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  1. I have a Very mail order catalogue for many many years, have a huge credit limit and only every owe it £100 - £150 at a time at most. Maybe a couple of day late payments but NEVER been in default, never not paid etc etc. can they just send me a letter increasing the general interest rate from 14% to 26% a nd make it apply to the amount I have outstanding. I thought it would be on future orders but it appears it's on everything I owe. Can they just randomly put the rate up? I didn't order goods at 26% can they legally just effectively charge me what they like.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29530615 You would have thought they would have learned their lesson by now.. but nope.. they try to squeeze these ads through !
  3. Dear all, I am looking for some advice in regards to British Gas. When I moved into my current property, the previous account holders put my husbands name on the account, rather than starting a new account. This meant that we ended up being on a business tariff rather than domestic, and there was an outstanding amount to be paid from the previous bill. To say I am cross is an understatement! we went through the whole rigmarole of changing the account to British Gas Domestic (as we were told they couldn't re-assess our bill to domestic rates unless we joined them on the domestic side first?!? We wanted to change to a different company, but felt they gave us no choice!) Only after numerous phone calls to both business and domestic companies (I lost the will to live that day, 7 1/2 hours in total!) and was finally told we had to fill in a VAT declaration to state that the property is used for domestic purposes only. They told me to scan and email this form back to them (even though I told them I wasn't due to be connected to the internet for another week!) It took over three weeks for them to acknowledge receiving the email and we were told that we would have the matter resolved by the 4th August. We have had numerous amounts of letters threatening legal action for non-payment of this bill. Last time I called I was told they are computer generated and to ignore it as it was being dealt with. I came home Sunday, after a few days away, to find a letter from them threatening to disconnect our supply! (We have three children aged 4, 9 and 14!) We still haven't had the correct bill and I refuse to pay the bill until it is correct. Can anyone tell me where I should go next, as I really feel a complaint is in order and I need the bill corrected so I can pay what I do owe! On the other hand, I don't want them to cut our supply off!! At my wits end!! Thank you in advance Martini
  4. Last month I received a notice of a claim against me for £850. I immediately sent off the included form admitting to the full amount and offering £40/m which would have seen it paid off in under two years. The next contact I've received is today, stating that the claimant has objected to rate of payment offered and has issued a judgement against me demanding £1025 (including interest and costs) by instalments of £100. £100/m is going to be a huge stretch for me at the moment. The other factor is that I've just taken a new job that starts in three weeks and I was going to be applying for a flat on Monday morning. A CCJ is likely to obliterate any chance of that being successful. Is there anything I can do?
  5. As the title says. Just been to renew my pawn shop loan (gold chains) and for the first time in years at least 5 been a customer they have changed the contract and raised the interest on me. Never in 5 years has this happened, the contract is just renewed with the same terms as the original but this time they have increased the interest. I had no choice but to sign as otherwise I would have lost my gold in 2 days. Can they change the contract on me like this making me pay out more each month in interest. Interest on the original loan was set at £12.50 and now its gone up to £13.89, While its not much it all adds up over the 6 months. Anyone any ideas if this can be classed as unfair terms so I can raise the matter with the fos. My wife and I do have quite a few pledges with the same company and if this is going to happen all the time we will never be able to afford to get the gold out. Regards George
  6. Hi all. Looking for some advice please : After reading a little on the reclaiming of various fee's / charges I wanted to find out more about this matter. Looked into my mortgage paperwork and noticed that during the past few years the Broker has been paid over £3,000 and £4,000 for arrange a mortgage of £200,000 and that the rates are not high street rates eventhough my credit rating is very very good. Can you reclaim the fee's paid to Brokers and can you dispute the interest rate that the Mortgage Company is charging ? I am understanding that had a High street lender provided the mortgages the arrangement fee would be approx £400 and the monthly payment would be at least 30% less. Regretting not looking into this further at the start. Any info would be great - Thank you Forum.
  7. hi all my mortgage is going on a fixed rate from a variable will bring down the cost a little get help with it from dwp do i let them know or will my lender forgot to ask and where do i send it many thanks
  8. Continued from here.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?398262-The-great-interest-rate-rip-off-part-9
  9. I was thinking of signing up for a membership but was advised by a friend not to. He said that for £40 a month its overpriced and ran by twits. Anyone else heard anything?
  10. I dont think this is a problem but I would be interested if someone could perhaps explain this to me. I took out a VW Finance HP Agreement for a car in 2010 over 5 years and have been paying this off absolutely fine for the last 4 years. When I received my annual statement the first page showed: Start of Agreement Duration of Agreement Amount of Credit Rate of Interest (Fixed) Screen shot attached. It is this last point which has me puzzled as the rate of interest is shown as 0.00% which i find as strange as I am obviously paying interest on my HP finance. Any ideas?
  11. Does anyone have any experience of this? I have a sub-prime mortgage with Accord and since I came off their fixed rate initial special offer my interest rate has gone up three times - this during a period when base rate has been 0.5%. I now pay almost 8% but of course as I have struggled with the repayments, no other lender would touch me. The Financial Conduct Authority have now said they are going to be looking very closely at lenders who do this to 'trapped' borrowers while base rate stays so low. I have long thought how grossly unfair it is to continually put rates up when there is nothing trapped borrowers can do. Has anyone else had this experience? Accord tell me it is because I am a 'risk' but since I have a large amount of equity in my house I don't see how I am any more of a risk than anyone else. They can always get their money if I stop paying -meanwhile they have nearly an 8% return on their money - where else would they get that?? It would be good to compare notes in case the lenders in question don't take the very big hint the FCA are making!!
  12. Hello, I would appreciate any advice given on the following problem I have. A little background information. In June 2011 I opened a Limited Company and rented premisses (light industrial unit) to start a business. The lease was under my own name as the landlord would not make it on a name of a Limited Company (but it was OK on directors name). When I moved in the councils representative came along and took the details of the Limited company to send the bill to. I explained, and showed him that, I have not started trading and I will only start in 6 month time, at that time he told me that I don't have to pay for first 6 months and then would only pay %50 of the rateable value as a small business. I completed the form and sent it to the council. All correspondence with council was on the name of Limited Company. The address of the unit was also the registered address of the company. After 6 months the business still was not trading and it was likely it would never trade due to the nature of business and the current economy. By then we had spent all available money on research and development, which showed that the business was not going to succeed. We moved out and the company is now in liquidation. Today I received a letter from City Council at my HOME address demanding a business rate of £1803 for business premisses (period of 06/10/11 to 30/09/12) with a note "If not paid in 7 days it will be passed to a bailiff". What are my options? Should I just Ignore it as it's a Limited Companies liability? Thank you!
  13. Continued from here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?374679-The-great-interest-rate-rip-off-part-8/page82
  14. Hi, A bit of advice needed please (for my mother, not me) My mother came to me last week, after receiving a bill of £103 from o2 for her contract phone, when i looked into the bill, online, i noticed that there was premium text messages from Lotto by Text, at a cost of £3.50 each, this month there was £22.50 worth of text messages, I contacted O2 and they found text messages going back to November of 2012, at a cost of 127.50 + Vat @20% Total Cost £153.00 I contacted Lotto by text and asked for further information, they have told me that on 26/11/2013 a text activation was sent back to them from the registered number, thus agreeing to the terms and conditions, and a contract was started. My argument is that the first message she received, she believes was in relation to a free text message about the lotto number each week. She has never replied to a message for them, nor has she been entered into any lotteries, or had any winnings or such from them. They did agree that they would stop the service immediately, and would be in contact with a letter, and an offer of goodwill in relation to the amount of charges, and the length of time they have been received. This morning, she received a cheque for £20.00. Personally i believe this to be an insult compared to the £153 they have earned from the service, out of which, my mother has not gained anything whatsoever, do i have anything that i could go back to them with to get a larger refund from them? Thanks
  15. Only recently I had Reed look to pay me below the bottom of what they's quoted to get me to attend the interview for a job and then try to skim additional margin for paying me on Ltd Co. basis rather than PAYE. Now I have Randstad who have decided they got the pay rate wrong on a job I started after signing a contract at that rate and they've looked to cut the rate by 20% - they even attempted to backdate this and claim that I had to pay them back (something they've now backed down from). - are insisting that they had the right to make such changes immediately and without agreement (even backdating for time worked prior to notification). Whilst there are contract terms allowing them to move me to other assignments or to terminate an assignment, they did not explicitly do so, despite being asked several times if they were going to do so (to which they did not respond), It looks like I may need to go down the legal action route, although the amounts to gain are relatively small compared to the time and costs involved in pursuing such action. In the meantime, I'm working under protest and looking for another job; I hate the fact that I'm making the agency money until then. Any advice beyond avoiding dodgy agencies and consultants appreciated.
  16. Hello Forum, Does anyone have any experience to share here re Interest Rate Swap Agreement. A business friend who's been mis-sold a swap is going to a meeting with his Banks Lawyers in May. Is this advisable or should they only accept questions in writing? They are due a re-dress I guess based on what's occurred etc. Any thoughts welcome to pass on ...
  17. hi guys new to here so thank you in advance for any help i receive. it is much appreciated as i don't no how many more sleepless nights i can manage. 1st things 1st. i owned a business but closed it down just before xmas due to a couple of other businesses opening up the same as me credit crunch ect student fees going up less students(main business). the sub lease is still in affect until november 2013. meaning we would have to pay business rates up until then. (£450 pcm) our landlord said he would end the lease for us if we paid him 3 months rent. January to march. then all our business rates would also be cancelled as you are allowed 3 months grace when closing a business. Now our landlord has gone back on his word (suspect new incoming tennents have pulled out of taking over our shop.and told us he wants us to still pay him pcm. This now means we also have to pay our business rates pcm which we simply cant afford to do as now we are only living off 1 wage. we signed the lease as a sole trader and became a ltd company a year into our tenancy agreement. so no chance of desolving. Only option for us so we have been told is bankruptcy. Has anyone on here got any advice for us about this or any other options as we are only in our early 20s and want to avoid this is we can. Will the council be lenient or is there any way of reducing the business rates to be able to pay less monthly? as far as the landlord is concerned he is not now my priority to pay. the council come at the top of my list. many thanks for reading this and i am very grateful for any advice given to try help us move forward instead of backwards. thanks again
  18. I currently receive the basic pension plus an "additonal state pension" and an amount of graduated retirement benefit, total £164 pw. When the new flat rate is brought in will my pension be reduced to the £144 flat rate or is that just for new pensioners? Thanks in advance.
  19. I was recently visited by a bailiff on behalf of my council for falling behind on my business rate as my standing order was not confirmed due to an error on my part. It was a very embarrassing ordeal as my customers were present and I was very surprised to see the bailiffs as the council did not inform me of this visit nor that they had not received payments. Had i known i would have made payment. I called the council to remonstrate that i wasn't made aware of this and they said it was not their responsibility as I am behind on my payment so I reluctantly paid the bailiff as he was intimidating mentioning the longer he is here the more I will have to pay for his fees. Before leaving he did say the fees will be approx £250. After following up with the council for an itemised bill the bailiff sent me the following: Payment by C/C £113.94 Sch 5 Head H £24.50 Attendance / Van £150.00 Levy fee £111.00 Waiting £120.00 - I was not told there would be further credit card fees (i have paid the council using credit card before without paying extra fees) - Nothing was removed from my property so do not see why they have charged £150 for van fees. - I do not know what the 'levy'' or the 'Sch 5 Head H' fees are? - waiting fee as he was at the premises for just over an hour These charges look bogus and was wondering if anyone can advise as I feel I have been over charged? Many Thanks
  20. Can anyone please advise if there would be any other reason other than the CCA to be a duff recon if the following applies. On the CCA sent in reply to a s78 request, the cash advance interest is 16.3%APR. This just happens to also agree with the T & C's so on the face of it all looks good. However on the first statement of the account from early 2000 which the OC/DCA are unaware we have the interest charged is 1.093%. This put into any of the online interest calculators equates to 13.9%APR. Now I am pretty new to this but seems strange that the agreement is saying one thing but the reality all those years ago is saying something else. Further to this just above the cash advance line is what looks suspiciously like a line of cut off text. I admit it could also be just a paper fold but the copy as presented isnt clear enough to say one or the other for sure. No point in posting as the original I have here isnt clear enough as it is. So my question would be is there any other reason this could happen other they have tried to mix and match the agreement to the T & C's they have. Which inturn makes this a recon which inturn is likely to mean the original isnt there at all. If it was they would have photocopied it and the original APR as seen on the statement would be present. Which inturn would lead the T & C's to be wrong. Am I missing something?
  21. I received a letter today from Bank of Ireland informing me that although the base rate hasn't changed in almost 4 years, they've decided to increase the interest rate on my mortgage anyway. My mortgage is one that tracks at a fixed percentage above the base rate (they call it the 'differential'). It's this differential they're increasing. They say they're entitled to do this. Are they? I've had this mortgage for about 11 years. If they are allowed, would there be any point trying to argue/barter/threaten to leave?
  22. I have been paying a loan for over two years. The bank did not send me a statement at that time. Since then they have sold on the loan to a third party. At time of selling on they put an additional charge on the account - due to a change of interest. The third party appear to be charging a higher interest rate than was originally indicated on the loan. Any ideas what I can do about this.
  23. Is it just me confused? So now we need to pay NI for 35 years instead of 30. But stay at home mums & self employed will be the winners. Those things seem to contradict themselves? Am I mad to not apply for NI exemption whilst being self employed? I am now thinking I could be paying 10 quid a month into a life insurance. I didn't apply to be exempt as I thought I needed to pay it for a pension. Anyone able to explain it a bit clearer or is it still confusing for everyone? I'm a stay at home mum & self employed, but by the time 2015 comes though my teens will be adults so not sure if any of it applies to me anyway?
  24. Right, I noticed that my annual statement had come through for my car, for whatever reason I analyzed it. Ive just pulled the statement and the original agreement and it states the following Sum borrowed £12950 rate 6% per annum Interest calculated sum borrowed and admin fee of £199 Total interest is £4010.40 On reverse working this I have found that its either been calculated over 61 months not 60 or the rate is actually 6.1% The statment ssays its a 60 month agreement however the hp agreement says its a 61 month agreement but with 59 payments of xxx and one payment of xxx IE just a 60 month agreement. Confused....
  25. I have just received my award letter from the DWP and I have been automatically placed into the support group of ESA on contributions based. I was swapped over from Incapacity Benefit. I am slightly confused over my award. It says that I will get £71 per week, plus the support group payment of £34 on top. However, when I checked the benefit rates, it says that I should have been awarded £14.80 also extra for an enhanced disability premium, but there is no mention of this on my letter. Do I contact DWP over this? Confused.
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