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  1. Please help !!! I hired NIFTYLIFT ACCESS PLATFORM for a couple of hours on the 25th of May and on the 1st of June I have a email that returned machine is broken and they asking me to pay over 1,000 as a cost repair. Its a nonsense!! Equipment has been collected from site by the driver from hss and was on the same condition as taken. The Driver/ collection person didn't say anything that is something wrong and didn't give me as well any paper work to signed stating faults or damages, I didn't get anything, now they want me to pay . Please let me have a template letter as I dont know how to respond - I am shocked !!!! Please help:mad2:
  2. Hi everyone, this may seem a strange thread, as I'm not currently in any difficulty, but I'm trying to be proactive about a possible future problem. I hire a car a couple of times a year, and have done for several years (I'm British but live in Italy), and have never had any serious problems with any of the companies I've used, mainly in the UK, but also in Malta and Poland. In fact I've found them to be very professional with good customer service. I also make sure I have full insurance, not from the companies themselves but for a car hire excess insurance provider, which is much cheaper. I've hired a car for a holiday in Iceland in August, at Keflavik airport. I did some research before booking and all of the companies, bar none, have a reputation for inventing non-existent damage, often several months after the car has been returned. In the end I hired a car with the company that wanted least money! As providing a credit card is obligatory when hiring a car, it's not a case of them demanding money, it's a case of money being taken from the card without the card holder knowing. Has anybody got any advice about how to avoid such a rip-off? As I say, I've only had positive experiences in the past but want to be prepared. Photographing the car in front of the car hire firm is a must. But I've heard about cancelling the credit card, and about telling the credit card company not to pay the car hire company, etc. I'm talking about a UK credit card. I want to emphasise that I would always pay for REAL damage incurred, it's just that I want to be prepared for a possible [problem]. Any advice gratefully received!
  3. Hi, I've recently moved to London from Australia and hired a car for a weekend. I stopped in a red route with the hire car. I know this is the forum for parking enforcement, however for some reason I have UKPC chasing me. Apparently they work for the hire car company and are charging me £49.95 for them to move the liability from them to me. I called the hire car company and they have confirmed that this is their procedure. They emailed me a few days ago with an invoice (attached to this post). They also attached a copy of the PCN issued to them by TFL. I called TFL and they confirmed that they have received my details from the hire car company and that they will forward me the fine. I will pay the TFL fine, but what's with the UKPC invoice? What do I do with this? If you look at the attached invoice, it says that they can charge me interest for late payments.
  4. The story… 7 hours roadside, No hire car & Now a Bill to pay and NO Car! Tuesday 17th November 2015 Being the amazing boyfriend i am (cough cough) i agreed to give my girlfriend a llift to work for her first week at her new company. The company is 10miles away from home in Leeds which is a 30min drive or 1 hour by bus and train. (see i am an amazing example of a man haha) We were slightly early that morning so she asked if we could go to the shop to buy her lunch instead of on her lunch break. On the way to the shop near her work i stopped to fill up with petrol at an ASDA fill up station. On returning to the car it didn’t start and the steering wheel would not unlock.. I have some knowledge of cars and tried disconnecting the battery first but the cars lights still worked and the car locked. I checked the fuses to see if any had blown (its a Renault!) and waiting for 30min to see if anything changed, which it didn’t. I felt it must have been the starter motor or solenoid that had gone. Girlfriend stressing, she walked to work and i phoned the AA at 09:00am. The AA Technician arrived almost 2 HOURS after the phone call, the technician went over the car and did the same steps i did. I asked if he can’t repair the car can he tow me to my garage that is in the same road that i live in. The Technician suggest i not use my own Garage as the AA may not cover the repair and that i should take it to an AA approved garage where i had cover to the value of up to £500 in parts for repairs which i pay a Premium for each month on top of of my AA roadside assistance, National recovery and Onward travel which includes a Hire Car for 72 hours or Hotel. I told the driver ok if that is the best way. The Technician then phoned a Tow truck and assured me one would arrive at 12:00 mid day. (3 hours after i had broken down). He then phoned a Car Hire place and told me they would phone me to arrange a car. The Technician then left me with the broken car at the Petrol station. The car company Enterprise phoned me around 11:45am and told me that they had a car near the garage the AA suggested. I told them my phone was dying at this point and that the AA said they would be towing the car at 12 mid day to the garage and asked if they could collect me from there. They said yes and we agreed on a time of 12:30 to meet. I thien got a second call back saying the branch was transferring the car to a different branch now and they would pass the details on. I then went to the ASDA to buy a charger at the cost of £12 and charged my phone up at the petrol station where the car had broken down. The phone did not die at anytime of the day. I waited alone at the same petrol station until 13:30pm until a tow truck arrived over an hour and a half later, the car was still sitting at the petrol pump as it could not be moved due to the steering that was locked. The company was not THE AA, it was an outsourced company that was supposed to have arrived earlier but had some problems. He then looked at the car too and tried the same things the AA did to start it. It took a further 20 min to load the vehicle which was in a tricky spot to rescue. I was finally on my way to a mechanic in the Tow truck drivers car. This is now 5 hours on since the breakdown.. The drive to the Garage AA near Leeds airport was approx 30min away from where the car broke down and around 45 minutes from where we live. Once we got to the Garage the car was offloaded quickly and left outside the garage in their parking lot. The parking lot was not covered. I gave the garage my personal details and Keys. They said they would look at the car the next day. I asked the Garage what i was to do as a Hire car was supposed to be there. They said they didnt know anything and said i can wait there. I phoned Enterprise and they said that the company did not have any cars and they could not get hold of me for some strange reason. I then had to wait a further 2 hours at the garage for them to get a hire car for me before being picked up and the driven to Enterprise to sign the car forms before i could leave. Taking 7 hours for this ordeal! A day after the incident i got a call from AA about the service provided and i gave them 1 out of 5 stars for their lack of services. 2 days later on Thursday around 11am i got a phone call from the Garage saying that there had been some heavy rain over the last few days and there was not good news. They said that the cars main board computer board had got wet and BEFORE they could sort out what the issue was, they would have to fix this problem. I said we are covered by AA and they must be contacted for the claim. This was not why the car stopped at the Petrol station though.. How could we have driven 30 minutes from home to the Pudsey and the Petrol station and driven every day previously if there was water damage? The car had sat outside in heavy rain at the AA recommended garage for 2 days before it was even looked at. The car was not in my care when water got inside it! AA then called at 3pm the same day and said they would not cover the claim and had me on hold for 5 minutes on their claims department. The lady suggested that the car had been broken before we arrived at the petrol station, basically telling us we are liars! How on earth can this be if we drove there! There is CCTV at the Petrol station showing we broke down once we had stopped at the pump. We had no electrical fault at this time. Even the lights and immobiliser worked when we dropped the car at the garage with the tow truck otherwise the car would not have closed or opened. We then phoned the AA and lodged a complaint and told part of the story over the phone. We got a confirmation email and a week later nothing happened. We then phoned again once we had compiled our letter to Watch dog and the Financial board of conduct. We got an instant response within an hour saying that the the claim was still our fault that there was water damage. This cannot be our fault when the car was not in our care! Our car had a started problem at the most… The Garage then phoned and said we need to pay for them to take the car apart! £55 and have the car moved otherwise we will be charged £10 for parking per day! What a bloody cheek!!!! We didn’t even want to go to the stupid AA garage and now our car is broken even more and we have a bill for taking the car apart which is now in pieces probably sitting in the rain still being more damaged and have to pay for someone to Tow it even though we pay AA a monthly fee to do this! This is disgusting service and we are really heartbroken. We have so far to travel. I work in London on weekends and need the car which we now have to take the train every Saturday. My girlfriend has had to pay for 2 buses and 2 trains every day to work, we cant get shopping or Xmas presents unless we use public transport and the reason why we have a car is because we don’t want to take public transport, we have no sense of freedom. We are paying the AA still for services we are not getting and £85 insurance a MONTH and the car is sitting in their care still with nothing being done. We are so fed up! We are taking this further and we are contacting the financial-ombudsman, Watch dog and have created our own facebook page, posting on every website there is and posting this out to our 15 000 facebook members we have for our events we run. Is there anything else that you can recommend to help people stay away from joining the AA. Sorry for the bad spelling/grammer
  5. Hey all, my Brother-in-Law went to an interview today with Company A. He is currently suspended pending a Disciplinary at Company B (over an accident in the workplace that severely injured my Father-in-Law). At the interview the manager conducting it said they would not be able to offer him the job because they know that he's under investigation at Company B, and went on to say he knew of it because he knows someone that works at Company B. Is he allowed to do this??
  6. Hi there I will try and keep a complicated story simple! I saw a car I was interested in the price was 21k. The car was 9 months old and had done less than 3,000 miles I took a reduced part exchange price for my car under pressure from the pushy salesman to get the deal done - (I would never have taken this price normally)this entailed rolling over 5k of negative equity into the new hire purchase agreement 3 months later a warning light comes on Take it to the garage and there is unrecorded accident damage - after much time and stress and reports my claim to have the car rejected is upheld by the finance company The independent report confirmed the car was not fit for purpose not safe to drive and a fire risk - you can imagine how scary it is that I have been driving around in this car with my family including two young children In any event I come to my question - the finance company has asked me to repay the negative equity I have argued that the agreement between them and I does not make reference to any negative equity - it defines the goods as the car and the cash price for the goods is the total amount including the negative equity - given the circumstances I think they should write it off - I would be grateful for any input - thanks in advance
  7. I have a Very account and my wife's uncle asked me if he could purchase a £700 fridge freezer which he then sold without my knowledge for £250. When I found out I wasnt best happy and he told me it was none of my business so long as I got paid it would be OK and then asked me if he could order another £1000 worth of stuff which I point blank refused. Since then he has not been making monthly payments he agreed and making an excuse everytime but now it is coming upto the end of the 12 months interest free credit period so I've told him it needs to be paid or I will be placed in a debt I can not afford. I made sure that I used messenger so that I could get a copy of what he has to say. To which he said pass on his details to Very and they will collect it from him, unfortunately I know this is not true because this a personal credit agreement between me and Very and I am liable but since I knew he had moved address 3 months ago I needed his new address so played along with him. I asked him for his address and he messaged me back to tell me and gave me his old address from 3 months ago. As I have said I know that I am personally liable for the debt and am having to borrow money to pay more than he actually made, what I want to know is can I have him arrested and charged with selling goods that were not paid for and still have outstanding HP on and also the fact that he was giving me false information in order to dupe myself and Very ? And what legal channels can I follow to claim this money back I have also received threatening messages for asking for the money to be paid .
  8. Hi from a CAG virgin. I have a company in liquidation after our largest client went bankrupt owing us £150k and want to include a van in the liquidation. The hire agreement says the 'hirer' is my company and therefor as far as I was led to believe a company hire agreement. They (Leaseplan UK) say this is a personal Hire Agreement which is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Who could I send this to for confirmation. Local solicitors want £600 to read a 5 page document. There is about £7000 redemption on the vehicle or 2 years to pay £235/month. Love the site and hope to be active in it. i will certainly donate regards Ian
  9. My vehicle was involved in an accident with public transport the incident was settled but Stagecoach are disputing payment for the hire vehicle, which the insurance company Direct Accident Management let me keep for three weeks after the settlement. Now it is going to court and I've been told I've got to attend. The solicitors Armstrong have a statement and told me hopefully it will be settled before the court date and therefore I would not have to attend . I have received another letter telling me when I'll be collected, the date and time. I am assured that I will not be charged for the time I had the hire car so do I have to attend because as far as I concerned my part in the case was settled. I have requested documents in my file but the request was ignored I dont even know what the case involves, or if documents exist. As it apparently went to court in February which I know nothing about.
  10. THE DVLA is to overhaul its new computerized system for driving licences following chaos as holidaymakers tried to hire cars abroad. Last month, when the UK scrapped paper licences, drivers had to access the DVLA website and obtain a code to prove they were legal to drive, yet the code was only valid for three days. This left drivers trying to hire a car more than three days into holidays having to search for somewhere to get online or run up roaming charges by connecting from mobile phones, leading to a flood of complaints. Now the DVLA has announced it will change the system so codes last for three weeks, expected to cover most holidays this summer. http://www.euroweeklynews.com/3.0.15/news/on-euro-weekly-news/uk-news/130898-dvla-changes-tune-following-car-hire-chaos
  11. Hello, I have a friend (female) who is in a bad relationship and wants very much to walk away from it. Unfortunately, as a single mother of 2 young children, she struggles financially. Last year when her car became to uneconomic to repair, her partner pursuaded her to take on a HPA for a new car. All the legal side of things are in her name, but he pays the monthly installaments. She feels like this HPA is a huge anchor keeping her in a relationships that she hates. She cannot afford the monthly payments on her own, and is desperate to find out if there is anything she can do. I know nothing about HPA contracts, but i did know about a great forum to ask. I have attached 2 photos of the front page of the HPA, 1 is a close up. Can anyone please advise if their is any way out of this that isnt going to cost a lot? or, is she essentially stuck with this contact and monthly commitment?
  12. It is an important question, and one which needs resolving one way or the other. I should say at the onset that IMO the only definitive answer will have to be passed down in a court case, in the mean time I suspect the EA community will have their own interpretation others may differ. I suspect the problem is the result of yet more unintended consequences of the TCE, the definition of goods of the debtor includes interest in goods, the point that needs clarifying is, if goods on HP can ever bestow an interest before the last payment on the agreement. From my understanding of HP the hirer has no interest in goods until the transfer of title(which is the last payment) until this time the goods are on hire, and the property of the lender. So if the EA seeks to sell the vehicle he must have permission of the lender. It is well documented that a consumer credit agreement(or hp) cannot be terminated until a default notice is served and the hirer has time to remedy, and until this time the lender has no right in law to seize the vehicle. (after one third of the agreement price has been paid). However within most agreements is a clause which states that the vehicle must at all time remain in possession of the debtor/hirer, so when the vehicle is removed it could be said that the hirer was in breach, and after issuance of the default notice could re-possess the vehicle and allow the EA to sell. The matter of, if this would be worth the EAs time would depend on the amount of money which would be left after the car had been repossessed, sold and the agreement settled. The interesting point about this, is that neither A term of the agreement nor the TCE can not allow seizure. Once the car is in the EAs possession there may be an argument for sale but there is, as far as I can see, no argument for taking control. The car is after all third party goods at that point.
  13. The paper counterpart driving licence is being axed on June 8 – and organisations are warning that drivers will need a ‘special code’ from the DVLA to hire a car or drive a company vehicle. Currently, penalty points are displayed on a driver’s counterpart licence, but from June 8 they’ll be recorded on a virtual record which can be accessed online, by phone or post. Should you need proof of your driving history, motorists will need to get a code from the DVLA to pass on to their employer or hire car company. This unique eight-digit code can be accessed online through the DVLA’s ‘share your licence’ service, or over the phone. But the code only lasts for three days – leading to criticism that drivers might be stranded abroad unable to hire a car if they’re unable to contact the DVLA or are simply unaware of the changes. http://www.admiral.com/newsletter/paperless-driving-licence.php?media=enewe&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=enewsletter https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence Paperless driving licence: DVLA changes explained as Brit holidaymakers anticipate car hire chaos DVLA driving licence paperless change could mean car chaos this summer
  14. hi all I have a hire purchase with first response finance we brought in October 2014, had a few weeks and it developed a problem the trader took it back and (seemingly) fixed it, again a few weeks later again it developed the same fault so he agreed to fix it, in all it went back 4/5 times to be fixed all seemed fine until two weeks ago when the same thing happened this time I have said to first response I want it to either go to a garage with no connection to the trader (seeing as it has a recurring fault that he has supposed to of fixed) or my preferred action would be for me to hand the car back and given a full refund for the car. they asked for me to provide proof the car isn't fit for purpose with a diagnostics from an independent garage which I have done in three different ways but they say this isn't good enough every time I provider it they say its not good enough. the fault is with the turbo which isn't working and according to the garage I normally use hasn't worked since I brought the car, I don't know what to do next im paying over £50 per week for a car I cant use at the moment any advice please
  15. This is going to sound odd... I had a court decree granted against me: 22/01/2010 for almost £3000. It was in relation to a motorcycle that I purchased on Hire Purchase in March 2007 on a 4 year payment arrangement. I believe the last payment I made to the finance company was around August 2008 (I was made paid off - Contractor). I would have paid just over £2000 on a £3000 bike which had interest on top meaning I was due to pay around £5000 odds... Obviously the court claim in 2010 was for the remaining balance of the credit arrangement including interest! So, would there be 8% interest per annum chargeable on this amount considering that the claim included interest to complete the agreement rather than the remaining actual outstanding balance? Now for the odd bit... I still have the bike! When I was paid off I thought I'd quickly get another job so I took advantage of the time off and stripped the bike bare and sent the frame and other parts off to be powder coated. My money dried up pretty quick and I didn't have enough to put the bike back together plus I'd sold the fairings on ebay to raise cash to get the frame back from the painters... I've slowly built it up over the years and am now almost finished. It has not been on the road or out of my garage since 2008. The thing is, I don't own it! I now have the money to pay the finance company. Well, I have £3000. What is my position? The decree is for just over £2800. Would I simply phone them up and agree to pay that then make the payment or are they going to be looking for the 8% per annum interest on top meaning it'd be over £4000 which would be nonsensical on a bike that might be worth £2000. Also, it's over 5 years now. Do I wait and see if they act before the 6 years is up and THEN attempt to pay assuming that they would be in a weaker position with the time limit expiring (does it?). I want to own the bike. I have £3000. I am severely confused as to what to do and seeking a little help. The bike, as it sits, is worth £3000 to me (the exhaust alone retailed at £1200 back in the day - Titanium race thingy) and I want to get out and about on it once again and have some enjoyment after the horrendous few years I have had. £3000 can easily buy me a cracking second hand bike that'll be mine straight up and I can worry about the other one after the six years are up, IF the 6 years matter (ie: would put me in a stronger position for bargaining). I'm not willing to pay £4000 as I don't have it and if keeping quiet and not making any contact with them (and hoping for the same in return) until January 2016 means I can crack a deal and pay the £3k for clear title then that is what I'd prefer to do. I CAN pay the £3000.
  16. In 2007 i guaranteed a limited company's hire agreement said on the face of the document to be none regulated. Total payable with interest was £26,903. The finance company are now suing me under the guarantee There is a dispute about how long the guarantee was for But that is not why i am on here posting The Company claims the Agreement was signed at a dealership - whereas it certainly was not. Im just trying to find out if they are saying that because for it to be a genuine none regulated agreement the agreement needed to be signed on trade premises. As it wasn't, does that change things and if so how? Might it give me more of a defence Might it mean the agreement is instead regulated If so, is that fatal to the claim or does it just give me more options - like rights to cancel, which seems academic, some 7 years later.. Wonder if anybody out there can please help. Thanks in advance.
  17. Good evening, I am not sure if this would be the correct forum for this issue, if not perhaps someone could point me in the right direction. My problem is this, Up until christmas of last year I used to own and run a small diner/cafe. at the beginning of May last year I entered into a rental agreement for a commercial dishwasher. Unfortunately, not long after this, business took a nose dive and I became ill and it just was not a viable option to keep the business open so we closed down just before Christmas. I contacted the leasing company and they said that they would arrange to have the appliance collected but they said that I am still liable for the remaining time on the lease(7 years). I have spoken to my accountant and they suggested that I put in writing confirmation that the business was closing and that it had no assets and was unable to continue, that was why the business was closing. To cut a long story short, they did eventually collect the appliance but they are insistent that I still owe them the rest of the lease. I have today spoken to my accountant who is in the process of winding the company up and he has said I have 2 options: a) the cheapest way to close the company is to get it struck off the register which would seem the ideal solution if it wasnt for this one thing. My accountant has said that I have to sign to say that there are no outstanding creditors, which of course JLA is. He said that if I go down this route and sign then JLA can come after me as an ex director to pay the money. b) the other option is to liquidate the company which does involve costs which I cant afford as I have no job and no assets at the moment. This would safeguard me personally but at a cost which I dont have. The accountant feels that it is unfair for JLA to expect me to pay the whole amount even though they have their appliance back. Is there anyone out there that can advise me whether there may be any get out clauses or anything as I seem to be well and truly stuffed at the moment. Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated. LTB
  18. I want to bring to the attention of the Caggers a practice by TfL that I believe has serious implications for Car Hire Agreements. I’ll explain. A friend of a friend brought to my attention that TfL has been telling Car Hire firms that they are liable for Congestion Charges and PCNs if the agreement they have with the hirer is for more than a 6 month period. TfL stated the following to support their assertions: Section 66 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, which is the adopted definition used by the Road User Charging Regulations, requires that a hire agreement must be for a fixed period of less than six months to enable the transfer of liability when a vehicle is on hire. We would like to bring to your attention that since the hire period shown on the agreement is for a period of six months or greater, the document does not fall within the definition of a hire agreement and therefore liability cannot be transferred to the hirer of the vehicle. The gentleman concerned had made an appeal to PATAS and surprise surprise, the adjudicator from that collusive organisation supported TfL’s stance. It must be borne in mind that TfL is the ONLY local authority making this assertion. Straightaway I saw the ramifications of such a ruling as PATAS has effectively allowed TfL to re-write contract, hire agreement and statute law to support their stance. I decided to prepare a Request to Review for him to file in December of last year. In between waiting for a confirmation, the gentleman received a letter from TfL which was clearly a desperate attempt to sway the PATAS as it stated nothing new and attempted to cast aspersions on the legality of the Review. The review was allowed but PATAS eventually replied to my detailed submission supporting TfL – surprise surprise – citing the very same section TfL quoted as meaning Hire Agreement contracts can only be for 6 months. The regulation is Section 66(7) of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 which states, This section applies to a hiring agreement under the terms of which the vehicle concerned is let to the hirer for a fixed period of less than six months (whether or not that period is capable of extension by agreement between the parties or otherwise); and any reference in this section to the currency of the hiring agreement includes a reference to any period during which, with the consent of the vehicle-hire firm, the hirer continues in possession of the vehicle as hirer, after the expiry of the fixed period specified in the agreement, but otherwise on the terms and conditions so specified. Now as you can clearly read in the first line it states This section applies to a hiring agreement under the terms of which the vehicle concerned is let to the hirer for a fixed period of less than six months. Now anyone reading that would believe that section only applies to hire-agreements that are for a period of 6 months or less which means it wouldn’t apply to the gentleman’s hire agreements which are for a year. Yet the PATAS adjudicator states, Therefore for liability to be transferred to the hirer, the Hiring Agreement must be for less than 6 months. I don’t know how TfL & PATAS can interpret the regulation above as such! Am I being Blind? Dumb? Stubborn?! I made a detailed submission citing various pieces of legislation I felt were relevant which the adjudicator wrote “wrong”, “mistaken”, “misconceived”, without providing statutory evidence to support his stance and wilfully ignoring valid legislative aspects of the appeal. I am willing to post the appeal and the reply for further scrutiny but before I tell the gentleman to consider a High Court Review, I am posting the basic argument here, on Pepipoo and Moneysavingexpert for feedback in light of the implications. Quite simply, are TfL and PATAS right? If it will be a High Court review, I will be advising the gentleman to pool the resources of other hire companies finances as it will affect them as well. Also, whilst I await a response, do you pay the PCN if you intend to go for a HCR or make TfL know it is still being contested?
  19. Hi all I have recently been on the look out to purchase a Nissan navara on contract hire, while browsing the web I found a site called contract hire and leasing that gives prices from a number of different companies, I requested a quote from several company asking for a Nissan navara inc. sat nav.(I have all the emails) the following day I had a quotation from a company First Call Leasing which looked competitive so decided to opt for them and pay there £250 acquisition fee, because we were in a hurry to get hold of this vehicle I pushed the agreements and contracts through "without really checking the vehicle spec to be honest" as I assumed this vehicle was what I requested. I was due to take delivery today and on arrival of the vehicle I noticed that there was no sat nav installed so I did not sign the delivery note. now they are saying it will cost me a further £500+vat to cancel as it is my fault for not checking the contract, regardless of them so say being a experienced and reputable company who have clearly mis sold me a car I did not request. Do I need to take this further or is there something or someone else I need to inform of this??? Many thanks in advance
  20. Hi. I'm looking into this for a friend (yes, that's actually true). The scenario is this: In August 2014 a car was bought on a Hire Purchase agreement from Black Horse. My friend was in a relationship at the time and this car and the costs was to be shared between two people. However they are no longer in a relationship. I believe the HP is in my friends name and not the other persons. She does not want to own the car as a single individual though. So my questions: - If the other person wants to keep the car for themselves is it possible to swap the entire agreement into their name? - If neither of them want to pay for the car is there an option to A- terminate? or B- sell the car privately? - If C- hand the car back and allow Black Horse to sell it then I assume they'll end up selling cheap and my friend still has a lot to pay back? - Are there any options I haven't mentioned above? In a sense, any solution where my friend can gain more than 50% of the outstanding value back is a winner. Thanks.
  21. I have hired a car for 3 weeks recently thinking it would be needed until my new one arrived. The hire was paid up front via the firms website. I have found out that my car is going to be ready early and I will be able to return the hire car a week early. When I told the hire company they said that a refund of the unused hire cannot be refunded even if the car is returned early. I am within my rights to demand a refund? Thanks
  22. Hi , Can anyone tell me if this is right, I hired a car 2 weeks ago & its due back tomorrow. I rang them today to extend the hire time and was told id have to pay another 100 deposit and i would not get the 200 deposit i have already paid , they have already had fee £345 rental charge plus £200 deposit, now they are asking £304, another £100 deposit & 204 rental and when car goes back, I only get £100 pound back, where is my £200 deposit. Please someone tell me if this is right or am i getting ripped off?.
  23. Hi, Am in need of advice. In October I purchased a used Seat Ibiza advertised as an approved car with 33k on the clock (not true). It should have had full service history, full vehicle history check, multi point check and various other benefits. On the day of purchase the car broke down on the way home (dealer is some 50 miles away). The car went back and the dealer said there was a control module fault likely caused by dirt on the engine from it having been stood on their forecourt, so they reset the computer and that that was that. There were ongoing issues with the paperwork, ie there is not a full service history, I have not been given a copy of vehicle history (as advertised) or a copy of multi point check. Also the car did not have 12mth MOT as advertised. The garage took the car and MOT'd it some 4 weeks later and interestingly it failed it's first test which may suggest it was not roadworthy at point of sale. Then approximately two weeks ago the car again broke down. Engine light came on and car failed on a busy dual carriageway, I am a new driver so this was very scary. Managed to limp off the road and car stopped completely. It restarted with no issues some minutes later. Back to garage again but only after I threatened rejection of car. They are saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with the car because the computer says so! I am now rejecting the car on the basis it was misold to me. The mileage on the order form does not correspond with the service history book, or the previous MOT and is somewhat higher than that listed on the order form (the dealer is pointing out they did not wrongly advertise and quoting order form as proof, however previous MOT from 4 months prior shows it was falsely advertised). There is not a full service history, there is 26 months between services and is over mileage for required service and at the point of ordering it had not had a service for 26mths. I bought the car hire purchase and the finance company are saying because it was misold it is nothing to do with them! I have pointed out to them that they own the car and were misold it and they are saying it is one word against another's. This is despite the fact I can evidence adverts at the time and the documents! Can anyone help with where I go from here? I am prepared to pursue in Court if necessary. Many thanks in advance and hope my post makes sense. I am so mad, this is my first proper car since passing my test and my excitement has turned to despair.
  24. Hi. Just need some information regarding hire or rental purchase, is there a difference ?? Reason I ask is, 10 month ago I got a computer on hire purchase from Perfect Homes, I went here because the cost compared to brighthouse was almost half and a better spec and also was only £20 more expensive than the well known computer shops. Don't get me wrong, I was and I am happy with my purchase but unfortunately I have hit some serious financial difficulty and costs have got to be cut in my household, I am cancelling my ties with virgin media so internet will have to go, my mobile phone has gone and also the car, I rang the store to explain that there is no way that I can now afford the payments and is there a possibility you can collect and take it back, they said no because I didn't take any insurance out with then. When I made the purchase we had our own home insurance so declined there's as this would have cost a extra £4 a week (maybe a little more) but apparently this also covers you incase you want to return the item with no adverse affect, don't get me wrong even if I knew this I wouldn't have took it out anyway and I am not sure if it was mentioned in the purchase procedure. Any way, back to my point. I want them to come and get it back as its a hire agreement, do I have any rights or am I stuck with trying to find the money every month for something I no longer want to hire.
  25. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/iphone-6-plus-bending-irate-apple-fans-report-new-smartphones-bending-in-pockets-9752204.html
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