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  1. I had a business account with NW and recently sent them a SAR (and £10 cheque) which they received on 16th August now well in excess of their 40 day requirement I have also now sent them the letter before court action, time period also expired without any contact. Wherer do I go from here?
  2. We have a suspended order with Nat West. We fell behind with the payments in March and received an eviction notice for the beginning of July. We completed an N244 form but when we went to the courts to hand it in we where told the eviction had been cancelled. We didn't received any notificate of this and it took quite a few emails to Nat West's solicitors to get a response - we finally got a copy of a letter saying it was cancelled because of the computer problems that Nat West had been having at the end of June. We caught up with the payments at the beginning of July and also made the monthly payment as normal at the end of July, the next is due the 28th August which will be paid on 24th. On 6th August we received a letter stating that they are going for an eviction, we have the date of 31st August. We telehoned Nat West only for a very automated response - "we missed a payment in April, they will not listen to the fact that we are now up to date.I cannot get any response from emailing their solicitors only that they are contacting their clients. We now have another lette rfrom the solicitors stating that they have not had a response from us about clearing the arrears (the full amount or nothing). This is since the telephone call to nat west and e-mails to the solicitors. I know that we missed some payments but surely they should take into account that all payments are now up to date. I am going to complete a N244 form and take this to court tomorrow I just need a bit of help in wording the statement to attach Thanks
  3. In 2010 my Company had a £150k utilisation against an agreed limit of £100k which was supported by a personal guarantee of £50k. This level was from time to time up to levels of £300k with the same level of £50k PG all arranged and managed by my business manager in the Corporate Unit. However the Company made severe losses in 2008 and we started to breach the facility. The Bank were aware of the losses and we provided management accounts to include cash flow forecasts on a regular basis. The Company returned to a profitable situation in 2009, however with the retained losses we were still heavily dependent on the overdraft facility for cash flow, although this was not hard core and we enjoyed swings into credit from time to time. During March 2010 the Company was transferred to Nat West Specialist Lending Unit. Everything appeared ok to start with then they sent me a revised facility letter increasing my Personal guarantee from £50k to £155k, a structured repayment plant of £5000 per month, 4% facility charge (£8k per annum), charges of 4.75% over Bank Base, and only in force for a 2 month period. We responded with a counter proposal agreeing to an increase of of £25k on my PG to £75k, repayment of the debt at £3k per month and 1% facility fee, which was inline with our cash flow forecast. They laughed at me and said I had no chance. A couple of days later they emailed me agreeing to most of my counter proposal but the £155k PG was a must.I informed them that I would take expert advice and would come back to them. After taking advice which was not to sign the new PG of £155k I returned to their offices and informed them. They immediately froze my accounts and told me its over and dont try and use your credit card. I then went to see a solicitor and sent a detailed explanation to the bank on how they were trying to bully me and were being totally unreasonable and the offer we were making was a calculated one based on the company accounts and that I was not worth £155k and could at a push maybe get to £75k. They telephoned me 2 weeks after receiving the letter saying they would accept all my proposals on the counter offer and give me some time to think about it. They also asked me why I had got solicitors involved. In this period they returned all my presentations and discredited me. I could not recover from this and had to liquidate the company. Nat West have now placed me in County Court for £50k plus interest. They are saying that I told them I was liquidating the company thats why they froze the accounts and are entitled to pursue me for the £50k. This is a total fabrication. Has anyone else been treated like this and do you feel I have a defence. Would it be reasonable to counter sue Nat West especially as the Courts may look for a compromise and I would not want to concede on the level of PG but maybe my case of the Counter Claim.
  4. Ok….so the Wolves are well and truly closing in and I’m starting to crack under a number of different pressures and would really really appreciate some sage advice as I am not thinking straight…..please excuse the rambling… I am in arrears on my mortgage and made an arrangement with Shoosmiths in March to pay back a portion of the arrears and the payment due each month - unfortunately a number of different circumstances have arisen that have destroyed my ability to pay and so the last two months have been unpaid - I informed shoosmiths of my circumstances with the intention of getting back on track asap… My partner and I have split and will be selling this and the other property we own. In addition she will be securing employment to cover off the expenses on her and the kids house while I will be able to pay mine. So the future is not completely bleak - there is plenty of equity in the properties and I have told shoosmiths this with an intention to keep up current payments (however tough that is) and to clear the arrears on the sale of the house. they have not been sympathetic - their client has instructed them to issue proceedings and apply for a hearing date. they will only stop the hearing on receipt of full clearance of outstanding arrears. I worry that all this will come crashing down before we have a chance to sell the properties. Now a question that is going through my head - while all this is going on do I continue to make payment on the mortgage? I dont say this lightly but money is so tight that the money could be used for other things - like subsistence and bills! Do I wait for a hearing and explain to a magistrate/judge my situation and hope for a sensible response to what I’m sure is my reasonable proposal? I have been living with debt for a number of years now so know how to deal with DCI’s etc but this is a new and frankly very worrying situation especially with my personal situation. Any advice/thoughts gratefully received GIB
  5. Hi,just about to submitt my claim to Nat West and would appreciate any advice you guys can provide. Inital loan for £10000 was taken out in 2003 with one off payment of PPI of £2405, repayable over 5 years. I don't have any paperwork for this loan so don't know what the interest rate was. Refinanced in 2005 with a loan of £11500 to pay off original loan. PPI loan of £2806, interest 7.3%, again over 5 years. I have the agreement for this loan which luckily I was able to pay off early in 2007. Second loan amounted to £17038.20 in total with interest and ppi. Can't remember what i paid as the final settlement figure. What I need to know is, do I have to submit 2 different claims for each loan or can I submit it as one? How do I calculate roughly what I'm owed if I don't know the interest rate for the first loan? Thanks
  6. My son has an Advantage Gold account with Nat West which he was wrongly sold and ended up costing him £400 in charges which he cleared. The problem he has now is that last Saturday evening he received a text saying that he was £15 overdrawn. He went into the branch yesterday and deposited £20 to bring it into the black. When he checked his balance at the ATM later he saw he had £554 in there which had not shown on Wednesday, the first day of trading after the bank holiday. Concerned at this he phoned Customer services to check that everything had been paid out. During this phone call he basically got the run around. They told him that there was no standing Order set up for his rent payment that was due to go out on the 5th. He rang his letting agency to be told the payment had not been made and that he may incur late payment fees. He rang the bank again to try and ascertain why he had been put into overdraft on Saturday when there was actually over £700 in there to cover DDs and an SO, albeit it was £15 short, his responsibility, he was told that payments that were due to go out after a weekend we taken out of the account at the beginning of the weekend and this had sent him into overdraft. At this point he passed the phone to myself. I asked for the reasoning for this and where his money had been held for 5 days that they would obviously be charging unauthorized overdraft fees for and got no answer. I also asked why they had chosen to pay DD that were lesser amounts rather than a £550 SO again no answer.... just a lot of ramblings. I asked them too pay the SO straight away as there was enough money to cover it and they said they couldn't as it was inactive as there had not been enough funds to pay it. So he had to pay it over the phone. Does anyone know what Nat West do with money that they remove from accounts for payments due to go out at the end of a weekend? no bank that I have used have ever done this. Can they apply extortionate overdraft fees to an account that actually in reality was not overdrawn at all? I demanded a copy of their complaints procedures and a formal complaints form to sent to my son and made them very aware that we would take this as far as the financial ombudsman if needed.
  7. My partner has a bank loan which unfortunately due to the Recession and being self employed has been unable to make the monthly payments. Wrote to bank and they agreed monthly £1 payments till things picked up. They have asked for an update on finances and so we sent them a Personal Budget Sheet with a letter explaining that circumstances have not improved and this could be seen from my income and reduced expenditures sheet. They have written and said that because of excessive spending on my phone £45 per month and £250 per month for travel and vehicle costs that they cannot accept the £1 offering. How can this be so ridiculous. He has to use the phone to get any work and the fuel cost is only £60 ish pounds a week. This amount has to cover repairs on my 7 year old Van, RoadTax and Fuel which he obvioulsy has to spend in order to get to do the work as an Electrician. Any advice would be greatfully received ASAP PLEASE.
  8. Hi Every body; Contracted Nat West ; Nat West Loan was a combination of loan and Overdraft which the bank advised me to take. Defaulted on both loans due to unemploymement. Nat West obtained a CCJ. Payment in order since Court order. Can I apply for refund of the PPI on both loans from both banks although there is a CCJ on both loans and how can I effectively do this.
  9. :-)Hi Have 2 NatWest credit cards taken out about 1995/1996 - on which I have been making token payments of £2 per month which just jogs along. £1400 outstanding on one card - £2200 on the other card. Token payments commenced about 2 years ago as lost job due to illness and have not worked since. I am 65 and now have heart failure problems - so trying to sort out affairs in case of further problems. I know I should CCA them - but what then. Do they write off debts? My GP can confirm my health position. It's crazy really - we all bailed out NatWest during banking crisis to the tune of some £20K+ each - so in effect they owe us! Your advices how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Would it help to go through Citizens Advice or similar? Let me know what you think.
  10. I had several accounts with Nat West, personal and business. When requesting statements do I need to send £10 for each account or £10 for the whole lot?
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