between ourselves and him, and pass them on to third parties??? or indeed communicate meetings over phones. either the above without consent
  17. Energy giant E.On is to pay a record £12m penalty, following an investigation into mis-selling by the industry regulator. Ofgem said it was the largest penalty paid to date by a UK energy supplier. Its investigation found "extensive poor sales practices" amongst staff selling on the doorstep and by phone. E.On has apologised to its customers, and has promised to pay compensation to anyone who was mis-sold an energy package. The company has estimated that the bill for compensation payments is likely to be between £3m and £8m, on top of the £12m penalty. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27433428 Not to worry though, they'll soon claw that back from their pensioner customers: Energy giant E.ON scraps 25% discount for hard-up pensioners despite making £2m a day profit Energy giant E.ON is hitting hard-up pensioners with huge price hikes while raking in profits of £2million a day. Tens of thousands of elderly people face a bill shock after the supplier said it was scrapping a 25% saving for some of its poorest customers. Those affected have been given just six weeks notice before price soar. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/city-news/eon-hits-tens-thousands-pensioners-3541842#ixzz31rogFIiT
  18. My final CCJ turns 6 today, Happy Birthday Equifax removed it last weekend But it remains on Callcredit and Experian Does anybody know how long it takes CRAs to remove it?
  19. I believe it's up to you but can someone provide the legislation that proves this? I have been told I must use a log and not my normal booklet due to a petty vindictive lady
  20. Can someone tell me how long a CCJ stays on someone's credit file please? Is it 1. when a debt is paid off in full (if paid in installments or in one go) at which point it is removed, 2) a certain amount of years (6?) after the debt is paid off in full (either by installments or in one go), or 3) a certain number of years from the date the Judgment was made regardless of whether it is paid off, in part, or not (and do dismissed or set aside applications have a bearing on when the clock starts ticking?) Also, how do credit reference agencies ensure that a defendant's address details are current? Many thanks
  21. Dear Members, I hope someone can help me. I have just received my employment record for the last five years from HMRC and I cant see mention of my job for a specific company in 2010. I worked for a local company for 6 months but there is nothing in employment record. I am unable to contact my previous employer becasue the company has gone into administration. Could someone advise me what to do. I have a doubt that my employer did not show me as his employee and did not pay any tax on my behalf.
  22. Hi, Would appreciate some advice on the following matter. I was dismissed for some other substantial reason several months ago and am now negotiating the terms of the COT3 agreement with the Respondent. I agreed to a low settlement award (less than two months salary) on the basis that the dismissal was overturned and the reason for leaving was changed to "by mutual agreement". The Respondent has come back and said that to do this would be misleading and will instead adhere to the standard reference upon any enquiry from any prospective employer. My queries are: 1) from a HR perspective, how would this affect me going forward? 2) Is this is a reasonable agreement for me? I do believe that I have a strong case. 3) If this is not a fair agreement - please could you advise what I should be asking for? Many thanks
  23. THREAD NOTE: the OP talks of a CCJ this is infact a DEFAULT MARKER ignore the reference to it being a CCJ. dx - siteteam ........................................................... Hi All, the is my forst post on CAG. I have a question, which im hoping the community will be able to advice me on if it is legal, and if not the steps to take to resolve this. 7 and a half years ago, i split with my X wife, which was quite a bitter split. In her wisdom, when we split and put the marital home up for sale, a few weeks later my x wife took the house off the market, stating i had never asked for her permission to sell the house, and she refused to sell the house even though she had moved out when we split. Consuquetly, the house was repossed and a CCJ was rejistered against me. I did try and come to an amicable agreement with the Natwest where by i was responsible for half the debt (£16,800), and my x wife was responsible for the other half, and once my half was paid off it would show as settled on my record, which they rejected. So, i thought i would wait out the 6 years, for the CCJ to expire. During this time we have moved twice, and i have not received any letter from anyone for about 2 years relating to the CCJ, so im actually unsure who actually own's the debt (Natwest or DCA) The debt did expire on May 31st 2013, and did 'dissapear' off my credit file. I pay a monthly subscription to experian so regually check my file. Last week the payments started showing again on my credt file as 6 months in arrears and deliquent. After alot of research i was under the impression that once the CCJ had expired after 6 years, that was that, unless of course they tried to re-rejister to the courts for a CCJ. Im thinking of getting legal advice, however before going through the cost i thought i'd see what my options are on here. So my questions are: 1. Is it true the Natwest or any DCA can rejister these late payments that have just appeared on my Credit Report after the six years 2. If not, what are my options to have these removed from my credit file? We where hoping to buy a new house in the next 6 months, however that is going to be impossible with this on my file All help is VERY greatfully apreciated in advance
  24. after having received a CCJ even though i believe the debt to be statued barred (thats a whole nother thread) i looked up my credit record on experian and check my file. Im a little confused, it seems some accounts that i have not made payments on for at least 2 years up to 4 years are not showing as defaulted. Now am i right when i say i thought any account should be marked as defaulted on a credit file 6 months after last payment made or acknowledgement of debt. Why have the creditors not defaulted them, Im guessing its so they cant say the debt is statued barred in 6 years. Here is my thinking in a example below, am i right, is it legal. Should i just ignore it until i know the debt is statued barred. £1000 Debt where last payment was made in 2005 Debt not marked as defaulted until 2011 Not technically statued barred until 2017 but should have been statued barred in 2012
  25. In may 2009 I bought a car with a Hire Purchase finances from Blackhorse. The car immediately developed terminal problems to the engine and I rejected the car on the on the basis of ‘breach of contract under the supply of good (implied terms) act 1973’. In February 2010 I started court proceeding against Blackhorse and the dealer that sold me the car. In November 2010 I obtained judgement in my favor against the dealer and he had to pay all my costs and losses. Blackhorse retained the car. To date Blackhorse still record a default against my agreement because I stopped making payments! This has clearly caused mayhem in my life and I need to act fast to rectify this situation. What your advice would be? Regards
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